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squeal 激烈抗议 squeal 长而尖的声音 squeal against 激烈抗议 squeal on sb. 告发某人 squealer 发出尖叫声的人 squealing 啸声 squealing 振鸣声 squealing 号叫 squeamish 过于拘谨的 squeamish 洁癖的 squeamish 易呕吐的 squeamish 神经质的 squeegee 橡胶扫帚 squeegee 橡胶滚轴 squeegee 使用橡胶扫帚 squeegee 用橡胶滚轴压 squeegee calender 油皮压延机 squeegee gold 网印用金膏 squeezability 威吓 squeezability 压迫 squeezable 可压挤的 squeezable 可逼迫的 squeeze 压榨 squeeze 挤 squeeze 压榨 squeeze 挤 squeeze 挤榨 squeeze out 挤 squeeze out 冲 squeeze bottle 塑料挤瓶 squeeze buggy 滚压车 squeeze cap 压封盖 squeeze casting 模压铸造 squeeze disc 压榨圆盘 squeeze film bearing 压膜轴承 squeeze head 压头 squeeze head 压板 squeeze in 挤进去 squeeze into 使挤进 squeeze machine 压榨机 squeeze machine 压实造型机 squeeze motion 夹取运动 squeeze off 扳枪机射击 squeeze out 榨出 squeeze out 挤出 squeeze out a tear 勉强挤出一滴眼泪 squeeze piston 压实活塞 squeeze play 轻打战术 squeeze play 施加压力 squeeze pump 挤压泵 squeeze riveter 压铆机 squeeze roller 挤压辊 squeeze the orange 把好处都榨干 squeeze the orange 吸吮其脂膏 squeeze the shorts 轧空头 squeeze through 挤过 squeeze through 勉强通过 squeeze up 挤紧 squeeze up 挤拢 squeeze valve 压挤阀 squeeze valve 压实阀 squeeze-box 六角形手风琴 squeezebox 手风琴 squeezed orange 无用的糟粕 squeezed orange 用处不大的人 squeezer 扑克牌 squeezer 剥削者 squeezing cylinder 压实缸 squeezing press 挤压机 squeezing press 压榨机 squeg 作极不规则的振荡 squegger 间歇振荡器 squegger 断续振荡器 squegger oscillator 自猝灭振荡器 squegging 间歇式振荡 squegging 断续振荡模式 squegging 自锁 squegging 自动联锁 squegging 自猝灭 squegging oscillator 超再生振荡器 squelch 压制 squelch circuit 静噪电路 squelch switch 静噪开关 squelch tube 静噪管 squelcher 使对手哑口无言的辩论 squelcher 毫不放松的反击 squelette 翼形中线 squelette 剖面中线 squeteague 犬牙石首鱼 squib 爆竹 squibbing 药线爆破 squid 鱿鱼 squid 钓乌贼的钓钩 squid 反潜艇发射装置 squiffed 喝醉的 squiffer 六角形手风琴 squiffy 微醉的 squiffy 稍带醉意的 Squiffy 微醉的 squiggle 胡乱写的字 squiggle 花体 squiggly 弯弯曲曲的 squill 虾蛄 squill 螳螂虾 squill vice C 形夹 squilla 虾蛄 squilla 螳啷虾 squillagee 橡胶扫帚 squillagee 橡胶滚轴 squillagee 使用橡胶扫帚 squillagee 用橡胶滚轴压 squinch 突角拱 squinny 斜眼看 squinny 斜视 squinny 使斜看 squinny 使斜视 squint 斜视 squint at 斜眼看 squint quoin 斜角隅石 squint towards 倾向于 squint-eyed 斜视的 squirarch 地主 squirarch 乡绅 squirarchy 地主政治 squirarchy 地主阶级 squire 乡绅 squirarchy 律师 squirarchy 侍从 squirarchy 大地主 squirarchy 治安官 squirarchy 随侍 squirarchy 护卫 squire it 作乡绅 squire it 当妇女的护卫 squire of dames 对妇女侍奉周到的男人 squire of the pad 拦路贼 squire of the pad 剪径强盗 squirearch 地主 squirearch 乡绅 squirearchy 地主政治 squirearchy 地主阶级 squireen 小地主 squirehood 乡绅的势力 squirelet 小地主 squirelet 小乡绅 squirely 乡绅的 squirely 适合乡绅身份的 squiress 乡绅之妻 squiress 最大的地主之妻 squirish 乡绅的 squirish 适合乡绅身份的 squirish 样子像乡绅的 squirm 蠕动 squirm 蠕动 squirmy 蠕动的 squirrel 松鼠 squirrel 贮藏 squirrel cage 关松鼠等的笼子 squirrel cage blower 鼠笼式鼓风机 squirrel cage dynode 鼠笼式打拿极 squirrel cage dynode 鼠笼式倍增极 squirrel cage rotor 鼠笼式转子 squirrel cage washer 鼠笼式旋转洗涤机 squirrelfish 金鳞鱼 squirrelly 古怪的 squirrelly 疯狂的 squirrely 古怪的 squirrely 疯狂的 squirt 喷出 squirt can 弹性注油器 squirt can 油壶 squirt cut 水针 squirt feeder 喷射送料器 squirt gun 水枪 squirt hole 喷油孔 squirt hose 喷射器橡胶管 squirt trimmed stock 冲边回浆 stamped stock 加盖戳记股票 squirted filament 喷挤灯丝 squirter 喷射者 squirtpump 喷射泵 squish 咯吱声 squish 果酱 squish 压扁 squish 压烂 squish 咯吱吱地走 squishy 湿软的 squishy 粘糊糊的 squishy 易压扁的 squitch 匍匐冰草 squitter 断续振荡器 squitter pulse 断续脉冲 squiz 好奇的一看 squiz 好奇的一瞥 sq.km. square kilometer 平方公里 sq.m. square meter 平方米 sq.mi. square mile 平方英哩 squoosh 南瓜 squoosh 易压烂的物品 squoosh 拥挤的人群 squoosh 壁球 squoosh 压扁 squoosh 压制 squoosh 镇压 squoosh 挤进 squoosh 挤压 squrrite 灰硅钙石 squush 咯吱声 squush 果酱 squush 压扁 squush 压烂 squush 咯吱吱地走 sq.yd. square yard 平方码 Suriname 苏里南 SR Safety Recommendation 保安建议 Sr 元素锶的符号 Sr. 高级的 Sir 先生 SRA Science Research Abstracts 《科学研究文摘》 SRC Science Research Council 科学研究委员会 SRD Secret Restricted Data 保密资料 SRE Series Relay 串联继电器 SRG Shell Replenishment Gear 弹药补充设备 Sri 先生 Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 Sri Lankan 斯里兰卡的 SRL Scientific Research Laboratory 科学研究实验室 SRM Short Range Missile 近程导弹 SRN 合格护士 SRO Singly Resonant Oscillator 单共振振荡器 SRP Scientific Research Proposal 科学研究建议 SRS Societatis Regiae Socius 皇家学会会员 SRV space rescue vehicle 航天营救飞行器 SRAAM Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile 近程空对空导弹 sRNA 可溶性核糖核酸 SRNA Shipbuilders and Repairers National Association 全国船舶修造厂商协会 SRCC Space Research Coordination Center 航天研究协调中心 SRDE Signals Research and Development Establishment 信号研究发展中心 SRAJ Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan 日本造船研究协会 SRDL Signal Research Development Laboratory 信号研制实验室 SRAM Short Range Attack Missile 短程攻击导弹 SRAM Short Range Attack Missile 静态存储器 SRBM Short-Range Ballistic Missile 近程弹道导弹 SRCN State Registered Children's Nurse 国家注册保育员 SRBP Synthetic Resin Bonded Paper 合成树脂粘合板 srarabiasis 肠蜣螂病 SRDS Standard Reference Data System 标准参考数据系统 SS Schutzstaffel 纳粹党卫军 SSA Social Security Administration 社会保障总署 SSB Ship, Submarine,Ballistic 舰队弹道导弹潜艇 SSC Satellite Situation Center 卫星状况中心 SSD Sacrae Scripturae Doctor 基督教《圣经》博士 SSE 南东南 SSF Space Simulation Facility 空间模拟设备 SSG Standard Signal Generator 标准信号发生器 Ssh 嘘 SSI Sector Scan Indicator 扇形扫描显示器 SSL Security Socket Layer 加密套接字协议层 SSM Surface to Surface Missile 地对地导弹 SSN severely subnormal 智力严重逊常 SSR Soviet Socialist Republic 苏维埃社会主义共和国 SSS Selective Service System 选征兵役制 SST Spacecraft System Test 宇宙飞船系统试验 SSU Semi-conductor Storage Unit 半导体存贮器 SSV Ship-to-Surface Vessel 海面搜索船用雷达 SSV Ship-to-Surface Vessel 船用海面搜寻器 SSW 南西南 ssbauer probe technique 穆斯鲍尔探针技术 SSRC Social Science Research Council 社会科学研究委员会 SSSC Single-Sideband Suppressed Carrier 单边带抑制载波法 SSAFA Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association 陆海空军三军士兵家属协会 SSBN Strategic Submarine Ballistic Nuclear 弹道导弹战略核潜艇 SSCNS Ships Self-Contained Navigation System 船用独立导航系统 SSKP Single-Shlt Kill-Probability 单发弹摧毁概率 SSGS Standardized Space Guidance System 标准空间制导系统 SSLS Standardized Space Launch System 标准空间发射系统 SSSS Satellite Strategic Surveillance System 卫星战略监视系统 SSTU Seamless Steel Tube 无缝钢管 SSLV Standardized Space Launch Vehicle 标准空间发射飞行器 ST Shipping Ticket 装货单 St. Louis 圣路易斯 St. Vitus's dance 舞蹈病 St.-John's-wort 小连翘属植物 STA Sail Training Association 航海训练协会 STC Satellite Test Center 卫星试验中心 Subscriber Trunk Dialing 长途电话拨号 Sexually Transmited Disease 性传染病 std 标准 STE Specialized Test Equipment 专用试验设备 Ste. 崇高的女性 STG Space Task Group 空间特遣大队 STI Scientific and Technical Information 科学技术情报 STP Shielded Twisted Pair 屏蔽双绞线 STR submarine thermal reactor 潜艇用热中子反应堆 STS Special Treatment Steel 特制钢 STS Special Treatment Steel 特殊处理钢 Sts 圣 STT Short Time Test 快速实验 Stu 斯图 STV Subscription TeleVision 收费电视 sty 猪栏 sty 猪圈 sty 住在猪圈里 sty 关入猪栏 st.anthony's fire 丹毒 stead 替代 sty 用处 sty 好处 sty 对...有利 sty 对...有用 steadfast 坚定的 steadfastly 踏实地 steadfastly 不变地 steadfastness 坚定 steadfastness 稳当 steadier 支架 steadier 支座 steadier 底座3 steadily 稳定地 steadily 有规则地 steadiness 坚定性 steadiness parameter 稳定参数 steading 农场的建筑物 steading 小农场 steadite 斯氏体 steadite 磷化物共晶体3 steady 稳固的 steady 稳定的 steady 坚定的 steady 扎实的 steady 坚定不移的 steady 稳定 steady 稳固 steady bath 蒸汽浴 steady persistence 短余辉 steady ablation 定常烧蚀 steady accelerator 稳定加速器 steady accelerator 连续作用加速器 steady background 稳定本底 steady bearing 支撑轴承 steady boiler 锅炉 steady boiler 锅炉 steady brace 固定销 steady brace 定位销 steady center rest 固定中心架 steady coil 蛇形蒸汽管 steady component 稳恒部分 steady component 稳恒分量 steady current rail circuit 稳定电流式轨道电路 steady divergence motion 非周期渐强运动 steady drift 稳定偏移 steady energy input 稳定能量输入 steady flight 定常飞行 steady flow 稳流 steady flow nozzle head 稳流喷嘴流浆箱 steady flow viscosity 稳流粘度 steady gas dynamics 定常流气体动力学 steady hand 不颤抖的手 steady hand 坚定的领导 steady hand 果断的手腕 steady heat transfer 稳定传热 steady hydraulic jump 定常水跃 steady illumination 稳定照明 steady light indication 稳定灯光显示 steady load 稳恒负载 steady market 市场坚稳 steady motion 恒稳运动 steady prices 稳定的物价 steady primary fissions 稳初级裂变 steady pull 稳恒拉力 steady resistance 镇流电阻 steady resistance 平衡电阻 steady resistance 稳流电阻 steady rest 固定支架 steady rest 中心架 steady rotation 定常转动 steady rotation 等角速度转动 steady running condition 稳定运转工况 steady running condition 稳定工作状况 steady state 恒稳态 steady state 定态 steady state compliance 稳态柔量 steady state iteration 定态迭代 steady state leaching 稳态渗毒 steady state solution 稳态解 steady state solution 静态解 steady stress 静应力 steady stress 剩余应力 steady turning performance 稳定旋转特性 steady uniform flow 稳定等速流 steady unloading 稳定卸荷 steady value 稳定值 steady vibration 稳态振动 steady-going 稳定的 steady-going 稳重的 steady-going 不变的 steady-handed 手法稳当的 steady-handed 不慌张的 steady-state 不变的 steady-state 永恒的 steadyhanded 手法平稳的 steadyhanded 不慌 steadyhanded 忙的 steadying bar 支柱 steadying bar 支撑杆 steadying bar 轴架 steadying bar 稳定拉杆 steadyload 恒稳定载荷 steaglate 硬脂酰乙醇酸盐 steak 肉 steak 鱼 steak 肉片 steak 鱼片 steak 肉排 steak 牛排 steak piece 牛后腰肉 steak piece 肋骨肉 steak-house 牛排餐厅 steakhouse 牛排餐厅 steal 偷 steal 窃取 steal 偷窃 steal 偷盗 steal a kiss 偷吻 steal a kiss 冷不防接个吻 steal a march on sb. 抢在某人前面 steal a marriage 秘密结婚 steal a nap 偷偷地睡一会儿 steal a nap 打盹儿 steal a ride 偷搭车船 steal a ride 白坐车船 steal aglance at 偷偷一看 steal along 悄悄前进 steal away 偷走 steal into 偷偷跑进 steal into 溜进 steal into 走私运入 steal into 偷偷放进 steal off 偷去 steal off 拿跑 steal over 悄悄地呈现 steal over 渐渐弥漫 steal sb.'s thunder 抢先做某人要做的事 steal the limelight 最引人注意 steal the limelight 出尽风头 steal the limelight 抢镜头 steal the show 抢出风头 steal the spotlight 把人们对别人的注意力转到自己身上 stealage 偷窃 stealage 失物 stealer 偷窃者 stealer 偷干者 stealing 偷窃 stealing 贼赃 stealing 偷垒 stealing 有偷窃行为的 stealingly 偷偷地 stealingly 暗中 stealth 秘密行动 Stealth Tank 隐形坦克 stealthily 暗地里 stealthily 悄悄地 stealthy 鬼鬼祟祟的 stealthy 秘密的 stealthy 掩人耳目的 steam 蒸汽 steam 水汽 steam 蒸发 steam 蒸 steam cooking 蒸汽蒸煮 steam accumulator 蒸气蓄力器 steam ager 蒸汽熟化器 steam ager 蒸箱 steam ager 水蒸汽老化器 steam asphalt 蒸汽处理沥青 steam aspirator 汽吸器 steam atmospheric distillation 常压蒸汽蒸馏 steam atomizing conical jet 蒸汽雾化圆锥形喷嘴 steam automobile 蒸汽汽车 steam away 蒸发 steam away 去得快 steam away 做得快 steam bath 蒸汽浴 steam bending 蒸汽弯曲法 steam bending force 蒸汽弯力 steam blancher 蒸汽热烫机 steam blanket 蒸汽层 steam blanket 蒸汽膜 steam blast 蒸汽鼓风 steam blower 蒸汽鼓风机 steam blower 蒸汽喷雾机 steam boiler 蒸汽锅炉 steam boiling 蒸煮 steam box 蒸汽室 steam box 蒸笼 steam box 蒸箱 steam brake 汽闸 steam cabinet 蒸汽室 steam calorifier 蒸汽热水器 steam calorimeter 蒸汽量热器 steam can 蒸气发生器 steam canal 进汽口 steam capability 蒸发能力 steam capstan 蒸汽绞盘 steam chest 蒸汽室 steam chest bushing 汽柜衬套 steam chest cover 汽室盖 steam chest cover gasket 汽室盖衬垫 steam chest head 汽室头 steam chest head stud 汽柜盖柱螺栓 steam chest oil plug 汽室油堵 steam chest seat 汽室座 steam cleaner 蒸汽清洁器 steam cleaning 蒸汽清洁法 steam cleansing station 蒸汽清洗站 steam coal 锅炉用煤 steam cock body 汽塞体 steam color 利用蒸汽来染色 steam color printing 蒸汽印染 steam colour 用蒸汽染在织物或纤维上的颜色 steam conduit 蒸汽管道 steam converter valve 减温减压阀 steam cooker 蒸汽蒸煮器 steam cracking 蒸汽裂化 steam cure 蒸汽处治 steam curing 蒸汽养护 steam curing chamber 蒸汽养护室 steam cycle 蒸汽循环 steam cylinder 蒸汽缸 steam cylinder head 汽缸头 steam cylinder lagging 汽缸外套 steam dispersion mixer 蒸汽喷布拌和机 steam distillation 蒸汽蒸馏 steam distributing pipe 蒸汽分配管 steam distributor 蒸气分配器 steam dome 蒸汽包 steam dome 汽包 steam dome 汽室 steam dome 锅炉房 steam driven compressor 蒸汽风泵 steam driven compressor 蒸汽空气压缩机 steam drop hammer 蒸汽落锤 steam dryer 蒸汽干燥器 steam drying 蒸汽干燥 steam drying apparatus 蒸汽干燥器 steam drying oven 蒸汽加热干燥炉 steam drying oven 蒸汽加热干燥箱 steam emulsification 蒸汽乳化 steam end valve 暖气端阀 steam engine 蒸汽机 steam engine indicator 蒸汔机示功器 steam engine plough 锅驼机犁 steam engine plough 绳索牵引的平衡犁 steam escape valve 放汽阀 steam exhaust 乏汽 steam exhaust 回汽 steam exhaust port 废汽排出孔 steam exhauster 蒸汽排气机 steam explosion 蒸汽喷发 steam extraction 抽汽 steam feed pump 汽动给水泵 steam film 汽膜 steam fitter 汽管 steam fitter 锅炉装配工 steam fittings 蒸汽锅炉配件 steam flow 汽流 steam flow 蒸气流量 steam flow channel 蒸气流道 steam flow closure 蒸汽喷射排气封罐机 steam flow diagram 热线图 steam flow diagram 蒸气流程图 steam flow ram jet 稳流冲压式空气喷气发动机 steam flow recorder 蒸汽流量记录器 steam flushing 蒸汽清洗 steam flushing 汽冲 steam friction loss 汽阻损耗 steam funnel 蒸汽漏斗 steam gage fittings 汽压表配件 steam generation 蒸发 steam generation 汽化 steam generator 蒸汽发生器 steam generator water tank drain 蒸汽发生器水罐放水口 steam generator water tank filler 蒸汽发生器水罐进水口 steam gland 蒸汽用填密胀圈 steam gun washer 蒸汽喷射洗涤器 steam hammer 汽锤 steam hammer anvil 汽锤砧 steam hauler 蒸汽吊车 steam header 蒸汽汇集器 steam header 蒸汽室 steam header 汽包 steam heat 蒸汽热 steam heat boiler 蒸汽取暖锅炉 steam heat reducing valve 暖气减压阀 steam heater battery 蒸汽散热器组 steam heater hose 暖气软管 steam heating 蒸汽加热 steam heating apparatus 蒸汽供暖设备 steam hose 蒸汽软管 steam hose 输送蒸汽用软管 steam hose coupler 暖气软管联接器 steam hydraulic press 蒸汽液压机 steam injector 汽射器 steam inlet 进汽口 steam inlet pipe 进汽管 steam intensifier 蒸汽增压器 steam iron 蒸汽熨斗 steam isolating 蒸汽隔离阀 steam jacket 蒸汽套 steam jacketed hasher 带蒸汽夹套的切肉机 steam jacketed mold 蒸汽夹套模 steam jet 蒸汽喷嘴 steam jet 蒸汽的尾喷管 steam jet agitator 喷汽搅拌槽 steam jet agitator 蒸汽喷射搅拌器 steam jet air pump 蒸汽泵 steam jet air pump 汽轮泵 steam jet atomizer 气流喷射器 steam jet blower 喷气鼓风机 steam jet blower 喷射器 steam jet blower 注水器 steam jet blower 蒸汽喷嘴 steam jet blower kiln 蒸汽喷射干燥窑 steam jet sand blast 蒸汽喷砂机 steam kettle 蒸汽锅 steam lance 低压蒸汽除冰器 steam lance 蒸汽除水器 steam lance 蒸汽吹灰器 steam lap 蒸汽余面 steam leakage 漏气 steam locomotive 蒸汽机车 steam loop 蒸汽环管 steam lorry 蒸汽货车 steam main 蒸汽总管 steam manifold 汽包 steam manifold 集汽箱 steam metal 蒸汽机零件黄铜 steam meter 蒸汽流量计 steam meter manometer 蒸汽流量表 steam meter manometer 汽流计 steam mist 蒸汽轻雾 steam molecule 蒸汽分子 steam off 用蒸汽使脱离 steam open 蒸气拆封 steam packing 汽密 steam parameter 蒸汽参数 steam passage 汽道 steam passage 蒸汽通路 steam passage drain 汽路排水孔 steam peeler 蒸汽去皮机 steam period 通蒸汽期 steam pile hammer 蒸汽打桩锤 steam pile hammer 汽桩锤 steam pipe choke 汽管堵 steam pipe coil 蒸汽旋管 steam pipe expansion loop 蒸汽管膨胀圈 steam pipe isolating valve 汽管隔离保安阀 steam pipe oven 蒸汽加热炉 steam pipe plug 汽管塞 steam pipe stud 汽管柱螺栓 steam pipe tee 汽管丁字管节 steam pipe tee head 蒸汽管丁字头 steam pipe union 汽管连管接 steam plate 蒸汽板 steam platen press 蒸汽平压机 steam plough 蒸汽机引犁 steam plough 绳索牵引的平衡犁 steam pocket in water tank of radiator 散热器水箱汽囊 steam pockets 蒸汽包 steam port 汽口 steam pressure 汽压 steam puffer 蒸汽喷射烫衣机 steam pump 蒸汽泵 steam purifier 蒸汽净化装置 steam quality 蒸汽品质 steam quenching 蒸汽淬火 steam rack dryer 蒸汽排管干燥室 steam radiator 蒸汽散热器 steam radio 无线电广播 steam receiver 储汽器 steam reducing valve 蒸汽减压阀 steam refined oil 汽炼油 steam refining 蒸汽精炼 steam regulating valve 调整汽阀 steam regulator 总汽门 steam regulator 蒸汽调节阀 steam release valve 放汽阀 steam rendering 蒸汽炼油 steam reservoir 储汽筒 steam roller 蒸汽压路机 steam roller 高压手段 steam roller 压垮 steam run gas 蒸汽吹出的气体 steam seal gland 汽封 steam seal gland 汽封装置 steam separator 汽水分离器 steam set 湿固化 steam set 蒸汽固化 steam set 蒸汽固着 steam shop 锅炉间 steam shovel 蒸汽铲 steam shovel 蒸汽挖土机 steam space 蒸汽空间 steam spinning 蒸汽纺丝法 steam spray 蒸汽喷雾 steam spraying 蒸汽喷涂 steam spraying gun 蒸汽喷枪 steam stamp 蒸汽捣矿机 steam stamp cylinder 汽捣活塞 steam striker 汽锤 steam stripping 汽提 steam stripping 蒸汽脱附 steam stuffing box 汽缸填密函 steam supply valve 供汽阀 steam table 具有蒸汽保温设备的餐桌 steam tempering 蒸汽回火 steam tension 蒸汽压 steam throttle valve 节汽阀 steam tiller 蒸汽操舵机 steam trace 蒸汽管道 steam tracing 蒸汽保温加热器 steam traction 蒸汽牵引 steam tractor 蒸汽拖拉机 steam train 蒸汽机车牵引的列车 steam trap 疏水器 steam trap 汽阱 steam trap 汽水分离器 steam trap 凝汽阀 steam trap valve 滤汽阀 steam treating 蒸汽处理 steam treatment of soil 土壤蒸汽处理 steam trial 蒸汽动力装置试验 steam turbine 蒸汽轮机 steam turbine centrifugal fat extractor 蒸汽涡轮离心式提取器 steam up 促进 steam up 使发怒 steam up 使有蒸汽 steam valve 蒸汽阀 steam valve bonnet 汽阀帽 steam valve bronze 蒸汽阀青铜 steam valve gland 汽阀压盖 steam valve stem 汽阀杆 steam vessel 汽船 steam void 蒸汽空腔 steam-colour 蒸汽染色 steam-gas 过热蒸汽 steamactivated 蒸汽活化的 steamalloy 铜镍基合金 steamboat 汽船 steamboat 轮船 steamboat coal 航运用煤 steamcylinder 汽缸 steamdrum 上汽锅 steamdrum 蒸汽锅筒 steamed bread 馒头 steamed dumpling 蒸饺 steamed meat 蒸肉 steamed meat 蒸熟肉 steamed rice 蒸米饭 steamed rolls 蒸汽加热辊 steamed shad 清蒸鲥鱼 steamed vermicelli roll 肠粉 steamed wood turpentine 汽馏松节油 steamer 汽船 steamer 蒸汽机 steaminess 雾深 steaming 冒热气的 steaming 热气腾腾地 steaming 蒸热 steaming 通入蒸汽 steaming 蒸汽加工 steaming 汽蒸 steaming chamber 汽蒸室 steaming lantern 桅灯 steaming of cloth 织物的蒸汽加工 steaming of wood 木材蒸汽干燥 steaming operation 蒸汽通入操作 steaming power 蒸汽生产额 steaming vessel 汽蒸室 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司