翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 采取攻势 take the pledge 发誓戒酒 take time by the forelock 抓紧时机 take time by the forelock 乘机 take up the gauntlet 应战 take up the gauntlet 护卫 take a chance 冒一冒险 take a chance 碰碰运气 take a chance 利用一下机会 take a flight 飞去 take a flight 迅速离开 take a active part 采取豪爽行动 take a back seat 黯然引退 take a back seat 处于次要地位 take a bad picture 照起相来好看 take a bath 洗个澡 take a bathe 游泳 take a bathe 洗澡 take a bear by the tooth 胆大妄为 take a bear by the tooth 作不必要的冒险 take a beating 挨打 take a beating 受打击 take a bold step 采取果断措施 take a bow 鞠躬 take a bow 答谢 take a brace 鼓起勇气 take a brace 奋力 take a breath 深深地吸一口气 take a brief 接手案件 take a brief 接手案件 take a call 谢幕 take a chair 入座 take a chair 就座 take a challenge lying down 对挑战俯首称臣 take a chance 冒险 take a child to Banbury Cross 将小孩放在膝盖上颠摇 take a chill 风寒 take a chill 感冒 take a chill 着凉 take a class 毕业考试得优等 take a class of 担任...班的教师 take a cleaning 惨败 take a cold 感冒 take a cold 受凉 take a cold 伤风 take a compass 兜圈子 take a compass 绕道 take a compass 转弯抹角 take a course 按一定航道 take a cue 懂得别人的暗示 take a cue 按别人的指点行事 take a dare 接受挑战 take a delight in 喜爱 take a delight in 以...为乐 take a dim view of 不赞成 take a dim view of 不乐观 take a dip 洗个澡 take a dip 泡一泡 take a disease 患病 take a dislike to 讨恶 take a dislike to 不喜欢 take a displeasure against 对...觉得不高兴 take a displeasure against 生...的气 take a dive 突然下降 take a dive 暴跌 take a drag at 吸一口 take a drag at 喝一口 take a drag from 吸一口 take a drag from 喝一口 take a drag on 吸一口 take a drag on 喝一口 take a drop 喝一杯 take a drop 自酌自饮 take a drop of something 喝一点酒 take a drubbing 挨揍 take a drubbing 被击败 take a fade 消失 take a fall 被打倒 take a fall 被击败 take a false step 走错一步 take a false step 失策 take a fancy to 喜欢 take a farewell of 向...辞行 take a flier 从跳板上飞跃 take a flier 冒险 take a flier 贸然尝试 take a fling at 攻击 take a fling at 嘲笑 take a flop 猛然跌倒 take a flyer 冒险做事 take A for B 把A误以为B take a fresh start 重新开始 take a gamble 冒险从事 take a gander 看一看 take a glass too much 喝多了 take a good picture 照起相来好看 take a grave view of 认为...很严重 take a grave view of 认为...很严重 take a grip on 抓拄 take a grip on 控制 take a grip on 管束 take a grip on oneself 振作起来 take a grip on oneself 别漫不经心 take a hack at 尝试 Take a hair of the dog that bit you 以毒攻毒 Take a hair of the dog that bit you 以酒解酒 take a hand in 参与 take a hand in 介入 take a hand of 参与 take a hand of 介入 take a heavy toll 造成重大损失 take a hint 领会 take a hint 明白 take a hint 根据别人的暗示采取行动 take a holiday 休假 take a holiday 度假 take a horn 喝酒 take a jaundiced view of 对...存有偏见 take a joke 经得起被人开玩笑 take a journey 前往 take a lark with 同...开玩笑 take a leaf out of sb.'s book 学某人的样子 take a leak 撒尿 take a liking for 喜欢 take a liquor 喝酒提神 take a load off one's feet 坐下休息 take a long breath 深深地吸一口气 take a long tramp to 长途跋涉到... take a look 注视 take a lot of 难以... take a moment 花一些时间 take a nap 小睡一下 take a nap 睡午觉 take a nest 摸鸟巢 take a new direction 有新倾向 take a noble part 采取豪爽行动 take a part of 扮演 take a peep at 偷看 take a peep at 窥视 take a photograph 拍...的照片 take a picture 摄影 take a picture 照相 take a pleasure in 喜欢 take a plough 考试不及格 take a ply 有...的倾向 take a ply 成癖 take a poll degree 取得普通学位 take a promiscuous stroll 漫无目的地散步 take a rash step 急躁 take a rash step 做错 take a rash step 失策 take a rest 休息 take a risk 冒险 take a round 走一圈 take a round 兜个圈子 take a round 散步 take a running jump 跑着跳过去 take a seat 坐下 take a sharp walk 快步走 take a sheet off a hedge 公然盗窃 take a shine to 喜爱 take a shine to 看中 take a shoot 在激流中走过 take a shoot 抄近路 take a side 偏袒 take a side 拥护 take a sight of 看 take a squat 大便 take a stick to 用棍惩罚 take a strong line 干得起劲 take a suck at 吸一吸 take a suck at 吸一口 take a telling 耐心倾听别人的规劝 take a toss 从马上摔下来 take a tumble 恍然大悟 take a turn 转 take a turn 转弯 take a turn for the better 好转 take a turn for the better 变好 take a turn for the worse 变坏 take a turn for the worse 恶化 take a view of 观察 take a view of 视察 take a view of 检查 take a vote 表决 take a walk 散步 take a whiff or two 抽一两口 take aback 惊吓 take aback 迷惑 take aboard 装入 take account of 考虑 take action 采取行动 take action 提出诉讼 take advantage of 利用 take advantage of sb. 捉弄某人 take advantage of sth. 趁机利用 take advice 征求意见 take advice 请教 take after 象 take after 学样 take against 反对 take aim 瞄准 take air 传开 take all the plums 挑出最好的东西据为己有 take amiss 曲解 take an account of 将...记帐 take an affidavit 受理证词书 take an airing 到户外散步 take an attitude of 采取...态度 take an average 平均起来算 take an average 算出平均数 take an aversion for 对...反感 take an aversion from 讨厌 take an aversion from 不爱 take an aversion from 不喜欢 take an aversion to 讨厌 take an aversion to 不爱 take an aversion to 不喜欢 take an end 告终 take an end 完毕 take an examination 参加考试 take an example 举例 take an example 示范 take an interest in 对...感兴趣 take an inventory of 盘点 take an inventory of 编制...清单 take an oath 宣誓 take an oath 发誓 take an observation 测天 take an occasion by the forelock 抓紧时机 take an occasion by the forelock 乘机 take an offing 驶出海面 take an offing 逃走 take an opportunity 给机会 take an opportunity by the forelock 抓紧时机 take an opportunity by the forelock 乘机 take apart 拆开 take apart 粗暴对待 take apart 剖析 take arms against 拿起武器反对 take arms against for 拿起武器反对 take as read 认为不必宣读 take as read 认为不必谈论或听取 take aside 把...叫到一旁 take at advantage 乘不备 take at advantage 使某人措手不及 take attendance 点名 take auspices 卜吉凶 take away 取走 take away from 减损 take back 送还 take back 接回 take back 取消 take back 使回忆起 take bail 准许保释 take boat 上船 take bread and salt 郑重地发誓 take breath 歇口气 take by force 夺取 take by force 武力侵占 take by storm 攻占 take by storm 强夺 take by storm 强烈感染 take by storm 使大吃一惊 take by surprise 使吃惊 take by surprise 奇袭 take by surprise 撞见 take by the beard 大胆攻击 take by the best handle 以最好的方法去对待 take by the button 强留 take by the ears 紧紧控制住 take by the throat 扼杀 take by the throat 掐死 take by violence 强夺 take captive 活捉 take captive 俘虏 take care 当心 take care of 照顾 take care of number one 照顾自己的利益 take care of number one 为自己打算 Take care of the penny and the pounds will take care of themselves. 积少自然成多. take chances 冒一冒险 take chances 碰碰运气 take chances 利用一下机会 take charge 看管 take charge 负责 take charge 不受控制 take charge 主持 take charge of 负责 take charge of 看管 take classes in 听...课 take classes in 选修...课程 take cognizance of 认识到 take cognizance of 承担对...有审理权 take cold 感冒 take cold 受凉 take cold 伤风 take comfort 感到安慰 take comfort 安心 take comfort 宽心 take comfort 得到安慰 take command of 开始控制 take compassion on 怜悯 take compassion on 同情 take counsel 商量 take counsel 征求意见 take counsel of one's pillow 彻夜思考 take counsel together 协商 take counsel with oneself 仔细考虑 take count of 计数 take courage 奋勇 take cover 隐蔽 take cover 躲藏 take credit for 因...而得到好评 take credit to oneself 居功 take credit to oneself 居功 take defeat 承认失败 take defeat 接收失败 take delight in 乐于 take distance 到很远的地方去 take down 拿下 take down 记下 take down 拆卸 take down 病倒 take earth 逃入洞内 take earth 隐匿 take effect 见效 take effect 生效 take enjoyment in 喜欢 take enjoyment in 享受 take enjoyment in 欣赏 take example by 摹仿 take example for 以...为例 take exception 反对 take exception 有反感 take exception against 反对 take exception at 对...有反感 take exception to 反对 take exercise 做体操 take exercise 做健身活动 take farewell 告别 take farewell 辞行 take fire 着火 take fire 开始燃烧 take five 休息五分钟 take flight to 逃跑 take for 认为 take for 以为 take for serious 当真 take form 成形 take form 变得明显 take freedoms with sb. 对某人放肆 take French leave 不辞而别 take from 减少 take from 降低 take from the table 重新讨论 take full advantage of 充分利用 take full responsibility for 对... take full responsibility for 负完全 take full responsibility for 责任 take gifts with both hands 从利害相反的双方受贿 take good cheer 感到振奋 take ground 占领阵地 take ground 着陆 take ground 坚持某一观点 take hand at 参加 take hand at 参与 take heart 振作 take heart of grace 鼓起勇气 take hold of 握住 take home engine 应急返航发动机 take home to oneself 深刻领会 take home to oneself 充分理解 take huff 见怪 take huff 感到受触犯 take huff 生气 take in 接受 take in 接待 take in 吸收 take in 理解 take in 包括 take in 轻信 take in 注意到 take in 欺骗 take in wood 把木柴运到汽船上来 take in wood 喝酒 take in a reef 缩帆 take in a reef 小心行驶 take in a reef 紧缩开支 take in a wrong spirit 误会 take in a wrong spirit 生气 take in bad part 虽然接受 take in bad part 但心里不愉快 take in bad part 很勉强 take in bad part 见怪 take in charge 负责照料 take in charge 引为己责 take in coal 上煤 take in evil part 虽然接受 take in evil part 但心里不愉快 take in evil part 很勉强 take in evil part 见怪 take in flank 侧击 take in hand 承担 take in hand 处理 take in hand 尝试 take in ill part 虽然接受 take in ill part 但心里不愉快 take in ill part 很勉强 take in ill part 见怪 take in reverse 从背面攻击 take in sail 收帆减速 take in sail 减少活动 take in the right spirit 对...不生气 take in too much territory 走极端 take in too much territory 说得过分 take in too much territory 牵涉过多 take into account 重视 take into account 考虑 take into care 送进教养院 take into consideration 考虑到 take into one's head 突然想到要 take issue against 反对 take it 猜想 take it 以为 take it 断定 take it all in 注意倾听 take it all in 全部听进 take it and like it 不太甘心 take it and like it 地 take it and like it 忍受批评 take it easy 从容 take it easy 不紧张 take it easy 松懈 take it easy 轻松 take it for granted 视为当然 take it ill 见怪 take it ill 介意某事 take it on a lam 急速逃走 take it on a lam 一溜烟地跑掉 take it on the lam 急速逃走 take it on the lam 一溜烟地跑掉 take it on the chin 输 take it on the chin 失败 take it on the chin 忍受痛苦 take it on the lam 潜逃 take it on the lam 远走高飞 take it or leave it 要么接受要么放弃 take it out in 接受...作为抵押 take it out in 收受...为补偿 take it out of 向...报复 take it out of 使...疲乏 take it out of 强行从...中拿走 take it out on sb. 向某人出气 take its course 按照正常的程序进行 take its source at 发源于 take its source at 出自 take its source at 起于 take its toll 造成损失 take joy 感到高兴 take leave of 不辞劳苦 take leave of 十分尽力 take leave of 向...告别 take leave of 失掉 take leave of one's senses 发疯 take leave to 冒昧 take leave to 请原谅 take leg bail 逃之夭夭 take leg bail 溜之大吉 take liberties with 随意对待 take life 杀生 take long 花费很多时间 take long 占很长时间 take long views 作长期打算 take long views 有先见之明 take me not up before I fall 在你回答我以前 take me not up before I fall 先听我说完 take measures 看一看 take measures 设法 take measures 着手 take medical advice 请医生诊视 take mercy on 对...表示怜悯 take much count of 很重视 take my tip 照我的话去做 take my tip 听我的劝告 take my word for it 相信我的话 take name in vain 滥用名字 take narrow views 持偏狭的看法 take no interest in 对...不感兴趣 take no account of 不考虑 take no account of 不重视 take no chances 不冒险 take no chances 力求万全 take no cognizance of 对...置之不理 take no count of 不重视 take no denial 不允许别人说个不字 take no notice of 不注意 take no notice of 不理会 take no notice of 不采取应有的措施 take no refusal 不许人说个“不”字 take no refusal 不容否定回答 take no risks 慎重行事 take no thought for 忧伤 take note of 注意到 take notes 作笔记 take notice 注意 take notice of 注意到 take occasion by the forelock 抓紧时机 take occasion to 乘机 take off 拿掉 take off 取消 take off 脱衣 take off 起飞 take off 减弱 take off 离开 take off 岔开 take off 复制 take off aid 起飞辅助设备 take off airspeed 起飞空速 take off an embargo 解除禁运 take off an embargo 开放贸易 take off one's coat 脱大衣 take off one's coat 挑衅 take off the brake 开闸 take off the brake 松闸 take off the gloves 不饶恕 take offence 生气 take offence at 因...而生气 take offence at 见怪 take office 就职 take on 披上 take on 呈现 take on 具有 take on 雇用 take on 承担 take on 盛气凌人 take on 接纳 take on 流行 take on airs 装腔作势 take on character 有特色 take on faith 信以为真 take on faith 无条件地相信 take on oneself 以...为己任 take on oneself 主动承担 take on oneself 把归咎自己 take one thing with another 考虑各种情况 take one's chance 碰运气 take one's choice 选择 take one's courage in both hands 勇往直前 take one's davy 发誓 take one's fancy 迎合某人的爱好 take one's life in one's hand 冒险 take one's medicine 受到惩罚 take one's medicine 饮酒 take one's name off the books 退出 take one's own course 一意孤行 take one's own life 自杀 take one's own line 干自己的本行 take one's place 取代...人 take one's seat 就座 take one's time 从容不迫 take one's way to 向...走去 take oneself in hand 控制自己 take oneself off 离开 take only an instant 只需要一刹那功夫 take order to 采取适当手段去 take order with 安排 take order with 处理 take orders from 听从于 take orders from 受某人指挥 take out 拿出 take out 取出 take out 去掉 take out 出发 take out 取得 take out 扣除 take out 抵充 take out 发泄 take out after 追赶 take out after 追捕 take out of 取出 take out of 除去 take out of 要赔偿 take out of 报仇 take out of bond 由关栈提货 take over 把...从一地带到另一地 take over 接收 take over 接管 take over the coals 谴责 take over the coals 申斥 take over the coals 责备 take over the lead 领先 take over the mantle of sb. 继承某人的衣钵 take pains 尽力 take pains 耐心 take part in 参与 take part in 参加 take part with 支持 take part with 站在...一边 take pepper in the nose 勃然大怒 take pictures 照相 take pity on 同情 take place 发生 take pleasure in 乐于 take possession of 占有 take possession of 占领 take power 取得政权 take precedence of 优先于 take pride in 以...为傲 take priority of 比...居先 take priority of 得...优先权 take rank of 在...之上 take rank with 和...并列 take reel 卷带盘 take refuge 避难 take refuge 逃脱困境 take refuge in 避难到 take refuge in 求助于... take refuge in 用...搪塞过去 take root 生根 take root 扎根 take sanctions against 对...采取制裁手段 take sanctuary 避难 take sb. all his time 花费某人全部时间 take sb. at advantage 乘人不备 take sb. at his words 相信某人的话 take sb. down a peg or two 杀某人的威风 take sb. for a ride 欺骗某人 take sb. for a ride 绑架杀害某人 take sb. in marriage 娶某人 take sb. into custody 拘留某人 take sb. into one's service 雇用某人 take sb. on one side 把某人拉到一边 take sb. to task 责备某人 take sb. to wife 娶某人为妻 take sb.'s breath away 使某人大吃一惊 take sb.'s duty 替代某人的工作 take sb.'s life 杀掉某人 take sb.'s measure 给某人量尺寸 take sb.'s measure 估量某人 take sb.'s mind off 使某人不想 take sb.'s notice 得到某人的通知 take sb.'s scalp 战胜某人 take seriously 重视 take seriously 认真对待 take seriously 当真 take service 参军 take service 服役 take service with 在...帮佣 take shape 成形 take shape 形成 take shape 具体化 take shape 有显著发展 take shape in 具体化 take shape in 成形 take shape in 体现 take shine to 喜欢 take ship 上船 take ship 乘船 take short views 持短浅的看法 take short views 只注意眼前利益 take sick 生病 take sides 偏袒 take sides with 偏袒 take sides with 拥护 take sides with sb. 支持某人 take sides with sb. 袒护某人 take someone around a place 送...到各处 take someone for 误认 take something in stride 轻易做某事 take soundings in 测...的水深 take soundings in 悄悄地调查事态的发展 take steps 设法 take steps 采取措施 take sth. for granted 认为某事当然 take sth. hard 对某事耿耿于怀 take sth. ill 为某事生气 take sth. in a wrong spirit 为某事生气 take sth. in a wrong spirit 对某事产生误会 take sth. in stride 从容对付某事 take sth. to heart 为某事耿耿于怀 take stock 清查存货 take stock in 购买...的股票 take stock in 注意 take stock in 相信 take stock of 估计 take stock of 观察 take ten 休息十分钟 take the opportunity 给机会 take the affirmative 站在赞成的一方 take the air 到户外 take the air line 走直线 take the air line 走最短的路 take the aircraft into flight 使飞机升空 take the angle 测角度 take the bait 吞饵上钩 take the bait 上圈套 take the beach 上岸休假 take the benefit 利用破产法赖债 take the bit between the teeth 不服控制 take the bitter with the sweet 接受顺境和逆境 take the blame 负过失的责任 take the bloom off 把...搞得不新鲜 take the bread out of sb.'s mouth 敲掉饭碗 take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 take the cake 得奖 take the cake 成为最佳者 take the cake 坏到极点 take the can 受责备 take the can 代人受过 take the can 负责任 take the cap round 传帽子 take the chair 做主席 take the chair 主持会议 take the chair 开会 take the change out of sb. 对某人报复 take the chill off 驱赶寒气 take the chill off 暖和暖和 take the chill off 发汗 take the chill off 暖一暖 take the chill off 烫一烫 take the chromo 得第一名 take the chromo 得头奖 take the consequences 承担后果 take the count 被判输 take the cowl 出家当修士 take the cross 参加十字军 take the crown 加冕为王 take the crown 获冠军称号 take the curtain 谢幕 take the dust of 落后于 take the dust of 赶不上 take the edge off 使钝 take the edge off 减弱 take the fancy of 使喜爱 take the fancy of 吸引 take the fangs of 消除...的危害 take the fangs of 使之不能为害 take the field 开始作战 take the field 开始比赛 take the Fifth 拒绝作危害自己的证词 take the first step 走第一步 take the first step 开一个头 take the fling 不受约束 take the floor 发言 take the floor 参加讨论 take the form of 采取...的形状 take the form of 表现为...的形式 take the gauge of 估计 take the gauge of 估价 take the gauge of 测量 take the gilt off gingerbread 剥去诱人的外衣 take the gilt off the gingerbread 剥去美丽的外衣 take the gilt off the gingerbread 把真相暴露出来 take the gilt off the gingerbread 使幻想破灭 take the gilt off the gingerbread 令人扫兴 take the ground 搁浅 take the habit 出家 take the habit 当修道士 take the helm of state 掌握政权 take the hem up 把折边改短 take the high hand 采取专横手段 take the initiative 带头 take the King's shilling 入伍当兵 take the knocks 遭受挫折 take the laboring oar 担任最繁重的工作 take the law into one's own hands 擅自处理 take the lead 为首 take the lead 带头 take the liberty to do sth. 冒昧做某事 take the lid off 揭露 take the line of least resistance 采取阻力最小的路线 take the line of least resistance 采取最省力的方法 take the measure of sb.'s foot 估量某人 take the minutes 作会议记录 take the name of God in vain 赌咒发假誓 take the name of God in vain 诅咒骂人 take the name of God in vain 滥用上帝的名字 take the oath 宣誓 take the oath 发誓 take the office 接受暗示 take the owl 发火 take the owl 生气 take the palm 获胜 take the palm 得奖 take the place of 代替 take the pledge 发誓戒酒 take the plunge 冒险尝试 take the punishment of 承担...的磨损 take the rag off 超过 take the rag off 压倒一切 take the rap 承担刑事责任 take the reins 掌握 take the reins 支配 take the responsibility upon oneself 自己承担起责任来 take the road 出发 take the road of 占先 take the rough with the smooth 能享乐也能吃苦 take the sacrament to 为...庄严宣誓 take the sacrament to 发誓要... take the sacrament upon 为...庄严宣誓 take the sacrament upon 发誓要... take the salute 接受敬礼 take the service 发球 take the service 开球 take the shape of 呈...形状 take the shape of 以...形式出现 take the shine off 使黯然失色 take the stage 在作了动人的唱白后在掌声中下场 take the stage 在戏里扮演主要角色 take the stand 出庭作证 take the stand 为...担保 take the starch out of 使...精疲力竭 take the starch out of 使...垂头丧气 take the starch out of 挫...之锐气 take the starch out of 杀....的威风 take the starch out of 同某人发生性关系 take the sting out of 令人感到愉快 take the sting out of 令人容易接受 take the stud 固执起来 take the sweet with the sour 逆来顺受 take the teeth out of 使...无能为害 take the throne 即位 take the throne 登基 take the trouble to 不怕麻烦去做 take the veil 做修女 take the will for the deed 事未做成心意领了 take the wind of 占上风头 take the wind out of sb.'s sails 抢先占某人上风 take the words out of sb.'s mouth 抢先说出某人要说的话 take the world as it is 随遇而安 take the world as it is 听其自然 take the world as one finds it 随遇而安 take the world as one finds it 听其自然 take the wrong turning 拐错弯 take the wrong turning 走入歧途 take thewill for the deed 事虽未成而仍领其心意 take things as they are 随遇而安 take things as they are 安于现状 take things as they are 对一切事情处之泰然 Take things as they come 随遇而安 take things easy 沉住气 take things easy 不紧张 take things easy 慢慢来 take thought 寻思 take thought 考虑 take thought for 担心 take time 从容进行 take time by the forelock 抓紧时机 take time by the forelock 处事机敏 take time off 抽出一部分时间 take time out 暂时停止工作 take time out to 暂停下来 take to 开始 take to 喜欢 take to 沉溺于 take to 走向 take to 照料 take to 求助于 take to 适应 take to the stage 做演员 take to evil course s 开始放荡 take to itself wings 消失 take to one's bed 上床 take to one's heels 逃走 take to one's legs 逃跑 take to the bent 逃到野外 take to the bent 逃走 take to the boats 用救生艇逃生 take to the boats 仓促地放弃自己的事业 take to the bottle 爱上酒 take to the bottle 喝上酒 take to the bush 逃入丛林 take to the bush 落草为寇 take to the field 接防 take to the heather 做土匪 take to the heather 落草为寇 take to the road 出发 take to the road 动身 take to the streets 睡在街上 take to the streets 走上街头等 take to the woods 逃进树林 take to the woods 逃避责任 take toll of 抽取...的一部分 take toll of 夺去 take toll of 使遭受死亡 take too much 喝过多 take too much 喝 take too much 醉 take topieces 拆开 take topieces 分析 take topieces 仔细推敲 take topieces 严厉地批评 take turns 轮流 take turns 依次 take up 拿起 take up 开始从事 take up 继续 take up 吸收 take up 责备 take up 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司