翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 worse still 更糟的是 worse than all 最糟的是 worse than one's word 不守约 worship as 把…崇拜为… worship at 拜谒… worship at the shrine 参拜圣地 worship by hymns 唱赞美歌做礼拜 worship devoutly 虔诚地做礼拜 worship in this church 在这个教堂做礼拜 worship reverently 虔诚地做礼拜 worship sb. as a god 把某人尊为神 worship the ground 拜倒在…的脚下 worth notice 值得注意 worth the trouble 费点事 worth to 对…来说值得的 worthless action 无用的行动 worthless member of society 社会的败类 worthwhile experiment 值得做的实验 worthwhile for 对…来说值得花时间的 worthwhile to do sth. 值得做 worthwhile to visit 值得一看 worthy of 值得…的 worthy of being 不愧为… worthy of doing 值得做… worthy of praise 值得赞扬的 worthy of respect 值得尊敬 worthy to do sth. 够资格做某事 wound bleed 伤口出血 wound pain 伤口在疼 wrap a blanket around oneself 用一块毯子裹住自己 wrap a child in a blanket 用毯子裹着孩子 wrap about 用…把…裹起来 wrap around 用…把…裹起来 wrap in 用…把…裹起来 wrap one's shoelaces 系鞋带 wrap up 包扎,把…裹起来,掩饰,掩盖,完成,结束 wrap up in sb. 心爱着某人 wrap up in the study 埋头于学习 wrap up into a small package 被包成小包 wrap up one's ideas 掩饰自己的想法 wrap up sth. in 把…包在…里 wreck at sea 在海里遇难 wreck of hopes 希望破灭 wreck on a sunken rock 触礁沉没 wrist watch 手表 write a book 写书 write a book-report 写读书报告 write a composition 写作文 write a film script 写电影剧本 write a good hand 写一手好字 write a letter 写封信 write a novel 写小说 write a paper 写论文 write a play 写剧本 write a poem 写诗 write a poor hand 字写得不好 write a word 写一个词 write about 写,描写 write about the war 描写战争 write an article 写文章 write away 一个劲写下去 write back 回信 write badly 写得差 write Chinese characters 写汉字 write clearly 写得清楚 write down 写下来 write for 为…写作,为…撰稿 write for a newspaper 为报纸写稿 write for magazines 为杂志撰稿 write for the press 为报刊写文章 write from one's own experience 根据自己的亲身经历来写作 write hurriedly 匆忙地写 write in 插写进去 write in 用…写 write in chalk 用粉笔写 write in ink 用钢笔写 write in pen 写钢笔字 write in pencil 写铅笔字 write left-handedly 用左手写字 write of 写,描写 write of his adventures 写他的奇遇 write of the war 描写战争 write off 注销,取消 write off a bad debt 划去无法收到的账 write on 在…上写,以…为题写 write on mathematics 写数学著作 write on the blackboard 在黑板上写 write out 写出来 write out a speech 写演说辞 write the answers 写答案 write to 写信给,为…填词 write to that shop 写信给那家商店 write under a pen name 以笔名写作 write up 把姓名等写在公共场合,把笔记等整理成文 write with ease 笔墨流畅 write words to a song 为一首歌填词 written words 书面语 wrong about my age 猜错了我的年龄 wrong to disregard advice 不听劝告是错的 wrong with the car 这辆车有毛病 wrong words 错词 X-ray astronomy X射线天文学 X-ray examination 透视检查 X-ray microscope X光显微镜 X-ray plates X光片 X-ray room 透视室 X-ray therapy X光治疗 yard goods 按码出售的货物 yard grass 牛筋草 yard measure 码尺 yard rope 船桅横杆索 yard sale 庭院旧货出售 yawn for sb. 地狱张着大口等着某人 yawn heavily 深深地打呵欠 yawn loudly 大声地打呵欠 yawn out a good night 打着呵欠道声晚安 yawn publicly 在众人面前打呵欠 year after year 一年又一年 year before last 前年 year by 一年复一年 year clock 年钟 year of the great flood 发大水那年 yearly income 年收入 yearly plant 一年生植物 yearly trip 每年一次的旅行 yearly yield 年产量 yearly yield 年产量 years of prosperity 繁荣的年代 years to come 未来岁月里 yellow band 不准停车的黄带标志 yellow boy 金币 yellow card 黄牌 yellow cat 黄猫 yellow dog 不加入工会的人 yellow earth 黄壤 yellow fever 黄热病 yellow flag 黄旗 yellow jacket 小黄蜂,黄马褂 yellow light 黄灯 yellow line 黄色标线 yellow metal 黄铜 yellow pages 黄色电话簿专载公司,厂商电话 yellow peper 成熟辣椒 yellow pine 黄松 yellow press 黄色书刊 yellow race 黄色人种 yellow rain 黄雨 yellow soap 家用肥皂 yellow spot 视网膜的黄斑 yield a point 在讨论的某一问题上让步 yield abundantly 出产丰富 yield from fruit trees 果树的水果产量 yield meekly 温顺地听从 yield of 200 eggs per fowl 每只鸡产蛋二百个 yield of a farm 一个农场的收获量 yield of fruit 水果产量 yield on …的收益 yield on 在…上让步 yield on bonds 债务收益 yield on investment 投资的收益 yield on shares 股票的股利 yield peacefully 不战而降 yield poorly 歉收 yield possession 让渡所有权 yield precedence to age 让年老者居先 yield submission 服从,屈服 yield the palm to sb. 输给某人,逊人一筹 yield to 服从,屈服,让步 yield to all wishes 屈从一切愿望 yield to despair 陷于悲观 yield to no remedy 无药可救 yield to none 不落人后,不让于人 yield to sb's suggestion 听从某人的建议 yield to temptation 经不住诱惑 yield up 放弃 yield up a city 放弃一城市 yield up a fortress 放弃要塞 yield up a secret 泄露秘密 yield up the ghost 死 yield well 产得多 yield wisdom 出智慧 young at heart 内心感到年轻的 young in spirit 富有青春活力心态的 young in year 年纪轻 young wolf 狼崽 young woman 年轻女子 youth blood 年轻人,青年 youth for the struggle of life 为生活而奋斗的青年 youth lady 高贵小姐 youth marl 青年男子 youth of a country 一个国家的初期 youth of dissipation 放荡的青年时期 youth of eighteen 十八岁的青年 youth of promise in painting circles 在画坛大有前途的青年 youth of the nation 建国的初期 youth one 孩子 youth people 青少年 youth person 少年 youth woman 青年女子 zero capacity 起点电容 zero circuit 零电路 zero elimination 消零法 zero exponent 零指数 zero gravity 零重力,失重 zero group 零族 zero growth 零增长 zero hour 零点,重要事件开始的时刻 zero initial 零声母 zero meridian 本初子午线 zero method 衡消法 zero option 零点方案 zero point 零点,临界温度 zero population growth 人口零增长 zero reading 起点读数 zero visibility 能见度为零 zero water 蒸馏水 abandon a bad habit 革除恶习 be afraid for 为…担心 be afraid of 害怕,担忧 be afraid of being late 恐怕迟到 be afraid of making mistakes 怕犯错误 be afraid to ask for help 不敢求人帮助 be afraid to lay down one's life 怕牺牲自己的生命 a bit of advice 一点忠告 a man of ability 能干的人 a person of great ability 具有雄才大略的人 a piece of 一条意见 a shower of abuse 顿大骂 a term of abuse 骂人话 a word of abuse 骂人话 a word of advice 一点忠告,一条意见 abandon friends 抛弃朋友 abandon one's wife 遗弃妻子 abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于 abandon oneself to despair 自暴自弃 abandon oneself to drinking 沉湎于酗酒 abandon oneself to grief 陷于悲伤 abandon oneself to intemperance 放纵 abandon sb. to his face 扔下某人不管 abandon the old for the new 喜新厌旧 abandon to 把…放弃给…,抛弃… ability at 在…的能力 ability in 在…的能力 able doctor 能干的大夫 able helper 得力的助手 able lawyer 能干的律师 able leader 有才干的领导 able man 能干的人 able manager 能干的经理 able seaman 二等水兵 able speech 有说服力的演说 able student 有才能的学生 able teacher 干练得力的教师 able woman 能干的女人 abnormal conditions 反常的情况 abnormal phenomena 反常的现象 aboard an aeroplane 在飞机上 abolish a system 废除制度 abolish old custom 废除旧习俗 abolish the death penalty 废除死刑 abolish the slavery 废除奴隶制 above address 上面的地址 above explanation 上述解释 above facts 上述事实 above reasons 上述理由 abrupt departure 突然离去 abrupt slope 陡峭的斜坡 abrupt stop 车突然停住 absence from 缺席 absence from school 缺课 absence of mind 心不在焉 absence of order 无秩序 absence of twenty minutes 离开二十分钟 absence of vulgarity 脱俗 absence rate 缺勤率 absence without notice 擅自缺席 absent from 不在…,缺课,缺勤,缺席 absent from 缺席,不到 absent from one's native place 背井离乡 absent from school 没到校上课 absent in one's mind 心不在焉 absent look 茫然的表情 absent on a tour 外出旅行去了 absent oneself from a meeting 没有参加会议 absent without leave 擅自缺席,擅离职守 absolute fact 确实的事实 absolute nuisance 讨厌透顶的事人,麻烦的事人 absolute participle 独立分词 absorb a small state 吞并小国 absorb by the problem 全神贯注在这个问题上 absorb experience 吸取经验 absorb foods 吸收食物 absorb heat 吸热 absorb ink 吸收墨水 absorb into 把…吞入…,把…吞并… absorb moisture 吸收水分 absorb sb's attention 吸引某人的注意力 absorb the rain 吸收雨水 absorb water 吸水 absorb with the problem 全神贯注在这个问题上 abstract a story for a book review 为一篇书评撰写故事梗概 abstract for 为…做摘要 abstract from 从…提取 abstract from a magazine 杂志摘要 abstract from a newspaper 报刊摘要 abstract from ore 从矿石中提取… abstract idea 抽象概念 abstract iron from ore 从矿石中提取铁 abstract noun 抽象名词 abstract of a contract 合同的摘要 abstract of a speech 演讲摘要 abstract of scientific article 科学论文的摘要 abstract words 抽象的话语 absurd mistake 可笑的错误 absurd opinion 荒谬的主张 absurd suggestion 荒谬的建议 abundance of 大量的… abundance of blessings 福气大 abundance of grain 大量的粮食 abundance of sunshine 阳光充足 abundance of water power 水力资源丰富 abundant harvest 丰收 abundant in 富有,有很多,…很丰富 abundant in marine products 海产丰富 abundant in natural resources 自然资源丰富 abundant in petroleum deposits 石油蕴藏量丰富 abundant instances 丰富的例证 abundant life 优裕的生活 abundant proof 充分的证据 abundant supply 充足的供应 abundant time 充分的时间 abundant year 丰年 abuse authority 滥用职权 abuse one's power 滥用权力 abuse people 骂人 abuse sb's kindness 辜负某人的一片好心 abuse sb's trust 辜负某人的一片信任 academic authority 学术权威 academic costumes 校服 academic curriculums 大学课程 academic degree 学位 academic democracy 学术民主 academic discussion 学术讨论 academic exchanges 学术交流 academic rank 学位 academic record 学历 academic subjects 学科 academic year 学年 academy for 学习的专科学院 academy for boys 男童学校 academy of fine arts 美术学院 academy of music 音乐学院 academy of sciences 科学院 accelerate motion 加速运动 accelerate sb's departure 使某人早些离去 accent weaken 重音弱化 accept a note 承兑票据 accept advice 接受建议 accept advice 接受劝告 accept as 把…看作…,把…当作 accept as truth 承认…是事实 accept battle 应迎战 accept blindly 盲目接受 accept bravely 勇敢地接受,大胆地接受 accept cheque 接收支票 accept decision 赞同决定 accept defeat 承认失败 accept excuse 相信辩解 accept for 把…理解为 accept for a fact 把…当作事实 accept fully 完全接受 accept generally 普遍地接受 accept gift 接受礼物 accept goodwill 接受好意 accept hand in marriages 答应与某人结婚 accept help 接受帮助 accept job 接受活儿 accept kind offer 接受好意 accept modern music 认同现代音乐 accept office 承担职务 accept plan 赞同计划 accept present 接受礼物 accept present situation 承认现状 accept situation 听天由命 accept task 接受任务 accept widely 广泛接受,全部接受 accept willingly 乐意接受 accept with an open mind 虚心接受 accept without question 毫无疑问地接受 acceptance of a gift 对礼物的接受 acceptance of a theory 对学说的信奉 acceptance of an invitation 对邀请的接受 acceptance of dogma 对教条的接受 acceptance test 验收试验 access to 接近,去…的通路,使用…的机会或权利 access to education 受教育的机会 access to good books 读到好书的机会 access to power 掌权 access to space 进入太空 access to the building 进入这幢大楼的通道 access to the farm house 去农舍的道路 access to the library 得以使用图书馆 accessories for a car 汽车的附件 accessories of a bicycle 自行车附件 accessories of a car 汽车附件 accessories of a woman dress 女装的配件如手套,提包等 accessory after the fact 事后从犯 accessory before the fact 事前从犯 accessory case 附件箱 accessory substances 副产品 accessory to the crime 罪犯的同谋 accident beyond control 不可抗拒的灾害 accident on duty 工伤事故 accident on the railway 铁路上的事故 accidental color 偶生色 accidental error 偶然误差 accidental harm 误伤 accidental meeting 邂逅相遇 accommodate at this hotel 在这家旅馆住宿 accommodate easily 轻易地适应 accommodate one's plan to sb's 使自己的计划与某人的协调一致 accommodate oneself to circumstances 适应环境 accommodate oneself to new conditions 适应新的情况 accommodate sb with 向某人供应,向某人提供…,答应某人某事 accommodate sb. for the night 留某人过夜 accommodate sb. with a loan 银行向某人提供贷款 accommodate sb. with lodging 向某人提供住宿 accommodate six beds 容纳六张床 accommodate to 使…适应,使…与…配合/调和 accommodate wrong ideas 迁就错误意见 accommodation between …之间的妥协 accommodation ladder 舷梯 accommodation on 有关…的和解 accommodation with 与…的和解 accommodations of the school 学校的宿舍 accompany a singer on the piano 用钢琴为歌唱者伴奏 accompany on 用…为某人伴奏 accompany one's speech with gestures 说话时伴以手势 accompany sb. on his walk 陪某人散步 accompany sb. to the airport 送某人到机场 accompany sb. to the door 送某人到门口 accompany sb. to the station 陪某人到车站 accompany the children to the game 带孩子们去看球赛 accomplish a goal 实现目标 accomplish a journey 行完旅程 accomplish a purpose 达到目的 accomplish a task 完成一项任务 accomplish great things 大有作为 accomplish national reunification 实现国家的统一 accomplish nothing 一无所成 accomplish something 取得一些成绩 accomplish the mission 完成使命 accomplish the very opposite 适得其反 accord a hero's welcome 给予一个英雄凯旋式的欢迎 accord against sb. 与某人的意见不一致 accord in that opinion 同意那个意见 accord sb. a heavy reception 热情接待某人 accord sb. permission to do sth. 准许某人做某事 accord the right of 准许某人有…的权力 accord the treatment of 准许某人有…的待遇 accord with 与…一致 accord with sb. about sth. 同某人有关某事的谅解 accord with sb's interests 与某人的利益一致,符合某人的利益 accord with sb's views 与某人的意见一致 account ...as 认为…是 account book 账簿 account for 说明原因等,解释,总计占,总数是 account for one's coming late 说明晚来的原因 account for one-fourth of 占…的四分之一 account for one's absence 说明缺席的原因 account for the luminosity of 解释…发光现象 account for two enemy planes 击落两架敌机 account it was unwise 认为这事欠考虑 account note 账单 account number 账号 account oneself innocent 认为自己很清白 account oneself lucky 认为自己很幸运 account payable 应付账 account receivable 应收账 account sb. as wise 认为某人聪明 account to sb. 向某人说明/解释 account to sb. for the money spent 向某人报账 accurate account 确切的记录 ache all over 浑身酸痛 ache badly 痛得很厉害 ache for 想念,渴望 ache for a visit to Paris 渴望去巴黎访问 ache for company 渴望有人陪伴 ache for home 想念家 ache for sb's friendship 渴望与某人交友 ache in the back 背痛 ache in the stomach 胃痛 achieve aim 达到目标 achieve ambition 如愿以偿 achieve effect 取得效果 achieve end 达到目的 achieve goal 实现目标 achieve nothing 毫无成就 achieve object 达到目标 achieve purpose 达到目的 achieve success 取得成功 achieve victory 获胜 acknowledge as 承认…是… acknowledge courageously 勇敢地承认 acknowledge defeat 承认失败 acknowledge gratefully 由衷地感谢 acknowledge grudgingly 勉强地承认 acknowledge one's belief 承认信仰 acknowledge one's fault 认错,赔不是 acknowledge one's mistake 认错 acknowledge one's politeness 向…鞠躬还礼acknowledge acknowledge oneself beaten 认输 acknowledge oneself defeated 认输 acknowledge openly 公开承认 acknowledge promptly 立即致谢 acknowledge sb. with a smile 笑一笑向某人打招呼 acknowledge sb's right to vote 承认某人有选举权 acknowledge sb's services 感谢某人的服务 acknowledge sth. to 对…表示感谢,向承认… acknowledge the receipt of a letter 告知来函收悉 acquaint oneself with one's new duties 熟悉自己的新职务 acquaint sb. of one's intention 把某人的意图告诉某人 acquaint sb. with the facts 使某人熟悉事实 acquaint thoroughly 使彻底了解 acquaint Western readers with the present situation of China 让西方读者了解中国的现状 acquaint with 使…熟悉…,把…告知/通知…,向…介绍 acquaint with the art 对艺术略知一二 acquisition of knowledge 获得知识 acquisition to …的获得物或人 act a play 演戏 act according to 按照…行动 act against advice 不按忠告行事 act against advice 不听劝告 act against order 违抗命令 act as 起…作用,扮演,充当 act as chairman 当主席 act as go-between 作为中间人 act as guide 做向导 act bravely 表现得英勇 act for 代理,代表… act in concert with 与…一致行动 act in the spirits of 发扬…精神 act like 行为像…,表现得像… act like one man 齐心协力 act of …的行为 act of kindness 善意的行为 act on advice 听从劝告 act on sb's advice 按照某人的指点行事 act on sb's request 按照某人的要求行事 act on/upon 按…行事 act one's age 举止与年龄相称 act out 扮演,以动作表达 act out of 出于…行事 act out of pity 出于哀怜而行事 act out one's troubled feelings 表达出不安的心情 act rightly 正确地行动 act the fool 装傻子 act under 在…情况下行动 act up 行为不端,表现不良,运转不灵,身体的某部分疼痛起来 act up to 遵守,履行,实行 act with advice 做事审慎 act without a plan 盲目行事,胡搞,胡来 act without thinking 轻率行事 activate public opinion 使舆论活跃起来 activate the revolutionary spirit of the people 振奋人民的革命精神 active about some business 积极从事某种商业活动 active account 收支频繁的账户 active atoms 活性原子,放射性原子 active for an object 积极追求目标 active in doing good 积极做好事 active in one's movements 动作灵敏 active in work 积极工作 actor making up 在化妆的演员 actual line 实线 actual situation 当前情况 acute accent 尖音符,尖重音 acute angle 锐角 acute observer 敏锐的观察家 acute pain 剧烈的疼痛 adaptive ability 适应能力 add blood 增加血液 add bus line 增加公共汽车路线 add figures up 把数字加起来 add five to five 5加5 add fuel 添加燃料 add greatly 极大地增加 add hurriedly 仓促地增加 add in 加进,包括,包含 add mentally 智力上增加 add much 大大地增添 add the house 扩大这栋房子 add to 增加,添加,加在…上 add to beauty of city 为市容增色 add to pleasure 增添乐趣 add to responsibilities 增加责任 add to understanding 增进了解 add to worries 增加烦恼 add together 加在一起,把…加起来 add up 把…加在一起,合计 add up to 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司