翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods;国际货物销售时效期限公约;; Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection;关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公 约;; Convention on the Marking of Plastic or Sheet Explosives for the Purpose of Detection;关于在可塑炸药或薄片炸药中添加识别剂以 便侦测的公约;; Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property;关于禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法 转让其所有权的方法的公约;; Convention on the Measurement of Inland Navigation Vessels, 1966;内河航行船舶丈量公约;; Convention on the Nationality of Married Women;已婚妇女国籍公约;; Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity;战争罪及危害人类罪不适用法定时效公约;; Convention on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;经济合作与发展组织公约;; Convention on the Organization of the Permanent Commission on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific Santiago, 18 August 1952 and related agreements 1954 - 1979;关于组织开发和堡南太平洋海洋资源常设 委员会的公约圣地亚哥,1952年8月18日 及有关协定1954-1979年;;1954-1979年 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials;核材料实物堡公约;; Convention on the Place for Payment in Matters of Money Liabilities;关于金钱债务偿付地点的欧洲公约;; Convention on the Political Rights of Women;妇女政治权利公约;; Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism;防止及惩治恐怖主义公约;; Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide;防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约;; Convention on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents;防止重大工业事故公约;; Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters;防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约;;伦敦倾废公约 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources;防止陆源物质污染海洋公约;; printing practice;印刷业务;; Convention on the Prevention of the Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes;防止倾倒废物污染海洋公约;; Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the League of Arab States;阿拉伯国家联盟特权及豁免公约;; Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America;拉丁美洲禁止核武器机构特权及豁免公约;; Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies;专门机构特权和豁免公约;; Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations;联合国特权和豁免公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of Action to Influence the Environment and Climate for Military and Other Purposes Incompatible with the Maintenance of International Security;禁止为了军事和其他与维持国际安全、人类 福利和健康不相容的目的而采取足以影响环 境和气候的行为的国际公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons;禁止化学武器公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of Driftnet Fishing in the South Pacific;禁止在南太平洋漂网捕鱼公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Drift Nets in the South Pacific;禁止在南太平洋长拖网捕鱼公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques;禁止为军事或任何其他敌对目的使用改变环 境技术公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological Biological and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction;禁止细菌生物及毒素武器的发展生产和储 存以及销毁这类武器的公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction;关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器 及销毁此种武器的公约;CWC;化学武器公约 Convention on the Prohibition of the Radiological Weapons;禁止放射性武器公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons;禁止使用核武器及热核武器公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons;禁止使用核武器公约;; Convention on the Prohibition or Restriction of Use of Particularly Inhumane Weapons;禁止或限制使用特别非人道武器公约;; Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes;堡与使用越境水道和国际湖泊公约;; Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption;堡儿童和国家间收养方面合作公约;; Convention on the Protection of Foreign Property;堡外国人财产公约草案;; Convention on the Protection of International Fresh Waters against Pollution;堡国际淡水免受污染公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage;堡考古遗产欧洲公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Archeological, Historical and Artistic Heritage of the American Nations;堡美洲国家考古、历史和艺术遗产公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution;堡黑海免受污染公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Environment between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden;丹麦、芬兰、挪威和瑞典环境堡公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area;堡波罗的海地区海洋环境公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution;堡莱茵河免受化学污染公约;; Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards;承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约;; Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters;承认及执行民商事外国判决的公约;; Convention on the Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations;承认离婚和合法分居公约;; Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the European States;欧洲国家承认高等教育学历、文凭和学位的 公约;; Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States Bordering on the Mediterranean;地中海沿岸阿拉伯国家和欧洲国家承认高等 教育学历、文凭和学位的公约;; Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance;自国外获取赡养公约;; Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness;减少无国籍状态公约;; Convention on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern;国际性通航水道制度公约;; Convention on the Regime of the Straits Convention of Lausanne;关于海峡制度的公约 洛桑公约;;洛桑公约 Convention on the Regime of Vessels in Foreign Ports;外国港口船舶管理制度公约;; Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels, with Annexed Protocols;内河航行船舶注册公约及附加议定书;; Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space;关于登记射入外层空间物体的公约;; Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities;南极矿物资源活动管理公约;CRAMRA; Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character;维也纳关于国家在其对普遍性国际组织关系 上的代表权公约;; Convention on the Right of Association and the Protection of the Right of Organization;结社自由及堡组织权公约;; Convention on the Rights of the Child;儿童权利公约;; Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel;联合国人员和有关人员安全公约;; Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters;关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约;; Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States;关于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约;; Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes;汇票和本票印花税法公约;; Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques;支票印花税法公约;; Convention on the Status of Aliens;关于外国人地位的公约;; Convention on the Status of Refugees;关于难民地位的公约;; Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism;制止恐怖主义公约;; Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters;关于从国外调取民事或商事证据的公约;; Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone;领海及毗连区公约;; Convention on the Transboundary Impact of Industrial Accidents;关于工业事故越境影响的公约;; Convention on the Transfer and Use of Data of the Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space;转让和使用从外空遥感地球的资料的公约;; Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters;刑事事项程序转移公约;; Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons;被判刑者转移公约;; Convention on the Underwater Cultural Heritage;水下文化遗产公约;; Convention on the Unification of the Law relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes;统一汇票和本票法公约;; Convention on the Universal prohibition of Chemical Weapons;全面禁止化学武器公约;; Convention on the Use and Protection of International Waters and Lakes;关于使用和堡国际水域和湖泊的公约;; Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes;海关商品估价公约;; Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy;核能方面第三者责任公约;; Convention on Traffic in Opium and Drugs;鸦片和麻醉药品非法运销公约;; Convention on Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents;工业事故越境影响公约;; Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities;关于领土社区或当局间跨越边界合作的 欧洲纲要公约;; Convention on Transfrontier Television;欧洲国境外电视广播公约;; Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States;内陆国家过境贸易公约;; Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat;关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约;; Convention portant creation de l'Organisation pour la mise en valeur dufleuve Senegal;关于建立塞内加尔河开发组织的公约;; Convention Postale Universelle;万国邮政公约;; Convention pour regler la tutelle des mineurs;未成年人监护公约;; Convention pour regler les conflits de lois en matiere de mariage;解决婚姻法律抵触公约;; Convention pour regler les conflits de lois et de juridictions en matiere de divorce et de separation de corps;离婚及分居的法律与管辖抵触规则公约;; Convention pour regler les conflits entre la loi nationale et la loi du domicile;解决本国法和住所地法抵触公约;; Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promessory Notes;统一汇票和本票法公约;; Convention providing a Uniform Law for Cheques;统一支票法公约;; Convention recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast;承认无海岸国家悬旗权利公约;; Convention regarding Diplomatic Officers;关于外交官员的公约;; Convention regarding the Regime of Navigation on the Danube;多瑙河航行制度公约;; Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits Convention of Montreux;关于海峡制度的公约 蒙特勒公约;;蒙特勒公约 Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;国际货物买卖合同成立统一法公约;; Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods;国际货物买卖统一法公约;; Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material;有关海上核材料运输的民事责任公约;; Convention relating to Facilities of International Exchange of Films for Educational Purposes;关于国际交换教育影片便利办法的公约;; Convention relating to Judicial Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments of the EEC;欧洲经济共同体关于司法管辖权和承认及执 行判决的公约;; Convention relating to the Conversion of Merchant Ships into Warships;关于商船改装为军舰公约 海牙第7公约;; Convention relating to the Development of Hydraulic Power affecting More Than One State;关于涉及多国开发水电公约;; Convention relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite;人造卫星播送载有节目信号分配公约;; Convention relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation;关于航空管理的公约巴黎航空公约;;巴黎航空公约 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees;关于难民地位的公约;; Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons;关于无国籍人地位的公约;; Convention relating to the Unification of Certain Rules concerning Collision in Inland Navigation;统一内河航行碰撞若干规则的公约;; Convention relative a la procedure civile;民事诉讼程序公约;; Convention relative au statut du fleuve Senegal;关于塞内加尔河法规的公约;; Convention relative to Certain Restrictions on the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Maritime War;关于海战中限制行使捕获权公约;; Convention relative to the Establishment of an International Prize Court;关于建立国际捕获法院公约;; Convention relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines;关于敷设自动触发水雷公约;; Convention relative to the Opening of Hostilities;关于战争开始的公约;; Convention relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State;堡自然状态动植物公约;; Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War;战时堡平民公约;; Convention relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities;关于战争开始时敌国商船地位公约;; Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War;关于战俘待遇的日内瓦公约;; Convention respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal Convention of Constantinople;苏伊士运河自由通航公约 君士坦丁堡公约;;君士坦丁堡公约 Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land;陆战法规和惯例公约;; Convention respecting the Limitation of the Employment of Force for the Recovery of Contract Debts;限制使用武力以索偿合同债务公约;; Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land;中立国家和人民在陆战中的权利和义务公约;; Convention Supplementary to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy;关于核能方面第三者责任公约的补充公约;; Convention Supplementary to the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy;关于核能方面第三者责任的巴黎公约的补充 公约;; Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person other than the Contracting Carrier Guadalajara Convention ;统一非缔约承运人所办国际航空运输某些规 则以补充华沙公约的公约瓜达拉哈拉公约;;瓜达拉哈拉公约 Convention sur la competence du for contractuel en cas de vente a caractere international d'objets mobiliers corporels;有体动产国际销售协议管辖权公约;; Convention sur la loi applicable au transiert de le propriete en cas vente a caractere international d'objets mobiliers corporels [1958];有体动产国际销售所有权移转法律适用公约;; Convention sur la loi applicable aux contrats d'intermediaires et a la representation Convention on the Law Applicable to Agency ;居间合同及代理法律适用公约 代理法律适用公约;;代理法律适用公约 Convention sur la loi applicable aux obligations alimentatires envers les enfants;儿童抚养义务法律适用公约;; Convention sur la loi applicable aux ventes a caractere international d'objets mobiliers corporels;有体动产国际销售法律适用公约;; Convention tendant a faciliter l'acces international a la justice;对涉外诉讼提供便利公约;; Convention to Ban the Importation into Forum Island Countries of Hazardous and Radioactive Waste and to Control the Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within the South Pacific Region Waigani Convention;禁止向论坛岛屿国家输入有害和放射性废物并管制有害废物在南太平洋区域境内越境转 移和管理的公约瓦伊加尼公约;;瓦伊加尼公约 Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa;在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是 在非洲防治荒漠化的公约防治荒漠化公约;INDC;防治荒漠化公约 Convention to Combat the Traffic in Women and Children;取缔贩卖妇女和儿童公约;; Convention to Discourage Acts of Violence against Civil Aviation;阻止对民航采取暴力行为的公约;; Convention to Prevent and Punish Acts of Terrorism;防止和惩治恐怖主义行为公约;; Convention to Prevent and Punish the Acts of Terrorism Taking the Form of Crimes against Persons and Related Extortion that Are of International Significance;防止和惩治以对人身犯罪和有关勒索为形式 的具有国际意义的恐怖主义行为的公 [美洲国家组织关于防止和惩治恐怖主义行为的公约];; Convention to Prohibit Environmental Warfare, 1974;禁止环境战公约;; Convention to Protect Birds Useful to Agriculture;堡农业益鸟公约;; Convention Travel Documents;难民公约旅行证件;CTD; Convention Trust Fund;公约信托基金;; Convention with respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land;关于陆战法规和习惯的公约第2公约;;第2公约 conventional comprehensive method of comparison;传统全面的比较方法;; conventional armaments;常规军备;; conventional arsenal;常规武库;; conventional concessions;协定减让;; conventional crime;传统犯罪传统罪行;; conventional criminality;传统犯罪;; conventional deterrence;常规威慑;; conventional disarmament;常规裁军;; conventional disarmament on a regional scale;区域常规裁军;; conventional duties;协定关税;; conventional forces;常规部队;; Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty;欧洲常规力量条约;; Conventional Forces Inspection Training Workshop;常规部队视察训练讲习班;; conventional gasoline engine;传统汽油发动机;; conventional international law;协定国际法;; conventional law;协定法;; conventional loan;普通贷款;; conventional name;惯用名称;; conventional powered submarine;常规动力潜艇;; conventional programme of investment promotion;传统投资促进方案;; conventional routes;传统方法;; conventional rules;协定规则;; conventional seismograph stations;常规地震台站;; conventional tariff;协定关税协定税率;; conventional tip uncompacted;传统倾弃办法不压实;; conventional warfare;常规战争;; conventional weapons;常规武器;; Conventions on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, and on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency;《核事故及早通报公约》和《核事故或辐射紧急情况援助公约》;; Convergencia Democratica;民主汇点;; Convergencia Democratica de Mocambique;莫桑比克民主联盟莫民盟;CDM;莫民盟 convergent services;综合性服务;; conversion;1 改变; 改划 [员额]; 2 转用;; conversion of post;员额转划;; conversion of proceeds;变换收益;;收益 conversion factors;换算系数兑换系数;; conversion of foreign currencies;外币的兑换;; conversion of loans into grants;将贷款改为补助金;; conversion of posts from extrabudgetary sources of financing;预算外资源所设员额改为预算内员额;; conversion of resources;资源转用;; conversion rates;换算率兑换率;; conversion system;转化系统;; conversion table;转换表;; conversion time;转换时间;; conversion to alternative fuels;转换到代用燃料;; conversion to an established basis;临时员额改为常设员额;; conversion with the coefficient;按折算率换算;; conversions from temporary assistance;临时助理人员员额改为常设员额;; convertible bonds payable;应付可兑换公司债;; convertible currency;可兑换货币;; converted;变换;; converted dollar income;折算美元收入水平;;水平 convertible adjustable preferred stock;可转换可调整优先股;CAP; convertible bonds - at cost;可兑换债券-按成本计;; convertible currencies;可兑换货币;; conveyor belt system;输送带系统;; convicted prisoner;判罪犯人已定罪囚犯;; conviction;定罪;; Convoy Coordination Unit;运输队协调股;; convulsive seizure;惊厥;; CONZALEZ PANTALEON, Rafael Pedro;拉斐尔·佩德罗·冈萨雷斯·潘塔莱 翁;; CONZEMIUS, Arlette;阿尔莱特·孔泽米乌斯;; Coordination Body for the implementation of peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina;为实施波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和平的 协调机构;; Gryvenia;格里夫尼亚;; Cook Islands;库克群岛;; cooking oil;食油;; cool star;冷星;; coolant;冷却剂; 冷却液; 致冷液;; cooled telescope;冷却望远镜;; COOLEY, Claudia;克劳迪娅·库利;; cooling coil;冷却旋管;; cooling of the atmosphere;冷却大气;; cooling water;冷却水;; COOLS, Alain;阿兰·科尔斯;; COOMARASWAMY, Radhika;拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米;; COOMBS, Jane;简·库姆斯;; Cooperating Organization;合作组织;; Cooperation against AIDS;合作对抗艾滋病;; Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity;联合国和非洲统一组织合作协定;; cooperation among developing countries for industrialization;发展中国家间工业化方面的合作;; Cooperation and Development;合作与发展;; Cooperation between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee;联合国同亚非法律协商委员会的合作;; Cooperation between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System;联合国同拉丁美洲经济体系的合作;; Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States;联合国同阿拉伯国家联盟的合作;; Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity;联合国同非洲统一组织的合作;; Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of American States;联合国同美洲国家组织的合作;; Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference;联合国同伊斯兰会议组织的合作;; Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco;烟草科学研究合作中心;CORESTA; Cooperation Council;合作委员会;; Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf;海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会海合会;GCC;海合会 Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Secretariat General;海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会总秘书处;; Cooperation for Development Division;发展合作司;CFD; Corporation for Development Studies;发展研究公司发研公司;CORDES;发研公司 Cooperation in Research on Low-Calorie Solid-Fuel Technology;低热量固体燃料技术研究;; Cooperation in the Maintenance of Peace and Security, and Disarmament;为维持和平与安全及裁军而合作;; Cooperation Plan on Transboundary Pollution;管制越境污染合作计划;; Cooperation Programme of the United Nations Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme in Iraq;联合国机构间伊拉克人道主义方案合作方案;; Cooperation Service Agreement;合作服务协定;; Cooperativa Agricola de Malanje, SARL;马兰热农业合作社;CAOGRIMA; cooperative action;合作行动;; Cooperative and Other Rural Organizations Section;合作社和其他农村组织科;; Cooperative Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank;拉法森·伯埃雷勒思中央合作银行;; Cooperative Coastal Zone Studies;海岸区域合作研究;; Cooperative Council for the Arab States of the Gulf;海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会;; cooperative development;合作社发展;; Cooperative Education Materials Advisory Service;合作社教育材料咨询服务;CEMAS; Cooperative Housing Foundation;合作建房基金会;CHF; Cooperative Information Network Linking Scientists and Professionals in Africa;非洲科学家和专业人员合作信息网 合作信息网;COPINE;合作信息网 Cooperative International GPS Network;国际普惠制合作网普惠制合作网;CIGNET;普惠制合作网 Cooperative Investigation of the Caribbean and adjacent Regions;加勒比及邻近水域合作调查;CICAR; Cooperative Investigation of the Northern Part of the Eastern Central Atlantic;中东部大西洋北部合作调查;CINECA; cooperative medical service;合作医疗;; cooperative movement;合作社运动;; Cooperative Network on Rural Energy;农村能源合作网;; Cooperative of Disabled Persons: A Guide for Promotion and Organization;残疾者合作社:推广和组织指南;; Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutions in Europe;监测和评价空气污染物在欧洲远距离传播合作方案;EMEP; Cooperative Programme in Educational Publishing in the Pacific;太平洋教育出版合作方案;; Cooperative Programme of Action on Appropriate Industrial Technology;适当工业技术合作行动纲领;; Cooperative Project for Seismic Risk Reduction in the Mediterranean Region;地中海减少地震危险合作项目;SEISMED; Cooperative Republic of Guyana;圭亚那合作共和国;; cooperative sector;合作社部门;; Cooperative Service Agreement;合作服务协定;; cooperative society;合作社;; cooperative store;合作商店;; Cooperative Support to World Food Programme Assisted Development Activities in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone, Africa;合作支助在非洲苏丹萨赫勒地区由世界粮食计划署协助的发展活动合作支助;ACOPAM;合作支助 Cooperative Threat Reduction programme;合作减少威胁方案;CTR; Cooperative Village Movement [Israel];合作村运动;; Coordinacion General del Plan Nacional de Zonas Deprimidas y Grupos Marginados;萧条地区和贫困人群国家计划总协调办公室;COPLANMAR; Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indigenas de la Cuenca Amazonica;亚马孙流域土著组织协调机构;COICA; Coordinadora Nacional Sindical;全国工会协调机构;CNS; Coordinaiton and Evaluation Unit;协调和评价股;; coordinate measuring machine;坐标测量机;CMM; Coordinated Mediterranean Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme;地中海污染监测和研究协调方案;MED POL; Coordinated Multi-donor Programme for Tick and Tick-borne Disease Control in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa;东部、中部和南部非洲防治扁虱和扁虱传染疾病多方捐助协调方案;; coordinated operation;协同作战;; coordinated price and exchange-rate movements over time;协调价格和汇率在一段时间内的变动;; coordinated programmes of prevention;[伤残]预防协调方案;; Coordinated Research and Environmental Surveillance;协调研究和环境监测组;; Coordinated research programmes;协调研究方案;CRP; coordinated use of resource;统筹运用资金;; Coordinates of the Turning Points of Areas A and B as referred to in paragraph 6a, b and c;第6a、b和c段所指A和B区的坐标和转折点;; coordinates of this point;该点坐标;; coordinating agency, body, machinery;协调机构;; Coordinating Bureau of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家协调局;; Coordinating Bureau of the Conference of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家会议协调局;; Coordinating Commission for the Export of War Material;出口战争物资协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for Assistance to Refugees in Africa;援助非洲难民协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那问题协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia;东亚和东南亚沿海和近海地球科学方案协调委员会;CCOP; Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist Countries;向共产主义国家出口统筹委员会 巴黎统筹委员会;COCOM;巴黎统筹委员会 Coordinating Committee for Exports Controls;出口管制统筹委员会1统筹委员会;COCOM2;统筹委员会 Coordinating Committee for Exports to Communist Areas;向共产党地区出口统筹委员会1统筹委员 会;COCOM1;统筹委员 会 Coordinating Committee for International Staff Unions and Associations of the United Nations System;联合国系统国际职工会和协会协调委员会 国际职工会协调会;CCISUA;国际职工会协调会 Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service;国际志愿服务协调委员会志愿服务协委会;CCIVS;志愿服务协委会 Automatic Identification System;自动识别系统;AIS; Coordinating Committee for Liberation Movements in Africa;非洲解放运动协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic Export Control;多边战略物资出口管制统筹委员会 统筹委员会;COCOM;统筹委员会 Coordinating Committee for the Associations of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry and Finance;农业、商业、工业和财政协会协调委员会;CACIF; Coordinating Committee for the International Programme for Accelerating the Improvement of Vital Statistics and Civil Registration Systems;加速改进生命统计和民事登记制度国际方案协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for the International Youth Year;国际青年年协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa;解放非洲协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee for the Relief and Independence of Cyprus;救济塞浦路斯和维护其独立协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee in Beirut;贝鲁特协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee of Southeast Asian Senior Officials in Transport and Communications;东南亚运输和通讯高级官员协调委员会;COORDCOM; Coordinating Committee of Technical Assistance;技术援助协调委员会技援协委会;CCTA;技援协委会 Coordinating Committee of the African Countries;非洲各国协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee of the Paris Conference on Cambodia;柬埔寨问题巴黎会议协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee of the Pool of News Agencies of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家通讯社联盟协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee of the Trans-East African Highway;横贯东非公路协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee of the Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;非洲运输和通讯十年协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee of Voluntary Agencies;志愿机构协调委员会 志愿机构协委会;CCVA;志愿机构协委会 Coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development;非洲统计发展协调委员会 非洲统协委;CASD;非洲统协委 Coordinating Committee on Assistance to Refugees;援助难民协调委员会;CCAR; Coordinating Committee on Defence;国防协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee on Documentation in the Social Sciences;社会科学文献协调委员会;; Coordinating Committee on export Controls;出口管制统筹委员会巴黎统筹委员会;COCOM;巴黎统筹委员会 Coordinating Committee;协调委员会;; Coordinating Conference on Assistance to the Newly Independent States;向新独立国家提供援助协议会议;; Coordinating Council of Agricultural Worker and Peasant Organizations in Latin America;拉丁美洲农业工人和农民组织协调理事会;CCOOACAL; Coordinating Council on Accounting Methodology in the Newly Independent States;新独立国家会计方法协调理事会;; coordinating country;协调国;; Coordinating Group for the Harmonization of Chemical Classification Systems;统一化学分类制度协调小组;; Coordinating Meeting on Humanitarian Assistance for Somalia;向索马里提供人道主义援助协调会议;; Coordinating Office for Agricultural Issues;农业问题协调处农协处;OCTA;农协处 Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students;各国学生联合会协调秘书处 各国学联协秘处;COSEC;各国学联协秘处 Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action Plan;地中海行动计划协调股;; Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics;大西洋渔业统计协调工作队 大西洋渔业统计队;CWP;大西洋渔业统计队 Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishing Statistics;大西洋渔业统计协调工作队 协调工作队;CWP;协调工作队 coordination agency;协调机构;; coordination and cooperation in water resources development;发展水资源的协调和合作;; Coordination and External Relations Office;协调和对外关系处;; Coordination and Records Unit;协调和记录股;; Coordination and Report Unit;协调和报告股;; coordination between the United Nations and the specialized agencies;联合国与各专门机关的协调;; Coordination Board COM-CIE;美洲教育委员会协调局;; coordination body;协调机构;; Coordination Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家运动协调局;; Coordination Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家协调局;; Coordination Centre;协调中心;; Coordination Committee;协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for Culture and Education;文化和教育协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for Defense;国防协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for Defense of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea;民主柬埔寨联合政府国防协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for Finance and Economy;财政和经济协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for Health and Social Affairs;卫生和社会事务协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for the Textile Industries in the European Common Market;欧洲共同市场纺织业协调委员会;; Coordination Committee for the Textile Industries in the European Economic Community;欧洲经济共同体纺织业协调委员会纺织协调委;COMITEXTILE;纺织协调委 Coordination Committee of International Non-governmental Organizations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories;被占领巴勒斯坦领土内国际非政府组织协调委员会被占领土协调委员会;CCINGO;被占领土协调委员会 Coordination Committee of National Funds;各国基金协调委员会;; Coordination Committee of the Conference on Building Research;建筑研究问题会议协调委员会;; Coordination Committee of the Council;理事会所属协调委员会;; Coordination Committee on Multilateral Payments Arrangements;多边支付安排协调委员会;; Coordination Group on Disarmament and Development;裁军和发展协调小组;; Coordination Mechanism for Regional Bodies and Forums Engaged in TCDC Activities;参与技合活动的区域组织和论坛协调机制;; Coordination Meeting;第...次协调会议;; Coordination Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;伊斯兰会议组织外交部长协调会议;; Coordination Meeting on Humanitarian Assistance for Somalia;向索马里提供人道主义援助协调会议;; Coordination Meeting on Somalia;索马里问题协调会议;; Decision on Dismantling of Ships;关于拆解船舶的决定;; Coordination of Organizations for Human Rights;人权组织协调中心;; coordination of programmes within the United Nations system in the field of natural resources;联合国系统自然资源领域各方案的协调;; coordination of staff regulations;工作人员条例的协调;; coordination of the activities of the United Nations system for the eradication of poverty;协调联合国系统消灭贫穷方面的活动;; coordination of world-wide action to combat hunger;协调全世界反饥饿行动;; Coordination Segment;协调部分;; Coordination Unit for Assistance to the Palestinian People;援助巴勒斯坦人民协调股;; Coordination Unit for the Return of Property from Iraq to Kuwait;伊拉克向科威特归还财产协调股;; Coordination unit on environmental matters;环境事项协调股;; Coordination-Information-Environment Programme;协调-信息-环境方案;CORINE; Ship Recycling Summit;船舶回收利用首脑会议;; coordinator;协调员;; Coordinator for Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes Relating to Afghanistan;阿富汗人道主义和经济援助方案协调员;; Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance;人道主义援助协调员;; Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance to Somalia;索马里人道主义援助协调员;; Coordinator for Humanitarian Relief and Rehabilitation;人道主义救济和复兴协调员;; Coordinator for International Assistance Efforts to Mitigate the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident;国际援助减轻切尔诺贝利事故后果工作协调员兼联合国维也纳办事处总干事;;兼联合国维也纳办事处总干事 Coordinator for Refugee Children;难民儿童问题协调员;; Coordinator for Security Matters;安全事务协调员;; coordinator for special measures;特别措施协调员;; Coordinator for the Environment;环境协调员;; Coordinator for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat;提高秘书处妇女地位协调员;; Coordinator for the International Year of the Family;国际家庭年协调员;; Coordinator for the Year;国际家庭年协调员;; Coordinator for United Nations Assistance to Zambia;联合国援助赞比亚协调员;; Coordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan;联合国阿富汗人道主义和经济援助方案协调员;; Coordinator General of the Special Courts;特别法庭总协调官;; Coordinator of All UN Drug Control-Related Activities;联合国药物管制活动协调员;; Coordinator of Assistance for Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon, Office;援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员办事处;;办事处 Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员;; Coordinator of Assistance to the Least Developed Countries;向最不发达国家提供援助协调员;; Coordinator of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan;阿富汗人道主义援助协调员;; Coordinator of International Assistance for the Reconstruction of Viet Nam;国际援助越南重建工作协调员;; Coordinator of International Cooperation for Chernobyl;切尔诺贝利事件国际合作协调员;; Coordinator of Islamic Institutions for the Humanitarian Assistance to Bosnia-Herzegovina;向波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那提供人道主义援助 伊斯兰机构协调员;; Coordinator of Non-Governmental Organizations and Cooperatives for Assisting Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict;非政府组织和合作社援助国内武装冲突受害者协调员;; Coordinator of the Commission of Human Rights of El Salvador;萨尔瓦多人权委员会协调员;; coordinator of the fellowship programme;研究金方案协调员;; Coordinator of the Government Junta of National Reconstruction;尼加拉瓜民族复兴政府执政委员会协调员;; Coordinator of the Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme in Iraq;机构间伊拉克人道主义方案协调员;; Coordinator of the International Year of the World's Indigenous People;世界土著人民国际年协调员;; Coordinator of the Management Development Programme;管理发展方案协调员;; coordinator of the nationhood programme for Namibia;纳米比亚建国方案协调专员;; Coordinator of the Panel of Counsel;顾问小组协调员;; Coordinator of the Rural and Community Development Section;农村和社区发展科协调员;; Coordinator of the Special Economic Assistance Programme;特别经济援助方案协调员;; Coordinator of the United Nations Drug Control related Activities;联合国麻醉品管制活动协调员;; Coordinator of the United Nations system for the special plan of economic assistance to Central America;联合国系统向中美洲提供经济援助特别计划协调员;; Coordinator of the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic;南大西洋和平与合作区协调员;; Coordinator of United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员;; Coordinator of United Nations Humanitarian Assistance for Cyprus;联合国塞浦路斯人道主义援助协调员;; Coordinator on Matters Relating to AIDS;艾滋病问题协调员;; COORE, David;戴维·库尔;; Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action;哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领;; Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action for Social Development;社会发展问题哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领;; Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development;社会发展问题哥本哈根宣言;; Copenhagen Programme of Action;哥本哈根行动纲领;; COPERNICUS, Nicolaus;尼古拉·哥白尼;; copilot;右旋苯异丙胺的俗名;; copper concentrates;铜精矿;; copper flash smelting plant;闪速炼铜厂;; copper IUO;铜避孕环;; copper ore;铜矿砂;; copper precipitate;渗碳铜;; copper T;T形铜避孕环;; copper vapour lasers;铜汽化激光器;; Copper Workers' Confederation;铜工联合会;; Copra Board;椰干委员会;; Copra Stabilization Board;椰干价格稳定委员会;; Coptic Church;科普特教会;; copy;副本照搬;; Copy Preparation and Proofreading Unit;制稿和校对股;CPP Unit; Copy Preparation Unit;制稿股;; copy preparer;制稿员;; copy-preparer;制稿员;; copy-preparing;版面编排;; copyholder;读稿员;; copyright act;版权法;; CORADO CUEVAS, Silvia Cristina;西尔维娅·克里斯蒂娜·科拉多-奎瓦斯;; CORADO-CUEVAS, Silvia Cristina;西尔维娅·克里斯蒂娜·科拉多-奎瓦斯;; Coral Reef Society;珊瑚礁学会;; Coral Sea [US];“珊瑚海”号航空母舰;; coram nobis: before us the king's bench;冤狱补救会;; Corban Festival;古儿邦节;; CORBIN, Carlyle;卡莱尔·科尔宾;; cord-care;脐带护理;; CORDEIRO, Aquiles Marciano;阿基莱斯·马西亚诺·科代罗;; CORDEIRO, Delfina Abdel Antonio;德尔菲纳·阿布德尔·科代罗;; CORDEIRO, Enio;埃尼奥·科代罗;; CORDERO, Celeste C.;塞莱斯特·科尔德罗;; CORDERY, Andrew D.;安德鲁·科德利;; cordierite;堇青石;; Cordoba C$;科多巴;; CORDOBA, Manuel Jose;曼努埃尔·何塞·科尔多瓦;; cordon sanitaire;防疫线;; CORDOVA, Fernando;费尔南多·科尔多瓦;; CORDOVEZ, Diego;迭戈·科多韦斯;; core;岩心; 冰心;; core activities;核心活动;; core area;堆芯区;; core budget posts;核心预算员额;; core employment situations;核心就业情况;; core expert group;专家核心组;; core family;核心家庭;; core fields;核心领域;; core funding;核心资金提供;; Core Group;核心小组;; core houses;核心住房;; core issues;核心问题;; core labour standards;核心劳工标准;; core paper;基本考试试卷;; core personnel;核心人员;; core pledge;核心资源认捐额;; core programme of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator;联合国救灾协调专员办事处核心方案;; core projects;核心项目;; core refuelling operations;堆芯换料工作;; core resources;核心资源;; core sampler;岩心取样器; 冰心取样器;; core staff member;核心工作人员;; core staffing;核心工作人员;; core storage;磁心存储器;; Core Team and Reconnaissance Missions;核心组和考察团;; core-drilling;取心钻进; 取心钻井;; COREA, Carlos;卡洛斯·科雷亚;; COREA, Gamani;加马尼·科里亚;; CORELL, Hans;汉斯·科雷尔;; CORELL, Hans Axel Valdemar;汉斯·阿谢尔·巴尔德马尔·科雷尔;; Corell-Turk-Thune;科雷尔、图尔克和屠恩 报告员;; corer;岩心取样器; 冰心取样器;; Corex [Israel];科莱克斯公司;; Corfu Channel Case;科孚海峡案;; CORINO, Carlos Enrique;卡洛斯·恩里克·科里诺;; Coriolis force;科里奥利力;; CORISH, Brendan;布伦丹·科里什;; corn-soy blend;玉米大豆混合食品;CSB; corn-soja-milk blended foods;玉米、大豆、牛奶混合食品;CSM; CORNEJO, Ricardo GASTANEDA;里卡多·加斯塔涅达-科尔内霍;; CORNELISSEN, Alexander J.;亚历山大·科内利森;; CORNER, D.L.;科纳;; cornering the market;垄断市场;; CORNETTE, Paulette;波莱特·科尔内特;; Corning Glass Works;科宁玻璃公司;; COROIANU, Alexandru;亚历山大·科鲁亚努;; corona of the terrestrial atmosphere;地球大气上层地冕;; CORONADO-DE-NORIEGA, Marina;玛里娜·科罗纳多-德诺列加;; coronagraph;日冕仪;; coronal hole;冕洞;; coronary heart disease;冠心病;; coronary thrombosis;冠状动脉硬化症;; coroner;法医,验尸官;; corotating;共转;; corporacion Andina de Fomento;安第斯开发公司;CAF; Corporacion de la Reforma Agraria;土地改革委员会;CORA; Corporacion del Cobre;铜公司;CODELCO; Corporacion Venezolana del Petroleo SA;委内瑞拉石油公司;CVP; corporal crime;白领犯罪;; corporal punishment;体罚[海洋法]; 肉刑;; corporate accounting and reporting;公司会计和报告;; corporate accounting and reporting practices;公司会计实务和报告惯例;; corporate and business records;公司和营业记录;; corporate body;法人团体; 法人组织;; corporate borrowers;借款公司;; corporate contracts;公司合同;; corporate crime;白领犯罪;; corporate enterprises;法人企业;; corporate executive and management functions;公司董事及经理职能;; Corporate Financial Reporting;《公司财务报告》;; corporate goals;共同目标;; corporate group;法人团体;; corporate income tax;公司所得税;; corporate laws and regulations;公司法和条例;; corporate limited liability;公司有限责任;; corporate management;公司管理部门;; corporate planning;整体规划;; Corporate Planning and Accountability Service;整体规划和问责制度处;CPAS; corporate priorities;整体性的优先事项;; corporate profile system;公司概况系统;CPS; corporate responsibility;共同责任;; corporate seat;公司注册地;; corporate transborder data flows;公司的越界数据流动;; Corporative Chamber;咨政院;; corporative state;劳资协会主义国家;; corporative system;劳资协会主义制度;; corporeal property;物质的财产;;财产 corporeal movables;有形动产;; corps diplomatique;外交团;; Corps of Carabineros;警察部队;; CORPUS;科尔普斯;; corpus delicti;罪体罪过之本体犯罪事实;; corpus juris;法典;; corpus separatum;独立主体单独实体;; corpuse juris spatialis;外空法典;; CORR, Gerard;杰拉德·科尔;; CORREA DA COSTA, Sergio;塞尔吉奥·科雷亚·达科斯塔;; CORREA, Paulo Lopes;保罗·洛佩斯·科雷亚;; CORREA-VILLALOBOS, Francisco;弗朗西斯科·科雷亚-比利亚洛沃斯;; correct and authentic text;正确作准文本;; correct coordinates;正确坐标;; correction and interpretation of awards;裁决的改正和解释;; correction house;惩戒所感化院;; correction institution;惩戒所感化院监狱;; correctional field;感化工作方面;; correctional institution;教养院感化院监狱;; correctional offense;应受惩治的犯法行为;; correctional personnel;教化人员;; CORREIA, Apolinario Jorge;阿波利纳里奥·若热·科雷亚;; CORREIA, Joao Julio;若奥·儒利奥·科雷亚;; CORREIRA, Elisa;埃莉萨·科雷拉;; correlation interferometry;相关干涉量度学;; correlation spectrometer;相关分光计;; Correo;邮报;; correpondence officer;文书干事;; correspondence;来往公文书信;; Correspondence and Order Entry Unit;文书和订购登记股;; correspondence courses;函授课程班;; correspondence officer;文书员;; Correspondence Unit;文书股;CU; correspondent;记者通讯员;; Correspondente da ONU;联合国通讯;; corresponding measures;相应措施;; corresponding obligations;相应义务;; corridors;走廊;; corridors of peace;和平走廊;; corrigendum corregenda;更正;; corrosion inhibitors`;防蚀剂;; corrugated iron sheets;波纹铁板;; corrugating medium;瓦楞纸夹心;; corrupt practices;贪污行为;; corruption;腐败; 贪污; 腐化;; Cortes;议会;; CORTI, Ivanka;伊万卡·科尔蒂;; COS;COS 氧硫化碳; 碳酰硫;COS; COSGRAVE, Liam;利亚姆·科斯格雷夫;; COSIC, Dobrica;多布里察·乔西奇;; Cosmic Background Explorer;宇宙本底勘探者;COBE; cosmic background radiation;宇宙本底辐射;; cosmic biology;宇宙生物学;; cosmic dust;宇宙尘;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司