翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Companion of the Distinguished Service Order;武功勋章;DSO; Companion of the Imperial Service Order;英帝国武功勋章;ISO; companionate marriage;伴侣式婚姻;; companionship family;偶伴式家庭;; Company Act;执行财务公司法订正细则和条例;; company of limited Ltd liability;有限公司;; company of unlimited liability;无限公司;; COMPAORE, Blaise;布莱斯·孔波雷;; comparability;可比性兼容性 [计算机];; comparable data;可比数据;; comparable figures;可比数字;; comparable jobs;可比较职位;; comparable wage worth;可比薪酬值;; comparable worth;可比值;; comparative advantage;相对优势; 比较利益;; comparative breakdowns;比较细数;; comparative density indices;人口密度比较指标相对密度指标;; Comparative Education Society in Europe;欧洲比较教育学会;CESE; comparative figures reclassified to conform with current presentation;比较数字已重新归类以符合现行格式;; comparative income account;比较收益帐户;; Comparative Report on the Role of Working Mothers in Early Children Education in Five Countries;五国职业妇女在子女早期教育中的作用的比 较报告;; comparative statement of assets and liabilities;资产负债比较表;; Comparative Statement of Estimates and Statistics;麻醉药品估计和统计比较报告;; Comparative Statement of Estimates and Statistics on Narcotic Drugs for 1985;1985年麻醉药品估计数字和统计数字对比表;; comparative studies;比较研究;; Comparative Study on Access of Girls and Women to Technical and Vocational Education;关于少女和妇女接受技术和职业教育机会的 比较研究;; comparator;比较国比较者;; comparator civil service;用于比较的公务员制度;; comparator country;比较国;; comparator national civil service;比较国公务员制度;; comparator service, official of the;用以比较的公务人员;; comparison of major categories of expenditure 1986-1987 approved, 1986-1987 revised, and 1988-1989 proposed as a percentage of total expenditures;1986-1987年核定数、1986-1987年订正数于1988-1989年概数占总开支百分比的比较;; comparison of objects of expenditure;1986-1987年核定数、1986-1987年订正数 于1988-1989年概数占总开支百分比的比较;; comparison of total compensation and the margin;报酬总额和差幅比较;; comparison programmes;比较方案;; Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the Balances of the National Economy: Part One, Conceptual Relationships;国民帐户体系和国民经济平衡体系的比较:第一部分,概念上的关系;; compassionate counselling birth control;友善避孕咨询;; compassionate leave;探亲假特准的事假;; compatibility;;; compatibility of processing systems;处理系统的兼容性;; compatible;兼容相容;; compatible budget presentation;一致预算编制方法;; compatible software;兼容软件;; COMPEAN PALACIOS, Manuel;曼努埃尔·孔佩安·佩拉西奥斯;; compel jurisdiction, to;强制转移管辖权;; COMPENDEX;空间器材数据基;COMPENDEX; Compendium of Approved Projects;核准项目简编;; Compendium of Environment Statistics;环境统计简编;; Compendium of Housing Statistics;住房统计简编;; compendium of human settlements statistics;人类住区统计简编;; Compendium of Immigrant Stock Data;移民血统资料简编;; compendium of introduction;说明概要;; Compendium of Ongoing Technical Assistance Projects in the Occupied Palestinian Territories;在被占领巴勒斯坦领土上正在进行的技术援 助项目简编;; Compendium of Social Statistics;社会统计简编;; Compendium of Social Statistics and Indicators-1986;1986年社会统计和指标简编;; Compendium of Statistics and Indicators on the Situation of Women-1986;1986年妇女情况统计和指标简编;; compendium of statistics and indicators on women's participation and production in the informal sector;关于妇女在非正式部门的参与和生产情况的 统计和指标简编;; Compendium of Training Facilities for Meteorological and Operational Hydrology;气象和运用水文学训练设施简编;; Compendium of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice;联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法标准和规范简编;; Compendium on Low- and Non-waste Technologies;低废和无废技术简编;; Compendium on Transport Studies;运输研究报告简编;; compensating bank balances;补偿用的银行往来余额;; compensation;补偿; 报酬;; Compensation Account;赔偿帐户;; Compensation and Classification Service;报酬和叙级处;; Compensation and Contingency Financing Facility;补偿和应急贷款办法;CCFF; compensation arrangements;补偿安排;; Compensation Board;索偿委员会;; Compensation Claims Board;索偿委员会;; Compensation Department;补偿局;; compensation elements;报酬项目;; compensation for death, injury or illness attributable to service;因公死亡、受伤或患病的赔偿;; compensation for loss or damage to personal effects attributable to services;个人用品因公遗失或损坏的赔偿;; compensation for victims;对受害者的赔偿;; compensation fund;补偿基金;; compensation of employees;雇员报酬;; compensation on payments for redundancy;解雇费;; compensation system;补偿制度;; compensation trade;补偿贸易;; Compensation Treuhand G.M.B.H. in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany;德国法兰克福补偿信托有限公司;; Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility;补偿和应急贷款办法;CCFF; compensatory credit;补偿性信用贷款;;贷款 compensatory financing;补偿性融资;; Compensatory Financing Facility;补偿性融资贷款;CFF; compensatory financing system for export earnings shortfalls;出口收入不足补偿性融资办法;COMPEX; compensatory leave;补偿假;; compensatory payments;赔偿金;; compensatory regime;补偿制度;; competence;主管权; 管辖权;; competence ratione loci;属地管辖权;; competence ratione materiae;属事管辖权;; competence ratione personae;属人管辖权;; competence ratione temporis;属时管辖权;; competence to conclude a treaty;缔约权限缔约权;; competence to rule on own jurisdiction;;; competent authority;主管当局;; competent court;主管法院;; competent international criminal jurisdiction for individuals;有权审判个人的国际刑事审判机构;; competent national tribunal;国家主管法庭;; competent organ;主管机构;; competent person;合格人员;; competent tribunal;主管法庭;; competition approach;竞争途径;; competitive advantage;竞争优势;; competitive bidding;公开招标竞标;; competitive depreciation;竞争性贬值;; competitive examination;竞争性考试;; competitive imports;竞争性进口商品;; competitive power;竞争能力;; competitive recruitment examination and tests;竞争性征聘考试;; Compilation of International Instruments, A;国际文书汇编;; Compiling Social Indicators on the Situation of Women;汇编关于妇女境况的社会指标;; complainant;投诉人;; complaining party;指控方;; complaint;指控; 控诉;; Complaint by Angola against South Africa;安哥拉对南非的控诉;; complement;编制; 员额;; complementary;相互补充; 相辅相成;; complementary classification;补充分类;; Complementary communications;辅助通信;; complementary feeding programme;补充餐方案;; complementary information;补充信息;; complementary input;补充投入;; complementary products;补充产品;; complementary to related bilateral projects;同有关的双边项目相辅相成的;; complementary treaty;补充条约;; complete amortization;全部摊销;; complete and effective prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons;彻底有效禁止化学武器的发展、生产和储存;; complete and unconditional withdrawal of S.A. forces from the south of Angola;南非部队无条件地完全撤除安哥拉南部;; Complete Atmospheric Energetics Experiment;综合大气能量学实验;CAENEX; complete decolonization-objective 2000;彻底非殖民化-目标2000年;; complete disarmament;彻底裁军;; complete elimination;彻底销毁;; complete immunization;个人完全接种免疫;; complete nuclear fuel cycle;核燃料全循环;; complete prohibition;完全禁止全面禁止;; complete prohibition and total destruction of nuclear weapons;全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器;; complete rotor assemblies;完整的转筒组件;; complete sovereignty;完整主权;; complete their sentences;服满其刑期;; complete write-off;全部划销;; complete years;周岁;; completed contract method;完成合同法;; completed family size;育龄末家庭大小;; completed fertility cumulative fertility;育龄总生育率;; completed fertility rate;完全生育率育龄末生育率;; completed life table;完整寿命表;; completed projects;已完成的项目;; completed total fertility rate;育龄末生育率; 完成生育率;; completely halogenated;全氯化的;; complex;住宅区综合体;; Complex Emergencies Branch;复杂紧急情况处;; Complex Emergency division;复杂紧急情况司;; Complex Emergency Training Initiative;复杂紧急情况训练活动;CET; complex finish product;复合制成品;; Complex Programme of Socialist Economic Integration;社会主义经济一体化综合方案;; compliance;遵守;; compliance action;强迫遵守行动;; Compliance Agreement;遵守措施协定;; compliance delay;延期遵守; 延期执行;; compliance index;遵守指数;CI; Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean;印度洋珊瑚礁退化项目;CORDIO project; compliance with arms limitation and disarmament agreements;遵守各项军备限制和裁军协定;; complications of illness;并发症;; complications of pregnancy and delivery;怀孕和分娩并发症;; complications resulting from childbirth;产后遗症;; complicity;串谋关系共犯共谋;; complot;共谋;; comply with;遵守;; comply with conditions;遵照条件;; complying state;守约国家;; component actions;组合行动;; component elements;构成部分;; component goods;装配货品;; component state;组成国组成邦;; component states of a federal state;组成国组成邦;; component, unit, sub-unit, element;部门单位下级单位小单位;; components;部门;; components for oscilloscopes;示波器部件;; components of financial statements;财务报表的组成部分;; components of inventory;存货的各个组成部分;; components of portfolio;投资组合的成分;; components of retained profit;留存利润的组成部分;; composite armed forces;混合武装部队;; composite battalion;混合营;; composite family;复合家庭;; complex households;复合户;; composite households; complex households;复合户;; composite Hqs.;混合指挥部;; composite mechanized company;混合机械化连;; composite state;组合国家;; composite structures;复合结构;; composite text;综合文本;; composition;清偿协议;; composition of arbitral tribunal;仲裁庭的组成;; composition of balance;结欠状况;; composition of balance due;结欠数额构成;; composition of CFCs;氯氟碳化合物的成分;; composition of general government outlays for social security and social assista;政府一般支出中的社会保险和社会援助构成情况;; composition of international trade;国际贸易商品分类;; composition of inventory cost;存货成本组成;; composition of population;人口构成;; composition of society;社会构成;; composition of the conference;会议的组成;; composition of the military component of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group;联合国过渡时期援助团军事人员的组成;; composition of the Secretariat;秘书处的组成;; composition of the upper echelons of the Secretariat;秘书处高级人员的组成;; composition of trade;贸易商品结构;; Composition Unit;排字股;; compost latrine;出粪式厕所;; Compound Annual Growth Rate;复计年增长率;; compound annual rate of growth;复计年增长率;; compound discrimination;双重歧视;; compound offence;复合罪行;; compound organic matter;复合有机物;; compounded inflation factor;复合通货膨胀因素;; compounder;配药师;; Central Stock Area;种群中心区;; comprehensive analytical report;综合性分析报告;; comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against the racist regime of South Africa;全面强制性制裁南非种族主义政权;; Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act;全面反对种族隔离法;; comprehensive approach to strengthening international peace and security in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;根据《联合国宪章》加强国际和平与安全的 全面方式;; comprehensive assembly language;综合程式语言;COMPASS; comprehensive assistance programme;综合性援助方案;; Comprehensive Cease-fire Agreement;全面宛协定;; comprehensive cease-fire on land and water and in the air;陆地、水上和空中的全面宛;; comprehensive child development;全面儿童发展;; Comprehensive Concept of Arms Control and Disarmament;全面军备控制和裁军概念;; comprehensive cooperation;全面合作;; comprehensive disarmament plan;全面裁军计划;; comprehensive document on all aspects of economic planning in an independent Nam;关于独立的纳米比亚经济规划各个方面的综 合文件;; comprehensive economic map of Namibia;纳米比亚综合经济图;; comprehensive education;全面教育;; Comprehensive Employment and Training Act;综合就业训练法;CETA; Comprehensive Food Security and Agricultural Development Programme;综合粮食安全和农业发展方案;; comprehensive forward planning system;全面预先规划系统;; Comprehensive GAAP Guide;公认会计原则综合指南;; Comprehensive information system;综合信息系统;; comprehensive information system on Transnational Corporations;跨国公司综合信息系统;; comprehensive internal evaluation system;综合性内部评价制度;; comprehensive list;详细一览表;; comprehensive lists of arms, ammunition and equipment;武器, 弹药和装备的总清单;; comprehensive methods of protection;全面堡办法;; comprehensive mission;综合特派团;; Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline;综合性多学科纲要;COM; Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control;管制药物滥用今后活动的综合性多学科纲要;CMO; comprehensive multilateral nuclear-test-ban treaty;全面多边核禁试条约;; comprehensive negotiating programme;全面谈判方案;; Comprehensive New Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家综合性新行动纲领;; comprehensive nuclear test ban;全面禁止核试验;; Comprehensive Nuclear-test-ban Treaty;全面禁止核试验条约禁核试条约;CNTBT;禁核试条约 comprehensive outline of the scope of the long-term and expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research;海洋探测与研究长期扩大方案范围综合纲领;; Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Rwanda and the Rwandese Patriotic Front;卢旺达政府和卢旺达爱国阵线全面和平协定;; comprehensive personnel records;综合人事记录;; comprehensive plan;综合性计划全面计划;; Comprehensive Plan for a Major Assistance Programme to Enhance the Marine Science Capabilities of Developing Countries;提高发展中国家海洋科学能力大型援助方案 综合计划;; Comprehensive Plan of Action;综合行动计划;; Comprehensive Plan of Action Assisting the Developing Countries;援助发展中国家的全盘行动计划;CPA; comprehensive planning;全面规划;; comprehensive political settlement;全面政治解决方案;; comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict;全面政治解决柬埔寨冲突方案;; comprehensive population policy;综合人口政策;; Comprehensive Programme for Disarmament;综合裁军方案;; Comprehensive Programme for the Further Extension and Improvement of Cooperation and the Development of Socialist Economic Integration of CMEA Member Countries;经互会成员国进一步扩大和改进互相合作和 发展社会主义经济一体化综合方案;; Comprehensive Programme of Action in Favour of the Least Developed Countries;协助最不发达国家综合行动方案;; Comprehensive Programme of Disarmament;综合裁军方案;CPD; Comprehensive Programme of Scientific and Technological Progress;科学和技术进步综合方案;; Comprehensive Programme to Promote the Scientific and Technological Progress of the Member Countries of CMEA up to the Year 2000;到2000年促进经互会成员国的科学和技术进 步综合方案;; comprehensive recording of financial flows;资金流动的综合汇报;; comprehensive report;全面报告综合报告;; Comprehensive Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫境内人道主义晰综合对策;; comprehensive review;全面审查 全盘检讨;; comprehensive review and appraisal systems;全面审查和评估制度;; Comprehensive Review of the Conditions of Service of the Staff in the Professional and Higher Categories;专业以上职类工作人员服务条件的全面审查;; comprehensive review of the whole question of peace-keeping operations in all their aspects;整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查;; Comprehensive Security Agreement;全面安全协议;; comprehensive security in military, political, economic, ecological, humanitarian, including human rights, and other fields on the basis of strict compliance with the Charter of the United Nations;在严格遵循《联合国宪章》的基础上确 保军事、政治、经济、生态和包括人权在 内的人道主义及其他领域的全面安全;; comprehensive strategy;通盘战略;; Comprehensive Study on Confidence-building Measures;建立信任措施综合研究;; Comprehensive Study on Namibia;纳米比亚综合研究;; Comprehensive Study on Nuclear Weapons;关于核武器的全面研究;; comprehensive study on the military use of research and development;军用研究和发展问题综合研究;; comprehensive system of international peace and security;全面国际和平与安全制度;; comprehensive system of international security;全面国际安全制度;; comprehensive test ban;全面禁试;CTB; Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty;全面禁止试验条约全面禁试条约;CTBT;全面禁试条约 comprehensive trade organization;综合贸易组织;CTO; comprehensive United Nations study on nuclear weapons;联合国关于核武器的全面研究;; comprehensive utilization of land;国土综合利用;; Comprehensive Vocational Programme;综合职业训练方案;; Comprehensive Water Quality Management Programme Laguna de Bay;关于贝湖水质量的综合管理方案;; comprehensive, effectively verifiable and truly global convention;可有效核查和真正全球性的全面公约;; comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East;在中东实现全面、公正、持久的和平;; comprehensive, unified approach to development;关于发展的全面、统一办法;; compressed natural gas;压缩天然气;CNG; Compressed Negotiations, The;密集谈判;; compression ratio;压缩比;; compression refrigerators;压缩式冷拒;; compressive resistance;抗压强度; 压应力; 抗压力;; compressor;压缩机;; compressors and gas blowers;压缩机和鼓风机;; Compromis [Cyprus];仲裁协定;; compromis clause;仲裁条款;; compromissory clause;仲裁条款;; Comptroller;主计长;; Comptroller and Auditor General;主计长兼审计长;; Comptroller General;总主计长;; Comptroller's Division;会计司;; compulsive settlement;强制解决;; compulsory arbitration;强制仲裁;; compulsory conciliation;强制性调解;; compulsory document checking;强制性单据检查;; compulsory education;义务教育;; compulsory fees;强制性规费;; compulsory jurisdiction;强制管辖权;;权 compulsory labour;强制劳动;; compulsory measures;强制性措施;; compulsory registration of marriages;婚姻强制登记;; compulsory settlement of disputes;强制解决争端;; compulsory settlement procedure;强制解决程序;; compulsory social security;强迫社会保障;; compulsory system;强迫制度;; compulsory transfer;强制性转移;; compulsory voting for women;妇女参加投票的义务;; Computech Engineering Service, Inc.;;; computed norms;推算范数;; computer;计算机;; computer aided design;计算机辅助设计;CAD; Computer Aided Engineering;计算机辅助工程;CAE; Computer aided Manufacturing CAM;计算机辅助制造;CAM; Computer Aided Software Engineering;计算机辅助软件工程;CASE; computer application techniques;计算机应用技术;; Computer as Management Tool;作为管理工具的计算机;; Computer Assisted Network on Nucleic Acid and Protein Sequencing;计算机辅助核酸和蛋白排序信息网 核酸蛋白排序网;CANAPS;核酸蛋白排序网 computer assisted trading system;计算机辅助贸易系统;CATS; computer assisted translation;计算机辅助翻译;; Computer Centre;计算机中心;; computer codes for nuclear explosives;核爆炸用计算机程式码;; computer compatible tapes;计算机兼容磁带; 机容磁带;CCT; computer conferencing;电脑会议;; computer crime;电脑罪行;; computer engineering services;计算机技术工程服务;; computer equipment;计算机设备;; computer graphics;计算机制图法;; Computer Information Specialist;计算机信息专家;; computer integrated manufacturing system;计算机集成制造系统;CIMS; computer mapping;计算机测绘;; Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting Revolving Fund;可行性分析和报告计算机模型周转基金;; computer numerical control;计算机数字控制数控;CNC;数控 computer numerical controlled machine;计算机数控机器;CNC machine; Computer Operation Section;计算机操作科;CO; computer operator;计算机操作员;; computer printout;计算机打印资料;; computer programmes for database management;数据库管理计算机方案;UNIDOSS; computer rounding;计算机舍入;; Computer Section;计算机科;; Computer Software Management and Information Centre;计算机软件管理和信息中心 软件管理和信息中心;COSMIC;软件管理和信息中心 computer systematization of energy information;能源资料的计算机系统化;; Computer Task Force;计算机工作队;; computer terminal;计算机终端机;; Computer Users' Committee;计算机用户委员会;CUC; computer-aided design;计算机辅助设计;CAD; computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图;; computer-aided drafting and design;计算机辅助制图和设计;CADD; computer-aided drafting and design system;计算机辅助制图和设计系统;CADD; computer-aided engineering;计算机辅助机械工程;; computer-aided instruction;计算机辅助教学;; computer-aided manufacturing;计算机辅助制造;CAM; computer-aided planning;计算机辅助规划手段;; computer-aided process planning;计算机辅助过程规划;CAPP; computer-aided procurement system;计算机辅助采购系统;CAPS; computer-aided software engineering;计算机辅助软件工程;CASE; computer-aided spare parts production;计算机辅助备件生产;; computer-aided system for control of local conflict;计算机辅助地方冲突控制系统;CASCON; Computer-Assisted Design;计算机辅助设计;CAD; Computer-Assisted Design/Computer-Assisted Manufacturing;计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造;CAD/CAM; computer-assisted presentation;计算机辅助授课软件;; computer-assisted translation;计算机辅助翻译;CAT; Computer-Assisted Treasury Operated System;计算机辅助的财务系统计算机财务系统;CATO;计算机财务系统 computer-axial tomography;计算机化轴向层析X射线摄影法;CAT; computer-based;利用计算机的;; computer-based automated measurement and control;计算机自动测量和控制接口标准;CAMAC; computer-based information and monitoring system;计算机化的资料和监测系统;; computer-based pipeline monitoring system;计算机化的编审中项目监测系统;\; computer-integrated manufacture;计算机集成制造;CIM; computer-integrated manufacturing techniques;计算机集成制造技术;CIM; computer-meter hours per working day;计算机每工作日表计小时;; computerization of criminal justice;刑事司法电脑化;; Computerized System for Agricultural and Population Planning Assistance and Training;计算机化农业和人口规划援助训练系统;CAPPA; computerized catalogue;计算机化目录;; computerized data base;计算机化数据基;; computerized investment project management system;计算机化投资项目管理系统;; computerized maintenance management;计算机化维护管理;CMMS; Computerized Management Information System;计算机化管理信息系统;CMIS; computerized management maintenance systems;计算机化管理保养系统;CMMS; computerized management systems;计算机化管理系统;; computerized message switching system;计算机化信息转接系统;; computerized message-switching device;计算机化信息转接装置;; computerized project-related monitoring and control systems;计算机化的项目监测和控制系统;; computerized registry information systems;计算机化登记信息系统;CORIS; computerized statistical and bibliographic information system;计算机化统计和编目信息系统;; Computerized Switching System;计算机转接系统;; Computerized System for Agricultural and Population Planning Assistance and Training;农业和人口规划援助及培训计算机化系统;CSPPA; Computerized System for Agriculture and Population Planning and Analysis;农业和人口规划分析计算机化系统;CSPPA; Computerized System of Fish Marketing Information;计算机化鱼产销售信息系统鱼销信息;GLOBEFISH;鱼销信息 Computing Application and Service Company;计算应用和服务公司;SZAMALK; Computing Centre;电子计算中心;; Computing Information Centre Section;计算信息中心科;IC; Comrades Marathon;同志马拉松赛跑;; COMSEC;会议或委员会秘书处;COMSEC; Comsomol;共产青年团;Comsomol; Comte;伯爵;; Multi-national Banana Trade Company;多国香蕉贸易公司;Comunbana; COMURHEX;金属和氟化铀炼制公司;; concealment;藏匿罪犯; 隐藏事实;;事实 Conceil des Communes d'Europe;欧洲市政理事会;CEM; Conceil du Cabinet;政务院;; concelho;区;; Concentrate of poppy straw;罂粟秆浓缩物;; concentration basin;浓缩池; 选矿槽;; concentration factor;浓缩系数; 富集系数;; concentration level;浓缩水平; 富集水平;; concentrator/pelletizing plant;选矿/造球厂;; Concepcion Declaration;康塞普西翁宣言;; concept and plan;构想和计划;; concept of equality and shared responsibility of women and men;男女平等和共同分担责任的概念;; Capacity Building Task Force;能力建设工作队;CBTF; concept of gravity;严重性概念;; concept of matching cost and revenue;成本与收入配合概念;; concept of operations;行动构想;; concept of security;安慰概念;; conception;受孕;; conception delay;延缓受孕;; conception rate;受孕率;; conception variable;怀孕变量;; Concepts and Methods in Energy Statistics, with Special Reference to Energy Accounts and Balances;能源统计的概念与方法,特别是关于能源帐 户和平衡;; Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Human Settlements Statistics;能源统计的概念与方法:人类住区统计;; conceptual and accounting framework;概念和核算框架;; conceptual breakthrough;概念上的突破;; conceptual designs;构思设计;; conceptual stage of a project;构想阶段;; concern;公司康采恩;; CONCERN irish relief group;爱尔兰康塞尔救济会;; Concerned South Africans Group;关心的南非人团体;COSAG; concerns;公司; shipping concerns 海运公司;; Concert of Europe;欧洲协调;; Concertacion Nacional de Mujeres;全国妇女联合会;; concerted action;一致行动协同行动;; concerted and coordinated attack;协调一致的进攻;; Concerted Declaration;协调宣言;; concerted effort;协同的努力;; concerted international action for the elimination of apartheid;采取协调一致的国际行动消灭种族隔离;; Concerted Plan of Action in Favour of Central American Refugees, Returners and Displaced Persons;支持中美洲难民、回返者和流离失所者的协 调行动计划;; concession;租让地;; concession agreement;特许协定租让协定;; concessional aid;减让性援助;; concessional and non-concessional lending;优惠和非优惠贷款;; concessional flows;优惠资本流动;; concessional lending arm;减让性贷款分支机构;; concessional terms;特许条件;; concessionary category;减让性租金类;; concessionary rate;减让租率;; concessionnaire;特许公司;; Conch News;响螺新闻;; conscientious objection;出于良心拒服兵役;; Conciliation and Good Offices Commission;和解和斡旋委员会;; Conciliation Commission for Palestine;巴勒斯坦和解委员会;CCP; conciliation functions;调解职务;; conciliation procedure;调解程序; 和解程序;; Conciliation Rules;调解规则;; Conciliation Rules of the United Nations;联合国和解规则;; conciliator;调解员;; concise report;简要报告;; Concise Report on the World Population Situation;世界人口状况简要报告;; Concluding Act of the Negotiations on Personnel Strength of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe;关于欧洲常规武装部队兵力谈判的结论文件;; Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly;大会第十二届特别会议结论文件;; Concluding Document on the Vienna Meeting 1986 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held on the Basis of the Provisions of the Final Act relating to the Follow-up..;欧洲安全和合作会议与会国代表根据《最 后文件》有关欧安会后续问题规定举行的 1986年维也纳会议的结论文件;; concluding remarks;结论意见;; Concluding Statement;结论声明;; conclusion of a contract;合同的订立;; conclusion of arguments conference, negotiations;辩论会议、谈判结束;; conclusion of effective international arrangements on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;缔结关于不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用 核武器以加强无核武器国家安全的有效国际 安排;; conclusion of treaties;缔结条约;; Conclusion on Refugee Protection and Sexual Violence;关于堡难民和性暴力的结论;; Conclusion on the Personal Security of Refugees;关于难民人身安全的结论;; Conclusions and Recommendations of the Asia-Africa Forum, Bandung, 12-16 December 1994;1994年12月12日至16日在万隆举行的亚非论 坛的结论和建议;; Conclusions and Recommendations of the Seminar on Human Rights in the United Nations;联合国人权问题讨论会的结论和建议;; Conclusions of the Peace Implementation Conference;和平执行会议的结论;; conclusive proof;确证;; Concor;康科公司;; Concordat;教廷条约教约;; concourse level;汇合层;; concrete cellular wall panel;混凝土空心墙板;; concrete cellular block;混凝土空心砌块;; concubinage;纳妾制;; concurrence;同意赞同;; concurrence of offences;罪行的并合;; concurrent offences;并合罪行;; concurrent top and bottom blown reactor for steel making;同时顶吹和底吹炼钢炉;; concurring opinion;同意意见;; Global Invasive Species Programme;全球侵入种方案;; concurring votes;同意票;; concursus plurium ad delictum;多人参与犯罪;; concussion bomb;震荡炸弹;; CONDE ORELLANA, Manuel E.;曼努埃尔·孔德·奥雷利亚纳;; condemnation;征用;; condensate;冷凝; 冷凝液;; Conderacion de Trabajadores del Cobre;铜矿工人联合会;CTC; conditional acceptance;有条件的接受;; conditional fault;有条件的过失;; conditional liberty;缓刑缓期执行;; conditional most-favoured-nation treatment;有条件最惠国待遇;; conditional release;假释;; conditional sentence;缓刑; 有条件的缓刑;; conditional voluntary contributions received;收到附带条件的自愿捐款;; conditioned reflex;条件反射;; conditioning;调制;; conditioning factors;调节因素;; conditioning of children to role playing;培养儿童循规蹈矩;; Conditions of Contract International for Works of Civil Engineering Construction;土木工程建筑国际合同条件;; conditions of eligibility for participation Pension Fund;参与资格养恤金;;养恤金 conditions of salary increments;例常加薪的条件;; conditions of service in the field;外勤人员的服务条件;; conditions of work;工作条件工作环境;; Conditions of Work and Welfare Facilities Branch;工作条件和福利设施处;; condom;保险套避孕套;; condom distribution;分发避孕套;; condominium;共有公寓共管领土;; conduct constituting the offence;构成犯罪行为;; conduct his own defense;自行辩护;; conduct of arbitral proceeding;仲裁程序的进行;; conduct of business;事务处理;; conduct of business at meetings;会议事务的处理;; CONEDERA, Juan Gerardei;胡安·赫拉尔迪·科内德拉;; Confederacion de Expleados Particulared de Chile;智利私营企业雇员联合会;CEPCM; Confederacion de Trabvajadores del Cobre;铜矿工人联合会;CTC; Confederacion Latinoamericana de Trabajadores Estatales;拉丁美洲国营企业工人联合会国企工联;CLATE;国企工联 Confederacion Nacional Campesina;全国农民联合会;CNC; Confederacion Nacional Unidad Obrero Campesina;全国农民工人统一联合会农工统联;UOC;农工统联 confederal organization;邦联组织;; Confederal Republic of Koryo;高丽联邦共和国;; Confederated Council of Ministers;邦联部长会议;; confederation;邦联;; Confederation Bouliste Internationale;国际地掷球联合会;; Confederation des Syndicats Libres du Burundi;布隆迪自由工会联合会;; Confederation Europeene de la Chaussure;欧洲制鞋者联合会;; Confederation Europeene des Industries du Bois;欧洲木器制造工业联合会;CEI bois; Confederation generale du travail;劳工总联合会;CGT; Confederation internationale du credit populaire;国际小额信贷联合会;; Confederation Maritime de Chile;智利海员联合会;COMACH; Confederation Nacional Campesina;全国农民联合会;CNC; Confederation of African Medical Associations and Societies;非洲医学协会和学会联合会非洲医联;CAMAS;非洲医联 Confederation of American Educators;美洲教育工作者联合会;CEA; Confederation of Arab Republics;阿拉伯共和国联盟;; Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants;亚洲及太平洋会计师联合会 亚太会计师联会;CAPA;亚太会计师联会 Confederation of Asian Chambers of Commerce and Industry;亚洲工商会联合会亚洲工商联;CACCI;亚洲工商联 Confederation of Central American Universities;中美洲大学联合会;CSUCA; Confederation of European Soft Drinks Association;欧洲软饮料协会联合会;CESDA; Confederation of Free German Trade Unions;自由德国工会联合会;; Confederation of International Contractors Association;国际承包商协会联合会;CICA; Confederation of International scientific and Technological Organizations for Development;国际科学和技术促进发展组织联合会 科技组联;CISTOD;科技组联 Confederation of International Trading Houses Association;国际贸易行协会联合会;; Confederation of Latin American Savings and Credit Cooperatives;拉丁美洲储蓄和信贷合作社联合会 储信社联;COLAC;储信社联 Confederation of Latin American Teachers;拉丁美洲教师联合会;; Confederation of Medical Associations in Asia and Oceania;亚洲和大洋洲医学协会联合会;CMAAO; Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus;高加索山地人民联邦;; Confederation of Nordic Bank Employees' Union;北欧银行雇员联盟联合会;NBU; Confederation of North and South Korea;南北朝鲜联邦制;; Confederation of the Greater Virgin Islands;大维尔京群岛联盟;; Confederation of Yemeni Students;也门学生联合会;; Confederation of Yemeni Trade Unions;也门工会联合会;; Confederation on International Scientific and Technological Organizations for Developmetn;国际科学和技术促进发展组织联合会 科技组联;CISTOD;科技组联 Confederazione Generalo Italiano del Lavoro;意大利总工会;CGIL; Confederazione Italiano Sindicate Lavoratori;意大利劳工联合会;CISL; Confederracion International de Movimientos Familiares Cristianos;基督教家庭运动国际联合会;; Confedration of African Medical Associations and Societies;非洲医学协会和学会联合会非洲医联;CAMAS;非洲医联 Conference of Heads of state of Equatorial Africa;赤道非洲国家首脑会议;CCEAE; Conference;大会;; Conference 95;1995年世界会议;; conference affairs service;会议事务;; Conference Affairs Service;会议事务处;; Conference and General Services;会议事务和总务科;; Conference and General Services Division;会议事务和总务司;; Conference and Library services, Headquarters;总部会议和图书馆事务;CGS; Conference and Radio Operations Unit;会议和无线电操作股;; conference attendants;会议服务员;; Conference between the African Elephant Range States and Donors on Financing of the Conservation of the African Elephant;非洲大象分布国和捐助国筹资堡非洲大象 会议;; conference chair;会议室坐椅;; Conference Committee on Standards;劳工大会标准委员会;; Conference Committee on the Application of Standards;大会标准实施委员会;; conference consultant;会议顾问;; Conference Control Unit;会议管制股;; Conference de l'education ouvriere;工人教育会议;; Conference Division;会议司;CONF; conference facilities;会议设施;; Conference for a Democratic Future;争取民主未来会议;; Conference for a Nuclear Free Pacific;太平洋无核区会议;; Conference for Education and Communication on Environment and Development;环境与发展问题教育宣传会议;; Conference for Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人权和人道主义问题 会议;; Conference for Peace, Security and Development;促进和平、安全和发展会议;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司