翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 amateur photographer 业余摄影爱好者 amateur poet 业余诗人 amateur propaganda team 业余文艺宣传队 amateur sculptor 业余雕刻爱好者 amateur troops 业余文工团 ambassador at Beijing 驻北京大使 ambassador at large 无任所大使 ambassador from Chile 智利大使 ambassador in Beijing 驻北京大使 ambassador of good will for one's country 作为自己国家的友好使节 ambassador plenipotentiary 全权大使 ambassador to China 驻华大使 ambassador to France 驻法国大使 ambassador to Rome 驻罗马的大使 ambassador to the United States 驻美国大使 ambiguous glance 意向不明地看 ambiguous position 未确定的地位 ambiguous reply 模棱两可的回答 ambiguous sentence 歧义的句子 ambition for 对…的野心 ambition for fame and gain 追逐名利的野心 ambition for political power 对政治权力的野心 ambition to become mayor 当市长的抱负 ambition to excel 好胜的野心 ambitious after wealth 渴望财富 ambitious boy 雄心的男孩 ambitious for 对…有野心的,渴望得到某物 ambitious for power 权力欲 ambitious for social position 极欲获得社会地位 ambitious man 有野心的人 ambitious of distinction 期望成名 ambitious of Success 渴望成功 ambulance corps 救护队 amend a document 修正文件 amend one's behaviour 改善行为 amend one's ways 改恶从善,改过自新 amend the Constitution 修改宪法 amend the error 改正错误 amend the law 修正法律 amend the speech 对讲话作增删 American ambassador 美国大使 ample amount 富足的数量 ample for 广大的,足够的 ample for sb's needs 足够应付某人的需要 ample of the debts 负债总额 ample to a refusal 等于是拒绝 ample to anything 一事无成 ample to one hundred dollars 费用总数为一百美元 ample to stealing 等于盗窃 amplify a radio signal 放大无线电讯号 amplify a story 详细讲故事 amplify a subject by illustrations 用例证阐述某问题 amplify on/upon a topic 详述某题目 amuse oneself by 以…自娱 amuse oneself by reading 以读书取乐 amuse oneself with 以…自娱 amuse the children with stories 讲故事给孩子消遣 an amount of 相当的,适量的 an anger at 因…而引发的愤怒 an anger of the moment 一时愤怒 an anger with 向…发的脾气 analogy between 两者间的相似 analogy to 与…相似 analytical chemistry 分析化学 analytical geometry 解析几何学 analyze … for 对…作分析 analyze a sentence 分析句子 analyze cast iron for phosphorus 分析铸铁是否含磷 analyze into 把…分解成 analyze water into oxygen and hydrogen 把水分解成氧和氢 ancestor worship 祭祖 anchor along the shore 沿岸抛锚 anchor at Shanghai 停泊在上海港 anchor by the stem 抛锚停泊 anchor in a harbour 在港内停泊 anchor off the coast 船在海岸外抛锚 anchor off the shore 船在海岸外抛锚 ancient and modern in China and abroad 古今中外 ancient history 古代史 ancient times 古代 angel announce 天使宣布 angel of a man 完美无缺的人 angle of circumference 圆周角 angle of depression 俯角 angle of elevation 仰角 angle of incidence 入射角 angle of reflection 反射角 angle of spires 尖塔角 angle of vision 观点 angry about 因…而生气的 angry at 对某人愤怒的 angry at missing the train 因赶不上火车而生气 angry at sb's words 因某人的话而愤怒 angry for 因…发怒 angry to hear 听到…很生气 angry to learn 知道…很生气 angry with shame 恼羞成怒 animal food 肉食 animal waste 动物粪便 ankle bone 踝骨 ankle deep in mud 深陷在泥中的踝关节 ankle rings 踝环 ankle socks 只到踝部的短袜 announce dinner 通知开饭 announce east and strike west 声东击西 announce finally 最终宣告 announce for 宣布支持… announce formally 正式宣告 announce guests 通报客到 announce happy news 报喜 announce publicly 公开宣布 announce the results 揭晓 announce to 向…宣布 announce to the public 向公众宣布 announce visitors 通报客到 annual amounts 年度金额 annual expenditure 岁出 annual income 岁入 annual output 年产量 annual production 年产量 annual report 年度报告 annual revenue 岁入 annual visit 一年一度的访问 annually ample 年度额 annul an agreement 取消协议 answer back 顶嘴,回嘴 answer by word of mouth 口头回答 answer for 对…负责,用作,保证 answer for question 对问题的回答 answer for safety 对安全负责 answer in written 书面答复 answer of the exercise 练习的答案 answer the bell 开门,应门 answer the door 开门,应门 answer the telephone 接电话 answer to 听从,与…相符合,与…一致 answer to 对…的回答 answer to a letter 回信 answer to problem 答案 answer to question 答案 answer to sb's needs 适合某人的要求 answer to the description 与描述的情况相符 answer to the purpose of 符合…目的,足以代替…之用 answer up 清楚地回答,直言不讳地回答 answer wrong 答错 ant bear 大食蚁兽 ant eater 食蚁兽 anticipate a disaster 预知灾难 anticipate a question 预先估计到某问题 anticipate a story 先表白故事的始末 anticipate eagerly 急切期待 anticipate one's income/wages 预支工资 anticipate payment 先期付款 anticipate the enemy 先发制人 anticipate trouble 预料到有麻烦 anti-USA agitation 反美运动 anxiety about 对…的忧虑 anxiety about future 对前途担忧 anxiety for 渴望,焦急盼望,担忧 anxiety for news 想得到消息的焦急心情 anxiety for sb's return 渴望某人回来 anxiety for sb's safety 为某人的安全担忧 anxious about 对…担心的 anxious about the world situation 对国际形势担忧 anxious at 因…而担心 anxious at delay 为耽搁感到不安 anxious for 渴望,担忧 anxious for a change 渴望换换环境 anxious for news 焦急地等待消息 anxious for peace 渴望和平 anxious for sb's safety 为某人安全担忧 any amount 任何数量 any amount of 大量的 any minute 随时 any time 随时 anything but 绝对不,决不,一点也不,除…外什么都,只不,单单不 anything but common 决不一般,一点也不平常 anything but mad 一点也不疯 anything but safe 一点都不安全 anything of 一点儿,很少,有气派 anything of a musician 有点音乐家的味儿 anything of an artist 有点艺术家的风度 apologize for 因…道歉 apologize for not answering letter in time 迟复为歉 apologize for oneself 替自己辩护 apologize to 向某人道歉 apology for 因…而作的道歉 apology to 对…的道歉 apparent aim 明显的目标 apparent angle 视角 apparent expansion 视膨胀 apparent grief 表面上的忧伤 apparent honesty 外表上的诚实 apparent to all 大家都明了的 apparent to the naked eye 肉眼可见的 appeal against 不服…而上诉 appeal against 不服…而提出的上诉 appeal against a decision 不服决定提出上诉 appeal against a decision 不服判决而提出的上诉 appeal against a sentence 不服判决提出上诉 appeal against an arbitration 不服仲裁而上诉 appeal for 请求…,呼吁… appeal for 呼吁,恳求 appeal for a new trial 重新审理的请求 appeal for aid 求援 appeal for help 恳求援助 appeal for helpers 要一些帮手 appeal for mercy 恳求宽恕 appeal from 对判决等的上诉 appeal from a decision 不服判决而上诉 appeal from a judgment 不服审判而上诉 appeal to 诉诸,求助 appeal to 呼吁,合…的意,引起…的兴趣/注意,求助于 appeal to 向…的呼吁 appeal to a higher court 向上一级法院上诉 appeal to arms 诉诸武力 appeal to common sense 借助普通常识 appeal to the law 告状,控诉 appeal to the nation 向全体国民发出的呼吁 appeal to the public 向公众发出的呼吁 appeal to you on sb's behalf 替某人向你说情 appear a fool 显得像个白痴 appear against sb. in court 出庭和某人抗辩 appear as 作为…出现,表现为 appear as a branch of 成为…的分支 appear as Hamlet 扮演哈姆莱特 appear as mediator in the conflict 出面调解争端 appear as witness 以证人身份出庭 appear at 出现,登台演出,出庭 appear at the door 出现在门口 appear before a committee 面对委员会 appear before the court 出庭 appear before the footlights 登台表演 appear before the public 出现在公众前面 appear different 看起来不同 appear for 为…出庭 appear for the defendant 为被告出庭 appear healthy 看起来健康 appear in 出现在…,表现在…,用…表示 appear in court 出庭 appear in person 亲自到场 appear in print 印刷出版 appear in the examination 来应试,出现在考场上 appear in the list 登在名单上 appear in the newspaper 登载在报纸上 appear on 在…出现,在…上表演 appear on the scene 出现在现场 appear on the stage 登台演出 appear round the corner of the street 出现在街角 appear sad 显得悲哀 appear to 看来像是,看来似乎,出现在…面前 appear under 以某名字演出 appetite for …的欲望,爱好 appetite for dinner 对晚餐的食欲 appetite for food 食欲 appetite for knowledge 求知欲 appetizing appearance 渴望的样子 apple cart 卖苹果小贩的手推车 apple of one's eye 瞳孔,掌上明珠,宝贝 apple pie 苹果馅饼 applicable to 适用于,能应用于 applicable to foreigners 适用于外国人 applicable to this ease 适用于这种情况 applicable to UK citizens 适用于英国公民 applicable truth 真理 application for …的申请 application for a loan 贷款申请 application for ad application mission to the Youth League 入团申请书 application for admission to a university 申请入某大学 application for employment 求职申请 application form 申请表格 application of ice to the forehead 把冰放在前额 application of science to industry 把科学应用于工业 application of theory to practice 把理论应用于实践 appoint an ambassador 任命大使 argue by analogy 用类推法论证 armistice agreement 停战协定 army ants 行军蚁常大队出行,沿途食节肢动物,甚至大动物 arouse an appetite for 引起对…的欲望 arouse anger 激起怒火 arrive at an agreement 达成协议 arrive at the airport 到达机场 arrive by air 乘飞机到达 artistic appeal 艺术魅力 artistic appearance 艺术外观 as easy as anything 极容易 as glad as anything 高兴至极 as…as anything 极,非常,十分 ask aid 谋求援助 ask for a answer 要求答复 assiduous application 专心 assume an appearance of 装出…的样子 at a rakish angle 船等成倾斜的角度,戴帽子放荡俏皮地歪着 at an agency 在代理处 at an airport 在机场 at an altitude 在某一高度 at an angle 成角度 at anchor 抛了锚,停泊着,停泊妥当 at any case 无论何时,不管发生什么情况 at any cost 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at any day 随时,无论何时 at first appearance 初看起来,乍眼一看 at the appearance of the enemy 一见敌人就… at the appearance of the result 看见结果时,看见结果就… at this altitude 在这个高度上 attain one's ambition 实现抱负 attempt an analysis 试图分析 attractive appearance 引人注目的外观 audio-visual aids 视听器材,视听教具 avenging angel 复仇天使 average amount 平均数量 average ample 平均数量 awaken an ambition 唤起野心 awkward appearance 难看的样子 bachelor apartment 单身公寓 bad air 污浊空气 bad appetite 胃口不好 basic aim 基本的目的 be alarmed at receiving the telegram 因收到电报而惊慌 be alarmed at the prospect of 对…前途感到惊恐 be alarmed at the report 听到报告而惊恐 be alarmed by 被…吓一跳 be alarmed by a sudden attack 因受到突然袭击而惊恐万状 be amazed at 对…感到惊奇,被…吓一跳 be amazed at sb's conduct 对某人的行为感到惊愕 be amazed at sb's industry 对某人的刻苦感到惊异 be amazed by 对…感到惊奇,被…吓一跳 be amazed by sb's proposal 为某人的建议感到惊愕 be amazed by sb's rudeness 为某人的无理感到惊奇 be amused by the children remarks 被孩子的话逗乐 be amused with the scenery 觉得风景宜人 be analytical with regard to 对于…采取分析的态度 be annoyed about the matter 因这事烦恼 be annoyed at the boy's stupidity 因孩子的愚蠢而烦恼 be annoyed by complaints 为种种抱怨而感到烦恼 be annoyed by the neighbors 受邻居打扰 be annoyed with applications for an interview 因人们求见而觉烦恼 be annoyed with sb. for sth. 因某事而对某人感到烦恼 be expressed by an alphabet 用一组字母表示 be filled with ambition 满怀雄心 be full of ambition 野心勃勃 be large in amount 数量大 be quite alarmed 很惊讶,惊慌失措 be ready with an answer 随时可作答复 be singled out for analysis 被提出来分析 be soluble in alcohol 能溶解于酒精中 be struck with alarm 饱受惊慌 be universal in application 处处可用 bear analogy to/with 与…相似 beat the air 白费气力,徒劳 become alarmed over a situation 对形势感到惊慌 become angry 生气 beyond this amount 超过这个数目 bilateral agreement 双边协议 binding agreement 具有约束力的协定 bite into an apple 咬苹果 blind anger 盲目的愤怒 blue alert 预备警报后的空袭警报 blunt angle 钝角 board an airplane 登机 boundless ambition 无穷的欲望 box-office appeal 票房价值 brave answer 大胆的答复 break an agreement 撕毁协定 break ankle 弄断踝骨 break off an agreement 取消协议 breathe air 呼吸空气 breed animals 饲养动物 brief apology 简略的道歉 broadcast an appeal 广播呼吁 burglar alarm 防盗警报器 burn with anger 怒火中烧 burning ambition 炽烈的欲望 butcher animals 宰杀动物 by air 用乘飞机,用无线电 by airmail 用航空邮寄 by all appearances 显然 by analogy 通过类比 by analysis 根据分析 by appearance 根据外表 by mutual agreement 经双方同意的 by the agency of 通过…的作用,借助于,利用 by the aid of 借助于,用,通过 byway of analogy 打个比方 caged animal 笼中动物 calculate the amount 计算数量 calculate the ample 计算总数 call in aid 谋求援助 call to sb's aid 向某人求援,求助于某人 calm anger 息怒 cancel an agreement 取消协议 careful aim 仔细瞄准 careful analysis 仔细的分析,认真的分析 carpenter ants 蚍蜉,大黑蚁 carry on an agitation 热烈讨论 carry out an agreement 履行协议 carry out an analysis 进行分析 carry out one's aim 实现意图 cast out aim 抛弃目标 cast the anchor 抛锚,下锚 catch alive 活捉 catch an animal 抓住动物 cause alarm 引起惊慌 cause anxiety 使人担忧 ceasefire agreement 宛协定 certain amount 一定的数量 certain ample 一定的数量 check sb's ambition 挫败某人的野心 chemical analysis 化学分析 chemical apparatus 化学仪器 cherish the ambition of 怀有…的野心 cherished ambition 宿愿 chief aim 主要目标 Chinese ambassador 中国大使 choose an answer 选择答案 civil aircraft 民用飞机 civil answer 有礼貌的回答 class analysis 阶级分析 clear answer 清楚的回答 clear the air 使空气清新 clearly apparent 明明白白的 clever animal 聪明的动物 clever answer 聪明的回答,精明的回答 close ally 密切的同盟者 close analogy 极其相似 clothing allowance 服装补贴 cold analysis 冷静的分析 cold application 冷敷 cold-blooded animal 冷血动物 come alive for the readers 使读者活跃起来 come to an anchor 停泊 come up with the right answer 找到正确的答案 comfortable appearance 安逸的样子,舒服的样子 commission agent 掮客 common aim 共同的目标 complementary angle 补角 complete agreement 完全一致 complicated apparatus 复杂的装置 comprehensive analysis 全面分析 computed altitude 计算的高度 conclude an agreement 缔结协议 conclude an agreement on trade 缔结一个贸易协定 confidential agreement 秘密协定 confront with two alternatives 碰到两种选择 considerable amount 相当数量 constant anxiety 持久的烦恼 contain alcohol 含酒精 contractual agreement 契约性协议 contribute aid for refugees 捐助难民 convey an apology 转达歉意 convincing answer 令人信服的答复 cooking apples 煮熟的苹果做果子冻等用 cooling apparatus 冷却装置 correct an answer 改正答案,纠正答案 correct answer 正确的回答/答案 cost-of-living allowance 生活津贴 counting aid 计数器 country air 乡村空气 create alarm 制造恐慌 create an appetite for 对…产生欲望 cross at angle 相交成角 cruising altitude 飞机巡航高度 cultivate the ambition 培植雄心/野心 curb one's appetite 控制某人的食欲 cut an apple 切苹果 cut off aid 突然中止援助 damp air 潮湿的空气 dangerous animal 危险的动物 data analysis 数据分析 day and night alternate with each other 日与夜彼此交替 deactivate an alarm 关上警报器 deep agony 极大痛苦 deep analysis 深刻的分析 deep anger 强烈的愤怒 definite agreement 明确同意 demand an answer 要求答复 demand an apology 要求道歉 denounce an agreement 通告废除协定 deny aid 不援助 deny an appeal 驳回上诉 depress the appetite 倒胃口 deserted appearance 荒凉的景象 design aim 设计目标 design an apparatus 设计仪器 desperate appeal 孤注一掷的请求 detailed analysis 具体的分析 detective agency 侦探公司 develop agriculture 发展农业 different angles 不同方面 different answer 不同的回答/答案 dig an answer 找答案 digestive apparatus 消化器官 dignified appearance 威严的外表 diminish the appetite for 减少对…的欲望 diplomatic agreement 外交协定 direct answer 直接的回答 discourse analysis 语段分析 disheveled appearance 不修边幅的外表 display anxiety 表现出焦虑 distill alcohol 用蒸馏法提取乙醇/酒精 domestic airline 国内航线 domestic anxiety 家事的烦恼 double agent 为敌对双方服务的双重间谍 draft of the agreement 协议的草案 draw an analogy 相类比 draw up an agenda 制定议事日程 draw up an agreement 拟订协议 drive an aircraft up 驾驶飞机飞上天空 drop the anchor 抛锚,下锚 dry air 干燥的空气 dull appetite 倒胃口 duplex apartment 复式公寓 duration of agreement 协议有效期 during an alert 在警戒期间 dusty answer 不能令人满意的回答 eat an apple 吃苹果 eating apples 生吃的苹果 effective agreement 有效的协定 effective aid 有效的援助 effective appeal 有效的呼吁 efficiency apartment 有小厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓 electrical apparatus 电气装置 elegant apartment 雅致的公寓 eloquent appeal 有说服力的呼吁 emergency aid 紧急援助 emotional appeal 激起感情的要求 employment agency 职业介绍所 endless anxiety 无限忧虑 endure agony 忍受痛苦 enemy agent 敌方间谍 enemy aircraft 敌机 enemy airplane 敌机 English alphabet 英文字母表 enlist sb's aid 设法取得某人的帮助 enormous amount 巨大的数量 enormous appetite 极大的胃口 enter an appearance 到场 enter into an agreement 缔结协议 entertain an ambition 怀有抱负/野心 entertainment allowance 招待费,交际费 equitable agreement 公平的协议 erroneous analysis 错误的分析 establish an agency 成立一个代理处 estate agent [英房地产经纪人 European agent 欧洲代理人 evil angel 堕落天使 exact amount 确切的数量 exact ample 确切的数量 exactly alike 一模一样 exchange ambassador 互派大使 excite the appetite 增进食欲 execute an agreement 执行协议 executive agreement 行政协定 expect an answer 希望答复,期待答复 expensive apparatus 昂贵的仪器 experience agony 经受痛苦 explain by analogy 用类推解释 express alarm 表现出惊恐 express anger 表示愤怒 express one's apologies 表示歉意 extend aid 援助 exterior angle 外角 external appearance 外表,外观 external application 外用药 extra allowance 额外补贴 extraordinary ambassador 特命大使 face with two alternatives 面临两种选择 faithful ally 忠诚的同盟者 fall a prey to anxiety 被忧虑困扰 fall back on an alternative 依靠一种办法 fallen angel 堕落天使 false alarm 虚惊 false appearance 虚假的外观 fan the air 扑空 farm animals 耕畜 fascinating appearance 迷人的外貌 feasibility analysis 可行性分析 feed an animal 喂动物 feel agony 感到痛苦 feel alarm 感到恐慌 feel alarmed about the cholera 对霍乱流行产生恐慌 feel alone 感到孤独 feel an appetite 感到饿 feel anger 感到愤怒 feel anxiety 感到担心 fellowship application 入会申请常指学术团体 fierce ambition 强烈的愿望 figure out the amount 算出总数 file an application 提出申请 file appeal 提出上诉 fill in an application 填写申请书 final appeal 最后的呼吁/要求 financial aid 财政援助 find alternative 找到可供选择的办法 find an answer 找出答案 find an application 得到应用 find the amount 算出数量 find the total ample 算出总数 fire alarm 火警,防火警报器 firm agreement 稳定的协议 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司