翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Conference for Peaceful and Democratic Transition in Ethiopia;埃塞俄比亚和平与民主过渡会议;; Conference for the Codification of International Law;国际法编纂会议;; Conference for the Promotion of International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy;促进和平利用核能国际合作会议 和平利用核能会议;UNCPICPUNE;和平利用核能会议 Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments;军备裁减及限制会议;; Conference in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle of the Peoples of Southern Africa;声援南部非洲人民解放斗争会议;; Conference internationale sur l'assistance aux refugies en Afrique;援助非洲难民国际会议援非难民会议;CIARA;援非难民会议 Conference Lines;班轮公会各航运公司;; Conference Management Committee;会议管理委员会;; Conference of African Demographers of ECA;非洲经委会非洲人口统计学家会议;; Conference of African Francophone and Lusophone Ministers of Women's Affairs and Rural Development;非洲法语和葡语国家妇女事务和农村发展 部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Culture;第X次非洲文化部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Economic Development and Planning;非洲经济发展与规划部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Environment;非洲环境部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Finance;非洲财政部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Health;非洲卫生部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Industry;非洲工业部长会议;CAMI; Conference of African Ministers of Information;非洲新闻部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Labour;非洲劳工部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Maritime Transport;非洲海运部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Social Affairs;非洲社会事务部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Tourism;非洲旅游部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Trade;非洲贸易部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers of Transport, Communications and Planning;非洲运输、通信和规划部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers on the Environment;非洲环境部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers responsible for economic development and planning;非洲主管经济发展和规划部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Human Development;非洲主管人类发展部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers responsible for Sustainable Development and the Environment;非洲主管可持续发展与环境部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers responsible for Telecommunications;非洲主管电信部长会议;; Conference of African Ministers responsible for the Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources and Energy;非洲主管开发和利用矿物资源和能源部长 会议;; Conference of African Ministers responsible for Trade and Regional Cooperation and Integration;非洲主管贸易、区域合作和区域一体化部长会议;; Conference of African Planners;非洲规划人员会议;; Conference of African Statisticians;非洲统计学家会议;; Conference of All Peace Messengers;和平使者全体会议;; Conference of Ambassadors;大使会议;; Conference of Arab Solidarity with the Struggle for Liberation in Southern Africa;阿拉伯声援南部非洲解放斗争会议;; Conference of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Environment;东盟成员国主管环境部长会议;; Conference of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information;东盟成员国主管新闻部长会议;; Conference of Asia and Pacific Institutes;亚洲及太平洋研究所会议;; Conference of Asian African Countries Bandung Conference;亚非国家会议万隆会议;;万隆会议 Conference of Asian Economic Planners;亚洲经济规划人员会议;; Conference of Asian Statisticians;亚洲统计员会议;; Conference of Asian Statisticians of ECAFE;亚远经委会统计员会议;; Conference of Catholics in European States;欧洲国家天主教徒会议;; Conference of Commonwealth Heads of State and Government;英联邦国家元首和政府首脑会议;; Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;国际海上人命安全公约缔约国政府会议;; Conference of Democratic and People's Parties of Latin America;拉丁美洲民主和人民政党会议;; Conference of Developing Countries on Raw Materials;发展中国家原料会议;; Conference of European Environment Ministers;欧洲环境部长会议;; Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Family Affairs;欧洲主管家庭事务部长会议;; Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Migration Affairs;欧洲主管移民事务部长会议;; Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare;欧洲主管社会福利部长会议;; Conference of European Ministers responsible for youth;欧洲主管青年部长会议;; Conference of European Rabbis;欧洲犹太教教士会议;; Conference of European Statisticians;欧洲统计员会议;CES; Conference of European Statisticians Working Party on FSDS;欧洲统计员会议社会、人口和有关统计一体 化规范工作队;; Conference of Experts on Climate and Mankind;气候和人类问题专家会议;; Conference of Experts on Study the Possibility of Detecting Violations of a Possible Agreement on the Suspension of Nuclear Tests;就一项可能缔结的停止核试验协定的违约行 动研究其侦察可能性的专家会议;; Conference of Experts on the Strengthening of Political Cooperation in Latin America in the Areas of Peace, Disarmament, Development and Security;在和平、裁军、发展和安全领域加强拉丁美 洲政治合作专家会议;; Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Balkan and Regional Countries;巴尔干和该区域国家外交部长会议;; Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家外交部长会议;; Conference of Francophone Ministers of Youth and Sports;法语国家青年和体育部长会议;; Conference of Government Experts on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts;重申和发展应用于武装冲突的国际人道主义 法律问题政府专家会议;; Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons;关于某些常规武器使用问题政府专家会议;; Conference of Governmental Statisticians of the Americans;美洲政府统计员会议;CEGA; Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community;加勒比共同体政府首脑会议;; Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries;东非和中非国家国家元首和政府首脑会议;; Conference of Heads of State and Government of Non-Aligned Countries;[第X次]不结盟国家和政府首脑会议;; Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity and the League of Arab States;非洲统一组织和阿拉伯国家联盟第__次国家 元首和政府首脑会议;; Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel;萨赫勒抗旱国际常设委员会国家元首和政府 首脑会议;; Conference of Heads of States or Governments of Non-Aligned Countries;[第X次]不结盟国家和政府首脑会议;; Conference of Independent African States;非洲独立国家会议;; Conference of International Catholic Organizations;国际天主教组织会议;; Conference of Latin American and Caribbean Ministers of Education;拉丁美洲和加勒比教育部长会议;; Conference of Latin American Authorities in Information;拉丁美洲信息学管理局会议;; Conference of Latin American Data-Processing Authorities;拉丁美洲数据处理管理机构会议;CALAI; Conference of Ministers;部长会议;; Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比规划部长会议;; Conference of Ministers for Economic Development and Planning;经济发展和规划部长会议;; Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Central America, the European Community and the Cantadora Group;中美洲、欧共体和孔塔多拉集团外交部长 会议;; Conference of Ministers of African Countries in charge of Development of Science and Technology;非洲国家主管科学和技术发展部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of African Member States responsible for the application of Science and Technology to Development;非洲会员国主管科技用于发展部长会议 非洲科技会议;CASTAFRICA I;非洲科技会议 Conference of Ministers of Arab States Responsible for the Application of Science and Technology to Development;阿拉伯国家主管科学和技术应用于发展部长 会议阿拉伯科技会议;CASTARAB;阿拉伯科技会议 Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers Responsible for Economic Planing of Latin American and Caribbean Member states;拉丁美洲和加勒比成员国教育和主管经济规 划部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States;阿拉伯国家教育和主管经济规划部长会议;MINEDARAB; Conference of Ministers of Education, Culture and Economic Sectors;教育、文化和经济部门部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Finance and Governors of African Central Banks;财政部长和非洲中央银行董事会议;; Conference of Ministers of Food and Agriculture;粮食和农业部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of East and Central African Countries;东非和中非国家外交部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Health on Narcotic and Psychotropic Misuse;关于麻醉药品和精神药物滥用问题的卫生 部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Labour of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries;不结盟国家和其他发展中国家劳工部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Least Developed African Countries;非洲最不发达国家部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Planning and Economic Development;规划和经济发展部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of the Environment and of Health of the Member States of the European Region of the World of Health Organization;世界卫生组织欧洲区域成员国环境与卫生 部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Transport, Communication and Public Works of South America;南美洲运输、通讯和公共工程部长会议;; Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of French-Speaking Countries;法语国家青年和体育部长会议;; Conference of Ministers Responsible for Disabled Persons;负责残疾人问题的部长会议;; Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Affairs within the European Region;欧洲区域内负责社会事务的部长会议;; Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sports of the States Parties to the European Cultural Convention;欧洲文化公约缔约国体育部长会议;; Conference of Ministers Responsible for the Application of Science and Technology to Development in Africa;非洲主管科学和技术应用于发展的部长会议 非洲科技会议;CASTAFRICA;非洲科技会议 Conference of national reconciliation and unity on Somali;索马里民族和解及统一会议;; Conference of National Tourist Administrations of Socialist Countries;社会主义国家旅游管理会议;; Conference of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries on the Role of Women in Development;不结盟国家及其他发展中国家关于妇女在发 展中的作用会议;; Conference of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家会议;; Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations;非政府组织会议;; Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations Interested in Migration;关心移徙问题非政府组织会议;; Conference of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States;无核武器国家会议;CNNWS; Conference of Pacific Island Leaders;太平洋岛屿领导人会议;; Conference of Parties;缔约方会议;COP; conference of plenipotentiaries;全权代表会议;; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on a Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages;海事留置权和抵押公约全权代表会议;; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Cooperation in the Protection and Development of Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region;合作堡开发西非和中非区域海岸和沿悍 境全权代表会议;WACAF; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities;外交往来和豁免问题全权代表会议;; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Global Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes;关于管制危险废物越境转移全球公约的全权 代表会议;; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region;东非区域海洋和海岸环境的堡、管理和发 展问题全权代表会议;; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protocol on Chlorofluorocarbons to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;维也纳堡臭氧层公约含氯氟烃议定书全权 代表会议;; Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons;难民和无国籍人地位全权代表会议;; Conference of Post and Telecommunications Administrations of Central Africa;中非邮政电信管理会议;CAPTAC; Conference of Presiding Officers of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association;英联邦议会协会加勒比、美洲和大西洋区域 议长会议;; Conference of Radio and Television Organizations of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家无线电和电视组织会议;; Conference of Rectors of African Universities;非洲大学校长会议;CRUA; Conference of Regions of North-West Europe;西北欧地区会议;CRENWE; Conference of Research Institutes in the Middle East;中东研究机构会议;; Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of Commonwealth Parliaments;英联邦议会议长和监选员大会;; Conference of Sports Ministers;体育部长会议;; Conference of States Parties to the 1925 Geneva Protocol and other interested States;1925年日内瓦议定书缔约国及其他有关国家 会议;; Conference of States Parties to the Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare [Paris, 1989];《关于禁止在战争中使用窒息性、毒性或其 他气体和细菌作战方法的议定书》缔约国 会议;; Conference of the 12 French-Speaking African and Malagasy States;非洲和马达加斯加12法语国家会议;; Conference of the Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against Apartheid on Southern Africa's Future -- Europe's Role;西欧议员反种族隔离行动协会关于南部非洲 未来和欧洲作用会议;; Conference of the Committee on Disarmament;裁军委员会会议;CCD; Conference of the European Campaign against South African Aggression on Mozambique and in Angola;欧洲反对南非侵犯莫桑比克和安哥拉运动 会议;; Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization;粮食及农业组织大会;; Conference of the General Committee of Euro-Arab Dialogue;欧洲--阿拉伯对话总务委员会会议;; Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union;各国议会联盟会议;; Conference of the International Union for Protection of Nature;国际自然及自然资源堡联盟会议;; Conference of the Labour Ministers of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries;不结盟国家和其他发展中国家劳工部长会议;; Conference of the Parties;缔约方会议缔约国会议;COP; Conference of the Parties it its first session;缔约方会议第一届会议第一届缔约方会议;COP 1;第一届缔约方会议 Conference of the Parties to the Convention;巴塞尔公约缔约方会议;; Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity;生物多样性公约缔约方会议;; Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议;; Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer;堡臭氧层维也纳公约缔约方会议;; Conference of the Peripheral Maritime Regions of the European Community;欧洲共同体浅海各地区会议;CPMR; Conference of the Religious Leaders of Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫宗教领袖会议;; Conference of the Sovereigns and Heads of State of the Member Countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries;石油输出国组织成员国国王和国家元首会议;; Conference of the States Parties to the South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;南美洲麻醉药品和精神药物协定缔 约国会议;; Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs;伊斯兰事务最高委员会会议;; Conference of the United Nations on Outer Space;联合国外层空间会议;; Conference of University Presidents on the Responsibility of Universities in the Nuclear Age;核时代大学责任问题大学校长会议;; Conference of Vice-Chancellors, Presidents and Rectors of Institutions of Higher Learning in Africa;非洲高等院校校长会议;; Conference of West European Parliamentarians on an Oil Embargo against South Africa;关于对南非禁运石油的西欧议员会议;; conference officer;会议干事;; Conference on a Convention on International Multimodal Transport;国际多式联运公约会议;; Conference on Accidents Involving Hazardous Substances;危险物品事故问题会议;; Conference on African Roads;非洲道路会议;; Conference on African Security and Stability;非洲安全与稳定会议;; Conference on African Statisticians, Planners and Demographers;非洲统计人员、规划人员和人口普查员会议;; Conference on Ageing Population in the Context of Urbanization;在城市化背景下的老龄人口问题会议;; Conference on Agriculture and Environment-Strategies and Tools for Sustainable Agricultural Development;农业与环境会议--实现农业持续发展的策略和方法;; Conference on an International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology;技术转让国际行为守则会议;; Conference on Application and Innovation of Technology in Africa;非洲技术应用与革新会议;; Conference on Arab Non-Governmental Organizations and Development;阿拉伯非政府组织和发展会议;; Conference on Asia Economic Cooperation;亚洲经济合作会议;; Conference on Assistance to Angola;援助安哥拉会议;; Conference on Assistance to Liberia;援助利比里亚会议;; Conference on Better Health Through Family Planning;通过计划生育提高健康水平会议;; conference on bioethics;生物伦理学会议;; Conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina;波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那问题会议;; Conference on Bridging the Information Gap in Space Science and Technology;缩小空间科学和技术的信息差距会议;; Conference on Broadcasting Organizations of the Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家广播组织会议;; Conference on Building Research;建筑研究问题会议;; Conference on Capabilities and Needs of Disabled Persons in the ESCWA Region;西亚经社会区域残疾人能力和需要问题会议;; Conference on Chemical Control Operations;化学品管制作业会议;; Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in Asia;亚洲儿童虐待和忽视问题会议;; Conference on Children in South Asia;南亚儿童问题会议;; Conference on Children, Apartheid and Repression in Namibia;纳米比亚儿童、种族隔离和压制问题会议;; Conference on Cities for the Twenty-first Century;21世纪城市会议;; Conference on Climate and Water;气候与水会议;; Conference on Climate Change;气候变化会议;; Conference on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas;气候变化和致温室效应气体问题会议;; Conference on Cooperation of Air Transport in Europe;欧洲航空运输协调会议空运协调会议;Cate;空运协调会议 Conference on Community Financing in Primary Health Care;基本保健方面社区筹资会议;; Conference on Competition Policy in the Context of Liberalization;自由化环境下竞争政策会议;; Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships;船舶登记条件会议;; Conference on Confidence-and-Security Building Measures and Disarmament in Europe;欧洲建立信任和安全措施及裁军会议;CDE; Conference on Container Traffic;集装箱运输会议;; Conference on Contemporary International Law Issues;当代国际法问题会议;; Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;国际货物销售合同会议;; Conference on Contributions to Chad;援助乍得会议;; Conference on Control of International Trade in Psychotropic Substance in Europe;管制欧洲范围精神药物国际贸易会议;; Conference on Conversion of Aerospace Technology;航天技术转换问题会议;; Conference on Cooperation between the European Communities and the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Forming a Market-Economy Legal System;欧洲共同体与独立国家联合体各国合作建立 市场经济法律制度会议;; Conference on Coordination of Assistance in the Electoral field;选举领域援助协调会议;; Conference on Copper;铜问题会议;; Conference on Declaration of Death of Missing Persons;宣告失踪人员死亡问题会议;; Conference on Desertification;荒漠化问题会议;; Conference on Developing Policies for Responding to Future Climate Change;研究制订未来气候变化应变政策会议;; Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities;外交往来和豁免会议;; Conference on Disarmament;裁军谈判会议;; Conference on Disarmament and Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region;亚太区域裁军与安全问题会议;; Conference on Disarmament Issues;裁军问题会议;; Conference on Disarmament's Group of Scientific Experts;裁军谈判会议科学专家组;; Conference on Drug Abuse Control;管制药物滥用会议;; Conference on Drugs and Organized Crime;毒品与有组织犯罪问题会议;; Conference on Ecologically Sustainable Industrial Development ESID Conference;生态上可持续的工业发展会议 生态工发会议;ESID Conference;生态工发会议 Conference on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间经济合作会议;; Conference on Economic Cooperation in Europe;欧洲经济合作会议;; Conference on Economic Cooperation through Foreign Investment among Asian and Pacific Countries;亚洲及太平洋国家通过外国投资进行经济合 作会议;; Conference on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Marine Affairs in the Indian Ocean;印度洋海洋事务经济、科学和技术合作会议;; Conference on Electronic Data Interchange and the Law;电子数据交换与法律会议;; Conference on Emergency Assistance to Mozambique;向莫桑比克提供紧急援助会议;; Conference on Ending Hidden Hunger;消除隐性饥饿会议;; Conference on Environment and Development;环境与发展会议环发会议;UNCED;环发会议 Conference on Environmental Accounting;环境会计会议;; Conference on Environmental Protection and the Development of a Subregional Strategy to Combat Desertification;环境堡和制定向荒漠化进行战斗分区域战 略会议;; Conference on Ethnic Conflicts, Autonomy and the Devolution of Political Power in Multi-ethnic States;多民族国家中民族冲突、自治和政治权力转 移问题会议;; Conference on European Environment Ministers;欧洲环境部长会议;; Conference on Food Standards, Chemicals in Food and Food Trade;粮食标准、粮食中化学品及粮食贸易问题 会议;; Conference on Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫问题会议前南问题会议;CFY;前南问题会议 Conference on Freedom of Information;新闻自由会议;; Conference on Future Political Status of the United States Virgin Islands;美属维尔京群岛未来政治地位会议;; Conference on Gender and Equality;性别与平等问题会议;; Conference on Gender and Equity;性别与平等问题会议;; Conference on Gender and Restructuring: Perestroika, the 1989 Revolutions;性别与重建:改革--1989年革命会议;; Conference on Government Experts on Weapons that may cause unnecessary suffering or have indiscriminate effects;关于可能引起不必要痛苦或具有滥杀滥伤作 用的武器的政府专家会议;; Conference on Health Promotion and Supportive Environments for Health;关于促进健康和有利于健康的环境会议;; Conference on Human Environment;人类环境会议;; Conference on Human Resource Development;人力资源发展会议;; Conference on Humanitarian Cease-fires: Peace-building for Children;人道主义宛会议:为儿童建设和平;; Conference on Hunger and Poverty;饥饿和贫穷问题会议;; Conference on Industrial Development for the Arab States;阿拉伯国家工业发展会议;; Conference on Industrial Property Laws of English-speaking Africa;非洲英语国家工业产权法律会议;; Conference on Institutes and the Security Dialogue;研究所和安全对话会议;; Conference on International Arbitration in a Changing World;变化中的世界国际仲裁会议;; Conference on International Commercial Arbitration;国际商业仲裁会议;; Conference on International Container Traffic;国际集装箱运输会议;; Conference on International Cooperation in Peaceful Use of Military Industrial Technology;国际合作和平利用军事工业技术会议;; Conference on International Cooperation in Science and Technology for Development: Consolidation of the Dialogue Approach;科学和技术促进发展国际合作会议:巩固 对话办法;; Conference on International Cooperation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response;国际合作预防及处理石油污染会议;; Conference on International Cooperation to Promote Conversion from Military to Civilian Industry;促进军事工业转用于民用工业国际合作会议;; Conference on International Economic Cooperation in Paris;巴黎国际经济合作会议;; Conference on International Governance and Global Environment Change;国际施政和全球环境变化会议;; Conference on International Law and the Environment;国际法与环境会议;; Conference on International Organization;国际组织会议;; Conference on International Travel and Tourism;国际旅游会议;; Conference on Internationally-Minded Schools;国际意识学嗅议;CIS; Conference on Jute and Jute Products;黄麻和黄麻产品会议;; Conference on Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家问题会议;; Conference on Long-Term Energy Planning;长期能源规划会议;; Conference on Mail Circulation in Africa;非洲邮件流通会议;; Conference on Management Accounting for a Changing Europe;变动中欧洲的管理会计会议;; Conference on Medium and Small Cities for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋中小城市问题会议;; Conference on Migration and Development;移民与发展会议;; Conference on Migration and International Cooperation: Challenges for OECD Countries;移徙与国际合作会议:对经合组织国家的 挑战;; Conference on Mining and Environment;采矿与环境问题会议;; Conference on Ministers of Education and those Responsible for Economic Planning in the Arab States;阿拉伯国家教育部长和经济规划负责人会议;; Conference on Ministers Responsible for Economic Planning and Development;经济规划和发展部长会议;; Conference on Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Allied Measures in Central Europe;中欧关于相互裁减部队和军备以及有关措施 会议;; Conference on Nagorno Karabakh;纳戈尔诺 - 卡拉巴赫问题会议;; Conference on National Development, Identity Politics and Concepts of Feminism;国家发展、认同政治和女权运动概念会议;; Conference on National Reconciliation of the Somali People;索马里人民全国和解会议人民和解会议;CRNS;人民和解会议 Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy UNCNRSE;新能源和可再生能源会议能源会议;UNCNRSE;能源会议 Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy UNERG;新能源和可再生能源会议能源会议;UNERG;能源会议 Conference on New Trends in Science and Technology: Implications for International Peace and Security;科技新趋势对国际和平与安全影响问题会议;; Conference on Nickel;镍会议;; Conference on Nordic Sanctions against South Africa;北欧制裁南非会议;; Conference on Nuclear Power Experience;核能发电经验会议;; Conference on Olive Oil;橄榄油会议;; Conference on Peace and Democracy in Ethiopia;埃塞俄比亚和平与民主会议;; Conference on Peace-keeping;维持和平会议;; Conference on Perspectives of Modern Biotechnology in the Arab Countries, First;第一次阿拉伯国家现代生物技术展望会议;; Conference on Planning for Sustainable Human Settlements Development;人类住区持续发展规划会议;; Conference on Population;人口会议;; Conference on Population and Development;人口与发展会议;; Conference on Post and Telecommunications Administrations of Central Africa;中非邮政电信管理会议;CAPTAC; Conference on Privatization and Ownership Changes in East and Central Europe;东欧和中欧私有化和所有权改变问题会议;; Conference on Problems and Perspectives of Conventional Disarmament in Europe;欧洲常规裁军问题和前景会议;; Conference on Prohibitions or Restrictions of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects;禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力 或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器会议;; Conference on Promoting a Culture of Human Rights and Democracy;促进人权与民主文化会议;; Conference on Protecting the World's Children;第__次堡世界儿童会议;; Conference on Protection of Oceans, All Kinds of Seas Including Enclosed and Semi-enclosed Seas, Coastal Areas and the Protection, Rational Use and Development of Their Living Resources;堡大洋、包括封闭和半封闭海洋在内的各 种海岸、沿海地区以及堡、合理利用和开 发其生物资源会议;; Conference on Racial Equity in Europe;欧洲种族平等会议;; Conference on Reduction of Forces in Central Europe;中欧裁军会议;; Conference on Religions;宗教问题会议;; Conference on Resolving the Problems, Defining the Opportunities: A Project for Peace;解决问题、确定机会会议:和平项目;; Conference on Restrictive Business Practices;限制性商业惯例会议;; Conference on Road Traffic;道路交通会议;; Conference on Sanctions against Apartheid;制裁种族隔离会议;; Conference on Sanitation, Environment and Health;公共卫生、环境和健康会议;; Conference on Saving the Ozone Layer;堡臭氧层会议;; Conference on Science and Technology;科学和技术会议;; Conference on Science and Technology for Development;科学和技术促进发展会议 科技促进发展会议;UNCSTD;科技促进发展会议 Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development;科学和技术促进可持续发展会议;; Conference on Search and Rescue;搜索和营救会议;; Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe;欧洲安全和合作会议欧安会;CSCE;欧安会 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Forum for Security Cooperation;欧洲安全和合作会议安全合作论坛;; Conference on Security and Cooperation in Mediterranean;地中海安全和合作会议;CSCM; Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Middle East;中东安全和合作会议中东安合会;CSCME;中东安合会 Conference on Security- and Confidence-building Measures and Disarmament in Europe;在欧洲建立安全和信任措施和裁军会议;; Conference on Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence against Disabled Women;对残疾妇女性虐待和施加家庭暴力问题会议;; Conference on Shallow Small Oil and Gas;浅层小油矿和气矿会议;; Conference on Solar Energy, Wind Power and Geothermic Energy;太阳能、风力及地热能会议;; Conference on Somali National Reconciliation;索马里全国和解会议;; Conference on Stabilization and Adjustment Policies in Developing Countries;发展中国家稳定和调整政策会议;; Conference on Standardization of Geographical Names;地理名称标准化会议;; conference on straddling and migratory fish stocks;跨界和洄游鱼类种群会议;; Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks;跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群会议;; Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Migratory Fish Stocks;跨界鱼类种群和洄游鱼类种群会议;; Conference on Succession of States in respect of State Property, Archives and Debts;关于国家在国家财产、档案和债务方面的继 承的会议;; Conference on Succession of States in respect of Treaties;关于国家在条约方面的继承的会议;; Conference on Support to the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia;支持津巴布韦和纳米比亚人民会议;; Conference on Sustainable Development, Science and Policy in Bergen;卑尔根持续发展、科学和政策会议;; Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作会议;; Conference on the Adoption of a Code of Conduct for the Transfer of Technology;通过技术转让行为守则的会议;; Conference on the Adoption of a Draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission;通过建立印度洋金枪鱼委员会协定草案的会议;; Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less-Developed Areas;应用科学技术以利较不发达地区会议;; Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Africa;非洲科学和技术应用于发展会议 非洲科技会议;CASTAFRICA;非洲科技会议 Conference on the Arab Child;阿拉伯儿童会议;; Conference on the Capabilities and Deeds of Disabled Persons;残疾人的能力与需要会议;; Conference on the Carriage of Goods by Sea;海上货物运输会议;; Conference on the Conservation and Management of the Living Marine Resources of the Central Bering Sea;中白令海海洋生物资源养护与管理会议;; Conference on the Crisis of Social Development in the 1990s;1990年代社会发展晰会议;; Conference on the Culture of Violence and Peace Culture;暴力文化与和平文化会议;; Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests;停止核武器试验会议;; Conference on the Economic and Social Potential of Industrial Cooperatives in De;发展中国家工业合作社经济社会潜力会议;; Conference on the Effects of War on the Environment;战争对环境影响问题会议;; Conference on the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament;十八国裁军委员会会议;; Conference on the Elimination or Reduction of Future Statelessness;消除或减少未来无国籍问题会议;; Conference on the Emergency Situation in Africa;非洲紧急状况会议;; Conference on the Environment;环境会议;; Conference on the Environment and Development;环境与发展会议环发会议;UNCED;环发会议 Conference on the Environmentally Sound Management of Biotechnology;生物技术无害环境管理会议;; Conference on the Eradication of Absolute Poverty;根除绝对贫困会议;; Conference on the Establishment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development;关于成立国际农业发展基金会议;; Conference on the Establishment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization as a Specialized Agency;关于建立联合国工业发展组织专门机构的会议;; Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, United Nations;联合国探索与和平利用外层空间会议;; Conference on the Future;未来问题会议;; Conference on the Human Dimension;人的方面会议;; Conference on the Human Environment;人类环境会议;; Conference on the Indian Ocean;印度洋会议;; Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女参与经济和社会发展 会议;; Conference on the Interrelationship of Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiations on Disarmament;关于双边和多边裁军谈判的相互关系问题 会议;; Conference on the Law of Treaties;条约法会议;; Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations;关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织间的条约 法会议;; Conference on the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家问题会议;; Conference on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade;国际贸易运输港站经营人责任问题会议;; Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;和平利用外层空间会议;; Conference on the Peopling of the Americas;美洲人口分布会议;; Conference on the Politics and Economics of Global Employment;全球就业的政治与经济问题会议;; Conference on the Preparation of the Civilian Personnel of United Nations Peace-keeping OperationsPKOs;联合国维持和平行动维和行动文职人员培 养问题会议;; Conference on the Prospects for an Arab-Israeli Peace;阿以和平前景会议;; Conference on the Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Justice Proceedings;刑事司法程序中的人权堡会议;; Conference on the Protection of the Quality and Supply of Freshwater Resources;堡淡水资源质量与供应会议;; Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law;重新确认并发展国际人道主义法会议;; Conference on the Removal of War Remnants from North Africa;扫除北非战争残余物会议;; Conference on the Representation of States;关于国家代表权问题的会议;; Conference on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations;关于国家在其对国际组织关系上的代表权问 题会议;; Conference on the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;非政府组织在应用《儿童权利公约》中的作 用会议;; Conference on the Situation of Refugees in Africa;非洲难民情况会议;; Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, United Nations;联合国地名标准化会议;; Conference on the Status of Stateless Persons;无国籍人地位问题会议;; Conference on the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency;国际原子能机构规约会议;; Conference on the System of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, including the Evolution of the International Debt Strategy;关于资金流向发展中国家的制度,包括国际 债务战略演变情况的会议;; Conference on the Transfer of Nuclear Technology;核技术转让会议;; Conference on Tin;锡会议;; Conference on Trade and Employment;贸易和就业会议;; Conference on Transformation from a System of Central Planning to a Market Economy;从中央计划经济制度向市场经济转型会议;; Conference on Travel and Tourism;旅游会议;; Conference on Uncontrolled Migration over the Baltic Sea;波罗的海失控移徙问题会议;; Conference on Urban and Regional Research;城市和区域研究会议;; Conference on Water and Desertification;水与荒漠化会议;; Conference on Water Pollution Problems in Europe;欧洲水污染问题会议;; Conference on Women in Development;妇女参与发展会议;; Conference on Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫问题会议;; conference pass;会议通行证;; conference platoon;会场警卫队;; Conference Plenipotentiary for the Protocol on Psychotropic Substances;精神调理物质议定书全权代表会议;; conference practices;公会惯例;; Conference rate;班轮运费率;; conference resources, facilities, services and documentation;会议资源、设施、服务和文件;; conference secretariat;会议秘书处;CONFST; Conference Services;会议事务处;; Conference Services Section;会议事务科;; Conference Services Unit;会议事务股;; conference servicing requirements;所需会议事务费用; 需要办理的会议事务;; conference servicing staff;会议事务人员;; Conference Technical Services [Geneva Office];会议技术事务处;; Working Group on Allocation Criteria;分配标准工作组;; Conference to Consider Amendments to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961;审议1961年麻醉品单一公约修正案会议;; Conference to Negotiate an International Arrangement to replace the International Wheat Agreement, 1972, as Extended;谈判一项国际协定以取代经延长的1971年国 际小麦协定的会议;; Conference to Review All Aspects of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices;全面审查《管制限制性商业惯例的一套多边 协议的公平原则和规则》会议;; Conference to Support Middle East Peace;支持中东和平会议;; Conference vessel;公会船;; conference-servicing cost;会议服务费用;; conference-servicing requirements and related cost elements;所需会议服务和有关费用项目;; Conferences of the Parties;缔约国会议;COPs; Conferencia Administrativa Munial de Radio-communicaciones para la Planificacionde los Servicios Especiales en la Oribita Geoestacionaria World Administrative Radio Conf. on the Planning of Space services utilizing the geostionary orbi;为利用地球静止轨道提供空间服务进行规划 的世界无线电通讯行政会议;; Conferencia das Organizacoes Nacionalistas das Colonias Portuguesa;葡萄牙殖民地民族主义组织会议;CONCP; Confernce on Development and Technological Transformation in the Third World;第三世界发展和技术变革会议;; conferred upon;赋予;; confession;供认供状;; Confidence and Security-building and Verification Measures Working Group;建立信任和安全及检查措施工作组;; confidence building;建立信任;; confidence building measure;建立信任措施;CBM; confidence building measures;建立信任措施;CBMs; confidence in the reliability of compliance;信任遵守协定的可靠性;; confidence- and security-building measures;建立信任和安全措施;CSBM; confidence-building and conventional disarmament in Europe;在欧洲建立信任与常规裁军;; confidence-building and increased openness in military matters;在军事事项方面建立信任和增强公开性;; confidence-building and security-building measures;建立信任和安全措施;; confidence-building measures;建立信任措施;CBMs; Confidence-Strengthening Measures;加强信任措施;; confidential business information;机密商业情报;; confidential evaluation;机密评价;; Confidential List of Communication on the Status of Women;关于妇女地位的机密性来文一览表;; confidentiality of contracts;合同的保密性;; confidentiality of technical information;技术资料的保密;; confined explosion;局限爆炸;; confinement;监禁拘留分娩;; confinement order;分娩顺序;; confirm;查实;; confirm a vote, a ballot, an election;认定表决、投票、选举为有效;; confirm or reverse the decision;确认或撤销决定;; confirmation of appointments by the SG;认可秘书长委派人员;; confirmation of loans receivable and payable;应收借款和应付借款的确认书;; confirmation of members of functional commissions of the Council;核准理事会所属职司委员会委员;; confirmations of loans receivable and payable;应收借款和应付借款的确认书;; confirmatory authority;确定权;; confirmed guaranty letter;保兑担保书;; confirmed letter of credit;保兑信用证;; confirmer;保兑人;; confirming bank;保兑银行;; confirming guarantor;保兑担保人;; confirming with recommendations of;遵从___建议;; confiscation;没收;; conflict;冲突;; conflict control;冲突控制;; conflict damage reparations;冲突损失赔偿;; conflict of law;法律冲突;; Conflict Resolution Network;解决冲突网;; conflicts rules;法律冲突规则;; Confluence;合流;; confrontation;对抗;; confrontation area;对抗区;; confrontation line;对峙线;; confusion;精神错乱;; CONG, Guang;丛光;; CONG, Jun;丛军;; Cong-Ocena Railway;刚果大洋铁路;; congenital anomalics;先天性畸形;; congenital birth defects;先天性缺陷;; congenital defects of reproductive system;生殖系统的先天缺陷;; congenital deformity;天生残废;; Congenital Disability Civil Disability Act;先天残疾无民事行为能力法;; congenital disease;先天性疾病;; congenital disposition;先天性倾向;; congenital syphilis;先天性梅毒;; congentinal disability;天生无能;; conglomerate;集团企业多种工业联合企业;; conglomerate acquisitions;联合大企业的收购;; conglomerate firm;联合大企业; 综合公司;; conglomerations;集居点;; Congo the;刚果;; Congolese Association for Friendship among Peoples;刚果人民友谊协会刚果友协;ACAP;刚果友协 Congolese National Bank;刚果国家银行;; Congregational Christian School Service;公理会基督教服务社;; Congregational Christian Service Committee;公理会基督教服务委员会;; Congregational Church;公理教会;; Congres General Populaire;人民大会;; Congres General Populaire of New Caledonia;新喀里多尼亚人民大会;; Congres Populaire;人民大会;; Congres Populaire of New Caledonia;新喀里多尼亚人民大会;; Congreso Nacional Hostosiano;奥斯托斯民族大会;; Congress for a Peaceful Future of the World;争取世界和平未来大会;; Congress of African Scientists;非洲科学家大会;; Congress of Arab Workers;阿拉伯劳工会;; Congress of Bishops and Archbishops of Central America;中美洲主教和大主教会议;; Congress of Civic and Patriotic Forces;公民和爱国力量大会;; Congress of Defenders of Peace;和平保卫者大会;; Congress of Industrial Organizations;产业工人联合会;CIO; Congress of Intellectuals for the Peaceful Future of the World;争取世界和平前景知识分子大会;; Congress of Local Authorities for the Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋负责人类住区发展问题地方当局大会;; Congress of Neurological Surgeons;神经病学外科医生会议;; Congress of People's Deputies;人民代表大会;; Congress of Racial Equality;种族平等大会;CORE; Congress of South African Students;南非学生大会;COSAS; Congress of South African Trade Unions;南非工会大会;COSATU; Congress of South African Writers;南非作家大会;COSAW; Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians;东南亚图书馆员会议;CONSAL; Congress of the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League;列宁共产主义青年团第__次代表大会;; Congress of the Civil Union;公民联盟大会;; Congress of the League of Polish Women;波兰妇女联合会大会;; Congress of the People;人民大会;; Congress of the Union of National African Paediatric Societies;非洲各国小儿科协会联盟第X届大会;; Congress of the World Federation of Agricultural Workers;世界农业工人联合会大会;; Congress of Workers;工人代表大会;; Congress on Education for Human Rights and Democracy;人权和民主教育大会;; Congress on Industrial Organizations;产业工会联合会产联;CIO;产联 Congress on International Trade Law;国际贸易法大会;; Congress on Mental Retardation and Devlepment Disabilities;弱智和发育缺陷问题大会;; Congress on Peace and Humanitarian Actions;和平和人道主义行动大会;; Congress on South African Students;南非学生大会;COSAS; Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders;第X届预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会;; Congress Party;国民大会党国大党;;国大党 Congressional Black Caucus;国会黑人核心小组;; Congressional Budget Office;国会预算局;CBO; Congressional Research Service;国会研究事务处;; conical scanning;锥形扫描;; conjugal family;婚姻家庭;; conjugal relation;夫妇关系;; conjugal status;婚姻地位;; conjugal system;共居制度;; conjugation;结合配对;; CONMY, Kevin;凯文·康米;; Connect;联系;; connected goods and services;有联系的货物和服务;; connection between demographic dynamics and sustainability;人口动态和可持续能力之间的联系;; CONNELL, John;约翰·康内尔;; CONNOR, Joseph;约瑟夫·康纳;; Conoco Ltd.;康诺科公司;; CONSALVI, Simon Alberto;西蒙·阿尔维托·孔萨尔维;; consanguine family;血亲家庭;; consanguine tribe;血缘部落;; consanguineous marriage;近亲结婚血亲结婚;; consanguinity;血缘血亲;; Conscientious Objectors Support Group;基于良心拒服兵役支持小组;; consecutive interpretation;连续传译;; Conseil d'Administration du Fonds Arabe d'Assistance Technique aux Pays Arabes et Africanis;阿拉伯技术援助阿拉伯和非洲国家基金理事会;; Conseil d'etat;行政法院;; Conseil de Commandement de la Gendarmerie Nationale;国家宪兵指挥委员会;; Conseil de l'Entente;协商委员会;; Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et en Genie du Canada;加拿大自然科学和工程研究理事会;CRSNG; Conseil des Associations des Immigres en Europe;侨居欧洲移民协会理事会;CAIE; Conseil des Ministres;内阁会议;; Conseil European des Federations de l'industrie chemique;欧洲化学工业联合会理事会;CEFIC; Conseil Executif Naitonal;国家执行委员会;; Conseil National;国家委员会;; Conseil national du mouvement de la paix;全国和平运动理事会;; Conseil National du Patronat Francais;法国雇主协会;; Conseil national pour la defense de la democratie;全国捍卫民主理事会;CNDD; Conseil nondial de la paix;世界和平理事会;; Conseil Populaire Revolutionnaire [Cambodia];人民革命委员会;CPR; conseil prive;咨议院;; Conseil quebecois de la paix;魁北克和平委员会;; Conseil superieur de la comptabilite;高级会计理事会;; Conseil Superieur de la Defence National;最高国防委员会;CSDN; conseiller a l'ambassade;使馆参赞;; Conseils populaires de districtes;地方人民委员会;; Consejo de Educacion de Adultos en America Latina;拉丁美洲成人教育委员会成教委;CEAAL;成教委 Consejo de Seguridad Nacional;国家安全委员会;COSENA; Consejo Interamericano de Seguridad;美洲安全委员会;CIAS; Consejo Intergubernamental de Paises Exportadores de Cobre;铜出口国政府间委员会;CIPEC; Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencios Sociales;拉丁美洲社会科学理事会;CLACSO; Consejo Nacional de Poblacion CONAPO;国家人口委员会;CONAPO; Consejo Professional de Ciencias Economicas;经济学专业委员会;; Conselho Politico Angolano;安哥拉政治委员会;CPA; consensual and visiting unions;意合婚和探访婚;; consensual marriage;意合婚;; consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage;自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻;; consensus;协商一致; 共识;; consensus building;建立共识;; consensus decision-making;协商一致决策;; consensus minus one;除一方外的全体一致意见;; consensus of 1970;1970年的协商一致意见;; Consensus of Dakar;达喀尔一致意见;; consensus of opinion;协商一致的意见;; Consensus of Vina del Mar;比尼亚德尔马文件;; consensus principle;协商一致原则;; consensus resolution;协商一致的决议;; consent;同意;; consent decree;同意判决书;; Consent Regime for Marine Scientific Research;海洋科学研究准许制度;; consent to marriage;婚姻的同意;; consequential loss, damage, reduction;间接损失、损害、减少;;损失、损害、减少 consequential amendment;相应修正;; consequential loss;间接损失保险;; consequences deriving from an international crime;国际罪行引起的后果;; conservation;堡; 保养; 养护; 维护;; conservation and management;养护和管理;; conservation and management of living resources;养护和管理生物资源;; Conservation and Management Plan;养护与管理计划;; conservation area;堡区;; conservation des sole et lutte contre l'erosion;保持土壤和防止土壤侵蚀;; Conservation Foundation;养护基金会;; Conservation International;国际养护组织养护组织;CI;养护组织 Conservation Law Foundation;美国堡法基金会;; Conservation Monitoring Centre;养护监测中心;CMC; conservation of biological diversity;维护生物的多样性;; conservation of climate;堡气候;; conservation of climate as part of the common heritage of mankind;堡气候视为人类共同财产;; conservation of genetical diversity;维护遗传的多样性;; conservation of landscape;堡风景; 堡景观;; conservation of nature;堡自然; 自然堡;; conservation of resources;资源的养护;; conservation of soil against erosion;防止水土流失;; conservation policy;堡政策;; conservation regime;养护制度;; conservationist;提倡堡自然资源的人;; conservatism;稳健主义;; conservative accounting policies;稳健的会计政策;; conservative catch;养护性渔获量;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司