翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Caritas Internationalis International Confederation of Catholic Charities;国际慈善社国际天主教慈善社联合会 慈善社;CI;慈善社 Caritas Internationalis - International Confederation of Catholic Organizations;国际慈善和社会行动天主教组织联合会;CI; CARL AUGUST, Fleischhauer;弗莱施豪尔·卡尔-奥古斯特;; Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft - South East Asia Program Office;卡尔·杜伊斯堡协会-东南亚方案办事处 东南亚方案处;CDG-SEAPO;东南亚方案处 Carl Duisberg Society;卡尔·杜伊斯堡协会;CDG; CARL-AUGUST, Fleischhauer;弗莱施豪尔·卡尔-奥古斯特;; Carl-Zeiss Gruppe;卡尔-蔡斯集团 [西德公司集团];; CARLOS FONSECA, Jorge;豪尔赫·卡洛斯·丰塞卡;; Carlos Juan Finlay Prize;卡洛斯·胡安·芬莱奖;; CARLOS, Antonio SANTANA;安东尼奥·圣塔纳·卡洛斯;; CARLOS, Juan;胡安·卡洛斯;; CARLOS, Palma;帕尔马·卡洛斯;; CARLOT, Alfred;阿尔弗雷德·卡洛特;; CARLOT, Maxime;马克西姆·卡洛特;; CARLOTO, Angel M.;安赫尔·卡洛托;; CARLSSON, Bernt;伯恩特·卡尔松;; CARLSSON, Ingvar;英瓦尔·卡尔松;; Carmel Brigade;卡梅尔旅;; CARMICHAEL, James;詹姆斯·卡迈克尔;; Carnation;康乃馨公司;; CARNAVALI-VILLEGAS;卡纳瓦利-比列加斯;; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;卡内基国际和平基金会卡内基基金会;CEIP;卡内基基金会 Carnet de L'Enfance;儿童手册;; Carnet de passages en douance;报关通行证;; CARNEVALI, Alvaro;阿尔瓦罗·卡内瓦利;; CARNOGURSKY, Jan;扬·察尔诺古尔斯基;; Carol Group;卡罗尔集团;; Carolina Population Center;卡罗来纳人口中心;; Caroline Islands;加罗林群岛;; carousel colour slide projector;旋转式彩色幻灯机;; CAROZO, Rodrigo;罗德里戈·卡罗索;; Carpentry shop;木工工作室;; carpet bombing;地毯式轰炸;; carpet shop;地毯工作室;; CARPIO CASTILLO, Ruben;鲁文·卡皮奥·卡斯蒂略;; CARPIO, Luis;路易斯·卡皮奥;; CARPIO-CASTILLO, Ruben;鲁文·卡皮奥-卡斯蒂略;; CARRASCALAO, Mario;马里奥·卡拉斯卡拉奥;; CARRASCO, Mary;玛丽·卡拉斯科;; CARRASCO, Patricio A.;帕特里西奥·卡拉斯科;; Carrefour;法国家乐福集团;; CARREIRA, Iko;伊科·卡雷伊拉;; CARRENO, Edmundo Vargas;埃德蒙多·巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥;; CARRERA, Luis M. Bravo;路易斯·布拉沃·卡雷拉;; CARRERAS MARTORELL, Luis Daniel;路易斯·丹尼尔·卡雷拉斯·马托雷 利;; CARRESSE, Luis Alberto;路易斯·卡雷塞;; carriage of a gun;炮架跑车;; carriage contract;运送契约;; CARRICK, Michael Francis;米歇尔·弗朗西斯·卡里克;; carried at contract price;按合同价格计;; carried at cost;按原价计;; carried at current market price;按当日市价计;; carried at current replacement price or current selling price;按当日重置价格或当日售价计;; carried at net realizable value;按可变现净值计;; carried forward from...;自....转来; 转自;; Carried out at full speed [programs];全速进行;; carried over;结转; 下转; 转入; 进次页;; carrier air group;航空母舰空军大队;; carrier aircraft;舰载飞机;; carrier rocket;运载火箭;; carrier signal;载波信号;; carrier wave;载波;; carrier-borne aviation;舰载航空兵;; carriers;承运人运输公司;; carriers with third country flags;第三国航运公司第三承运人;; CARRILLO, Gerardo Espinoza;赫拉尔多·埃斯皮诺萨·卡里略;; CARRILLO, Rafael CASTELLANO;拉菲尔·卡斯特利亚诺-卡里略;; CARRILLO-FLORES, Antonio;安东尼奥·卡里洛-弗洛里斯;; CARRINGTON, Edwin;埃德温·卡林顿;; CARRINGTON, Lord;卡林顿勋爵;; CARRION, Patricia;帕特里西亚·卡里翁;; CARRIZO, Celso;塞尔索·卡里索;; CARROL, Daisy;戴西·卡罗尔;; carry forward requests;结转请求;; carry out;执行; 履行;; carry over;转下; 结转; 滚存数; 转归后期数;; Carry-over;结转额;; carry-over expenditure;转结开支;; carry-over project;结转的项目;; carry-over stocks;结转库存;; carryback;移前扣减; 拿回; 抵前;; carrying amount of goodwill;商誉的正面价值;; carrying capacity;负荷能力; 容纳量; 装载量; 负荷量; 负担能力;; carrying cost;储存成本; 置存成本;; carrying expenses;置存费用;; carrying value;帐面价值; 置存价值存货;;存货 carrying value of an investment with a fixed maturity amount;定额到期证券投资帐面价值;ZZZ; carrying value of investments;投资的帐面价值;; carrying value of the investment at the end of the year;年度终了时投资的帐面值;; carrying vessel;承运船只;; carrying-capacity of an ecosystem;生态系统的负荷能力;; carryover;移后扣减;; CARSTENS, Karl;卡尔·卡斯滕斯;; Cartage;搬运费;; Cartagena Agreement;卡塔赫纳协定;; Cartagena Agreement on Nuclear Explosions in the Pacific;关于太平洋核爆炸的卡塔赫纳协定;; Cartagena Commitment;卡塔赫纳承诺;; Cartagena de Indias;卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯;; Cartagena Declaration on the Renunciation of Weapons of Mass Destruction;关于放弃大规馁灭性武器的卡塔赫纳宣言;ZZZ; Cartagena Group;卡塔赫纳集团;; Cartagena Mandate;卡塔赫纳授权书;; Cartagena Pact;卡塔赫纳条约;; Cartagena Summit;卡塔赫纳首脑会议;; carte blanche;无限行动权全权;; Cartagena Agreement of Andean Countries;安第斯国家卡塔赫纳协定 卡塔赫纳协定;JUNAC;卡塔赫纳协定 Carteira do Comercio e Exportacao do Brazil;巴西商业及出口事务局商业出口局;CACEX;商业出口局 cartel Cartel;交换战俘;; Cartel Navire de cartel ship;交换战俘船;; Cartels Katangais;卡坦加联合党;; Carter Centre;卡特中心;; CARTER, Vernon Carlyle;弗农·卡莱尔·卡特;; CARTER,Thomas;托马斯·卡特;; Carthaginians;迦太基人;; cartogram;统计地图;; Cartograpgy Section;制图组;; cartographer;制图员;; Cartographic Conference;制图会议;; Cartographic Inventory for Africa;非洲制图目录;; Cartography and Remote Sensing Unit;制图和遥感股;; Cartography Unit;制图股;; CARVAJAL, Patricio;帕特里西奥·卡瓦哈尔;; CARVALHO VEIGA, Carlos;卡洛斯·卡瓦略·维加;; CARVALHO, Angelina Cecilio de;安热利娜·塞西利奥·德卡瓦略;; CARVALHO, Demetrio Bueno;德梅特里奥·布埃诺·卡瓦略;; CARVALHO, Jose Antonio MARCONDES de;若泽·安东尼奥·马孔德斯·德卡瓦略;; CARVER, John;约翰·卡弗;; Casa EDitrici Doctor Antonio MIlani;安东尼奥·米拉尼博士出版社;CEDAM; CASA Foundation;新南非文化基金会;; CASACANTE, Ramon Torrella;拉蒙·托雷拉·卡萨坎特;; CASAJUANA, Carlos Maria;卡洛斯·玛丽亚·卡萨胡安纳;; CASAJUANA, Don Carles Maria;唐卡莱斯·玛丽亚·卡萨胡安纳;; CASANOVA, Christian;克里斯蒂安·卡萨诺瓦;; CASANUEVA, Humberto Diaz;翁贝尔托·迪亚斯·卡萨努埃瓦;; CASAP, Carlos;卡洛斯·卡萨普;; CASAROLI, Agostino;阿戈斯蒂诺·卡萨罗利;; cascade impactor;阶式碰撞采样器;; Cascade Operation;串联行动;; cascade shower;级联簇射;; case;案件;; case book;个案资料病历资料;; case by the applicant;原告之起诉状;; Case concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua Nicaragua v. United States of AmericaMerits, judgement of 27 June 1986;在尼加拉瓜境内和针对尼加拉瓜进行的军事和准军事行动案尼加拉瓜诉美利坚合众国 案情, 1986年6月27日的判决;ZZZ; Case Covering the Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of Infants;有关施行年关于监护婴儿的公约案;; Case Covering the Factory at Chorzow;乔尔佐伍工厂案;; case fatality rate;病例死亡率;; Case for Sanctions against South Africa, the;制裁南非案例;; Case Handbook on Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy;建立和平和预防性外交实例手册;; case law;判例法;; case law on UNCITRAL texts;贸易法委员会法规的判例法;CLOUT; case management;个案管理;; case method;个案法;; Case of Disappearing Diamonds;日渐消失的钻石;; case of fraud;舞弊事情;; case of presumptive fraud;有舞弊嫌疑的事情;; Case records;个案纪录;; Case studies;个案研究;; Case Studies on material management and inventory control;材料管理及存货管制之实例调查;; case study;个案研究;; case Survey;个案调查;; case under the ordinary law;普通案件;; Case Western Reserve University;凯斯·威士顿储备大学;; Case work;个案工作;; case-finding;个案调查;; case-specific death rate;原因别死亡率;; case-study material;个案研究资料;; caseload;案例;; cases heard;审理的案件;; casevacs;伤亡人员撤离;; casework;个案工作社会工作;; caseworker;个案工作者社会工作者;; cash account;现金帐户;; cash advances;现金垫款;; cash and stock dividends declared by a corporation;公司通告分派的现金和股利;; cash assistance report;现金支助报告; 现金支助报告;CAR; cash balances;现金结存;; cash basis;现收现付制;; cash call-forward;现金提取;CCF; cash contribution;现金捐献;; cash control record;现金统制帐目;; cash counterpart;对应现金;; cash counterpart contributions;现金相对捐款;; cash crops;经济作物;; cash depletion;现金罄尽;; cash deposit as collateral margin;保证金;押金;; cash drawings;提领现金;; cash economy;交易经济;付现经济;; cash flow;现金流动; 现金流量;; cash flow analysis;现金流量分析;; cash flow information;现金流动资料;; cash for food project;现金购粮项目;; cash generation;孳生现金;; cash grant;现金赠款;; cash in banks;银行存款; 存银行现金;; Cash in Hand;库存现金; 现有现金;; Cash in Hand and in Transit and at Banks;库存和在途现金和银行存款;; cash in transit;在途现金、运送中现金;; cash inflow;现金流入;; cash level;现金款额;; cash liquidity;现金流动性; 现金流动情况;; cash list;现金支助清单; 现金支助清单;CL; cash management;现金管理;; cash on arrival;货到付现;; cash on delivery;交货收款交货付款;COD; cash on hand;库存现金;; cash on hand and demand and time deposits;库存现金与活期和定期存款;; cash outflow;现金流出额;; cash payments;现金支付; 付现;; cash position;现金状况; 头寸;; cash price;现金售价;; cash provision;现金支付;; cash purchase;现购;; cash realization;变现;; cash receipts;现金收入; 收到现金;; cash received and receivable;实收和应收现金;; cash reserve;现金储备;; cash sale;现售;; cash substitute;现金代替物;; cash surrender value of life insurance;人寿保险的退保价值;; cash transaction;现金交易;; cash transfer;现金转移;; cash-counterpart accounting;现金相对捐款会计;; cash-counterpart funds;现金相对捐款;; cash-flow crisis;现金流通晰;; Cash-for-Work programme;以现金支付工资方案;; cash-on-hand;库存现金;; cash-receipt voucher;现金收入凭单;; cashew nuts shelled or unshelled, salted and tinned;腰果取壳或未取壳的,加盐和装罐的;;取壳或未取壳的,加盐和装罐的 cashier;出纳员;; cashier's check;银行本票;; Cashier's Fund;出纳处备用金;; Cashier's Fund advances;出纳处备用金预支款项;; Cashier's Offices;出纳处;; Cashiers Unit;出纳股;; CASIMIRO CASTRO, Pablo Rafael;巴勃罗·拉菲尔·卡西米罗·卡斯特罗;; casing;井壁;; casing of an explosive device;炸弹壳体;; casks for transportation or fuel storage;用于运输或贮存燃料的桶;; Cassa di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde;峦德省银行;; Cassa per il Mezzogiorno, Roma;罗马正午银行;; CASSANDRA, Adriano dos Santos;阿德里亚诺·多斯桑托斯· 加桑德拉;; CASSAR, Joseph;约瑟夫·卡萨尔;; Cassava Biotechnology Network;木薯生物技术网;; cassava mealy bug;木薯介壳虫;; Cassegrain reflector antenna;卡塞格伦反射天线;; Cassegrain telescope;卡塞格伦望远镜;; CASSELA, Domingos;多明戈斯·卡塞拉;; CASSELL, Arthru B.;阿瑟·卡斯尔;; CASSESE, Antonio;安东尼奥·卡塞塞;; cast spare parts design and manufacture;铸备件设计和制造;; CASTAFRICA I Conference;第一次非洲科技会议;; CASTALDO, Massimo;马西莫·卡斯塔尔多;; CASTANEDA Gutierrez, Jesus;赫苏斯·卡斯塔涅达·古铁雷斯;; CASTANEDA, Jorge;豪尔赫·卡斯塔涅达;; CASTANEDA-CORNEJO, Ricardo Guillermo;里卡多·吉列尔莫·卡斯塔内达-考内霍;; CASTANO, Juanita;胡安妮塔·卡斯塔尼奥;; caste society;世袭阶级社会;种姓社会;; Castel Gandolfo Colloquium of High-level Experts on New and Renewable Sources ofEnergy;新能源和可再生能源高级别专家卡斯特尔·甘多尔福学术讨论会;; CASTELLANO CARRILLO, Rafael;拉菲尔·卡斯特利亚诺-卡里略;; CASTELLANO-CARRILLO, Rafael;拉菲尔·卡斯特利亚诺-卡里略;; CASTELLI;卡斯泰利;; CASTELLON DUARTE, Mario;马里奥·卡斯特利翁·杜阿尔特;; CASTIGO, Tiago Recibo;蒂埃戈·雷希博·卡斯蒂戈;; CASTILLO GUERRERO, Norma Elena;诺尔马·埃莱娜·卡斯蒂洛·格雷罗;; CASTILLO, Lucas;卢卡斯·卡斯蒂略;; CASTILLO, Marciano;马西亚诺·卡斯蒂略;; CASTILLO, Maria P.;玛丽亚·卡斯蒂略;; casting vote;决定票;; Castle and Cook, Inc. of Hawaii;夏威夷的卡斯尔与库克公司;; castor bean;蓖麻子;; castor-bean processing;蓖麻籽加工;; CASTREN, Erik;埃里克·卡斯特伦;; CASTRO DE BARISH, Emilia;埃米莉亚·卡斯特罗·德巴里斯;; CASTRO Ruz, Fidel;菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯;; CASTRO, Allan BREIER-;阿伦·布赖尔-卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Christian;克里斯琴·卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Federico de;费德里科·德卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Hernan R.;埃尔南·卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Jorge Arturo Montero;豪尔赫·阿图罗·蒙特罗· 卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Jose Manuel PACAS;何塞·曼努埃尔·帕卡斯·卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Luis Augusto de ARAUJO;路易斯·奥古斯托·德阿劳霍·卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Nubia;努维亚·卡斯特罗;; CASTROVIEJO, Jose Maria;何塞·玛丽亚·卡斯特罗维霍;; casual contact;一般接触;; casual employee;临时雇员;; casual income account;临时收入帐户;; Casual labour;临时工人;; Casual revenue;杂项收入临时收入;; casual vacancy;临时空缺;; casual workers;临时工,零工;; casualty insurance;伤亡保险; 意外保险;; catabolism;新陈代谢;; catadromous stocks;降河产卵鱼类;; CATALDO de BORREGO, Maria Esther;玛丽亚·埃斯特尔·卡塔尔多·德博雷戈;; Catalogue on European Industrial Capabilities in Remote Sensing;欧洲遥感工业能力目录;; Catalogue Section;编目科;; Catalogue Unit;编目股;; cataloguer;编目员;; catalysis;催化作用;; catalyst;催化剂;; catalyst-equipped passenger car;装有催化净化废气系统的小客车;; catalytic and innovative activities;推动性和创新性活动;; catalytic burners;催化燃烧器;; catalytic chain;催化循环;; catalytic converter;催化转化器;; catalytic cycle;催化循环;; catalytic exhaust system;排气催化系统;; catalytic ozone destruction cycle;臭氧的催化分解循环;; catalytic reforming;催化重整;; catalytic role;催化作用;; catalytical role;催化作用;; CATARINO, Pedro Manuel;佩德罗·曼努埃尔·卡塔里诺;; catch;渔获量, 渔获物;; catch rate per vessel;单船渔获量率;; catch crop;短期作物;救荒作物;; catch per boat;单船渔获量;; catch per haul;单位网次渔获量;; catch per unit;单位渔获量;; catch per unit of gear;单位渔具渔获量;; catch per unit of effort;单位努力量渔获量 单位努力量;CPUE;单位努力量 catch per unit of effort per standard fishing day;标准渔捞日单位努力量渔获量;; catch per vessel;单船渔获量;; catch quota;渔获量配额;; catch rate per vessel;单船渔获量率;; catch shares;捕获份额;; catch-crop;间作;; catches;捕获量;; catchment;汇水; 集水;; categorical series;品类数列;; Categorized by sector and source of funding;按部门和经费来源分类;; Categories I and II Consultative Status, Non-governmental Organizations in;具有咨商地位的第一类和第二类非政府组织;ZZZ; category;职类;; category 1,2,3;第1类; 第2类; 第3类;; category and level;职类职等;; Category One;第一类;; Category Two;第二类;; CATERINA, Alberto de;阿尔贝托·德卡特里纳;; Catering services;饮食服务;; Caterpillar Tractor Company;卡特比勒拖拉机公司;; catha edulis forsk;阿拉伯茶树;; cathine;去甲麻黄碱 苯丙醇胺;;苯丙醇胺 cathine hydrochloride;盐酸去甲麻黄碱;; cathine phenobarbital;苯巴比妥去甲麻黄碱;; cathine resinate;树脂酸去甲麻黄碱;; Cathine sulfate;硫酸去甲麻黄碱;; Cathinone;卡西酮;; Cathinone hydrochloride;盐酸卡西酮;; cathode ray tube;阴极射线管显象管;CRT; cathode ray tubes for oscilloscopes;用于示波器的阴极射线管;; cathodic protection;阴极防蚀法;; Catholic Association for International Cooperation;天主教国际合作协会;; Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines;菲律宾天主教主教会议;; Catholic Bishops Conference;天主教主教会议;; Catholic Church of El Salvador;萨尔瓦多天主教会;; Catholic Committee for Intra-European Migration;天主教欧洲内部移徙委员会;CCIEM; Catholic Council of Latin American Women;拉丁美洲天主教妇女协进会;; Catholic Fund for Overseas Development;天主教海外开发基金会海外开发基金会;CAFOD;海外开发基金会 Catholic Institute for International Relations;天主教国际关系研究所;CIIR; Catholic International Education Office;天主教国际教育局;CIEO; Catholic International Union for Social Service;天主教社会服务国际联盟;; Catholic Latin American Press Union;拉丁美洲天主教报业联合会;UCLAP; Catholic People's Party;天主教人民党;; Catholic Primate;天主教大主教;; Catholic Relief Service;天主教救济会;CRS; Catholic Relief Service/United states Catholic Council;天主教救济会/美国天主教理事会;; Catholic Relief Services - United States Catholic Conference;天主教救济会 -- 美国天主教会议;; Catholic Theological College;天主教神学院;; Catholic University of El Salvador;萨尔瓦多天主教大学;; Catholic University of Louvain;卢万天主教大学;UCL; Catholique International Union for Social Service;天主教社会服务国际联盟;CIUSS; cation exchange capacity;阳离子交换能力;; cation exchanger;阳离子交换剂; 阳离子交换器;; CATLEY-CARSON, Margaret;玛格丽特·卡特利-卡森;; CATO, Annan Arkyin;阿纳·阿克扬·卡托;; CATO, Milton;米尔顿·卡托;; CATOVIC, Saffet Abid;萨费特·阿比德·卡托维奇;; cattle dip;牛群灭虫浴;; cattle-breeding centre;育牛中心;; cattle-plague;牛瘟;; CATU Containers SA;集装箱运输和出租公司;CATU; Caucasians;高加索人;; Caucasus Logistics Advisory Unit;高加索后勤咨询股;CLAU; caucus team;核心小组;; causal chain;因果连锁反应;; causal liability;因果赔偿责任;; Causal model;因果模型;; causal responsibility;因果责任;; cause and effect relation;因果关系;; cause of action;诉讼事;; cause of deaths statistics;死亡原因统计;; cause of human rights;人权事业;; cause-specific death rate;原因别死亡率;; causes of prenatal mortality;出生前死亡原因;; CAUSSIN, Humberto;温贝托·考辛;; caustic soda;苛性钠;; caustive agents;病原体;; CAVAGLIERI, Alberto;阿尔贝托·卡瓦利埃里;; Cave of Machpela;麦比拉洞;; Cave of Patriarchs;始祖墓穴;; Cave of the Patriarchs;始祖墓穴;; CAVE, Antony;安东尼·凯夫;; CAVIGNAUX, Michel;米歇尔·卡维格诺;; CAYER, Marilyn Joan;玛里琳·琼·凯耶尔;; Cayman Islands;开曼群岛;; Cayman Islands Constitution Order;开曼群岛宪法令;; Cayman Turtle Farm, Ltd.;开曼海龟养殖公司;; Cazin;察津;; Cazin Krajina;察津克拉伊纳;; CB Weapons;化学武器和细菌武器;; CBrF3;三氟溴甲烷;; CC: COPE;气候公约共同方案框架;; CC: INFO;气候公约信息交换方案;; CCAQ Staff Office;行政协商会会务处;; CCAQ/FB;行政协商会财预;; CCAQ/ICSC Testing Team;行政协商会/公务员制度委员会试验小组;; CCAQ/PER;行政协商会人事;; CCCO;气候变化与海洋委员会;CCCO; CCD array;电荷偶合器件阵列;; CCIED;黄淮海国际企业发展中心;CCIED; CCISU;独立职工会协调会;; CCl2F2;二氟二氯甲烷;; CCl2FCCl2F;对称四氯二氟乙烷;; CCl3CHCl2;五氯乙烷;; CCl3F;三氯氟甲烷;; CCl4;四氯化碳; 四氯甲烷;; CClF2CClF2;对称四氟二氯乙烷;; CClF2CF3;五氟氯乙烷;; CClF3;三氟氯甲烷;; CCRS Image Analysis System;加拿大遥感中心图象分析系统;CIAS; CCS;中国船级社;CCS; CCSQ OPS;实质问题协商会业务活动;;业务活动 CCSQPROG;实质问题协商会方案事项;;方案事项 CCST Newsletter;加勒比科技委员会通讯;; CCTTE;化学品毒性检验数据基;CCTTE; CCW Group of Experts;某些常规武器公约专家组;; CD 1;化学销毁 1 队;CD; compact disk-read-only memory;光盘只读存储器光盘CD-ROM;CD-ROM;光盘CD-ROM CDE;欧洲建立信任措施及裁军会议;; CEALLAIGH, Daithi O;戴西·奥·塞阿莱格;; Cease Fire Commission;宛委员会;CFC; cease to be;不复为;; cease to be effective;失效;; cease to be the concern of the organization;不复为本组织主管对象;; Cease-fire agreement;停战协议;; cease-fire and cessation of outside military assistance;宛及停止外来军事援助;; Cease-fire and disarmament concept;宛和解除武装构想;; Cease-Fire and Separation-of-Forces Agreement;宛和部队隔离协定;; cease-fire appeals;宛呼吁;; cease-fire arrangements;宛安排;; Cease-fire Commission;宛委员会;CCF; cease-fire line;宛线;; Cease-fire Monitoring Committee;宛监测委员会;CMC; cease-fire resolutions;宛决议;; Cease-fire Verification Committee;宛核查委员会;; cease-fire violations;违反宛事件;CFV; ceasefire orders;宛命令;; CEAUSU, Dumitru;杜米特鲁·齐奥苏;; CEBALLOS, Pedro Felipe Ramirez;佩德罗·费利佩·拉米雷斯· 塞瓦略斯;; Cecil Ram United Nations Semester Programme;塞西尔·拉姆联合国学期方案;ZZZ; CEDE-Poligrafico;图象艺术发展和实验中心;; CEDENO, Marly;马利·塞德尼奥;; CEDENO, Victor CEDENO;维克托·罗德里格斯·塞德尼奥;; cedi;塞地;; ceding company;转发公司[再保险]分出公司;; CEDRAS, Raoul;拉乌尔·塞德拉斯;; CEESAY, Hassum;哈苏姆·塞萨伊;; CEGA-CIE;美洲政府统计人员会议-美洲教育委员会;; Ceiling;最高比率经费分摊比额表; 最高限额; 最高数额;; ceiling and floor provisions;最高和最低定额;; ceiling and per capita ceiling principles T and D;最高限额及人均最高限额两项原则;; Ceiling composite price;综合价格的上限;; ceiling price;最高价; 最高限价;; ceiling provisions;最高定额;; ceiling value;最高值最高额;; CEL;斗争执行委员会;; CELADE/DOCPAL data base;拉美人口中心/拉美人口文件系统数据基;; Celanese Corporation;塞拉尼斯公司;; celebrities and events officer;名人与活动干事;; CELEM, Huseyin E.;侯赛因·切莱姆;; Celestial bodies;天体;; celestial body;天体;; celestial marriage;使命式婚姻;; celestial mechanics;天体力学;; celestial observation satellite;天体观察卫星;COS-B; CELESTIN, Jean-Marie Fourel;让-马里耶·富雷尔·塞莱斯坦;; celibacy;独身; 禁欲;; celibatarian;独身主义者;; CELIK, Vedat;维达特·塞利克;; celiotomy;剖腹术;; cell line;细胞株; 细胞系;; cell methode;分格法;; CELLI, Bruni;布鲁尼·切利;; CELLI, Marco Tulio Bruni;马尔科·图利奥·布鲁尼·切利;; cells lining bone surfaces;骨膜细胞;; cellular block;空心砖;; cellular plastic;泡沫塑料;; Cellule de Prog. du Ministere de la Production Animale;协助象牙海岸畜牧部单位;; CELPA Mar del Plata Station;自动推进火箭试验发射中心马德普拉塔站;; Celtic League;凯尔特联盟;CL; Cementation pr Precipitation;渗碳法;; CENAC, Neville;内维尔·塞纳克;; CENETE, Alfredo;阿尔弗雷多·塞内特;; CENKO, Kadri;卡德里·岑科;; censoring of mail;检查信件; 信件检查;; Censure, to pass a vote of;通过指责决议;; census;普查; 人口普查;; Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong;香港普查和统计处;; census area;人口普查区;; Census Bureau;人口调查局; 普查局;; census decade;人口普查十年;; census data;普查数据;; census date;普查日;; census de facts;实际人口;; census enumerator;普查员;; census family;人口普查家庭;; Census of Motor Traffic on Main International Traffic Arteries;主要国际交通干线汽车流量普查;; census of production;生产普查;; census operations;普查工作;; census paper;户口调查表;; census returns;户口调查报告表;; census schedule;普查表; 普查一览表;; census taker;户口调查员;; census test;普查试点;; census tract programme;人口普查段方案;; census tracts;人口普查片区;;区 Census Training Programme in Sub-saharan Africa;撒哈拉以南非洲人口普查训练方案;; census unit;普查单位;; cent;美分[美国货币单位]; 分[许多国家的货币单位];; centalum 2-methyl-1-phenyl-3-butyne-1,2-diol;生塔伦甲苯丁炔二醇;ZZZ;甲苯丁炔二醇 centavos;分;; CENTCOM Afghanistan;中央指挥部;; centenarian;百岁老人;; Center for Clean Air Policy;清洁空气政策中心;; Center for Disease Control;疾病防治中心;CDC; Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development;利用本地知识促进农业和农村发展中心;CIKARD; Center for Inter-American Relations;美洲国家关系中心;; Center for International Cooperation;国际合作中心;; Center for Social Research Training and Action in Developing Regions;发展中地区社会研究训练及行动中心 社研行动中心;CESTA;社研行动中心 Center for the Commercial Development of Space;空间商业发展中心;CCDS; Center for the Study of International Relations and Development;国际关系与发展研究中心;CERID; Center for the Study of Women and Society;妇女和社会研究中心;; Center of Concern;关心世事中心;; centesimo centesimi;分;; centesimos;分;; centimes;分;; centimetric waves;厘米波;; centimos;分;; Central Accounts Section;中央帐务科;CAS; central administration;集中管理;; central administrative services;中央行政事务;; Central African Empire;中非帝国;; Central African Airways;中非航空公司;; Central African Clearing House;中非票据交换所;CAfCH; Central African Customs and Economic Union;中部非洲关税和经济联盟中非关税联盟;CACEU;中非关税联盟 Central African Development Information System;中部非洲发展信息系统发展信息系统;CADIS;发展信息系统 Central African Economic and Monetary Community;中部非洲经济和货币共同体 中非经货共同体;CEMAC;中非经货共同体 Central African Economist Society;中部非洲经济学家协会;; Central African Federation;中非联盟;; Central African Monetary Union;中非货币同盟;; Central African News Agency Development;中非通讯社发展;CANAD; Central African Party;中非党;; Central African Power Corporation;中非电力公司;; Central African Republic;中非共和国;; Central African States Development Bank;中部非洲国家开发银行;CASDB; Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics;中央公众动员和统计局;CAPMAS; Central America Commission on Science and Technology;中美洲科学和技术委员会;; Central America Council of Lawyers for Human Rights;中美洲人权事务律师理事会;; Central America-Republic of China Mixed Commission;中美洲-中华民国混合委员会;; Central America-United States of America Joint Declaration;中美洲-美利坚合众国联合宣言;CONCAUSA; Central American Demographic Research Centre;中美洲人口研究中心;CIDAC; Central American Agenda on Environment and Development;中美洲环境与发展议程环发议程;;环发议程 Central American Alliance for Sustainable Development;中美洲可持续发展联盟;; Central American and Panamanian Coordinating Commission for Trade and Stabilization of Prices;中美洲和巴拿马贸易和稳定物价协调委员会;CCMP; Central American Anti-Drug Conference;中美洲禁毒会议;; Central American Anti-dumping Code;中美洲反倾销准则;; Central American Association of Medical Faculties;中美洲医学院协会;ACAFAM; Central American Bank for Economic Integration;中美洲经济一体化银行;CABEI; Central American Bank of Economic Integration;中美洲经济一体化银行;BCIE; Central American Biological Corridor;中美洲生物通道;; Central American Bureau;中美洲事务局;; Central American Clearing House;中美洲票据交换所;CACH; Central American Commission of Maritime Transport;中美洲海运委员会;COCATRAM; Central American Commission on Environment and Development;中美洲环境和发展委员会 环发委员会;CCAD;环发委员会 Central American Commission on Human Development;中美洲人类发展委员会;; Central American Common Market;中美洲共同市场;CACM; Central American Common Market Fund;中美洲共同市场基金;; Central American Confederation of Workers;中美洲工人联合会;CCT; Central American Convention on Forests;中美洲林业公约;; Central American Coordination for Human Rights Organizations;中美洲人权协调组织;; Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services;中美洲航空事务公司;COCESNA; Central American Council for Sustainable Development;中美洲可持续发展理事会;; Central American Council of Comptrollers of Banks, Insurance Companies and other Financial Institutions;中美洲银行、保险公司及其他金融机构主 计长理事会;CCSBSIF; Central American Council of Social Security Institutions;中美洲社会保障机构理事会;; Central American Court of Justice;中美洲法院;; Central American Declaration for UNCED/92;中美洲关于92年环发会议的宣言;; Central American Defence Council;中美洲防务理事会;CONDECA; Central American Economic Association;中美洲经济协会;CAEA; Central American Economic Community;中美洲经济共同体;CAEC; Central American Economic Cooperation Committee;中美洲经济合作委员会中美洲经委会;CCE;中美洲经委会 Central American Economic Council;中美洲经济理事会;CEC; Central American Economic Integration Programme;中美洲经济一体化方案;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司