翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 associate state;联系邦;; associate statistician;协理统计员;; Associated African States and Madagasgar;非洲联系国家和马达加斯加;AASM; associated agency;联系机构;; associated aid;协同援助;; associated air-to-surface missile;关联的空对地导弹;; Associated Australian Resources Ltd.;澳大利亚联合资源公司;AAR Ltd.; Associated British Ports;英国联合港口公司;ABP; Associated Central West Africa Lines;中西非航运公会;CEWAL; Associated Chamber of Commerce Report;联合商会报告书;ACCOR; associated companies;联属公司联号;; associated company;公司联号;; Associated Continental Middle East Lines;欧洲大陆中东航运公会;ACMEL; Associated Country Women of the World;世界农村妇女协会农村妇协;ACWW;乡村妇协 Associated Director;协理主任;; associated enterprises;联合企业;; associated fixed launching platforms;组合固定发射台;; associated independence;联合式独立;; associated institution;联系机构;; associated launching facilities;关联的发射设施;; associated measures;相关措施;; Associated Nations;联系国;; Associated Ore and Metal Corp., Ltd.;联合矿石金属有限公司;; associated participation programmes and projects;连带参加方案和项目;; associated personnel;有关人员;; Associated Press;美联社;; associated school;附属学校;; Associated Schools Network;联系学校网;; associated species;相关鱼种;; associated state;联合邦;; associated states;联系国;; Associated Universities Project;联系大学项目;AUP; associates;联属公司联号;; Association of South Pacific Airlines;南太平洋航空公司协会航空协会;ASPA;航空协会 Association africaine d'education pour le developpement;非洲教育促进发展协会;ASAFED; Association Amicale de la Sanaga Maritime;萨纳加滨海区交谊社;; association and allied with;结盟和同盟;; Association Bruxelles Laique;布鲁塞尔非教会协会;; Association Camerounaise des Anciens Combattants;喀麦隆退伍军人协会;; Association Canadienne d'Informatique;加拿大信息学协会;ACI; Association canadienne francaise pour l'avancement des sciences;加拿大-法国科学促进协会;ACFAS; Association centrafricaine pour le bien-etre familial;中非家庭福利协会;; Association Congolaise d'Amitie entre les Peuples;刚果争取各国人民友好协会;ACAP; Association congolaise pour le bien-etre familial;刚果家庭福利协会家庭福利协会;ACBEF;家庭福利协会 Association copte canadienne;加拿大科普特基督教协会;; Association Country Women of the World;世界乡村妇女协会;; Association de cooperation internationale au developpement -Organisation pour la recherche applique au developpement;国际合作促进发展协会合作发展会-发展应用研究组织;ACIAP; Association de Femmes du Niger;尼日尔妇女协会;; Association de l'entraide familiale;家庭互助协会;; Association de la presse africaine pour les enfants;非洲新闻界堡儿童权利协会;APAPE; Association de recherche economique en propriete intellectuelle et transferes technique;知识产权和技术转让经济研究协会 知识产权经研会;AREPIT;知识产权经研会 Association de solidarite avec le Timor-Oriental;声援东帝汶协会;; Association de solidarite, liberte, culture et securite;团结、自由、文化和安全协会;; Association democratique des femmes du maroc;摩洛哥妇女民主协会;; Association des Cambodgiens en France;法国柬埔寨人协会;; Association des chefs contumiers de la Sanaga Maritime;萨纳加滨海区世袭土酋协会;; Association des Cimentiers d'Afrique;非洲水泥业协会;CIMAFRIQUE; Association des Correspondants des Nations Unies;联合国新闻工作者协会;; Association des demographes arabes;阿拉伯人口统计协会;ADA; Association des droits de l'hommes et du developpement au Cambodge;柬埔寨人权与发展协会人权与发展协会;ADHOC;人权与发展协会 Association des Employeurs du Burundi;布隆迪雇主协会;; Association des etudiants Camerounais de France;喀麦隆留法同学会;; Association des parties democratiques;民主政党协会民协;APADEC;民协 Association des volontaires pour le developpement;自愿人员促进发展协会自愿人员协会;AVD;自愿人员协会 Association el hamra pour l'action feminine Union de l'action feminine;妇女行动哈姆拉协会妇女行动联盟;;妇女行动联盟 Association femmes jeunesse dans l'environnement maghrebin;马格里布女青年环境协会;; Association for Applied Solar Energy;应用太阳能协会;AFASE; Association for broadcast Engineering Standards;美国广播工程标准协会;ABES; Association for Childhood Education International;幼年教育国际协会幼教协会;;幼教协会 Association for Civil Rights in Israel;以色列民权协会;ACRI; Association for Continental Peace;大陆和平协会;ASOPAZCO; Association for Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and Tropical Ame;加勒比与热带美洲香蕉研究合作协会;ACORBAT; Association for Democracy and Development in Central America;促进中美洲民主与发展协会;ADD; Association for Dental Education in Europe;欧洲牙科教育协会;ADEE; Association for Economic and Social Development;经济和社会发展协会;SEDES; Association for Engineering Education in South and Central Asia;南亚和中亚工程教育协会;AEESCA; Association for Engineering Education in South-East Asia;东南亚工程教育协会;AEESEA; Association for Integration of Timor with Indonesia;促进帝汶与印度尼西亚合并协会;AITI; Association for International Cotton Emblem;国际棉布图案设计协会;; Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing;文学与语言计算协会;ALLC; Association for Medical Education in Europe;欧洲卫生教育协会;AMEE; Association for Pediatric Education in Europe;欧洲幼儿教育协会;APEE; Association for Population/Family Planning Libraries and Information Centres/International;人口/计划生育图书馆和信息中心国际协会;APLIC; Association for Progressive Communications;进步通讯协会;APC; Association for Regional Planning and Development;区域规划及发展协会;; Association for Rural Development;农村发展协会;; Association for Sarva Seva Farms;萨瓦·塞瓦农场协会农场协会;ASSEFA;农场协会 Association for Science Cooperation in Asia;亚洲科学合作协会亚洲科协;ASCA;亚洲科协 Association for Social Action;社会行动协会;; Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania;大洋洲社会人类学协会;ASAO; Association for Social Work Education in Africa;非洲社会工作教育协会;ASWEA; Association for Teacher Education in Africa;非洲师范教育协会;ATEA; Association for Teacher Education in Europe;欧洲师范教育协会;ATEE; Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa;非洲农业科学促进会非洲农科会;AAASA;非洲农科会 Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights;民权促进会;AACR; Association for the Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and TropicalAmerica;加勒比与热带美洲香蕉研究合作协会;ACORBAT; Association for the Defence of Detainees and Missing Persons;堡被拘留者和失踪人员协会;; Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women;妇女发展与提高妇女地位协会妇发协会;ADEW;妇发协会 Association for the Development of Commonwealth Cultural Knowledge;英联邦文化知识发展协会;ADCCK; Association for the Epidemiological Study and Assessment of Disasters in Developing Countries;发展中国家流行病学研究和灾难估计协会;; Association for the Introduction of New Biological Nomenclature;新生物学命名法采用协会;AINBN; Association for the Liberation of Palestine;解放巴勒斯坦协会;; Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged;老年人服务规划发展协会;ESHEL; Association for the Promotion of the International Circulation of the Press;促进书刊国际畅流协会;DISTRIPRESS; Association for the Protection of the Environment;堡环境协会;; Association for the Security and Independence of International Civil Servants;争取国际公务员安全和独立协会;; Association for the Study of European Problems;欧洲问题研究协会;AEPE; Association for the Study of Jewish Languages;犹太语研究协会;; Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem;世界难民问题研究协会难民研究会;AWR;难民研究会 Association for the Taxonomic Study of Tropical African Flora;热带非洲植物分类学研究协会;AETFAT; Association for Theological Education in South East Asia;东南亚理论教育协会;ATESEA; Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception;自愿接受外科绝育手术协会绝育协会;AVSC;绝育协会 Association for World Education;世界教育协会教育协会;AWE;教育协会 Association francaise d'amitie et de solidarite avec les peuples d'Afrique;法国与非洲人民友好团结协会;; Association francaise d'etudes et de recherche des nodules;法国结核研究协会结核协会;AFERNOD;结核协会 Association francaise pour la cybernetique economique et technique;法国经济和技术控制论协会;AFCET; Association France-Libertes;法兰西自由协会;; Association Fraternelle des Guineens en Cote d'Ivoire;几内亚和科特迪瓦友好协会;AFGCI; Association Grand Atlas;大阿特拉斯协会;; Association guineenne des femmes chercheurs;几内亚女研究员协会;; Association Internationale de la Mutualite;国际相互支援协会;AIM; Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive;国际体育记者联合会;AIPS; Association internationale de le fonction publique;国际公务员协会;; Association internationale des futuribles;国际未来学协会;AIF; Association internationale des interets radiomaritimes;国际海事无线电协会;; Association internationale des interpretes de conference;国际会议口译员协会口译协会;AIIC;口译协会 Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats;国际青年律师协会;; Association internationale des parlementaires de langue francaise;国际法语议员协会;; Association internationale pour le developpement rural outre-mer;国际海外农村发展协会海外农发协会;AIDR;海外农发协会 Association Islamique de la Republique Khmere;高棉共和国伊斯兰协会;; Association ivoirienne pour le bien-etre familial;科特迪瓦家庭福利协会;AIBEF; Association Latinoamericana de Diseno Industrial;拉美工业设计协会;ALADI; Association Lucis Trust;卢西斯信托协会;; Association maghrebine pour l'etude de la population;马格里布人口研究协会;AMEP; Association marocaine des sages femmes;摩洛哥智慧妇女协会;A.M.S.F.; Association Minister for the Role of Women;妇女事务协理部长;; Association Mondiale de Prospective Sociale;世界社会未来研究协会;AMPS; Association mondiale des entrepreneurs pour le sommet social;社会问题首脑会议世界企业家协会;BUSCO; Association Mutual Assistance of the Latin American Government Oil Companies;拉丁美洲国家石油公司互助协会拉美国家 石油互助协会;ARPEL;拉美国家 石油互助协会 Association nationale des cheminots anciens combattants;全国铁路老战士协会;; Association of Accountancy Bodies of West Africa;西非会计机构协会;ABWA; Association of Afghan Lawyers;阿富汗律师协会;; Association of African Industrial Technology Organizations;非洲工业技术组织协会 非洲工技组织协会;AAITO;非洲工技组织协会 Association of African Airlines;非洲航空公司协会;; Association of African Central Banks;非洲中央银行协会;AACB; Association of African Development Financing Institutions;非洲发展筹资机构协会;AADFI; Association of African Faculties of Agriculture;非洲农学系协会;AFAA; Association of African Geological Surveys;非洲地质勘察协会;AAGS; Association of African Insurance Controllers;非洲工业技术组织协会工技组织协会;;工技组织协会 Association of African Jurists;非洲法学家协会;AAJ; Association of African Maritime Training Institutes;非洲海事训练所协会;AAMTI; Association of African National Olympic Committees;非洲国家奥林匹克委员会协会 非洲奥委协会;AANOC;非洲奥委协会 Association of African Researchers for Development;非洲发展研究者协会;; Association of African Tax Administrators;非洲税务管理人员协会;AATA; Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations;非洲贸易促进组织协会;AATPO; Association of African Trading Enterprises;非洲贸易企业协会;ASATRADE; Association of African Universities;非洲大学协会大学协会;;大学协会 Association of African Women;非洲大学协会;AAU; Association of African Women for Research and Development;非洲妇女研究和发展协会妇女研发协会;AAWORD;妇女研发协会 Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa;近东和北非农业研究机构协会;AARINENA; Association of Amazonian Universities;亚马孙大学协会;UNAMAZ; Association of Andean Insurance Controllers;安第斯保险主计长协会;; Association of Arab Americans;美籍阿拉伯人协会;; Association of Arab Geologists;阿拉伯地质学家协会;AGA; Association of Arab Institutes and Centres for Economic and Social Research;阿拉伯经社研究所和研究中心协会;AICARDES; Association of Artists of the World against Apartheid;世界艺术家反对种族隔离协会;AAU; Association of Asian Institutions of Higher Learning;亚洲高等学校协会;; Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils;亚洲社会科学研究理事会协会社科理协;AASSREC;社科理协 Association of Authorized Public Accountants;特许会计师协会;; Association of Bausite Producing Countries;铝矾土生产国协会;; Association of Brazilian Sales Directors;巴西商业高级管理人员协会;ADVB; Association of Canadian Faculties of Environmental Design;加拿大环境设计讲授人员协会;; Association of Caribbean Historians;加勒比史学家协会;; Association of Caribbean States;加勒比国家联盟;ACS; Association of Caribbean Universities and Research Institutes;加勒比大学与研究机构协会;UNICA; Association of Caribbean University and Research Institute Libraries;加勒比大学和研究所图书馆协会;ACURIL; Association of Catholic Trade Unionists;天主教工会会员协会;ACTU; Association of Central American Stock Exchanges;中美洲股票交易所协会;; Association of Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade of the Mediterranean Countries;地中海国家工商会协会;; Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry;工商会协会;; Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia;亚洲基督教大学和学院协会;ACUCA; Association of Commonwealth Universities;英联邦大学协会;ACU; Association of Concerned Taxpayers;关心的纳税人协会;ACT; Association of Cooperative Banks;合作银行协会;; Association of Cooperative Societies;合作社协会;; Association of Demobilized Personnel of the Armed Forces of El Salvador;萨尔瓦多武装部队复员人员协会 复员人员协会;;复员人员协会 Association of Democratic Journalists;民主新闻工作者协会;; Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh;孟加拉国发展机构协会;; Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific/ADFIAP;亚洲及太平洋发展筹资机构协会 亚太筹资协会;ADFIAP;亚太筹资协会 Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋发展研究和训练研究所协会 亚太发展研训所协会;ADIPA;亚太发展研训所协会 Association of European Adhesives Manufacturers;欧洲胶粘剂制造商协会;FEICA; Association of European Airlines;欧洲航空协会;AEA; Association of European Battery Manufacturers;欧洲电池制造商协会;EUROPILE; Association of European Candle Manufacturers;欧洲蜡烛制造商协会;; Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry;欧洲工商会联合会;EUROCHAMBRES; Association of European Conjecture-Institutes;欧洲经济行情研究所协会;AIECE; Association of European Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries;欧洲水果和蔬菜加工工业协会;OEITFL; Association of European Journalists;欧洲记者协会;AJE; Association of European Jute Industries;欧洲黄麻工业协会黄麻协会;AEJI;黄麻协会 Association of European Manufacturers of Food Emulsifiers;欧洲食品乳化器制造商协会;EFEMA; Association of European Open Air Museums;欧洲露天博物馆协会;AEOM; Association of European Paediatric Cardiologists;欧洲儿科心病学家联合会;; Association of European University Graduates;欧洲大学毕业生协会;AUE; Association of Export Credit Insurance Organizations;出口信贷保险组织协会达喀尔联盟;Daker Union;达喀尔联盟 Association of Faculties of Agriculture in Africa;非洲农业学院协会;AFAA; Association of Finnish Adult Education Organizations;芬兰成人教育组织协会;; Association of Food Marketing Agencies in Eastern and Southern Africa;东部和南部非洲粮食销售机构协会 东南非粮销协会;AFMESA;东南非粮销协会 Association of Former International Civil Servants;退职国际公务员协会;AFICS; Association of Former Members of the Moroccan Liberation Army in the Saharan Provinces;撒哈拉各省摩洛哥解放军退伍军人协会;; Association of French-Language Leprologists;法语麻风病学家协会;; Association of French-Language Writers;法语作家协会;ADELF; Association of French-Speaking Dermatologists and Syphiligraphers;法语国家皮肤病梅毒患者联合会;; Association of French-Speaking Doctors;法语国家医生协会;; Association of French-Speaking Microbiologists;法语微生物学家协会;AMILAF; Association of French-Speaking Pediatricians;法语国家儿科专家协会;APLF; Association of Geoscientists for International Development;地球学家促进国际发展协会;AGID; Association of German Industries;德国工业协会;; Association of Greek Shipowners;希腊船主协会;; Association of Helpers of God;真主卫士协会;; Association of Ibero-American National Libraries;伊比利亚--美洲国家图书馆协会 伊美图协;ABINIA;伊美图协 Association of Independent Entrepreneurs;独立企业家协会;; Association of India Engineering Industry;印度机械工业协会;AIEI; Association of Infant Formula Manufacturers;婴儿配方奶制造商协会;; Association of Institutes for European Studies;欧洲研究机构协会;AIEE; Association of Institutes of European Studies;欧洲研究机构协会;AIEE; Association of Insurance and Risk Managers in Industry and Commerce;工商业保险及风险管理人员协会;AIRMIC; Association of Insurance Supervisory Authorities of Developing Countries;发展中国家保险监督机构协会;AISADC; Association of International Accountants;国际会计师协会;; Association of International Bond Dealers;国际证券经纪人协会;AIBD; Association of International Fairs of America;美国国际博览会协会;AFIDA; Association of International Law and International Relations;国际法和国际关系协会;ADIRI; Association of International Libraries;国际图书馆协会;AIL; Association of Iron-Ore Exporting Countries;铁矿出口国家协会;AIEC; Association of Islamic Shipowners;伊斯兰船东协会;; Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights;以色列--巴勒斯坦医生促进人权协会;; Association of Latin American and Caribbean Economists;拉丁美洲及加勒比经济学家协会;AEALC; Association of Latin American Centres for Cooperative Education;拉丁美洲合作教育中心协会;ALCECCOOP; Association of Latin American Industrialists;拉丁美洲实业家协会;; Association of Latin American Sociology;拉丁美洲社会学协会;ALAS; Association of Latin American Trading Organizations;拉丁美洲贸易组织协会拉美贸协;ALAT;拉美贸协 Association of Law Societies;法律界联合会;; Association of Libraries of Judaica and Hebraica;欧洲犹太语和希伯来语图书馆协会;; Association of Libyan Ex-Servicemen;利比里亚退役军人协会;; Association of Local Authorities;地方当局协会;; Association of Medical Schools in Africa;非洲医科学校协会;AMSA; Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa;东非主教派成员会议协会;AMECEA; Association of Mining Companies of South West Africa;西南非洲矿业公司协会;; Association of Municipal Technicians of Latin America;拉丁美洲市政技术员协会;; Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastra- enterology;欧洲和地中海国家胃肠学会协会;ASNEMGE; Association of National Olympic Committees;国家奥林匹克委员会协会奥委协会;ANOC;奥委协会 Association of National Medical Service Employees;全国医疗机构雇员协会;; Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries;天然橡胶生产国协会橡胶协会;ANRPC;橡胶协会 Association of Non-governmental Organizations;非政府组织协会;ASNGO; Association of Official Analytical Chemists;公职分析化学师协会分析化学师协会;AOAC;分析化学师协会 Association of Partially and Wholly French-Language Universities;部分和全部使用法语大学协会;AUPELF; Association of Pediatric Societies of the Southeast Asian Region;东南亚地区儿科学会协会;APSSEAR; Association of Petroleum Workers;石油工人协会;; Association of Philosophy Journal Editors;哲学定期刊物编辑协会;; Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe;欧洲塑料制造商联合会;APME; Association of Private Entrepreneurs;私营企业家协会;; Association of Private Voluntary Organizations;私人志愿组织协会;; Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff;专业人员、行政人员、事务人员和电子计算机工作人员协会;APEX; Association of Progressive Communications;进步通讯协会;APC; Association of Publishers of European Legal and Economic Works;欧洲法律和经济著作出版商协会;EUROLIBRI; Association of PVOs;私人志愿组织协会;; Association of Arab Universities;阿拉伯大学协会;; Association of Relatives of Exiles;被流放人士亲属协会;; Association of Relatives of Missing Detainees;失踪的被拘留人士亲属协会;; Association of Relatives of Missing Uruguayans;乌拉圭失踪人员亲属协会;AFUDE; Association of Relatives of Persons Executed for Political Reasons;因政治原因被处决人员亲属协会;; Association of Relatives of Persons Shot and Executed;被处决人员亲属协会;; Association of Research Libraries;研究图书馆协会;ARL; Association of Retailer-Owned Wholesalers in Foodstuff;粮食零售批发协会;AROW; Association of Roman Ceramic Archaeologists;罗马陶瓷考古学家协会;RCRF; Association of Schools of Public Health for Latin America;拉丁美洲公共卫生学校联合会;; Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region;欧洲地区公共卫生学校协会;ASPHER; Association of Scientific Cooperation in Asia;亚洲科学合作协会;ACSA; Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments;议会秘书长协会;ASGP; Association of Soluble Coffee Manufacturers of the Countries of the EEC;欧经共同体国家可溶咖啡生产者协会;AFCASOLE; Association of South East Asian Institutions of Higher Education;东南亚高等学校协会;; Association of South East Asian Publishers;东南亚出版商协会;ASEAP; Association of South Pacific Environmental Institutions;南太平洋环境机构协会环境机构协会;ASPEI;环境机构协会 Association of Southeast Asian Nations;东南亚国家联盟东盟;ASEAN;东盟 Association of South-East Asian Nations Paediatric Federation;东南亚国家联盟小儿科联合会;; Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning;东南亚高等学校协会;ASAIHL; Association of Space Explorers;太空探险者协会;ASE; Association of State Telecommunication Undertakings of the Andean Sub-Regional Agreement;安第斯分区域协定国家电信事业协会 安第斯国家电信协会;ASETA;安第斯国家电信协会 Association of State Trading Organizations of Developing Countries, International;发展中国家国营贸易组织国际协会 国贸组织协会;ASTRO;国贸组织协会 Association of Surgeons of South-East Asia;东南亚外科医师协会;; Association of the Bar of the City of New York;纽约市律师协会;; Association of the Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industries of the EEC;欧共体巧克力、饼干和糖果业协会;CAOBISCO; Association of the Coal Producers of the European Community;欧洲共同体煤炭生产者协会;CEPCEO; Association of the European Economic Community and the Associated African and Malagasy States;欧洲经济共同体和非洲马达加斯加联系国家协会欧共体--非马联系国协会;EEC-AAMS;欧共体--非马联系国协会 Association of the European Hat Industry;欧洲制帽工业协会;; Association of the European National Olympic Committees;欧洲国家奥林匹克委员会协会;ENOC; Association of the Royal Red Cross;皇家红十字协会;ARRC; Association of the West African States for an Economic Community;西非国家经济共同体协会;; Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East;中东神学院协会;ATIME; Association of Third World Chambers of Commerce and Industry;第三世界工商会协会;; Association of Third World Economists;第三世界经济学家协会;; Association of Tin Producing Countries;产锡国协会锡协;ATPC;锡协 Association of Track and Field Statisticians;田径统计学家协会;ATFS; Association of Tungsten Producers;钨生产者协会;; Association of Tungsten Producing Countries;钨砂生产国协会;; Association of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen;土耳其工商业家协会;TUSIAD; Association of West African Chambers of Commerce;西非商会协会;; Association of West African Exploration and Research Geophysicists;西非勘探研究地球物理学家联合会;AGERA; Association of West African intergovernmental organizations;西非政府间组织协会;; Association of West African Women;西非妇女协会西非妇协;AFAO;西非妇协 Association of West European Builders;西欧营造业协会;; Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against Apartheid;西欧议员反对种族隔离行动协会;AWEPAA; Association of West European Shipbuilders;西欧造船者协会造船者协会;AWES;造船者协会 Association of Women Journalists;妇女新闻工作者协会;; Association of Women's Clubs;妇女俱乐部协会;; Association of Yemeni Writers and Authors;也门作家协会;; Association post-scolaire des anciens eleves de la Mission Catholique;天主教传信会学校校友会;; Association pour la compensation des echanges commerciaux;补偿贸易协会;ACECO; Association pour la promotion social de la masse;大众社会促进会 大众会;APROSOMA;大众会 Association pour la promotion de la medicine preventive;预防医学促进协会;; Association pour la promotion des Batwa;提高巴特瓦人地位协会;; Association pour le developpement des relations avec le Cambodge;发展与柬埔寨关系协会;; Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification;联合国防治荒漠化公约秘书处;UNCCD;防治荒漠化公约秘书处 Secretariat for Governing Bodies;理事机构秘书处;; Association pour le progres et la defense des droits des femmes maliennes;马里进步和堡妇女权利协会;; Association pour le soutien de la lutte palestinienne;支持巴勒斯坦斗争协会;; Association pour les victimes de la repression en exil;援助流亡中的受迫害者协会;AURE; Association Quebec-Palestine;魁北克巴勒斯坦协会;; Association quebecoise des organismes de cooperation internationale;魁北克国际合作组织协会;; Association rwandaise pour le bien-etre familial;卢旺达家庭福利协会;; Association thoniere;金枪鱼协会;AT; Association togolaise d'action sociale;多哥社会行动协会;; Association traditionnelle des peuples;人民传统协会;; Association Zen Internationale;禅宗国际协会;; Associcion Nacional Ganadere del Estado de Sinaloa;锡那罗亚州全国畜牧协会;ANAGADES; ASSOGBA, Janvier;让维埃·阿索格巴;; assorted foodstuff;各种品类食物;; assume jurisdiction, to;接管管辖权接管裁判权承担管辖权 承担裁判权;; assumed mean;假定平均数;; assumed real rates of return;假设实际收益率;; assumption of functions and responsibilities;承担职责;; assumption of obligations;承担义务;; assumption of office;就职;; assured;被保险人;; assymetry;不对称;; Assyrican Universal Alliance;亚述人大同盟;AUA; asteroid;小行星;; asteroid/meteoroid detector;小行星/流星体探测器;AMD; ASTORGA, Nara;诺拉·阿斯托加;; ASTRA Panel;空间技术应用于航空专家组;ASTRA Panel; astragalus adsurgens;直立黄芪;; Astrakhan karakul fur;阿斯特拉罕 羔羊皮;;羔羊皮 astrionics;天文电子学;; Astro;天文;; astroballistics;天文弹道学;; astrobiology;天体生物学;; astrobotany;天文植物学;; astrochemistry;天体化学;; astrodynamics;航天动力学;; astrogeology;天文地质学;; astrograph;天体摄影仪;; astrolabe;等高仪;; ASTROM, Sverker;斯维尔克·阿斯特伦;; astrometry;天体测量学;; astromonical spacecraft;天文航天器;; astronaut;宇宙航行员宇宙航空员;; astronautics;航天学宇宙航行学;; astronomical figure;天文数字庞大数字;; Astronomical Netherlands Satellite;荷兰天文卫星;; astronomical unit;天文单位;; astronomy;天文学;; astrophysics;天体物理学;; ASTURIAS, Luis Flores;路易斯·弗洛尔斯·阿斯图里亚斯;; Aswan Declaration on the Revival of the Library of Alexandria;关于复兴亚历山大图书馆的阿斯旺宣言;; asylum countries;庇护国家;; asylum countries and first asylum countries;难民安置国和第一庇护国;; asylum country;避难国;; asylum seekers;寻求庇护者;; asymmetrical frequency curve;不对称频率曲线;; asymptote;渐进线;; at actual cost;按实际成本;; at book value;按帐面价值计;; at constant price;按不变价格计算;; at current costs;按现时费率计算;; at irregular intervals;不定期;; at issue cost;按发行价格;; at issue order value;以发行价格计算;; at maintenance level;按维持原有活动水平编列经费或编列所需经费估计数......;;编列经费或编列所需经费估计数...... at regular intervals;定期;; at revised rate;按订正费率计算;; at risk;有危险的[与某种疾病患者]有接触史的;; at sight or on demand;见票即付;; at standard cost;按标准成本;; at the maintenance base level;按维持基数;; at the time of proceedings;在审讯进行时在两造辩论时;; at the upper end of the per capita GNP scale;按人口平均计算国民生产值较高的国家;;的国家 At Vinnudeila Haskela Islands;冰岛大学实业研究室实验所;; at-home nursing;在家疗养;; at-once payment, prompt payment;立即付款;; ATA;食物中毒性白血球缺乏症;ATA; ATA carnets;暂时许可单据簿;; ATA Convention, 1961;1961年货物暂时入境公约;; ATABEKOV, Djoumakadyr;朱马卡德尔·阿塔别科夫;; atack attendant;书库看管员;; ATAG Swiss;阿塔格银行;; ATAKOL, Kenan;凯南·阿塔科尔;; Atakpame Youth Movement;阿塔克帕梅青年运动协会;; ATALAY, Halim;哈利姆·阿塔拉伊;; ATALAY, Nail;奈尔·阿塔莱;; ATALIG, Pedro M.;佩德罗·阿塔利格;; ATALY, Nail;奈尔·阿塔莱;; ATANGA, Joseph;约瑟夫·阿唐加;; ATANGANA, Towo;托沃·阿坦加纳;; ATAS Bulletin;先进技术通报系统公报;; ATAS Cluster;先进技术通报系统处;; ATAS News;先进技术通报系统新闻;; ATASHI, Ziedan;齐丹·阿塔希;; Ataturk;穆斯塔法·凯末尔·阿塔图尔克;; atavism;隔代遗传返祖遗传;; ATCHERLEY, R.L.R.;阿彻利;; Ateliers et Chantiers du Havre, SARL;阿弗尔造船有限公司;; Atheneul Roman;罗马文化协会;; Athens Appeal;雅典呼吁书;; Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggage by Sea, 1974;1974年海运旅客及其行李雅典公约;; Athipat Reporter;《主权报》;; athrepsia;婴儿萎缩症;; Atlantic Alliance;大西洋联盟;; Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders;大西洋青年政治领袖协会;AAYPL; Atlantic bloc;大西洋集团;; Atlantic Charter;大西洋宪章;; Atlantic Coast of Africa;非洲大西洋海岸;ACA; Atlantic Container Lines;大西洋集装箱航运公司;ACL; Atlantic Council;大西洋理事会;; Atlantic Council for International Cooperation;大西洋促进国际合作委员会;; Atlantic Holding Company;大西洋股权公司;; Atlantic Information Centre for Teachers;大西洋教师信息中心;AICT; Atlantic Nuclear Force;大西洋核部队;ANF; Atlantic Ocean Holdings;大西洋海上储藏公司;; Atlantic Refining Co.;大西洋炼油公司;; Atlantic Richfield Co.;大西洋富田石油公司阿科公司;ARCO;阿科公司 Atlantic Salmon Federation;大西洋鲑鱼联盟;; Atlantic Treaty Association;大西洋公约协会;ATA; Atlantic-to-the-Urals;从大西洋至乌拉尔;ATTU; Atlas Aircraft;阿特拉斯飞机公司;; Atlas mooring;阿特拉斯式系泊装置;; Atlas of Children in National Development;国家发展中儿童状况图表;; Atlas of Mineral Resources of the ESCAP Region;亚太经社会区域矿藏分布图;; Atlas of Stratigraphy;地层学地图集;; Atlas of Technical Cooperation;技术合作图表集;; Atlas of the Child in Asia 1984;1984年亚洲儿童情况介绍图表;; Atlas of the Living Resources of the Seas;海洋生物资源分布图;; Atlas of Urban Geology;城市地质图;; Atlas-Centaur;阿特拉斯--半人马座级;; ATMADJA, Mochtar KUSUMA;莫克塔尔·库苏马-阿特马贾;; Atmosphere Composition Correlation Spectrophotometer;大气组成相关分光光度计;; atmosphere disturbance;大气扰动;; atmosphere drag;大气阻力;; atmosphere penetration;大气穿透;; atmosphere, magnetoshere and plasma-in-space;大气层、磁性层和空中等离子层;AMPS; atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system;大气-海洋-陆地-冰雪体系气海陆冰体系;; atmospheric absorption;大气吸收;; atmospheric abundances;例如二氧化碳在大气中的丰度/成分;; atmospheric acidity;大气酸度;; Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Processing System;大气和海洋学情报处理系统;AOIPS; atmospheric boundary layer;大气边界层;ABL; atmospheric change;大气变化;; atmospheric chemist;大气化学家;; atmospheric chemistry;大气化学;; atmospheric chlorine;大气氯;; atmospheric chlorine build-up;大气氯累积大气氯蓄积;; atmospheric circulation pattern;大气环流模式;; atmospheric climate;大气气候;; Atmospheric Cloud Physics Laboratory;大气云雾物理实验室;; atmospheric column;大气气柱;; atmospheric composition;大气成分;; atmospheric constituent;大气组分大气组元;; atmospheric deposition;排入大气;; atmospheric disturbances;大气扰动;; atmospheric drag;大气阻力;; atmospheric dynamics;大气动力学;; atmospheric environment;大气环境;; Atmospheric Environment Service;大气环境处;; Atmospheric Explorer;大气勘探者;; atmospheric fallout;大气沈降物;; atmospheric flow pattern;大气气流模式;; atmospheric fluidized bed combustion;常压流化床燃烧;; atmospheric forcing;大气外力作用;; atmospheric free radical;大气游离基;; Atmospheric General Circulation Model;大气环流模型;; atmospheric input of pollutants;污染物的排入大气;; atmospheric interference;大气干扰;; atmospheric inversion;大气逆变; 大气逆温;; atmospheric layer;大气层;; atmospheric life of a substance;一种物质在大气中存在的时间;; atmospheric loading of e.g. chlorine;例如氯在大气中的浓度含量负荷;; atmospheric microphysics;大气微观物理学;; atmospheric model;大气模型;; atmospheric modeller;大气模型家;; atmospheric models;大气模型;; atmospheric movements of e.g. nitrogen oxides;例如氧化氮在大气中的移动;; atmospheric nuclear test;大气层核试验;; atmospheric ozone;大气臭氧;; atmospheric ozone column;大气臭氧气柱;; atmospheric perturbations;大气扰动;; atmospheric physicist;大气物理学家;; Atmospheric Physics Programme;大气物理学方案;; atmospheric pollution;大气污染;; atmospheric pollution network;大气污染监视网;; atmospheric pressure scanner;大气压力扫描器;APS; Atmospheric Pressure Sensor;大气压力传感器;APS; atmospheric probe;大气探测器;; atmospheric radical;大气游离基;; atmospheric radioactivity;大气放射性;; atmospheric recovery time;大气复原时间;; atmospheric region;大气层;; atmospheric release advisory capability;大气排放咨询能力;; Atmospheric Research and Remote Sensing Plane;大气研究和遥感研究专机;; atmospheric researcher;大气研究者;; atmospheric residence time;在大气中停留时间;; atmospheric science and technology;大气科学和技术;; atmospheric sciences;大气科学;; atmospheric scientist;大气科学家;; atmospheric shell;大气层;; atmospheric sounder;大气探测器;; atmospheric structure research;大气结构研究;; atmospheric testing;大气层中的试验;; atmospheric transfer;大气输运;; atmospheric transformation product;使大气变性的产物;; atmospheric transport;大气输运;; atmospheric transport-chemistry model;大气输运和化学反应模型;; atmospheric turbidity;大气混浊度;; atmospheric waves;大气波;; atmospheric window;大气窗口;; Atmospheric, Magnetospheric Plasma-in-Space Laboratory;大气层, 磁层空间等离子体实验室;AMPS; atmospherics detection station;天电检测站;; ATO MELES ZENAWI;阿托·梅勒斯·泽纳维;; ATOKI, Christain ILEKA;克里斯泰·伊莱卡·阿托基;; atoll;环礁岛;; atom-free zone;无原子区;; atomic artillery;原子炮兵;; atomic arsenal;原子武库;; Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission;原子弹伤亡处理委员会;ABCC; Atomic Bomb Hospital;原爆医院;; Atomic Bomb Museum;原爆纪念馆;; atomic bomb survivors;原爆幸存者;; Atomic Bomb Victims Nursing Home;原爆受害者收容所;; atomic confrontation;原子对峙;; atomic demolition munition;原子爆破装置;ADM; Atomic Energy Authority UKAEA;原子能管理局;BAEA; Atomic Energy Board;原子能委员会;AEB; Atomic Energy Commission;原子能委员会;AEC; Atomic Energy Control Board;原子能管制委员会;AECB; Atomic Energy Corporation;原子能公司;AEC; Atomic Energy Establishment;原子能研究所;AEEW; Atomic Energy Organization of Iran;伊朗原子能组织;AEOI; Atomic Energy Research Establishment;原子能研究所;AERE; atomic explosive weapons;原子爆炸武器;Committee I; atomic power plant for ship propulsion;船舰推进机原子发电厂;; atomic radiation;原子辐射;Committee I; atomic vapour laser isotope separation;原子蒸气激光同位素分离;AVLIS; atomic vapour laser separation;原子蒸汽激光分离;; atomic weapon;原子武器;; atomic zone;原子地区;; atomism;微观法;; atomistic approach;微观方法;; Atoms for Peace Programme;原子能和平用途方案;; ATPAF, M. Ahmed;艾哈迈德·阿塔夫;; atresia uteri;子宫闭锁;; atropine sulfate;硫酸阿托品硫酸颠茄碱;; ATS G51;航空交通处G51号航路;ATS G51; ATSUMI, Chihiro;渥美千寻;; ATSUMI, Keiko;渥美桂子;; attache;随员武官专员;; attaches;辅警;; attachment;扣押查封财产附文;; attachment order;扣押令;; attack;攻击;; attack phase;发作阶段;; Attacking Poverty, Building Solidarity, Creating Jobs;消灭贫穷, 促进团结, 增加就业;; attacks on persons;对人身的侵犯;; attacks on property;对财产的侵犯;; ATTAF, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·阿塔夫;; ATTAH, J.S.;阿塔赫;; attainment of a life expectancy of 60 years as a minimum by the year 2000;2000年使预期寿命至少达到60岁;; ATTARD KINGSWELL, Joseph;约瑟夫·阿塔尔德·金斯韦尔;; ATTARD, David;戴伟·阿塔德;; ATTARD, David J.;戴维·阿塔尔德;; ATTARD-KINGWELL, Joseph;约瑟夫·阿塔尔德-金斯韦尔;; ATTASAS, Haider Abu Bakr al-;海德尔·阿卜·巴克尔·阿塔萨斯;; attempt;未遂罪,未遂行为,企图;; attempt to fix and perpetuate the division of Korea;妄图使朝鲜的分裂局面固定化、永久化;; attempted crime;未遂罪;; attendance care;专门护理;; attendance rate;出勤率;; attendant;会场服务员;; attenuated live poliomyelitis vaccine;稀释活性脊髓灰质炎疫苗 稀释活性小儿麻痹症疫苗;; attestation;证明;; Attic Code;阿蒂克法典;; ATTIE, Lucien Yapobi;卢西恩·雅波比·阿蒂;; ATTILA THE HUN;匈奴王阿提拉;; ATTIMER, Adoum;阿杜姆·阿提梅尔;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司