翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Arab Scientific and Technical Information Network;阿拉伯科学和技术信息网 科技信息网;ASTINET;科技信息网 Arab Scientific Plan of Action;阿拉伯科学行动计划;; Arab Security Studies and Training Centre;阿拉伯治安研究和训练中心治安训研中心;ASSTC;治安训研中心 Arab Socialist Baath Party;阿拉伯社会复兴党;; Arab Socialist Baath Party Organization;阿拉伯社会复兴党组织;; Arab Socialist Union of Egypt;埃及阿拉伯社会主义联盟;; Arab Society for the Protection of Industrial Property;阿拉伯堡工业产权学会;; Arab Society of Certified Public Accountants;阿拉伯执业会计师协会;ASCA; Arab Solidarity Pact;阿拉伯团结公约;; Arab Special Fund for Africa;阿拉伯援助非洲特别基金援非基金;FASA;援非基金 Arab Sports Confederation;阿拉伯体育联合会;; Arab States Broadcasting Union;阿拉伯国家广播联盟阿广联;ASBU;阿广联 Arab States Centre for Educational Planning and Administration;阿拉伯国家教育规划和行政中心 阿拉伯教规行中心;ASCATEP;阿拉伯教规行中心 Arab States Centre for Functional Literacy in Rural Areas;阿拉伯国家农村实用识字中心 农村识字中心;ASFEC;农村识字中心 Arab States Civil Aviation Council;阿拉伯国家民航理事会;; Arab States Commission on Human Rights;阿拉伯国家人权委员会;; Arab States Economic Assembly;阿拉伯国家经济大会;ASEA; Arab States Education for All;阿拉伯国家普及教育方案;; Arab States Gulf Cooperation Council;阿拉伯国家海湾合作委员会;; Arab States Industrial Development Centre;阿拉伯国家工业发展中心;; Arab States Regional Literacy Organization;阿拉伯国家区域扫盲组织阿拉伯扫盲组织;ARLO;阿拉伯扫盲组织 Arab Statistics Institute;阿拉伯统计研究所;; Arab Steadfast Front;阿拉伯强硬阵线;; Arab Strategy for the Eradication of Illiteracy;阿拉伯扫除文盲战略;; Arab Studies Centre;阿拉伯研究中心;; Arab Sugar Federation;阿拉伯糖业联合会;ASF; Arab Summit Conference;第__次阿拉伯首脑会议;; Arab Symposium on Infant and Children's Foods;阿拉伯婴儿和儿童食品问题座谈会;; Arab Table Tennis Federation;阿拉伯乒乓球联合会;; Arab Telecommunications Union;阿拉伯电信联盟;ATU; Arab Thought Forum;阿拉伯思想论坛;; Arab Tourism Union;阿拉伯旅游联合会;ATU; Arab Towns Organization;阿拉伯城镇组织;OVA; Arab Trade Financing Programme;阿拉伯贸易集资方案;ATFP; Arab Trade Funding Programme;阿拉伯贸易筹资方案;; Arab Transport Strategy;阿拉伯运输战略;; Arab Tripartite Committee on Lebanon;黎巴嫩问题阿拉伯三方委员会;; Arab Union for Cement and Building Materials;阿拉伯水泥和建筑材料联盟建材联盟;AUCBM;建材联盟 Arab Union for Cement and Building Materials Industries;阿拉伯水泥和建筑材料工业联盟阿拉伯水泥建材联盟;AUCBM;阿拉伯水泥建材联盟 Arab Union for Engineering and Electrical Industries;阿拉伯工程和电力工业联合会;; Arab Union for Paper Industries;阿拉伯造纸工业联合会;; Arab Union for Youth and Environment;阿拉伯青年和环境联盟;; Arab Union of Bank, Insurance and Finance Employees;阿拉伯银行、保险和财政雇员联合会;; Arab Union of Fish Producers;阿拉伯渔业生产者联盟;AUFP; Arab Union of Iron and Steel;阿拉伯钢铁联盟阿钢联;UAFA;阿钢联 Arab Union of Manufactures of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Appliances;阿拉伯药品和医疗器械制造商联盟阿药联;AUMPMA;阿药联 Arab Union of Railways;阿拉伯铁路联盟;AUR; Arab Union of Textile Industries;阿拉伯纺织工业联合会;; Arab University Library Association;阿拉伯大学图书馆协会;AULA; Arab Urban Development Institute for Training and Research;阿拉伯都市发展训练研究所;; Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate;阿拉伯战争险保险辛迪加;AWRIS; Arab Weightlifting Federation;阿拉伯举重联合会;FAH; Arab Women Centre for Training and Research;阿拉伯妇女训练和研究中心;; Arab Women Solidarity Association;阿拉伯妇女团结协会;; Arab Women's Commission;阿拉伯妇女委员会;; Arab Women's Solidarity Association;阿拉伯妇女团结协会妇女团结协会;AWSA;妇女团结协会 Arab Women's Union;阿拉伯妇女联盟;; Arab Youth Federation;阿拉伯青年联合会;; Arab Youth Union;阿拉伯青年联盟;AYU; Arab-Africa-America Friendship Society;阿非美友好协会;; Arab-African Bank;阿拉伯-非洲银行;; Arab-African Cooperation Conference;阿拉伯-非洲合作会议;; Arab-African Union;阿拉伯-非洲联盟;; Arab-American Friendship Association;阿美友好协会;; Arab-Latin American Bank;阿拉伯-拉丁美洲银行;ARLABANK; ARABFOODS;ARABFOODS阿拉伯粮食数据中心;ARABFOODS; Arabian Gulf;阿拉伯湾;; Arabian Gulf States Joint Program Production Institution;阿拉伯湾国家联合生产计划协会;; Arabian Gulf University;阿拉伯湾大学;; Arabian light;阿拉伯轻油;; Arabian Oil Co.;阿拉伯石油公司;AOC; Arabian-American Oil Company;阿拉伯美国石油公司阿美石油公司;ARAMCO;阿美石油公司 ARABIAT, Shaker;沙克尔·阿拉比亚特;; Arabic Prospects;阿拉伯展望;; Arabic Section;阿拉伯文科;A; Arabic Service;阿拉伯文处;; Arabic Translation Service;阿拉伯文翻译处;; Arabistanis;阿拉伯斯坦人;; arable land;可耕地;; ARAFAT, Jawad;贾瓦德·阿拉法特;; ARAFAT, Yassir;亚西尔·阿拉法特;; ARAGON, Mary Jo B.;玛丽·霍·阿拉贡;; ARAI, Tatsuo;新井辰夫;; ARAIM, Amer;阿米尔·阿拉伊姆;; aramid fibrous and filamentary materials;芳酰氨基纤维状或丝状材料;; ARANGIO RUIZ, Gaetano;加埃塔诺·阿兰焦-鲁伊斯;; ARANGUREN, Gonzalo PARRA-;贡萨洛·帕拉-阿朗古伦;; ARAPI, Gezim;盖齐姆·阿拉皮;; Ararat;阿拉拉特;; ARASTOO, Seyed Mojtaba;赛义德·莫杰塔巴·阿拉斯图;; ARATA, Raul Meneses;劳尔·梅内塞斯·阿拉塔;; Arati [Nepal];《光明》周刊;; ARAUJO CASTRO, Luis Augusto de;路易斯·奥古斯托·德阿劳霍·卡斯特罗;; ARAUJO, Abilio de;阿比利奥·德阿劳霍;; ARAUJO, Arnaldo dos Reis;阿纳尔多·多斯雷伊斯·阿劳若;; ARAUJO, Arnaldo H. Spencer;阿纳尔多·斯潘塞·阿劳若;; ARAUJO, Jose;何塞·阿劳若;; Arava/Araba crossing-point;阿拉伯干河/阿赖拜过境点;; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbstandiger Unternehmer e. V.;独立企业家协会;; ARBEZU FRAGA, Jose A.;何塞·阿维苏·弗拉加;; Arbhi Institute;土地研究所;; arbiter;公断人仲裁人;; arbitrage;套汇买卖套汇;; arbitrage rate;套汇率;; arbitral award;仲裁裁决书;; Arbitral Award of Braz Diaz de Aguiar;布拉斯·迪亚斯·德阿吉亚尔裁决书;; arbitral clause;仲裁条款;; arbitral decision;仲裁决定仲裁判定;; arbitral procedure;仲裁程序;; arbitral proceedings;仲裁程序;; arbitral tribunal;仲裁法庭;; arbitrary act;专横的行为;; arbitrary allocation;任意分配;; arbitrary and unlawful imprisonment and detention;任意非法地监禁和拘留;; arbitrary arrest;任意逮捕;; arbitrary average;假定平均数;; arbitrary deadline;任意规定的期限;; arbitrary deprivation of life;任意剥夺生命;; arbitrary detention;任意拘留;; arbitrary execution;任意处决;; arbitrary imprisonment;任意监禁;; arbitration agreement;仲裁协议;; arbitration assistance and supervision;协助和监督仲裁;; Arbitration Board;仲裁委员会;; Arbitration Commission;仲裁委员会;AB; arbitration convention;仲裁专约;; arbitration facilities;仲裁机构;; arbitration procedure;仲裁程序;; Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则;; Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;联合国欧洲经济委员会仲裁规则;; arbitration ruling;仲裁裁定;; arbitration statutes;仲裁法规;; arbitration tribunal;仲裁法庭;; arbitrator;仲裁员仲裁人;; Arbitrators' Symposium of the London Court of International Arbitration;伦敦国际仲裁法庭仲裁员专题讨论会;; ARBOLEYA CERVERA, Jesus;赫苏斯·阿沃莱亚·塞维拉;; Arbor-Acres Farm, Inc., of Glanstonbury, USA;美国格兰斯顿伯里阿伯尔--阿克斯农场公司;; ARBOUR, Louise;路易丝·阿尔布尔;; arboviral disease;虫媒病毒性疾病、经节肢动物传播的病毒性疾病;; ARBOW, Mohamed Ramadan;穆罕默德·拉马丹·阿尔鲍;; arc of resistance;抵抗地带;; archaebacteria;古细菌;; archdeacon;大教堂执事长;; Archdiocesan Legal Protection Office;大主教管区法律堡办事处;; Archdiocese of San Salvador;圣萨尔瓦多大主教管区;; ARCHI, Abdullahi Hadj;阿卜杜拉希·哈吉·阿尔奇;; ARCHIBALD, Ruth;鲁斯·阿奇博尔德;; archibenthic zone;深海底带;; archicytula;原始受精卵;; ARCHINI, Renata;雷纳塔·阿尔基尼;; archipelagic sea lane passage;群岛海道通过;; ARCHIRAFI, Raniero VANNI d';拉涅罗·万尼·达尔基拉菲;; architect's fee;建筑师费;; Architectural and Engineering Unit;建筑和工程股;AEU;建筑股 architectural barrier;建筑方面的障碍;; World Information System on Architecture and Urban Planning;世界建筑和城市规划信息系统;ARKISYST; Archival Processing and Preservation Unit;档案处理和保存股;; archival recordings;档案录音;; Archives and Records Management Section;档案和记录管理科;ARMS;档案科 Archives and Records Management Unit;档案和记录管理组;ARCH; Archives and Records Retirement Unit;档案和记录处理股;; Archives and Records Service;档案和记录事务处;; Archives and Registry System;档案和登记册制度;; archives of the United Nations Secretariat;联合国秘书处档案库;; archives storage;档案库;; Archives, Records and Mailing Services;档案、记录和邮件收发事务处;; archivist;档案保管员;; ARCILLA, Reynaldo O.;雷纳尔多·阿西利亚;; Arco International Oil and Gas Company;大西洋富田国际油气公司;; arcs;骸;; Arctic Circle;北极圈;; Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy;北极环境堡战略;; Arctic Institute of North America;北美北极研究所;; Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme;北极监测评价方案;; Arctic ozone hole;北极臭氧层空洞;; ARDA, Ahmet S.;艾哈迈德·阿尔达;; ARDAKANI, Ali Shams;阿里·沙姆斯·阿尔达卡尼;; ARDHAOUI, Amor;阿莫尔·阿达乌伊;; ARDILA, Carlos Julio;卡洛斯·胡利奥·阿迪拉;; Area;区域;; area emission source;区域污染源;; Area A;A区;; Area A, as adjusted;调整后的A区;; area approach;地区办法;; area assessment;分区鉴定;; area coverage;可达范围;; area defense;地区防御;; Area Desk;地区事务股;; area development;区域发展;; area development scheme;地区发展计划;ADS; Area Division;地区司;; Area Forecast System;区域预报系统;AFU; Area Force Units;地区民兵队;AFUs; area frame;面积标架;; area meteorological watch;区域气象监视;; area munition;大面积杀伤弹药;; area of activities;工作部门活动部门;; area of competence;职权范围;; Area of Deployment;部署地区;; area of environmental stress;环境受到威胁地区;; area of military-significant fallout;具有军事意义的放射性微粒沉降地区;; area of operations;战区[维持和平行动的]行动区执勤地区;; area of separation;隔离区; 分离区;; area of the sea;海洋区域;; area officer;地区干事;; area pollution;区域污染;; Area Programme Coordination Unit;地区方案协调股;APCU; Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms;俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国关于进一步裁减 和限制进攻性战略武器条约第二阶段限制战 略武器条约;SALT II; SALT I Treaty;第一阶段限制战略武器条约;; Area Programme Officer;地区方案干事;; Area Programmes Division;地区方案司;AREA; Area Representative;地区代表;; area sampling;地区抽样;; Area Sections;地区科;; Area Staff Provident Fund;地区工作人员节约储金;; Area Staff Rules and Regulations;地区工作人员细则和条例;; area surveillance;地区监视;; area target;地区目标;; area-based programme;地区方案;; area-specific convergent services;地区性综合服务;; area reclassification;地区重划;; areas of activities;活动领域;; areas of common interest;有共同利益的领域共同关心的领域;; areas of limitation of armament and forces;军备和部队限制区;; Areas under Turkish Cypriot Administration;土族塞人管辖地区;; ARECHAGA, Eduardo Jimenez de;爱德华多·希门尼斯·德阿雷查加;; ARECO, Jorge PACHECO;豪尔赫·帕切科·阿雷科;; AREF, Ali;阿里·阿雷夫;; AREICHA, Bivewetake;比维维塔克·阿雷查;; AREILAZA, Jose Maria de;何塞·玛利亚·德阿雷尔萨;; ARENALES CATALAN, Jorge;豪尔赫·阿雷纳莱斯·卡塔兰;; ARENALES-FORNO, Antonio;安东尼奥·阿雷纳莱斯-福尔诺;; ARENCIBIA POEY, Enrique;恩里克·阿伦西比亚·波伊;; ARENS, Moshe;摩西·阿伦斯;; areography;火星表面学;; ARES JAIMES, Ambrosina;安布罗西娜·阿雷斯·海梅斯;; AREVALO DE LEON, Bernardo;贝尔纳多·阿雷瓦洛·德莱昂;; AREVALO, Alvaro;阿尔瓦罗·阿雷瓦洛;; AREVALO, Marco Vinicio Cerezo;马科·比尼西奥·塞雷索·阿雷瓦洛;; Argentina;阿根廷;; Argentina Association of Journalists for Children;阿根廷促进儿童福利记者协会;; Argentina Iron and Steel Institute;阿根廷钢铁学会;; National Commission for Space Research;国家空间研究委员会;CNIE; Argentina Professional Council for Economic Sciences;阿根廷经济学专业人员理事;; Argentine Day of Peace;阿根廷和平日;; Argentine Peso;阿根廷比索;; Argentine Professional Council for Economic Sciences;阿根廷经济学专业人员理事会;; Argentine-Brazilian Joint Declaration on Nuclear Policy;阿根廷--巴西核政策联合声明;; Argentine-Paraguayan Mixed Commission of the Parana River;阿根廷--巴拉圭巴拉那河混合委员会 巴拉那河委员会;COMIP;巴拉那河委员会 ARGHUTHI, Anis Moh'd;阿尼斯·穆罕默德·阿古西;; Argo Petroleum Corporation;阿戈石油公司;; argon ion lasers;氩离子激光器;; Argotechnology Resource Centre;农业技术资源中心;ARC; ARGUETA, Maria Soledad;玛丽亚·索莱达·阿格塔;; ARGUILLAS, Mary Ann O.;玛丽·安·阿吉利亚斯;; argument of periapsis;近拱点角;; Argus Printing and Publishing;巨人印刷出版社;; ARI News;急性呼吸道感染新闻;ARI News; Arial Inspection Team;航空视察队;AIT; arial surveillance;空中侦察;; Ariane;阿丽亚娜;; Ariane 2-3;阿丽亚娜2-3型;; Ariane Dual Launching System;阿丽亚娜双体发射系统;SYLDA; Ariane Launch Complex;阿丽亚娜发射设施;ELA; Ariane launcher;阿丽亚娜发射器;; Ariane launcher family;阿丽亚娜系列发射器;; Ariane Passengers Experiment Programme;阿丽亚娜载客实验方案;; Ariane, class 4;阿丽亚娜4型;; ARIANESPACE;阿丽亚娜航天公司;; ARIAS BRILLEMBOURG, Querube;克鲁韦·阿里亚斯·布里连伯格;; ARIAS SANCHEZ, Oscar;奥斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑切斯;; ARIAS, Maria Francisca;玛丽亚·弗朗西斯卡·阿里亚斯;; arid land;旱地;; Arid Zone Research Programme;干旱地区研究方案;; ARIDOR, Yoram;约拉姆·阿里多尔;; ARIEL INFANTE, Jorge;豪尔赫·阿列尔·因方特;; ARIFF, Yusof;尤素福·阿里夫;; SALT III Treaty;第三阶段限制战略武器条约;; ARIFI, Abdeslam;阿卜德斯拉姆·阿里菲;; ARIFIN, B.S.;阿里芬;; ARIKPO, Okoi;奥奎·阿里克波;; ARIS DE CASTILLA, Antonio;安东尼奥·阿里斯·德卡斯蒂利亚;; ARIS, Antonio;安东尼奥·阿里斯;; ARIS-DE-CASTILLA, Antonio;安东尼奥·阿里斯-德卡斯特利亚;; ARISTEGUIETA, Efrain Schacht;埃弗拉因·沙赫特·阿里斯特杰塔;; ARISTIDE, Jean Bertrand;让·贝特朗·阿里斯蒂德;; ARITA, Keisuke;有田圭辅;; ARIYARATNE, J.D.;阿里亚拉特内;; ARIYO, Adegboyega Christopher Ande;阿德格博亚加·克里斯托夫·安德· 阿里约;; Arkan's Gang;阿尔干邦;; ARKHIPOV, Gennadi V.;根纳季·阿尔基波夫;; ARKWRIGHT, Paul Thomas;保罗·托马斯·阿克赖特;; ARLIA, Juan Carlos;胡安·卡洛斯·阿尔利亚;; arm circumference tape;测量胳臂圆周的卷尺;; Arm's length market;正常的市场;; Arm's length trade flows;正常的交易流量;; arm's-length market;正常的市场;; arm's-length price;公平价格;; arm's-length trade flows;正常的交易流量;; ARMADA ESTRADA, Miguel;米格尔·阿马达·埃斯特拉达;; armament industries;军备工业;; Armaments Board;军备局;; Armaments Control and Enforcement Measures Section;军备管制及执行办法科;; Armaments Corporation of South Africa;南非军备公司 军备公司;ARMSCOR;军备公司 Armaments de Productos Quimicos de Mozambique Lda;莫桑比克化学品储藏有限公司;; Armaments Development and Production Act;军备发展与生产法;; Armaments Development and Production Corporation;军械研制与生产公司;ARMSCOR; armaments race;军备竞赛;; armaments truce;军备休战;; ARMAS, Alberto;阿尔维托·阿马斯;; ARMAS-ROJAS, Alberto J.;阿尔韦托·阿马斯-罗哈斯;; Armco, Inc.;阿姆科公司;; armed agents;武装特工人员;; armed attack;武力攻击武装进攻;; armed bands;武装小队;; armed conflict;武装冲突;; armed escorts;武装护卫队;; armed forces;武装部队;; Armed Forces of El Salvador;萨尔瓦多武装部队萨武装部队;FAES;萨武装部队 Armed Forces Political Affairs Board;武装部队政治事务委员会;COMASPO; Armed Forces Press Committee;武装部队新闻委员会;COPREFA; Armed Forces, Security Forces and Civil Defence;武装部队、安全部队、民防部队;; armed formations;武装编队;; armed militia;武装民兵;; armed neutrality;武装中立;; armed opposition;武装反政府力量;; armed reprisal;武装报复;; Armed Revolutionary Action;武装革命行动;ARA; armed robbery;持械抢劫;; armed settlers;武装移民;; Armed Struggle Command;武装斗争指挥部;; Armee de Liberation Nationale de l'Angola;安哥拉民族解放军;ALNA; Armee nationale congolaise;刚果国防军;; Armenia Republic of;亚美尼亚共和国;;共和国 Armenian Church;亚美尼亚教会;; Armenian Patriarchate, Jerusalem;耶路撒冷亚美尼亚教长区;; Armenian Relief Society, Inc;亚美尼亚救济协会;ARS; Armenian Renaissance Society;亚美尼亚复兴社;; Armija forces;波黑武装部队;; armistice;停战;; ARMOUR, Peter C.;彼得·阿穆尔;; armoured corps;装甲兵团;; armoured escort company;装甲护卫连;; armoured personnnel carrier;装甲运兵车;APC; armoured troop carrier;装甲运兵车;; armoured vehicles;装甲车;; Arms and Explosives Division;武器和炸药司;; arms caches;军械贮藏处;; arms contractor;军火合同商;; arms control;军备控制;; Arms Control and Disarmament Agency;军备控制和裁军署裁军署;ACDA;裁军署 Arms Control Association;军备控制协会;; arms embargo;武器禁运军火禁运;; Arms Export Criteria;武器出口准则;; arms exports;军火输出, 武器出口;; arms for land;武器换取土地;; arms industry;军火工业, 军械工业;; arms length prices;公平价格;; arms length pricing;合理的定价, 适当的定价;; arms limitation;军备限制;; arms race;军备竞赛;; arms race in outer space;外层空间的军备竞赛;; Arms Register;武器登记册;; Arms Register, Data Collection and Analysis Branch;武器登记册、数据收集和分析处;; arms seller;军火商;; arms stability;军备稳定;; arms system;武器系统;; arms trade;军火贸易;; arms transfers;武器转让;; Armsel;军售公司;; ARMSTRONG, Bethany;贝特尼·阿姆斯特朗;; ARMSTRONG, W.M.V.;阿姆斯特朗;; Army Abolition Day;废除军队日;; army attache;陆军武官;; Army aviation flight;陆军航空小队;; Army Corps I or II;第一或第二军团;; Army Directorate of National Intelligence;陆军国内情报局;DINE; Army Medical Corps;军医团;; Army of Mobilization;动员军团;; Army of National Liberation of Angola;安哥拉民族解放军安民军;ALNA;安民军 Army of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那塞尔维亚共和国军;; ARNAULT, Jean;让·阿尔诺;; ARNESEN, Arne;阿尔内·阿尔内森;; ARNESS, Craig A.;克雷格·阿内斯;; Arnhold;安霍尔德;; ARNOLD, Charles;查尔斯·阿诺德;; ARNOLD, Philip W.;菲利普·阿诺德;; ARNOUSS, Ahmad Farouk;艾哈迈德·法鲁克·阿努斯;; ARNOUSS, Ahmed Farouk;艾哈迈德·法鲁克·阿努斯;; ICFTU Asian Regional Organization;自由工联亚洲区域组织;ARO; aromatic;芳族的芳香的芳香剂;; ARON, Michael;迈克尔·阿伦;; ARON, Rachel;雷切尔·阿伦;; AROSEMENA, Carlos;卡洛斯·阿罗塞梅纳;; Arosien;阿罗西恩;; Advanced Research Program/Project Agency;高级研究计划署;ARPA; Arpan;《礼品》 周刊;; arraignment;到庭答复控罪,提审,传讯;; ARRAIZ, Juan;胡安·阿赖斯;; arranged marriage;撮合婚包办婚姻;; Arrangement for Regional Fisheries Access;区域渔场准入安排;; Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles;国际纺织品贸易协议;; Arrangements and Protocol Assistant;安排兼礼宾事务助理;; Arrangements and Protocol Chief;安排兼礼宾事务主任;; Arrangements during the Transitional Period;过度时期的安排;; Arrangements for a General Settlement;全面解决安排;; Arrangements for Management of the United Nations Development Fund for Women;联合国妇女发展基金管理办法;; arranging exposure to maximize income from exchange rate movements;设法尽量从汇率变动赚取收入;; array;天线阵;; array processing;阵列处理;; arrears;拖欠;; arrears in contributions;拖欠款项拖欠会费;; arrears of dividends;拖欠股利;; arrears of dividends for cumulative preference shares;累积优先股的拖欠股利;; arrest;扣留财产逮捕;; arrest and detention of officials;工作人员被逮捕和拘留;; arrest flagrante delicto;作案当场逮捕现行逮捕;; arrest or seizure under legal process;依法扣留或扣押财产;;财产 arrest warrant;逮捕状逮捕证;; arrest without cause;无故逮捕;; arrest, detain or imprison;逮捕、拘留或监禁;; arresting authority;下令逮捕当局;; ARRIA, Diego;迭戈·阿里亚;; ARRIAGA, Kaulza de;考尔扎·德阿里亚加;; ARRIOLA, Salvador;萨尔瓦多·阿里奥拉;; arrival vector;到达矢量;; ARRON, Henk;亨克·阿龙;; ARROSPIDE MEJIA, Ramon;拉蒙·阿罗斯皮德·梅希亚;; ARROSPIDE, Jose Antonio;何塞·安东尼奥·阿罗斯皮德;; ARSALA, Hedayat Amin;赫达雅特·阿明·阿尔萨拉;; ARSANJANI, Mahnoush;马努什·阿桑贾尼;; ARSAP Pesticide Index;亚太农业必需品计划农药指数;; ARSCOTT, Barbara Kathleen;巴巴拉·卡特林·阿斯科特;; ARSEENKO, Anatoli G.;阿纳托利·阿尔先科;; ARSEENKO, Anatoliy;安纳托利·阿尔辛科;; ARSENIS, Gerassimos;杰拉西莫斯·阿尔塞尼斯;; ARSIN, Akin;阿里·阿尔辛;; ARSLANIAN, Regis Percy;雷吉斯·佩西·阿斯拉尼安;; arson;纵火罪;; Arsovski, M.;阿尔索夫斯基;; art adviser;艺术顾问;; Art Against Apartheid;反对种族隔离艺术组织;; Art and Design Section;美工科;; art prints;印刷画、复制画;; Art Search;艺术品搜集;; ARTACHO CASTELLANO, Don Emilio;唐·埃米利奥·阿塔乔·加斯特利亚诺;; ARTEAGA, Horacio;奥拉西奥·阿特亚加;; ARTEAGA, Virginia;比希尼娅·阿特亚加;; ARTEH QHALIB, Omer;奥迈尔·阿尔特·加利布;; Artemisia frigida;冷蒿;; Artemisia halodendron;差巴嘎蒿;; Artemisia mongolica;蒙古蒿;; Artemisia ordosica;油蒿;; artesian well;自流井;; ARTHIT KAMLANG;阿铁·干朗逸;; Article;条 Article 1 第1条;;Article 1 第1条 Article 19, International Centre against Censorship;反对检查制度国际中心 - 第19条;; article 2 paragraph 1 a;第2条第1款a项;; article clearing-house;文章交换所;; article headings are used for reference purposes only and are not to be used forpurposes of interpretation;条文标题仅供索引, 不作解释条文之用;; Article--Article i of chapter III of Section 2 of the budget;目预算旧制-预算第2款第三项㈠目;; Articles of Agreement for International Investment Insurance Agency;国际投资保险机构协定条款草案;; Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;国际复兴开发银行协定条款;; Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund;国际货币基金组织协定条款;; Articles of Agreement;协定条款;; Articles of Association for the Establishment of an Economic Community of West Africa;关于建立西非经济共同体的联盟条款;; articles of incorporation association;公司章程公司执照;; Articles on International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law, draft;关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任条款草案;; Articles on Navigation through the Territorial Sea and Straits;关于领海和海峡通航的条款;; Articles on Relations Between States and International Organizations;关于国家与国际组织间关系的条款草案;; Articles on Relations between States and International Organizations, draft;关于国家与国际组织间关系的条款草案;; Articles on Representatives of States to International Organizations, draft;关于国家派驻国际组织代表的条款草案;; Articles on State Responsibility, draft;关于国家责任的条款草案;; Articles on Succession of States in Respect of Matters Other Than Treaties, draft;关于国家对条约以外事项的继承的条款草案;; Articles on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, draft;关于国家对条约继承的条款草案;; Articles on the Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations, draft;国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间的条约法条款草案;; Articles on the Representation of States in Their Relations with international Organizations;关于国家在其对国际组织关系上的代表权的 条款草案;; Articles on Treaties Concluded Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations;关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间所缔结的条约的条款草案;; artificial abortion;人工流产;; artificial earth satellite;人造地球卫星;; artificial feeding;人工喂养;; artificial fertilization;人工受精;; artificial fertilizers;人造肥料;; artificial fishery;手工渔业, 人工捕鱼;; artificial insemination;人工授精;; Artificial Insemination and Breeding Development Programme;人工授精和配种发展方案;; artificial islands;人工岛屿;; artificial leather;人造革;; artificial person;法人;; artificial structure;人工建筑物人工结构;; artillery pits;炮兵掩体, 大炮掩体;; artillery fire plan table;炮兵射击计划表;; artillery round;炮击;; artillery system;火炮装置;; artisanal fishery;手工渔业;; artisans;工匠;; Arts Committee;艺术品委员会;; Arttik base;阿尔季克基地;; ARTZIELI, Mordekhai;莫尔代海·阿尔齐埃利;; Aruba;阿鲁巴;; ARUNGU-OLENDE, Rose Adhiambo;罗斯·阿迪亚姆博·阿龙古-奥伦德;; Arusha Appeal;阿鲁沙呼吁;; Arusha Conference;阿鲁沙会议;; Arusha Declaration;阿鲁沙宣言;; Arusha Declaration and Programme of Action on Namibia;关于纳米比亚的阿鲁沙宣言和行动纲领;; Arusha Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of African Women Beyond the United Nations Decade for women;联合国妇女十年之后提高非洲妇女地位阿鲁沙前瞻性战略;; Arusha peace process;阿鲁沙和平进程;; Arusha Programme for Collective Self-Reliance;阿鲁沙集体自力更生纲领;; Arusha Programme for Collective Self-Reliance and Framework for Negotiations;阿鲁沙集体自力更生纲领和谈判框架;; Arusha Strategies for the Advancement of Women in Africa;提高非洲妇女地位的阿鲁沙战略;; Arusha Understanding;“阿鲁沙谅解”;; ARVESEN, Jan;扬·阿尔韦森;; National Programme for the Preparation and Conduct of the International Year of Mountains in Kyrgyzstan;吉尔吉斯斯坦筹备和进行国际山岳年国家方 案;; ARVIV, Naftali;纳夫塔利·阿尔维夫;; ARYAL, Krishna Raj;克里希纳·拉杰·阿里亚尔;; ARYSTANBEKOVA, Akmaral H.;阿克马拉尔·阿雷斯坦别科娃;; ARYSTANBEKOVA, Akmaral Khaidarovna;阿克马拉尔·海达罗夫娜·阿雷斯坦别科娃;; ARZIKA, M.M.;阿齐卡;; ARZOUMANIAN, Alexander;亚历山大·阿尔祖马尼扬;; ARZU IRIGOYEN, Alvaro;阿尔瓦罗·阿尔苏·伊里戈延;; as a matter of law;理所当然地由法律决定的事情;; as a matter of right as of right;理所当然的权利;;的权利 as appropriate;视情况;; as if LDC;如同最不发达国家;; As Nacoes Unidas e Portugal;《联合国与葡萄牙》;; as required;视需要;; As Safa;《正言报》;; Al Saiga;闪电突击队;; As Saoge;闪电游击队;; As Sayad;《猎人周刊》;; as the case may be;或按情况;; as the forces enter the cantonments, ...;随着部队进驻营地, ...;; as the needs of the service may require;根据业务上的需要;; ASA-EL, Amotz;阿莫茨·阿萨-埃尔;; ASAAD, Asaad;阿萨德·阿萨德;; Asad;阿富汗历五月;; Asahi Breweries, Ltd.;朝日酿造株式会社;; Asahi Journal [Japan];《朝日杂志》;; Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Co.;朝日生命相互保险株式会社;; Asahi Shimbun;《朝日新闻》;; ASAHI, Hideaki;旭英昭;; ASAKAI, Koichiro;朝海浩一郎;; Asamblea Espiritual Nacional de los Baha'is de Chile;智利巴哈教民族精神大会;; Asamera Oil Corporation, Ltd.;阿沙梅拉石油公司;; ASAMOAH, Obed Yao;奥贝德·亚奥·阿萨莫阿赫;; Asan World Prize;阿夏恩世界奖;; ASANBAEV, Eric M.;埃里克·阿桑巴耶夫;; ASANTE, Samuel K. B.;塞缪尔·阿桑特;; ASAP;自动化船载高空探测计划;ASAP; ASAT system;反卫星武器系统;; Accounting Standards Board;会计标准委员会;ASB; Asbestos International Association;国际石棉协会;AIA; Arab Society of Certified Accountants;阿拉伯执业会计师协会;ASCA; Ascalia Gmbh;阿斯卡利亚有限公司;; ascariasis;蛔虫病;; ascending velocity;升速;; ascending chromatography;上行色谱法;; ASCENSAO, Joao Afonso;若泽·阿丰索·阿森桑;; ascent propulsion system;上升推进系统;; ascetisim;苦行主义禁欲主义;; ascribed characteristics of population;人口属性;; ascribed gender roles;认定的性别角色;; ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources;关于堡自然和自然资源的东盟协定;; ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific Region: Prospects for Security Cooperation in the 1990s;东盟和亚太区域:1990年代安全合作的前景;; ASEAN-China Senior Officials Consultation;东盟-中国高级官员协商;ASEAN-China SOM; ASEAN Common Market;东盟共同市场;; ASEAN Common Stand on the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and Related Issues;东盟关于联合国环境与发展会议及有关问题的共同立场;; ASEAN Cooperation and Joint Approaches in Agriculture and Forest Products Promotion Scheme;东盟农林产品促销计划合作和共同办法 [谅解备忘录];; ASEAN Council on Petroleum;东盟石油理事会;ASCOPE; ASEAN Environment Year 1995;东盟1995环境年东盟环境年;AEY;东盟环境年 ASEAN Experts Group on the Environment;东盟环境专家组环境专家组;AEGE;环境专家组 ASEAN Federation of Accountants;东盟会计师联合会;AFA; ASEAN Federation of Electrical Engineering Contractors;东盟电机工程承包商联合会;; ASEAN Federation of Food Processing Industry;东盟食品加工工业联合会;AFFPI; ASEAN Framework on Intellectual Property Cooperation;东盟知识产权合作框架;; ASEAN Free Trade Area;东盟自由贸易区东盟贸易区;AFTA;东盟贸易区 ASEAN Institute of Strategic and International Studies;东盟战略和国际研究所东盟战略所;ASEAN-ISIS;东盟战略所 ASEAN Law Association;东盟法律协会;ALA; ASEAN Macroeconomic Outlook;东盟宏观经济展望;AMO; ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment;东盟环境问题部长级会议东盟环境会议;AMME;东盟环境会议 ASEAN Primary Health Care Training Centre;东盟初级保健培训中心;; ASEAN Regional Forum;东盟区域论坛;; ASEAN Science and Technology Fund;东盟科学和技术基金;; ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment;东盟主管环境事务的高级官员;ASOEN; ASEAN Social Development Fund;东盟社会发展基金;; ASEAN Sub-regional Environment Programme;东盟分区域环境方案分区域环境方案;;分区域环境方案 ASEAN Technical Committee on Iron and Steel Products Standardization;东盟钢铁产品标准化问题委员会;SEASSTAN; ASEAN Technological Exchange of Information;东盟技术资料交换系统;ASTIS; ASEAN Treaty of Economic Cooperation;东盟经济合作条约;; ASEAN-Australia Economic Cooperation Programme;东盟-澳大利亚经济合作方案 经济合作方案;AAECP;经济合作方案 ASEAN-China Joint Science and Technology Meeting;东盟--中国科技联席会议;; ASEAN-Economic Community Ministerial Meeting;东盟经济共同体部长级会议;; ASEAN-Pacific Region;东盟-太平洋区域;; ASEANE-European Senior Officials Meeting;东盟-欧洲高级官员会议;ASEAN-EU SOM; ASECO EYANG, Bibang;比邦·阿塞科·埃扬;; ASEFA, Kapanda;卡潘达·阿塞法;; ASEFA, Liben;阿塞法·利本;; aseismic area;无地震区;; Aseman Airlines;阿塞曼航空公司;; ASENSIO-WUNDERLICH, Julio;胡利奥·阿森西奥-温德利希;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司