翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 n. 一种胶质软糖优柔寡断的人 jerk a gybe v. 伪造护照 jerk chin music n. 谈话 jib at v. 厌恶 jingle bell n. 门铃 Job's comforter n. 增加对方痛苦的安慰者 Job's dock n. 医院 Job's news n. 噩耗坏消息 Job's post n. 报噩耗者 Job's pound n. 监狱 join battle v. 参战 join forces with v. 会师联合 join hands with v. 同...联合合伙 join issue with sb. on sth. v. 与某人就某事争论 join the banner of v. 投到...旗帜下 join the colors v. 入伍 join the flats v. 使成为连贯的一体 join the majority v. 死 join up v. 参军联合起来 joint stock n. 合股 joint venture n. 合资 joking apart ad. 言归正传 joss house n. 庙寺 joss stick n. 香 jot down v. 草草记下 joy stick n. 操纵杆 judge advocate n. 军法官 judge of v. 评价 judgement seat n. 审判员席法院 juggle sth. out of sb. v. 骗取某人某物 juggle with v. 欺骗歪曲 juice up v. 使活跃 jump a train v. 违章搭乘火车 jump at the bait v. 轻易上当 jump at v. 欣然接受 jump bail v. 保释中逃走 jump down sb. 's throat v. 突然打断某人 jump in v. 投入 jump off v. 开始 jump on v. 扑向 jump out of one's skin v. 欣喜若狂大吃一惊 jump over v. 跳过 jump sb. out v. 斥责某人 jump term n. 跳转项 jump the queue v. 插队获得优惠待遇 jump the traces v. 摆脱约束 jumping-off place n. 出发点山穷水尽的地步远僻处 jungle law n. 弱肉强食的原则 junior high school n. 初中 junior miss n. 少女 junk mail n. 邮寄宣传品 just about ad. 几乎正是 just as well ad. 幸好无妨 just as ad. 正象 just now ad. 刚刚 just so ad. 正是如此 just the same ad. 完全一样还是 Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢疏而不漏. jut out v. 伸出 kbhit n. 敲键盘keyboard hit的缩写 keel over v. 倾覆翻身 keep a civil tongue in one's head v. 措辞谨慎 keep a firm hand on v. 牢牢控制 keep a good cellar v. 藏有大量酒 keep a good house v. 招待周到 keep a secret v. 保守秘密 keep a shot v. 做店主 keep a slack hand v. 放松缰绳懈怠 keep a stiff upper lip v. 坚定不移 keep a straight face v. 板着脸 keep a tight rein on v. 对...严加约束 keep abreast of v. 保持与...并列 keep accounts v. 记账 keep an eye on v. 照看密切注视 keep at arm's length v. 避免同...亲近 keep at bay v. 牵制不使逼近 keep at v. 坚持纠缠 keep away v. 防范 keep back v. 落在后面阻止隐瞒留下 keep bad time v. 走得不准 keep body and soul together v. 仅能维持生活 keep books v. 上帐 keep clear of v. 不接触 keep close v. 躲起来 keep company with v. 与...结交 keep count of v. 数...的数目 keep down v. 卧下镇压控制缩减保留 keep early hours v. 早起早睡 keep faith v. 忠于信仰守信 keep friends with v. 与...保持友好 keep from v. 阻止隐瞒抑制 keep good time v. 走得准 keep house v. 当家 keep in contact with v. 与...保持联络 keep in contact v. 保持联络 keep in touch with v. 与...保持联络 keep in touch v. 保持联络 keep in with sb. v. 与某人友好相处 keep in with v. 不断讨好 keep in v. 抑制隐瞒隐藏继续燃烧 keep late hours v. 晚睡晚起 keep lines together v. 段中不分页 keep measures with v. 宽大对待 keep nix v. 小心 keep off sb. 's toe v. 听任某人行事 keep off the grass v. 不践踏草地小心 keep off v. 让开不接近 keep on at v. 纠缠使烦恼 keep on good terms with sb. v. 与某人保持友好关系 keep on v. 继续穿着...不脱 keep one's balance v. 保持平衡 keep one's breath to cool one's porridge v. 多说无用 keep one's chin up v. 不气馁 keep one's countenance v. 镇定自若 keep one's distance v. 保持疏远 keep one's end up v. 精神饱满地对付 keep one's eye on the ball v. 警惕 keep one's eyes open v. 注意留心 keep one's eyes peeled v. 谨慎小心警惕 keep one's feet v. 站住脚跟 keep one's hair on v. 保持冷静 keep one's head above water v. 免遭灭顶之灾不负债 keep one's head v. 保持冷静 keep one's legs v. 站稳 keep one's mind on v. 专心于 keep one's name on the books v. 保留学籍 keep one's nose clean v. 不喝酒 keep one's own counsel v. 不宣布自己的观点 keep one's powder dry v. 做好准备 keep one's seat v. 守住座位 keep one's shirt on v. 不发脾气忍耐 keep one's temper v. 忍耐 keep one's word v. 守信 keep oneself above water v. 免遭灾不负债 keep oneself to oneself v. 不交际 keep open doors v. 好客款待 keep open house v. 好客 keep out of v. 置身于外 keep out v. 使在外 keep pace with v. 并驾齐驱 keep rank v. 保持队形 keep sb. company v. 陪伴某人 keep sb. going in sth. v. 供给某人某物 keep sb. guessing v. 让某人吃不准 keep shady v. 藏匿 keep shop v. 管店 keep silence v. 保持沉默 keep sore v. 保留得分 keep sth. a secret from sb. v. 不把某事告诉某人 keep sth. secret v. 把某事保守秘密 keep stroke v. 有节奏地划桨 keep tab on v. 记录监视 keep terms with sb. v. 同某人交往 keep the ball rolling v. 不使中断 keep the bed v. 卧床 keep the field v. 继续作战继续比赛 keep the house v. 居家不外出 keep the peace v. 守法 keep the pot boiling v. 谋生维持生活使保持活泼 keep the run of v. 与...保持接触 keep the score v. 记分 keep the weather v. 占上风 keep the wolf from the door v. 勉强度日 keep to oneself v. 保守秘密不交际 keep to sth. v. 坚持固守 keep to the bottle v. 酗酒 keep to the point v. 扣住主题 keep to the record v. 不扯到题外 keep track of v. 明了 keep under v. 压制控制 keep up appearances v. 装门面 keep up one's spirits v. 振作精神 keep up with v. 跟上 keep up v. 不低落维持继续 Keep your pant on. 镇静! kentucky fried chicken n. 肯得基炸鸡 key assignments n. 键设定 key combination n. 组合键 key field n. 关键字域 key in v. 键入 key level n. 功能键级别 key map n. 键映射 key name n. 键名 key ring n. 钥匙圈 key type n. 键类型 key up v. 使升调使紧张使激动 key word n. 关键字保留字 keyboard buffer n. 键盘缓冲区 keyboard layout n. 键盘布局 keyboard scancode n. 键盘扫描码 keyboard shortcuts n. 快捷键 keyboard speed n. 键盘速度 keys visible n. 可显示功能键 kick against the pricks v. 以卵击石螳臂挡车 kick against v. 反对抗议 kick back v. 踢回 kick down the ladder v. 过河拆桥 kick off v. 踢脱中线开球 kick one's heels v. 空等久等 kick oneself v. 严厉自责 kick out v. 把球踢出界 kick over the traces v. 不受约束 kick sb. downstairs v. 驱逐某人 kick sb. upstairs v. 使某人明升实降 kick the beam v. 过轻输 kick the bucket v. 死掉 kick the habit v. 戒除嗜好 kick the wind v. 被绞死 kick up a dust v. 扬起灰尘引起骚动 kick up a row v. 大吵大闹起哄 kick up one's heels v. 高兴得跳起来 kick up v. 踢起 kick upstairs v. 明升暗降 kill off v. 消灭 kill the fatted calf v. 设宴欢迎 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs v. 杀鸡取蛋 kill time v. 消磨时间 kill two birds with one stone v. 一箭双雕 Kinsoku characters n. 避头尾字符 Kinsoku method n. 避头尾方法 kiss hands v. 吻手 kiss one's hand to v. 飞吻 kiss sb. goodbye v. 吻别某人 kiss the book v. 吻圣经宣誓 kiss the cup v. 饮酒 kiss the dust v. 屈服被杀 kiss the ground v. 伏地屈辱 kiss the hare's foot v. 迟到 kiss the rod v. 甘心受罚 kiss-in-the-ring n. 接吻游戏 kiss-me-quick n. 戴于头后的无缘小软帽 kiss n. 吻轻触 kisser n. 接吻的人 kittle cattle n. 难应付的人 kneading trough n. 揉面槽 kneading-trough n. 揉面槽 knee-high to a duck adj. 很小的微不足道的 knee-high to a mosquito adj. 很小的微不足道的 knit up v. 织补结束 knock down v. 击倒拆卸拍卖出 knock for six v. 彻底打败彻底打碎 knock head v. 叩头 knock into a cocked hat v. 驳得...体无完肤 knock into v. 撞上 knock off v. 敲掉击倒 knock on a door v. 敲门 knock out v. 敲空击倒打破破坏使筋疲力竭 knock over a drink v. 喝酒 knock over like skittles v. 驳倒一下子打倒 knock over v. 打翻搜查吃掉 knock round v. 忙乱 knock sb. 's block off v. 痛打某人 knock sb. 's head off v. 轻易胜过某人 knock sb. down with a feather v. 使人十分惊奇 knock sb. into the middle of next week v. 严惩某人 knock sb. off his perch v. 打败某人 knock the bottom out of v. 证明...无价值 knock the breath out of sb. v. 使某人大吃一惊 knock the spots off v. 彻底打败 knock the stuffing out of sb. v. 杀某人的威风使某人虚弱 knock the tar out of sb. v. 痛打某人 knock their heads together v. 拿两人的头撞 knock together v. 相撞草草做成 knock under to v. 屈服 knock up against v. 碰撞 knock up v. 往上敲 know a hawk from a handsaw v. 有常识 know a move or two v. 机灵 know a thing or two v. 明白事理精明能干 know a trick or two v. 机灵精明 know a trick worth two of that v. 有更好的办法 know how many beans make five v. 精明 know like a book v. 熟悉 know no bounds v. 无限 know no measure v. 无止境 know one's business v. 精通自己一行 know one's distance v. 有自知之明 know one's goods v. 内行 know one's onions v. 精明 know one's own mind v. 有自己的想法 know one's place v. 知趣 know one's stuff v. 精通自己的业务 know sb. by sight v. 跟某人面熟 know sth. like the palm of one's hand v. 了如指掌 know sth. pat v. 对某事了解得一点不差 know the ropes v. 知道内情 know the time of day v. 消息灵通机警 know which side one's bread is buttered on v. 知道自己的利益所在 knuckle down v. 开始认真工作屈服 knuckle under v. 屈服 kraft paper n. 牛皮纸 kuala lumpur n. 吉隆坡 kwan-tu bridge n. 关渡大桥 label diskette n. 标注磁盘 label frequency n. 标注频度 label prefix n. 前置标志 labor day n. 劳动节 labour camp n. 劳动营 labour cost n. 人工成本 labour exchange n. 物物交换职业介绍所 labour for v. 努力争取 labour force n. 劳动力 labour insurance n. 劳动保险 labour market n. 劳动力市场 labour movement n. 工人运动 labour one's way v. 吃力地前进 labour under v. 为...苦恼 labour union n. 工会 lace glass n. 有花边的玻璃器皿 lace paper n. 花边纸 lace sb. 's coat v. 鞭打某人 lace up v. 用带子束紧 ladder truck n. 装备长梯的消防车 laid paper n. 直纹纸 lam out at v. 痛打 lament over v. 哀悼 land agent n. 地产商 land mine n. 地雷 land plaster n. 石膏粉 land power n. 陆军强国 landing craft n. 登陆艇 landing force n. 登陆部队 landscape orientation n. 横向 landscape sample n. 横向示例 languish for v. 因渴望而苦恼 lantern jaw n. 突出的下巴 lantern jaws n. 尖瘦脸 lap over v. 重叠 lap up v. 舔 lapse from v. 背离 lapse to v. 转归 laptop computer n. 膝上型计算机 large buttons n. 放大按钮 lash out v. 痛打痛骂 last cell n. 最右下角 last change n. 上次修改 last class n. 最后一堂课 last hurrah n. 最后的努力 last modification date n. 上次修改日期 last modification time n. 上次修改时间 last name n. 姓 last night ad. 昨晚 last out v. 持续 last printed n. 上次打印时间 last saved date and title n. 上次保存日期和标题 last saved date n. 上次保存日期 last saved n. 上次保存时间 last time n. 上次 last word n. 最后一句话定论最新形式 lastcol n. 上一列last column的缩写 latch on v. 抓住占有理解 later on ad. 稍后 latin america n. 拉丁美洲南美洲 laugh and grow fat v. 心宽体胖 laugh at v. 嘲笑漠视因...发笑 laugh away v. 笑着消磨 laugh down v. 用笑声打断 laugh from ear to ear v. 咧着嘴笑 laugh in one's beard v. 偷笑 laugh in one's sleeve v. 窃笑 laugh in sb. 's face v. 当面嘲笑某人 laugh off v. 用笑摆脱 laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth v. 转喜为忧哭 laugh one's head off v. 狂笑 laugh out of court v. 一笑置之 laugh over v. 笑着谈论 laugh sb. to scorn v. 嘲笑某人 launch into v. 投入进入 launch on v. 开始着手 launch out into v. 开始从事 launch out v. 下水开始新的事情大肆挥霍详述 launch pad n. 发射台 launch vehicle n. 运载火箭 lavish on v. 大肆花费 law of gravitation n. 引力定义 law office n. 律师事务所 law term n. 法律用语开庭期 laws of probability n. 机遇率 lay a course v. 直驶制订计划 lay a finger on v. 触碰 lay a fire v. 准备生火 lay a ghost v. 使鬼消失 lay aboard v. 靠近 lay an egg v. 下蛋完全失败投炸弹 lay an embargo on v. 禁止出入禁运 lay an obligation on sb. v. 使某人担负义务 lay analyst n. 非专业的分析家 lay aside v. 搁置积蓄 lay at v. 攻击 lay away v. 积蓄埋葬 lay bare v. 暴露揭发展开 lay claim to v. 要求主张自以为 lay down arms v. 放下武器 lay down the law v. 发号施令 lay down the sceptre v. 退位 lay down v. 躺下 lay figure n. 人体活动模型 lay for v. 埋伏着等待 lay hands on oneself v. 自杀 lay hands on v. 得到攻击找到 lay heads together v. 聚在一起商量 lay hold of v. 抓住控制 lay in ashes v. 使化为灰烬使全部消灭 lay in v. 贮藏 lay it on thick v. 过分责备 lay it on with a trowel v. 恭维过分夸奖 lay low v. 击倒杀死 lay off v. 解雇停止工作休息划出 lay on the colors too thickly v. 过分渲染 lay on the table v. 搁置 lay on v. 猛攻加...于人 lay one's account with v. 把...计算在内期望 lay one's bones v. 埋葬 lay one's finger on v. 正确地指出 lay oneself open to v. 使自己遭到 lay oneself out v. 竭尽全力 lay open v. 摊开揭露 lay out v. 摆开展示布置安排投资 lay over v. 覆盖胜过使延期 lay paper v. 开空头支票 lay sb. by the heels v. 束缚某人的手脚 lay sb. out in lavender v. 打死某人斥责某人 lay siege to v. 包围围攻努力追求 lay sth. at sb. 's door v. 把某事归咎于某人 lay sth. to heart v. 认真考虑某事 lay sth. to sb. 's charge v. 指控某人犯罪 lay store by v. 重视 lay stress on v. 把重点放在在...上用力 lay the axe to the root of v. 着手根除 lay the blame on the right shoulders v. 使该负责的人负责 lay the bridle on the neck of v. 放松 lay the cloth v. 预备开席 lay the key under the door v. 闭门而去 lay the land v. 看不见陆地 lay to rest v. 埋葬消除 lay to sleep v. 使入睡埋葬 lay to v. 把...归于努力干打 lay under contribution v. 强迫...付特别税 lay under tribute v. 使处于从属地位 lay up a rope v. 搓绳 lay up in lavender v. 小心保存 lay up v. 贮存搁置卧床 lay waste v. 损毁 lay wires for v. 为...作准备 layers and backers n. 赌客 laze away v. 混日子 LCD screen n. 液晶屏幕 lead away v. 使盲从 lead back v. 带回 lead off v. 开始 lead on v. 率领引诱 lead out v. 开始 lead poisoning n. 铅中毒 lead sb. a dog's life v. 过着非人的生活 lead sb. a pretty dance v. 使人疲于奔命给人造成许多麻烦 lead sb. by the nose v. 完全支配某人牵着鼻子走 lead sb. to the altar v. 娶某人为妻 lead sb. up the garden path v. 引诱某人 lead the way v. 带路示范 lead time n. 订货至交货的时间 lead to v. 导致通向 lead up to v. 带到导致 leader character n. 前导字符 leading article n. 主要文章 leading zero n. 前导零 leaf fat n. 板油 leak out v. 泄漏 lean on v. 靠着 lean over backwards v. 走另一极端 lean to v. 倾向偏向 leap over v. 跳过 learn about v. 学习 learn by heart v. 记住 learn from v. 向...学习 learn sth. the hard way v. 艰难地学到某事 least of all ad. 最不 Least said and soonest mended. 多说误事. leather and prunella n. 仅在外表上的差别 leave a bad taste in the mouth v. 留下臭味留下恶感 leave a strip v. 突然停车 leave about v. 乱放 leave alone v. 不管 leave behind v. 留下遗留超过 leave go of v. 松手 leave in the air v. 使悬而不决 leave much to be desired v. 还有许多待改进之处 leave no stone unturned v. 千方百计想方设法 leave nothing to be desired v. 完美无缺 leave out of account v. 不考虑 leave out v. 省去遗漏不考虑 leave over v. 留下 leave sb. cold v. 没有打动某人 leave sb. cool v. 不能打动某人 leave sb. in the cold v. 不理睬某人 leave sb. in the lurch v. 在某人有难时离去 leave sb. on the mat v. 拒绝接待某人 leave sb. the bag to hold v. 危难中抛弃某人 leave sb. to himself v. 听任某人 leave sb. to his own devices v. 听任某人做 leave school v. 退学离校放学回家 leave sth. as it is v. 听任某事自由发展 leave sth. out of consideration v. 忽略某事 Leave well alone. 不要画蛇添足. leave word v. 留言 led captain n. 追随者拍马者 leech on to v. 依附于 leer at v. 送秋波 left arrow n. 左箭头键 left border n. 左侧边框 left column n. 左列 left hand side n. 左手边 left hand n. 左手 left indent n. 左端缩进 left parenthesis n. 左括号 left section n. 左部 leg and leg ad. 平分秋色 leg guard n. 护腿 legal cost n. 诉讼费 legal fare n. 诉讼费 legal separation n. 合法分居 Legal Copyright n. 合法的拷贝权力合法的版权 lend a hand v. 帮助 lend an attentive ear to v. 倾听 lend itself to v. 有助于 lend oneself to v. 帮助屈从 lend the shelter of one's name and position to sb v. 用自己的名誉地位庇护某人 lend wings to v. 加快...的速度 lese majesty n. 不敬罪叛逆罪 let alone v. 不管 let be v. 听任 Let beggars match with beggars. 龙配龙凤配凤. let blood v. 放血 let daylight into v. 使明朗 let down v. 放下使失望辜负松劲减速下降 let drive at v. 对准打 Let every tub stand on its own bottom. 各人自管自. let fly at v. 向...发射骂 let fly v. 发射 let go hold of v. 放开 let go v. 放开释放发射 let in for v. 使陷入损害 let in v. 放进招致嵌入 let into v. 让...进入 Let it be. 随它去. let it have its swing v. 任其自然 let loose v. 释放放出 let off v. 放出饶恕 let one's back hair down v. 把头发散开态度随便 let oneself go v. 情不自禁 let out a sigh v. 叹口气 let out v. 放掉泄露放大出租 let pass v. 放过不追究 let ride v. 放任 let sb. down gently v. 给某人留面子 let sb. go whistle v. 不顾某人的愿望 let sb. into a secret v. 使某人知道某项秘密 Let sleeping dogs lie. 莫惹是非. let slide v. 不关心 let slip v. 放走松开错过 let sth. go down the wind v. 抛弃某物 let the cat out of the bag v. 泄露秘密 let the chips fall where they may v. 不管后果 let things go hang v. 任其自然 let things rip v. 任其自然 let things slide v. 任其自然 let up v. 减小停止 let well alone v. 不要画蛇添足 Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. 如实说你的想法. Let's face it. 面对现实吧! letter carrier n. 邮递员 letter lock n. 字锁 letter paper n. 信纸 level off v. 平整变平稳定 level up v. 平整 levy in mass n. 国家战时总动员 levy upon v. 征收扣押发动 libel on v. 诽谤 liberal art n. 文科 liberal education n. 文科教育 license plate n. 牌照 license tag n. 牌照 licensed to v. 授权给 lick into shape v. 塑造使有效 lick off v. 舔掉 lick one's chaps v. 垂涎欲滴 lick one's chops v. 垂涎欲滴 lick one's lips v. 咂咂嘴 lick sb. 's shoes v. 巴结某人 lick the boots of v. 奉承 lick the dust v. 卑躬屈膝被打败 lick up v. 吞没 lie along the land v. 沿岸航行 lie at anchor v. 抛锚停泊着 lie at sb. 's door v. 归于某人 lie by v. 躺在...边上近在手边被搁置不用休息 lie close v. 躲藏起来 lie detector n. 测谎器 lie dormant v. 潜伏着 lie down on the job v. 磨洋工 lie down under v. 甘受 lie down 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司