翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 de lege ferenda;根据拟议法;; de lege lata;根据现行法;; DE LEMA, Maria Perez;玛丽亚·佩雷斯·德莱马;; DE LEON CARPIO, Ramiro;拉米罗·德莱昂·卡皮奥;; DE LEON, Bernardo AREVALO;贝尔纳多·阿雷瓦洛·德莱昂;; DE LEON, Mario L.;马里奥·德莱昂;; DE LEONI RAMOS, Sylvia Ruschel;西尔维亚·鲁谢尔·德莱昂尼·拉莫斯;; de LESSEPS, Ferdinand;费迪南·德莱塞普;; de LINARES, Juan Manuel GONZALEZ;胡安·曼努埃尔·冈萨雷斯·德利纳雷斯;; DE LIPKOWSKI, Jean;让·德利普科夫斯基;; DE LOPEZ VILLATORO, Marta;玛尔塔·德洛佩斯·比利亚托罗;; DE LOS HEROS, Alfonso;阿方索·德洛斯·埃罗斯;; DE MACEDO, Jose Shearman;若泽·谢尔曼·德马塞多;; de MALDONADO, Rosa Carmina Recinos;罗莎·卡米纳·雷西诺斯·德马尔多纳多;; DE MANUFAHI, Maria;玛丽亚·德马努法希;; DE MARCO, Guido;吉多·德马尔科;; DE MAZZA, Romuald MATALA-;罗穆亚尔德·马塔拉-德-马萨;; DE MEDEIROS, Joao Luiz;若奥·路易斯·德梅德罗斯;; DE MEDEIROS, Luiz Carlos Galindo;路易斯·卡洛斯·加林多·德梅德罗 斯;; DE MELLO, Antonio Fernando CRUZ;安东尼奥·费尔南多·克鲁斯·德梅洛;; de MELLO, Fernando Collor;费尔南多·科洛尔·德梅洛;; DE MELO E CASTRO, Antonio;安东尼奥·德梅洛·卡斯特罗;; DE MELO, Antonio NUNES;安东尼奥·努涅斯·德梅洛;; DE MENA QUINTANA, Juan;胡安·德梅纳·金塔纳;; DE MENARS, Balbi;巴尔维·德米纳尔斯;; DE MENDONCA, Alberto Cangela;阿尔贝托·坎热拉·德门东萨;; DE MENESES, Pedro RIBEIRO;佩德罗·里贝罗·德梅内泽斯;; DE MICHELIS, Gianni;詹尼·德米凯利斯;; DE MIRANDA, Ruth Helen;鲁思·海伦·德米兰达;; DE MOURA, Luiz Tupy Caldas;路易斯·图皮·卡尔达斯·德莫拉 2/8/91;; De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.;荷兰中央银行;; de novo;重新从头;; DE OJEDA Y EISELEY, Jaime;海梅·德奥赫达-艾斯利;; DE OMENA, Maria de Fatima BORGES;玛丽亚·德法蒂马·博尔热斯·德奥梅纳;; DE PENALVA, Maria Silvina;玛丽亚·西尔维娜·德佩尼亚尔瓦;; DE PERON, Isabel Martinez;伊莎贝尔·马丁内斯·德庇隆;; DE PINIES, Jaime;海梅·德皮涅斯;; de plano clearly, manifestly;显然明白;; DE POLANCO, Rhadys Iris Abreu Blondet;拉迪斯·伊里斯·阿夫雷乌·布朗德特·德波朗科;; DE POSADAS MONTERO, Luis M.;路易斯·德波萨达斯·蒙特罗;; DE QUESADA, Alarcon;阿拉尔孔·德克萨达;; DE RIBADENEIRA, Jenny A.;詹尼·阿尔梅达·德里瓦德内拉;; DE RIBADENEIRA, Jenny Almeida;詹尼·阿尔梅达·德里瓦德内拉;; DE RIVERO, Oswaldo;奥斯瓦尔多·德里韦罗;; DE ROBOLT, Victoria;维多利亚·德罗沃尔特;; DE ROJACK, Virginia;比西尼娅·德罗哈克;; DE ROJAS, Oscar;奥斯卡·德罗哈斯;; DE ROSE, Claudio;克劳迪奥·德罗塞;; DE ROZAS, Carlos Ortiz;卡洛斯·奥尔蒂斯·德罗萨斯;; DE ROZENZWEIG-DIAZ, Roberto;罗伯托·德罗森苏埃格-迪亚斯;; DE RUBIO, Noemi Sanin;诺埃米·萨宁·德鲁维奥;; DE SALABERRY, Michael;迈克尔·德萨拉贝里;; DE SALAZAR, Iris M.;伊里斯·德萨拉萨尔;; DE SANTIS, Jean;让·德桑蒂斯;; DE SARAM, John;约翰·德萨兰;; DE SARMIENTO, Maria F.;玛丽亚·德萨米恩托;; DE SEYNES, Philippe;菲利普·德塞纳;; DE SILVA, Kshenuka;克舍努卡·德席尔瓦;; DE SILVA, Piyaratne;皮亚拉特内·德席尔瓦;; DE SILVA, Trevor Percival Frank;特雷弗·帕西瓦尔·弗兰克· 德席瓦尔;; DE SOTO, Alvaro;阿尔瓦罗·德索托;; de SOUSA, Antonio Pinto Caetano de;安东尼奥·平托·卡埃塔诺·德索萨;; DE ST. JORRE, Danielle;达尼埃尔·德圣若尔;; DE TORRES, Santiago;圣地亚哥·德托雷斯;; DE URQUIZA, Javier SANZ;哈维尔·桑斯·德乌尔基萨;; DE UZCATEGUI, Dulce Arnao;杜尔塞·阿尔瑙·德乌斯卡特吉;; DE VANOSI, Ana Isabel Piaggi;安娜·伊莎贝尔·皮亚吉·德万努西;; DE WATERVLIET, Jean Michel Veranneman;让·米歇尔·韦朗纳芒· 德瓦特弗利埃;; DE WET, A. M.;德韦特;; DE WHIST, Martha Duenas;玛尔塔·杜埃尼亚斯·德维斯特;; DE ZARCO, Teresa B.;特雷莎·德萨尔科;; DE ZAVALA-URRIOLAGOITIA, Julio;胡利奥·德萨瓦拉· 乌里奥拉戈伊亚;; DE ZULUETA, Ernesto;埃内斯托·德苏卢埃塔;; de-duster;除尘器;; de-industrialization;非工业化;; de-institutionalization;监外教养;; DE-LEON-ESCRIBANO, Carmen;卡门·罗莎·德莱昂-埃斯克里瓦诺;; de-mining;排雷;; de-oiling chemical;去油剂;; deacon;[大教堂之]执事;; DEACON, Pamela;帕梅拉·迪肯;; deactivation of a response plan;一项反应计划的撤销;; dead lime;熟石灰;; deadbeat dad;不付抚养费的父亲;; deadline;截止日期; 最后期限;; deadweight;载重吨位;; deadweight ton;重量吨净吨;; deaf-mutism;聋哑;; dean of diplomatic corps;外交团团长;; Dean of the West and Central African Presidents;西非和中非国家总统联合会主席;; DEANE, Leila;利拉·迪恩;; death and disability awards;死亡和伤残补助金;; Death and disability compensation;死亡和伤残偿金;; death annuities;抚恤年金;; death benefit other than to children;死亡抚恤金子女补助金除外;;子女补助金除外 death compensation;死亡赔偿;; death certificate;死亡证书;; death grant;死亡抚恤金;; death grant benefit;死亡抚恤金;; death machine;死亡机器;; death penalty;死刑;; death phase;死亡期;; death point;死亡点;; death rate;死亡率;; death rate per thousand;死亡率千分之…;; death squad;行刑队;; death-registration statistics;死亡登记统计;; death-survival table;死亡存活表;; debate on inclusion of items;关于列入项目的辩论;; DEBATIN, Helmut;赫尔穆特·德巴廷;; DeBeers Group, Anglo-American;英美德比尔斯集团;; debenture;公司债券信用债券债券信用公司债退税凭单;; debit;借项、借方、借记、记入....借方;; debit and credit advices;贷方与借方帐目说明; 收支帐目说明; 借项和贷项通知单;; debit balance;结欠; 结差; 借方余额;; debited to ...;记入...的借方; 记作...的支出;; DEBRI, Yusef;优素福·德卜里;; debriefing;述职;; debris;残块;; debt and debt-service reduction;减少债额和偿债额;DDSR; debt bondage;债役;; debt buy-back;债务回购;; debt cancellation;取消债务;; debt capital;借贷资本;; debt cancellations;债务取消;; debt crisis;债务晰;; debt equity swap;债换权益;; debt financing;债务资金筹措;; debt for child development initiative;债换儿童发展倡议;; debt for cooperative investment service;债换合作社投资业务;; Debt for Development Coalition;债换发展联盟;; debt for environmental protection swap;债换环保;; debt for equity swap;债换权益;; debt for nature;债换自然;; debt for nature swap;债换自然;; debt instrument;债务证券;; debt interest;欠息;; Debt Management and Financing Analysis System;债务管理和金融分析体系;DMFAS; debt payment;偿还债务;; debt principle;债务本金;; debt reconstruction facility;债务调整办法;; Debt Reduction Facility;减债资金;DRF; debt relief;减免债务;; debt relief for child survival;减免债务以助儿童生存;; debt relief for childhood development;为儿童发展减免债务;; debt relief measures;债务减免措施;; debt restructuring;债务的结构调整;; debt service;还本付息额;; debt service payment;偿还债务的支出;; debt service ratio;外汇偿债率;; debt servicing relief;偿债;; debt servicing capacity;偿付债务的能力;; debt structure;债务结构;; debt swap arrangement;债务转换安排;; debt-adjusted income;按债务调整后的收入;; debt-distressed, low-income countries;受债务困扰的低收入国家;DDLICs; debt-equity conversion;债换权益;; debt-equity ratio;负债-产权比率;; debt-equity swap;债换权益;; debt-for-alternative-development swap;债换其他发展方法;; debt-for-debt conversion;债换债;; debt-for-development swap;债换发展;; debt-for-drug-control swaps;债换毒品管制;; Debt-reduction Facility;减债办法减债专款;; debt-relief measures;债务减免措施;; debt-servicing;偿债;; debt-swap trust fund;债务转化信托基金;; debtor country;债务国;; debtor developing country;发展中债务国;; Debtor Reporting System;借方报告制度;DRS; Debtors' Forum;债务国论坛;; DEBY, Idriss;伊德里斯·德比;; Decade Coin Programme;妇女十年硬币方案;; Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的行动十年;; Decade for Food and Nutrition in Africa;非洲粮食和营养十年;; Decade for Indonesian Children;印度尼西亚儿童十年;; Decade for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Western Asia 1994-2003;西亚重建与复兴十年1994-2003;; Decade for Vigorous and Continued Action against Racial Discrimination;反对种族歧视采取大力持续行动的十年;; Decade for Women and Development;妇女和发展十年;; Decade in Western Asia Intergovernmental/Inter-Agency Meeting on the Transport and Communications;西亚运输和通讯十年政府间/机构间会议;; Decade of Decolonization;非殖民化十年;; Decade of Ecodevelopment;生态发展十年;; Decade of Responsible Fishing;负责任捕鱼十年;; Decade of the African Child;非洲儿童十年;; Decade of the African Highway Master Plan;非洲公路总计划十年;; Decade to Combat Racism, Apartheid and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义、种族隔离和种族歧视进行战 斗的十年;; decay of a disturbance;扰动的逐渐减弱;; decay radioactive;放射性衰变;; decay curves;衰变曲线;; decay of air pollutants;空气污染物的逐渐减少;; decay of organic matter;有机物质的分解;; decay of waves;波浪逐渐平息;; decay rate;衰变率;; decca navigational system;德卡航行系统;; decedent nationals;死亡国民;; decennial census;十年进行一次的人口普查;; decentralization;权力下放; 分权制; 非中央化;; Decentralization Act;权力下放法;; decentralized approach;分散处理办法;; decentralized development;分权发展制;; decentralized focus;中心分散;; decentralized procedures;事权分散的办法;; decentralized state;分权国家;; DECEREGA SMITH, Ruth;鲁特·德塞雷加·史密斯;; dechlorohydrogenation;脱去氯化氢;; deciding factor;决定因素;; deciding vote;决定票票决权;; deciduous forest;落叶林;; decimal system;十进制;; decision of last resort;终审判决;; Decision on a Common Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-First Century: A New Concept for a New Century;关于二十一世纪欧洲共同全面安全模式的决定:新世纪的新概念;; Decision on Jurisdiction and Conflicting Requirements;关于司法和相互冲突的要求的决定;; Decision on Measures Concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on Least Developed and Net Food Importing Developing Countries;关于改革方案对最不发达和粮食净进口发展中国家的可能不利影响的措施的决定;; Decision on the establishment of Collective peace-keeping forces and the commencement of their operations;关于建立集体维持和平部队和该部队开始行动的决定;; Decision on the Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the World Trade Organization;设立世界贸易组织筹备委员会的决定;; Decision on the Establishment of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;关于设立联合国国际贸易法委员会的决定;; Decision on the Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals;关于相互接受化学品评估数据的决定;; Decision on the Problem of the Voting Procedure of the Security Council, 1945;关于安全理事会投票程序问题的决定;; decision rule;判定规则;; decision-making;决策;; decision-making body;决策机构;; decision-making model;决策模型;; decision-making position;决策性职位;; decision-making process;决策过程;; Decisions and recommendations on Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals and Good Laboratory Practices;关于化学品和实验室正确程序评价数据相互接受问题的决定和建议;; deck goods;仓面货;; deck risks;舱面险;; declaration;宣言声明公告申报;; Declaration adopted on 12 September 1974 by the Coordinating Committee of the Group of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家集团协调委员会1974年9月12月 通过的宣言;; Declaration against Racism and Xenophobia;反对种族主义和仇外心理宣言;; Declaration against the Use of Napalm and other Incendiary Weapons, the United Nations;联合国反对使用凝固汽油弹和其他燃烧武器宣言;; Declaration and a Framework for Action Plans for the Management of the Asian Environment;亚洲环境管理宣言和行动计划框架;; Declaration and Agreements from the Regional Conference on Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比贫穷区域会议宣言和协议;; Declaration and Comprehensive Plan of Action;宣言和综合行动计划;; Declaration and Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation;促进和执行发展中国家间技术合作的宣言和行动计划;; Declaration and Plan of Action of Lima on Industrial Development and Cooperation;关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言和行动计划;; Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation Drawn up by the Group of Seventy-seven;77国集团制订的关于工业发展与合作的宣言和行动计划;; Declaration and Principles of the Action Programme;宣言和行动纲领原则;; Declaration and Programme of Action of the International Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia;促进纳米比亚立即独立国际会议的宣言和行动纲领;; Declaration and Programme of Action of the Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa;第二次援助非洲难民国际会议宣言和行动纲领;; Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order;建立新的国际经济秩序宣言和行动纲领;; Declaration and Programme of Action, Manila;马尼拉宣言和行动纲领;; declaration at the customs;报关;; Declaration by the Coordinating Committee of the Non-Aligned Countries concerning the Application for Admission to the United Nations of the Republic of South Viet-Nam and the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam;不结盟国家协调委员会就越南南方共和及越南民主共和国申请加入联合国的声明;; Declaration by the Group of Non-Aligned and Neutral States;不结盟和中立国家集团宣言;; Declaration by the Ministers of the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家部长宣言;; Declaration by the South Pacific Forum on Law Enforcement Cooperation;南太平洋论坛关于执法合作的宣言;; Declaration by the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic on the State Sovereignty of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic;白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国最高苏维埃关于白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国国家主权宣言;; Declaration concerning Action against Apartheid in South Africa;反对南非种族隔离行动宣言;; Declaration concerning Maintenance of Peace and Union among the American Republics;美洲各国间维护和平与团结的宣言;; Declaration concerning the Laws of Maritime War Declaration of London;海战法宣言 伦敦宣言;;伦敦宣言 Declaration concerning the Policy of Apartheid in South Africa;关于南非种族隔离政策的宣言;; Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Bullets Which Expand or Flatten Easily in the Human Body;禁止使用在人体内易于膨胀或变形的子弹宣言 第3宣言;;第3宣言 Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Projectiles Which Have as their Sole Purpose the Spreading of Asphyxiating or Noxious Gases;禁止使用专用于散布窒息性或有毒气体的投射物的宣言海牙第2宣言;;海牙第2宣言 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, draft;《儿童权利公约》关于儿童卷入武装冲突问 题的任择议定书草案;; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, draft;《儿童权利公约》关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫 和儿童色情制品的任择议定书草案;; Declaration concerning the Prohibition of Throwing Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons or by other Analogous New Methods;禁止从气球上或用其他新的类似方法投掷投射物和爆炸物宣言 海牙第1宣言 战争法文献集;;战争法文献集 Declaration de Casablanca;卡萨布兰卡宣言;; Declaration des droits internationaux de l'homme;国际人权宣言;; Declaration Entitled Programme for Peace and International Cooperation;和平和国际合作纲领宣言;; Declaration for Democracy and National Salvation;民主救国宣言;; Declaration for Mutual Assistance on Natural Disasters;发生自然灾害时互助宣言;; Declaration in Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the End of the Second World War;第二次世界大战结束五十周年纪念宣言;; Declaration in Favour of Central American Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons;援助中美洲难民、回返者和流离失所者宣言;; Declaration of Abidjan;阿比让宣言;; Declaration of African Ministers responsible for Human Settlements on the Preparatory Process to the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II;非洲国家主管人类住区部长关于第二届联合 国人类住区会议人居二筹备工作的宣言;; declaration of alienage;取得他国国籍的声明;; Declaration of Alma Ata;阿拉木图宣言;; Declaration of Alma-Ata Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Asian Media;关于促进独立的和多元的亚洲媒体的阿拉木图宣言;; Declaration of Arusha on South Africa;关于南非问题的阿鲁沙宣言;; Declaration of ASEAN Concord;东南亚国家联盟协调一致宣言;; Declaration of Atlantic Relationship;大西洋关系宣言;; Declaration of Ayacucho;阿亚库乔宣言;; Declaration of Barbados;巴巴多斯宣言;; Declaration of Basic Principles;基本原则宣言;; Declaration of Basic Principles of Relations between the USA and the USSR;美苏关系基本原则宣言;; Declaration of Belem;贝伦宣言;; Declaration of Belmopan;贝尔莫潘宣言;; Declaration of Cancun;坎昆宣言;; Declaration of Commitment to Children;对儿童承诺宣言;; Declaration of Commitments;承诺宣言;; Declaration of Commitments in Favour of the Populations Affected by Uprootedness and by Conflicts and Extreme Poverty;援助逃难人口和受冲突和赤贫影响人口承诺宣言;; Declaration of Commonwealth Principles;英联邦原则宣言;; Declaration of Cooperation in the Development of Natural Resources;开发自然资源合作宣言;; Declaration of Dakar on Namibia and Human Rights;关于纳米比亚和人权问题的达喀尔宣言;; IMIS Support Unit;综合管理信息系统支助股;; Data Development Group;数据发展小组;; Declaration of Elimination of Violence against Women;消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言;; Declaration of Esquipulas;埃斯基普拉斯声明;; Declaration of European Council on Racism and Xenophobia;欧洲理事会关于种族主义和仇外心理的宣言;; Declaration of Foz de Iguazu on a Brazilian-Argentine Common Nuclear Policy;关于巴西-阿根廷共同核政策的福斯杜伊瓜斯 宣言;; Declaration of Grenada;格林纳达宣言;; Declaration of Guatemala;危地马拉宣言;; Declaration of Guiding Principles on the Use of Satellite Broadcasting for the Free Flow of Information, the Spread of Education and Greater Cultural Exchange;利用卫星无线电广播促进情报自由流通、扩大教育和发展文化交流的指导原则宣言;; Declaration of Human Rights;人权宣言;; Declaration of Human Rights and Mental Health;人权与精神健康宣言;; Declaration of Iguazu;伊瓜苏声明;; declaration of independence;独立宣言;; declaration of intent;意向声明;; Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space;各国探索与利用外层空间活动的法律原则宣言;; Declaration of Makkah Al Mukarramah;麦加圣城宣言;; Declaration of Manila;马尼拉宣言;; Declaration of Mexico;墨西哥宣言;; Declaration of Mexico on Informatics, Development and Peace;关于信息学、发展与和平的墨西哥宣言;; Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace, 1975;1975年关于妇女的平等地位和她们对发展与 和平的贡献的墨西哥宣言;; Declaration of Minimum Humanitarian Standards;最低限度人道主义标准宣言;; Declaration of Montevideo;蒙得维的亚宣言;; Declaration of New York: The Children's Vaccine Initiative;纽约宣言:儿童疫苗计划;; Declaration of Peace, Stability and Development;和平、稳定和发展宣言;; Declaration of Philadelphia;费城宣言;; Declaration of Policy on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution including Transboundary Pollution;关于防止和控制水污染包括越境污染的政策 宣言;; Declaration of Population Strategy for Development;促进发展的人口战略宣言;; Declaration of Principles and Programme of Action;原则宣言和行动纲领;; Declaration of Principles for Cooperation between Peace Forces;和平力量间合作原则宣言;; Declaration of Principles for International Humanitarian Relief to the Civil Population in Disaster Situations;对灾难中平民进行国际人道主义救济原则宣言;; Declaration of Principles for the Defence of the Indigenous Nations and Peoples of the Western Hemisphere;维护西半球土著国家和人民原则宣言;; Declaration of Principles Governing the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil Thereof;国家管辖范围以外海床洋底及其底土的原则 的宣言;; Declaration of Principles Guiding Relations between Participating States;关于指导参加国之间关系的原则宣言;; Declaration of Principles of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements;生境原则宣言:联合国人类住区会议;; Declaration of Principles of the Zone of Peace;和平区原则宣言;; Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-government Arrangement;关于临时自治安排的原则声明 原则声明;DOP;原则声明 Declaration of Principles on Tourism, Trade and Transportation;旅游、贸易和运输问题原则宣言;; Declaration of Professional Ethics;专业道德宣言;; Declaration of Puerto Cortes;科特斯港宣言;; Declaration of Punta del Este;埃斯特角声明;; Declaration of Rembouillet;朗布依埃宣言;; Declaration of San Antonio;圣安东尼奥宣言;; Declaration of San Francisco de Quito;圣弗朗西斯科德基多宣言;; Declaration of San Isidro de Coronado;圣伊西德罗-德科罗纳多宣言;; Declaration of San Jose;圣何塞宣言;; Declaration of San Pedro Sula;圣佩德罗苏拉宣言;; Declaration of San Salvado II;圣萨尔瓦多宣言二;; Declaration of Santiago on Media Development and Democracy;关于促进媒体发展和民主的圣地亚哥宣言;; Declaration of Santo Domingo;圣多明各宣言;; Declaration of Social Progress and Development;社会进步和发展宣言;; Declaration of St. James's;圣詹姆斯宣言;; Declaration of St. Petersburg;圣彼得堡宣言;; Declaration of St. Petersburg to the effect of prohibiting the use of certain projectiles in wartime;有关禁止在战时使用某种射弹的圣彼得堡宣言;; Declaration of Support for the Establishment and Operation of the Central American Radio Network;支持设立和经营中美洲无线电广播网宣言;; Declaration of the 1980s as the Second Disarmament Decade;宣布1980年代为第二个裁军十年宣言;; Declaration of the 1990s as the Third Disarmament Decade;宣布1990年代为第三个裁军十年宣言;; Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU on Aerial and Naval Military Attack against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by the Present United States Administration in April 1986;非洲统一组织国家元首和政府首脑会议关于美国现行政当局于1986年4月向阿拉伯利比亚人 民社会主义民众国发动海空军事攻击的宣言;; Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity on the Political and Socio-economic Situation in Africa and the Fundamental Changes Taking Place in the World;非洲统一组织国家元首和政府首脑会议关于非洲政治与社会经济形势以及世界上正在发生的根本变化的宣言;; Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of States and Governments on the Situation in Angola;国家元首和政府首脑会议关于安哥拉局势的宣言;; Declaration of the Brussels Conference;布鲁塞尔会议宣言;; Declaration of the Central American Ministers for Foreign Affairs concerning the situation of immigrants in the United States of America;中美洲国家外交部长关于美利坚合众国境内 移民情况的声明;; Declaration of the Commemorative Meeting in Observance of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference;亚非会议三十周年纪念会议宣言;; Declaration of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia;欧洲委员会部长委员会关于前南斯拉夫境内的冲突的声明;; Declaration of the Common Heritage of Mankind;人类共同财产宣言;; Declaration of the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家外长会议宣言;; Declaration of the Conference of Non-Nuclear Weapon States;无核武器国家会议宣言;; Declaration of the Council of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe on Non-Proliferation and Arms Transfers;欧洲安全和合作会议理事会关于不扩散和转让武器的宣言;; Declaration of the Countries Members of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Concerted Political Action, dated 21 Aug. 1989, on the situation that has arisen in the Republic of Panama;1989年8月21日常设协商和一致政治行动机 构成员国关于巴拿马共和国局势的宣言;; Declaration of the Defeat of Germany;战败德国宣言;; Declaration of the Enlarged Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Contact Group of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and OIC States Contributing Troops to the UNPROFOR on Bosnia and Herzegovina;伊斯兰会议组织联络小组和伊斯兰会议组织派遣部队参加联保部队国家外交部长扩大会议关于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那问题的宣言;; Declaration of the European Community and its Member States on Yugoslavia;欧洲共同体及其成员国关于南斯拉夫问题的声明;; Declaration of the European Council of Ministers of the European Economic Community on relations between Europe and the Maghreb;欧洲经济共同体欧洲部长理事会关于欧洲和马格里布关系的声明;; Declaration of the European Council on Improvement on Emergency Assistance within the United Nations Framework;欧洲理事会关于改善在联合国范围内紧急援助的声明;; Declaration of the Formation of the Provisional Government of the State of Palestine;成立巴勒斯坦国临时政府宣言;; Declaration of the Four Nations on General Security;四国普遍安全宣言;; Declaration of the Guarantor Countries of the 1942 Rio de Janeiro Protocol;1942年里约热内卢议定书保证国宣言;; Declaration of the Hague;海牙宣言;; Declaration of the Harare Conference on Strengthening District Health Systems based on Primary Health Care;关于在初级保健基础上加强地方保健制度的 哈拉雷会议宣言;; Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家国家元首和政府首脑宣言;; Declaration of the Heads of State and Government Participating in the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels;出席布鲁塞尔北大西洋理事会会议的国家元首和政府首脑的宣言;; Declaration of the Heads of States and Government of the countries of the European Union;欧洲联邦各国国家元首和政府首脑宣言;; Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Sanctuary for Whales for All Time;宣布印度洋永远为鲸鱼庇护所的宣言;; Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace;宣布印度洋为和平区的宣言;; Declaration of the International Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia;促进纳米比亚立即独立国际会议的宣言;; Declaration of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking;麻醉品滥用和非法贩运问题国际会议宣言;; Declaration of the International Conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Israel;关于南非与以色列联盟问题的国际会议宣言;; Declaration of the International Seminar on Publicity and Role of Mass Media in the International Mobilization against Apartheid;国际动员反对种族隔离工作中宣传问题和大众媒体作用问题国际讨论会宣言;; Declaration of the International Seminar on the Role of Transnational Corporations in South Africa;跨国公司在南非所起作用国际讨论会宣言;; Declaration of the International Student Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the Students of South Africa;国际学生声援南非学生斗争会议宣言;; Declaration of the Latin American States on the Law of the Sea;拉丁美洲国家关于海洋法的宣言;; Declaration of the Law of the Sea Montevideo Declaration of the Law of the Sea;海洋法宣言 蒙得维的亚海洋法宣言;;蒙得维的亚海洋法宣言 Declaration of the Leaders of the Somali Political Organizations;索马里各政治组织首领宣言;; Declaration of the Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;伊斯兰会议组织外交部长会议宣言;; Declaration of the Member Countries of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Concerted Political Action;常设协商和一致政治行动机构成员国宣言;; Declaration of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Countries that are Parties to the Cartegena Agreement on Nuclear Explosions in the Pacific;关于太平洋核爆炸的卡塔赫纳协定缔约国外交部长宣言;; Declaration of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77;77国外交部长宣言;; Declaration of the Ministers of the African Least Developed Countries;非洲最不发达国家部长宣言;; Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement A world in transition: from diminishing confrontation towards increasing cooperation;不结盟运动宣言过渡中的世界:从逐渐减弱的对峙走向逐步增长的合作;; Declaration of the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on Southern Africa on the Question of South Africa;非统组织南部非洲问题特设委员会关于南非问题的宣言;; Declaration of the Political and Socio-Economic Situation in Africa and the Fundamental Changes Taking Place in the World;关于非洲政治与社会经济形势以及世界上正在发生的根本变化的宣言;; Declaration of the Presidents of the Rio Group on prospects for regional integration;里约集团总统关于区域一体化前景的宣言;; Declaration of the Presidents of the Rio Group on social development;里约集团总统关于社会发展的宣言;; Declaration of the Principles of International Cultural Cooperation;国际文化合作原则宣言;; Declaration of the Regional Conference on Poverty in Latin America and Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比贫穷问题区域会议宣言;; Declaration of the Representative of the People of the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Montenegro;塞尔维亚共和国和黑山共和国人民代表的宣言;; Declaration of the Rights of Man;人权宣言;; Declaration of the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities;在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言;; Declaration of the Rights of the Child;儿童权利宣言;; Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia;俄罗斯人民权利宣言;; Declaration of the Rights of Working People and Exploited People;工人和被剥削人民权利宣言;; Declaration of the South China Sea;关于南中国海的宣言;; declaration of the state of national emergency;宣布进入全国紧急状态;; Declaration of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania on the Participation of the Republic of Lithuania as an Equal Member of the World Community of Nations;立陶宛共和国最高委员会关于立陶宛共和国 作为一个平等成员参加国际社会的宣言;; Declaration of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77;77国集团外交部长第十二次年度会议宣言;; Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment;联合国人类环境会议宣言;; Declaration of the World Climate Conference;世界气候会议宣言;; Declaration of the World Food Council;世界粮食理事会宣言;; Declaration of the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic;南大西洋和平与合作区宣言;; Declaration of Tokyo of the World Medical Association;世界医学协会东京宣言;; Declaration of University Presidents;大学校长宣言;; Declaration of Windhoek on Promoting an Independent and Pluralistic African Press;关于促进建立独立的和多元的非洲新闻业的 温得和克宣言;; Declaration on a Code of Conduct for Inter-African Relations;关于一项非洲国家间关系行为守则的宣言;; Declaration on a Long-Term Policy for Children;长期儿童政策宣言;; Declaration on Africa's external debt crisis;关于非洲外债晰的宣言;; Declaration on Africa's Refugees Crisis;非洲难民晰宣言;; Declaration on Afro-Arab Economic and Financial Cooperation;非洲-阿拉伯经济和财政合作宣言;; Declaration on AIDS Epidemic in Africa;非洲艾滋病流行问题宣言;; Declaration on Apartheid and Its Destructive Consequences in Southern Africa;关于种族隔离及其对南部非洲破坏性影响的宣言;; Declaration on Atlantic Relations;大西洋关系宣言;; Declaration on Baltic Issues;关于波罗的海问题的宣言;; Declaration on Business Cooperation in the South Atlantic;南大西洋商业合作宣言;; Declaration on Cambodia or Kampuchea;柬埔寨问题宣言;; Declaration on Conservation of Flora, Fauna and Their Habitats;堡植物群、动物群及其生境宣言;; Declaration on Conventional Arms Transfers and NBC Non-Proliferation;关于常规武器转让和不扩散核生化武器的宣言;; Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections;关于自由公平选举标准的宣言;; Declaration on Development of Natural Resources;开发自然资源宣言;; Declaration on Dialogue and Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean;西地中海对话与合作宣言;; Declaration on EC-Arab Relations;关于欧洲共同体--阿拉伯关系的声明;; Declaration on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances;被迫或非自愿失踪问题宣言;; Declaration on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use of Force in International Relations;加强在国际关系上不使用武力原则的效力宣言;; Declaration on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers;妇女工作者机会平等和待遇平等宣言;; Declaration on Foreign Citizens in Iraq and Kuwait;关于伊拉克和科威特境内外国公民的声明;; Declaration on Foreign Investment in South Africa;关于外国在南非投资的宣言;; JUSCANZ;日美加澳新集团;JUSCANZ; KAMARA, Ibrahim M'baba;易卜拉欣·姆巴巴·卡马拉;; Declaration on former Yugoslavia;关于前南斯拉夫的宣言;; Declaration on Freedom and Non-Discrimination in Respect of the Right of Everyone to Leave any Country, Including His Own, and to Return to His Own Country;人人享有离开包括本国在内的任何国家和回返本国的权利的自由和不歧视宣言;; Declaration on Freedom of Information;新闻自由宣言;; Declaration on Fundamental Principles concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding, to the Promotion of Human Rights and to Countering Racialism, Apartheid and Incitement to War;关于大众媒体为加强和平与国际了解,促进 人权,反对种族主义、种族隔离及战争煽动 作 出贡献的基本原则宣言;; Declaration on General Security;苏、中、英、美四国关于普遍安全的宣言;; Declaration on German Atrocities;苏、美、英三国关于德国暴行的宣言;; Declaration on Guiding Principles for Humanitarian Assistance;人道主义援助指导原则宣言;; Declaration on Guiding Principles on the Use of Space Communication for the Free Flow of Information, the Spread of Education and a Greater Cultural Exchange [UNESCO];使用外空通讯自由传播新闻、推广教育、增 进文化交流的指导原则宣言草案;; Declaration on Health as a Foundation for Development;健康乃发展基础宣言;; Declaration on Human Rights Defenders;人权维护者宣言;; Declaration on International Action against Apartheid in Sports;反对体育领域种族隔离的国际行动宣言;; Declaration on International Cooperation for Disarmament;国际合作裁军宣言;; Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Revitilization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries;关于国际经济合作、特别是恢复发展中国家 经济增长和发展的宣言;; Declaration on International Guarantees;关于国际保证的宣言;; Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises, including Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises;关于国际投资和多国企业的宣言,包括多国 企业准则;; Declaration on International Security and Disarmament;国际安全和裁军宣言;; Declaration on Joint Islamic Action to Combat Blasphemy Against Islam;关于反对亵渎伊斯兰教的伊斯兰联合行动宣言;; Declaration on Kampuchea;柬埔寨问题宣言;; Declaration on Low and Non-Waste Technology and Re-Utilization and Recycling of Wastes;关于低废料和无废料技术及重新利用和回收利用废料问题的宣言;; Declaration on Measures for a Political Settlement of the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict;关于政治解决格鲁吉亚-阿布哈兹冲突的措施 的宣言;; Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism;消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言;; Declaration on Mining and Export of Minerals and Gems from Cambodia;关于开采和出口柬埔寨矿物和宝石的宣言;; Declaration on Minorities, 1992;1992年关于少数民族的宣言;; Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and International Investment;多国企业和国际投资问题宣言;; Declaration on Namibia;纳米比亚宣言;; Declaration on Namibia and Programme of Action in Support of Self-determination and National Independence for Namibia;纳米比亚宣言和支持纳米比亚自决和民族独立的行动纲领;; Declaration on National Issues;国家问题声明;; Declaration on Non-nuclear Korean Peninsula Peace Initiative;无核朝鲜半岛和平倡议声明;; Declaration on Peace and Disarmament;和平与裁军宣言;; Declaration on Peace, Security and Cooperation in Europe;欧洲和平、安全与合作宣言;; Declaration on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources;自然资源的永久主权宣言;; Declaration on Pirate Attacks on Refugees and Displaced Persons;关于海盗劫击难民和失所人民问题的宣言;; Declaration on Population and Development in Africa;关于非洲人口与发展问题的宣言;; Declaration on Population and Sustainable Development;人口与可持续发展宣言;; Declaration on Population by World Leaders;世界领袖人口宣言;; Declaration on Principles and Basic Directions of the Development of Ukrainian-Polish Cooperation;关于发展乌克兰--波兰合作的原则与基本方向 的宣言;; Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系和合作 的国际法原则宣言;; Declaration on Principles of the Rational Exploitation of Living Resources of the Seas and Oceans in the Common Interest of All Peoples of the World Moscow Declaration;合理开发海洋生物资源以谋求世界所有人民 共同利益的原则宣言莫斯科宣言;; Declaration on Promoting among Youth the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding between Peoples;在青年中促进各国人民之间和平、互尊和了解的理想的宣言;; Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice;种族与种族偏见问题宣言;; Declaration on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia;关于柬埔寨恢复和重建的宣言;; Declaration on Relation with Developing Countries;经合组织同发展中国家的关系宣言;; Declaration on Resuming the Withdrawal of Cuban Troops;恢复撤回古巴军队的声明;; Declaration on Rights and Duties of States;国家权利义务宣言;; Declaration on Social and Legal Principles relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children, with Special Reference to Foster Placement and Adoption nationally and Internationally;关于儿童堡和儿童福利、特别是国内和国际寄养和收养办法的社会和法律原则宣言;; Declaration on Social Development;关于社会发展问题的宣言;; Declaration on Social Progress and Development;社会进步和发展宣言;; Declaration on South Africa;关于南非的宣言;; Declaration on South Africa's Militarization;关于南非军事化问题的声明;; Declaration on South-West Atlantic Fisheries;关于西南大西洋渔业问题的声明;; Declaration on Strengthening of International Security;加强国际安全宣言;; Declaration on Subversion;关于颠覆活动的宣言;; Declaration on Territorial Asylum;领土庇护宣言;; Declaration on the AIDS Epidemic in Africa;关于非洲艾滋病流行的宣言;; Declaration on the Broadening and Deepening of Kazakh-Russian Cooperation;扩大并深化哈萨克-俄罗斯合作宣言;; Declaration on the Conservation of Flara and Fauna;养护动植物宣言;; Declaration on the Construction of Main International Traffic Arteries;建造主要国际交通干线宣言;; Declaration on the Continental Shelf in the Baltic Sea;关于波罗的海大陆架的宣言;; Declaration on the Control of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse;管制药品贩运和药品滥用宣言;; Declaration on the Conversion to Peaceful Needs of Resources Released by Disarmament;把裁军节省下来的资金转用于和平需要的宣言;; Declaration on the Crisis in the Gulf;关于海湾晰的声明;; Declaration on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa;关于非洲危急经济情况的宣言;; Declaration on the Deepening and Consolidation of International Detente;加深和巩固国际缓和宣言;; Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa;非洲非核化宣言;; Declaration on the Denuclearization of the South Atlantic;南大西洋无核化宣言;; Declaration on the Economic Situation in Africa;非洲经济情况宣言;; Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形式的不容忍和歧视宣言;; Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination United Nations;联合国消除一切形式种族歧视宣言;; Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance;消除宗教上一切形式不容忍宣言;; Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women;消除对妇女歧视宣言;; Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women;消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言;; Declaration on the Enhancement of Cooperation between the United Nations and Regional Arrangements or Agencies in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security;关于增进联合国与区域安排或机构之间在 维持国际和平与安全领域的合作的宣言;; Declaration on the Enhancement of the Effectiveness of the Principle of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in International Relations;加强在国际关系上不使用武力或进行武力 威胁原则的效力宣言;; Declaration on the Environmental Imperative;环境需要宣言;; Declaration on the eradication of all remnants of colonialism;铲除一切殖民主义残余宣言;; Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition;消灭饥饿和营养不良宣言;; Declaration on the Establishment of a Mechanism on Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution;建立预防、处置和解决冲突机制的宣言;; Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order;建立新的国际经济秩序宣言;; Declaration on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Termination of World War II;关于第二次世界大战结束五十周年的宣言;; Declaration on the Formation of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea;民主柬埔寨联合政府成立宣言;; Declaration on the Framework of Cooperation and Action Programme;关于合作和行动纲领框架的宣言;; Declaration on the Further National Development of Memoranda of Understanding between Customs and the Trading Community aimed at Cooperation to prevent Drug Smuggling;关于各国进一步制定海关与贸易界之间旨在 开展防止药物走私合作的谅解备忘录的宣言;; Declaration on the Girl Child;女童问题宣言;; Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言;; Declaration on the Great Lakes Region;大湖区宣言;; Declaration on the Gulf Crisis;关于海湾晰的声明;; Declaration on the Human Environment;人类环境宣言;; Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who Are Not Citizens of the Country in Which They Live;非居住国公民个人人权宣言;; Declaration on the Implementation of the Washington Agreement, Joint Defence against Serb Aggression and Reaching a Political Solution Congruent with the Efforts of the International Community [Bosnian-Croatian Summit, Split, Jul 95];关于执行华盛顿协定、联合抵御塞族侵略 和达成一项与国际社会的努力协调一致的政 治解决的声明;; Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States;不容干涉和干预别国内政宣言;; Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty;不容干涉各国内政和堡各国独立和主权的 宣言;; Declaration on the Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary, Jurors and Assessors and the Independence of Lawyers;关于审判员、陪审员和助审员的独立公正以 及律师的独立的宣言;; Declaration on the International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Asia;国际堡亚洲难民和失所人民宣言;; Declaration on the Inviolability of Frontiers;边界不可侵犯宣言;; Declaration on the Issues of the Law of the Sea;关于海洋法问题的宣言;; Declaration on the maintenance of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the frontiers of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;维持独立国家联合体成员国主权、领土完整和边界侵犯的宣言;; Declaration on the Marine Environment;海洋环境宣言;; Declaration on the Mass Media;大众媒体宣言;; Declaration on the Middle East;关于中东的声明;; Declaration on the Middle East Peace Process;关于中东和平进程的声明;; Declaration on the Neutrality of Laos and Protocol;关于老挝中立的宣言及议定书;; Declaration on the Neutralization of Southeast Asia;东南亚中立化宣言;; Declaration on the Objectives of the Revision of the Paris Convention;修订巴黎公约目标宣言;; Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations;联合国五十周年纪念宣言;; Declaration on the Occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the United Nations;联合国二十五周年纪念宣言;; Declaration on the Participation of Women in Promoting International Peace and Cooperation;妇女参加促进国际和平与合作宣言;; Declaration on the Participation of Women in the Struggle for the Strengthening of International Peace and for the Solution of Other Vital National and International Problems, draft;妇女参与加强国际和平及解决其他重大国家 和国际问题的斗争宣言草案;; Declaration on the Participation of Women in the Struggle for the Strengthening of International Peace and Security against Colonialism, Racism, Racial Discrimination, Aggression, Occupation and All Forms of Foreign Domination;妇女参与加强国际和平与安全, 反对殖民主 义、 种族主义、种族歧视、外国侵略、外国 占领 和一切形式外国统治的斗争宣言;; Declaration on the peace process in the Middle East;中东和平进程宣言;; Declaration on the Plight of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Bulgaria;关于保加利亚境内土耳其裔穆斯林少数民族 困境问题宣言;; Declaration on the Political and Socio-Economic Situation in Africa and the Fundamental Changes Taking Place in the World;关于非洲政治与社会经济形势以及世界上正在发生的根本变化的宣言;; Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace;为各国社会共享和平生活做好准备的宣言;; Declaration on the Prevention and Removal of Disputes and Situations Which May Threaten International Peace and Security and on the Role of the United Nations in This Field;关于预防和消除可能威胁国际和平与安全的争端和局势以及关于联合国在该领域的作用的宣言;; Declaration on the Prevention of Genocide against Bosniacs and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina;制止在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对波什尼亚克 人和克罗地亚人实行种族灭绝的宣言;; Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear Catastrophe;关于防止核浩劫的宣言;; Declaration on the Principles of International Cultural Cooperation;国际文化合作原则宣言;; Declaration on the Prohibition of Military, Political or Economic Coercion in the Conclusion of Treaties;禁止使用军事、政治或经济压力强迫缔结 条约宣言;; Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons;禁止使用核武器和热核武器宣言;; Declaration on the Promotion among Youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and Understanding between Peoples;在青年中促进各国人民之间和平、互尊和 了解的理想的宣言;; Declaration on the Promotion of World Peace and Cooperation 10-Point;关于促进世界和平和合作的宣言 [即亚非会议十项原则];; Declaration on the Prospects of Global Dialogue on Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean;关于地中海区域安全和合作的全球性对话前 景的宣言;; Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;堡人人不受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有 辱人格待遇或处罚宣言;; declaration on the protection of all persons from enforced or involuntary disappearances, draft;堡所有人不遭受强迫或非自愿失踪宣言草案;; Declaration on the Protection of Mentally-Ill Persons;堡精神病患者宣言;; Declaration on the Protection of the Atmosphere;堡大气宣言;; Declaration on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area;关于堡波罗的海地区海洋环境的宣言;; Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict;在非常状态和武装冲突中堡妇女和儿童宣言;; Declaration on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia;柬埔寨恢复和重建宣言;; Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, draft;关于个人、群体和社会机构在促进和堡普 遍公认的人权和基本自由方面的权利和责任 宣言草案;; Declaration on the Right of Asylum of 1967;1967年庇护权利宣言;; Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace;各国人民享有和平权利宣言;; Declaration on the Right to Development;发展权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights and Care of the Child in Islam;伊斯兰儿童权利和养育宣言;; Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States;国家权利和义务宣言;; Declaration on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child;非洲儿童权利与福利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of Deaf-Blind Persons;聋盲者权利宣言草案;; Declaration on the Rights of Developing Nations;发展中国家权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons;残疾人权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;土著人民权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons;智力迟钝者权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of Nationalities in Ukraine;乌克兰各民族权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of the Aging;老年人权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rights of the Child;儿童权利宣言;; Declaration on the Rules of Military Warfare;关于战争法规的宣言;; Declaration on the situation in Haiti;关于海地局势的宣言;; Declaration on the Situation in Nicaragua;关于尼加拉瓜局势的宣言;; BAKHMANOV, N.;巴赫曼诺夫;; Declaration on the South China Sea;南海宣言;; Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security;加强国际安全宣言;; Declaration on the Strengthening of Peace and Security in the Central American Region;加强中美洲区域和平与安全宣言;; Declaration on the treatment of Muslim Women in former Yugoslavia;关于穆斯林妇女在前南斯拉夫境内所受待遇的宣言;; Declaration on the Treaty on Open Skies;关于开放天空条约的宣言;; Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind;利用科学和技术进展以促进和平并造福人类宣言;; Declaration on the World Food Problem;世界粮食问题宣言;; Declaration on the Yugoslav Crisis;关于南斯拉夫晰的宣言;; Declaration on Tourism, Hague;关于旅游问题的海牙宣言;; Declaration on Trade;贸易宣言;; Declaration on Transborder Data Flows;越界数据流动宣言;; Declaration on United Nations Peace-keeping Operations;联合国维持和平行动宣言;; Declaration on Universal Participation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties;普遍参加维也纳条约法公约宣言;; Declaration on Violation of Human Rights and Freedoms of the Bosniac-Moslems in Sandzak and Other Parts of Serbia and Montenegro;关于桑扎克以及塞尔维亚和黑山其他地方的波什尼亚克穆斯林人权和自由遭到侵犯的声明;; Declaration on Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫问题宣言;; Declaration proclaiming climate as part of the common heritage of mankind;宣布气候为人类共同继承财产的一部分宣言;; Declaration Prohibiting the Discharge of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons;禁止从气球上投掷投射物和爆炸物宣言;; Declaration Recognizing the Right to a Flag of States Having no Sea Coast;承认无海岸国家悬挂船旗权利的宣言;; Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles under 400 Grammes Weight Declaration of St. Petersburg;关于在战争中放弃使用重量在400克以下爆炸 性弹丸的宣言 圣彼得堡宣言;;圣彼得堡宣言 Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles;关于在战争中放弃使用某些爆炸性弹丸的宣言 圣彼得堡宣言;;圣彼得堡宣言 declaratory agreement;宣言性协定;; declaratory prohibitions;宣言性禁止措施;; declaratory ruling;说明性裁决; 法律关系裁决;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司