翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 CFE Joint Consultative Group;欧洲常规武装力量条约联合协商小组;; CFM;氟氯甲烷;CFM; CFP francs-CFPF;太平洋结算法郎法属太平洋殖民地法郎;; Commission de la fonction publique internationale;国际公务员制度委员会公务员制度委员会;CFPI;公务员制度委员会 Conference on the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫问题会议前南问题会议;CFY;前南问题会议 CH2=CHCl;CH2=CHCl 氯乙烯;; CH2Cl2;CH2Cl2; 二氯甲烷;; CH2ClCH2Cl;CH2ClCH2Cl; 对称二氯乙烷;; CH2F2;CH2F2; 二氟甲烷;; CH3Br;CH3Br; 甲基溴;; CH3CCl3;CH3CCl3; 1,1,1-三氯乙烷;; CH3CClF2;CH3CClF2; 1,1-二氟-1-氯乙烷;; CH3CHClCH2Cl;CH3CHClCH2Cl; 1,2-二氯丙烷;; CH3CH2Br;CH3CH2Br; 乙基溴;; CH3CH2CHCl2;CH3CH2CHCl2; 1,1-二氯丙烷;; CH3CHCl2;CH3CHCl2; 1,1-二氯乙烷;; CH3CHF2;CH3CHF2; 1,1-二氟乙烷;; CH3Cl;CH3Cl; 甲基氯;; CH4;CH4; 甲烷;; CHAABAN, Bussaina;布塞纳·查班;; CHAALAL, Ait;艾特·沙拉勒;; CHABAFIMBI, Bishop;毕晓普·查巴芬比;; CHABALA, Isaiah Zimba;艾赛亚·津巴·查巴拉;; CHABAN-DELMAS, Jacques;雅克·沙邦-戴尔马;; CHABANE, M.;沙巴纳;; CHABOU, Mokahtar-Abderrazak;穆赫塔-阿卜德拉阿扎克·沙布;; CHACON, Adolfo;阿道弗·查孔;; CHACRA, Sergio Bitar;塞尔希奥·比塔尔·查克拉;; Chad;乍得;; Chad Basin Commission;乍得盆地委员会;; Chad Lake Basin Commission;乍得湖区域委员会;; CHADDAH, Karn;卡尔恩·查德赫;; CHADERTON MATOS, Roy;罗伊·查德顿·马托斯;; Chadian national armed forces;乍得全国武装部队;FANT; Chadian patriotic forces;乍得爱国部队;; CHADLI, Mohamed;穆罕默德·沙德利;; chaff plates;颖糠筛尾;; Chagas disease;南美锥虫病;; CHAGULA, Wilbert K.;威尔伯特·查古拉;; CHAI SEREIVUTH;占西里武;; CHAI, Eui Sok;蔡义锡;; CHAIMAN, Kanya;干耶·猜曼;; chain guides;链条导版;; chain index;环比指数;; chain migration;连锁性迁移连锁性移徙;; chain reaction;连锁性反应;; Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff;参谋长联席会议主席;; Chairman of the Coordinating Bureau of Non-aligned Countries;不结盟国家协调局主席;ZZZ; Chairman of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体国家元首委员会主席;; Chairman of the Council of Ministers;部长会议主席; 大臣会议主席王国;;王国 Chairman of the Delegation of;…代表团团长;; Chairman of the European Community Conference on Yugoslavia;欧洲共同体南斯拉夫问题会议主席;; Chairman of the Executive Board;执行局主席;; Chairman of the Publications Board;出版物委员会主席;; Chairman of the Working Group on UNISPACE 82;平价982年外空会议工作组主席;; Chairman's Advisory Group on Assumptions;主席的假设问题咨询组;; Chairman-cum-Rapporteur;主席兼报告员;; Chairman-Rapporteur;主席兼报告员;; chajusong;自主性;; CHAKUAMBA, Gwanda;关达·查库安巴;; CHAKULYA, Wilson;威尔逊·查库尔亚;; CHALE, Sebastian;塞巴斯蒂安·查尔;; CHALKIOPOULOS, T.;哈尔基奥普洛斯;; Challenge recusation;提出异议;; challenge a result;对表决结果提出异议; 提出质疑;; challenge for cause;有正当理由反对某陪审团出庭;; challenge inspection;质疑性视察;; challenge the chairman's ruling, decision;对主席的裁决、决定提出异议 不服主席的裁决;; Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean;地中海战略行动方案;; challenge the competence;对权限问题提出疑义 提出质疑;; Challenge to the South: The Report of the South Commission;南方面临的挑战:南方委员会的报告;; challenge verification;质疑性核查;; Challenger;挑战者;; CHALLENGER, Eric G. K.;埃里克·查林杰;; Challenges and opportunities: A strategic framework;挑战与机会: 战略性框架;; CHALMERS, Alix;阿利克斯·夏尔梅;; Cham Ka Kor;占卡戈营地;;营地 Chama Cha Mapinduzi Revolutionary Party;坦桑尼亚革命党;CCM; Chamber;分庭;; Chamber for Environmental Matters;环境事项分庭;; Chamber of Citizens;公民院;; Chamber of Commerce;商会;; Chamber of Commerce and Industry;工商会;; Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America;美利坚合众国商会;; Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America;美利坚合众国商会;; chamber of counties Zupanije;省院;; Chamber of Deputies;国民议会下院众议院;; Chamber of Deputies of the Comoro Archipelago;科摩罗群岛代表大会;; Chamber of Industries of Transvaal;德兰士瓦工业协会;; chamber of industry;行会;; Chamber of Maritime Commerce;海商会;; Chamber of Mines;矿业协会;; Chamber of Representatives;众议院[克罗地亚]代表院;; Chamber of shipping;航业公会 海运协会;; chamber of summary procedure;简易程序分庭;; Chamber of the Republics;共和国院;; Chamber of Zupanije Counties;省院;; chamber pressure;舱压;; Chambers of Commerce and Indut;工商会;CHLS; CHAMBERS, Ian G.;伊恩·钱伯斯;; CHAMBERS, Kingsley Audley;金斯利·奥德利·钱伯斯;; Chambre syndicale des pharmaciens d'officine de la Wilaya de Rabat-Sale;拉巴特-塞拉维拉亚药房联合会;; CHAMKANI, Haji Mohammad;哈吉·穆罕默德·沙姆卡尼;; Chamkar Loeu;占卡勒县;; CHAMMAS, Souheil;苏海勒·查马斯;; Chamoa;占婆王国;; Chamorro;查莫罗人;; Chamorro Culture;查莫罗文化;; Chamorro Employees' Labor Union;查莫罗雇员工会;CHELU; CHAMORRO Mora, Javier;哈维尔·查莫罗·莫拉;; Chamorro people;查莫洛人;; CHAMORRO, Santiago;圣地亚哥·查莫罗;; CHAMORRO, Violeta Barrios de;比奥莱塔·巴里奥斯·德查摩罗;; CHAMOUN, Camille;加米耶·夏蒙;; Champa, Kingdom of;占婆王国;; Champalimaud Group of Portugal;葡萄牙商帕莫集团;; CHAMPENOIS, Pierre;皮埃尔·尚普努瓦;; Champlin Petroleum Co.;钱普林石油公司;; Chams;占人;; CHAN HENG CHEE;陈庆珠;; CHAN Si;姜西;; CHAN Sun;张松;; CHAN Ven;陈文;; CHAN Youran;江裕朗;; CHAN, Heng Chee;陈庆珠;; CHAN, Nellie;陈内利;; CHAN, Peter;陈彼得;; CHAN, Youran;江裕朗;; chancellery, chancery;公署办事处使馆行政处;; chancellery, head of;办事处主任;; Chancellor of the Exchequer;英国财政大臣;; Chancellor;1.总理 2.校长;; Chancery court;大法官法庭平衡法院公署;; chancery papers;公文案卷;; Chancery, head of chancery;办事处主任事务主任;; CHAND, Prem;普雷姆·钱德;; CHANDER, Ramesh;拉梅什·钱德尔;; CHANDERNAGOR, Andre;安德烈·尚德纳戈尔;; CHANDLER, F.;钱德勒;; CHANDLER, Samuel Jefferson;塞缪尔·杰菲逊·钱德勒;; CHANDRAPRABHA, Krisana;吉沙那·参德拉帕哈;; CHANG, Chongxuan;常崇煊;; CHANG Hsien-wu;张贤务;; CHANG Hsueh-yao;张学尧;; CHANG, Lung-hai;张龙海;; CHANG, Ping-tsien;张秉俭;; CHANG, Si Yun;张时润;; CHANG Wei-hsun;张炜逊;; CHANG, Sung-Ok;张升钰;; Changang University;中央大学;; Change;变迁学会;; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change;拟订气候变化框架公约政府间谈判委员会;INC/FCCC; change agents;致变因素; 致变者;; change detection;变化侦察;; Change for Good;捐零钱做善事;; change in consumer attitudes;消费者态度的变化;; change in value of marketable securities;有价证券价值的变动;; change in weather pattern;天气模式的变化; 天气型的变化;; change of flag;更换船旗;; change of registration;变更登记变更船籍;; change of venue;变更审判地点;; change the order of the item;改变项目的次序;; Change with Equity;公平改革;; changes in value of marketable securities;有价证券价值的变动;; changes of acidity;酸度的变化;; changing atmosphere;变化中的大气; 大气变化;; changing composition of the atmosphere;大气成分的变化;; Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity: The prime task of Latin American and Caribbean development in the 1990s;注意到社会公平的生产模式变革: 1990年代拉丁美洲和加勒比发展的首要任务;; changing roles of men and women;改变中的男女任务;; CHANGTRAKUL, Singtoh;信多·昌达军;; Changwat;府;; channel;通道;; channel administration;渠道;; channel of communication;联络渠道;; channels waters;航道海峡水道;; channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations;联合国同青年和青年组织交流的渠道;; CHANS, Ricardo Galarza;里卡多·加拉尔萨·昌斯;; CHANSURIYA, Anucha;阿努查·参素里耶;; CHANTARASAP, Opas;奥帕·参达拉沙;; CHANTHEPHA, Sisavang;西萨旺·占蒂瓦;; CHANTURIA, Georgi;格奥尔吉·昌图里亚;; Chao Phagna;湄南河;; Chao Phraya River;湄南河;; CHAOUACHI, Mokhtar;莫克塔·沙瓦希;; CHAPARRO RUIZ, Sergio;塞尔西奥·查帕罗·鲁伊斯;; chapeau;起首部分[根据中国代表团提案]; 起句; 引段; 开首语;; chapel, right of;教堂权设堂礼拜权;; CHAPELLE, Bertrand de la;贝尔纳·德拉夏佩尔;; CHAPPUIS, Francois;弗朗索瓦·沙皮伊;; chapter budget;项;; Chapultepec Accord;查普尔特佩克协定;; Chapultepec Peace Agreements;查普尔特佩克和平协定;; character code;字符码;; characteristic goods and services;特征货物和服务;; characteristics of an IW;国际水道的特征; 定性治罪法;;治罪法 characterization;定性;; Charcha;《议论》周刊;; CHARETTE, Herve de;埃尔韦·德沙雷特;; charge account;赊帐; 记帐;; charge back system;收费制度;; charge d'afaires en pied;代理代办;; charge d'affaires-consul-general;代办兼总领事;; Charge de mission Officer in charge;主管长官;; charge for programme support services;方案支助服务费用;; charge off;注销;; charge' des archives;档案保管员;; charge-couple device;电荷偶合器件阵列;CCD; charge-couple device strip;电荷偶合器件线;; charge-coupled device;电荷偶合器件;CCD; charge-coupled device array;电荷偶合器件阵列;; charge-coupled devices;电荷耦合器件;CCD; charged against 19xx resources;从 19xx 年资源项下支付;; charged against the budget;从预算项下支付;; charged against the regular budget;从经常预算项下支付;; charged as expenditure;列为开支;; charged or credited to;记作支出或收入;; charged particles;带电粒子;; charged to the regular budget;由经常预算支付;; charged to the regular budgetary appropriations;在经常预算经费下开支;; charged with a criminal penal offence;受刑事控告;; charged with an offence against...;被控告违反....的罪行;; charges;费用; 手续费; 规费;[法律]指控;; charges against estimated future resources;由将来估计资源承担的款项;; charges in transit from offices away from Headquarters;总部以外各办事处转帐中的费用;; charges on water pollution;水污染费;; charity;慈善事业;; Charity Organization;慈善组织;; CHARKVIANI, Gela;格拉·恰尔克维阿尼;; Charles River Associates;查尔斯·里弗顾问公司;CRA; CHARLES, Eugenia;欧亨尼娅·查尔斯;; CHARLES, Guy;居伊·夏尔;; CHARLES, Serge Elie;塞尔日·埃利·夏尔;; Charless, Capel & Leonard Ltd.;卡利斯-卡佩尔-伦纳德公司;; CHARLIER, Bernard Jean Pierre G.;贝尔纳·让·皮埃尔·沙利耶;; Charter;章程 [UNU]; 宪章;; Charter amendment;修改宪章;; Charter and Judgement of the Nuremberg Tribunal;纽伦堡法庭宪章和判决书;; charter by demise;光船租船;; Charter for Global Industrial Cooperation;全球工业合作宪章;; Charter for Russian-American Partnership and Friendship of 17 June 1992;俄美合作和友好关系宪章;; Charter for the health development of the African region by the year 2000;2000年非洲区域保健发展宪章;; charter function;宪章规定的职能;; Charter of Algiers;阿尔及尔宪章;; Charter of Arab League;阿拉伯联盟宪章;; Charter of Arab Solidarity;阿拉伯团结宪章;; Charter of Bogota;波哥大宪章;; Charter of CMEA;经济互助委员会章程;; Charter of Courmayeur;库马约尔宪章;; Charter of development;发展约章;; Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States;各国经济权利和义务宪章;; Charter of Economic, Social, Cultural and Trade Union Rights of Working Women;劳动妇女的经济、社会、文化及工会权利宪章;; Charter of Fundamental Educational Rights;劳动妇女的经济、社会、文化及工会权利 宪章;; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union;欧洲联盟基本权利宪章;; Charter of National Reconciliation;民族和解约章;; Charter of OAU;非统组织宪章;; Charter of Peaceful Coexistence, International Security and Cooperation;和平共处、国际安全和合作宪章;; Charter of Punt? del Este;东点约章;; Charter of Rights for Migrant Workers in Southern Africa;南部非洲移徙工人权利宪章;; Charter of Rights of Working Women;工作妇女权利宪章;; Charter of SAARC;南盟宪章;; Charter of Tequendama;特肯达马宪章;; Charter of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council;阿拉伯湾合作理事会宪章;; Charter of the Asian and Pacific Development Centre;亚洲和太平洋发展中心章程;; Charter of the Caribbean Development Bank;加勒比开发银行章程;; Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States;各国经济权利和义务宪章;; Charter of the Institute for Namibia;纳米比亚研究所章程;; Charter of the International Military Tribunal;欧洲国际军事法庭宪章;; Charter of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East;远东国际军事法庭宪章;; Charter of the League of Arab States;阿拉伯国家联盟宪章;; Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal;纽伦堡法庭宪章;; Charter of the OAS;美洲组织宪章;; Charter of the Organization of African Unity;非洲统一组织宪章;ZZZ; Charter of the Organization of American States Charter of Bogota;美洲国家组织宪章波哥大宪章;ZZZ;波哥大宪章 Charter of the Rights of the Arab Child;阿拉伯儿童权利宪章;; Charter of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation;南亚区域合作联盟宪章;ZZZ; Charter of the United Nations;联合国宪章;; Charter of the United Nations Institute for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚研究所章程;; Charter of the United Nations University;联合国大学章程;; Charter on Environment and Health;北大西洋公约组织和乌克兰特别伙伴关系 宪章;; charter on environment rights and obligations;环境权利与义务宪章;; Charter on Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation Concerning the Environment in the Mediterranean Basin Nicosia Charter;关于地中海盆地环境欧洲-地中海合作宪章 尼科西亚宪章;; Charter on Ground-Water Management;地下水管理章程;; Charter on Integration between Sudan and Egypt;苏丹和埃及一体化宪章;; charter party;租船合同租船契约租约;; Charter review;宪章之重新审查;; charterage;租金;租船费;租机费;; chartered accountants;特许会计师;; chartered bank;特许银行;; chartered city;特别市;; chartered ship;租船;; charterer;租船人;; Charterhouse Group;查特豪斯集团;; Charters of the International Military Tribunals;各国际军事法庭宪章;; Charts of Accounts;会计科目表;; Chase Econometric Associates, Inc.;大通经济计量公司;; Chase Manhattan Bank;大通曼哈顿银行;; Chase Manhattan Corp.;大通曼哈顿公司;; Chase National Bank;大通国民银行;; Chase, Vienna;维也纳大通银行;; CHASIN, Eliyahu;埃利亚胡·哈辛;; Chatalenango;查塔莱南戈;; CHATICHAI Choonhavan;差猜·春哈旺;; Chatila and Sabra Massacre;夏蒂拉和萨布拉大屠杀;; CHATOOR, Delia Margaret;迪莉娅·玛格丽特·查图尔;; chattel slavery;奴隶制;; CHATTI, Habib;哈比卜·沙提;; CHATURVEDI, Suresh Chandra;苏雷什·钱德拉·查图维迪;; CHAUDHRY, Fazal Elahi;法兹尔·伊拉希·乔德里;; CHAUMONT, Jacques;雅克·肖蒙;; CHAVANAVIRAJ, Saroj;沙罗·查瓦那威拉;; CHAVANNES, Nestor;内斯托·夏瓦纳;; CHAVARRIA, Carlos Enrique;卡洛斯·恩里克·查瓦里亚;; CHAVES, Jose M.;何塞·查维斯;; CHAVEZ, Fernando BARRERO-;费尔南多·巴雷罗-查韦斯;; CHAVEZ, Linda;琳达·查维斯;; CHAVUNDUKA, Gordon;戈登·查文杜卡;; CHAVUNDUKA, Ronal Tendai;罗纳德·登代·查文杜卡;; CHAVUNDUKA, T. R.;查文杜卡;; CHAYDHURY, Barkat Ali Khan;巴卡特·阿里·乔杜里;; CHBr3;CHBr3; 三溴甲烷;; CHCl2CCl3;CHCl2CCl3; 五氯乙烷;; CHCl2CH2Cl;CHCl2CH2Cl; 1,1,2-三氯乙烷;; CHCl2F;CHCl2F; 二氯氟甲烷;; CHCl3;CHCl3; 三氯甲烷;; CHCl=CCl2;CHCl=Cl2; 三氯乙烯;; CHClF2;CHClF2; 二氟氯甲烷;; CHEA BUNNY;节奔尼;; CHEA San;谢桑;; CHEA Soth;谢索;; CHEA-URRUELA, Jose Luis;何塞·路易斯·切亚-乌鲁埃拉;; CHEAKA, Aboudou Toure;阿布杜·图雷·谢卡;; CHEANG, Christopher;克里斯托弗·张;; cheap labour force;廉价劳动力;; Cheap labour;廉价劳力廉价劳工;; cheaper source of finance;低息的资金来源;; CHEAYA, Samedech Preach;王妃;; CHEBELEU, Traian;特拉扬·凯贝莱乌;; Chechen;车臣人;; Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Republic;车臣-印古什自治共和国;; Chechnya;车臣;; check;清点;; Check list of Security Council documents;安全理事会文件一览表;; check out for children;结帐时为儿童捐款;; check point;检查站;CP; check the result of the voting;检查表决结果;; check-points;检查站;; checking of information;核对情报;; Checklist of principles relating to the Constitution;关于《宪法》原则的清单;; checkpoint 3 VIC;3号入口处;; Checks and balances;制衡办法、制度互相牵制;; Cheetah;印度豹战斗机;; Chef d'Escadron;少校; 中队长;; Chef da povoacao;村长;; Chef de Cabinet of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General;秘书长办公厅主任;; Chef de mission;使馆长官;; chef de posto;乡长;; chef de suku;族长;; CHEICK, Yedaly Ould;耶达利·乌尔德·谢赫;; CHEKIR, Mezri;梅兹里·谢基尔;; CHELBI, Mustapha;穆斯塔法·谢勒比;; CHELI, Giovanni;乔瓦尼·凯利;; CHEM, Snguon;姜思隆;; Chemapol;捷克斯洛伐克化学品进出口公司;; Chemical Abstracts;化学文摘;; Chemical Abstracts Service;化学文摘社;CAS; Chemical Action Task Force;化学品行动工作队;CATF; chemical agent;化学剂;; chemical agent monitor;化学剂监测仪;CAM; chemical agent of warfare;化学战剂;; chemical and bacteriological biological or toxin weapons;化学和细菌生物或毒素武器;CBT;武器 Chemical and bacteriological biological weapons;化学和细菌生物武器;; Chemical and Bacteriological Biological Weapons and the Effects of Their Possible Use;化学和细菌生物武器及其可能使用的影响;; Chemical and bacteriological methods of warfare;化学和细菌作战方法;; Chemical and Biological Weapons Working Group;化学和生物武器工作组;; chemical attack;使用化学武器攻击;; Chemical Bank;化学银行;; chemical barrier;化学屏蔽;; chemical burn;化学性灼伤;; chemical change;化学变化;; chemical cleaning of coal;煤的化学净化;; Chemical Coordinating Centre;化学问题协调中心;; chemical conversion;化学转化;; Chemical Corn Exchange;化学谷物交易银行;; chemical degradation;化学分解; 化学降解;; chemical destruction;化学销毁;CD; Chemical Destruction Group;化学武器销毁小组;CDG; chemical destruction team;化学武器销毁队;; Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act of 1988;1988年禁止非法转用和贩运化学品法令;; chemical dosing plants;定时供化学药剂;; chemical dump;化学废料;; chemical emergency;化学紧急事故;; Chemical enrichment;化学浓缩;; chemical exchange;化学交换;; chemical exchange enrichment;化学交换浓缩;; chemical exchange technology;化学交换技术;; chemical handling systems;化学处理系统;; chemical holding vessels;化学溶液保存容器;; Chemical Industries Branch;化学工业处;CHEM; Chemical Industries Committee;化学工业委员会;; Chemical Instrumentation Test and Evaluation;化学仪器测试和评价方案;CITE; chemical intermediate;化学中间产品; 化学半成品;; Chemical Manufacturers' Association;化学品制造业协会;CMA; chemical name;化学名;; Chemical New York Corporation;纽约化学银行公司;; chemical oxygen demand;化学需氧量;COD; chemical pesticides;化学杀虫剂;; chemical poisoning;化学品中毒;; Chemical Process Cost Evaluation Model;化学工艺成本评估模式;CHEMECON; Chemical Programme;化学品方案;; chemical reaction by isotope selective laser;同位素选择性激光化学反应;CRISLA; Chemical reaction by isotope selective laser activation;同位素选择性激光活化化学反应;CRISLA; chemical reactivity;化学反应性;; Chemical Research Building;化学研究大楼;; chemical residence time;化学品停留时间; 化学品存在时间;; chemical rocket;化学火箭;; chemical safety;化学安全;; chemical specialities;化学的各种专业;; Chemical Substances;化学药剂;; chemical substitute;化学代用品; 化学替代物质;; chemical theory;化学理论;; chemical trace constituent;化学痕量成分;; chemical transformation;化学变化;; chemical transmitter;化学传递介质;; chemical warfare;化学战;CW; chemical warfare agent;化学战剂;CWA; chemical weapons;化学武器 化武;CW;化武 Chemical Weapons Branch;化学武器处;; Chemical Weapons Convention;化学武器公约;CWC; Chemical Workers Industrial Union;化学工人工业联合会;CWIU; Chemical Workers' Union;化学工人联合会;; Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Building Materials Industries Section;化学、制药和建筑材料工业科;; chemical-dispersion system;化学化散系统;; chemical-weapon-free zone;无化学武器区;; chemically inert;不起化学作用的; 化学惰性的;; chemically reactive substance;化学活性物质;; chemically-fixed energy;化学能; 化学固定能;; chemicals;化学品;; chemistry of atmosphere;大气化学;; chemo-therapeutical treatment;化学疗法;; chemo…;化学...;; chemoautotroph;化学自养生物;; chemosphere;大气化学层;; chemosterilant;化学绝育剂;; chemosterilization;化学绝育法;; chemotaxonomy;趋药性;; CHEN, Baoliu;陈宝鎏;; Chen, Ci;陈辞;; CHEN, Jian;陈健;; CHEN, Peijie;陈佩洁;; CHEN, Shiqiu;陈士球;; CHEN, Wangxia;陈望夏;; CHEN, Wei-jiang;陈为江;; CHEN, Weixiong;陈伟雄;; CHEN, Wenqing;陈文清;; CHEN, Xu;陈旭;; CHEN, Yonglong;陈永龙;; CHEN, Zhiwen;陈治文;; CHENEAUX-REPOND, Dieter;迪特尔·谢诺-雷蓬;; Cheney, Dick;迪克·切尼;; CHENG, JINGYE;成竞业;; CHENG, PHOBOL;增波博;; CHENG, Weiqiu;程味秋;; chenopodium aristatum;刺藜;; CHEOK Po Chuan;石宝泉;; CHEPOURIN, Alexander V.;亚历山大·切普林;; CHEREDNIK, Mikhail S.;米哈伊尔·切列德尼克;; CHERIF, Mohamed Ali;穆罕默德·阿里·谢里夫;; CHERKAOUI, Boubker;布卜凯尔·谢尔卡维;; CHERNENKO, Konstantin Ustinovich;康斯坦丁·乌斯季诺维奇· 契尔年科;; CHERNIACOSKI, Sylvain;西尔万·切尔尼亚科斯基;; Chernobyl;切尔诺贝利;; Chernobyl USSR - Humanitarian Assistance and Rehabilitation Programme;苏联切尔诺贝利-人道主义援助和恢复 方案;; Chernobyl Digest;切尔诺贝利文摘;; Chernobyl Programme;切尔诺贝利方案;; CHERNOMYRDIN, Viktor S.;维克多·切尔诺梅尔金;; CHERNOZEMSKI, Ivan;伊万·切尔诺泽姆斯基;; CHERY, Jean-Fortin;让-福尔坦·谢里;; Cheshire Mission;才郡救济会;; Chetana;《觉悟》周刊;; Chetnik;切特尼克;; CHETTRI, H.K.;切特里;; Chevron Corp.;谢福隆公司;; Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc.;雪弗龙海外石油公司;; CHEW Beng-yong;周孟蓉;; CHEW Tai Soo;周泰苏;; chewing;咀嚼;; CHEYSSON, Claude;克洛德·谢松;; CHF;瑞士法郎;CHF;瑞郎 CHF3;CHF3; 三氟甲烷;CHF3; CHHEANG NEANG TOUCH;钱年杜;; CHHETRI, Hari K.;哈里·切特里;; CHHIM SUMEDH;钦苏梅;; Chhlong;川龙县;; CHHORN, Hay;乔海;; Chhouk;楚克县;; CHHOY Vy;崔维;; CHHUON SIKHORN;春西科昆;; CHIARADIA, Alfredo;阿尔弗雷多·恰拉迪亚;; Chiba International Conference;千叶国际会议;; CHICAGA, Mwila Grace Banda;姆维拉·格雷斯·邦达·奇卡加;; Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation;芝加哥民用航空公约;; Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation;芝加哥国际民用航空公约;; CHICHERI, Juan LOPEZ de;胡安·洛佩斯·德奇切里;; CHICHIRAKY, Delfena;德尔费纳·奇奇拉基;; chicken-pox;水痘;; chickpeas;鹰嘴豆; 山藜豆;; Children and Aids;儿童与艾滋病;; CHIDUMO, Filipe;菲利普·希杜莫;; CHIDZERO, Bernard;伯纳德·奇泽罗;; Chief Accountant;会计长;; chief administrative officer;行政首长 首席行政干事[维和行动];CAO; Chief Administrator;行政长官;; Chief Aerial Inspector;首席空中视察员;; chief auditor;审计长;; Chief Cabinet Secretary;内阁官房长官;; Chief Cashier;出纳科科长;; Chief Civilian Personnel Officer CPO;文职人事主任;CPO; chief clerk;办事员长;; Chief Coordinator of the United Nations Peace-keeping Mission in the Middle East;联合国驻中东维持和平部队特派团首席协调员;; Chief Coordinator of UNTSO, UNEF and UNDOF operations in the Middle East;停战监督组织、紧急部队和观察员部队中东行动首席协调员;; Chief Commissioner;主席;; Chief Commissioner for Afghan Refugees of Pakistan;巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民事务首席专员;; Chief Commissioner of Planning;计划委员会主任计委主任;;计委主任 Chief Coordinator of United Nations Peace-Keeping Missions in the Middle East;联合国维持中东和平工作团首席协调员;; Chief Councillor of the Ovamboland Legislative Council;奥万博兰立法议会议长;; Chief Councillor;首席顾问;; Chief Delegate;首席代表;; Chief Editor;总编辑;; Chief Editor and Director;总编辑兼主任;; Chief Editor [UN];总编辑;; Chief Elected Member;首席选任官;; Chief Executive Officer;总裁; 总经理; 首席执行干事[JSPB];CEO; Chief General Service Officer;首席总务干事;; Chief Graphic Presentation Officer;首席制图干事;; Chief Guard;警卫长;; Wider Caribbean Region marine and coastal environmental information network;大加勒比区域海洋和沿悍境信息网;; Chief Inspector;首席观察员; 首席视察员;; Chief Interpreter;口译主任;; Chief Judge of the Land Court;土地法院首席法官;; Chief Justice;首席法官 审判长[Iran] 最高法院院长[Somoa];; Chief Justice of the High Court;高等法院院长;; Chief Justice of US Supreme Court;美国最高法院首席法官;; Chief Martial Law Administrator of Bangladesh;军法管制首席执行官;; Chief Medical Advisor;医药总顾问;; chief medical officer [British Virgin Islands];首席医官;; marine protected areas;海洋堡区;MPA; Workshop on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Domestic Wastewater Treatment;利用无害环境技术处理家庭废水讲习班;; Chief Military Adviser of the United Nations Operation in Somalia;联合国索马里行动首席军事顾问;ZZZ; chief minister of a state;邦首席部长;; Chief Minister [British Virgin Islands];首席部长;; Chief Minister [Montserrat];首席部长;; Chief Minister;首席大臣;; chief national correspondent;首席国家通讯员;; Chief o f IRM;资料资源管理处处长;; Chief of Administration and Finance;行政和财务主管;; Chief of Automation;自动化事务主管;; Chief of Branch;处长;; Chief of Budget;预算科科长;; Protocol on Biological Diversity and Establishment of Special Protected Areas;关于生物多样化和建立特别堡区的议定书;; Chief of Civil Affairs Administration;民政署长;; Chief of Division;司长;; Chief of Editorial Control;编辑管制长;; Chief of External Relations and Inter-Agency Affairs;对外关系和机构间事务主任;; Chief of Finance and Administration;财务和行政科科长;; Chief of Finance;财务科科长;; Chief of General Staff of JNA;南国防军总参谋长;; Chief of Health Section;保健科科长;; Chief of Naval Operations;海军参谋长;; Chief of Observer Group Lebanon;黎巴嫩观察员小组组长;; Chief of Office;科长; 室长; 处长[办事处];; Chief of Operations;业务主任;; Chief of Operations/Deputy Chief Electoral Officer;业务主任/副首席选举事务干事;; Chief of Protocol of UN;联合国礼宾处处长;; Chief of Radio Services;无线电事务处处长;; Chief of Section;科长;; Chief of Security and Safety;警卫和安全事务处处长;; Chief of Service or Services;处长;; Chief of special Projects;特别计划主任;; Chief of Staff;1. [军事,维和]参谋长 2. [秘书长] 办公厅主任;COS; Chief of Staff and Operations;行动计划参谋长;; Chief of Staff of the Army;陆军参谋长;; Chief of Staff of the Truce Supervision Organization;宛监督组织参谋长;; Chief of State;国家元首;; Chief of Technical Services;技术事务主任;; Chief of the Cabinet of the Presidency;埃及总统府办公室主任;; Chief of the Civilian Operations;民政业务长;; Chief of the General Staff;总参谋长;; Chief of the Payroll Section;薪给科科长;; Chief of the Presidential Office;总统办公室主任;; Chief of Unit;股长;; Chief Petty Officer;军士长;; Chief Police Observer;首席警务观察员;; Chief Public Prosecutor;首席检察官;; Chief Rabbinate;总法师;; chief Radio Operator;无线电机务长;; Chief Reports Officer;报告长;; Chief Secretary;辅政司;; Chief Secretary and Leader of Government Business;首席部长兼政务部长;; Chief Secretary to the Treasury;财政部第一副大臣;; Chief Secretary;主任秘书;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司