翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 analyse the evidence 分析证据 announce entry into 宣布参加 another evening 另一个晚上 answer all the questions without exception 毫无例外地回答所有问题 anxiously exclaim 焦急地惊叫起来 apparent exception 明显的例外 architectural engineering 建筑工程学 arms expansion 军备扩充 arouse the enthusiasm 激起热情 arrange an event 安排一项活动 arrange an excursion 组织旅行 arrange an exhibition 安排展览 art exhibition 美术展览 as an example 举例说明,作为一个例子 at all events 无论如何 at an entrance 在入口处 at an entry 在某条目下 at current exchange 以现行汇率 at evening 日落时 at the exit 在出口处 athletic exchange 体育交流 attain equality 取得平等 attend an examination 参加考试 Australian English 澳大利亚英语 authorize an exchange 批准交换/交往/交流 autumn evening 秋夜 avoid an error 避免错误 awake one's enthusiasm 唤起热情 back entrance 后门 bad error 严重错误 bad evening 糟糕的夜晚 bar examination 律师考试 barely escape 差点没逃脱 Basic English 基本英语 be completely entitled 全权 be excited about 对…激动的 be excited by sb. 被某人激怒 be excited with anger 大发其怒 be exhausted by running 跑得筋疲力尽 be exhausted with toil 工作得精疲力竭 be thoroughly entitled 全权 bear evidence of 有…的迹象 bear examination 经受检查/考查 beautiful English 漂亮的英语 beautiful evening 美丽的夜晚 beautify the environment 美化环境 become the envy 成为忌妒/羡慕的对象 before the Christian Era 公元前 begin a new era 开辟新纪元 believe evidence 相信证据 beneficial exchange 有益的交往/交换/交流 best evidence 最好的证据 beyond example 无先例的,未曾有过的,空前的 beyond exception 无可争议的 Black English 黑人英语 block the entry 阻塞入口 block up the entrance 堵塞入口 boat excursion 水上游览 boating excursion 水上游览 bodily exercise 身体训练 boost enthusiasm 提高积极性 boundless enthusiasm 无限的热情 breed an evil 产生弊病 brief excursion 短暂旅行 brilliant event 光辉的经历 brilliant example 光辉的榜样 brilliant excuse 高明的借口,明智的理由 bring evil 带来灾难 bring in an era 迎来一个时代,进入一个时期 bring into existence 使产生 British English 英国英语 broadcast exercises 广播操 broken English 蹩脚的英语,不流利的英语,不标准的英语 brush up one's English 复习英语 business English 商用英语 business excursion 商务旅行 business executive 商业管理人员 by evening 傍晚前 by examination 通过考试 by exercise 靠练习 by the exercise of industry 依靠勤奋 by way of exception 作为例外的 calculus equation 微分方程 call for equality 要求平等 call into existence 使产生 call John in evidence 叫约翰来作证 Canadian English 加拿大英语 capable engineer 精明能干的工程师 careful examination 仔细检查/审查 carry out an examination 进行检查,实行检查 carry out an exercise 进行练习 cause envy 引起妒忌/羡慕 celebrate New Year's Eve 欢庆除夕 central event 中心事件,主要的事件 certain evening 某个傍晚 certain evidence 可靠的证据,确凿的证据 certain existence 某种生活 characteristic enthusiasm 特有的热情 check the enthusiasm 抑制积极性 cheerful evening 欢快的晚会 chemical engineering 化学工程学 chemical equation 化学方程式 chief engineer 总工程师 chief event 大事 chief executive 最高行政长官,行政总裁 chill sb's enthusiasm 给某人泼冷水 Chinese-made equipment 中国生产的设备 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕 circumstantial evidence 间接证据 civil engineering 土木工程学 claim equality 要求平等 clean escape 利索的逃脱 clean up the environment 清理环境 clear error 明显的错误/差错 clear evening 晴朗的夜晚 clear example 明显的例子 clerical error 誊写工作中的错误 close examination 严密检查/审查 closing exercises 结业式,闭幕式 cogent evidence 强有力的证据 collateral evidence 旁证 collect evidence 收集证据 combat the evil 和邪恶作斗争 come by exercise 来自练习 Come into existence 开始存在 coming examination 即将到来的尝试/检查 commencement exercises 学位授予典礼 commit an error 犯错误 commit excesses 做出暴行 commodity exchange 商品交易所 common English 世界通用英语 common error 共同性的错误,普遍性错误 communication engineering 通讯工程学 compelling evidence 强有力的证据 complete examination 仔细检查 completely exhaust 筋疲力尽 conceal one's envy 掩饰妒忌/羡慕 conclusive evidence 确凿的证据 concrete evidence 确实的证据 conduct an examination 举行考试 considerable evidence 相当多的证据 consistently excellent 一贯优秀的 conspicuous exception 显而易见的例外 constantly expand 日益扩大 consume with envy 因妒忌而变得憔悴 contagious enthusiasm 有感染性的热情 contain entries of 有…词条 contemporary era 当代 contemporary evidence 同时代的见证 Continental Europe 欧洲大陆 convincing evidence 强有力的证据 cook up a excuse 捏造一个借口,找个借口 correct an error 纠正错误 correct English 正确的英语 correct one's English 纠正某人的英语错误 create an era 开创一个时期/时代 create environment 创造环境 create some enthusiasm 激发某种热情 cross examination 盘问 crying evil 急需克服的弊病 cubic equation 三次方程式 cultural exchange 文化交流 cure an evil 消除弊病 cut off the escape 截断退路 daily exercise 日常练习,日常锻炼 damaging evidence 不利的证据 damp sb's enthusiasm 给某人的热情泼冷水 deliberately exclude 故意排除 demand an excuse 要求别人道歉 demand equality and mutual benefit 要求平等互利 demonstrate enthusiasm 表现出热情 deny the existence of 否认…的存在 describe an event 描述事件 destroy evidence 销毁证据 detect an error 发现错误 devote one's evenings to 把晚上时间用于… dictionary entry 字典中的条目 differential equation 微分方程 difficult examination 难答的试题 dig up evidence 发掘证据,找到证据 direct evidence 直接证据 direct exchange 直接汇兑 disbelieve evidence 不相信证据 disclose evidence of 透露出…证据,露出…迹象 disguise evidence of 隐蔽证据,毁灭证据 display enthusiasm 表现出热情 display exhibitions 展出展品 do an examination 进行检查 do evil 作恶 do exercises 做体操,做练习 do one's exercises 做练习 do sth. through envy 出于妒忌/羡慕而做某事 documentary evidence 书面证据 domestic exchange 国内汇兑 double entry 复式簿记 doubt the existence of 怀疑…的客观存在 drab existence 单调乏味的生活 draw up an examination 拟订试题 during the exhibition 在展出期间 early evening 傍晚 earn one's existence 谋生 Eastern Europe 东欧 easy examination 容易通过的考试 eat in excess 吃得过多 economic equality 经济平等 economic evolution 经济发展 economic exchange 经济交流 effect one's entrance into 进入 electric equipment 电气设备 electrical engineering 机电工程学 eliminate errors 消灭错误 emergency exit 太平门 employment exchange 职业介绍所 end-of-term examination 期末考试 engage in exercise 从事体育训练,进行操练 English examination 英语考试 enjoy an evening 愉快地度过晚上时间 enjoy an excursion 享受旅行的乐趣 enjoy fully 饱览 enjoy greatly 尽情地享受,非常欣赏 enjoy oneself 玩得很愉快,过得很快乐 enjoy thoroughly 玩个痛快 enjoy very much 尽情地享受,非常欣赏 enjoy whole-heartedly 由衷地喜爱 enlarge on one's opinions 详述己见 enlarge on the facts 详细讲那些事实 enlarge on the matter 详述此事 enlarge on/upon 详述,扩大,扩张 enlarge the image 放大图像 enlarge the mind 使增长才智 enough evidence 充分的证据 enough for 对…足够的 enough for the job 干这件事就够了 enough of 对…厌烦的 enough time 足够的时间 ensure against 使安全,堡…免受… ensure equality of pay 确保同酬 ensure from 使安全,堡…免受… ensure sb. a good night's sleep 保证某人能睡一夜好觉 ensure sb. a job 保证某人有工作 ensure sb. against danger 堡某人免受危险 ensure success to sb. 确保某人获得成功 ensure workers against accidents 确保工人不出事故 enter a department 到一个部门 enter a new environment 进入新的环境 enter an era 进入一个时代/时期 enter by 经…进入 enter deep 深入 enter for 报名 enter for an event 参加一项比赛 enter for an examination 参加考试 enter in 报名参加 enter into 进入 enter into one's office 就任 enter into the house 进入屋内 enter on/upon 开始,着手 enter one's name in 把名字记在… enter rudely 蛮横地闯进 enter the Party 入党 enter up-on one's office 就任 entertain a proposal 考虑某建议 entertain at 款待 entertain badly 怠慢 entertain children with a variety of tricks 表演各种戏法来逗乐孩子们 entertain children with funny stories 讲有趣的故事来逗乐孩子们 entertain friends 招待朋友 entertain friends at dinner 请朋友吃晚饭/赴宴 entertain friends at lunch 请朋友吃午饭 entertain friends to dinner 请朋友吃晚饭/赴宴 entertain friends to lunch 请朋友吃午饭 entertain great expectations of sb. 对某人寄予极大的期望 entertain guests with coffee 用咖啡招待客人 entertain handsomely 慷慨地招待 entertain hospitably 殷勤地招待 entertain of sb. 对某人寄以… entertain oneself with 以…自娱 entertain poorly 怠慢 entertain to 款待 entertain with 用…款待,用…使人快乐 enthusiasm about 对…热心 enthusiasm about the irrigation project 热心于灌溉工程 enthusiasm die down 热情逐渐消失 enthusiasm for 对…热心 enthusiasm for sports 热爱体育 enthusiasm for stamps collecting 集邮的兴趣 enthusiasm for the irrigation project 热心于灌溉工程 enthusiasm for the theatre 对戏剧的热情 enthusiasm in pursuing the new learning 追求新知识的热情 enthusiasm in the audience 听众的热情 enthusiasm of young people 青年人的热情 enthusiasm over the book 对这本书的热情 enthusiasm to continue the campaign 继续竞选活动的热情 enthusiastically exclaim 热情地高声说 entire from any fault 完全无毛病的,一点过失也没有的 entirely exclude 完全排除 entitle sb. to the estate 使某人合法地继承财产 entitle to 有权,有资格,称作,以…为名 entitle to high praise 值得高度赞扬 entitle to one's own opinion 有某人自己的见解 entrance examination 入学考试 entrance from 从…来的入口处 entrance into 通往…的入口处 entrance of an actor upon the stage 演员上场 entrance to …的入口 entrance to college 进大学 entrance to the building 大楼的入口处 entry card 登记卡 entry for consumption 进口货物报单 entry for free goods 免税货物报单 entry form 登记表 entry formalities 入境手续 entry into 进入,参加 entry into a building 进入大楼 entry into war 参战 entry to the new theater 新剧院入口 environmental engineering 环境工程学 envy journey 羡慕旅行 envy rich persons 妒忌/羡慕有钱的人 envy sb's fortune 羡慕某人的好运 envy sb's new house 羡慕某人的新居 envy swell 忌妒有增无减 equal exchange 等价交换 equal in 在…方面相等的 equal in price 价格相等 equal terms 平等的条件 equal to 等于…的,经得起…的 equality among …之间的平等 equality between the sexes 男女平等 equality in 在…方面平等 equality in pay 同酬 equality in quality 质量相同 equality of man 人类平等 equality of opportunity 机会均等 equality of size 尺寸相同 equality with 与…平等 equation in one unknown 带有一个未知数的方程式 equation of money with happiness 金钱和幸福相并提 equip a fort with guns and ammunition 为要塞配备大炮和弹药 equip for 装备…以便 equip oneself for a long journey 为长途旅行准备行装 equip oneself in armour 身穿铠甲 equip the army with modern weapons 用现代化武器装备这支军队 equip with 以…装备 equip with air conditioning 装有空调设备 equipment for 供…用的设备 equipment for road construction 筑路设备 era dawn 时代渐露端倪 era start from 纪元开始于 erect a bridge 架桥 erect a city 建立城市 erect a house 建造房子 erect a monument 立纪念碑 erect a statue to sb. 为某人竖立雕像 erect a tower 建塔 erect an apartment house 建一幢住宅楼 erect on/upon its hind legs 用后足直立 erect oneself 挺直身子 erect tents 支起帐篷 error in calculation 计算错误 error in diction 选词错误 error of judgement 判断错误 escape from 从…中逃出来,逃离 escape from prison 越狱 escape through 从…里跑掉 escape to 跑到,逃往… escape to a foreign land 逃到外国 escape with one's life 逃出一条命 especially exact 特别苛求 establish equality 实行平等 European countries 欧洲各国 European fame 誉满全欧 evaluate as 把…评价为 evaluate fairly 公正地评价 evaluate justly 正确地估计 evaluate oneself 评价自己 evaluate sb's ability 估计能力 evaluate success 评价成就 evaluate the old furniture 对旧家具估价 evaporate at a different temperature 在不同的温度汽化 evaporate down to a proper consistency 蒸发到适当的浓度 evaporate rapidly 蒸发得快 evaporate water 使水蒸发 evening close in 暮色降临 evening college 夜大学 evening come on 暮色降临 evening draw on 临近日落 evening fall 暮色降临 evening of life 晚年 evening of March l5 三月十五日晚上 evening paper 晚报 evening party 晚会 evening study 晚自习 event of the day 当天发生的事情 events of the past 往事 every bit 每一点,完全,全部 every day 每天 every direction 四面八方 every evidence 每一个证据,全部证据 every inch 每寸 every line 每行 every once in a while 间或,偶尔 every other day 每隔一天 every other week 每隔一周 every time 每次 every way 各方面 every week 每周 everyday activities 日愁动 everyday clothes 便服 everyday English 日常用的英语 everyday life 日常生活 everyday routine 每日的例行公事 everyday speech 日翅话 everyday work 日常工作 evidence against 对…不利的证据 evident mistake 明显错误 evident pride 得意洋洋地 evil acts 罪恶行为 evil befall 灾难降临 evil deeds 恶劣行为 evil devices 奸计 evil life 堕落的生活 evil man 坏人 evil news 噩耗 evil thing 坏事 evil thoughts 邪念 evil tongue 谗言 evolution from 由…的进化 evolution from a seed 由种子的进化 evolution in medical research 在医学研究方面的进展 evolution into 演变为… evolution of events 事件的发展 evolution of the seasons 季节的变换 evolution to 演变为… evolve a system 设计出系统 evolve a theory 得出理论 evolve constantly 不断地发展 evolve from older forms into new ones 从较旧的形式发展到较新的形式 evolve from the ape 由类人猿进化而来 evolve into 发展成,进化成,演化成 evolve into a complicated scheme 发展为一项复杂的计划 evolve into different species 进化成不同的种类 evolve step by step 逐步发展 evolve the truth 推断事实 exact a fee 索取费用 exact from 逼使…拿出… exact in 在…方面准确的 exact in keeping a promise 严守诺言 exact in keeping appointments 严格守约 exact in statement 说话严谨 exact in studies 严于学习 exact in words 说话严谨 exact in work 工作一丝不苟 exact number 精确的数字 exact obedience 强迫服从 exact tribute from the population 逼使百姓纳贡 exaggerate a little 夸大一点 exaggerate absurdly 荒谬地夸大 exaggerate greatly 过分夸张 exaggerate grossly 极其夸张 exaggerate incredibly 夸张得难以置信 exaggerate one's achievements 夸大自己的成就 exaggerate purposely 故意夸大 exaggerate somewhat 有些言过其实 exaggerate the difficulties 夸大困难 exaggerate the faults 夸大错误 examination for …的考试 examination in …的考试 examination in English 英语考试 examination in physics 物理考试 examination into …的调查 examination on …的考试 examination room 考场 examination through 用…检查 examine a plan 审查计划 examine by touch 用触觉检查 examine carefully 仔细审查 examine closely 仔细审查 examine evidence 审查证据 examine first 先检查 examine for 检查,查找 examine in 考…学科 examine in chemistry 考化学 examine in physics 考物理 examine into the question 研究一下问题 examine on 在学识的某具体方面测验 examine students 考学生 example for …的例子,…的榜样 example from …中的例子 example in …的例子,…的榜样 example in point 适当的例子 example of …的例子,…的榜样 exceed all expectation 出乎一切预料 exceed by 超过 exceed in 在…方面胜过 exceed in eating 饮食过度 exceed in number 在数目上领先/超过 exceed in productivity 在生产能力方面胜过 exceed in strength 力气过人 exceed in weight 在重量上领先/超过 exceed one's authority 越权 exceed sb's estimate 超过某人的估计 exceed the speed limit 超过速率限制 excellent in English 英语好 exception to …的例外 exception to rude reply 对无礼回答的反感 exception to the rule 规律的例外情况 excess baggage 超重行李 excess details 过多的细节 excess fare 补票费 excess fat 过多的脂肪 excess furniture 多余的家具 excess in drinking 纵饮过度 excess in eating 饮食过度 excess insurance 超过损失保险 excess luggage 超重行李 excess of 超过,超越,过度,过多的量 excess of birth over death 出生人数超过死亡人数 excess of energy 精力过剩 excess of exports 出超 excess of imports 入超 excess of imports over exports 输入超过输出,入超 excess of joy 过度高兴 excess reserve 现金的超额储备 excess sleep 过多的睡眠 excessive charges 过高的索价 excessive drinking and smoking 过度抽烟喝酒 excessive indulgence 极度放纵 exchange a few words 交谈几句 exchange article by article 以物易物 exchange between …两者间的交流 exchange blows 打架 exchange by 用…换 exchange Christmas gifts 互赠圣诞礼物 exchange control 外汇管理 exchange dollars for pounds 把美元换成英镑 exchange experience 交流经验 exchange fluctuations 外汇波动 exchange for 把…换成 exchange of books and reference materials 交换图书资料 exchange of goods 物资交流 exchange of gun-fire 交火 exchange of houses 换房 exchange of ideas 思想交流 exchange of views 意见的交流 exchange places 调换位置 exchange rate 汇率 exchange value 交换价值 exchange with 和…交换/交流/争吵 exchange words 口角 excite easily 使容易激动 excite envy 激起妒忌/羡慕 excite especially 使特别激动 excite greatly 使非常激动 excite in 激起某人的强烈感情等 excite very much 使非常激动 excite wildly 使兴奋得发狂 exciting adventure 充满刺激的奇遇 exciting coil 励磁线圈 exciting current 励磁电流 exciting news 振奋人心的消息 exciting scene 令人激动的场面 exclaim against immorality 斥责伤风败俗的行为 exclaim against injustice 鸣不平 exclaim at 对…惊叫起来,斥责 exclaim at immorality 斥责伤风败俗的行为 exclaim in despair 绝望地呼喊 exclaim in surprise 惊叹,惊呼 exclaim on immorality 斥责伤风败俗的行为 exclaim with delight 欢呼 exclaim with one voice 齐声呼喊 exclude from 使…不得进入,把…排除在外,拒绝 exclude outside interference 排除外来干扰 exclude sb. from a position 撤销某人的职务 exclude sb. from entering the room 不准某人进入室内 exclude sb. from getting in 不准某人入内 exclude sb. from membership 拒绝某人入会 exclude the possibility of danger 排除危险的可能性 excursion against the enemy 对敌人发动的突击 excursion bus 旅游汽车 excursion by train 乘火车旅行 excursion into the country 去乡间旅行 excursion to 到…的游览 excursion to Hanzhou 去杭州旅行 excursion to the seaside 到海边旅行 excursion train 旅游火车 excusable error 可以原谅的错误 excuse as 因…而免除 excuse for 为…辩解,成为…的理由 excuse from 免除… execute a command 执行命令 execute a piece of music 演奏一支乐曲 execute a plan 执行计划 execute as 将某人以…的罪名处决 execute badly 执行得很糟 execute brilliantly 出色地执行 execute by hanging 绞死 execute by shooting 枪决 execute for 因…而处决 execute for murder 因谋杀罪而处死 execute one's duty 行使职责 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司