翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Cocaine citrate;枸椽酸可卡因;; Cocaine formate;甲酸可卡因;; cocaine free base;精炼可卡因;; Cocaine hydriodide;可卡因氢碘化物;; Cocaine hydrobromide;可卡因氢溴化物;; Cocaine hydrochloride;盐酸可卡因;; Cocaine lactate;乳酸可卡因;; Cocaine nitrate;硝酸可卡因;; Cocaine salicylate;柳酸可卡因;; Cocaine sulfate;硫酸可卡因;; Cocaine tartrate;酒石酸可卡因;; Cocoa Agreement;可可协定;; Cocoa Consultative Group;可可协商小组;; Cocoa Producers' Alliance COPAL;可可生产者联盟可可联盟;COPAL;可可联盟 Cocoyoc Declaration;科科约克宣言;; Code ... to Transnational corporations;行为守则和其他有关跨国公司的国际安排和 定;; code civil;民法典;; Code for Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk;建造和装备载运散装危险化学品船舶的法规;; Code for Liberalization of Capital Movements;资本流通自由化准则;; code for marketing breast-milk substitute;母乳代替品销售原则;; Code for Mayors as Defenders of Children;市长担任儿童堡者准则;; Code for the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Flasks on Board Ships;船舶安全运载瓶装辐照核燃料、钚和高放射 性废物规则辐照核燃料规则;INF Code;辐照核燃料规则 Code of Civil Procedure;民事诉讼法法典;; Code of Conduct for Firm of the European Economic Community operating in South Africa;欧洲经济共同体在南非境内经营的公司的行 为守则;; Code of Conduct for International Observers;国际观察员行为守则;; Code of Conduct for International Rehabilitation and Development Assistance to Somalia;为索马里复苏和发展提供国际援助的行为守 则;; Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials;执法人员行为守则;; Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences;班轮公会行为守则;; Code of Conduct for Political Parties;各政党行为守则;; Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade;防止技术性贸易壁垒行为守则;; Code of Conduct for Public Officials;公职人员行为守则;; Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries;负责任渔业行为守则;; Code of Conduct for the Activities of Transnational Corporations;跨国公司活动行为守则;; Code of Conduct for the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on Combating International Terrorism;伊斯兰会议组织成员国打击国际恐怖主义行为守则;; Code of Conduct for the Regulation and Operation of Computer Reservation Systems;计算机预订系统管理和作业行为守则;; Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations;跨国公司行为守则;; Code of Conduct in Disaster Relief for the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs;红十字和红新月运动及非政府组织救灾行为 守则;; Code of Conduct on Accidental Pollution of Transboundary Inland Waters;关于越境内水意外污染的行为守则;; code of conduct on environmental protection country-specific;环境堡行为守则国家;; Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security;关于安全的政治-军事方面的行为守则;COCOPMAOSC QQQ; Code of Conduct on Responsibility and Liability regarding Transboundary Environmental Effects;关于越境环境影响的责任与赔偿的行为守则;; Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology;技术转让行为守则;; Code of Conduct on Transboundary Pollution;越境污染行为守则;; Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations;跨国公司行为守则;; Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind;危害人类和平及安全治罪法;COCATPASOM QQQ; Code of Criminal Investigation;刑事诉讼法 法典;; code of criminal procedures;刑事诉讼法;CPP; Code of Criminal Prosecution;刑事诉讼法法典;; Code of Electoral Conduct;选举行为守则;; code of ethics;道德守则;; Code of Ethics on the International Trade in Chemicals;国际化学品贸易道德守则;; Code of Federal Regulations;联邦条例汇编;; Code of Liberalization of Capical Movements;资本流动自由化准则;; Code of Liberalization of Current Invisible Operations;经常无形业务自由化准则;; Code of Media Conduct;媒体行为守则;; Code of Medical Ethics, draft;医疗道德准则草案;; Code of Military Investigation;军事刑事诉讼法法典;; Code of Military Justice;军法法典;; Code of Military Penal Procedure;军事刑事诉讼法;; Code of Military Procedure;军事诉讼法;; Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind;危害人类和平及安全治罪法;; Code of Organization of the Military Courts;军事法庭组织章程;; code of peaceful conduct of nations in international affairs;各国在国际事务中的和平行为守则;; Code of Penal Procedure;刑事诉讼法法典;; Code of Penal Procedure for the Federal District;联邦地区刑事诉讼法法典;; code of practice;业务守则;; Code of Practice for International Transactions Involving Radioactive Wastes;放射性废物国际交易业务守则;; Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Mining and Milling of Radioactive Ores;放射性矿物采矿和选矿辐射防护实施准则;COPFRPITMAMQQQ; Code of Practice for the Conservation of Threatened Animals and Plants and other Species of Particular Conservation Concern;堡有灭绝危险的动植物以及其他需要特别堡的品种的业务守则;COPFTCOTAAPQQQ; Code of Practice in the Prevention of Major Industrial Hazards;预防主要工业有害物业务守则;COPITPOMIH QQQ; Code of Practice on Radiation Protection of Workers Ionizing Radiations;工人辐射防护电离辐射业务守则;COPORPOWIR QQQ; Code of Practice on Shipping and the Environment;航运与环境业务守则;; Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste;关于放射性废物国际越境转移的业务守则;COPOTITMOR QQQ; Code of Practice on the Prevention of Major Hazards;防止重大事故业务守则;; Code of Practice to Reduce the Risk of Adverse Effects Arising from Introduction and Transfers of Marine Species Including the Release of Genetically Modified Organisms;减少因引进和转移海洋物种包括释放遗传改性的生物所造成的不利影响的业务守则;; code of project;项目编号;; Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels;渔民和渔船的安全规则;; Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant Ships;核商船安全法;; code of signals;信号谱; 信号书;; Code on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties;贴补及反贴补税准则;; code-named;代号;; codec motion processor;动作处理器;; Codeine;可待因;; Codeine acetate;醋酸可待因;; Codeine camphosulfonate;可待因樟脑磺酸盐;; Codeine citrate;枸椽酸可待因;; Codeine cyclohexenylethylbarbiturate;环乙烯基乙基巴比土酸可待因;; Codeine cyclopentenylallylbarbiturate;环戊烯基丙烯基巴比土酸可待因;; Codeine diallylbarbiturate;二丙烯基巴比土酸可待因;; Codeine diethylbarbiturate;二乙基巴比土酸可待因;; Codeine hydriodide;氢碘化可待因;; Codeine hydrobromide;氢溴化可待因;; Codeine hydrochloride;盐酸可待因;; Codeine methylbromide;可待因甲基溴化物;; Codeine phenylethylbarbiturate;苯丁酰巴比土酸可待因;; Codeine phosphate;磷酸可待因;; Codeine resinate;树脂酸可待因;; Codeine salicylate;柳酸可待因;; Codeine sulfate;硫酸可待因;; codeine-based products;含可待因药物;; Codeine-N-oxide hydrochloride;盐酸可待因-N-氧化物;; Codes of Practice on the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-level Radioactive Waste in Flasks on Board Ships;船舶安全运输瓶装辐照核燃料、钚和高度放 射性废物业务守则;; Codex Alimentarius Commission;食品标准法典委员会;CAC; CODEX Committee on Pesticide Residues;农药残余量标准法典委员会;; Codex Regional Coordinating Committee for Asia;亚洲区域标准法典协调委员会;; Codex Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe;欧洲区域标准法典协调委员会;; codification;编纂;; Codification Division;编纂司;CODEF; codification of international law;国际法的编纂;; codification of the rules of international law;国际法规则的编纂;; codification system , supply;供应代号系统;; Codigo Bustamante;布斯塔曼特法典 国际私法法典;;国际私法法典 codigo de Enjuisiamiento Criminal;刑事诉讼法法典;CEC; Codigo de Instruccion Criminal;刑事诉讼法法典;CIC;法典 Codigo de Justica Militar;军法法典;CJM;法典 Codigo de Organizacion de los Tribunales Militares;军事法庭组织章程;COTM; Codigo de Procedimiento Civil;民事诉讼法;C de PC; Codigo de Procedimiento Penal Militar;军事刑事诉讼法法典;CPPM; Codigo de Procedimiento Penal;刑事诉讼法;C de PP; Codigo de Procedimientos en lo Criminal;刑事诉讼法法典;CPCR; Codigo de Procedimientos Penales;刑事诉讼法法典;CPP; Codigo de Procedimientos Penales para el District;联邦地区刑事诉讼法法典;CPPDF; Codigo Federal de Procedimientos Penales;联邦刑事诉讼法 法典;CFPP; Codigo Penal;刑法;CP; Codigo Penal Militar;军事刑法军法;CPM; Codigo Penal Ordinario;普通刑法;CPO; coding guide;编码指南;; Coding Task Force;编码工作队;; CODJO, Dema;德马·科乔;; Codoxime;可多克辛可待因酮肟;; coefficient;折算率; 系数;; COELHO DA CRUZ, Josefa;若泽法·科埃略·达克鲁斯;; coeliadepphus;腹部联胎;; coercion action;强制行动;; coercion measures;胁迫措施;; coercion or financial inducement;胁迫或以金钱引诱的手段;;的手段 coercion, state of necessity or force majeure;胁迫、必要状态或不可抗力;; coercive economic measures;胁迫性经济措施; 经济胁迫措施;; COETSE, Kobie South Africa;科比·科埃泽;; coevality;同时代同年龄;; Coffee Commission of the Inter-American Economic and Social council;美洲经济社会理事会咖啡委员会 咖啡委员会;CCIAESC;咖啡委员会 coffee dispenser;咖啡出售机;; COFFEY, Vernon;弗农·科菲;; cogent rule;绝对规则;; COH;雾系数;COH; cohabitation;同居;; cohabitation without marriage;未婚同居;; cohabiting couples;同居男女;; COHAUSZ, Johann Adolf;约翰·阿道夫·科豪斯;; COHEN, David;戴维·科恩;; COHEN, Guula;古乌拉·科恩;; COHEN, Remmert H.;雷默特·科恩;; COHEN, Yaacov;雅科夫·科恩;; COHEN, Yohanan;约翰南·科恩;; coherent set of policy measures;一整套政策措施一套一致的政策措施;; cohesion fund;团结基金;; cohort;组群;; cohort analysis;组群分析;; cohort component projection;同期组群人口组元推测;; cohort fecundability;同期组群受孕概率;; cohort fertility;组群生育率;; cohort follow-up rate;同组追踪率;; cohort life table;同组生命表;; cohort mortality;组群死亡率;; cohort nuptiality;组群结婚率;; cohort observation;组群观察;; cohort of birth;同年出生组群;; cohort tables;群组统计表;; coital age;交媾年龄;; coital frequency;性交频率;; coitus;性交; 交媾;; coitus interruptus;体外射精法;; COKE, Pamela;帕梅拉·科克;; coke-oven coke;焦炉焦炭;; COKER, O'Brien;奥布赖恩·科克尔;; COLBJORNSEN, Tor;托尔·科尔比耶恩森;; cold chain facilities;冷藏链设施;; cold composition equipment;冷排字器;; cold launch;冷发射;; cold material testing building;冷材料试验大楼;; cold peace;冷和;; cold start emissions;冷起动时排出的废气;; cold traps;冷阱;; cold turkey method;突然完全戒除毒瘾方法;; cold type compositor;影印排版工人;; cold war;冷战;; cold-box;冷藏箱;; cold-cathode tubes;冷阴极管;; cold-chain;冷链;; cold-chain equipment;冷链设备;; cold-chain management;冷链管理;; cold-chain project;冷链项目;; Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico;波多黎各律师协会;; COLELLA, Alberto;阿尔贝托·科莱拉;; Colgate-Palmolive Company;科尔盖特--帕尔莫利夫公司;; Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Food Hygiene and zoonoses;食品卫生和寄生物病研究和训练合作中心;CCFRATIFHAZQQQ; Collaborating Centre for Training, Research and Eradication of Dracunculiasis;麦地拉龙线虫病训练、研究和根除合作中心;; Collaborating Centre in Manpower Development Aspects of Primary Health Care Research;初级保健研究人力发展方面合作中心;CCIMDAOPHC QQQ; Collaborating Centre in Primary Health Care Research - West Bank;初级保健研究合作中心-西岸;; Collaborating Centre on Energy and the Environment;能源和环境合作中心;; Collaborating Centre on Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance;辐射紧急情况医疗准备和援助合作中心;; Collaborating Centres of the World Health Organization;世界卫生组织合作中心;; Collaboration Council on the International Drinking Supply and Sanitation Decade;国际饮水供应和卫生十年合作理事会;CCOTIDSASD QQQ; Collaborative Council of External Support Agencies;外部支助机构合作理事会;; Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council;国际农药分析合作理事会;CIPAC; collabos;合作者;; collapsible container;可折叠集装箱;; collateral agreement;附带协定;; collateral measures;附带措施;; collateral on leasehold;租约担保物; 租约押金;; collateral review;平行审查;; collateral security;抵押证券;; collaterals;抵押品; 担保品;; collaterials;其他候选人其他竞争人;; collating;装订;; collating and evaluating reports;核对和评价报告;; collating machine;装订机;; collation of data;整理数据;; collator;装订机排序机;; collectability of receivable;应收账款的可收性;; collected;实收额;; collected and delivered;运费收讫和货物交毕;C & D; collected in 198x;198x 年实收款项;; collectibility;收回帐款的可能性;; Collectif 95 Maghreb - Egalite;马格里布95集体 - 平等协会;; Collectif d'actions pour le developpement integres dans les communautes;社区综合发展行动社社区发展社;CADIC;社区发展社 collecting centre;收奶站;; collection of contributions as at 30 Sept. 1966;1966年9月30日会费实收情形;; collection of evidence;证据的收集;; collection of household refuse;家庭垃圾的收集;; collection of maturity payment;收取到期付款;; collection of model legislation;示范立法汇编;; collection order;托收委托书;; collections;实收款;; collections during 1981 for 1982;1981 年内实收的 1982 年认捐数;; collections in biennium;两年期收款额;; collective action;集体行动;; collective bargaining;集体谈判集体商议;; collective consumption;公共消费;; collective defence;集体自卫;; collective ecological security;集体生态安全;; collective in-security;集体不安全;; collective measures;集体措施;; collective migration;集体迁移集体移徙;; collective military command;联合军事司令部;; collective negation of human values;全盘否定人身价值;; collective neutrality;集体中立;; collective note;集体照会;; Collective of Research and Information on Southern Africa;南部非洲问题研究资料联合会;CRIAA; collective presidency;主席团;; collective punishment;集体惩罚;; collective punishment, mass arrests, administrative detention;集体惩罚、大规模逮捕、行政拘留;; collective rapture of diplomatic relations;集体断绝外交关系;; collective security;集体安全;; Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution;远距离越境空气污染公约减少酸化、富营养 化和地面臭氧议定书;; collective self-reliance;集体自力更生;; collective services;公共服务;; collective treaty;集体条约;; collective vale;合计值;; collector assembliers;收集器组件;; collector system for isotopic analysis;同位素分析收集系统;; College d'enseignement secondaire at Balbala;巴尔巴拉中等教育学院;; college d'univertitaires;大学团;; College de formation professionnelle administrative at Balbala [Djibouti];巴尔巴拉专业管理人员训练学院;; College of Advocates of Puerto Rico;波多黎各律师协会;; collegiate court;合议庭;; European Convention on Nationality;欧洲国籍公约;; Collegium;部务委员会;; Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum;国际神经精神药理学学会;CINP; Screening Information Data Set;筛选信息数据组;SIDS; COLLINS, Gerard;杰勒德·柯林斯;; COLLINS, Michael;迈克尔·柯林斯;; COLLINS, Patrick Joseph;帕特里克·约瑟夫·科林斯;; COLLINS, Rudolph;鲁道夫·科林斯;; collision course interception;迎击航向截击;; collision on the high seas;公海上碰撞;; Collision Regulations, 1972;1972年碰撞规章;; Colombian Fund for Scientific Research and Special Projects;哥伦比亚科研和特别项目基金;COLCIENCIAS; colloquial language;俗语;; colloquium for senior officials in the United Nations System;联合国系统高级工作人员座谈会;CFSOITUNSU QQQ; Colloquium of High-Level Experts on New and Renewable Sources of Energy;新能源和可再生能源高级专家座谈会;COHLEONARSOQQQ; Colloquium on African Election Administration;非洲选举管理座谈会;; Colloquium on Disasters, Sustainability and Development: A Look to the 1990s;关于灾害、可持续性与发展的座谈会:展望1990年代;CODSADALTT1QQQ; Colloquium on Hunger and Poverty;饥饿与贫困问题座谈会;; Colloquium on Light Pollution, Radio Interference and Space Debris;光污染、射频干扰和空间残块问题座谈会;; Colloquium on the African Humanitarian Perspectives;非洲人道主义前景座谈会;; Colloquium on the Environment and Natural Disaster Management;环境与自然灾害管理座谈会;; COLLOR de MELLO, Fernando;费尔南多·科洛尔·德梅洛;; COLOMA, Fidel;菲德尔·科洛马;; Colombia;哥伦比亚;; Colombia National Administrative Department of Statistics;哥伦比亚国家统计管理局;; Colombian Institute for Family Welfare;哥伦比亚家庭福利研究所;ICBF; Colombian Peso;哥伦比亚比索;; Fondo Colombiano de Investigaciones Cientificas Proyectos Especiales;哥伦比亚科研和特别项目基金;COLCIENCIAS; Colombo Declaration on Population and Development;科伦坡人口和发展宣言;; Colombo Plan;科伦坡计划;CPFCEDISASEQQQ; Colombo Plan Bureau;科伦坡计划事务局;; Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋合作经济及社会发展科伦坡计划;CPFCEASDIAAQQQ; Colombo Resolution on Children;儿童问题科伦坡决议;; COLOMBO, Emilio;埃米利奥·科隆博;; COLOMINAS MARTINEZ, Raul;劳尔·科洛米纳斯·马丁内斯 2/13/91;; colon colones;科郎;; colonatos;移民垦殖地移民垦殖制;; Colonial Act;殖民地法;; colonial city;殖民城市;; colonial countries and peoples;殖民地国家和人民;; colonial country;殖民地国家;; Colonial Development and Welfare Fund;殖民地开发福利基金;; colonial domination;殖民统治;; Colonial Meat Supplies, Ltd.;殖民肉类供应有限公司;; Colonial Office;殖民部;; colonial possessions;殖民领地;; colonial powers;殖民国家;; colonial protectorate;殖民堡地殖民被堡国;; colonial rule;殖民统治;; Colonial Secretary;辅政司;; Colonial Sugar Refining Company;拓殖糖业炼制公司;; colonial territories;殖民地; 殖民领地;Committee I; colonialism;殖民主义殖民政策;; colonialism in all its forms and manifestations;一切形式的殖民主义;; colonial, racist and alien regimes;殖民政权、种族主义政权和和外国政权;; colonization;殖民化殖民移殖;; colonizing species;群居物种;; Colorado [Uruguay];红党;; colour additive viewer;彩色合成仪;; colour composite;彩色合成;; colour enhancement;彩色增强;; colour index;色标;; colour infra-red film;彩色红外胶片;; colour line;种族界限;; colour separation;分色;; colour slides;彩色幻灯片;; colour-bar law;排斥有色人的法律;; Coloured Council;有色人议会;; Coloured Persons in South West Africa Act;西南非洲有色人法;; Coloured Persons' Representative Council;有色人议会;CPRC; Coloured University of the Western Cape;西开普有色人大学;; coloureds;有色人;; Colt Industries Inc.;科尔特工业公司;; Columbia Gas System Inc.;哥伦比亚天然气石油公司;; Columbia River Treaty;哥伦比亚河条约;; Columbus;哥伦布号;; Columbus Attached Pressurized Module;哥伦布附属压力舱;; Columbus Ministerial Declaration on Trade Efficiency;关于贸易效率的哥伦布部长级宣言;; Columbus Programme Board;哥伦布方案委员会;PB-COLUMBUS; column content of ozone;大气气柱中的臭氧含量;; column of ozone;大气气柱中的臭氧;; column of the atmosphere;大气气柱;; Comandancia Area Jurisdiccional Seguridad Interior;国内治安地区指挥部;CAJSI; Comandos Armados de Leberacion;解放武装指挥部;CAL; COMAR project;人与生物圈委员会项目;; COMARMOND, Jean-Marc de;让-马克·德科马尔蒙德;; comb-out;清除扫荡搜索;; combat;打击; 查禁, 战胜;; combat group;战斗分队;; combat illiteracy, to;扫除文盲;; combat logistic force;战斗后勤部队;CLF; combat poverty;消除贫穷;; combat racism, to;向种族主义进行战斗;; combat readiness;临战状态战备状态;; combat strategic aircraft;战略性战斗机;; combat the corruption of public officials;遏制公务人员的腐败;; combat troops;战斗部队;; combat vessel;战舰;; combat veterans;老战士;; combating climate change;防备气候变化;; Combating Communicable Childhood Diseases;防治儿童传染病;CCCD; combating illiteracy;扫除文盲;; combination of principal and secondary offences;主次罪行的合并;; combination preparation;复合制剂;; combine harvester;联合收割机;; Combine Harvesters;联合收获机;; combined arms team;海陆空军联合小组;; combined assets;联合资产、负债和储备;; combined assets, liabilities and reserves;联合资产、负债和储备;; Combined Board;联合委员会;; Combined Chiefs of Staff;联合参谋总部;; Combined communications Board;联合通讯事务局;CCB; combined company;合并公司;; combined diphteria/tetanus vaccine;白喉/破伤风疫苗;DT; combined diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus vaccine;白喉/百日咳/破伤风/三联疫苗;DPT; combined discussion;联合讨论;; combined financial statement;综合财务报表;; Combined Food Board;联合粮食委员会;; combined general debate;合并的一般性辩论;; combined gross national product;国民生产总值的总和;; combined enterprises;合并企业;; Combined Mid-level Continuing Education Programme;合并中级进修教育方案中进方案;CMCEP;中进方案 Combined Munitions Assignment Board;联合军火分配委员会;; combined net material product;总物质产品净值;; Combined Nomenclature;综合税则目录;CN; Combined Operative Committee;联合作战委员会;; Combined Peruvian-Ecuadorian Border Demarcation Commission;秘鲁-厄瓜多尔联合标界委员会;; combined portfolio;总投资组合;; Combined Pricing System;联合定价制度;CPS; Combined Production and Resources Board;联合生产和资源委员会;; Combined Raw Materials Board;联合原料委员会;; Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite;综合释放和辐射效果卫星;CRRES; Combined Shipping Adjustment Board;联合转运调整委员会;; combined staff;联合参谋部;; combined statement;合并报表;; combined statement of income and expenditure;合并收支表;; combined status;总情况报表;; combined status of pledges unpaid;未交认捐款总情况;; combined transport;联运;; combined transport operator;联运营业人联运人;CTO;联运人 combined trust funds;联合信托基金;; combined vaccines;混合疫苗;; combining companies;参与合并的公司;; combining enterprises;进行合并多企业;; combining family obligations with work responsibilities;兼顾家庭义务和工作责任;; combining operation;合并业务;; combustion chamber;燃烧箱;; combustion emissions;燃烧废气;; Combustion Engineering, Inc.;燃烧工程公司;; combustion plant;燃烧设施; 燃烧车间;; combustion source;火源; 火箱; 燃烧室;; combustor;燃烧室; 燃烧器;; come income;主要收入;; come into force;生效发生效力;; come to the substance merits of the matter, to;开始讨论实质问题;; comet;彗星;; COMFAR workshop;可行性分析和报告模型讲习班;; comfort women;慰安妇;; comic books; comic strips; comics;小人书; 连环画;; coming biennium;下一个两年期;; Comision Catolica Espanola de Emigracion;西班牙天主教移民委员会;CCEM; Comision de Asuntos Politicos de las Fuerzas Armadas;武装部队政治事务委员会;; Comision de Defensa de los Derechos de la Juventud;保卫青年权利委员会;CODEJU; Comision de Investigacion de Investigacion de Hechos Delictivos;违法行为调查委员会;; Comision de la Verdad;真相委员会;; Comision Especial de Actuacion;遣返事务特别委员会;CEAR; Comision Interamericana de Derechos Humanos;美洲人权委员会;CIDH; Comision Latinamericana para la Ciencia y la Technologia;拉丁美洲科学技术委员会;COLCYT; Comision Nacional de investigacion y Desarrollo Aerospacial;国家航空航天研究发展委员会;CONIDA; Comision Nacional de Reconciliacion;民族和解委员会;; Comision Nacional de Reconciliacion de Guatemala;危地马拉民族和解委员会民族和解委员会;CNR;民族和解委员会 Comision Nacional de Refugiado;全国难民事务委员会;CONARE; Comision Permanente del Pacific Sur;南太平洋常设委员会南太常委会;CPPS;南太常委会 Comision Presidencial para los Devechos Humanos;总统人权委员会;COPREDEH; Comissao de Valores Mobiliaros;证券交易委员会;; Comissao para o Fomento e Assistencia a Cultura do Tabaco ;发展和协助烟草种植委员会;CPOFEAACDT QQQ; comissoes municipais;市委员会;; Comite ad hoc de la reestructuracion de los sectores economico y social del systema de la Naciones Unidas;改组联合国系统经济和社会部门特设委员会;; comite central;中央委员会;; Comite Consultatif International des Radio Communications;国际无线电通信咨询委员会;CCIR; Comite Consultatif International Radiocommunications;国际无线电通信咨询委员会;CCIR; Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephoique;国际电报电话咨询委员会;CCITT; Comite coordinador para el desarrollo economico de oriente;东方经济发展协调委员会经发协委会;COMCORDE;经发协委会 Comite d'Action pour l'Union Naitonale de Cabinda;卡奔达民族联盟行动委员会卡民联委会;CAUNC;卡民联委会 Comite d'etudes economiques de l'industrie du gaz;煤气业经济研究委员会;; Comite de Autodefensa;自卫委员会;CAD; Comite de Cooperacion para la Paz;和平合作委员会;COPACHI; Comite de defensa de los derechos reproductivos;堡生殖权利委员会;; Comite de l'Unite Nationale Angolaise;安哥拉全国统一委员会;; Comite de la science et de la technologie dans les pays en voie de developpement;发展中国家科学和技术委员会;COSTED; Comite de liaison des ceuvres travaillant pour les refugies;救济难民工作联络委员会;; comite de liberacao de Sao Tome e Principe;圣多美和普林西比解放委员会;CLSTP; Comite de Madres de Desapareci dos;失踪人士母亲委员会;; Comite de Madres y Familiares Cristianos de Presos y Desaparecidos;囚犯和下落不明者基督教母亲和亲属委员会;COMAFAC; Comite de Madres y Familiares de Presos Desaparecidos y Asesinados Politicos de El Salvador;萨尔瓦多下落不明和被杀政治犯母亲及亲属委员会;COMADRES; Comite de Presos Politicos de El Salvador;萨尔瓦多政治犯委员会;COPPES; Comite de Reception de l'Aide Humanitaire;接受人道主义援助委员会;; Comite de wilaya Union nationale des femmes algeriennes;军区委员会;; Comite Democratique Republicain;民主共和委员会民共会;CDR;民共会 Comite europeen de lutte antidrogue;欧洲禁毒委员会禁毒委员会;CELAD;禁毒委员会 Comite Exterior de la CUT;工人统一工会对外关系委员会;CEXCUT; Comite inter-etats de lutte contre la secheresse;国家间抗旱委员会;; Comite permanent interetat de lutte contre la secheresse dans le Sahel;萨赫勒国家间抗旱常设委员会萨赫勒抗旱委员会;CILSS;萨赫勒抗旱委员会 Comite International d'Aide Intellectuels;国际知识分子援助委员会;CIAI; Comite International de la Croix-Rouge;红十字国际委员会红十字委员会;CICR;红十字委员会 Comite International des Echanges pres la Chambre de Commerce International;国际商会国际贸易委员会;CIE; Comite International des Entreprises a Succursales;国际连锁商店委员会;CIES; Comite International Olympique;国际奥林匹克委员会;; Comite juif d'action sociale et de reconstruction;犹太社会行动建设委员会;; Comite Marche Commun des Industries de Fibres Dures et de Coco;共同市场硬质及椰子纤维工业委员会;FIDUROP; Comite Maritime International;国际海事委员会海委会;CMI;海委会 Comite Nacional de Auuda a los Refugidos;国家难民援助委员会;CONAR; Comite national du plan comptable general de l'etat;国家会计总规划全国委员会;; Comite Nationale d'Action pour la Paix et le Developpement;全国促进和平与发展行动委员会;; Comite Permanent Consultatif du Mahgreb;马格里布常设协商委员会;CPCM; Comite Permanente de Partidos Politicos de America Latina;拉丁美洲政党常设委员会拉美政党常委会;COPPPAL;拉美政党常委会 Comite pour la Defense de la Paix au Kampuchea;保卫柬埔寨和平委员会;; Comite Regional Indigena del Cauca;考卡区域土著委员会;CRIC; Comite special de la restructuration des secteurs economique et social du systeme des Nations Unies;改组联合国系统经济和社会部门特设委员会;; Comite Unitario contra la Represion y Para la Defensa de los Presos Politcos;堡政治犯反对镇压联合委员会;; comity;礼让;; command and data acquisition station;指令与数据收集站;CDAS; command and service module;指挥和服务舱;CSM; Command Area Development;枢纽地区开发;CAD; Command Council of the Yemen Arab Republic;阿拉伯也门共和国指挥委员会;; command economics;指令性经济;; command economy system;指令性经济体系;; command group;指挥部;; command guidance;指挥导向;; command module;指挥舱;; Command of UNITAF;特遣队指挥部;; Command Paper;政府公报;; command, control, communication and intelligence;指挥、控制、通信和情报;C3I; Commander;指挥官;; Commander Combined Task Force;联合部队指挥官;CCTF; Commander of Chinese People's Volunteers;中国人民志愿军司令员;; Commander of IFOR;执行部队指挥官;COMIFOR; Commander of the Army;陆军指挥官;; Commander of the British Empire;英帝国三等勋章;C.B.E.; Commander of the military component of UNTAC;联柬权利机构军事部门指挥官;; Commander of the Royal Victorian Order;维多利亚三等勋章;CVO; Commander of the US Army in the Pacific;美国陆军太平洋司令;; Commander of UNFICYP;联塞部队指挥官;; Commander of UNIFIL;联黎部队指挥官;; Commander of UNPROFOR;联保部队指挥官;; Commander or the British Empire Queen's Councel;高级英帝国勋爵士, 英王室法律顾问;C.B.E.,Q.C.; commander-in-chief;总司令司令员;; Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro;统帅菲德尔·卡斯特罗;; Commander-in-Chief of Southern Command;南方指挥部总司令;CINCSOUTH; Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command;联合国军司令部总司令;CINCUNC; commanding general;司令;; International Convention on Arrest of Ships;国际扣船公约;; commanding officer of the Detention Unit;拘留所所长;; commando carrier;突击队运输船;; Commando for the Avenge of Martyrs;为殉道者复仇突击队;COVEMA; commando units;突击队;; Commemoration of Solidarity Day;声援日纪念活动;; commemorative session of the General Assembly;大会纪念届会;; commence proceedings, to;起诉开始预审;; commencement of arbitral proceeding;仲裁程序的开始;; Comment and Opinion;评论与舆论;; commentary;评注;; comments;评论意见;; Comments received pursuant to Paragraph 4 of General Assembly Resolution 49/53 on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court;依照关于设立国际刑事法院问题的大会第49/53号决议第4段提出的评论意见;; Commercial Activities Service;商务活动处;CAS;商务处 commercial activity;商务活动;; commercial agents;商务代表;; commercial aircraft;商营飞机;; commercial applications;商业应用;; commercial arbitration;商业仲裁;; Commercial Arbitration Centre;商业仲裁中心;; Commercial Association;商会;; commercial attache;商务专员;; commercial bank;商业银行;; commercial bank creditors;债权商业银行;; commercial bank lending;商业银行贷款;; commercial blockade;商业封琐;; commercial breeder;商用增殖反应堆;; Commercial Bureau of the American Republics;美洲共和国商务局;; commercial carrier;商业承运人;; commercial cases;商事案件;; Commercial Catering and Allied Workers' Union;饮食业工人工会;CCAWU; commercial clearing account;贸易暂记帐户贸易清结帐户;; commercial code;商法典明码;; Commercial communications;商营通信;; commercial concerns;商行商号;; commercial contract;商事合同;; commercial convention;商务专约;; commercial counsellor;商务参赞;; commercial court;商事法院;; commercial credit;商业信贷商业信用;; commercial documents;商业文件商业单据;; commercial enterprise;商业企业;; commercial exploitable;有商业开发价值的;; commercial farmers;营利农;; commercial fish farming;商业养鱼;; commercial fisheries;商业渔业;; Commercial freight and cartage;商业货运和搬运;; commercial launch vehicle service industry;商业发射火箭服务工业;; commercial lead time;商品从开始设计到投入市场所需的时间;; commercial letter of credit;商业信用证;; commercial media fund-raising;通过商业媒体筹款;CMS; commercial practice;商业惯例;; Commercial Purchase and Transportation Service;商业采购和运输事务处;; commercial rand [South Africa];商业兰特;; commercial relations;商务关系;; commercial representative;商务代表;; commercial security services;商业性保安服务机构;; Sakyamuni;释迦牟尼;; commercial shipments;商运货品;; commercial transactions;商业交易;; commercial treaty;商务条约商约;; commercial vehicles in use per capita;人均商业车辆数;; Commercial, Procurement and Transportation Service;商务、采购和交通处;; Commercial, Purchase and Transportation Service;商务、采购和交通处;CPTS; commercially available substitute;可在市场上买到的代用品;; commercial catches;商业渔获量;; Commerzbank [Dusseldorf];商业银行 [西德];; Commerzbank, Germany;德国商业银行;; Commodity Price Bulletin;商品价格月报;CPB; Committee for Coordination of Investigation of the Lower Mekong Basin;湄公河下游勘察工作协调委员会;; commingled fund;综合投资;; Commision Presidencial;主席委员会;; Commissions of Inquiry on Internal Security;内部安全调查委员会;; Commissaire General;主任专员;; Commissao Civica Democratica;公民民主委员会;; Commissao Conjunta Politico-Militar;政治与军事联合委员会政军联委会;CCPM;政军联委会 Commissao Mista de Verificacao;核查与监测联合委员会;CMVF; Commissariat a l'Energe Atomique;原子能委员会;; Commissariat of State for foreign Affairs;几内亚比绍外交部;; commissary;小卖部;; commissary privileges;内部商店小卖部购物权;; commissary services common;合作社事务共同事务;;共同事务 commission;佣金;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司