翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 AAPSO International Conference on Solidarity for Independence, Security and Socio-Economic Progress;亚非团结组织声援独立、安全和社会-经济 进步国际会议;; AAQS;环境空气质量标准;AAQS; AARS;机载观测资料自动发送系统;AARS; AAS, Paal;波尔·奥斯;; AASEN, Per;佩尔·奥森;; AASLAND, Karl;卡尔·奥斯兰;; Ab;8月;; AB Torshallamaskiner;图尔斯海拉机械公司;; aba;驼毛粗毛;; aba'ah;驼毛粗毛;; abaca;马尼拉麻;; ABACHA, Sani;萨尼·阿巴查;; ABAD, Jaime O.;海梅·阿瓦德;; ABADA, Abdelwahab;阿卜杜勒瓦哈卜·阿巴达;; ABADA, Tewfik;特韦菲克·阿巴达;; ABADI ABADI, Leon;莱昂·阿瓦迪·阿瓦迪;; ABADI, Majed bin Abdullah bin Hamad AL-;马吉德·本·阿卜杜拉·本·哈马德·阿 巴迪;; ABADILLA, Ariel Y.;阿列尔·阿巴迪利亚;; ABAJIAN, Vahram;瓦赫拉姆·阿巴吉安;; ABAKAR, Mahamat Saleh;马哈迈特·萨利赫·阿巴卡尔;; Aban al-Balad Movement;祖国儿女运动;; abandoned;被遗弃的;; abandoned children;被遗弃儿童;; abandoned/street children;被遗弃和流落街头儿童;; abandonment;抛弃遗弃丢弃;; ABARRY, Abdou;阿卜杜·阿巴里;; ABASCAL ZAMORA, Jose Maria;何塞·玛丽亚·阿瓦斯卡尔·萨莫拉;; abatement;减低降低减少;; ABAYA, Gavino, Jr.;小加维诺·阿瓦亚;; ABAZA, Hasan;哈桑·阿巴扎;; ABBA, M. Amar;阿马尔·阿巴;; Abbas Abbasi; Abbasid; Abbsids;阿拔斯 阿拔斯人 阿拔斯王朝的阿拔斯王朝;; ABBAS, Ahmed Ahmed;艾哈迈德·艾哈迈德·阿巴斯;; ABBAS, Ashour;阿舒尔·阿巴斯;; ABBAS, B.M.;阿巴斯;; ABBAS, Fauzia Mufti;富齐亚·穆夫提·阿巴斯;; ABBAS, Husma Musa;穆斯马·穆萨·阿巴斯;; ABBATE, Francesco;弗朗切斯科·阿瓦特;; ABBOT GALVAO, Luiz Fernando;路易斯·费尔南多·阿博特·加尔旺;; ABBOTT, Anthony;安东尼·艾博特;; abbreviated character;简体 简体字;; abbreviated form of summary record;节略形式的简要记录简短的简要记录 简要记录节略本;; ABC;生物学可捕量;; ABC - Teaching Human Rights - Practical Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools;人权教学入门-中小学校的人权实践活动;; ABC weapons;原子武器、生物武器、化学武器;; ABD-ELHAKIM, Abd-Elhakim Hamdi;阿卜德-埃勒哈基姆·哈姆迪·阿卜德-埃勒哈基姆;; ABDALLA, Abdul-Ridha;阿卜杜勒-里德哈·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLA, Asma Mohamed;阿斯玛·穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLA, Juma Oris;朱马·奥里斯·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLA, Mohammed Sultan;穆罕默德·苏丹·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLA, Yousif Mohammed;优素福·穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉;; Abdallah Establishment for Trade and Industry;阿卜达拉贸易和工业公司;; ABDALLAH, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLAH, Mouzavoir;穆扎瓦尔·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLAH, Nassuf Ahmed;纳苏夫·艾哈迈德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLAH, Ould;乌尔德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLAH, Ridha;里达·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLAH, Wabel;瓦贝勒·阿卜杜拉;; ABDALLAHI, Sidi Mohaned Ould Cheikh;西迪·穆罕默德·乌尔德· 阿卜杜拉希;; ABDEL AZIZ, Mohamed Abdallah;穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹;; ABDEL FATTAH, Mostafa K.;穆斯塔法·卡迈勒·阿卜杜勒·法塔赫;; ABDEL MEGUID, Ahmed Esmat;艾哈迈德·伊斯马特·阿卜杜勒·马吉德;; ABDEL RAHMAN, Ahmed Omer;艾哈迈德·奥迈尔·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼;; ABDEL-LATIF, El Amin;埃勒·阿明·阿卜杜勒-拉蒂夫;; ABDEL-MEGUID, Ahmed Esmat;艾哈迈德·伊斯马特·阿卜杜勒·马吉德;; ABDEL-RAHMAN, Ibrahim H.;易卜拉欣·阿卜杜勒-拉赫曼;; ABDELAZIZ, Abdelaziz E.;阿卜杜拉齐兹·阿卜杜拉齐兹;; ABDELAZIZ, Mohamed;穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉齐兹;; ABDELDAIM, Hassan Osman;哈桑·奥斯曼·阿卜杜勒代姆;; ABDELLAH, Slaheddine;萨拉赫丁·阿卜杜拉;; ABDELMAJID, Ahmed Esmat;艾哈迈德·埃斯马特·阿卜杜勒马吉德;; ABDELMOUTI, Abdelrahim;阿卜杜勒拉希姆·阿卜杜勒穆迪;; ABDELONAHAL-BELLOUKI;阿卜杜卢纳哈勒-贝卢基;; ABDELRAHMAN, Abdelrahman Hassan;阿卜杜勒拉赫曼·哈桑·阿卜杜勒拉赫曼;; ABDELRAHMAN, Elfatih Elrasheed;埃尔法提赫·埃尔拉希德·阿卜杜勒拉赫曼;; ABDENNEBI, Taofik;陶菲克·阿卜丹内比;; ABDEREMANE, Ahmed Abdellah;艾哈迈德·阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉曼;; ABDERRAHIM, Kamel;卡迈勒·阿卜杜勒拉希姆;; ABDI, Ali Ismael;阿里·伊斯梅尔·阿卜迪;; ABDI, Tesfaye;特斯法耶·阿布迪;; ABDI-ABYANEH, Hossein;侯赛因·阿卜迪-阿卜亚内赫;; ABDIC, Fikret;菲克雷特·阿布迪奇;; ABDILLAHI, Mohamed Hassan;穆罕默德·哈桑·阿卜迪拉希;; ABDILLEH, Hassan Kaid;哈桑·哈伊德·阿卜迪勒;; ABDOLOV, Nazarbek;纳扎尔别克·阿布多洛夫;; ABDOU, Abdou Bolock;阿卜杜·博洛克·阿卜杜;; ABDOU, Soundi;苏恩迪·阿卜杜;; ABDOULAYE MOUMOUNI, D.;阿卜杜拉耶·穆穆尼;; ABDOULAYE, Yadji;亚吉·阿卜杜拉耶;; ABDOULMOUMINE, Hadjo Yaye;阿卜杜勒穆尼奈·哈朱·亚耶;; ABDOUN, Amin Magzoub;阿明·马格祖卜·阿卜敦;; abduction;绑架;; ABDUKHALIKOV, Irismat;伊里斯马特·阿卜杜哈利科夫;; ABDUL GAYOOM, Maumoon;穆蒙·阿卜杜勒·加尧姆;; ABDUL GHAFFAR, Mohamed;穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒-加法尔;; ABDUL GHAFFAR, Muhammad;穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒·加法尔;; ABDUL GHAFUR, Humam Abdul- Khaliq;胡曼·阿卜杜勒-哈利克·阿卜杜勒·加福 尔;; ABDUL MOMIN, Pengiran;彭吉兰·阿卜杜勒·莫敏;; ABDUL-AZIZ, Mohamed Emhemad;穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹;; ABDUL-BAQI, Murtadha Said;穆尔塔达·赛义德·阿卜杜勒·巴基;; ABDUL-GHAFFAR, Mohamed;穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒-加法尔;; ABDUL-GHANI, Abdul-Aziz;阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·阿卜杜勒-加尼;; ABDULAH, Frank Owen;弗兰克·欧文·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULAI, Yakubu;雅各布·阿卜杜拉伊;; ABDULDJALIL, Hassan;哈桑·阿卜杜勒贾利勒;; ABDULE, Abdi Jama;阿卜迪·贾马·阿卜杜勒;; ABDULLA AIDROUS, Mohamed;穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉·艾德鲁斯;; ABDULLA, Ahmed Jaralla;艾哈迈德·贾拉拉·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLA, Hikmat M.;希克马特·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLA, Mowayad;穆瓦亚德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLA, Yousef Bin ALAWI BIN;优素福·本·阿拉维·本·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH FADZIL CHE WAN, Toh Muda Dato;托赫·穆达·达图·阿卜杜拉·法德齐 勒·谢·万;; ABDULLAH, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·阿卜杜勒;; ABDULLAH, Amer;阿米尔·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Datuk Haji Ahmad Badawi;达图克·阿卜杜拉·哈吉·艾哈迈德·巴 达维;; ABDULLAH, Djadil;贾迪勒·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Dotuk Ali bin;达图克·阿里·本·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Frank O.;弗兰克·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Madjid;马吉德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Mohammad Rashid;穆罕默德·拉希德·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Rahmatalla;拉赫马塔拉·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAH, Yousef bin Alawi Bin;尤素福·阿拉维·本·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLAHI, Mohamed Farah;穆罕默德·法拉赫·阿卜杜拉;; ABDULLATIFF, Ahmad;艾哈迈德·阿卜杜勒拉蒂夫;; ABDULLATIFF, Hussain Ali;侯赛因·阿里·阿卜杜勒拉蒂夫;; ABDULLEH, Hassan Kaid;哈桑·卡伊德·阿卜杜勒;; ABDULRAHEEM, Kamal;卡迈勒·阿卜杜勒拉希姆;; ABDULRAHMAN, Afeef;阿菲夫·阿卜杜勒拉赫曼;; ABDURAZZAKOV, Ubaidulla;乌拜杜拉·阿卜杜拉扎科夫;; ABDURAZZAKOV, Ubaxydulla A.;乌巴西杜拉·阿卜杜拉扎科夫;; ABDURAZZAKOW, Ubazydulla A.;乌巴西杜拉·阿卜杜拉扎科夫;; ABE, Isao;安倍勋;; ABE, Nobuyasu;阿部信泰;; ABE, Shintaro;安倍晋太郎;; ABEBE, Girma;吉尔马·阿贝贝;; ABELA, Joseph;约瑟夫·阿贝拉;; ABELIAN, Movses;莫夫谢斯·阿别良;; ABELINEH, Mengistu;门格斯图·阿贝利内赫;; ABERKANE, Mohamed;穆罕默德·阿贝尔坎;; ABESAMIS, Teresita Y.;特雷西塔·阿韦萨米斯;; abettor; instigator;教唆犯;; area between the limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire lines;前防界限间地区;ABFDLs; Abgaal;阿布加尔;; abhorrent practice;令人憎恶的做法;; ABHYANKAR, Arun;阿隆·阿比扬卡尔;; ABI-SAAB, Georges Michel;乔治·米歇尔·阿比-萨阿卜;; ABIBI, Daniel;丹尼尔·阿比比;; ABID, Mawloud K.;茂洛德·阿比德;; abide by its obligations and responsibilities as stipulated in...act accordingly;遵守...所规定的义务和责任,并遵照行动;; ABIDIN IBRAHIM, Dato Zainal;达图·扎伊纳尔·阿比丁·易卜拉欣;; Abidjan Declaration on the Current African Health Crisis;当前非洲健康晰的阿比让宣言;; Abidjan Niger Railway Corporation;阿比让尼日尔铁路公司;RAN; Abidjan Statement;阿比让宣言;; Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina;波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那军 波黑军;ABiH;波黑军 ABILIAMA, Farouk;法鲁克·阿比拉马;; ability to pay;支付能力;; ABILLAMA, Farouk;法鲁克·阿比拉马;; ABIMANA, Chaste;夏特·阿比马纳;; ABIN, Rais;雷斯·阿宾;; ABIODUN, Adigun Ade;阿迪贡·阿德·阿维奥东;; abiotic;无生命的非生物的;; abject poverty;赤贫;; Abkhaz;阿布哈兹;; Abkhazia;阿布哈兹;; Abkhziya;阿布哈兹;; ablating cone;烧蚀锥;; ablatio placentae;胎盘早期脱离;; Able;“艾布尔”号;; able-bodied applicants for jobs;健全求职者;; ablepharus;无脸畸胎;; abolition of preferences;取消优惠;; ABM interceptor missile;反弹道导弹截击导弹;; ABM launcher;反弹道导弹发射器;; ABM system;反弹道导弹系统;; ABM Treaty;限制反弹道导弹系统条约反导条约;;反导条约 abnormal behavior;变态行为;; abnormal charge;不正常费用;; abnormal end;异常结束;ABEDN; abnormal family;非正常家庭;; abnormal items;非常项目;; abnormal menstruation;月经不调;; abnormal series;非常态数列;; abnormal terms of trade;非常贸易条件;; ABOLHASSANI-SHAHREZA, Ali;阿里·阿博尔哈萨尼-沙赫雷扎;; abolition of illiteracy;扫盲;; abolition of posts;裁撤职位;; Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act;废除种族差别性土地措施法案;; abolition of refund to organizations;取消对各组织的退款;; abolition of the abhorrent apartheid system;废除可恶的种族隔离制度;; abolitionist country;废除死刑的国家;; ABOLY-BI-KOUASSI, Felix;费利克斯·阿博利-比-库阿西;; abominable crime;令人憎恶的罪行;; aboricide;堕胎药堕胎;; Aboriginal Awareness Week;土著文化周;; aboriginal study grants;土著问题研究拨款;ABSTUDY; Aboriginal Women's Organization;土著妇女组织;; aboriginal; aborigine;土著居民;; aboring;临盆;; abort;中止作业;; abortifacient;堕胎药堕胎器;; abortion;人工流产堕胎;; abortion care;人工流产护理;; abortion facilities;堕胎设施;; Abortion Policy: A Global Review;堕胎政策: 全球审查;; abortion rate;人工流产率堕胎率;; abortion ratio;人工流产比率;; abortionist;赞同堕胎者;; abortive care;堕胎护理;; abortive medicines;堕胎药;; abortus;流产胎;; ABOU-ASSI, M. Naji;纳吉·阿布-阿西;; ABOU-EZZEDDINE, Halim;哈利姆·阿布-埃泽丁;; ABOU-HADID, Khalil;哈利勒·阿布-哈迪德;; ABOUL NAGA, Fayza;法伊扎·阿布勒·纳加;; ABOUL NASR, Mahmoud;马哈穆德·阿布勒·纳赛尔;; ABOUL-GHEIT, Ahmed Aly;艾哈迈德·阿利·阿布勒-盖特;; ABOUL-NASR, Mahmoud;马哈穆德·阿布勒-纳赛尔;; ABOULMAGD, Wael Ahmed Kamal;瓦伊勒·艾哈迈德·卡迈勒·阿布勒马格德;; above the sea;海拔;; abrachius;无臂畸胎;; ABRAHAM, Ferenc;费伦茨·奥布拉哈姆;; ABRAHAM, Ponnou;蓬努·亚伯拉罕;; ABRAM, Morris B.;莫里斯·艾布拉姆;; ABRAMOV, Zalman;扎尔曼·阿布拉莫夫;; abrasive;磨料磨蚀剂有磨蚀作用的;; ABRASZEWSKI, Andrzej;安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基;; abridged life table;简略生命表;; ABRIGADA, Samuel;塞缪尔·阿布里加达;; ABRY, Naje bin Omair AL-;纳杰·本·奥迈尔·阿布里;; ABS;1.美国船级社 2.防抱死[制动]系统;ABS; absence of effect upon other rules of international law;对国际法的其他规则无影响;; absence of priority among uses;在使用中没有优先地位 任何使用对于其他使用不占优先地位;; absence of reply to notification;对通知不作答复;; absent;缺勤;; absent nationals;不在本国的国民;; Absentee Property Law;业主不在财产法规;; absentee rate absenteeism;缺勤率;; ABSHIRE, David M.;戴维·阿布夏尔;; ABSI FATOUMA;阿布西·法图马;; absolute amenorrhea;完全经闭;; absolute constant;绝对常数;; absolute deviation;绝对偏差;; absolute dispersion;绝对离中差;; absolute doctrine of state immunity;绝对国家豁免论;; absolute elimination;彻底排处;; absolute error;绝对误差;; absolute frequency;绝对频率;; absolute harmonic analysis;抽象调和分析;; absolute immunity;绝对豁免;; absolute infants mortality;绝对婴儿死亡率;; absolute liability;绝对赔偿责任;; absolute magnitude;绝对星等;; absolute majority;绝对多数;; absolute monarchy;君主专制 君主专制政体;; absolute overpopulation;绝对人口过剩;; Absolute Poverty and Employment Generation;绝对贫穷和创造就业机会;; absolute symmetric function;绝对对称函数;; absolute value;绝对值;; absolute weapon;绝对武器;; absolutism;专制政治;; absorb;吸收纳入匀支;; absorb within existing resources;用现有资源匀支;; absorb workload;承担工作量;; absorbed assets;被兼并资产;; absorbed company;被兼并公司;; absorbents;吸附剂;; absorber of long-wave radiation;长波辐射吸收剂;; absorber vessel;吸收器吸收装置;; absorbing ability;吸收能力;; absorbing company;兼并公司;; absorption analyzer;吸收分析器;; absorption by;...由...承担;; absorption costing method;全部成本计算法;; absorptive capacity;匀支能力承担能力;; absorptive complex;吸收性复合体;; abstain; abstention in voting;弃权 弃权票;; abstention from corrupt practices;不行贿;; abstinence;禁欲节欲计算排卵期避孕法;; abstract;摘要;; Abstracted Business Information/Information Needs;摘要商业情报/情报需求数据库;ABI/INFORM; abstracting and indexing;编制文摘和索引;A and I; Abstracts of Selected Solar Energy Technology;太阳能技术选萃;AASET; Abstraction and Use of Water: A Comparison of Legal Regime;水的抽取与利用:法律制度的比较;; ABU BAKAR, Titingan Datuk Haji;蒂廷甘·达图·哈吉·阿布·巴卡尔;; Abu Dhabi Declaration;阿布扎比宣言;; Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development;阿布扎比阿拉伯经济发展基金;ADFAED; Abu Dhabi National Oil Company;阿布扎比国家石油公司;ADNOC; ABU HASSAN HAJI OMAR, Dato Haji;达图·哈吉·阿布哈桑·哈吉·奥马尔;; ABU JABER, Kamel;卡迈勒·阿布·贾比尔;; ABU KOASH, Mohammed A.;穆罕默德·阿布·科亚什;; Abu Musa faction [PLO];阿布·穆萨派;; ABU NIMAH, Hasan;哈桑·阿布-尼马;; ABU ODEH, Adnan;阿德南·阿布·奥德赫;; ABU ODER, Adnan S.;阿德南·阿布·奥德尔;; ABU SALIH, Hussein Suleiman;侯赛因·苏莱曼·阿布·萨利赫;; ABU SUFIAN, bin Haji ali;阿布·苏菲安·本·哈吉·阿里;; ABU-JABEL, Faiz Naaman;法伊兹·纳阿曼·阿布-贾贝勒;; ABU-JABEL, Hail Hussein;海勒·侯赛因·阿布-贾贝勒;; ABU-JABEL, Yusuph Shakib;尤素福·沙基博·阿布-贾贝勒;; ABU-NIMAH, Hasan;哈桑·阿布-尼马;; ABUAH, Ejoh;埃乔赫·阿布亚;; ABUAZZA, Mustafa;穆斯塔法·阿布阿扎;; ABUDL RAHIM, Radzi;阿卜杜勒·拉欣·拉齐;; ABUHREBA, Mabruk M.;马布鲁克·阿布赫雷巴;; Abuja Agreement to supplement the Cotonou and Akosombo Agreements as subsequently clarified by the Accra Agreement;补充后经阿克拉协定阐明的科托努协定和阿科松博协定的阿布贾协定;; Abuja Commitment;阿布贾承诺;; Abuja Declaration on Participatory Development: The Role of Women in the 1990s;关于参与发展的阿布贾宣言:妇女在1990年 代的作用;; Abuja Declaration on South Africa;关于南非问题的阿布贾宣言;; Abuja International Conference on Africa: the Challenge of Economic Recovery and Accelerated Development;阿布贾非洲问题国际会议:经济复苏和加速发展的挑战;; Abuja Statement on Economic Recovery and Long-term Development in Africa;关于非洲经济复苏和长期发展的阿布贾声明;; ABULHASAN, Mohammad A.;穆罕默德·阿布哈桑;; abundance;丰量 [鱼类] 丰度 [海底锰或其他金属结核];; abuse;虐待;; abuse against women and the children;虐待妇女儿童;; abuse and battery in the family;家庭中的虐待和殴打;; abuse liability;易滥用性滥用可能性;; abuse of asylum;庇护所的滥用;; abuse of authority;滥用权力;; abuse of competence;滥用职权;; Abuse of Dependence-Producing Substances and Rehabilitation Centers Act, No. 41 of 1971;滥用产生依赖性物质和设立康复中心法, 1971年第41号;; abuse of flag of truce;滥用休战旗;; abuse of human rights;侵犯人权;; abuse of immunity;滥用豁免权;; abuse of justice;滥用司法;; abuse of neutrality;滥用中立;; abuse of power;滥用权力;; abuse of psychiatry;滥用精神治疗法;; abuse of women and children;虐待妇女和儿童;; Abuse Trends Linkage Assessment System;滥用趋势关联评估系统评估系统;ATLAS;评估系统 abused;被虐待者;; abused children;受虐待儿童;; abused women;受虐待妇女;; ABUSHAALA, Ahmed O.;艾哈迈德·阿布沙拉;; abusive Israeli operations and practices;以色列的淫威暴行;; abyssal benthic zone;深渊底带;; abyssal floor;深海床深海底;; abyssal plain;深海平原;; academic;高中;; academic approach;学院制;; academic community;学术界;; Academic Council on the United Nations System;研究联合国系统学术委员会联学委;ACUNS;联学委 academic education;基础理论教育;; academic equivalences;同等学历;; academic institution;研究机构学术机构;; Academic Six Form Center;专科第六级中心;; Academic Year against Apartheid;反对种族隔离学术年;; Academie Internationale d'Architecture;国际建筑学会;; Academy for Educational Development;教育发展学会;; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences;刑事司法学会;ACJS; Academy of Gandhian Studies;甘地研究学院;; Academy of International Business;国际商业学会;AIB; Academy of International Law;国际法学院;; Academy of Preventive Medicine;预防医学科学院;; Academy of Science and Technology;科学和技术研究院;; Academy of Sciences;科学院;; Academy of Sciences for the Third World;第三世界科学院;; Academy of the Sciences and Technology of the Sea;海洋科学和技术研究院;; ACAKPO-SATCHIVI, Joseph;约瑟夫·阿卡克波-萨奇维;; acanthocybium solandri;上等鲭鱼;; Acapulco Commitment;阿卡普尔科承诺;; Acapulco Commitment to Peace, Development and Democracy;谋求和平、发展和民主的阿卡普尔科承诺;; Acapulco Document;阿卡普尔科文件;; Acapulco Pledge;阿卡普尔科诺言;; ACC Sub-Committee on Nutrition;行政协调会营养问题小组委员会;ACC-SCN; ACC Sub-Committee on Science and Technology;行政协调会科技小组委员会;; ACC Sub-Committee on Statistical Activities;行政协调会统计工作小组委员会;; ACC Subcommittee on Drug Control;行政协调会药物管制小组委员会;; ACC Task Force on Basic Social Services for All;行政协调会普及基本社会服务工作队;; ACC Task Force on Integrated Rural Development;行政协调会农村综合发展工作队;; ACC Task Force on Long-Term Development Objectives;行政协调会长期发展目标工作队;; ACC Task Force on Rural Development;行政协调会农村发展工作队;; ACC Task Force on Science and Technology for Development;行政协调会科学和技术促进发展工作队;; ACC-CPC Joint Meetings;行政协调会和方案协调会联席会议;; ACCAD;世界气候应用及资料计划咨询委员会;ACCAD; accede to;加入;; acceding state;加入国;; accelerated courses;速成班;; accelerated demining programme;加速排雷方案;ADP; accelerated depreciation for machinery, equipment and industrial buildings;机器、设备和工业建筑物的加速折旧;; accelerated development of production;加速生产发展;; accelerated development programme;加速发展方案;; accelerated district approach;加速地区办法;ADA; accelerated growth;加速增长;; accelerated home leave;缩短周期的回籍假;; accelerated mode;快速模型;; accelerated period;加速期;; accelerated programme;加快执行的方案;; accelerated promotions;加快提升;; accelerated salary increment;加速加薪;; acceleration build-up;加速增大;; acceleration of EPI programmes;加速扩大免疫方案;; Acceleration of the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries;向发展中国家加速转移实际资源;; Acceleration Plan;加速计划;; accelerometer;加速度计;; accept speaking engagements;接受邀请发表演说;; acceptability;接受性;; acceptability of certificates of residence;居留证明书是否可以接受;; acceptability trials;适应力试验;; acceptable daily intake;容许日摄入量;ADI; acceptance;承兑票据认付承兑;; acceptance contract;承兑合同;; acceptance criteria;交收标准;; acceptance letter of credit;承兑信用证;; acceptance of construction;建造工程的验收;; acceptance of voluntary contributions, gifts or donations;接受自愿捐助、赠金或捐款;; acceptance rate;接受节育计划者的比例;; acceptance test;交收试验;; acceptance, curtailment, comprehensive reformulation or rejection of the subprogrammes proposed;对所提议的各项次级方案表示接受、裁减、 全面修订或否决;; accepted bill accepted draft;已承兑汇票;; accepted draft;已承兑汇票;; accepted draft accepted bill;已承兑汇票;; accepted judgement;被接受的判决;; accepted law Lois reconnues;公认法;; accepting bank;承兑银行;; acceptor family planning;避孕药具接受者;; access at all times to all books of account and records;有随时调阅一切帐簿及记录之权;; Access Authority;进出管理局;; access by States to benefits of the Exploration and Uses of Outer Space;各国享受外层空间探索及利用所产生的益处;; access of staff to the Fifth Committee;工作人员向...表达意见;; access rights;可捕权;; access to abortion;获得人工流产的可能;; access to community facilities;社区设施无障碍;; access to court;诉讼权向法院申诉的权利诉诸法院的权 利进入法院;; access to developed countries;进入发达国家市场;; access to justice, to have;得到公正的审判;; access to market;市场准入进入市场进入市场的机会;; access to public service;参加担任公职;; Access to Science and Technology - the Role of Information Technology;信息技术在获取科学和技术方面的作用;; access to sea ports;出入海港;; access to the sea;通往海洋出入海洋;; accessibility;无障碍环境;; accessibility measures;无障碍措施;; accessibility to the physical environment;物质环境的无障碍;; Accession, Appraisal and Disposal Unit;存取、评价和处理股;; accessions;档案磁带;; accessive type;移入型;; accessory;从犯;; accessory after the fact;事后从犯;; accessory before the fact;事前从犯;; accessory during the fact;在场从犯;; accessory penalties;从刑;; accident and health insurance;意外及健康保险;; accident management;事故管理;; accident rate;事故率;; accident, miscalculation or failure of communication;意外事故、错误估计或通讯联系中断;; accidental abortion;意外流产;; accidental and health insurance;意外及健康保险;; accidental causes of war;战争的偶然原因;; accidental conflict;意外冲突;; accidental errors;偶然误差;; accidental exposure;偶然辐照;; accidental spill;事故性溢漏;; accidental war;意外战争;; accidents at work;工伤事故;; Accidents Investigation Branch;事故调查处;AIB; Accion Democratica Nacionalista;民族民主行动党;ADN; Accion Familia;家庭行动组织;; Accion International;国际行动社;; Accion Popular de Integracion Social A.C.;社会融合人民行动;; acclimatization;气候适应;; Accociation pour la compensation des echanges commerciaux;补偿贸易协会;ACECO; accommodation;办公房地客位机位舱位;; Accommodation and Mess;宿舍和食堂;; accommodation bills;通融票据空头票据食宿费用票据;; Accommodation Unit;办公室安排股;; Accommodations Unit;办公室安排股;; accomplice;共犯共犯;; accomplishment quotient;成绩商数;AQ; ACCONCIAMESSA DE RODRIGUEZ, Flor;弗洛尔·阿孔西亚梅萨·德罗德里格斯;; accord;协议协定协约;; Accord de Non-aggression et d'Assistance en Matiere de Defense;不侵犯和协防协定;ANAD; accord des parties;当事方协议;; accord free transit;准许自由过境;; Accord of Cooperation for the Protection of the Coasts and Waters of the North-East Atlantic against Pollution due to Hydrocarbons or Other harmful Substances;堡东北大西洋海岸和水体免受碳氢化合物 和其他有害物质污染合作协议;; Accord of Nkomati;恩科马蒂协定;; accord priority, preference to;给以优先权;; Accords on the settlement of the situation relating to Afghanistan;关于解决阿富汗局势的各协定;; account code structure;帐簿代号结构;; account for end-of-service grants and indemnities;服务终了补助金和赔偿金帐户;; Account/Budget Officer;会计/预算干事;; accountability;问责问责制会计责任经济责任经营责任;; accountability and responsibility;问责制和责任制;; accountability, principle of;问责制原则;; Accountant's Magazine, the;会计师杂志;; accounting and accountability in economic development;经济发展方面的核算和问责制度;; accounting and auditing;会计和审计;ACCAUD; Accounting and Information Branch;会计和信息处;; Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plan;退休金计划的会计和报告;; Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans;退休金计划的会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for business combinations;企业合并的会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for foreign direct investments;关于外国直接投资的会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for investment;投资会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for investment in joint ventures;合资经营的投资会计报告;; accounting and reporting for investments;投资会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for investments in joint ventures;合资经营的投资会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for investments in marketable securities;有价证券投资会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for investments in marketing securities;有价证券投资会计和报告;; accounting and reporting for transactions denominated in foreign currencies;以外币标价交易的会计和报告;; accounting and reporting standards;会计和报告标准;; accounting books;账簿;; accounting clerk;帐务员;; accounting currency;会计货币;; accounting curriculum;会计课程;; accounting date;核算日;; accounting development;会计发展;; accounting documents;会计凭证;; Accounting Education and the Third World;会计教育与第三世界;; accounting education programme;会计教育方案;; accounting education, training and research;会计教育、训练和研究;; accounting estimate;会计概数;; accounting for acquisitions;收购会计;; accounting for acquisitions and merges;收购和合并会计;; accounting for business transactions;商业交易会计;; Accounting for Business Combinations - ED 22;企业合并会计-ED22;; accounting for construction contracts;施工合同的会计核算;; accounting for contingencies;意外开支会计;; accounting for deferred taxation;递延税金的会计核算;; accounting for fixed asset;固定资产会计;; accounting for fixed assets;固定资产会计;; accounting for foreign currency transactions;外币交易会计;; accounting for future contracts;期货合同的会计核算;; accounting for goods and services provided to others;向他人提供物品和劳务的帐目;; accounting for goodwill;商誉会计;; accounting for goodwill subsequent to acquisition;收购后商誉的会计核算;; accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance;政府助金会计和公布政府援助金额;; accounting for income tax benefit;所得税减免会计;; accounting for income tax benefits;所得税减免会计;; accounting for inflation and changing prices;通货膨胀和变动价格的会计核算;; accounting for inventories;存货会计;; accounting for investments in associates and joint ventures;联号和合资经营投资会计;; Accounting for Leases and Hire Purchase Contracts;租约和租购合同会计;; Accounting for Leases;租约会计租赁会计;; accounting for liabilities and shareholders' equity;负债与股东权益会计;; accounting for long-term contracts;长期合同会计;; accounting for minority interest;少数股权的会计核算;; accounting for minority interest on acquisition;收购时少数股权的会计核算;; accounting for minority interests;少数股权的会计核算;; accounting for non-operating gains and losses;非营业损益的会计核算;; accounting for off-balance-sheet transactions;资产负债表外交易会计;; accounting for pension costs and severance indemnities;养恤金费用和离职偿金的计核算;; accounting for pension schemes;养恤金计划会计;; accounting for pooling of interests merger;联营合并会计;; accounting for portfolio investments;证券投资会计;; accounting for post balance sheet events;结账后事项会计;; accounting for proceeds from sales;出售财产所得价金的会计处理;; Accounting for Production: Sources and Methods;生产核算: 原始资料和方法;; Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment, IAS 16;财产、厂房和设备会计;; accounting for research and development;研究和发展会计;; Accounting for Research and Development Costs: Discussion Paper No.5;研究发展费用的会计讨论文件第5号;; accounting for reserves;准备金会计;; Accounting for Retirement Benefit in the Financial Statement of Employers;雇主财务报表中对退休金的会计核算;; Accounting for Retirement Benefit in the Financial Statements of Employers;雇主财务报表中对退休金的会计核算;; accounting for revenue;收入会计;; accounting for stock compensation plans;股票补偿计划的会计核算;; accounting for tax reduction on investment projects;投资项目减税会计;; Accounting for Taxes on Income;所得税会计;; accounting for the costs of technology transfers;技术转让成本会计;; accounting for the difference between cost of acquisition and the fair values of acquisition and the fair values of the net identifiable assets acquired;收购成本同已收购可盘点净资产公允价值之间的差额会计;; accounting for the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates;汇率变动影响会计核算;; accounting for the effects of changing prices;物价变动影响的会计核算;; accounting for the effects of inflation on financial information;通货膨胀对财务资料影响的会计处理;; accounting for the excess of the aggregated fair value assigned to net assets over the purchase consideration;对净资产公允价值总额超出购买对酬部分的会计核算;; Accounting for the Multinational Corporations;多国公司会计;; accounting harmonization;会计的协调;; accounting in highly inflationary economies;在通货膨胀率极高的经济体中的会计工作;; accounting issues;会计问题;; accounting methods;会计方法;; accounting policies;会计政策;; Accounting Policies: Determination, Application and Disclosure;会计政策: 确定、应用和公布;; accounting practices;会计实务;; accounting practices and policies;会计实务和政策;; Accounting Practices in OECD Member Countries;经合组织成员国会计实务;; Accounting Principles Board Opinion No.19;会计原则委员会第19号意见书;; accounting principles on inventories;存货会计原则;; accounting principles on liabilities;债务会计原则;; accounting principles on property, plant and equipment;关于财产、厂房和设备的会计原则;; accounting principles on receivables;应收账款会计原则;; accounting rates;会计比率;; Secretary for Relations with States;对外关系秘书;; accounting records;会计记录;; Accounting Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment;中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业会计制度;; accounting research;会计研究;; accounting rules;核算规则;; Accounting Services;会计事务;; Accounting Standards;会计标准;; Accounting Standards Committee;会计标准委员会;ASC; Accounting Standards Council;会计标准理事会;ASC; Accounting Standards in Developing Countries;发展中国家的会计标准;; Accounting Standards Review Board;会计标准审查委员会;ASRB; Accounting Standards, Harmonization Series, No.2;《会计标准》, 统一丛书, 第2号;; accounting statements;会计报表;; accounting structure;核算结构;; accounting treatment of after-acquisition expenditures;收购后支出的会计处理;; accounting treatment of depreciation;折旧的会计处理;; accounting treatment of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies;对外币计值的货币性资产和负责的会计处理;; accounting treatment of transactions involving exchange of non-monetary assets;涉及非货币资产交换的交易的会计处理;; accounting value;帐面价值;; accounting year;会计年度;; accounts;帐目帐户决算;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司