翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Committee on Space Research;空间研究委员会空研委;COSPAR;空研委 Committee on Space Safety and Rescue;空间安全和救援委员会;; Committee on Staff Recruitment and Training;工作人员征聘和训练委员会;; Committee on Standing Orders and the Application of Conventions and Recommendations;议事规则和执行公约及建议问题委员会;CZZZ; Committee on Statistics;统计问题委员会;; Committee on Statutes, Rules and Guidelines;章程、规则和指导方针委员会;; Committee on Storage, Automatic Processing and Retrieving of Geological Data;地质数据储存、自动处理和检索委员会 地数委;COGEODATA;地数委 Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures;补贴和反补贴委员会;; Committee on Tariff Concessions;关税减让委员会;; Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade;技术性贸易壁垒委员会;; Committee on Technical Cooperation;技术合作委员会;CTC; Committee on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作委员会;; Committee on the Admission of New Members;接纳新会员国委员会;; Committee on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations;公约和建议适用问题委员会;; Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development;科学和技术应用于发展委员会;CZZZ; Committee on the Application of Standards;标准实施问题委员会;; Committee on the Application of the Covenant in Haiti;海地境内执行盟约委员会;; Committee on the Arms Embargo against South Africa;对南非禁运武器委员会;; Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society;现代社会挑战委员会;; Committee on the Charter of the United Nations;联合国宪章问题委员会;; Committee on the Control and Limitation of Documentation;文件管制和限制问题委员会;; Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy;发展和利用新能源和可再生能源委员会;; Committee on the Development of Trade;贸易发展委员会;; Committee on the Draft Convention on Freedom of Information;新闻自由公约草案委员会;; Committee on the Drafting of a Constitution for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;联合国工业发展组织章程起草委员会;; Committee on the Drafting of a Supplementary Convention on Slavery and Servitude;奴隶制和奴役问题补充公约起草委员会;; Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;消除对妇女一切形式歧视委员会;; Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women;消除对妇女歧视委员会;; Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;消除种族歧视委员会;CERD; Committee on the Elimination of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident;消除切尔诺贝利事故后果委员会;; Committee on the Employment of Women in the Secretariat;秘书处雇佣妇女问题委员会;; Committee on the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards;国际仲裁裁决执行问题委员会;; Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People;巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会;; Committee on the Family;家庭问题委员会;; Committee on the Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force;联合国紧急部队经费问题委员会;; Committee on the Fund for Namibia;纳米比亚基金委员会;; Committee on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;儿童权利公约执行情况委员会;; Committee on the implementation of the proposed international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and their families;关于拟议的堡所有移徙工人及其家属权利 国际公约的执行情况委员会;; Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;和平利用外层空间委员会外空委;COPUOS;外空委 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Sea-Bed and The Ocean Floor Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction;和平利用国家管辖范围以外海床洋底委员会;; Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families;堡所有移徙工人及其家属权利委员会;; Committee on the Programme of Word and Priorities;工作方案和优先问题委员会;; Committee on the Progressive Development of International Law and its Codification;国际法逐渐发展和编纂问题委员会;; Committee on the Reorganization of the Secretariat;秘书处改组问题委员会;; Committee on the Report of the Council;理事会报告委员会;; Committee on the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade;审查和评价联合国第三个发展十年国际发展 战略执行情况委员会;; Committee on the Rights of the Child;儿童权利委员会;; Committee on the Rural Economic Development of the Trust Territories;托管领土农村经济发展委员会;; Committee on the Samoan Petition;萨摩亚请愿事宜委员会;; Committee on the Status of Arab Women;阿拉伯妇女地位委员会;; Committee on the Storage, Automatic Processing and Retrieval of Geological Data;地质数据储存、自动处理和检索委员会;COGEODATA; Committee on the Structure of the United Nations System;联合国系统结构问题委员会;; Committee on the United Nations Fund for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚基金委员会;; Committee on Trade;贸易委员会;; Committee on Trade and Development;贸易和发展委员会;CTD; Committee on Trade and Environment;贸易和环境委员会;CTE; Committee on Trade and Tourism;贸易和旅游委员会;COTT; Committee on Trade in Agriculture;农业贸易委员会;; Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft;民用航空器贸易委员会;; Committee on Trade Negotiations among Developing Countries;发展中国家间贸易谈判委员会;; Committee on Traffic Control;交通管制委员会;; Committee on Transfer of Technology;技术转让委员会;; Committee on Transport and Communications;运输和通讯委员会;; Committee on Transportation and Communications;运输和通讯委员会;COTAC; Committee on Tungsten;钨砂委员会;; Committee on UNCURK;韩委会问题委员会;; Committee on UNIFEM;XX国家妇发基金委员会;; Committee on UNITAR Headquarters Property;训研所总部财产委员会;; Committee on United Nations Capital Development Fund;联合国资本发展基金问题委员会;; Committee on Unlawful Interference;非法干扰问题委员会;; Committee on Untouchability Educational and Economic Development for the Scheduled Castes;贱民阶级的贱民制度、教育和经济发展问题委员会;; Committee on Visiting Missions;视察团问题委员会;; Committee on Water Problems;水事委员会;; Committee on Water Research;水事研究委员会;; Committee on Water Resources;水资源委员会;; Committee on Work on Plantations;种植园工作委员会;; Committee on World Food Security;世界粮食安全问题委员会;CFS; Committee on Youth;青年委员会;; Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development;环境与可持续发展委员会;; committee resource room;委员会资料室;; committee room;委员会会议室;; Committee Services and Research Branch;委员会事务和研究处;; Committee to Defend the Rights of Prisoners at Ansar Detention Camp;保卫安萨尔拘留营战俘权利委员会;; Committee to Monitor the Matignon Agreement;马蒂尼翁协议监督委员会;; Committee to Promote Aid to Cooperatives;促进对合作社援助委员会;; Committee to Protect Journalists;堡新闻工作者委员会;; Committee to Review Candidatures for Election to the International Narcotics Control Board;国际麻醉药品管制局成员候选资格审查委员会;; Committee to Review the Application of Satellite and Other Techniques to Civil Aviation;卫星及其他技术应用于民航研究委员会;; Committee to Review United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities;联合国新闻政策和活动审查委员会;; Committee to Save the Children in Iraq;拯救伊拉克儿童委员会;; Committee to Study Stunning by Electric Shock;研究电休克击晕法委员会;; Committee Zuidelijk Afrika;荷兰南部非洲问题委员会;; Commodities Division;商品司;COMMOD; Commodities Future Trading Commission;商品期货贸易委员会;CFTC; Commodities Studies Section;商品研究科;; commodity agreement;商品协定;; Commodity and Trade Problems;商品和贸易问题;CTP; Commodity buffer stocks;商品缓冲储存;; commodity circulation tax;商品流通税;; Commodity Classification for Transport Statistics in Europe;欧洲运输统计所用商品分类;CSTE; Commodity Communities;商品联合会; 商品共同体;; commodity composition of import and export;进出口商品结构;; Commodity Conferences;商品会议;; commodity convertability;商品可兑换性;; commodity councils;商品理事会;; commodity coverage;商品范围;; Commodity Credit Corporation;农产品信贷公司;CCC; commodity diversification;商品多样化;; commodity exchange;商品交易所;; Commodity Exchange Authority;商品交易管理局;CEA; commodity exports;商品出口;; commodity flow approach;商业流量法;; Commodity Futures Trading;商品期货交货委员会;; Commodity Indexes to Standard International Trade Classification, Rev. 3, Vol.II;《标准国际贸易分类法商品指数》, 第三次修订本, 第二卷;; commodity inspection;商品检验;; commodity inspection and testing bureau;商品检验局;; Commodity Inspection Bureau of the PRC;中国商品检验局;; commodity market stabilization;稳定商品市场;; commodity models;商品模式;; Commodity Procurement Section;商品采购科;; Commodity Review and Outloot;商品回顾和展望;; Commodity Survey;商品概览;; commodity trade;商品贸易;; Commodity Trade Statistics;《商品贸易统计》;; Commodity Trade Statistics Series D;《商品贸易统计》D辑;; commodity-by commodity approach;逐项商品办法;; commodity-dependent country;商品依赖国家;; Common Africa Contingent;泛非干预部队;; Common African Agricultural Programme;非洲农业共同方案农业方案;CAAP;农业方案 Common Afro-Malagasy and Mauritian Organization;非洲--马达加斯加--毛里求斯共同组织;OCAM; Common Afro-Mauritian Organization;非洲和毛里求斯共同组织;OCAM; Common Agenda;共同议程;; Common Agricultural Policy;共同农业政策;CAP; Common Agricultural Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa;东非和南部非洲共同农业方案;; common and unswerving resolve;共同和坚定不移的决心;; common article 3;共同条款第3条;; common baskets of goods and services;共同一篮子货物和劳务;; common budgetary cycle;共同预算周期;; common budgetary principle;共同的预算拟订原则;; common budgetary standards and classifications;共同预算标准和分类办法;; Common Business Oriented Language;面向商业通用语言 COBOL语言;COBOL; common capital stock;普通股本;; common carrier communication;通用电报;; Common Classification of Occupational Groups;职业类共同分类法;CCOG; Common Classification Standard for the General Service at Small and Medium-sized Duty Stations;中小规模工作地点一般事务人员共同叙级标准;; Common Communication Format;共同通讯格式;CCF; common concerns;共同关心的问题;; common convict common criminal;普通罪犯;; common costs;共同费用;; common crime;一般罪行一般犯罪;; common criminal;普通罪犯;; common criminality;普通刑事罪;; common currency;共同货币;; Common Customs Tariff;共同海关税则;CCT; common denominator;共同标准;; common diseases;常见病普通病;; common dolphin;海豚;; common domains;共同区域;; Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme;共同有效优惠关税办法优税办法;CEPT;优税办法 Common European Home;欧洲大家庭;; Common European House;欧洲大厦;; common export requirements;共同出口规章共同出口准则;; Common Fisheries Policy;共同渔业政策;; common formula;共同方案;; Common Fund for Commodities;商品共同基金;CFC; Common Fund for Major Repairs;重大修缮共同基金;; Common fund for major repairs and replacement;大修共同基金;; Common Fund under the Integrated Programme for Commodities;联合国商品综合方案共同基金;; Common Goals for the Health of Women and Children by the Year 2000;2000年妇女和儿童健康的共同目标;; common good;共同利益;; common heritage;共同财产;; common heritage of mankind;人类共同财产;; Common Hope for Peace an exhibit;共同的和平希望;; common interest;共同利益;; common job classification standards;统一职务分类标准;; common law;普通法; 习惯法; 不成文法; 判例法;; common law countries;英美法系国家;; common law marriage;习惯结婚;; common law system;英美法体系;; common law union;同居;; common law wife;事实妻子;; Common Market;共同市场;CM; Common Market Council;共同市场理事会;; Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa;东非和南部非洲共同市场东南非共同市场;COMESA;东南非共同市场 Common Market Group;共同市场小组;GMC; Common Market Law Review;共同市场法律评论;CMLR; Common Market of the Southern Cone;南锥体共同市场南方市场;Mercosur;南方市场 common market trade regime;共同市场贸易制度;; Common Market's Steel Producers' Association;共同市场钢铁生产者联合会;; Common Methodology for Estimating Costs of Inflation;通用通货膨胀费用测算法;; Common Monetary Area;共同货币区;CMA; common name;通用名称;; common objects of expenditure;共同支出用途;; common premises;共同房地;; common printing service;共同印刷服务;CPS; Common Printing Service of the Vienna International Centre;维也纳国际中心共同印刷处;; common programme category;共同方案种类;; common property resources;共同财产资源;CPRs; common purpose;共同目的;; common purpose doctrine;共同目的原则;; Common Register of Development Activities;发展活动共同登记处共同登记处;CORE;共同登记处 Common Review and Evaluation Framework;共同审查和评价框架审评框架;CREF;审评框架 common safeguards requirements;共同保障规章共同保障准则;; common salary scale;统一薪金表;; Common Secretarial Services;共同秘书事务处秘书事务处;COMSEC;秘书事务处 common security;共同安全;; common service account Field Office;共同事务帐户外地办事处;CSA; common service and equipment;共同事务及设备;; common service costs;共同事务费;CSC; Common Service Unit;共同事务股;; common services;共同事务费;; common services not distributed to programmes;不分配给各方案的共同事务费;; Common Services, Nairobi;内罗毕共同事务;; Common State of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫共同国家;; common stock;普通股;; common stock ownership interests;普通股股东权益;; common support services;共同支助事务;; common system;共同制度;; Common System and Compensation Service;共同制度和薪酬处;; Common System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials;核材料衡算和控制共同制度;SCCC; common system of salaries, allowances and other conditions of services;薪金、津贴和其他服务条件共同制度;; common system organizations;共同制度组织;; Common Topics;共同议题科;CT; common unit of account;共同记帐单位;; Common Vendor Database;通用供应商数据库;CVD; Common Wealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Australia;澳大利亚联邦普查和统计局;; Common Wealth Committee on Mineral Resources and Geology;英联邦矿物资源和地质学委员会;CCMRG; common will;共同意志;; Common Zambezi River System;赞比西河共同系统;; common-law marriage [see: consensual union];同居和关系; 习惯法婚姻;; common-law system;不成文法;; common-use items;共同用途项目;; common shares;普通股;; Commonwealth;英联邦;; Commonwealth Act;联邦法;; Commonwealth Action Programme;英联邦行动纲领;; Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council;英联邦航空研究咨询委员会英航咨委会;CAARC;英航咨委会 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau;英联邦农业局农业局;CAB;农业局 Commonwealth Air Transport Council;英联邦航空运输理事会;CATC; Commonwealth Association of Architects;英联邦建筑师协会;CAA; Commonwealth Association of Museums;英联邦博物馆协会;CAM; Commonwealth Association of Planners;英联邦计划者协会;CAP; Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa;英联邦非洲理工学校协会;CAPA; Commonwealth Association of Science and Mathematics Educators;英联邦科学和数学教育者协会;CASME; Commonwealth Association of Scientific Agricultural Societies;英联邦农业科学学会协会;CASAS; Commonwealth Association of Tax Administration;英联邦税务管理人员协会;CATA; Commonwealth Banana Exporters Association;英联邦香蕉出口商协会;; Commonwealth Board of Elections;自由联邦选举委员会;; Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics;英联邦动物繁殖和遗传局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Research;英联邦动物研究局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology;英联邦乳酪科学和工艺局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Forestry;英联邦农林局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops;英联邦园艺和农庄作物局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops;英联邦牧场和田地作物局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetics;英联邦植物繁殖和遗传局;; Commonwealth Bureau of Soil Science;英联邦土壤科学局;; Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers;英联邦外交部长委员会;; Commonwealth Committee of Foreign Ministers on Southern Africa;英联邦外交部长南部非洲问题委员会;CFMSA; Commonwealth Committee on Southern Africa;英联邦南部非洲委员会;CCSA; Commonwealth Consultative Committee on South and Southeast Asia;英联邦南亚和东南亚问题咨商委员会;; Commonwealth Consultative Committee on Space Research;英联邦空间研究协商委员会;CCCSR; Commonwealth Consultative Group;英联邦咨询组;; Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration;英联邦教育管理理事会;CCEA; Commonwealth Countries;英联邦国家;; Commonwealth Countries' League;英联邦国家联盟;; Commonwealth Defence Science Organization;英联邦防务科学组织;CDSO; Commonwealth Development Corporation;英联邦开发公司;CDC; Commonwealth Development Finance Co.;英联邦开发金融公司;CDFC; Commonwealth Development Finance Company;联邦发展金融有限公司;; Commonwealth Development Fund;英联邦发展基金;CDF; Commonwealth Economic Consultative Council;英联邦经济协商理事会;CECC; Commonwealth Education Liaison Committee;英联邦教育联络委员会;CELC; Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group;英联邦知名人士小组;EPG; Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group on Southern Africa;英联邦南部非洲问题知名人士小组;; Commonwealth Equity Fund;英联邦资产基金;; Commonwealth Expert Group on the Global Economic and Political Change and its Implications for the Development Process;英联邦全球经济和政治变化及其对发展进程的影响问题专家组;; Commonwealth Experts' Group on the New International Economic Order;英联邦新的国际经济秩序专家小组;; Commonwealth Finance Ministers' Conference;英联邦财政部长会议;; Commonwealth Ford for Technical Cooperation;英联邦技术合作基金技合基金;CFTC;技合基金 Commonwealth Foreign Ministers' Group on Southern Africa;南部非洲问题英联邦外交部长集团;; Commonwealth Forestry Association;英联邦林业协会;CFA; Commonwealth Foundation, the;英联邦基金会;; Commonwealth Friendship Movement;英联邦友谊运动组织;; Commonwealth Fund;联邦基金;; Commonwealth Fund for Mozambique;英联邦支援莫桑比克基金;; Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation;英联邦技术合作基金英联邦技合基金;CFTC;英联邦技合基金 Commonwealth Games;英联邦运动会;; Commonwealth Games Federation;英联邦运动会联合会;; Commonwealth Group of Experts on the Impact on Global Economic and Political Change on the Development Process;全球经济和政治变化对发展进程的影响问题英联邦专家组;; Commonwealth Group of Nations;英联邦国家集团;; Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting;英联邦政府首脑会议;CHOGM; Commonwealth Heraldry Board;英联邦纹章学理事会;; Commonwealth Hostels, Ltd.;英联邦旅馆有限公司;; Commonwealth Human Ecology Council;英联邦人类生态学理事会生态学理事会;CHEC;生态学理事会 Commonwealth Institute of Agricultural Parasitology Helminthology;英联邦农业寄生虫学研究所;; Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control;英联邦生物控制研究所;CIBC; Commonwealth Institute of Entomology;英联邦昆虫学研究所;; Commonwealth island developing countries;英联邦发展中岛屿国家;; Commonwealth Jewish Council;英联邦犹太人理事会;; Commonwealth Journalism Award;英联邦新闻奖;; Commonwealth Journalists Association;英联邦新闻工作者协会;; Commonwealth Law Ministers;英联邦法律部长;; Commonwealth Lawyers' Association;英联邦律师协会;CLA; Commonwealth Legal Education Association;英联邦法律教育协会;CLEA; Commonwealth Liaison Units;英联邦联络股联络股;CLUs;联络股 Commonwealth Library Association;英联邦图书馆协会;COMLA; Commonwealth Magistrates' Association;英联邦地方法官协会;CMA; Commonwealth Medical Association;英联邦医学协会;CMA; Commonwealth Meeting on AIDS and Human Movement;艾滋病和人口流动问题英联邦会议;; Commonwealth Meteorology Research Centre;英联邦气象学研究中心;CMRC; Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group on the Harare Commonwealth Declaration;哈拉雷英联邦宣言英联邦部长级行动小组;; Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Belize;英联邦伯利兹问题部长小组;; Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Small States;英联邦小国问题部长小组;; Commonwealth Ministers for Youth Affairs;英联邦青年事务部长;; Commonwealth Monitoring Force;英联邦监督部队;; Commonwealth Mycological Institute;英联邦霉菌学研究所;; Commonwealth Nations;英联邦国家;; Commonwealth Network of Information Technology for Development;英联邦信息技术促进发展网信息技术网;COMNET-IT;信息技术网 Commonwealth Nurses Federation;英联邦护士联合会;CNF; Commonwealth Observer Group;英联邦观察员小组观察员小组;COGSA;观察员小组 Commonwealth Observer Mission to South Africa;英联邦南非观察团英联邦观察团;COMSA;英联邦观察团 Commonwealth of Australia;澳大利亚联邦;; Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;波多黎各自由联邦;; Commonwealth of the Bahamas;巴哈马联邦;; Strategy on Environmental Goals and Management Mechanisms for Offshore Activities;岸外活动环境目标和管理机制战略;; Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas;北马里亚纳群岛联邦;; Commonwealth Oil Refining Co., Ltd.;联邦石油炼制公司;; Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference;英联邦议会会议;; Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference of Members from Small Countries;英联邦小成员国议会会议;; Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association;英联邦药学协会;CPA; Commonwealth Preference System;英联邦优惠制度;; Commonwealth Press Union;英联邦报业联合会;CPU; Commonwealth Privatisation Fund;英联邦私有化基金;; Commonwealth Programmes for Sustainable Tropical Forestry;英联邦持续管理热带森林方案 持续管理热带森林方案;CPSTF;持续管理热带森林方案 Commonwealth Regional Renewable Energy Resources Information System;英联邦可再生能源区域信息系统;CRRERIS; Commonwealth Relations Office;联邦关系事务部;; Commonwealth Remote Sensing Committee;英联邦遥感委员会;; Commonwealth Sanctions Committee;联邦制裁委员会;; Commonwealth sanctions package;联邦一揽子制裁措施;; Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan;英联邦奖学金和研究金计划奖学金计划;CSFP;奖学金计划 Commonwealth Science Council;英联邦科学委员会;CSC; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization;英联邦科学和工业研究组织科工研组织;CSIRO;科工研组织 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Office for Space Science and Applications;英联邦科学和工业研究组织空间科学应用处 空间处;COSSA;空间处 Commonwealth Scientific Research Organization of Adelaide Australia;澳大利亚阿德莱德联邦科学研究组织;; Commonwealth Secretariat;英联邦秘书处;CS; Commonwealth Secretariat Accommodation;英联邦秘书处办公大楼;; Commonwealth Secretariat Task Force on Women and Adjustment;英联邦秘书处妇女与调整问题工作队;; Commonwealth Senior Officials Meeting;英联邦高级官员会议;; Commonwealth Sugar Agreement;英联邦糖业协定;; Commonwealth Telecommunications Board;英联邦电信委员会;CTB; Commonwealth Trade Union Council;英联邦工会理事会;CTUC; Commonwealth Universities Study Abroad Consortium;英联邦大学国外学习协议;; Commonwealth Veterinary Association;英联邦兽医协会;CVA; Commonwealth Working Group on Human Resource Development Strategies;英联邦人力资源发展战略工作组;; Commonwealth Working Group on Sanctions;联邦制裁问题工作组;; Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council;英联邦青年交流理事会;CYEC; Commonwealth Youth Programme;英联邦青年方案;CYP; Commuautes del Khmeres Refugies en France;法国高棉难民联合会;; communal board of elections;市选举委员会;BEC; Communal Chamber;部族院;; communal court;社区法院;; communal facilities;共同设施;; Communal Federation;部族联邦;; communal feeding group feeding; mass feeding;集体共膳共同食堂;; communal garden;社区公园;; communal household aids and services;家务共同协助和服务;; communal household;共同住宅;; Communal Liberation Party;族社解放党;CLP; communal police;社区警察;; communal protection;共同防卫;; communal reform;乡村改革;; communal shelter;公共住所养老院;; communal tap;公用水管;; communal tenure;公社地权;; communalism;公社主义地方自治主义;; Communante' Financiere africaine;非洲金融共同体;CFA; Communaute des Etats de l'Afrique de l'ouest;西非国家共同体;; Communaute economique des etats de l'afrique de l'oust;西非国家经济共同体;CEDEAO; Communaute financiere africaine;非洲金融共同体;CFA; Communaute financiere du Pacifique;太平洋金融共同体;CFP; commune;乡镇;; Commune Administrative Apparatus;乡行政机构;; commune police;社区警察; [卢旺达]乡警;; communicated to the parties;[将文件]送交当事各方;; communicating State see also: receiving State;提请国;; communication;信件;; Communication and Crises: the role of the media in the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Africa;通讯与晰: 媒体在和平解决非洲冲突中的 作用;; communication controller;通信控制器;; Communication dated 29 December 1994 from SAMCOMM re. Iron Gate I on the Danube;1994年12月29日协助制裁特派团通讯中心的 来文 事由:多瑙河一号铁闸;;事由:多瑙河一号铁闸 Communication Division;通信司;; Communication for Development;传播促进发展;; communication gap;传播隔阂传播沟;; communication in service of humanity;为全人类提供传播服务;; communication media;传播媒体;; communication No.___;来文第___号;; communication of the Secretary-General;秘书长通知;; communication of thought;思想交流;; communication project;交通计划项目交通项目;COM;交通项目 communication received from private individuals and Non-governmental Bodies relating to matters of which the Security Council is seized;从个人和非政府组织收到的有关安全理事会 处理中事项的来文;; communication satellite;通信卫星;; Communications Satellite Corporation;通信卫星公司;COMSAT; communication sector;通信部门;; communication strategy;传播战略;; communication with extra-terrestrial intelligence;与地外智能生物通信;CETI; Communication, Archives and Records Service;通信、档案的记录事务处;; Communication, Information and Informatics Sector/Division of the General Information Programme;通讯、资料和信息学部门/一般资料方案司;CII/PGI; Communication/Advocacy Plan for the Pan-Arab Project for Child Development;泛阿拉伯儿童发展项目宣传/倡导计划;; communication/navigation/surveillance;通讯/导航/监测系统;CNS;系统 communications;电信费 [预算]通讯函件来文交通 交流 [妇女];; communications aircraft;通勤飞机;; Communications and Computer Services Section;通信和计算机事务科;; Communications and Documents Unit;传播和文件股;; Communications and External Relations Section;通信和对外关系科;; Communications and Information Section;传播和宣传科;; Communications and Language Training Section;交流和语文训练科;; Communications and Project Management Division;宣传和项目管理司;CPMD; Communications and Project Management Service;宣传和项目管理处;; Communications and Records Services Section;通信和记录事务科;CRSS; Communications equipment;通信设备;; communications media outlets;通讯媒体; 新闻媒体;; communications module;通讯机构; 新闻传播机构;; communications on the status of women;关于妇女地位的来文;; communications satellite;从个人和非政府组织收到的有关安全理事会 处理中事项的来文;; Communications Satellite Programme;通信卫星方案;; Communications Service;通信事务处;; communications spacecraft;通信航天器;; communications technology satellite;通信技术卫星;CTS; Communications Workers of America;美国通讯工人协会;CWA; communications, navigation, and surveillance and air-traffic management;通讯、导航、监测和空中交通管理;CNS/ATM; Communications, Records and Buildings Services Division;通信、档案和房舍事务司;; Communications, Records and Commercial Services Division;通信、记录和商业事务司;; communications/navigation/surveillance;通讯/导航/监测系统;CNS;系统 communicator;新闻机构;; communique;公报;; Communique issued by the meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries on 16 October 1987;1987年10月16日不结盟运动协调局会议发表 的公报;; Communique of the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting;英联邦政府首脑会议公报;; Offshore Weather Panel;安全气象小组;; Communique of the meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Mediterranean members of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家运动地中海成员国外交部长会议 公报;; Communique of the Meeting of the Follow-up Committee of the International Conference on Central American Refugees;中美洲难民问题国际会议后续委员会会议 公报;; Communique on the Central American Refugees;中美洲难民问题公报;; Communist International;共产国际;COMINTERN; Communist Party of Indonesia;印度尼西亚共产党;PKI; Communist Party of Israel;以色列共产党;; Communist Party of Kampuchea;柬埔寨共产党;; Communist Unitarian Movement of the Netherlands, Central Committee;巴勒斯坦共产党巴共;;巴共 Communist Vanguard of Argentina;阿根廷共产主义先锋党;; communist-action organizations;共产党行动组织;; communist-front organizations;共产党外围组织;; community;社区;; Community Action Agency;社区行动机构;; Community Action Programme for Disadvantaged Rural Women;帮助条件不利农村妇女的集体行动纲领;; community action project;社区行动方案;; Community Aid Abroad;海外社区援助;; community amenities;社会福利设施;; community and family-based services;社区和家庭提供的服务;; community based development;社区发展;; Community Bureau of References;欧洲原子能联营参考资料局;CBR; community centre;社区中心;; Community Charter of Fundamental Social Rights for Workers;工人基本社会权利共同体宪章;; community college;社区学院;; Community College of Micronesia;密克罗尼西亚社区学院;; Community Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Companies and Bodies Corporate;共同体互相承认公司及法人公约;; Community Council;社区委员会;; community development;社区发展;; Community Development Association within the Public Clinics;公共诊所内的社区发展协会;; Community Development Branch;社区发展组;; Community Development Foundation, Inc.;社区发展基金会;; Community Development Fund;社区发展基金社区基金;CDF;社区基金 Community Development Office;社区发展办公室;; Community Development Partners;社区发展伙伴;; Community Development Programme;社区发展方案;; Community Development Unit;社区发展处;; community development worker;社区发展工作人员;CDW; community facilities;社区设施;; community feeding centre;社区喂食中心;; community financing;社区筹款;; community group;社区团体;; community health;社区保健;; community health care;社区保健;; community health programme;社区保健方案;; community health services;社区保健服务;; community health worker;社区保健员;CHW; community health workers;社区保健员;CHWs; community involvement;社区参与;; community kitchen;社区施食所社区供食所;; Community Land Conference;社区土地会议;; community leader;社区领袖;; Community of French-Language Radio Programmes;法语国家无线电广播节目共同体;CRPLF; Community of French-Language Television Programmes;法语国家电视节目共同体;CTF; community of goods;财产共有;; community of interest;利害相共;; community of nations;国际社会国际大家庭;; community of NGO;非政府组织大家庭;; community of property regime during marriage;婚姻期间夫妻共有财产制度;; community of species;物种群;; Community of the European Lock and Fitting Industry;欧洲锁和零件工业共同体;ARGE; Community of West African States;西非国家共同体;; Community of Yugoslav Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones;南斯拉夫邮政、电报和电话局邮电局;PTT;邮电局 community organizations;社区组织;; community ownership;集体所有;; community participation;社区参与社会参与;; Community Participation Training Programme;社区参与训练方案;; community planning;社区规划;; Community Planning Association of Canada;加拿大社区设计协会;; community property;夫妻共有的财产;; community questionnaire;社区调查表;; community relations;族群关系;; community relations commissions;族群关系委员会;; community resources;公共资源;; community sanction;社区制裁;; community self-help initiatives;社会性的自助活动; 集体的自助活动;; community self-reliance;社会性的自助活动; 集体的自助活动;; community services;社区服务;; Community Services Officer;社区服务干事;; Community STABES system;欧共体稳定出口收入制度;; Community Survey;社区调查;CS; community volunteers;社区志愿人员;; community water supply;社区饮水供应;; community welfare and development;社区福利与发展;; community welfare centre;社区福利中心;; community well;公用水井;; community-based control measures;基于社区的控制措施;; community-based distribution;社区分发;CBD; community-based distribution of contraceptives;社区分发避孕药具;; community-based family-planning project;社区一级的计划生育项目;; community-based maintenance;基于社区的维修系统;; community-based management;社区管理;; community-based nutrition programme;基于社区的营养方案;; community-based organization;以社区为基础的组织;CBO; community-based primary health care;社区提供的初级保健基于社区的初级保健;CBHC; community-based project;基于社区的项目;; community-based village pharmacy;乡村社区药房;CVP; community-level workers;社区一级工作人员;; commutation;减刑;; commutation of accrued annual leave;积存年假的折付;; commutation of annual leave;年假的折付;; commutation of annuities;年金折偿;; commutation of the sentence;减刑;; commutation provision;折算规定;; commute;折算;; commute into a lump sum;折算成一次总付款项;; commuter belt;通勤居民区;; Comoras, the Islamic Federal Republic of the;科摩罗伊斯兰联邦共和国;; Comorian Island of Mayotte;科摩罗马约特岛;; Comorian People's Democratic Assembly Party;科摩罗人民民主大会党;; Comoros, the Federal Islamic Republic of the;科摩罗伊斯兰联邦共和国;; compact disc; compact disk;光盘;CD; Compact Disc Interactive;互动式光盘;CD-I; Compact of Free Association;自由联系条约;; compact star;致密星;; compacted soil;紧实土;; compactus equipment;密集式设备;; Compagnie des constructions internationales;国际营造公司;; Compagnie financiere de Paris et des Pays-Bas;巴黎和荷兰金融公司;; Compagnie Financiere Eternit, SA;埃特尼金融公司;; Compagnie francaise d'enterprise minieres, metallurgiques et d'investissements;法国矿业、冶金和投资公司;; Compagnie francaise de l'Afrique occidentale;法国西非公司;; Compagnie francaise de raffinage;法国炼油公司;; Compagnie francaise des Petroles;法国石油公司;CFP; Compagnie Gabonaise d'Affretements Aeriens;加蓬租运航空公司;Affretair; Compagnie generale d'electricite;通用电力公司;; Compagnie generale des matieres nucleaires;核材料总公司;COGEMA; Compagnie industrielle de travaux;工业工程公司;; Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de la Dresden Bank, A.G.;德雷斯顿银行卢森堡公司;; Compagnie Orientale des Petrole d'Egypte;埃及东方石油公司;COPE; Compagnie pour l'etude et developpement des echanges commerciaux;贸易研究发展公司贸发公司;COMPADEC;贸发公司 Companhia Agricola Arbor-Acres Cuca, SARL;安联公司阿伯尔--阿克斯农业公司;; Companhia Cecil do Ultramar;塞西尔海外公司;; Companhia Comercial Joao Ferreira des Santos;若奥·费雷拉·多斯·桑托斯商业公司;; Companhia da Zambezia;赞比西亚公司;; Companhia de Celulose do Ultramar Portugues, SARL;葡萄牙海外纤维素公司;; Companhia de Ceramicas de Angola;安哥拉陶瓷公司;; Companhia de Cervejas do Sul de Angola;南安哥拉啤酒公司;; Companhia de Comercio e Navegacao;商业海运公司;CCN; Companhia de Culturas de Angoches, SARL;安哥拉种植有限公司;; Companhia de Diamantes Oeste de Angola, S.A.R.L.;安哥拉西部钻石股份有限公司;OESTEDIAM; Companhia de Diamontes de Angola, SARL;安哥拉钻石股份有限公司;CIAMANG; Companhia de Liofilizacao de Angola;安哥拉溶性咖啡公司;; Companhia de Mocambique;莫桑比克公司;; Companhia de Pesca a Congelacao de Cabo Verde;佛得角捕鱼冷冻公司;CONGEL; Companhia de Petroleos de Angola;安哥拉石油公司;PETRANGOL; Companhia de Petroleos de Angola, SARL;安哥拉石油股份有限公司安哥尔石油公司;PETRANGOL;安哥尔石油公司 Companhia de Petroleos de Timor, SARL;安哥拉石油股份有限公司安哥尔石油公司;; Companhia de Polvoras e Explosivos de Angola, SARL;安哥拉火药炸药公司;; Companhia de Produtos Avicolas, SARL;家禽产物公司;; Companhia de Seguros Tranquilidade de Mocambique;莫桑比克平安保险公司;; Companhia Distribuidora de Autoboveis;分销汽车公司;; Companhia do Angoche;安哥契公司;; Companhia do Assucar de Angola, SARL;安哥拉糖公司;; Companhia do Boror;博罗尔公司;; Companhia do Buzi;布济公司;; Companhia do Cimento Secil do Ultramar, SARL;海外塞西水泥公司;; Companhia do Sisal de Angola;安哥拉西沙尔麻公司;AGAVANGOLA; Companhia dos Fosfatos de Angola;安哥拉磷酸岩公司;COFAN; Companhia Industrial-Metalurgica de Angola;安哥拉金属加工工业公司 金属加工业公司;CODUME;金属加工业公司 Compania de Acero del Pacifico;太平洋钢铁公司;CAP; Compania Espanola de Petroleos SA;西班牙石油公司;CEPSA; Compania Nacional de Subsistencias Populares;全国日用品公司;CONASUPAO; Companies Act;公司法;; Companion of St. Michael and St. George;圣迈克尔和圣乔治三等勋章;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司