翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 open to question 还有讨论的余地 open up a record 创立纪录,打开档案,开始设立档案 operate the railroad 经营这条铁路 organize a race 组织比赛 original records 原始记录 out of one's reach 非某人力所能及 out of question 毫无疑问 out of range 在射程外 out of the question 不可能,办不到 out of the reach of danger 脱离险境 out of the record 离题外 out of the red 不再亏损 outside range 不在范围内 over the rail 过横杆 own a radio 有一台收音机 pass the question by 不注意问题 past all question 毫无疑问 past recall 记不起来,不能挽回的 past recognition 辨认不出的 past recovery 无法恢复/弥补 patient's reactions 病人的反应 pay money on receipt of the goods 货到付款 payback rate 回收率 perfect quiet 万籁俱静 perfect quiet 完全安静 perfectly ready 一切就绪 perfectly reasonable 完全合理的 perfectly recover 完全痊愈 permanent rank 终身地位 personal question 个人问题 personal reason 个人理由 phonograph record 唱片 photograph under the X rays X光照片 pick up the receiver 拿起听筒 pictorial record 照片记录 plate rack 盘碟架 play a record 放唱片 pocket radio 袖珍收音机 poetry reading 诗歌朗读 police question 警方询问 police records 犯罪记录 polite question 有礼貌的问题 political question 政治问题 political race 政治竞争 political realm 政治领域 political reasons 政抬原因 portable radio 便于携带的收音机 pose a question 提出问题 positive recommendation 积极的忠告 postal rates 邮资 pour down the rays 洒下光线 prepare for the reception 准备接待 present rate 现行比率 president's recommendation 校长的推荐 primary rate 基本利率 prime rate 最优惠利率 private railway 私人铁路 produce radiation 产生辐射 produce rain 人工造雨 production rate 生产率 profitably quote 有益地引用 provide a recommendation 推荐 pubic record 公开的纪录 public quiet 社会的安定 public quiet 社会的安定 public recognition 公众的承认 pull one's rank 仗势欺人 pulse rate 脉搏率 put down the receiver 放下电话 put forward a question 提出问题 put on radio 打开收音机 put the receiver to one's ear 把听筒放在耳边 question a person 审问某人 question about the matter 有关这事的问题 question closely 仔细地审问 question crop up 发生问题 question of importance 重要的问题 question of time 时间问题 question on a picture 图片问题 question on the exam 考题 question openly 公开怀疑 question sb. about one's activities 询问某人的活动 question sb. on one's views 询问某人的看法 question sb. on/upon the point 就这点质问某人 question the accuracy of 怀疑…的精确性 question the truth of 怀疑…的真实性 question to vote 提请表决的议题 queue up for the bus 排队等公共汽车 quick about one's work 活干得挺快 quick at arithmetic 在算术方面很灵敏 quick at doing things 做事快,做事手脚麻利 quick at learning new things 新东西学得快 quick at picking up a new language 很快学会一种新语言 quick in temper 性子急 quick of hearing 耳朵灵 quick of sight 眼尖 quick on one's feet 跑得快 quick recovery 迅速复原 quick temper 急性子 quick to learn 学得快 quick to take offence 动不动就生气 quick with one's hands 手巧 quit hold of 放他升,放掉,撩开 quit office 离职 quit on 停止 quit one's job 辞掉工作 quit oneself of fear 克服了恐惧 quit school 退学 quit smoking 戒烟 quite quiet 相当安静 quite reasonable 很合理的 quite recover 完全痊愈 quotation change 报价变化 quotation for future deliveries 今后交货的报价单 quotation for repairs 修理的估价 quotation for silk 丝绸行情 quote a passage from a book 引用书中一段 quote a passage from the Bible 引用圣经中的一段 quote at 使定价为… quote at ten dollars 定价为十美元 quote for 为…而定价 quote from 引用… quote in full 引用全文 quote in part 引用部分 quote Lenin 引用列宁的话 quote out of 摘自… quote the words of Lu Xun 引用鲁迅的话 quote verse 引用诗 rabbit breed 兔子繁殖 rabbit burrow 兔子洞 race against 和…比赛 race against time 争取时间 race against time 与时间赛跑 race along 沿…疾驶而过 race between …之间的竞赛 race between two schools 校际比赛 race for 为…参加比赛 race for a prize 为得奖参加比赛 race for president 总统竞选 race for president 竞选总统 race of life 人生的历程 race on foot 竞走 race to 与…比赛,跑步去 race with 和…赛跑 racial characteristics 种族特征 racial discrimination 种族歧视 racial hatred 种族仇恨 racial prejudice 种族偏见 racial problems 种族问题 racial segregation 种族隔离 rack one's brain 绞尽脑汁 rack railway 齿轨铁路 rack with pain 痛苦不堪 radar beacon 雷达信标 radar bombing 雷达轰炸 radar control 雷达控制 radar fence 雷达警戒网 radar installation 雷达装置 radar jamming 雷达干扰 radar scope 雷达显示器 radar screen 雷达荧光屏 radio announcer 电台播音员 radio broadcasting industry 无线电广播电台 radio communication 无线电通讯 radio engineering 无线电干扰 radio receiver 无线电接收机 radio receiver 无线电收音机 radio set 无线电收音机 radio station 无线电电台 radio waves 无线电波 radioactive dust 放射性尘埃 radioactive element 放射性元素 radioactive isotope 放射性同位素 radioactive substances 放射性物质 rag about 戏弄… rag sb. about his beard 拿某人的胡子开玩笑 rail around a monument 纪念碑的围栏 railroad a bill through a legislature 草率地强使立法机关通过一项议案 railroad a bill through Congress 使某一议案在国会草草通过 railroad bridge 铁路桥 railroad from 从…来的铁路 railroad station 火车站 railroad the mountain regions 在山区修铁路 railroad through 使匆匆通过 railroad to 去…的铁路 railway across... 横穿…的铁路 railway between the two cities 两城间的铁路 railway line 铁路线 railway network map 铁路网示意图 railway open to traffic 铁路通车 railway station 火车站 railway track 铁轨 railway tunnel 铁路隧道 rain band 雨带 rain beat against the windows 雨点打在窗子上 rain belt 雨区 rain boots 雨鞋 rain cap 雨帽 rain cats and dogs 大雨倾盆 rain cloud 雨云 rain drop 雨点 rain fall 下雨了 rain forget 热带雨林 rain freeze 雨水结冰 rain hard 雨下得很大 rain heavily 下大雨 rain of bullets 弹雨 rain of spring 春天里的小雨 rain of tears 泪如雨下 rain of telegrams 电报如雪花飘来 rain praise on sb's 对…赞不绝口 rain start 下雨了 rain stop 雨停了 rain water 雨水 rainbow appear 彩虹出来了 rainbow come out 彩虹出来了 rainy day 雨天 rainy season 雨季 raise a family 养家 raise a laugh 引起哄笑 raise a question 提出问题 raise a question for discussion 提出问题供讨论 raise an objection against 对…提出异议 raise from 把…从…举起 raise funds 筹集资金 raise glasses 举杯 raise one's hand 举手 raise one's hat to sb. 向某人举帽致敬 raise one's voice 提高声音 raise oneself upon a tiptoe 踮起脚尖站着 raise price 提高价格 raise sb. from the dead 使某人起死回生 raise sb. on milk 用牛奶喂养… raise sb. to a higher position 把某人提升到较高的职位 raise sb. to his feet 把某人扶起来 raise the baby 喂养孩子 raise the country against the enemy 唤起全国人民抗敌 raise the daily output 提高日产量 raise to 把…举起到… range a gun on the enemy's camp 把炮对准敌营 range along the coast 沿海岸航行 range animals according to genus and species 按照属种把动物分类 range books on a shelf 把书排列在书架上 range of choice 选择范围 range of irrigation 灌溉区域 range of mountains 山脉 range of one's knowledge 知识面 range oneself against 使自己处于…的对立面 range oneself with the Party 拥护党,站在党的立场上 range through woods 在森林里来回走 range troops in line 把队伍排成行 rank above 把…评在…之上 rank above Shakespeare 超过莎士比亚 rank and fashion 上流社会 rank as 列为… rank as an excellent teacher 评为优秀教师 rank as an outstanding chess player 列为杰出的棋手 rank next to sb. 仅次于某人 rank with 与…并列 rapid current 急流 rapid decline 急速下降 rapid progress 飞快的进步 rapid rate 快速 rapid recovery 迅速复原 rapidly recover 恢复得很快 rare book 珍本 rare fine view 极好的景色 rare for 对…罕见的 rare for sb. to be late 某人很少迟到 rare metals 稀有金属 rare occurrence 罕有的事件 rare to see snow 很难见到雪 rat on 密告… rat on one's friends 背叛朋友 rat race 激烈的竞争 rate as 把…看作 rate as excellent 看作上等 rate as second 为二级 rate at eight hundred pounds 估价为八百镑 rate between U.S. dollars and Hong Kong dollars 美元与港币间的汇率 rate high 对…评价很高 rate highly 评价很高 rate low 对…评价不高 rate of call 活期利率 rate of evaporation 蒸发的速度 rate of exchange 兑换率 rate of interest 利率 rate of metabolism 代谢的速度 rate one's merits high 高度评价某人的功绩 rate the house 给房子价估 rate this restaurant eight 将这家餐馆列为八级 rate with the very best 被列为最好的 raw beginner 新手 raw cotton 原棉 raw hand 新手 raw judgement 不成熟的判断 raw materials 原料 raw meat 生肉 raw ore 原矿石 raw silk 生丝 raw spirit 无水酒精 raw sugar 粗糖 raw water 未经净化的水 rays of the sun shimmering 阳光闪耀 reach across 伸过 reach after 竭力想达/得到 reach at 竭力想达/得到 reach at a flower 伸手去折花 reach down the book 把那本书拿下来 reach for 伸手取… reach into 把手伸进… reach of imagination 想象力 reach out one's hand 伸出手 reach to 伸延到… reach to the knee 达到膝部 reach up 抬起 react against 反抗… react against unfair treatment 反对不公平的待遇 react on a speaker 对演讲者有影响 react on prices 对物价起作用 react on/upon 对…有影响/有反应/起作用 react readily 立即作出反应 react slowly 反应慢 react splendidly 反应极好 react strongly 反应强烈 react to 对…作出反应 react to a provocation 对挑衅作出反应 react to a stimulus 对刺激作出反应 react to light 对光有反应 reaction follow 引起反响 reaction from 来自…的反应 reaction of …的反应 reaction to 对…的反应 read ...into 把…理解成,使…归于 read a story to the children 念故事给孩子们听 read about 读到…,阅悉… read aloud 朗读 read as follows 内容如下 read back 复述 read between lines 在字里行间寻找言外之意 read by candlelight 在烛光下阅读 read by children 供儿童阅读 read fluently 流利地朗读 read for 为…阅读,为…学习 read for an examination 准备考试 read French quite well 法语的阅读能力相当强 read from a book 选书中一段朗读 read in full as follows 全文如下 read oddly 读起来很怪 read of 读到…,阅悉… read of that news quite by chance 偶然看到那条消息 read on 往下念 read one's face 观察某人的脸色 read one's hand 看手相 read one's mind 看出某人的心思 read out 宣读,朗读 read out of 开除…出 read out the result of the voting 宣读选举结果 read over 读完,读一遍 read the future 预言未来 read the sky 观天 read through three of the passages 看完三段 read to 给…读 read to oneself 默读 read up 专攻,熟读 read widely 阅读广泛 read with expression 有表情地朗读 reader in geography 地理学讲师 readers of China Daily 《中国日报》的读者 reading of the boy's character 对那个男孩性格的看法 readings from American literature 美国文学选读 ready against 预防 ready at 巧于…的,敏于,善于 ready at all times 随时准备 ready at hand 手头备用的 ready for 为…作好准备,准备应付…的 ready for any emergency 准备应付任何紧急情况 ready in the use of idioms 很会用成语 ready of battle 做好准备的船只 ready to 准备,快要,乐于 ready to accept such a proposal 十分乐意接受这项建议 ready to hand 手头备用的 ready to help others 乐于帮助别人 ready with 巧于…的,立即…的 real account 实账 real gold 纯金 real income 实际收入 real knowledge 实际知识 real life 真实 real money 现金 real reason 实际理由 real reason 真正的原因 real silk 真丝 reality of one's hope 希望的实现 reality of the day 当前的现实 reality of the words 话的真实性 realize clearly 清楚地认识到 realize fully 充分地认识到 realize the full implication 认识到全部含义 realize the significance of 认识到…的意义 realm of necessity 必然王国 realm of science 科学的王国 realm of the superstructure 上层建筑领域 rear base 后方基地 rear children 抚养孩子 rear entrance of a bus 公共汽车后门 rear lamp of a car 汽车后灯 rear of the building 建筑物的后面 rear rank 后列 rear service 后方勤务 rear wheel 后轮 reason against 反对…的理由 reason against 反驳,进行反对…的辩论 reason behind …真正的背后的理由 reason for …的原因,赞成…的理由 reason for 为维护…而辩论 reason for changing the plan 改变计划的理由 reason from experience 从经验来论断 reason from the cause to the effect 从原因推论到结果 reason lie in 理由在于… reason out a conclusion 推出一结论 reason sb. Into 说服某人做… reason sb. into accepting the suggestion 说服某人接受建议 reason sb. into consent 说得某人表示同意 reason sb. into going away 说服某人离开 reason sb. out of 说服某人不要 reason sb. out of going away 说服某人不要走 reason sb. out of the prejudice 说服某人消除偏见 reason things out 讲道理 reason with a person 同某人讲道理 reason with sb. a bout sth. 和某人辩论某事 reason with sb. against 为反对…和某人评理 reason with sb. for 为赞成…和某人评理 reasonable about 对…合情理的 reasonable excuse 合理的辩解 reasonable man 讲理的人 reasonable price 公道的价格 reasonable rate 合理的价格 reasonable request 合理的要求 reasonable size 适当的尺寸 rebel against sth. 反对某事 rebel against the government 反叛政府 rebel against too much homework 强烈反对家庭作业过多 rebel at the idea 对这种想法反感 recall back 召回 recall distinctly 清楚地回想起 recall old faces 想起老朋友的面貌 recall sb. from 把某人从…叫回 recall sb. from retirement 把退休的人召回来 recall sb. from the front line 把某人从前线召回 recall sb. to life 使某人苏醒 recall sb. to mind 想起某人 recall sth. to one's mind 回忆起某事 recall vividly 生动地回想起 receipt for …的收据 receipt for deposit 存款单 receipt for making sponge cakes 多孔布丁糕的制法 receipt for postal order 邮汇收据 receive a blow 遭到打击 receive a diploma 取得文凭 receive a gift 收到礼物 receive a letter 收到一封信 receive a radio 收到一份无线电报 receive an explanation 得到一个解释 receive as 当作…接待 receive coldly 冷淡地接待 receive cordially 热忱地接待 receive dividends 分到红利 receive favorably 友好的接待 receive from 收到来自… receive full cooperation 得到大力合作 receive grants of funds 获得专项资金 receive high marks 得高分 receive into 接受…成为… receive kindly 殷勤地接待 receive phone calls 接到电话 receive punishment 遭到惩罚 receive recognition 受到重视 receive satellite programs 接收卫星电视节目 receive sb. into a church 接受某人入教 receive sb. into a hospital 收某人入院 receive sb. into the Communist Youth League 接受某人加入共产主义青年团 receive sb. with great enthusiasm 极热情地欢迎某人 receive sb. with open arms 热烈欢迎某人 receive support 得到支持 receive the cup 领取奖杯 receive the guests 热情地接待客人 receive the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖 receive threats 受到威胁 receive warmly 热情地接待 receive well 接收效果良好 receiver of an action 动作的跟随者 recent acquaintance 新朋友 recent event 不久前发生的事件 recent history 近代史 recent news 新闻消息 recent years 近些年 reception in honour of 表彰…的招待会 reception of bad news 对坏消息不欢迎 reception of new book 对新书的欢迎 reception of the distinguished guest 对贵宾的接待 reciprocal reception 答谢酒会 recite a long poem 背诵长诗 recite faithfully 如实地详述 recite speech of welcome 致欢迎词 recognition by 获得…承认 recognition by the member states 获得会员国的承认 recognition for 因…承认 recognition for accomplishments 对成就的赞誉 recognition from 来自…的承认 recognition from the public 公众的赞誉 recognition of 认出 recognition of a new state 对新国家的承认 recognize as认为 是… recognize clearly 清楚地认识 recognize generally 一般地承认 recognize hardly 简直认不出 recognize internationally 国际上承认 recognize officially 正式承认,官方公认 recognize old friend 认出老朋友 recognize scarcely 几乎认不出 recognize universally 普遍地承认 recognize universally as 公认为… recognize widely 广泛地承认 recommend a book 推荐一本书 recommend a child to sb's care 托某人照管小孩 recommend a good dictionary 推荐一本好词典 recommend enthusiastically 热情地推荐 recommend highly 高度赞许 recommend sb. as a good teacher 推荐某人说他是一位优秀教师 recommend sb. for a job 介绍某人担任某职 recommend sb. for a post 推荐某人做某项工作 recommend sb. to the president 把某人推荐给校长 recommend strongly 极力推荐 recommend the amateur writer 推荐这位业余作家 recommend the students a good book 向学生们推荐一本好书 recommend to 向…推荐,托…照管 recommend warmly 热诚地推荐 recommendation for 介绍/推荐任…之职 recommendation to 给…的建议 record for high jump 跳高记录 record for the pole vault 撑杆跳记录 record history in books 将历史记载在书上 record holder 记录保持者 record live 现场录音/录像 record on human rights 人权记录 record vividly 生动地记载 recover from 从…中恢复原状 recover from one's illness 病好了 recover from slow start to the extent 茅塞顿开 recover from the shock 中风后康复 recover one's consciousness 恢复知觉 recover one's face 挽回面子 recover one's health 恢复健康 recover one's losses 挽回损失 recovery from 从…复原 recovery from illness 康复 recovery from the effects of the war 从战争创伤中恢复过来 recovery of a lost thing 找回了失物 recovery of the stolen property 追回失窃财物 recovery ship 打捞舰 recovery team 卫星等的回收队 recovery truck 急修车 red battle 血战 red book 电话号码簿 red carpet 隆重地接待 red hands 沾满血的手 red in the face 面红耳赤 red letter day 日历上纪念日,节日 red light 危险信号 red ruin 火灾 red tape 官僚作风,文牍主义 reduced rate 降低了的价格 refer the reader to ChapterⅡ 让读者查阅第二章 reflect rays 反射光线 reflect the reality 反映现实 regular rate 正常价格 relay race 接力赛 remarkable recovery 显著的康复 remedial reading 读书矫正法 repair a radio 修理收音机 replace a receiver 放下听筒 reply to a question 回答一个问题 respiration rate 呼吸率 restore quiet 恢复平静 retard recovery 阻碍复苏 return rate 报酬率 return receipt 挂号回单 reveal the reality 披露现实 revolutionary ranks 革命队伍 rifle rack 枪架 roof rack 行李架 row a race 参加划船比赛 rum the question off 避开这一问题 run a race 赛跑 run off the rails 脱轨 run the railroad 经营这条铁路 rustling of rain 淅沥沥的雨水声 safety record 安全记录 salary rate 工薪率 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司