翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 cosmic microbiology;宇宙微生物学;; cosmic noise;宇宙噪声;; cosmic radiation;宇宙辐射;; Cosmic Radiation Satellite;宇宙辐射卫星;HAKUCHO; cosmic ray albedo nuetron decay;宇宙线反照中子衰变;; cosmic rays;宇宙线;; cosmic year;宇宙年;; cosmic-ray shower;宇宙线簇射;; cosmogony;天体演化学;; cosmology;宇宙学;; cosmonaut;宇宙航行员宇航员;; Cosmonaut Training Centre;宇航员训练中心;; Cosmopolitan;花花世界;; Cosmos Series;宇宙号卫星系列;; Cosmos Suppliers Pty. Ltd.;宇宙供应有限公司;; Cosmos-1790;宇宙--1790号;; COSPAR Consultative Group on Potentially Harmful Effects of Space Experiments;空间研究委员会空间实验可能有害影响问题协商小组;; COSPAR Panel on Potentially Environmentally Detrimental Activities in Space;空间研委会关于对环境构成潜在危害的太空活动问题小组;PEDAS; COSPAS;空间援救系统;COSPAS; COSSIGA, Francesco;弗朗切斯科·科西加;; cost to be absorbed by UNIDO;费用; 成本;; cost absorption;费用均支;; cost accounting;成本核算;; cost accounting system;成本会计制度;; cost advantage;成本优势;; cost allocation;成本分配;; cost and freight;成本加运费[价格];C&F; cost and revenue classification and analysis;成本和收入分类和析;; cost applied account;费用分摊帐户; 成本摊配帐户;; cost appropriated from;来自下列各款的分派费用;; Cost Benefit Analysis;成本效益分析;CBA; cost benefit ratio;成本效益比率;; cost capitalization;成本的资本化;; cost centres;成本中心;; cost clerk;成本记录员;; cost component of the gross domestic product;国内总产值的成本部分;; cost components of value added;增值的成本部分;; cost consciousness;成本意识;; cost considerations;成本因素;; cost control systems;成本管理制度;; cost determination;确定成本;; cost elements;成本要素;; Cost estimate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda for the period from 5 April to 9 December 1994: summary statement;1994年4月5日至1994年12月9日期间联合国 卢旺达援助团费用概算:总表;; cost estimates;估计费用; 费用估计数; 费用概算; 成本计算;; cost estimator;费用估计员;; cost factor;费用因素;; cost impact;成本影响; 成本冲击;; cost incurred account;实际费用帐;; cost measurement exercises;费用计量工作;; cost measurement study;费用测算办法研究;; cost measurement system;1 成本核定制度 [贸发] 2 费用计量制度[行预];CMS; cost method;成本法;; cost of acquisition;收购成本;; cost of basic medical examinations;基本体检的费用;; cost of common services;一般事务费;; cost of construction;建筑成本;; cost of conversion;转换成本;; cost of freight;运费;; cost of goods delivered;交货成本;; cost of investment;投资成本;; cost of living;生活费;COL; Cost of Living Section;生活费用科;; cost of living supplement payments;生活费补充调整数;; cost of property;财产、厂房和设备成本;; cost of property, plant and equipment;财产、厂房和设备成本;; cost of stock sonsumed;耗用存货成本;; cost or market, whichever is lower;成本或市价孰低;; cost per additional hour;每一额外小时费用;; cost plus contracts;成本加利润合同;; cost plus method;成本加利润办法;; cost plus system;成本另加制;; cost principle;成本原则;; cost productive;经济合算的;; cost recoverable;可收回的费用;; cost recovering recovery method;成本回收法;; cost recovery;费用回收;; cost reduction approach;成本回收法;; cost reimbursable;可收回费用归还费用;; cost savings;成本节约;; cost sharing;分摊费用分担费用;; cost structure survey;成本结构调查;; cost to be carried forward;结转成本;; cost to be expensed;将成本记为;; cost to government;政府费用;; cost to UNDP;开发计划署费用;; cost variance accounts;成本差异账户;; cost variant;费用差异数;; cost, insurance, freight and commission;成本、保险费、运费加佣金价格;CIFC; cost, insurance, freight and exchange;成本、保险费、运费加汇费价格;CIFE; cost, insurance, freight and interest;成本、保险费、运费和利息价格;CIFI; cost, insurance, freight and war risks;成本、保险费、运费加战争险价格;CIFW; cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest;成本、保险费、运费、佣金和利息价格;CIFCI; cost, insurance and freight;到岸价格成本、保险费加运费价格;CIF; cost-accounting system;成本会计制度成本核算制度;; cost-based method;成本基础;; cost-based transfer price;以成本为根据的转账价格;; Gryven;格里夫尼亚;; cost-benefit analysis;成本效益分析;; cost-benefit ratio;成本效益比率;; cost-competitive;在成本上具有竞争性;; cost-decreasing and market-oriented vertical integration;降低成本和面向市场;; cost-effective;成本效益高的;; cost-effective analysis;成本效益分析;; cost-effectiveness;成本效益;; cost-effectiveness analysis;成本效益分析;; cost-effectiveness ratio;成本效益比;; cost-efficiency;成本效率;; cost-of-funds element;资金成本因素;; cost-of-living;生活费;COL; cost-of-living adjustment;生活费调整数;; cost-of-living adjustment/differential;生活费调整/差数;; cost-of-living allowance;生活费津贴;COLA; cost-of-living differential between New York and Washington, D.C.;纽约和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿之间的生活费差数;; cost-of-living differential;生活费差数;COLD; cost-of-living index;生活费指数;; cost-of-living supplement;生活费补助;; cost-of-living surveys;生活费调查;; cost-offsetting advantage;抵补成本的优势;; cost-optimal;最合算的; 最经济的;; cost-plus basis;成本加成基础;; cost-plus-fixed-fee contract;成本加固定费用合同;; cost-push inflation;由成本引起的通货膨胀;; cost-recovering method;成本回收法;; cost-recovery schemes;成本回收计划;; cost-reimbursable contracts;费用偿还合同;; cost-sharing;分摊费用; 分担费用;; cost-sharing arrangement;分摊成本安排;; cost-sharing basis;费用分摊标准计算;;计算 cost-sharing component;分摊费用部分;; cost-sharing contributions;分摊费用捐助;; cost-sharing formulae;费用分摊公式;; cost-sharing joint ventures;分摊成本的合资经营;; cost-sharing-funded activities;分摊费用出资的活动;; cost-to-employer basis;按雇主的花费计;; COSTA COUTO, Mauro Sergio DA FONSECA;毛罗·塞尔希奥·达丰塞卡·科斯塔·科托;; Costa del Sol Agreements;科斯塔德尔索尔协定;; Costa del Sol Declaration;科斯塔德尔索尔声明;; Costa del Sol Joint Declaration;科斯塔德尔索尔联合宣言;; COSTA E SILVA Neto, Antonio Francisco da;安东尼奥·弗朗西斯科·达科斯塔· 埃席尔瓦第三;; COSTA GOMES, Francisco da;弗朗西斯科·达科斯塔·戈麦斯;; COSTA PEREIRA, Jose Caetano da;若泽·卡埃塔诺·达科斯塔·佩雷拉;; COSTA PINTO, Manuel;曼努埃尔·达科斯塔·平托;; Costa Rica;哥斯达黎加;; Costa Rican Office for Sustainable Development;美国哥斯达黎加促进可持续发展办事处;; COSTA, Antonio Gomes da;安东尼奥·戈麦斯·达科斯塔;; COSTA, Manuel Pinto da;曼努埃尔·平托·达科斯塔;; COSTA, Oliveira;奥利维拉·科斯塔;; COSTACHE, Gheorghe;格奥尔基·科斯塔凯;; Costal Engineering Research Centre;沿岸工程研究中心;; COSTELLO, Michael John;迈克尔·约翰·科斯特洛;; Costeras y del Sur Coastal and Southern tribes;沿海和南方部落;; COSTIL, Germain Le Foyer de;热尔曼·勒富瓦耶·德科斯蒂尔;; costing;成本计算;; Costing and Planning Unit;费用和规划股;; costing of 1984-1985 expenditures;1984 - 1985 年开支费用的计算;; costs allocation principle;费用分摊原则;; costs apportioned to section x;列入第x款的分派费用;; costs by category of expenditure and posts by grade: consolidation of all offices costs;按支出类别开列的和按职等开列的员额表: 各办事处费用合并计算;; costs expended on and revenue derived from transfers of technology during the year;年度技术转让成本和收益;; costs incurred for research and develoment activities;研究和发展活动所发生的本;; Capacity Building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development;贸易、环境和发展问题能力建设工作队;; costs of addition;增建费;; costs of representation;参加会议费用;; costs of technology transfer charged as an expense;记作支出的技术转让成本;; costs of technology transfers capitalized during the year;当年转为资本的技术让费用;; costs to be carried forward;结转成本;; costs to be expensed;将成本记为费用;; costume jewelry;仿真首饰;; COT, Jean;让·科特;; Cote d'Ivoire;科特迪瓦;; COTIC, Dusan;杜桑·佐蒂奇;; Cotonou Agreement;科托努协定;; Cotonou Declaration;科托努宣言;; COTTAFAVI, Francesco;弗朗切斯科·科塔法维;; COTTAFAVI, Luigi;路易吉·科塔法维;; Cottage and Small-Scale Industries Unit;家庭和小型工业股;; cottage craft;家庭手工业;; cottage hospital;简易医院;; cottage industry;家庭工业;; cotton cellular thermal blankets;多孔保暖全棉毯;; cotton cleaner for sieve;拭筛布;; Cotton Council International;国际棉花理事会;CCI; cotton dyed drill fabric;染色斜纹棉布;; cotton knitgoods;棉针织品;; cotton textile industry;棉纺织工业;; COTTON, P.C.;科顿;; COUBERTIN, Pierre de;皮埃尔·德库贝尔坦;; coucil of European and Japanese National Shippers' Associations;欧洲和日本全国船东协会理事会 欧日船东理事会;CENSA;欧日船东理事会 COUCINI, Dennis de;德康西尼·丹尼斯;; COULIBALY, Moussa;穆萨·库利巴利;; COULOMB, Jean;让·库隆;; Counci Chamber;理事会会议厅;; Council;1. 理事会委员会协进会 2. 行政院 [League of Nations];; Council Waad Hair of the Ashkenasic Jewish Community;中东犹太人社区理事会;; Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations;理事会非政府组织事务委员会;; Council Directive of the European Communities;欧洲共同体第三号理事会指示;; Council for Annual Reporting [the Netherlands];年度报告理事会;; Council for Arab Economic Unity;阿拉伯经济统一理事会;; Council for Arms Control;军备控制理事会;; Council for Cultural Cooperation;文化合作理事会;CCC; Council for Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa;促进非洲经济和社会研究理事会;; Council for Economic Cooperation;经济合作理事会;; Council for Education in World Citizenship;世界公民教育协进会;; Council for Energy;能源理事会;; Council for Gulf Cooperation;海湾合作委员会;; Council for Higher Education;高等教育委员会;; Council for Industrial Development;促进工业发展理事会;; Council for Inter-American Security;美洲安全委员会;CIAS; Council for Inter-Ethnic Relations;种族间关系委员会;; Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences;国际医学组织理事会;CIOMS; Council for Legal Cooperation;法律合作理事会;; Council for Mutual Economic Assistance;经济互助委员会经互会;CMEA;经互会 Council for Namibia;纳米比亚理事会;; Council for Organization of Relief Services Overseas;海外救济服务组织理事会海外救济会;CORSO;海外救济会 Council for Political and Security Cooperation of Foreign Ministers;外交部长政治与安全合作理事会;; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research;科学和工业研究委员会科工委;CSIR;科工委 Council for Security and Cooperation in the Asia Pacific;亚太安全和合作理事会亚太安合会;CSCAP;亚太安合会 Council for Social Integration;社会融合理事会;; Council for Technical Cooperation;技术合作理事会;; Council for Technical Cooperation in South and South-East Asia;南亚及东南亚技术合作理事会;; Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding;促进阿拉伯--英国了解委员会;; Council for the Coordination of International Congresses of Medical Sciences;国际医学大会理事会;CCICMS; Council for the Defence of the Rights of the Human Person;保卫人权委员会;; Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa;促进非洲经济和社会研究理事会;CODESRIA; Council for the Environment;环境理事会;; Council for the Lutheran Churches in Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马路德教会理事会;CONCAP; Council for Trade in Goods;货物贸易理事会;; Council for Trade in Services;劳务贸易理事会;; Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;与贸易有关的知识产权问题理事会;; Council for Transport;运输理事会;; Council for Waqfs and Islamic Affairs [Jordan];宗教基金和伊斯兰事务理事会;; Council for World Organizations Interested in the Handicapped;关心残疾人问题的世界组织协会;CWOID; Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences;工程技术科学院理事会;CAETS; Council of Administration;行政理事会;CA; Council of African Affairs;非洲问题理事会;; Council of All-Japan Exporter Association;全日本出口商协会理事会;CAJEA; Council of American Development Foundations;美洲开发基金理事会;SOLIDARIOS; Council of Annual Reporting;年度报告理事会;; Council of Arab Economic Unity;阿拉伯经济统一理事会;CAEU; Council of Arab Minister Responsible for Environment;阿拉伯国家主管环境事务部长理事会 环境部长理事会;CAMRE;环境部长理事会 Council of Arab Ministers for Foreign Affairs;阿拉伯国家外交部长理事会;; Council of Arab Ministers for Housing and Reconstruction;阿拉伯国家住房和重建部长理事会;; Council of Arab Ministers for Social Affairs;阿拉伯国家社会事务部长理事会;; Council of Arab Ministers of Health;阿拉伯国家卫生部长理事会;; Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior;阿拉伯国家内政部长理事会;; Council of Arab Ministers of Transport;阿拉伯国家运输部长理事会;; Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for Environment;阿拉伯国家主管环境事务环境部长理事会;CAME; Council of Australian Government Employee Organizations;澳大利亚政府雇员组织理事会;; Council of Baltic Sea States;波罗的海国家理事会;CBSS; Council of Central American Interior Ministers;中美洲内政部长理事会;; Council of Chiefs;族长会议;; Council of Christian Churches;基督教教会理事会;; Council of Churches;教会理事会;; Council of Churches in Namibia;纳米比亚教会理事会;CCN; Council of Coalition;联合委员会;; Council of Commissioners of State;部长会议;; Council of Defense and Security;国防安全委员会;; Council of Development Aid Ministers;发展援助部长理事会;; Council of Economic Union;经济联盟理事会;CEU; Council of Entente;协商理事会;; Council of Europe;欧洲委员会;COE; Council of Europe Convention on the Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime;欧洲委员会关于犯罪收益的清洗、搜查、扣 押和没收问题的公约;; Council of Europe's Pompidou Group;欧洲委员会蓬皮杜小组;; Council of European and Japanese National Shippers Associations;欧洲和日本全国船东协会理事会 欧日船东理事会;CENSA;欧日船东理事会 Council of European Bishops' Conferences;欧洲主教会议理事会;CCEE; Council of European Commercial Federations;欧洲商业联合会理事会;CECF; Council of European Cooperation;欧洲合作理事会;CECF; Council of European Industrial Federation;欧洲工业联合会理事会;CEIF; Council of European Municipalities;欧洲市政理事会;CEM; Council of European National Youth Committees;欧洲各国青年委员会理事会青年理事会;CENYC;青年理事会 Council of Faipule;长老大会联合主席委员会;; Council of Fisheries Ministers;渔业部长理事会;; Council of Freely-Elected Heads of State;自由选举国家元首理事会;; Council of Government Heads of the CIS;独联体政府首脑理事会;; Council of Governors;理事会;; Council of Guardians;监护委员会;; Council of Guardians of the Iranian Parliament;伊朗议会监护委员会 即宪法监护委员会;;即宪法监护委员会 Council of Guardians of the Islamic Republic of Iran;伊朗伊斯兰共和国监护委员会;; Council of Heads of Government of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体成员国政府首脑理事会;; Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体国家元首理事会;; Council of Heads of State of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体成员国国家元首理事会;; Council of Intergovernmental Consultation Procedures;政府间协商程序理事会;; Council of International Centre for Public Enterprise in Developing Countries;发展中国家公营企业国际中心理事会;; Council of International Civil Aviation Organization;国际民用航空组织理事会;; Council of International Organizations Directly Interested in Children and Youth;国际儿童和青年组织理事会;COIDIEA; Council of International Programmes;国际方案理事会;; Council of International Programs;国际方案理事会;; Council of Jewish Communities;犹太社区理事会;; Council of Jewish Settlers;犹太移民理事会;; Council of League of Nations;国际联盟行政院;; Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes;国家南极方案管理人员理事会;COMNAP; Council of Minister of the CDGK;民柬联合政府内阁会议;; Council of Ministers;1. 部长会议 [越、老、柬、苏、乍、希、葡、波黑、 莫桑比克、塞浦路斯、安哥拉 、埃塞、 伊拉 克、纳米比亚、西撒、] 2. 部长理事会 [非统、 欧共体、加勒比共同市场、加勒比自 由贸易协会、SAARC、SADCC] 3. 内阁会议 [民柬] 4. 大臣会议 [尼泊尔];CM; Council of Ministers and Authority;部长理事会和权力机构;; Council of Ministers for Asian Economic Cooperation;亚洲经济合作部长理事会;; Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体成员国外交部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of Agriculture of the Central American Isthmus and its Secretariat;中美洲地峡农业部长理事会及其秘书处 中美洲农业工作区域理事会--六;CORECA-VI;中美洲农业工作区域理事会--六 Council of Ministers of Defence of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体成员国国防部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of Health of the Arab Gulf States;阿拉伯海湾国家卫生部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs;司法和内政部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs in the Arab Gulf Countries;阿拉伯湾国家劳工和社会事务部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of Social Affairs;社会事务部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group;非洲、加勒比和太平洋集团部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of the National Government of Cambodia;柬埔寨民族政府部长会议;; Council of Ministers of the Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel;萨赫勒抗旱国际常设委员会部长理事会;; Council of Ministers of the PRK;柬埔寨人民共和国部长会议;; Council of Ministers on Population Matters;人口问题部长理事会;; Council of MULPOC Ministers;多国方案中心部长理事会;; Council of National Salvation;救国阵线委员会;; Council of Nordic Dental Students;北欧牙科学生理事会;NOS; Council of Nordic Teachers' Associations;北欧教师协会理事会;NLS; Council of Plenipotentiaries of the North African MULPOC;北非多国方案中心全权代表理事会;; Council of Plenipotentiaries of the Tangiers-based MULPOC;丹吉尔多国方案中心全权代表理事会;; Council of Producer Associations;生产国协会理事会;; Council of Regency;摄政委员会;; Council of Representatives;代表理事会;; Council of Scientific and Industrial Research;科学和工业研究理事会 科工研理会;CSIR;科工研理会 Council of State;1.行政法院[法国] 2.国务委员会[利比里亚];; Council of States;瑞士联邦议会联邦院上院;;上院 Council of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization;亚非人民团结组织理事会;; Council of the Arab Ministers of Interior;阿位伯内政部长理事会;; Council of the Baltic States;波罗的海国家理事会;; Council of the Central American Isthmus for sports and recreation;中美洲地峡体育和娱乐理事会;CODICARE; Council of the Common Market;共同市场理事会理事会;CMC;理事会 Council of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe;欧洲安全和合作会议理事会;; Council of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies in the United Kingdom;联合王国会计机构协商委员会理事会;; Council of the Entente;协约理事会;CE; Council of the European Communities;欧洲共同体理事会;; council of the Heads of State of CIS;独联体国家元首理事会;; Council of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration;欧洲移徙政府间委员会理事会;; Council of the International Centre for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries;发展中国家公营企业国际中心理事会;; Council of the International Sea-Bed Authority;国际海床管理局理事会;; Council of the League of Arab States;阿拉伯国家联盟理事会;; Council of the National Salvation Front of Romania;罗马尼亚救国阵线委员会;; Council of the Niger Basin Authority;尼日尔河流域管理局理事会;; Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of CIS;独立国家联合体议会理事会;; Council of the Professional Photographers of Europe;欧洲职业摄影师理事会;EUROPHOT; Council of the States;联邦院;; Council of the United Nations University;联合国大学理事会;; Council of the Wholesale Merchants Federation in the Northern Countries;北方国家批发商联合会理事会;; Council of Trust for the Indigenous People MARA;土著人民信托理事会;MARA; Council of Unions of South Africa;南非工会理事会;CUSA; Council of War;战争委员会;; Council of Washington;华盛顿理事会;; Council of World Organizations Interested in the Handicapped;关心残疾者世界组织理事会;; Council on Annual Reporting;年度报告理事会;; Council on Environmental Quality;环境质量委员会;CEQ; Council on Foreign Relations;对外关系理事会;; Council on Health Research for Development;保健研究促进发展理事会保发理事会;COHRED;保发理事会 Council on Higher Education of the American Republics;美洲国家高等教育理事会;CHEAR; Council on International Cooperation in the Study and Utilization of Outer Space;外层空间研究和应用国际合作理事会国际宇宙理事会;INTERCOSMOS;国际宇宙理事会 Council on International Cooperation in Research and Uses of Outer Space;外层空间研究和应用国际合作理事会 国际宇宙理事会;INTERCOSMOS;国际宇宙 Council on Ocean Law;海洋法理事会;COL; Council on Railway Transport;铁路运输理事会;; Council on Religion and International Affairs;宗教和国际事务理事会# 宗教和国际事务理事会;; Council on Road-Use Coordination;公路使用协调理事会;; Council on the Collective Security of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体集体安全理事会;; Council-Working Group;理事会工作组;C-WG; Councillor of State member of the Conseil d'etat;行政法院法官;; counsel;律师; 辩护人法律顾问;; counselling services;咨询服务;; Bolivare;玻利瓦尔;; Counsellors Group;参事小组;; Constitutional Council;宪法委员会;; count;诉讼理由; 主要罪状;; COUNT YORK von WARTENBURG, Alexander;亚历山大·约克伯爵·冯瓦滕堡;; count-key-data device;计数键数据设备;CKD device; countdown;逆读数; 倒数;; counter case by the respondent;被告之反诉状;; counter deterrence;反威慑;; Counter Insurgency Unit;平叛部队;COIN; counter measures;对抗措施;; counter trade;对销贸易;; counter-action;查禁行动; 查禁活动;; counter-attack;反攻反扑;; counter-case;反诉案件;; counter-charges;反指责反控诉;; counter-claim;反诉; 反要求;; counter-claimant;提出诉要求者;; counter-espionage;反间谍;; counter-guarantor;反担保人;; counter-guaranty letter;反担保书;; counter-information movement;反宣传工作;; counter-insurgency measures;反叛乱措施;; counter-insurgency operations;戡乱行动;; counter-insurgency plane;戡乱飞机;; counter-insurgency war;戡乱战争反叛乱战争;; counter-intelligence;反情报;; counter-intervention;反干涉;; counter-measure;对策对抗措施干扰;; counter-measure aircraft;干扰机;; counter-memorial;辩诉状;; counter-offer;还盘 买方还价;; counter-propaganda;反宣传;; counter-proposal;对案反提案反建议;; counter-reprisal;反报复;; counter-value attack;打击民用资源的攻击;; counter-weapons;反武器;; counterbattery fire;反炮兵射击;; countercity strategy;摧毁城市的战略;; counterfeiting;伪造书,伪造货币罪;; counterforce;打击对方军事力量;; counterforce capability;打击对方军事力量的能力消灭敌人有生力量的能力;; counterglow;对日照;; counterguerrilla war;反游击战;; countering;打击; 查禁; 对付;; countermeasure;对策抵制措施反措施;; counterpart;对手对口对应物对应方;; counterpart agency;对应机构;; counterpart cash contribution;对应捐款;; counterpart contribution;相对捐助; 对应捐助;; counterpart expenditures;相对支出;; counterpart facilities;对应设施;; counterpart fund;对应基金;; counterpart funding;对应出资;; counterpart personnel;相对人员;; counterpart staff;对应工作人员;; counterpart support;对应支助;; countersign;会签;; countertrade;对销贸易;; countervailing currency;折付货币;; countervailing duties;反补贴税反津贴税反倾销税;; counting agent of candidates;候选人计票代理人;; countries suffering from acute ecological and geographical disabilities;生态和地理上处境非常不利的国家;; countries not represented on the Committee;没有代表出席委员会的国家;; countries of assignment and origin;出勤国家和原籍;; countries of destination;目的地国;; countries of economy in transition;转型期经济国家;; countries of origin;来源国; 原籍国;; countries of permanent immigration;长年入境移民国家;; countries with a per capita income higher than U.S. $2,200;人均收入高于 2,200美元的国家;; countries with economies in transition;转型期经济国家; 经济转型国家;CIT; countries with few nuclear weapons;少核国家;; countries with links to and interests in the Central American region;与中美洲区域有联系和利益关系的国家;; country allocation;国家配额;; country and intercountry programmes and projects;国家和国家间计划和项目;; country approach;国家办法;; country assessment approach;国家评价方法;CAA; Country Assistance Management;国家援助管理;CAM; country case study;国家案例研究;; country desk officer;国家事务主管干事;; country director;国家主任;; Country Drug Profiles;国家药物概况;; country environmental plans;国家环境计划;CEP; Country External Support Information System;国家外部支助信息系统;CESI; country file;国家档案;; country focus policy;以国家为焦点的政策;; country food aid planning review;国家粮食援助规划审查;CFAPR; country framework;国家框架;; Country health and nutrition transition project;国家健康和营养过渡项目;CHANT; country health information profiles;国家健康资料档案;CHIP; country in which he finds himself;所在国;; country in which he has taken residence;居留国;; country in which the award is relied upon;受托执行裁决的国家;; country in which transnational corporations operate;跨国公司业务所在国;; Country Index on Aging;老年问题国家索引;; country industrial development reviews;国家工业发展评论;; Country Information Coordinator;国家资料协调员;CIC; country information sheet;各国情况表;; country IPFs;国家指规数;; Country Marine Profile Database;国家海洋概况数据库;MARPRO; country of birth;出生国;; country of destination;目的地国;; country of emigration;移民出境国移出国;; country of first asylum;第一庇护国;; country of immigration;移民入境国移入国;; country of nationality;隶籍国国籍国;; country of origin;原产国; [文化财产]原国;; country of placement;原产国; [文化财产]原主国;; country of residence;居留国;; country of temporary refuge;临时避难国;; country of temporary residence;临时居住国;; country office;国家办事处;; country Operations Plan;国家业务计划;; country or project specific contributions;国家或特定项目捐助;; country perspective studies;国家远景研究;; country planning and project preparation fund;国家规划和项目准备基金;CPPPF; Country Policy Department;国家政策局;; Country Policy Information System;国家政策信息系统;; country presentation meeting;国情介绍会;; country profiles;国情简介;; country programme;国家方案;; country programme framework;国家方案框架;CPF; Country Programme Management Plan;国家方案管理计划;CPMP; country programme profile;国家方案简介;CPP; country programme recommendation;国家方案建议;CPR; country programming;国家方案拟订;; Country Programming and Evaluation Branch;国家方案拟订和评价处;; country programming approach;拟订国家方案的方法;; country programming cycle, the fourth UNDP;开发署第四个国家方案拟订周期;; country programming exercise;国家方家拟订工作;; country programming process;拟订国家方案的过程;; country programming team;国家方案拟订小组;; Country Programmes Department;国家规划局;; country project;国家项目;; country prospective study;国家远景研究;CPS; country recipients of foreign investment;接受外国投资的国家;; Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1986, Report on XXX;1986年各国人权情况报告,关于__国的报告;; country representative;国家代表;; country sheets;国家统计表;; Country Strategy and Programme Development Division;国家战略和方案发展司;; Country Strategy Note;国家战略说明;CSN; Country Strategy Outlines;国家战略纲要;CSO; country studies;国家研究;; Country Support Team;国家支助组;CST; Country Support Teams;国家支助组;CSTs; country survey;国家调查;; country where the cargo originates;货物始发国;; country-by-country phasing-out;逐国取消;; country-focus strategy;国家焦点战略;; country-level;国家一级;; country-level consultation;国家一级顾问;; country-specific planning process;针对具体国家的规划程序;; country-specific studies country studies;具体国家研究;; county seat;县城;; coup d'etat;政变;; couple fertility;夫妇生育率;; couple sterility;夫妇无生育;; coupled grades;并用职等;; Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment;海洋大气耦合响应实验;; couples of child-bearing age;育龄夫妇;; coupling efficiency;偶合效应;; coupling medium;偶合介质;; coupon of UNESCO;教科文组织购物券;; coupons of UNESCO;教科文组织购物券;; coupus juris civilis the body of civil or Roman law;民法典民法法典;; cour de cassation;最高法院;; Cour des Comptes de France;法国审计法院;; Courban Bariran;伊斯兰斋戒日;; courier;运送人; 携毒者;; Course Developers Workshop;课程编写人讲习班;; course of study;学习科目;; COURSON, Nicole;尼科尔·库尔松;; court;法院;; court above;上级法院;; court appealed from;不服其判决而提出上诉的法院;; court appealed to;向其提出上诉的法院;; court appearance;出庭;; court assistance in taking evidence;在获取证据方面的法院协助;; court consisting of a single judge;独任法官法庭由独任法官组成的法庭;; court decision;法院裁决;; court en banc;全体合议庭;; court for certain functions of arbitration assistance and supervision;具有协助和监督仲裁的某种职责的法院;; court litigation;法院诉讼;; court martial;军事法庭;; court of admiralty;海军法庭;; court of appeals;上诉法庭;; court of arbitration;仲裁法院;; Court of Audit of the Republic;共和国审计法院;; court of cassation;最高上诉法院大理院;; court of claims;求偿法院;; court of criminal investigation;刑事侦察法院;; Court of First Instance;初审法院;; court of higher jurisdiction;具有更高一级司法权的法庭,上级法院;; Court of Honour of the Federal Chamber of Economy;联邦经济会议名誉调查法庭;; court of inquiry;调查法庭;; court of justice;法院;; Court of Justice of the Andean Pact;安第斯条约组织法院;; Court of Justice of the European Communities;欧洲共同体法院;; court of last resort;终审法院;; court of law;法院 法庭;; court of probate;遗产法庭遗嘱检验法庭;; court of record;记录法院;; Court of Revision;复核庭;; court of session;会审法庭苏格兰最高民事法庭;; court of small claims;小额求偿法庭;; Court of St. James's;联合王国;; Court of Summary Jurisdication;即决裁判庭;; court order;法庭制裁法庭指令;; court procedure;法庭程序;; court with jurisdiction to perform;有管辖权执行......的法院;; court-appointed counsel;法庭指定辩护人;; courtesy pass;特许通行证;; courtesy visit;礼节性拜访;; COURTNEY, Jill Bernadine;吉尔·伯纳丁·考特尼;; courtoisie;恭候语客套话;; courtoisie internationale;国际礼让;; COUSTE, Pierre-Bernard;皮埃尔-贝尔纳·库斯泰;; COUTO, Mauro Sergio DA FONSECA COSTA;毛罗·塞尔希奥·达丰塞卡· 科斯塔·科托;; COUTSOUMBINAS, Spyros G.;斯皮罗斯·库楚姆维纳斯;; COUVREUR, Jean-Claude;让-克洛德·库弗勒;; COVARRUBIAS, Sergio;塞尔希奥·科瓦鲁维亚斯;; Covenant House;圣约社;; Covenant of the League of Nations;国际联盟盟约;; Covenant on Environmental Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources;环境养护和可持续利用自然资源盟约;; cover;弥补、抵顶;; cover note;送文说明暂保单承保条;; coverage;覆盖范围普及率;; coverage frequency;覆盖频率;; coverage of news;新闻报导;; coverage rate;普及率;; Division of Environmental Information, Assessment and Early Warning;环境信息、评估和预警司;; coverage target;普及对象免疫对象;; covered parking;有顶停车场;; covering memorandum;送文备忘录;; covering report;送文报告;; COWELL, A.J.M.;考埃尔;; cowpeas;豇豆;; COWPER, Reg;雷吉·考珀;; COZE, Cecile SABORIO;塞西尔·萨沃里奥·科斯;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司