翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 American Samoa;美属萨摩亚;; American Satellite;美国卫星;AMSAT; American Scandinavian Banking Corp.;美国北欧银行;; American selling price;美国销售价格;APS; American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals;美国防止虐待动物协会;ASPCA; American Society for Ecological Education, Inc.;美国生态教育学社;; American Society for Engineering Education;美国工程教育学会工程教育学会;;工程教育学会 American Society for Nondestructive Testing;美国无损检验学会;ASNT; American Society for Quality Control;美洲质量控制学会;ASQC; American Society of Civil Engineers;美国土木工程师学会;ASCE; American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers;美国暖气及空调工程师协会;ASHAE; American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers;美国暖气及通风工程师协会;ASHVE; American Society of International Law;美国国际法协会;ASIL; American Society of Mechanical Engineers;美国机械工程师协会;ASME; American Society of Metals;美国金属学会;ASM; American Society of Planning Officials;美国设计人员协会;; American Space Academy;美国空间学院;ASA; American Space Society;美国空间学会;ASS; American Standards Association;美国标准协会;ASA; American Statistical Association;美国统计协会;ASA; American Telephone & Telegraph Company;美国电话电报公司;AT&T; American Treaty of Pacific Settlement Pact of Bogota;美洲和平解决条约 波哥大公约;;波哥大公约 American trypanosomiasis;美国锥虫病;; American Tuna Fish Association;美国金枪鱼协会;ATFA; American University Experimental Farm;美国大学实验农场;; American Veterans' Committee;美国退伍军人委员会;AVC; American Women for International Understanding;美国妇女争取国际了解协会;; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee;美国-阿拉伯反歧视委员会;; American-European Lines;美欧航运公司;AEL; American-Hispanic-Portuguese International Law Institute;美西葡国际法学会;; American-Israel Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace;争取以色列-巴勒斯坦和平美国-以色列委员会;; American-Israel Cultural Foundation;美国-以色列文化基金会美以文化基金会;AICF;美以文化基金会 Americans for Democratic Action;美国人民促进民主行动会;; Americas Branch;美洲组;AMR; Americas Initiative;美洲倡议;; Americas Regional Office;美洲区域办事处;; Americas Section;美洲科;; Americas Society;美洲学会;; Americas Watch Committee Americas Watch;美洲观察委员会美洲观察;;美洲观察 Ames Research Center;艾姆斯研究中心;; AMFAS Group;安法斯集团;AMFAS; Amfepramone;安非拉酮安非普拉蒙;; Amfepramone glutamate;安非普拉蒙谷氨酸;; Amfepramone hydrochloride;盐酸安非普拉蒙;; Amfepramone resinate;安非拉酮树脂盐;; amfetamine;苯丙胺安非他明;;安非他明 Amfetamine 4-chlorophenoxy acetate;苯丙胺4-氯苯氧乙酸盐;; Amfetamine acetylsalicylate;苯丙胺乙酰水杨酸盐;; Amfetamine adipate;脂酸苯丙胺;; Amfetamine aspartate;天冬门酸苯丙胺;; Amfetamine hydrochloride;盐酸苯丙胺;; Amfetamine p-aminophenylacetate;苯丙胺 P - 氨基苯基乙酸盐;; Amfetamine pentobarbiturate;苯丙胺戊巴比妥酸盐;; Amfetamine phosphate;磷酸安非他明;; Amfetamine resinate;安非他明树脂盐;; Amfetamine sulfate;硫酸安非他明;; Amfetamine tannate;鞣酸安非他明;; Amfetamine tartrate;酒石酸安非他明;; Amharic;阿姆哈拉语;; AMI, Ilana Ben;伊拉娜·本·阿米;; amiables compositeurs;友好调解人;; amicable settlement;友好解决办法;;办法 Amigos de la preservacion ambiental;环境堡之友;; Amigos del nino;儿童之友;; AMINI, Iraj;伊拉杰·阿米尼;; AMIMOUR, Mohieddine;毛希丁·阿米穆尔;; AMIN, Idi;伊迪·阿明;; AMIN, Nurul;努鲁尔·阿明;; AMINA, Bazindre;巴赞德尔·阿米纳;; AMINA, Joseph;约瑟夫·阿米纳;; Amindus Holding, SA;阿明都斯公司;; amine ring;氨基环;; Aminis;阿明家族;; amino acids;氨基酸;; AMIOT, Jean-Claude;让-克洛德·阿米奥;; Amir;埃米尔;; AMIRA, Zoher Zaki;佐赫尔·扎基·阿米拉;; AMIRDIVANI, Said;赛义德·阿米尔迪瓦尼;; AMIRDZHANOV, Mikhail Sergeyevich;米哈尔·谢尔盖耶维奇·阿米尔贾诺夫;; Amiri Decree;埃米尔令;; AMIRI-VAHID, Mojtaba;莫杰塔巴·阿米里-瓦希德;; AMISSAH, Samuel Kobina;塞缪尔·科比纳·阿米萨;; AMJRIM, Celso;塞尔索·阿米林;; Amman Declaration of Population in the Arab World;阿拉伯世界人口问题安曼宣言;; Amman Declaration on Population and Development in the Arab World;阿拉伯世界人口与发展问题安曼宣言;; Amman Round-Table;安曼圆桌会议;; Amman Statement--Human Development: Goals and Strategies for the Year 2000;安曼声明--人类发展:到2000年的目标和战略;; AMMARIN, Faris Adib;法里斯·阿迪卜·阿马林;; ammonia NH3;氨;; ammonia crackers;氨裂化器;; ammonia solution;氨溶液氢氧化铵氨水;NH4OH; ammonia synthesis converters;氨合成塔;; ammonia water;氨水氨溶液氢氧化铵;; ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers;氨--氢交换塔;; ammonia-urea plant;氨-尿素厂;; Ammonium diuranate;重铀酸铵;ADU; ammonium hydrogen sulphite NH4HSO3;亚硫酸氢铵;; ammonium hydroxide;氢氧化铵氨溶液氨水;; ammonium nitrate substance;硝酸铵物质;; ammonium paratungstate;仲钨酸铵;APT; ammonium sulphate NH42SO4;硫酸铵;; ammonium superphosphate;过磷酸铵;ASP; ammonolysis;氨解作用;; AMMOUN, Fouad;福阿德·阿蒙;; ammoxidation;氨解氧化作用氨氧化反应作用;; ammunition dump;弹药堆放站;; amnesty;大赦;; Amnesty Act;大赦令;; Amnesty Bill;大赦法;; Amnesty International;大赦国际;AL; AMNEUS, Henrik;亨里克·阿姆内乌斯;; amniocentesis;羊膜穿刺术;; amnioscopy;羊膜检验;; AMNUAY Viravan;安雷·威拉旺;; AMOAH, Messie Yvonne;梅西耶·伊冯娜·阿莫亚;; AMOAH-NTIM, Patrick;帕特里克·阿莫阿-恩蒂姆;; Amobarbital;异戊巴比妥;; Amobarbital resinate;异戊巴比妥树脂盐;; Amobarbital sodium;异戊巴比妥钠;; Amoco International Oil Co.;阿莫科国际石油公司;; AMON, Emmanuel;埃曼努埃尔·阿蒙;; AMOR, Mohsen Bel Hadj;穆赫森·贝勒·哈杰·阿穆尔;; AMORAI, Adi;阿迪·阿莫拉伊;; amoral familism;非伦理家庭主义;; AMORIM, Celso Luiz Nunes;塞尔索·路易斯·努内斯·阿莫林;; AMORIM, Maria de;马里亚·德阿莫林;; AMORIN, Carlos;卡洛斯·阿莫林;; Amorites;阿莫里特人;; amorpha fruticosa;紫穗槐;; amortization;摊还摊销;; Amortization Fund;摊还基金;; amortization methods for capitalized research and development costs;资本化研和发展成本的摊销法;; amortization of costs;成本的摊销;; amortization of deferred costs;递延成本的摊销;; amortization of goodwill by systematic charges against periodic income;递延成的摊销;; amortization of intangibles;无形资产的摊销;; amortization of loan;分期摊还借款;; amortization of premiums or discounts;溢价或折价的摊销;; amortization over a period of time;分期摊销;; amortization over units of products;按产品件数摊销;; amortized;摊销额;; amortized cost;折余成本;; amortized values;已摊销的数值;; amount applied as credits against contributions due from...;记入...捐款借项的数额;; amount apportioned;分摊额;; Amount assessed;分摊额;; amount cannot be broken down into the above categories;此数不能按上述类别细分;; amount charged against those appropriations and/or other credits;各项经费和或其他款项下已支用的数额;; amount charged for amortization of technology costs carried forward;结转技术用摊销数;; amount charged for depreciation of capitalized technology costs;资本化技术成折旧数;; amount for which a legal or contingent obligation exists and which have not been;有法定或不确定的支付责任但未能入帐或列入财务报表的数额;; amount held in a suspense account;暂记款项;; amount in figures;小写金额;; amount in words;大写金额;; amount of assessment;薪金税数额;; amount of deferred research and development costs amortized and charged to expense for the current period;在本期摊销并记为支出的递延研究和发展费用;; amount of minority interest at book value;按账面价值计的少数股权数额;; amount of the adjustment;调整数额;; amount outstanding;未付清金额;; amount programmed;方案制定额;; amount which ought to have been received but which have not been brought to acco;应已收进而未入帐的数额;; amounts appropriated;核拨数额;; amounts included in supplementary estimates;追加概算内所列数额;; amounts of post adjustment per index point;按指数点计算的工作地点差价调整数;; amounts remitted;已汇出款项;; amounts withheld by Member States;成会员国扣缴数额;; amounts written off;注销金额;; AMOUZEGAR, Jamshid;贾姆希德·阿穆泽加尔;; AMOUZEGAR, Kouross;库鲁斯·阿穆泽加尔;; AMOUZOU, Komi;科米·阿穆祖;; Amazonian countries;亚马孙流域国家;; ampara;堡庇护宪法权利要求堡行使宪法权利的司法程序地权堡状 宪法权利堡令;; amparo;要求堡行使宪法权利的办法;; AMPAT, Paul Michel;保尔·米歇尔·安佩特;; AMPEN II, Nana Werenko;纳纳·韦伦科·阿姆彭二世;; amphetamine;安非他明俗称:安毒苯丙胺;; amphetamine-type;安非他明类;; amphibious activity;两栖活动;; amphibious assault ship;两栖攻击舰;; Amphictyonic Congress of Panama;巴拿马同盟会议;; Amphur;县;; Ampicilin;青霉素;; amplification factor;放大因子;; amplification of rules;细则的补充;; amplified verification;扩大核查;; amplitude modulation;调幅;; amplitude spectrum;振幅频谱;; Ampol Exploration Ltd.;安波尔勘探有限公司;; AMPORN, Bulpakdi;黄作民;; ampoule;安瓿针药管;; AMPUDIA, Gustavo Jarrin;古斯塔沃·哈林·安普迪亚;; AMR, Mahmoud Ahmed;马哈穆德·艾哈迈德·阿姆尔;; AMRANI, Abdelhakim el;阿卜杜勒哈欣·安拉尼;; AMRI, Said bin Ali AL-;赛义德·本·阿里·阿姆里;; Amrican Academy of Pediatrics;美国儿科学会;; AMS Group, Germany;德国安斯集团;; Amsterdam Declaration on a Better Life for Future Generations;让子孙后代生活更美好阿姆斯特丹宣言;; AMSTERDAM III, Alton Louis;奥尔顿·路易斯·阿姆斯特丹;; Amsterdam International Forum on Population;阿姆斯特丹国际人口论坛;; Amsterdam Stock Exchange;阿姆斯特丹证券交易所;; Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank;阿姆斯特丹--鹿特丹银行;; adequate, predictable and sustainable level;足够、可以预测和可持续的数量;; An African Recovery;《非洲复苏一例》;; An Analysis of Issues Related to Accounting for Interest Costs;《利息成本会计的有关问题分析》;; An Analysis of Issues Related to Conceptual Framework for Financial Accounting and Reporting: Elements of Financial Statements and Their Measurement [US];关于财务会计和报告的概念框架问题的分析:财务报表要素及其计量;; AN ZHIYUAN;安致远;; An-Nahar;《今日报》;; Anaconda Co.;安那康达公司;; anadromous species;回游不定的资源;; anadromous stocks;溯河产卵种群 [海洋法]溯河产卵鱼类;; anaemia;贫血症;; anaerobic conditions;缺氧情况;; anaerobic digester;厌氧沼气池;; anaerobic jar;厌氧瓶;; anaestethic machine mobil;移动式麻醉机;; ANAKY, Koffi Sosie Lucien;科菲·索西·吕西安·阿纳基;; analgesic;止痛剂;; analgesic activity;止痛效能;; Analisis;《分析》;; Analytical Studies on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;联合国海洋法公约分析性研究;; analog oscilloscopes;模拟示波器;; analogous contraband;类似禁制品;; analogue;类似物;; analogue radio links;模拟无线电链路;; analogue to digital converter;模/数转换器;ADC; analysis and evaluation of investment feasibility studies;投资可行性研究的分析和评价;; Analysis of Main Aggregates;主要总数的分析;; analysis of over-all costs;全部费用的分析;; analysis of revalued 198 -198 resource base at revised 198 rates;重新估价后的198 -198 年资源基数的分析 按198 年订正费率计算;;按198 年订正费率计算 Analysis of Technological Complexity Club;技术复杂性分析俱乐部;ACT Club; Analysis of United Nations Fellowship Programme, Phase 2;《联合国研究金方案分析, 第二阶段》;; Analyst/Programmer;分析员/程序员;; Analytical Accounting Unit;分析会计股;; analytical standard;分析标准剂;; analytical summary;分析摘要;; ANAND, Panyarachun;阿南·班雅拉春;; Azanian Students' Association;阿扎尼亚学生协会;AZASO; Anapasion Cela, SARL;阿纳巴兴塞拉公司;; anarhichas latifrons;青狼鱼尉wei;;wei anarhichas lupus;条狼鱼尉wei;;wei anarhichas minor;花狼鱼;; anaseismic onset;地震震动初期;; ANASTASSIADES, George M.;乔治·阿纳斯塔西亚代斯;; ANC/Afrikaner meeting;非洲人国民大会同南非白人的会议;; ANC/SA Communist Party Alliance;非洲人国民大会/南非共产党联盟;; ancestor worship;崇拜祖先;; ancestry;祖先;; Anchor Diamond Corporation;铁锚钻石公司;; anchored automatic contact mine;定着自动触发水雷;; anchors and chains proved;锚和锚链检查合格;A & CP; anchoveta;鱼是 ti;;ti ancillary;辅助人员;; ancillary allowances;附带津贴;; ancillary corporations;附属公司;; ancillary facilities;附属设施;; ancillary insolvency proceedings;附带破产程序;; ancillary instruments;随附文书件;; ancillary resources;辅助资源;; ancillary rules;辅助规则;; ancylostomiasis;钩口线虫病;; ANDBO, Nassim;纳辛·安德博;; Andean Coordination Council;安第斯协调委员会;; Andean Commission of Jurists;安第斯法学家委员会;; Andean Community;安第斯共同体;; Andean Congress on Health and Popular Participation;卫生和大众参与安第斯大会;; Andean Declaration on Population and Development;安第斯人口与发展宣言;; Andean Development Corporation;安第斯开发公司;ADC; Andean Federation of Users of Transport Services;安第斯运输服务客户联合会;; Andean Finance Corporation;安第斯金融公司;CAF; Andean Foreign Trade Company;安第斯外贸公司外贸公司;CACE;外贸公司 Andean Group;安第斯集团;; Andean Initiative;安第斯倡议;; Andean Institute for the Study of Population and Development;安第斯人口与发展研究所人发所;INANDEP;人发所 Andean Mountains Association;安第斯山协会;AMA; Andean Pack Copper Project;安第斯条约铜项目;; Andean Pact;安第斯条约;; Andean Pact Committee;安第斯条约委员会;; Andean Pact Organization Andean Group;安第斯条约组织安第斯集团;;安第斯集团 Andean Parliament;安第斯议会;; Andean Reserve Fund;安第斯储备基金;ARF; Andean Seminar on Human Rights;安第斯人权座谈会;; Andean Subregional Integration Agreement;安第斯小地区一体化协定 卡塔赫纳协定安第斯条约;; Andean Subregional Programme for basic services;安第斯基础服务分区方案 安第斯区域方案;PROANDES;安第斯区域方案 Andean System for Technological Information;安第斯技术信息系统;; Andean Trade Financing System;安第斯贸易筹资系统贸易筹资系统;SAFICO;贸易筹资系统 ANDEMICAEL, Berhanykun;伯哈尼昆·安德米卡尔;; ANDERSEN, Asbjorn;阿斯比耶恩·爱德森;; ANDERSEN, Erik;埃利克·安德森;; ANDERSEN, Hans G.;汉斯·安德森;; ANDERSEN, K.B.;克·伯·安德森;; ANDERSEN, Kai V.;卡伊·安德森;; ANDERSEN, Stig;施蒂格·安德森;; Anderson Consulting;安德森咨询公司;; ANDERSON, Cicely V.;西塞莉·安德森;; ANDERSON, Dale;戴尔·安德森;; ANDERSON, David;戴维·安德森;; ANDERSON, Harold David;哈罗德·戴维·安德森;; ANDERSON, Lawrence;劳伦斯·安德森;; ANDERSON, Norman Veronica;诺马·韦罗尼卡·安德森;; ANDERSON, Robert R.;罗伯特·安德森;; ANDERSSON, Christina;克里斯蒂娜·安德松;; Andersson, Sten;斯藤·安德松;; ANDERSSON, Sven;斯文·安德松;; ANDINO SALAZAR, Jose Roberto;何塞·罗伯托·安迪诺·萨拉扎;; ANDO, Nisuke;安藤仁介;; ANDOM, Aman Michael;阿曼·迈克尔·安多姆;; Andorra Principality of;安道尔公国;; ANDRADE, Joaquim Pinto de;若阿金·平托·德安德拉德;; ANDRADE, Luiz Gilberto Seixas de;路易斯·吉尔贝托·塞沙斯·德安德拉拉德;; ANDRADE, Manuel MOREIRA DE;曼努埃尔·莫雷拉·德安德拉德;; ANDRADE, Rebelo de;雷贝洛·德安德拉德;; ANDRE, Antonio;安东尼奥·安德烈;; ANDREA, Giuseppe de;朱塞佩·德安德烈亚;; ANDREA, Joseph DE;约瑟夫·德安德烈亚;; ANDREASSEN, Svein;斯韦英·安德雷森;; ANDREEN, Rolf;罗尔夫·安德林;; ANDREESCU, Traian Ion Emilian;特拉扬·扬·埃米利安·安德烈埃斯库;; ANDREOLI, Enrico;恩里科·安德雷奥利;; ANDREOTTI, Giulio;朱利奥·安德烈奥蒂;; ANDRES, Jose;何塞·安德烈斯;; Andresens Bank of Oslo;奥斯陆安德烈森银行;; ANDREWS, DAVID;戴维·安德鲁斯;; ANDRIAMAHAZO, Gilles;吉尔·安德里亚马哈佐;; ANDRIANJAKA, Nina S.;尼纳·安德里安贾卡;; androcentric society;以男性为中心的社会;; androgen;雄激素;; ANDROPOVE, Yuri Valdimorvich;尤里·弗拉基米罗维奇·安德罗波夫;; ANDROUTSOPOULOS, Adamantios;阿扎曼蒂奥斯·安兹鲁佐普洛斯;; ANEP;全国民营企业协会;ANEP; ANET, N'zi Nanan Koliabo;恩齐·纳南·科利亚勃·安内;; aneurolepidium dasystachys;赖草;; angariador;招工人;; angary right;征用权非常征用权;; ANGELACCIO, Antonio;安东尼奥·安杰拉奇奥;; angestellte;[德国公务员制度?雇员;; ANGHELIS, Odyssefs;奥迪塞乌斯·安格利斯;; ANGHONA OMELUHU;昂戈娜·奥梅鲁胡;; angiography;导管血管脏器造影诊断治疗术;; Angkar;乌衫党;; Angkor monuments;吴哥古迹;; Angkor peace zone;吴哥和平区;; Angkor Wat;吴哥窟;; angle of coverage;覆盖角;; angle of elevation;仰角;; ANGLES, Jean-Paul;让-保罗·昂格勒;; Anglican Consultative Council;英国圣公会咨商委员圣公会咨委会;ACC;圣公会咨委会 Anglican Relief;英国圣公会赈济会;; Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules;英美编目规则,第二版;AACR2; Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry;英美调查委员会;; Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa, Ltd;南非英美有限公司;AAC; Anglo-American Debeers Group;英美德比尔斯集团;; Anglo-American Group;英美集团;; Anglo-Egyptian Sudan;英埃苏丹;; Anglo-French Protocol;英法议定书;; Anglo-Irish Agreement;英国--爱尔兰协议;; Anglo-Jewish Association;英国犹太协会;; Anglo-Portuguese Investment, Ltd.;英葡投资有限公司;; Anglo-Soviet Agreement on Cooperation in the Fields of Science, Education and Culture;英苏科学、教育和文化领域合作协定;; Anglo-Soviet Inter-Governmental Commission for Cooperation in the Fields of Applied Science, Technology, Trade and Economic Relations;英苏政府间应用科学、技术、贸易和经济关系各领域合作委员会;; Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Co., Ltd.;英国德兰士瓦统一投资有限公司;; ANGOL-Petrangol;安哥尔--安哥尔石油;; ANGOL-TOTAL Association;安哥尔--托塔公司;; Angola;安哥拉;; Angola Autonomous Roads Board;安哥拉公路局;; Angola Comite of the Netherlands;荷兰安哥拉问题委员会;; Angola Credit Institute;安哥拉信贷所;; Angola Despacho;安哥拉通讯报;; Angola Diamond Co.;安哥拉钻石公司;; Angola Industrial, SARL;安哥拉工业公司;; Angola Political Council;安哥拉政治委员会;CPA; Angolan Air Defence;安哥拉空防部队;DAA; Angolan Airline;安哥拉航空公司安航;TAG;安航 Angolan Armed Forces High Command;安哥拉武装部队总司令部;; Angolan National Institute for the Removal of Explosives;安哥拉国家排除爆炸物研究所排爆研究所;INAROE;排爆研究所 Angolan National Liberation Front;安哥拉民族解放阵线解阵;FNAL;解阵 Angolan National Movement;安哥拉民族运动安民运动;MNA;安民运动 Angolan Peace Process;安哥拉和平进程;; Angolan Technical Unit for Emergency Assistance;安哥拉紧急援助技术股技术股;UTA-E;技术股 Angolan Unity Front;安哥拉统一阵线安统阵线;FUA;安统阵线 Angolar;安哥拉尔;; ANGONI, Murat;穆拉特·安戈尼;; Angolan News Agency;安哥拉通讯社;ANGOP; Angra Pequena Fishing Corporation, Ltd.;小湾渔业有限公司;; Angstrom unit;埃;; ANGUIANO, Eugenio;欧亨尼奥·安吉亚诺;; Anguilla Administration Order 1971;1971年安圭拉行政令;; Anguilla Act, 1971;1971年安圭拉法;; Anguilla Island;安圭拉岛;; Anguilla National Alliance;安圭拉民族联盟安民联盟;ANA;安民联盟 Anguilla United Party;安圭拉统一党安统一党;AUP;安统一党 ANGULA, Helmut;赫尔穆特·安古拉;; angular acceleration;角加速度;; angular diameter;角直径;; angular momentum;角动量;; angular position deviation;角位偏差;; angular velocity;角速度;; ANGULO, Maria Magdalena;马格达莱娜·安古洛;; anhydrous morphine base;无水吗啡碱;; Anik;兄弟;; Anik C-1;Anik C-1号;; ANIKEYEV, Valeriy Ivanovich;瓦列里·伊凡诺维奇·安尼科耶夫;; ANIM, Eric ODOI-;埃里克·奥多伊-阿尼姆;; Animal and Fish Resources Programme;兽类和鱼类资源方案;; animal breeding;兽种;; animal density;动物密度;; animal feed;饲料;; Animal Health and Training Institute;动物卫生训练所;; animal husbandry;家畜饲养畜牧业;; Animal Protection Act;堡动物法;; animal proteins;动物蛋白质;; animal science;动物科学;; Animal Slaughter, Meat and Animal Products Hygiene Act;屠宰、肉类和肉制品卫生法;; animal-drawn carts;畜力车;; Animal-drawn implements;畜力工具;; animal-protein foods;动物性蛋白质食品;; animus furandi;劫掠意图盗窃之心;; ANINIAGYEI, Seth Edison;塞思·爱迪生·阿尼尼亚杰伊;; anion exchanger;阴离子交换剂;; ANKA, Mamman;马曼·安卡;; ankylocopos;受孕;; ANMENOU, Ahou;阿霍·安梅努;; ANNAN, Kofi;科菲·安南;; Annee Internationale du Soleil Calme;国际宁静太阳年;AISC; annex;附件;; Annex 16 II on aircraft engine emissions, to the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation Montreal, 30 June 1981, as amended in 1988;1944年芝加哥国际民用航空公约蒙特利 尔,1981年6月30日,1988年修正关于飞机排出物问题的附件16二;;二 Annex Fascicle;附件专册;; Annex to Annual Statistic Form Green List;年度统计表附件绿单;;绿单 Annex to the Statistics Forms Yellow List;统计表附件黄单;;黄单 annexation of territory;吞并领土;; annexation policy;吞并政策;; annexationalist;兼并主义者;; annexes to the introduction;导言附件;; ANNINOS-KAVALIERATOS, Phaidou;费多·安尼诺斯-卡瓦列拉托斯;; Anniversary of the proclamation of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development;社会进步和发展宣言宣布周年;; anniversary session;周年纪念会;; annotated agenda;议程说明;; Annotated Convention on the Law of the Sea;附加注释的海洋法公约;; annotations to the provisional agenda;临时议程的说明;; announcement;[政府] 公告;; Annuaire de l'Institute de droit international, salzhurg session;国际法研究所年鉴, 萨尔茨堡会议;; Annual Abstract of Statistics;每年统计资料摘要;; annual accounts;年度帐户;; annual anticipatory declaration;年度预先宣布;; annual balance sheet;年度决算表;; annual bankers' blanket bond coverage;年度银行总括保险;; annual bulletin;年度公报;; Annual Bulletin for Housing and Building Statistics for Europe;欧洲住房和建筑统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Coal Statistics for Europe;欧洲煤炭统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Electric Energy Statistics;电力统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Electric Energy Statistics for Europe;欧洲电力能源统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Gas Statistics for Europe;欧洲煤气统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of General Energy Statistics for Europe;欧洲普通动力统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe;欧洲住房和建筑统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Statistics on International Trade in Engineering Products;工程产品国际贸易统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Steel Statistics for Europe;欧洲钢铁统计年报;; Annual Bulletin of Trade in Chemical Products;化工产品贸易年报;; Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe;欧洲运输统计年报;; annual ceiling exercise;每年最高限额办法;; Annual Coordination Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;伊斯兰会议组织外交部长年度协调会议;; annual compound rate;年复利率;; Annual Conference on the Caribbean;加勒比年会;; Annual Consultative Conference;年度协商会议;; Annual Consultative Conference of the Southern African Development Coordination Conference;南部非洲发展协调会议年度协商会议;; annual country target;年度国家指标;; annual delivery;年执行额年完成量;; annual departmental promotional review system;年度部门升级审查制度;; annual development assistance report;年度发展援助报告;; annual earning;年收入;; Annual Economic Survey;年度经济概览;; Annual Economic Survey of Africa;非洲经济调查年报;; Annual Economic Survey of Latin America;拉丁美洲经济调查年报;; annual estimates;年度概算;; annual expenditure;岁出年度开支;; annual fixed fee;固定年费;; annual general purpose reports;年度普通报告;; annual global allocation ceiling;年度全盘拨款最高限额;; Annual Graduate Study Programme;年度研究生研究方案;; annual gross salary;年薪毛额;; annual growth rate;年增长速度年增率;; annual increments;年度加薪;; annual instalment repayment;分年分期偿还;; Annual International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development;环境上可持续的发展年度国际会议;; annual leave;年假;; annual leave balances;年假结算结余年假;; annual meeting of directors of institutes within the United Nations family;联合国系统内部各研究所主任年会;; annual meeting of the Consultative Council for Postal Studies of the Universal Postal Union;万国邮政联盟邮政研究咨询理事会年会;; Annual Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77;77国集团外交部长第 次年会;; annual national income;年度国民收入;; annual net base salary;年基薪净额;; Annual Overview Report of the Administrative Commission on Coordination;行政协调委员会总审查年度报告;; annual partial withdrawal;逐年部分撤军;; annual pledging conference;年度认捐会议认捐年会;; annual programme;年度方案;; Annual Programme Coordination Meeting;方案协调年度会议;; annual programme review;年度方案审查;; Annual Project Report;年度项目报告;APR; annual proof of tax liability;每年缴税证明;; Annual Purchase Plans;年度采购计划;APP; annual quota;年度定额;; annual rate;年率;; annual rate of increase;每年增长率年增率;; Annual Regional Telecommunications Conference;区域电信年会;ARTC/PANAFTE; Annual Regional Telecommunications Conference/Pan African Telecommunications;区域电信年会/泛非电讯;ARTC/PANAFTE; annual report;年度报告;; Annual Report on Budgetary Performance;预算执行情况年度报告;; Annual Report on Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家问题年度报告;; Annual Report on the International Map of the World IMW on the millionth scale;国际百万分之一世界地图世界地图年报;; annual report questionnaire;年度报告调查表;; Annual Report to the United Nations on the Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1992;提交联合国关于太平洋岛屿托管领土管理情况的第次年度报告,1991年10月1日至1992 年9月30日;; Annual Reunion of National Committees;各国家委员会年度联欢会;; annual review;年度审查;AR; Annual Review and Appraisal of Industrial Trends and Structures;工业趋势和结构评论和评价年刊;; Annual Review of Engineering Industries and Automation;工程工业和自动化年度审查;; Annual Review of the Chemical Industry;化学工业年度审查;; Annual Scientific Conference of East African Medical Research Council;东非医学研究理事会年度科学会议;; annual segment within budgets;年度预算内各部分;; annual session;年度会议;; annual standard costs;年标准费用;; Annual Statistic Form;年度统计表;; Annual Statistical Bulletin;[欧佩克]统计年报;; Annual Statistics of Production, Manufacture, Consumption, Stocks and Seizures o;麻醉品的生产、制造、消费、贮存和缴获数量年度统计;; annual surplus;年度盈余;; Annual Survey of Economic and Social Conditions;经济和社会状况年度调查;; Annual Survey of Industrial Development;工业发展年度调查;; annualize;按年折算;; annualized budgeting;按年预算编制;; annuity;年金;; annulment;废除撤消;; annulment of legal personality;撤销法人资格;; annunciator;警报器;; anode peak voltage ratings;阳极峰值额定电压;; ANOH, Patrice Koffi;帕特里斯·科菲·阿诺;; anomalistic month;近点月;; anomalistic period;异常期;; anomalistic year;近点年;; anomalous fluctuations;反常起伏反常波动;; anomaly;反常异常;; anonymous;无名氏;; anonymous paper;无名氏文件;; anopheles;按蚊;; Anopheles gambiae;冈比亚按蚊;; anorectic;减食欲物质;; anorexiant;厌食剂;; anorexics;减食欲药物;; anorexigenics;食欲抑制药;; Anorthotikon Komma Ergazomenou Laou;塞浦路斯劳动人民进步党塞进步党;AKEL;塞进步党 anovular cycle;不排卵周期;; anovulation;停止排卵;; anqanwadi;工作人员;; Ansar;辅士安萨尔;; Ansar Concentration detention Camp;安萨尔集中拘留营;; Ansar-Duway road;安萨尔--杜瓦伊公路;; ANSARI, M.H.;安萨里;; ANSARI, Mohammad Hamid;穆罕默德·哈米德·安萨里;; Ansarullah Association;真主卫士协会;; ANSAY, Engin Ahmed;恩金·艾哈迈德·安萨伊;; ANSELMI, Tina;蒂纳·安塞尔米;; Ansett Transport Industries, Ltd.;安塞特运输企业公司;; ANSTEE, Margaret J.;玛格丽特·安斯蒂;; ANSTEV, Caroline;卡罗林·安斯蒂;; ant-traffic;蚂蚁式贩运;; antagonist;拮抗药;; antagonist compound;拮抗剂;; antagonistic interest;相互对立的利益;; ANTALL, Jozsef;约瑟夫·翁陶尔;; Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition;南极和南大洋洋联合会;ASOC; Antarctic Circle;南极圈;; Antarctic convergence;南极辐聚;; Antarctic Data Directory System and Database;南极数据目录系统和数据库;; Antarctic Digital Database;南极数字数据库;ADD; Antarctic Ice Thickness Monitoring Programme;南极冰厚度监测方案;; Antarctic Offshore Acoustic Stratigraphy Project;南极近海声学地层学项目声地学项目;ANTOSTRAT;声地学项目 Antarctic ozone hole;南极臭氧层空洞;; Antarctic Pack Ice Seals;南极浮冰海豹方案;APIS; Antarctic Programme Managers' Information Network;南极方案管理员信息网;; Antarctic Specially Managed Area;南极特别管理区特管区;ASMA;特管区 Antarctic springtime ozone depletion;南极春季臭氧消耗;; Antarctic stratospheric circumpolar vortex;南极平流层环极涡旋;; Antarctic Treaty;南极条约;; Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting;南极条约第 次协商国会议;ATCM; Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties;南极条约协商国;; Antarctic Treaty Handbook;南极条约手册;; Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting on Antarctic Mineral Resources;南极条约南极洲矿物资源特别协商会议;; Antarctic Treaty System;南极条约体系;ATS; Antarctic Treaty, The;南极条约;; antarquias lacais;最下的地方自治单位;; ANTEBI, Yigal;伊加尔·安特比;; ANTEMYEV, Nikolai;尼古拉·阿尔泰米耶夫;; antenae;天线;; antenatal card;产前病历卡;; antenatal care;产前护理;; antenatal clinic;产前检查诊所;; antenna array;天线阵;; antenna dish;天线盘;; antenna farm;天线阵列;; antenna gain;天线增益;; antennae;天线;; antepartum;分娩前产前;; ANTHONY, Robert;罗伯特·安东尼;; anthranilic acid;氨茴酸;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司