翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 swim in a river 在河中游泳 swim in happy tears 眼睛充满着幸福的泪水 swim in the sky 月亮在空中移动 swim like a stone 沉下去 swim on one's back 仰泳 swim on one's chest 俯泳,蛙泳 swim on one's side 侧泳,蝶泳 swim on water 浮在水上 swim to the shore 游向岸边 swim under the water 在水下游泳 swim with joy 内心充满喜悦 swim with the tide/current 顺流而游,顺应潮流,随波逐流 swing against sb. 转过来反对某人 swing along the street 在街上溜达 swing at 对准…打去,挥动…打… swing for 因…而被绞死 swing from 从…摇过来 swing from branch to branch 在树枝间荡来荡去 swing from fight to left 从右向左摆动 swing in with 加入 swing out 散射开去 swing out of the room 大摇大摆地走出房间 swing round 船转身,转向,掉头 swing the bat at the ball 挥动球棒击球 swing to 向…的转变 swing to 向…摇过去 swing to the right 转而支持右翼的倾向 switch a circuit back to 使电路回复到 switch back to 回复到 switch from 从…转变 switch from 从…的转变 switch from English into Russian 从英语改用俄语 switch into 变为 switch off 关,截断 switch off the radio 关掉收音机 switch off to another line of thought 改变想法/思路 switch on 开,接通,使入迷 switch on the light 开灯 switch one's support to the other candidate 转向支持另一候选人 switch out of 从…抢走 switch over 换位置,转换 switch over to offensive 转入进攻 switch through 转接 switch to 转向 switch to 向…的转变 switch to the metric system 转换成公制 symbol for water 水的符号 symbol of …的象征 symbol of authority 权力的象征 sympathetic tears 同情的眼泪 sympathetic to 对…同情的 sympathetic to one's proposals 赞同某人的建议 sympathetic towards 对…同情的 sympathetic with 对…同情的 sympathy for 对…的同情 sympathy go out to sb. 同情某人 sympathy with sb's cause 赞成某人的事业 synthetic chemistry 合成化学 synthetic detergents 合成洗涤剂 synthetic rubber 合成橡胶 table cloth 桌布 table for six 供六人进餐的餐桌 table of contents 目录表 table talk 席间闲聊,餐桌漫谈 table tennis team 乒乓球队 table tops 桌面 tag after 跟着… tag as 把…称作 tag as a quitter 称作胆小鬼 tag for 因…而罚…的款 tag for going through a red light 因闯红灯而被罚款 tail wind 顺风,由后面吹来的风 tailor's shop 裁缝店 take sb. two hours 花某人两个小时 take a back seat 占一不显眼的位置,谦让 take a chance 冒险,碰运气 take a cup of tea 拿来一杯茶 take a matter 对待一件事 take a survey of 对…进行观察 take a swallow 吞一口,咽一下 take a swim 游泳 take a swing at sb. 挥击某人 take a taste of 尝尝 take a taxi 乘计程车 take a toy apart 把玩具拆开 take after father 像父亲 take after mother 长得象妈妈 take along 带领,携带 take apart 把某人叫到一边,拆开,严惩 take as a compliment 把它当作恭维 take as a personal matter 把…看成个人的事 take as a sign of friendship 把…看作友好的表示 take back 带回,归还 take by surprise 大出某人意料之外 take courage 拿出勇气 take daughter 带着女儿 take down 放下,取下,拆掉,把…记录下来 take down the speech 把讲话记下来 take in 吸入,留某人寄宿,看到,注意到,完全明白,欺骗某人 take in the situation 看清形势 take kindly 乐意接受 take off 拿下,脱下,起跳,起飞,减价 take on 承担工作、责任等,雇用工人,接纳学生,呈现出 take on a task 从事工作 take on more men 招收更多的工人 take over 接任,接管 take over the chairmanship 接任主席职务 take sb. by the hand 拉住某人的手 take sb. for a fool 把某人当傻瓜 take sb. for a ride 带某人去兜风 take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步 take sb. into one's confidence 把某人当作知心人 take sb. to court 起诉某人 take sb. to dinner 带某人去赴宴 take sb. to task for 为…责备某人 take sb. to the art museum 带某人去艺术博物馆 take sb. to the station 送某人去车站 take sb. under one's wing 堡某人,帮助某人 take seriously 认真接受,认真地对待 take sister along 带妹妹一起去 take sth. for granted 认为某事当然 take sth. into account 考虑到某事 take sth. into consideration 考虑某事 take sth. into the house 把…搬进屋里 take sth. off the bill 从账单中扣除… take sth. off the shelf 从架子上把…取走 take sth. to the bank 把…送到银行 take sth. to the library 把…送到图书馆 take tea 喝茶 take the advice 接受意见 take the book 取书 take the case 接受案子 take the chairs 拿椅子 take the city 使全城轰动 take the fortress by surprise 奇袭要塞 take the money 取钱 take the phrase 理解短语 take the punishment 接受惩罚 take the remark 听取某人意见 take to an offer 接受提议 take to bad habits 染上恶习 take to drink 沉湎于酗酒 take to fishing 对钓鱼着迷 take to gambling 到赌场去赌博 take to one's bed 上床 take to the lifeboat 登上救生船 take to the streets 走上街头 take up 占用,接受,培养,开始对某学科、嗜好或职业产生兴趣 take up linguistics 选学语言学 take with a smile 笑着接受 tale of experiences 经历 talent for …的天赋 talent for drawing 绘画天赋 talent for language 语言天赋 talent for music 音乐天才 talent for painting 给画的天赋 talent for writing 写作才能 talent in drawing 绘画天赋 talented teacher 有才能的教师 talk about the elections 谈论有关选举的事 talk about the problem 谈论问题 talk about the work 谈论工作 talk against others 说别人的坏话 talk at length 详细阐述 talk break down 谈判破裂 talk center on 会谈以…为中心内容 talk down 驳倒 talk for an hour 谈一小时 talk individually 个别交谈 talk loudly 大声讲话 talk of one's trip 谈论某人的旅行见闻 talk of the matter 谈到那件事 talk of the town 众人的话题 talk on a topic 谈论某一话题 talk on bringing up children 有关如何培养孩子的报告 talk on photography 有关摄影的报告 talk on politics 讨论政治 talk on sb's visit to China 有关某人访问中国的报告 talk openly 公开论述 talk over a matter 讨论一件事情 talk over the phone 在电话里谈话 talk over the plan 讨论这计划 talk round 说服 talk sb. into buying a new car 说服某人买一辆新车 talk through an interpreter 通过一位翻译交谈 talk to oneself 自言自语 talk to some foreign sailors 同外国海员谈话 talk widely 广泛论述 talk with the visitors 与客人们的交谈 tall dinner 丰盛的饭菜 tall girl 身材修长的少女 tall story 难以相信的故事 tall tale 难以置信的话 tall young man 高大的男青年 tame a monkey 驯猴 tame a trouble-making river 治理好一条为害的河流 tame bear 驯服的熊 tame cat 家猫 tame man 好好先生 tame nature 征服大自然 tame tiger 驯服的老虎 tape measure 卷尺 tape recorder 磁带录音机 tape recording 录音磁带 target as 把…当作目标 target as the next victim 选定做下一个牺牲品 target at 把…瞄准… target date 预定日期 target for an attack 众矢之的 target for coal production 产煤指标 target language 归宿语言 target of criticism 批评的对象 target on 把…瞄准… target on the city 瞄准城市 target practice 打靶 taste differ 兴趣不同 taste for brandy 喝白兰地酒的嗜好 taste for music 音乐欣赏能力 taste in choosing pictures 在选择绘画方面的鉴赏力 taste in music 音乐欣赏能力 taste in the mouth 嘴里的味道 taste of beef 有牛肉味道 taste of chicken 有鸡肉味道 taste of music 音乐兴趣 taste of the pudding 尝尝布丁 taste the sweets and bitters of life 饱尝人生的甘苦 tax in kind 实物税 tax on a new car 新车税 tax on cigarettes 香烟税 tax on one's strength 体力上的负担 tax reduction 减税 tax regulations 税则 tax relief 税收减免 tax return 所得税申报表 teach boys 教孩子们 teach by example 以示范方式教 teach English 教英语 teach German 教德语 teach history 教历史 teach mathematics 教数学 teach poorly 教学质量差 teach prepositions 教介词 teach strictly 严格教学 teach the pupils 教小学生 teach wrongly 教错 teacher competent for work 胜任的教师 teacher guide 老师指导 teacher in French 法语老师 teacher of English 英语教师 teacher teach 老师教课 tear a box 撕盒子 tear a button 扯下一粒扣子 tear a button off the coat 从上衣上扯下一粒扣子 tear a letter 撕信 tear a newspaper 撕报纸 tear a page 撕去一页 tear a sheet 撕一张纸 tear an argument 驳论点 tear at the wrapping of the parcel 用力撕开包裹的包装纸 tear badly 撕得粉碎 tear down a notice 撕下布告 tear easily 容易扯破 tear in half 撕成两半 tear into opponent 猛烈抨击对手 tear into tiny pieces 撕得粉碎 tear material 扯料子 tear off a leaf 撕下一页 tear off clothes 扯掉衣服 tear oneself away 使人恋恋不舍 tear out of an exercise-book 从练习本上撕 tear out of the book 从书里撕下 tear the curtain aside 拉开窗帘 tear up awed 把野草拔起来 tears come to eyes 泪水涌上眼睛 tears fall down 泪滚落下来 tears fill eyes 泪水盈眶 tears flow 泪涌出来 tears of happiness 幸福的泪 tears of joy 高兴的泪水 tears of regret 悔恨的眼泪 tears roll down 泪水淌下 tears run down 泪水淌下 tears start 眼泪涌出来 tears stream down 泪水淌下 technical difficulties 法律上的困难 technical problem 技术问题 technical sense 法律意义 technical terms 术语,专门名词 technology assessment 技术评定 technology of computer 计算机技术 technology transfer 技术转让 tedious film 冗长的乏味电影 tedious lecture 冗长单调的讲座 tedious performance 冗长而乏味的演出 tedious to anyone 没人感兴趣 tedious to people 长得使人厌烦 telegram form 电报纸 telegram from London to New York 伦敦到纽约的电报 telegram from one's father 父亲来的电报 telegram in plain language 明文电报 telegram under date of Oct.3rd 十月三日发出的电报 television technician 电视技术人员 tell its own tale 不言而喻,显而易见 tell sb. a tale 给某人讲故事 tell tales 揭人隐私,背后讲人坏话 ten teas 十份茶点 thankless task 费力不讨好的任务 the first teacher 启蒙老师 the last supper 最后的晚餐 think tank 思想库,智囊团 throw a switch 按开关 thrust a sword into 用剑刺进 ticker tape 自动收报机用的纸带 tie a tag on sth. 给某物系上标签 time switch 定时开关 time table 时间表 tiresomely tedious 冗长乏味令人厌烦 to be sure 用作插入语无疑,当然,的确 to one's taste 合口味 to sb's surprise 使…惊奇的是 to the king's taste 尽善尽美地 to the queen's taste 尽善尽美地 toggle switch 拨钮开关 toilet table 镜台,梳妆台 token of one's sympathy 同情的表示 topographical survey 地形测量 total surprise 使感到十分惊奇的事情 track a target 追踪目标 track and-field team 田径队 track team 田径队 train a teacher 培训教师 training table 受训运动队员的专用餐桌或餐厅 transfer tax 转移税 transfer technology 转让技术 transmit a telegram 发送电报 tray table 一种四周有高出桌面的围边的茶几,盘桌 tree surgery 伤腐树木的处理如补洞,剪除腐枝,外理伤处等 turn high technology to civilian use 把高技术转向民用 turn tail 转身逃跑 turn the table 扭转局面,转败为胜,转变形势 two-edged sword 可能有好也可能有坏结果的事情,会产生与预料相反结果的东西 ugly surroundings 恶劣的环境 ugly table 难看的桌子 unbelievable tale 难以置信的话 unconditional surrender 无条件投降 uncongenial surroundings 不愉快的环境 under a teacher 在一位教师的指导下 under sb's sway 在某人的统治/支配之下 under suspicion 受到怀疑的 under the surface of the water 水面下,事物的内情 under the table 酒醉,发呆,暗中地,非法地 undergo surgery 接受外科手术 understand a telegram 明白电报内容 undertake a task 负责工作 unexpected surprise 使人感到意外惊奇的事情 unfamiliar surroundings 不熟悉的环境 unfavorable surroundings 不利的环境 unfounded suspicion 毫无根据的怀疑 universal table 万能工作台 university teacher 大学教师 unlaid table 未摆好餐具的桌子 unpleasant surroundings 令人不愉快的环境 unpleasant task 不合意的差事 unsheathe a sword 拨剑 unusual talent 非凡的才能 unwelcome task 讨厌的工作 urgent telegram 急电,加急电报 use sth. as a target 把当作靶子 use technology 利用技术 utilize one's talent 运用才能 vague suspicion 模糊的怀疑 value-added tax 增值税 video tape 录像磁带 visiting team 客队 vitamin supplement 维他命添补剂 volleyball team 排球队 wage tax 工资的所得税 wait on table 当侍者 wait at table 伺候进餐 war supplies 军需品 warm sunshine 暖和的阳光 warm sweater 暖和的毛线衫 warm tears 热泪 water supply 供水,自来水,供水系统 water surface 水面 water table 水表 water tank 水箱 weak team 弱队 wearily tedious 冗长乏味令人厌烦 welcome a team 欢迎一个队 welcome task 令人愉快的工作 well-trained teacher 训练有素的教师 wholly technical 完全是法律上的 wield a sword 挥剑 wild swing 狠狠击打 win sb's sympathy 得到某人的同情 wind a tape 缠带子 winning team 获胜的队 wipe a table 擦桌子,收拾餐桌 wipe one's tears away 把眼泪擦去 with one's tail between one's legs 垂头丧气 with surprise 惊异地 with suspicion 怀疑着,疑心着 with tears 噙着泪 withdraw a telegram 电回电报,撤销电报 without tears 不流泪 woman of great talent 大有才干的女人 woman teacher 女教师 work table 作业台,工作台 worship sb's talent 崇拜某人的才能 write in symbols 用符号书写 writing table 写字台,书桌 young teacher 年轻教师 telephone ring 电话铃响 be thirsty after fame 渴望成名 be thirsty for fame 渴望成名 a clap of thunder 一声震耳欲聋的霹雳 a fit of temper 一阵脾气 a foot thick 一英尺厚 a game of tennis 一场网球赛 a gang of thieves 一伙贼 a lot of things 许多事情 a peal of thunder 一声震耳欲聋的霹雳 a reel of thread 线团,线圈 a roll of thunder 一声震耳欲聋的霹雳 a series of tests 一系列检查 a tin of biscuits 一听饼干 abandon the thoughts of 抛弃…的想法 ability test 能力测验 absolute temperature 绝对温度 accept a ticket 接受票据 accept terms 接受条件 accept thanks 接受谢意 accomplish thing 完成事业 accursed thing 可憎的事 achievement test 成绩测验 add to sb's terror 使某人更恐惧 admission ticket 入场券 advance the time 提前时间 afford time 花得起时间 after a time 过了一段时间 after thought 经过考虑之后 against time 争分夺秒地 ahead of time 提早,提前 air terminal 航空集散站 airline terminal 航空终点站 airplane ticket 飞机票 air-tight tins 密封罐头 algebra textbook 代数教科书 all ties 一切联系 alleviate tension 缓和紧张局势 allow sb. time 给某人放宽时间 among other things 除了别的以外还有 amusing theatre 闹剧 amusing things 趣事 analyze a term 分析一个术语 analyze thing 分析事情 anarchistic tendency 无政府主义的趋势 ancient times 古代 annex territory 吞并领土 annoying thing 恼人的事 answer a telephone 接电话 appoint a time 指定时间 appointed time 指定的时间 appropriate time 适当的时候 arouse sb's temper 激起某人的脾气 arrange a time 安排时间 arrange thing 安排事情 arrest tide 遏止潮流 artistic tendency 对艺术的爱好 as a rule of thumb 按一般规律,一般说来 as black as thunder 脸色很不高兴的,险恶的 as thick as thieves 紧密联盟,关系密切 as thin as a lath 骨瘦如柴 at a temperature 在某一温度 at a terminal 在终点站 at first thought 乍一想 at full tide 趁满潮 at good time 正好 at great tension 紧张的 at one time 曾经,同时 at one's telescope 在用望远镜观察 at that time 当时 at the same time 同时,可是 at the theatre 在剧场看戏 at the thought of thought 想到 at the top of one's throat 尽量放大嗓子 at this time 在这时候 at times 有时 attain a thickness of 达到…厚度 automatic telephone 自动电话 autumn term 秋季学期 average temperature 平均温度 avoid a term 避免使用术语 back against the tide 逆潮流 bad temper 坏脾气 bad theatre 舞台效果不好 bad thing 坏事 bad time 不愉快的经历,倒霉的时光 balloon tire 低压轮胎 bare one's thought 日暴露思想 be all thumbs 笨手笨脚 be exposed to temptation 受到诱惑 be stupefied with terror 恐惧得呆若木鸡 bear the test 经受考验 beat a thief 打小偷 beat time 打拍子 beautiful thoughts 美丽的思想 beautiful tie 美丽的领带 become thoughtful 沉思起来 before one's time 过早 behind time 在原定时间后,延迟 Beijing time 北京时间 beyond thought 想像不到 big thing 大事 big tip 丰厚的小费,可观的小费 bite the thumbs at 对…嗤之以鼻 black tie 男子半正式礼服无尾礼服配黑领带 black-and-white television 黑白电视 blood test 验血 body temperature 体温 book a ticket 预订票 bookish term 咬文嚼字的词语 bow thanks 鞠躬致谢 break off one's ties 断绝来往,断绝关系、联系 break tie 打破平局 breakfast thing 早餐餐具 broke time 零碎时间 Buddhist temple 佛教寺院 build a theatre 建造剧院 bullets thick 密弹 burning threat 严重威胁 burst out thunders of applause 爆发出雷鸣般掌声 bus terminal 公共汽车总站 busy time 繁忙的时节 buy a ticket 买票 buy a tie 买领带 buy thing 买东西 buy time 赢得时间,争取时间 by rule of thumb 凭经验 by telephone 用电话联系,打电话 by the thousands 数以千计 by this time 现在 by ticket 凭票 cable television 收费有线电视 call time 拜访时间 calm temper 性情平和 campaign of terror 大规模的恐怖活动 car thief 偷车贼 carry out a threat 进行恐吓 carry out terms 履行条件 carry out test 进行检查,举行考试 catch a thief 抓住小偷/盗贼 catch up with the times 赶上时代 cause tension 引发紧张 cause terror 引起恐怖 cede territory 割让领土 Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计 centigrade thermometer 摄氏温度计 central thought 中心思想 central time 中央标准时间 certain temperature 某一温度 certain time 某一时刻 change a time 改变时间 change a tire 换轮胎 chase a thief 追踪小偷/盗贼 cheap theatre 票价便宜的剧院 check a tendency 阻止一种趋势 check a ticket 验票 check the time 核对时间 cheerful temper 性格开朗 chew over the thing 仔细琢磨这件事 choose a tie 挑选领带 cigarettes in tins 听装香烟 clear one's throat 清嗓子 clear term 简洁的话 clear the thing away 把餐具拿走 clear thinking 清楚的思维 clear throat 清亮的嗓音,清晰的嗓音 clinical thermometer 体温计 close a theatre 关闭剧院 close ties 密切联系 close tin 封罐头 close-circuit television 闭路电视 closing time 商店打烊时间 collect a ticket 收票 collect one's thoughts 集中思想 colour television 彩色电视 come to terms 达成协议,妥协,让步,屈服 comfortable theatre 舒适的剧院 commander tell 指挥官命令 common term 普通用语 common thief 惯盗 common thread 共同主线 common time 普通拍子4/4拍的别名 competency test 资格测试 computer terminal 计算机终端设备 conduct test 进行检查,举行考试 congenial temper 意气相投 congest one's throat 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司