翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 BULL, William;威廉·布尔;; bulletin;公告; 公报; 简报; 简讯;; bulletin board;公告栏;; Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics;住房和造房统计年报;; Bulletin of Human Rights;人权公报;; Bulletin of Labour Statistics;劳工统计公报;; Bulletin of Peace Proposals;和平建议公报;; Bulletin of Preliminary Estimates and Forecasts of Recent Growth in the World Economy;世界经济最近增长情况的初步估计和预测公报;; Bulletin of Statistics on World Trade in Engineering Products, including Equipment related to Automation;工程产品、包括与自动化有关的设备世界贸易统计公报;; Bulletin of Steel Statistics;钢铁统计公报;; Bulletin of the European Communities;欧洲共同体月报;; Bulletin of the Industrial Development Decade for Africa;非洲工业发展十年简讯;; Bulletin of the International Year of the Shelter for the Homeless;无家可归者收容安置国际年公报;; Bulletin of Tungsten Statistics;钨砂统计季报;; Bulletin on Ageing;老龄问题公报;; Bulletin on Aging;老龄问题公报;; Bulletin on Industrialization and Productivity;工业化和生产力公报;; Bulletin on Narcotic Drugs;麻醉药品公报;; Bulletin on Narcotics;麻醉药品简报;; BULLUT, S.B.A.;布勒特;; BULUC, Yusuf;优素福·布卢奇;; Bumiputra;土著;; Bun Say;奔赛;; Buna;布纳;; bunching of repayments;偿还挤迫;; bunching of sailing;船舶拥挤;; Bundeministerium fur Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten;奥地利联邦经济事务部;; Bundes Bank;联邦银行;; Bundes Kartell Amt;联邦卡特尔管理局;BKA; Bundesdatenschutzgesetze;联邦数据堡法;; Bundesgrenzschutz;联邦边防警察;; Bundespost;联邦邮政总局;; Bundestag;联邦议院;; Bundesverband Der Deutschen Industrie e. V;德国联邦工业联盟;; Bundeswehr;联邦国防军;; BUNDU, Abass Chernor;阿巴斯·切尔诺·本杜;; BUNE, Poseci W.;波塞西·布尼;; BUNGAROO, Anne-Marie;安妮-玛丽·邦加鲁;; bunk;1 [监狱]铺位 2 [军事]掩体; 地下工事; 地窖;; bunker adjustment factor;燃料调整因数;BAF; BUNLEUT, Soulima;苏里马·崩勒;; BUNSE, Benno;本诺·邦泽;; BUNTON, Cynthia Regina;辛西娅·里贾纳·邦顿;; BUO, Sammy KUM;萨米·昆布;; BUOR HELL;布海;; buoy boat;航标敷设艇;; bupremorphine;布普雷吗啡;; Buprenorphine;丁丙诺非;; Buprenorphine hydrochloride;盐酸丁丙诺非;; Buran;暴风雪号;; Burao;布劳;; BURAVKIN, Gennadiy;根纳季·布拉夫金;; BURAVKIN, Guennadi N.;古恩纳季·布拉夫金;; BURAYZAT, Musa;穆萨·布赖扎特;; BURBACK, Steven R.;史蒂文·伯巴克;; BURBULIS, Gennady E.;根纳季·布尔布利斯;; BURCUOGLU, Tahsin;塔赫辛·布尔朱奥卢;; burden of debt servicing;偿债负担;; burden of proof;举证责任;; bureau;局所办公处主席团;; Bureau of the International Tribunal;国际法庭庭长会议;; Bureau Central de Mesures Nucleaires, EURATOM;中央核子测量局;BCMN; Bureau Central des Etudes d'Outer-Mer;海外研究总署;BCEOM; Bureau d'Eligibilite;资格局 难民;; Bureau d'information sur l'Afrique Australe;南部非洲情报服务处;; Bureau de developpement des telecommunications;电信发展局;BDT; Bureau de liaison des ONG et associations du Burkina Faso;布基纳法索非政府组织和协会联络局;; Bureau de promotion industrielle du Tchad;乍得工业促进局;BPIT; Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres;地质和矿物调查局地矿调查局;BRGM;地矿调查局 Bureau des transferts technique internationaux;国际技术转让局;BTTI; Bureau for African Tryanosomiasis;非洲锥体虫病控制局;; Bureau for Coordination of Operational Activities;业务活动协调局业务局;BAO;业务局 Bureau for Employers' Activities;雇主活动局;; Bureau for Equal Rights between Men and Women;男女平等权利局;; Bureau for External Relations;对外关系局;BER; Bureau for Finance and Administration;财务和行政局 财政局;BFA;财行局 Bureau for Policy and Programme Support;政策和方案支助局政策局;BPPS;政策局 Bureau for Policy Planning;政策规划局;; Bureau for Popular Organization;人民组织局;; Bureau for Programme and Project Support;方案与项目支助局;; Bureau for Programme Coordination;方案协调局;; Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation;方案政策和评价局;BPPE; Bureau for Programme Support;方案支助局;; Bureau for Programmes and Policy;方案与政策局;; Bureau for Refugees;非统组织难民事务局;; Bureau for Research, Liaison and Special Projects;研究、联络和特别项目局;BR; Bureau for Resources and External Affairs;资源和对外事务局 外事局;BREA; Bureau for Resources and Special Activities;资源和特别活动局资源局;BRESA;资源局 Bureau for Special Activities;特别活动局;BSA; Bureau for Technical Cooperation;技术合作局;; Bureau for the Coordination of field Units;外地单位协调局外地协调局;BFC;外地协调局 Bureau for the Coordination of Operational Activities;业务活动协调局;; Bureau for the Placement and Education of African Refugees;非洲难民安置和教育局非洲难民局;BPEAR;非洲难民局 Bureau for the Placement and Education of Refugees of the OAU;非洲统一组织难民安置与教育事务局;; Bureau for Thematic Programmes;主题方案局;; Bureau International Afghanistan;阿富汗国际局;; Bureau International de l'Union Postale Universelle;万国邮政联盟国际局;; Bureau international de la recuperation;国际回收局;BIR; Bureau International du Travail;国际劳工局;BIT; Bureau of Administration and Finance;行政和财务局;; Bureau of Administration and Services;行政服务局;; Bureau of Administrative Management and Budget;行政管理和预算局行预局;BAMB;行预局 Bureau of Animal Nutrition;动物营养局;; Bureau of Census;人口普查局;; Bureau of Conferences, Languages and Documents;会议、语言及文件局;; Bureau of Contracting Parties to the convention on the protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region;堡和发展大加勒比区域海洋环境公约缔约国事务局;; Bureau of Data Processing Services;数据处理事务局;; Bureau of Documents;文件局;; Bureau of Economic Analysis;经济分析局;BEA; Bureau of Economic Affairs;经济事务局;; Bureau of Economic Analysis of U.S. Department of Commerce;美国商务部经济分析局;; Bureau of European Designers Associations;欧洲设计师协会局;BEDA; Bureau of External Relations;对外关系局;BER; Bureau of External Relations, Evaluation and Reports;对外关系、评价和报告局外关评报局;BERER;外关评报局 Bureau of Flood Control;防洪局;; Bureau of Flood Control and Water Resources Development;防洪和水资源开发局;; Bureau of General Services;总务局;; Bureau of Ghana Language;加纳语言局;; Bureau of Global Watch;全球监测局;; Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.;美国劳工部劳工统计局;; Bureau of Language Services;语文服务局;; Bureau of Municipal Research;市政研究局;; Bureau of Operations and Programming;业务和方案编制局业务方案局;BOP;业务方案局 Bureau of Personnel;人事局;; Bureau of Placement of Refugees;难民安置局;; Bureau of Programme Operations;方案业务局;; Bureau of Programming and Management;计划管理室;; Bureau of Social Affairs;社会事务局;; Bureau of Social Planning, Puerto Rico;波多黎各社会计划局;; Bureau of South African Police;南非警察局;BSAP; Bureau of Standards;标准局;; Bureau of State Security;国家安全局;BOSS; Bureau of Statistics;统计局;; Bureau of Statistics and National Census, Venezuela;委内瑞拉国家普查与统计局;; Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Plain;坦桑尼亚经济事务发展计划部统计局;; Bureau of Statistics, Fiji;斐济统计局;; Bureau of Statistics, Japan;日本统计局;; Bureau of Statistics, Lesotho;莱索托统计局;; Bureau of Studies and Programming;研究及方案编制局;; Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations;技术援助业务局技援局;BTAO;技援局 Bureau of the Assembly of Heads of States and Government;国家元首和政府首脑会议局;; Bureau of the Budget;预算局;; Bureau of the Census;人口普查局;; Bureau of the Census and Statistics, Chile;智利普查和统计局;; Bureau of the Census of U.S. Department of Commerce;美国商务部普查局;; Bureau of the Commission on Human Rights;人权委员会主席团;; Bureau of the Comptroller;会计局;; Bureau of the Conference;会议主席团;; Bureau of the Governing Council;理事会主席团;; Bureau of the NGO Committee on Disarmament;非政府组织裁军委员会理事会;; Bureau of the Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers;部长理事会__届翅主席团;; Bureau of the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development;裁军和发展之间关系国际会议筹备委员会主席团;; Bureau of the Programme;方案局;; Bureau of the Special Commission;特别委员会主席团;; Bureau of the Special Committee against Apartheid;反对种族隔离特别委员会主席团;; Bureau of the Special Committee on Peace-keeping operations;维持和平行动特别委员会主席团;; Bureau of the World Peace Council Presidential Committee;世界和平理事会主席团常设委员会;; Bureau of Trade Marks, Copyrights and Patents;商标、版权和专利事务局;; Bureau of Women's Affairs;妇女事务局;; Bureau on Namibia, Southern Africa;南部非洲纳米比亚事务局;; Bureau pour le Developpement de la Production Agricole;农业生产发展局;BDPA; Bureau regional pour les etats arabes et Europe;阿欧区域局;BREAE; bureaucratic layers;科层单位;; bureaux;主席团成员;; Bureaux internationaux reunis pour protection de la propriete intellectuelle;国际堡知识产权联合局;BIRPI; BURELLI, Miguel Angel;米格尔·安赫尔·布雷利;; BURGHARDT, Jutta;尤塔·布格哈特;; burghol;碎麦;; burglary;盗窃罪,侵入住宅罪;; BURGOS, Omar OROZCO;奥马尔·奥罗斯科·布尔戈斯;; burial ground;葬地;; BURKARD, Alfredo Felix CRISTIANI;阿尔弗雷多·费利克斯·克里斯蒂亚尼·布 尔卡德;; BURKE, John;约翰·伯克;; Burkina Faso;布基纳法索;; BURLESON, David;戴维·伯利森;; Burlington Industries, Inc.;伯林顿工业公司;; Burmah Oil Co. Ltd.;伯麦石油公司;; Burmese Kyat;缅甸元;; burn;点火;; burn out;熄火;; BURN, Steven;史蒂文·伯恩;; burn-in;烧上;; BURNETT, Charles;查尔斯·伯内特;; BURNEY, Ian;伊恩·伯尼;; Burnham, Drexel;德雷克塞尔·伯纳姆;; Burns Philp South Sea Co. Ltd.;伯恩斯·菲尔普南海有限公司;; Buroa;布罗阿;; BURRALEH, Mohamed;穆罕默德·布拉勒;; Burroughs Building;巴勒斯大楼;; Burroughs Corporation;宝来公司;; Burundi;布隆迪;; Burundi Franc;布隆迪法郎;; BURWIN, Awad Saleh;阿瓦德·萨利赫·布尔温;; BUSACCA, Alessandro;亚历山德罗·布萨卡;; BUSAIDI, Nooh bin Mohammed bin Ahmed AL-;努赫·本·穆罕默德·本·艾哈迈德·布赛迪;; BUSCH, Wolfgang;沃尔夫冈·布施;; BUSEK, Bohumil;博胡米尔·布塞克;; bush fire;灌丛火灾; 灌木林火;; BUSH, George Herbert Walker;乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什;; Bushehr nuclear power plant;布歇赫尔核电厂;; Bushehr reactor installations;布歇赫尔反应堆设施;; Bushmen;布须曼人族;; BUSIC, Zdravka;兹德拉弗卡·布希奇;; business accounting practices;企业核算习惯做法;; business administration;工商管理;; Business and Investment Forum;商业和投资论坛;BIF; Business Bulletin;商务公报;BB; business centre;商业中心;; Business Charter for Sustainable Development;可持续发展商业宪章;; business class;公务舱;; Business Code of Conduct for Child Protection;堡儿童工商行为守则;; business combination;企业合并;; business committee;事务委员会;; Business Council;商业理事会;; Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future;创造一个可持续能源未来商业理事会;; Business Council for International Understanding;促进国际谅解商业理事会;; Business Council for Sustainable Development;促进可持续发展商业理事会;BCSD; Business Council for the United Nations;支持联合国商业理事会;; business day;营业日;; Business Development Centre;商业发展中心;BDC; Business Election Fund;企业选举基金;BEF; business enterprise;商业企业;; business entrants;初办企业者;; business executives;企业经理人员;; Business Expansion Scheme;企业扩展计划;BES; business finance;企业财务;; business firms;商业公司商号;; Business Forum for Sustainable Development;可持续发展问题商业论坛;; Business Herald;商业先驱报;; business indicators;商情指标;; business paper;商业票据;; Business Plan for the United Nations University Press;联合国大学出版社业务计划;; business planning;商业规划; 业务规划;; business principles of a company;公司营业原则;; business records;营业记录;; business report;营业报告 商业报告;; business tax;营业税;; Business Week;商业周刊;; business-class;公务舱;; Busovaca;布索瓦察;; OSSIO-BUSTILLOS, Luis Pablo;路易斯·巴勃罗·奥西奥- 布斯蒂略斯;; BUSTOS, Roberto Ramos;罗伯托·拉莫斯·布斯托斯;; BUSUTTIL, George;乔治·布萨蒂尔;; Butalbital;布他比妥;; Butanone,2-;2-丁酮;; Butare;布塔雷;; BUTHELEZI, Mangosuthu Aatsha;曼戈苏图·阿查·布特莱奇;; BUTIKU, Perucy N.;佩鲁西·布蒂库;; BUTLER, Peter von;彼得·冯布特勒;; BUTLER, Richard William;理查德·威廉·巴特勒;; BUTLER-PAYETTE, Alain;阿兰·比特勒-帕耶特;; Butmir;布特米尔;; BUTNARU, Ion;扬·布特纳鲁;; Butobarbital;丁巴比妥;; BUTRAGUENO, Maria de los Angeles JIMENEZ;玛丽亚·德洛斯·安赫莱斯·希门尼斯·布特拉格尼奥;; Butrovic;布特罗维茨;; butter churn;搅奶桶;; butter fat;乳脂;; butter oil;牛油 奶油;; butterfly bombs;蝴蝶式炸弹;; Buttes Gas & Oil Co.;博茨油气公司;; BUTTIGIEG, Anton;安东·布蒂吉格;; BUV radiation;后向散射的紫外辐射;; buy-back;买回/回购股票;; buy-back arrangements;回购安排;; buy-in;买进股票;;股票 buy-out agreement;租约赎金合同;; buyer's credit;买方信贷; 买主信用;; buyer's market;买方市场;; buying rate;买入价;; BUYOYA, Pierre;皮埃尔·布约亚;; BUZINSKAS, Gintautas;金陶塔斯·布津斯卡斯;; BUZO, Nikolai P.;尼古拉·布佐;; BW Convention;禁止细菌武器公约;; BWAKIRA, Melchior;梅尔基奥尔·布瓦基拉;; BWANALI, E.E.I.;爱德华·布瓦纳利;; BWIA;英国西印度航空公司;BWIA; by all parties and others concerned;各当事方和其他有关方面;; analytical grouping, by;按分析分组法;; by catch;副渔获物;; by main objects of expenditure, regular budget;各主要支出用途经常预算;; by major category, posts;主要职类员额表;; by part of the budget, posts;按预算各编开列员额表;; by part, regular budget costs;各部门经常预算费用;; by sector and source of funding;按部门和经费来源分类;; by source of fund;按资金来源分列;; by virtue of the Convention;根据公约;; by-census;中期人口统计;; by-election;补选;; by-laws;公司附则;; by-product;副产品;; by-work;业余工作;; BYATT, Robin;罗宾·拜厄特;; bycatch limit;副渔获物限额;; BYELOBROV, Yury Yakovlevich;尤里·亚科弗莱维奇·贝洛勃罗夫;; Byelorussian Children's Fund;白俄罗斯儿童基金;; BYKOV, Dmitriy Vasilievich;德米特里·瓦西里耶维奇·贝科夫;; BYL, Pieter van der;皮埃特·范德比尔;; bylaws;公司章程附则细则地方或社团所订的规章;; BYNOE, Hilda;希尔达·拜诺;; bypass road;绕行公路;; BYRNE, Patricia M.;帕特里夏·伯恩;; BYRNE, Timothy;蒂莫西·伯恩;; BYRON, Terrence V.;特伦斯·拜伦;; Byumba;比温巴;; BYUN, Young-tae;卞永台;; buffering capacity;缓冲能力; 缓冲容量;; C phase;C 阶段; 设计阶段;; C-130 Hercules;C-130大力士式运输机;; C-band;C-波段;; C-CORE;加拿大冷海资源工程中心;CORE; C-horizon;母质层; C层;; C.Itoh & Co. Ltd;伊藤忠商事公司;; C2Cl2F4;四氟二氯乙烷;; C2Cl3F3;三氟三氯乙烷;; C2Cl4F2;四氯二氟乙烷;; C2Cl6;六氯乙烷;; C2ClF5;五氟氯乙烷;; C2H3Cl3;C2H3Cl3; 三氯乙烷;; C2H4F2;C2H4F2; 1,1-二氟乙烷;; C2H4O2;C2H4O2; 甲酸甲酯;; C2H5Br;C2H5Br; 乙基溴;; C2H5Cl;C2H5Cl; 乙基氯;; C2HCl5;C2HCl5; 五氯乙烷;; C4F8;C4F8; 八氟环丁烷;; C4H4O;C4H4O; 呋喃;; C5H10;C5H10 戊烯;; computer-assisted audit techniques;计算机辅助审计技术;CASCON; CAB International Institute of Entomology;英联邦农业局国际昆虫学研究所昆虫所;CIE;昆虫所 International Institute of Entomology;国际昆虫学研究所昆虫所;CIE;昆虫所 CABACTULAN, Libran N.;利夫兰·卡瓦克图兰;; CABALLERO, Hugo Saguier;乌戈·萨吉尔·卡瓦列罗;; CABALLERO, Luis Vargas;路易斯·巴尔加斯·卡瓦列罗;; CABALLERO, Paula;保拉·卡瓦列罗;; Cabanas Department;卡瓦尼亚斯省;; cable address;电报挂号;; CABELLO, Oscar Jesus;奥斯卡·赫苏斯·卡维罗;; Cabildo Provincial;省议会;; Cabinda Gulf Oil Company;卡宾达海湾石油公司;; Cabinet diplomacy;内阁外交;; Cabinet of Ministers Cabinet;部长内阁 内阁;;内阁 Cabinet of the President of the General Assembly;大会主席顾问团;; Cabinet Office of the Executive Secretary;执行秘书办公室;; cabinet system;内阁制;; Cable News Network;有线电视新闻网;CNN; Cable Operations Unit;电报业务股;; cable percussion rig;缆式凿井机;; cable tool drill rig;缆式凿井机;; Cabo de ordem;保安警;; CABOCHAN, Gerardo P.;赫拉尔多·卡沃昌;; CABRAL, Alfredo Lopes;阿尔弗雷多·洛佩斯·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Amilcar;阿米尔卡·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, George;乔治·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Joao Maria Rebelo de Andrade;若奥·玛丽亚·雷贝洛·德安德拉德·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Jorge;若热·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Lucette Andrade;卢塞特·安德拉德·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Luis;路易斯·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Luis de Almeida;路易斯·德阿尔梅达·卡布拉尔;; CABRAL, Raul Antonio de Melo;劳尔·安东尼奥·德梅洛·卡布拉尔;; CABRERA HIDALGO, Alfonso;阿方索·卡夫雷拉·伊达尔戈;; CABRERA JOVANE, Jose M.;何塞·卡夫雷拉·霍瓦内;; CABRERA, Jose Luis PALMA;何塞·路易斯·帕尔马·卡夫雷拉;; CABRERA, Jose M.;何塞·卡夫雷拉;; CABRERA, Juan Manuel;胡安·曼努埃尔·卡夫拉雷;; CABRERA-HIDALGO, Alfonso;阿方索·卡夫雷拉-伊达尔戈;; CABRIC, Miodrag;米奥德拉格·沙布里奇;; cease of armed conflicts;停止武装冲突;CAC; Chartered Association of Certified Accountants;特许执业会计师协会;CACA; CACERES CARDOZO, Manuel Maria;曼努埃尔·玛丽亚·卡塞雷斯·卡多索;; CACERES PINEDA, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·卡塞雷斯·皮内达;; CACERES, Jose Maria FERNANDEZ;何塞·玛丽亚·费尔南德斯·卡塞雷斯;; CACERES, Roberto Herrera;罗伯托·埃雷拉·卡塞雷斯;; caches of weapons and military supplies;暗藏的武器和军用物资; 武器和军用物资的暗藏地;; cacodylic acid;二甲次胂酸;; Cactus ground-to-air missile system;“仙人掌”地对空导弹系统;; CAD/CAM modular training system;计算机辅助设计/制造单元组合培训系统;; cadastral map;地籍图;; cadastral surveys;土地测量地籍测量;; CADAY, Leonidas;莱昂尼达斯·卡代;; CADENA-RAMILA, Ramon Ambassador Guatemala;拉蒙·卡德拉-拉米拉;; caderneta indigena;土著通行证;; CADETE, Anercio do Sacramento e Silva;阿内尔西奥·多萨克拉门托·埃席尔瓦·卡德特;; cadets;士官生;; Cadi;卡迪; 教法官;; CADMAN, David;戴维·卡德曼;; Cadmium Association;镉协会;; Cadmium pollution;镉污染;; cadmium telluride detector;碲化镉探测器;; caducity;衰老;; CAESAR, Michael;迈克尔·西泽;; caesarean birth;剖腹产;; caesarean operation;剖腹产术;; caesarean sections;剖腹产;; CAETANO de SOUSA, Antonio Pinto;安东尼奥·平托·卡埃塔诺·德索萨;; Cafes Suaves Centrales;软咖啡多国公司;; caffeine;咖啡因;; Cafunfo;卡丰福;; CAGATAY, Mustafa;穆斯塔法·查阿塔伊;; cage culture;笼网养殖;; CAGLAYABGIL, Ihsan Sabri;伊赫桑·萨布里·查拉扬吉尔;; CAGOROVIC, Vucic;胡齐奇·查戈罗维奇;; CAHANA, Shamay;沙迈·卡哈纳;; CAHEN, M. Alfred;阿尔弗雷德·卡昂;; CAHILL, Harry;哈里·卡希尔;; CAI;计算机辅助教学;CAI; CAI, ZHIJI;蔡志基;; Caid;都尉;; Capacity-building for Electronic Communications in Africa project;非洲电子通讯能力建设项目;; Cairns Declaration;凯恩斯宣言;; Cairns Group;凯恩斯集团;; Cairns Group of Fair Traders;凯恩斯公平贸易商集团;; Cairo Agenda for Action;开罗行动议程;; Cairo Declaration;中美英三国开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration of Developing Countries;发展中国家开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam;伊斯兰人权开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration on Afro-Arab Cooperation;非洲-阿拉伯合作开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration on Afro-Arab Economic and Technical Cooperation;关于非洲-阿拉伯经济及技术合作的开罗宣 言;; Cairo Declaration on Economic Cooperation Among Developing Countries;关于发展中国家经济合作的开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration on Law and the Human Rights of Victims;关于执法和受害者人权问题的开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration on the Economic and Social Development of Africa;关于非洲经济和社会发展的开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration on the Great Lakes Region;关于大湖区的开罗宣言;; Cairo Declaration on the Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in the Arab World;关于堡阿拉伯世界难民和流离失所者的开罗宣言;; Cairo Demographic Centre;开罗人口统计中心;CDC; Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes;对危险废物进行无害环境管理的开罗准则和 原则;; Cairo International Conference on Dissemination and Use of Census Data;开罗传播和使用普查数据国际会议;; Cairo Plan of Action;开罗行动计划;; Cairo Programme of African Cooperation on the Environment;非洲环境合作开罗方案;; Cairo Programme for African Cooperation;开罗非洲合作方案;; Cairo Programme for African Cooperation on Environment and Eco-development;非洲环境和生态发展合作开罗方案;; Cairo Programme of Action;开罗行动纲领;; Cairo Programme of Action on Population and Development;人口与发展开罗行动纲领;; Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration;开罗国际商业仲裁区域中心;; Cairo Summit of the Heads of State of the Great Lakes Region;大湖区国家元首开罗首脑会议;; Cairo Women's Club;开罗妇女俱乐部;; Cairo-Amman Bank;开罗安曼银行;; Caisse Centrale de Cooperation Economique;中央经济合作银行经合银行;CCCE;经合银行 Caisse Hypothecaire du Canton de Berne;伯尔尼郡抵押银行;; Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole;农业信贷国民银行农业银行;CNCA;农业银行 Caisse nationale de reassurance;国家再保险银行;; Caisse Natonale de Credit Africole;农业信贷国民银行;; Caisses de pharmacie scolaires;药学基金;CPS; Caixa de Credito;信用银行;; Caixa de Credito Agricola;农业信用银行;; Caixa de Credito Agro-Pecuario;佛得角农业信贷银行;; CAKPO-TOZO, Edmond;埃德蒙·卡克波-托佐;; CALAL, Mohamed Noman;穆罕默德·诺曼·加拉勒;; calamagrostis pseudophrag-mites;假苇拂子茅;; Calasiatic;加州亚细亚石油公司;; calcining operations;焙烧;; calcium;钙;; calcium fluoride;氟化钙;CaF2; calcium methanearsonate;甲基胂酸钙;CMA; calcium zironate;锆酸钙;CaZrO3; calculated growth;推算出的增长率;; calculated on a full cost basis;按全额计算;; calculating indicative planning figures;计算指示性规划数字计算指归数;CIPF;计算指归数 calculation of assessments;摊额计算法; 分摊会费计算法;; calculation of budget ratios;预算比率的计算;; calculus of finite difference;有限差分演算法;; calculus of probability;概率演算;; CALDERA, Alejandro Serrano;亚历杭德罗·塞拉诺·卡尔德拉;; CALDERA, Rafael;拉菲尔·卡尔德拉;; CALDERON FOURNIER, Rafael Angel;拉菲尔·安赫尔·卡尔德隆·福涅尔;; CALDERON, Arias;阿里阿斯·卡尔德隆;; CALDERON, Mario;马里奥·卡尔德龙;; Calendar days;历日;; calendar line;国际换日线;; calendar method;日历法;; calendar month;历月;; calendar of conferences;会议日历;; Calendar of Conferences and Meetings of the United Nations for the Biennium 1988-1989;1988-1989两年期联合国会议日历;; Calendar of consultations on the medium-term plan for the period starting in 1992;为编制1992年开始的中期计划进行协商的日 历;; Calendar of Events;活动日历栏;; Calendar of Meeting on Agro-chemicals;农业化学会议日历;; calendar of meetings;会议日历;; calendar year;历年; 日历年度;; calendar year figures data;历年数据;; calendar-year basis;历年折算; 历年制;; CALERO Rodriguez, Carlos;卡洛斯·卡莱罗·罗德里格斯;; CALERO-RODRIBUEZ, M. Carlos;卡洛斯·卡莱罗-罗德里格斯;; CALERY, Cornelio;科内利奥·卡莱里;; CALHOUN, Herbert;赫伯特·卡尔霍恩;; calibra;枪炮口径;; calibrated fluxes;校准流量; 校准通量;; Calibration Explosion;校准爆炸;; calibration instruments;校准仪器;; calibrator for the sound level meter;声级计校准器;; calibrator for the sound levelmeter;声级计校准器;; California Pacific Petroleum Ltd.;加利福尼亚太平洋石油有限公司;; California Texas Oil Corporation;加州德士古石油公司;Caltex; California Yearly Meeting Of Friends Church;公谊会加利福尼亚年会;; call accounts;活期帐户;; call analyzer;信号分析器;; call and savings;活期和储蓄帐户;;帐户 call back;回叫;; Call for Action on Population and Development;人口与发展行动呼吁;; call for capital;招募股款;; call forwards;提支;; call to order;要求遵守议事规则 宣布开会;; call up reserves for services;动员预备役军人入伍;; call-forward supplies and cash;提用或提支供应品和现金提单;; call-sign;呼号;; CALLAGHAN, Brandan;布伦丹·卡拉汉;; CALLAGHAN, James;詹姆斯·卡拉汉;; CALLAGHAN, William;威廉·卡拉汉;; CALLE Y CALLE, Juan Jose;胡安·何塞·卡列-卡列;; CALLE, Juan Jose;胡安·何塞·卡列;; CALLEJAS, Policarpo;波利卡波·卡列哈斯;; CALLEJAS, Rafael Leonardo;拉菲尔·莱昂纳多·卡列哈斯;; CALLIGA, Euphimia;埃夫菲米亚·卡列;; Calligouum mongolicum;沙拐枣;; calligrapher;缮校;; calling for bids or proposals;招标或索取承包人估价书;; calling for capital;招募股款;; callipers;卡钳; 卡尺; 弯脚圆规;; calls;缴款通知书; 赎回股票; 买方选择权;; calls in loading ports;航次;; calls upon;呼吁;; caloric deficiency;热量不足;; caloric density;热量密度;; caloric needs;卡路里需求;; caloric requirements;卡路里需求量;; calorie;卡路里;;路里 calorie intake;卡路里摄入量;; Caltex Petroleum Corporation;加州德士古石油公司;; calumny;诬告,诽谤;; CALVANI, Aristides;阿里斯蒂德斯·卡尔瓦尼;; Calvert Emerging Europe Fund for Sustainable Development;卡尔弗特新兴欧洲可持续发展基金;; CALVERT, Isabel;伊莎贝尔·卡尔弗特;; Calvo Clause;卡尔沃条款;; Calvo Doctrine;卡尔沃主义;; CAMACHO GOMEZ, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·卡马乔·戈麦斯;; CAMACHO OMISTE, Edgar;埃德加·卡马乔-奥米斯特;; CAMACHO, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·卡马乔;; CAMACHO-OMISTE, Edgar;埃德加·卡马乔-奥米斯特;; CAMACHO-SANCHEZ, Pedro;佩德罗·卡马乔-桑切斯;; Camara Corporative Corporative Chamber;咨政院;; Camara Municipals;市议会;; CAMARA, Arfan;阿尔凡·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Balla Moussa;巴拉·穆萨·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Bassy;巴西·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Damantang;达曼坦·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Djenebou Kaba Nee;迪内布·卡巴·妮·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Kekoura;凯库拉·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Mahawa Bangoura;马哈瓦·邦古拉·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Moussa Sanguiana;穆萨·桑吉亚纳·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Sekou;塞库·卡马拉;; CAMARA, Sikhe;西凯·卡马拉;; CAMARANO DE MELLO MOREIRA, Ana Amelia;安娜·阿梅利亚·卡马拉诺· 德梅洛·莫雷 拉;; Camazepam;卡马西泮;; Cambadju Camp;坎巴朱兵营;; CAMBIASO, Andrea NEGROTTO;安德烈亚·内格罗托·坎比亚索;; Cambio 16;改革十六;; Cambodge-Renaissance Party;柬埔寨复兴党;CRP; Cambodia;柬埔寨;; Cambodia Development Council;柬埔寨发展理事会;; Cambodia Environmental Advisory Team;柬埔寨环境咨询组;CEAT; Cambodia Investment Board;柬埔寨投资委员会;; Cambodia Office of the Centre for Human Rights;人权事务中心柬埔寨处;; Cambodia Office of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights;联合国人权事务中心柬埔寨办事处;; Cambodia People's Armed Forces;柬埔寨人民武装部队柬人武;CPAF;柬人武 Cambodia Reconstruction Board;柬埔寨重建委员会;; Cambodia Resettlement and Reintegration Programme;柬埔寨重新安置和重返社会方案 重新安置方案;CARERE;重新安置方案 Cambodia Trust Fund;柬埔寨信托基金;; Cambodia's Five-Point Statement;柬埔寨的五点声明;; Cambodian Armed Forces;柬埔寨武装部队柬武装部队;CAF;柬武装部队 Cambodian Constitution;柬埔寨宪法;; Cambodian Free Independent Democracy Party;柬埔寨自由独立民主党;CFID; Cambodian Human Rights Cooperation Committee;柬埔寨人权合作委员会;; Cambodian Human Rights Task Force;柬埔寨人权工作队;; Cambodian Media Committee;柬埔寨媒体委员会;; Cambodian National Heritage Protection Authority;柬埔寨民族传统文化堡局;; Cambodian National Resistance;柬埔寨民族抵抗力量;CNR; Cambodian National United Front of National salvation;柬埔寨救国民族团结政线;; Cambodian People's Armed Forces;柬埔寨人民武装部队柬人武部;CPAF;柬人武部 Cambodian People's National Liberation Armed Forces;柬埔寨民族解放人民武装部队;; Cambodian People's Party;柬埔寨人民党人民党;CPP;人民党 Cambodian quadripartite interim authority;柬埔寨四方临时政权;; Cambodian Riel;柬埔寨瑞尔;; Cambodian side of the border;沿柬埔寨一侧边界;; Cambodian Students Association in Japan;日本柬埔寨学生协会;; Cambodian Workers' Association;柬埔寨劳动者联合会;; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, USA;美国堪布里奇科学文摘;; CAMDESSUS, Michel;米歇尔·卡姆德苏斯;; camera and editing;摄制和剪辑;; Camera installation team;摄影机安装队;; camera monitor;摄影机控制器;; camera station;摄象机位置;; camera tube;摄象管;; camera-ready;照相用版;; camera-ready proofs;即可摄制的校样;; Cameraman [DPI];摄影师;; CAMERON, Donald Milner;唐纳德·卡梅伦;; CAMERON, Jude;祖德·卡梅伦;; Cameroon;喀麦隆;; Cameroon National Union;喀麦隆民族联盟;; Cameroon People's National Congress;喀麦隆人民全国大会党;CPNC; Cameroonian Association of Female Jurists;喀麦隆女法学家协会;; CAMILION, Oscar;奥斯卡·卡米利昂;; CAMILLERI, Adrian;艾德里安·卡米莱里;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司