翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 v. 刮得猛 blow hot and cold v. 摇摆不定 blow off steam v. 放出多余的蒸汽发脾气花掉多余的精力 blow off v. 吹掉放出 blow one's lid v. 发怒 blow one's own horn v. 自吹自擂 blow one's own trumpet v. 自吹自擂 blow one's stack v. 发脾气发怒 blow one's top v. 发脾气 blow out sb. 's brains v. 把脑袋打开花 blow out v. 吹熄爆裂 blow over v. 经历被淡忘 blow the coals v. 煽动 blow the expense v. 挥霍 blow the gab v. 告密泄露秘密 blow the gaff v. 泄密 blow trade v. 不改方向地吹 blow up v. 使充气爆炸放大 blow upon v. 使走味搞臭告发 blue about the gills adj. 垂头丧气的沮丧的 blue blood n. 贵族的血统 blue book n. 名人录蓝皮书 blue print n. 蓝图 blue ribbon n. 最高的荣誉 blue ruin n. 劣酒灾难 blue streak n. 一闪而过的东西 blue water n. 海水 blunder away v. 挥霍掉 blunder into v. 慌张撞上 blunder upon sth. v. 偶然发现 blush for v. 羞愧 bluster oneself into anger v. 勃然大怒 bluster out v. 咆哮 BNC connector Jack n. BNC插座 BNC connector plugs n. BNC插头 boa constrictor n. 蟒蛇女用毛皮羽毛围巾 boarding house n. 寄宿舍公寓 boarding school n. 寄宿学校 boast about v. 自夸 boat drill n. 救生演习 boat race n. 赛船 boat the oars v. 停止划船 boat train n. 配合船班次载运船客的火车 bob up like a cork v. 东山再起 bob up v. 突然出现 bob wig n. 法官所带假发 bobby sox n. 短袜 body corporate n. 法人团体 body forth v. 象征 body snatcher n. 盗尸人 boer war n. 布尔战争 bog down v. 陷入困境停顿 boggle at v. 吃惊 boil away v. 不断沸腾汽化 boil down to v. 归结为 boil down v. 熬浓压缩 boil over v. 沸溢发怒 boiler suit n. 连衫裤工作服 boiling point n. 沸点 bold Italic n. 粗斜体 bold-face type n. 粗体铅字 bolt out v. 脱口而出 bolt upright ad. 笔笔直直 bomb carrier n. 轰炸机 bomb damage n. 轰炸效果 bomb load n. 载弹量 bomb out v. 炸毁 bomb release n. 投弹 bomb shelter n. 防空洞 bomb site n. 被炸的废墟 bomb thrower n. 投弹手 bomb up v. 给...装炸弹 bona fide ad. 真诚地真实地 adj. 真诚地真实地 bond servant n. 奴隶 bond service n. 奴役 bond paper n. 证券纸 bone ash n. 骨灰 bone dust n. 骨粉 bone meal n. 骨粉 bone up on v. 专心致志于 booby prize n. 末名奖品 book concern n. 出版社 book end n. 书夹书靠 book learning n. 书本知识 book review n. 书评 book value n. 帐面价值 booking clerk n. 售票员订座员 booking office n. 售票处 bookmark define n. 书签定义 bookmark name n. 书签名 boot record n. 引导记录 bootable disk n. 引导盘 booting system n. 引导系统 border on v. 接壤 border paragraphs n. 边框段落 border width n. 边框宽度 bore from within v. 从内部动摇并破坏 boric acid n. 硼酸 born again ad. 再生 born in wedlock ad. 婚生 born on the wrong side of the blanket adj. 私生的 born on the wrong side of the tracks ad. 出身贫苦 born out of wedlock ad. 非婚生 born to the purple ad. 出身贵族 born with a silver spoon in one's mouth v. 生在富贵人家 borrow trouble v. 自找麻烦 borrowed plumes n. 借得的漂亮衣服 bosom friend n. 知己契友 both ways ad. 在两方面 bother about v. 烦恼 bottle green n. 深绿色 bottle nose n. 酒糟鼻 bottom border n. 底框 bottom double border n. 底端双边框 bottom margin n. 底部边距 bottom of Page n. 页脚 bottom row n. 底端行 bottom up ad. 颠倒 Bottoms up. 干杯. bow and scrape v. 打躬作揖 bow compass n. 圆规 bow down in the house of Rimmon v. 为求一致而牺牲自己 bow instrument n. 弓弦乐器 bow oar n. 前桨 bow one's thanks v. 鞠躬致谢 bow pen n. 小圆规 bow saw n. 弓锯 bow sb. in v. 恭敬地接某人 bow the knee to Baal v. 崇拜流行的偶像 bow tie n. 蝴蝶结领结 bow to necessity v. 屈服于需要 bow wave n. 冲击波涡流 bows on ad. 头向前 bows under ad. 困难地 box number n. 信箱号 box office n. 票房卖座力 box sb. 's ears v. 打耳光 box up v. 装箱困住 boxing glove n. 拳击手套 boy friend n. 男朋友 brace oneself up v. 打起精神 brace up v. 下决心 brain drain n. 智囊流失 brain fag n. 脑衰竭 brain trust n. 智囊团 brain wave n. 脑电波 bran pie n. 摸彩袋 branch off v. 分叉 branch out v. 长出枝条扩展范围 brass band n. 军乐队 brass farthing n. 小钱微乎其微的数量 brass founder n. 黄铜铸工 brass plate n. 黄铜名牌 brave it out v. 拼到底 brazen out v. 厚着脸对待 bread and butter n. 涂黄油的面包生计 bread and cheese n. 普通食品生计 bread and scrape n. 黄油涂得不足的面包 bread and wine n. 圣餐 bread board n. 面包板 bread buttered on both sides n. 好的境遇 bread ticket n. 饭票 break a butterfly on the wheel v. 小题大作杀鸡用牛刀 break a fly on the wheel v. 杀鸡用牛刀 break a jest v. 说笑话 break a lance with sb. v. 和某人争论 break a new path v. 开辟新路 break away v. 突然离开脱离放弃 break bounds v. 超界 break bread with v. 受款待 break bread v. 进餐 break cover v. 从隐藏处出来 break down v. 毁掉制服压倒倒塌垮掉中止停顿分解 break earth v. 破土动工 break even v. 打成平手得失相当 break faith v. 背弃信仰失信 break forth v. 喷发突发 break fresh ground v. 开垦处女地开始新的工作 break from v. 决裂 break ground v. 破土创办犁田起锚 break in on v. 打断打扰 break in v. 训练使合用闯入打断开始工作 break into pieces v. 成为碎片 break into v. 破门而入侵占 break loose v. 挣脱 break of v. 放弃 break off v. 折断突然停止脱落断绝解除暂停 break one's fast v. 开戒吃早饭 break one's neck v. 折断脖子 break one's word v. 食言失信 break open v. 砸开 break out v. 突发爆发叫嚷倒空取出使作准备 break Priscian's head v. 犯语法错误 break rank v. 打乱队形 break sanctuary v. 侵入教堂强行抓人 break sb. 's back v. 使某人压力过重 break sb. 's close v. 侵入某人土地 break sb. 's heart v. 使某人很伤心 break sb. 's spirit v. 使某人垂头丧气 break sb. of a habit v. 使某人戒掉某习惯 break short v. 使突然停止 break silence v. 打破沉默开口说话 break step v. 走乱步伐 break stones v. 敲碎石头干苦活 break the back of sth. v. 完成某事中最困难部分 break the bank v. 耗尽资源 break the eggs in sb. 's pocket v. 破坏某人计划 break the ice v. 打破沉默 break the neck of v. 做完最难部分 break the news to sb. v. 把坏消息告诉某人 break the ranks v. 出列掉队溃散解散队伍 break the record v. 打破纪录 break through v. 突围突破 break up into v. 分类 break up v. 打碎破碎分裂分解驱散结束衰退衰落变坏 break wind v. 放屁 break with v. 与...绝交结束 breathe again v. 宽心 breathe into v. 注入灌输 breathe one's last v. 断气 breathe upon v. 使失去光泽损毁 breathing space n. 休息时间 bred in the bone adj. 根除不了的 breed in and in v. 同种繁殖 breed out and out v. 异种繁殖 breed out v. 在人工繁殖中消除 Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以简为贵. brick in v. 用砖补 bridle rein n. 马缰 bridle up v. 发怒 brighten up v. 发亮 brim over with v. 满溢 bring a hornets'nest about one's ears v. 捅马蜂窝招惹麻烦 bring a storm about one's ears v. 引起强烈反对 bring about v. 带来使掉头 bring an accusation against v. 起诉谴责 bring around v. 使信服 bring back v. 拿回来使回忆起来使恢复 bring down on v. 招致 bring down the gallery v. 获得全场喝采 bring down the house v. 博得满堂喝采 bring down the persimmon v. 得奖 bring down v. 打倒击落打死降低 bring forth v. 使产生 bring forward v. 提出提前显示 bring home the bacon v. 成功谋生 bring home to sb. v. 使人认识到 bring in v. 生产挣得引进 bring into action v. 使开始行动 bring into being v. 使形成 bring into contact with v. 接触到 bring into correspondence with v. 使与...一致使与...联络 bring into effect v. 实现实施 bring into existence v. 使产生使成立 bring into line v. 使排齐使一致 bring into play v. 发挥发动 bring low v. 使跌落使恶化 bring off v. 救出完成 bring on v. 引起导致使发展提出 bring one's eggs to a bad market v. 失败 bring one's pigs to a fine market v. 卖得吃亏失败 bring out v. 使显示出版生产说出 bring over v. 使转变把...带来 bring owls to Athens v. 多此一举 bring pressure to bear on v. 施加压力于 bring sb. back to earth v. 使某人回到现实 bring sb. back to reality v. 使某人面对现实 bring sb. to book for sth. v. 为某事盘问某人 bring sb. to heel v. 使某人紧跟使某人就范 bring sb. to justice v. 把某人送交法院 bring sb. to terms v. 迫使某人屈服 bring sb. to the verge of v. 使某人濒于 bring sth. to light v. 使某事暴露 bring sth. to sb. 's attention v. 使某人注意某事 bring sth. to sb. 's notice v. 使某人注意某事 bring sugar in one's spade v. 准备行贿 bring the water to sb. 's mouth v. 使某人垂涎欲滴 bring through v. 救活 bring to a close v. 结束 bring to a halt v. 使停止 bring to account v. 责问清算 bring to an end v. 使结束 bring to bay v. 使陷入困境 bring to bear v. 施加运用完成瞄准 bring to life v. 使苏醒 bring to mind v. 想起 bring to pass v. 使发生实行 bring to v. 使恢复知觉使停下 bring under v. 镇压 bring up the rear v. 殿后 bring up v. 教育培养提出停下呕出 brisk up v. 活泼起来 bristle with v. 充满 broken line n. 虚线 broken lot n. 散股 broken reed n. 难依靠的人 broken weather n. 阴晴不定的天气 broken wind n. 喘气 brown off v. 出大错 brown out v. 把...灯火弄暗 browse on v. 放牧吃草 brush aside v. 扫除漠视 brush away v. 刷去 brush burn n. 擦伤 brush off v. 刷去脱落丢弃 brush past v. 擦过 brush shapes n. 刷子形 brush up v. 擦亮复习提高 bubble chamber n. 泡沫室 bubble over v. 冒泡溢出激动起来 bubble up v. 冒泡沸腾 buck against v. 反对 buck for v. 谋求 buck up v. 使振作 buckle down to v. 认真干起来 budget travelling n. 自助旅行 buffer lines n. 缓冲区行数 buffer stock scheme n. 存货缓冲法 buflen n. 缓冲区长度buffer length的缩写 bufsize n. 缓冲区大小buffer size的缩写 bug out v. 暴突撤退 build up v. 树立增进增大堵塞 build upon v. 指望依赖建立于 building complex n. 综合建筑建筑集合体 building file list n. 建立文件表 building search path n. 建立搜索路径 built on the sand ad. 不稳固 bull session n. 闲谈 bull the market v. 做多头 bump into v. 撞击 bunco steerer n. 骗子 bundle into v. 乱塞进 bundle off v. 撵走匆匆离开 bundle up v. 把...捆扎使穿暖 bung up v. 打伤打坏塞满 bunk bed n. 双层铺 bunsen burner n. 本生灯 burger king n. 汉堡王 burglary insurance n. 窃盗险 burn away v. 继续燃烧烧掉 burn daylight v. 白日点灯无益 burn down v. 烧为平地火力减弱 burn in v. 留下不可磨灭的印象 burn into v. 烧进使深印于 burn itself out v. 筋疲力竭 burn like a house on fire v. 烧得极猛烈 burn low v. 快烧完 burn one's boats v. 破釜沉舟 burn one's bridge v. 破釜沉舟 burn one's fingers v. 由于管闲事而受损害 burn oneself out v. 烧尽 burn out v. 烧坏烧掉烧尽 burn the candle at both ends v. 过分耗费 burn the midnight oil v. 开夜车 burn the planks v. 久坐 burn the wind v. 飞速前进 burn to ashes v. 把...化为灰烬 burn up v. 烧起来烧掉发怒 burning glass n. 取火镜 burning point n. 燃点 burning words n. 热情的话 burrow into v. 探查 burst forth v. 突发爆发喷出 burst in v. 闯入打断突然出现 burst into v. 闯入开出突然出现 burst one's bond v. 赢得自由 burst one's sides with laughter v. 捧腹大笑 burst open v. 猛然打开 burst out v. 闯出来大声喊突发 burst up v. 爆炸失败垮台 burst upon v. 突然来到 burst with v. 突然发生 bury one's head in the sand v. 故意不看将临的危险 bury the hatchet v. 和解停战 Business is business. 公事公办. business migration n. 商业移民 business suit n. 西装 bustle about v. 忙碌 but for conj. 要不是 butcher knife n. 屠刀 butt and butt ad. 一头接一头 butt in v. 插手干涉闯入 butt into v. 插手于 butter bean n. 棉豆利马豆 Butter to butter is no relish. 千篇一律的东西使人厌烦. butterflies in the stomach n. 神经质的发抖 button face n. 按钮字体 button highlight n. 按钮突出 button shadow n. 按钮阴影 button text n. 按钮文字 button up one's lip v. 保守秘密 button up one's mouth v. 保持沉默 buy a pig in a poke v. 瞎买东西 buy in v. 大宗买进 buy into v. 买进 buy off v. 收买 buy on tally v. 赊购 buy out v. 出钱使放弃地位 buy over v. 收买贿赂 buy time v. 争取时间 buy up v. 全买 buyer's market n. 买方市场 by a finger's breadth ad. 差一点 by a long way ad. 大大地 by a neck ad. 以微弱差距 by accident ad. 偶然 by air ad. 通过航空 by airplane ad. 搭飞机 by all accounts ad. 据大家所说 by all appearances ad. 显然 by all means ad. 尽一切办法一定 by analogy ad. 用类推的方法 by and by ad. 不久以后 by and large ad. 大体上基本上 by any chance ad. 万一 by any means ad. 无论如何 by any possibility ad. 可能万一 by appointment ad. 按照约定 by bicycle ad. 骑脚踏车 by birth ad. 在血统上生来 by bus ad. 坐公车 by car ad. 坐汽车 by chance ad. 偶然意外地 by choice ad. 出于选择 by comparison ad. 比较起来 by compulsion ad. 强迫地 by contraries ad. 相反地 by correspondence ad. 用写信的办法 by course of ad. 照...的常规 by courtesy of ad. 蒙...好意 by courtesy ad. 礼貌起见 by day ad. 在白天 by daylight ad. 在白天 by degrees ad. 逐渐地 by design ad. 故意地 by easy stages ad. 从容不迫地 by error ad. 错误地 by estimate ad. 估计 by fair means or foul ad. 不择手段地 by far ad. 到目前为止 by file type ad. 按文件类型 by fits and starts ad. 间歇地一阵一阵地 by fits ad. 间歇地 by force of ad. 由于迫于通过 by force ad. 强迫地 by free gift ad. 作为免费赠品 by good luck ad. 侥幸地 by guess and by god ad. 瞎猜 by guess ad. 推测 by halves ad. 不完全地 by hand ad. 用手 by head and shoulders ad. 蛮横地相当地 by hook or crook ad. 不择手段 by inch of candle ad. 通过拍卖 by inches ad. 缓慢地 by leaps and bounds ad. 飞跃地 by lease ad. 以租借方式 by letter ad. 以书信方式 by main strength ad. 全靠力气 by means of ad. 依靠 by motorcycle ad. 骑摩托车 by my faith ad. 我担保 by my troth ad. 我保证 by nature ad. 生来 by night ad. 在夜里 by no means of ad. 决不 by no means ad. 决不 by ones and twos ad. 零零落落地 by oneself ad. 单独独力 by plane ad. 搭飞机 by reason of ad. 由于因为 by reason that ad. 因为 by reference n. 传地址 by right of ad. 由于凭借 by rights ad. 正当地 by road ad. 由公路 by rote ad. 死记硬背 by rule and line ad. 准确地精密地 by rule ad. 按照规则地墨守成规地 by sb. 's own account ad. 根据某人所述 by sea ad. 由海路 by some means or other ad. 用某种办法 by spells ad. 断断续续地 by stages ad. 分阶段地 by stealth ad. 偷偷地暗中 by taxi ad. 坐计程车 by the agency of ad. 由于...的作用 by the book ad. 按常规 by the day ad. 按日 by the finger of God ad. 靠神力 by the holy poker ad. 一定 by the hour ad. 按钟点 by the job ad. 计件 by the left hand ad. 私生 by the light of nature ad. 本能地 by the numbers ad. 合拍地系统地按常规地 by the piece ad. 论件 by the same token ad. 出于同样原因 by the sea ad. 在海边 by the side of ad. 在...附近和...一起比较 by the square ad. 恰好地 by the stern ad. 船尾吃水深地 by the strong arm ad. 强制地 by the strong hand ad. 强制地 by the sweat of one's brow ad. 靠自己辛勤劳动 by the thousands ad. 大批地 by the way ad. 在途中顺便 by this time ad. 到现在 by this token ad. 由此看来 by train ad. 坐火车 by tricycle ad. 骑三轮车 by turns ad. 轮流交替 by value ad. 传值 by virtue of ad. 依靠由于 by way of exception ad. 作为例外 by way of parenthesis ad. 附带地 by way of ad. 经由作为为了 by weight ad. 按重量计算 by word of mouth ad. 口头地 by yourself ad. 你独自地 bypassing startup command n. 忽略启动命令 bytes used n. 已使用字节 Bytes Per Row n. 每行的字节数 cabin boy n. 船上侍者 cabin class n. 特别二等舱介于头等舱与二等舱之间 cable address n. 电报挂号 cable car n. 缆车 cache memory n. 超高速缓冲存储器 Cadimean victory n. 损失巨大的胜利 Cadmean victory n. 损失极大的胜利 Caesarean birth n. 剖腹产 Caesarean operation n. 剖腹产手术 cajole sb. into doing sth. v. 哄骗某人做某事 cajole sb. out of doing sth. v. 哄骗某人不做某事 cakes and ale n. 欢乐 Cal. FilesCAL n. CAL文件CAL calculate on v. 指望着 calculate upon v. 指望着 calculating machine n. 计算机 calf love n. 小牛之恋 calf's teeth n. 乳齿 call a halt v. 停止 call a spade a spade v. 直言不讳 call after v. 在后面叫喊以名字命名 call away v. 叫走转移 call back v. 叫回来收回打回电 call bell n. 呼人铃 call box n. 公共电话亭公共电话间 call boy n. 仆役呼唤演员出场的人 call down a curse upon sb. v. 诅咒某人 call down v. 祈求到招致责骂 call for v. 要求提倡为...叫喊为...叫 call forth v. 引起唤起振作起鼓起 call in question v. 对...表示怀疑 call in v. 召集召来来访 call it quits v. 停止做 call it square v. 当作已结束 call loan n. 通知放款银行间的短期贷款 call money n. 活期借款随时可要求借款人偿还 call number n. 图书编目号码 call off the dogs v. 停止追逐打断不愉快的谈话 call off v. 叫走放弃使转移走依次叫名 call on v. 号召呼吁约请访问指派 call one's soul one's own v. 自己支配自己 call out v. 出动唤起大声叫唤 call over the coals v. 责备 call over v. 点名 call sb. 's attention to sth. v. 叫某人注意某事 call sb. 's bluff v. 诱使某人交底 call sb. names v. 谩骂某人 call sth. one's own v. 声称某物是自己的 call the roll v. 点名 call the shots v. 定调子操纵 call the tune v. 定调子发号施令操纵 call the turn v. 言中 call to account v. 责问清算 call to remembrance v. 回忆起想起 call together v. 召集 call up v. 召唤使想起提出打电话给 call white black v. 颠倒黑白指鹿为马 calling card n. 名片 callmsg n. 呼叫信息call message的缩写 calm down v. 平静下来镇定下来 camel's hair n. 骆驼毛 camera plane n. 摄影飞机 camera work n. 摄影技巧 camp bed n. 行军床 camp chair n. 轻便折椅 camp out v. 野营 can but conj. 只能 can do with v. 能对付需要 cancel button v. 取消按钮 cancel link v. 取消链接 candid camera n. 用来偷拍的袖珍照相机 candle power n. 烛光照明单位 candy counter n. 糖果店柜台 candy strip n. 条纹图案 cane chair n. 藤椅 cane sugar n. 蔗糖 canine madness n. 狂犬病 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司