翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 开始活动 play ball with sb. 与某人合作 play big luck 走运 play book 剧本 play book 脚本 play booty 勾结 play bopeep 玩藏猫游戏 play both ends against the middle 为获利而脚踏两只船 play both ends against the middle 使鹬蚌相争而渔翁得利 play box 木质玩具盒 play button 工作按钮 play by ear 凭听觉记忆演奏 play by instinct 凭本能打 play catch 作传球的游戏 play checkmate with 把...将死 play checkmate with 使...进退维谷 play checkmate with 使...一败涂地 play chess 下棋 play chicken 进行挑战和威胁 play close to the chest 不把...讲出来 play close to the chest 就...保守秘密 play close to the chest 对...小心谨慎 play close to the vest 把...保守秘密 play cricket 打板球 play day 比赛日 play debt 赌债 play doctor 修改剧本其使适于上演的人 play double 耍两面派 play double 两面讨好 play down 降低 play down 贬低 play down 减少 play down one's tune 降低调子 play dub key 播放复制键 play dub key 播放复制键 play fair 规规矩矩地比赛 play fair 光明正大地行动 play fair 办事公允 play fair the game 规规矩矩地比赛 play fair the game 光明正大地行动 play fair the game 办事公允 play fast and loose 处世轻率 play fast and loose 行为反复无常 play film 液面花纹 play first fiddle 担任第一小提琴手 play first fiddle 当第一把手 play first violin 担任第一小提琴手 play first violin 当第一把手 play football 踢足球 play first violin 对难办的事采取踢足球的态度 play for love 打着玩玩 play for one's own hand 为私利而干 play for safety 不冒风险 play for the gallery 作迎合观众趣味的表演 play for the gallery 哗众取宠 play for the gallery 迎合低级趣味 play for time 为争取时间而拖延 play forward 向后打球 play foul 比赛中违反体育道德 play games 敷衍塞责 play gooseberry 硬插在两个情侣之间 play ground 体育场 play ground 运动场 play ground 游戏场 play hall 比赛厅 play hard 不择手段 play hard to get 故意装出不肯合作的样子 play hard to get 故意装出难以接近的样子 play havoc with 使陷入大混乱 play high 进行大额赌博 play hooky 逃学 play horse 做骑马游戏 play host to 招待 play house 过家家 play in 奏乐迎人 play in hard luck 不走运 play in hard luck 吃苦头 play in the finals 参加决赛 play in the tuning mechanism 调谐机构的回差 play into the hands 故意使...占便宜 play into the hands 为...谋方便 play into the hands of sb. 干对某人有利的事 play it cool 抑制住感情 play it cool 冷漠 play it low upon 歧视 play it safe 在牌戏中采取稳定的措施 play it safe 谨慎行事 play it smart 做事聪明 play it smart 举止得当 play joke on 开...的玩笑 play jokes on 戏弄 play key 播放键 play knife and fork 饱餐一顿 play movement 接头 play movement 间隙 play of color 色彩闪变 play of colours 幻色 play of colours 光彩幻想 play of rail joints 钢轨接头缝 play of valve 阀隙 play of words 诡辩 play of words 玩弄词藻 play off 使出丑 play off 把...假装 play off 使相斗 play off a draw 再赛以决胜负 play off a draw tie 再赛以决胜负 play off a match 重赛以决胜负 play off a tie 平局后重赛以决胜负 play off one against another 挑拨离间 play off one against another 从中得利 play off one against the other 挑拨离间 play off one against the other 从中得利 play off the tie 平局后再举行胜负的决赛 play old Harry with 使混乱 play old Harry with 加害 play old Harry with 毁灭 play on 继续比赛 play on words 玩弄字眼 play on words 说双关语 play on words 说俏皮话 play on words 诙谐双关语 play one person off against another 在两人之间挑拨离间 play one person off against the other 在两人之间挑拨离间 play one's best card 使出绝招 play one's cards well 办事高明 play one's prize 图私利 play one's trump card 打出王牌 play opossum 装死 play opossum 装蒜 play out 放出 play out 筋疲力尽 play out 使破产 play out 结束 play pendulum 处于不稳定状态 play pendulum 左右摇摆 play pew 发出极轻微的声音 play politics 弄权 play possum 装病 play possum 装死 play room 儿童游戏室 play safe 不冒险 play sb. off against one another 挑拨离间 play sb.'s game 帮某人大忙 play school 幼儿园 play school 幼稚园 play second 奏第二小提琴 play second 当第二把手 play second fiddle 担任第二小提琴手 play second fiddle 居次要职位 play second fiddle 做第二把手 play second fiddle 充当副手 play second fiddle to 当...的副手 play second string 担任副职 play second string 起助手作用 play smash 破产 play smash with 摧毁 play something by ear 见机行事 play square 行为光明正大 play square 做事光明磊落 play the woman 作女儿态 play the ape 模仿 play the ape 学样 play the ass 作糊涂事 play the ass 出洋相 play the baby act 作出幼稚的举动 play the bankrupt 破产 play the bankrupt 不能偿还债务 play the bear 举止粗暴 play the bear 言语粗鲁 play the bear with 破坏 play the bear with 损害 play the conqueror 举行决赛 play the deuce with 弄糟 play the deuce with 使失败 play the devil with 搞糟 play the devil with 使失败 play the drum 打鼓 play the electronic guitar 弹电吉它 play the electronic piano 弹电子琴 play the field 从事多种活动 play the field 从事多方面的交往 play the field 从事各种活动 play the field 利用一切可以利用的机会 play the fool 干蠢事 play the fool 演滑稽角色 play the fool with 损坏 play the fool with 糟蹋 play the fox 行为狡猾 play the gallant 求爱 play the gallant 调戏 play the game 遵守比赛规则 play the game 行动光明正大 play the hobbyhorse 乱蹦乱跳 play the hobbyhorse 小丑似的做怪样 play the horse 赌赛马 play the jack 欺骗 play the jack 开玩笑 play the jackal to the tiger 为虎作伥 play the leading role 起主要作用 play the leading role 起带头作用 play the man 显示男子气概 play the market 投机倒把 play the master 主持 play the master 一切 play the mischief with 搞乱 play the New Year in 奏乐迎新年 play the Old Year out 奏乐辞旧岁 play the part of 扮演 play the peacock 炫耀自己 play the prodigal 挥霍 play the races 赌赛马 play the role of 担任...角色 play the saint 假装信徒 play the wanton 养尊处优 play the wanton 混日子 play the woman 撒娇 play theory 游戏理论 play third fiddle 跑龙套 play third fiddle 做无足轻重的角色 play third fiddle 当第三把手 play to hard luck 不走运 play to hard luck 吃苦头 play to the gallery 作迎合观众趣味的表演 play to the gallery 哗众取宠 play to the gallery 迎合低级趣味 play to hard luck 不走运 play to the gallery 迎合低级趣味 play to the score 随机应变 play trick on 开...的玩笑 play tricks on 捉弄 play truant 逃学 play truant 逃避责任 play up 加油 play up 开始奏乐 play up 使恼火 play up to 给...当配角 play up to 投...所好 play upon 利用 play upon words 玩弄字眼 play upon words 说双关语 play upon words 说俏皮话 play upon advantage 欺骗 play with 与...一起玩 play with an eye on the gallery 作迎合观众趣味的表演 play with an eye on the gallery 哗众取宠 play with an eye on the gallery 迎合低级趣味 play with an idea 不大认真地考虑 play with an idea 半真半假地考虑 play with edged tool 玩弄利刃 play with fire 玩火 play with marked cards 使用欺诈手段 play with marked cards 暗中搞鬼 play with loaded dice 暗中搞鬼 play with one eye on the gallery 作迎合观众趣味的表演 play with one eye on the gallery 哗众取宠 play-act 1.表演 play-act 2.装扮 play-act 假扮 play-by-play 详细报道的 play-by-play 比赛详情 play-off 最后决赛 playa 沙漠中的盆地 playa 海边休养地 playa lake 干盐湖 playable 可演奏的 playact 表演 playacting 演戏 playacting 装扮 playacting 假装 playacting 做作 playactor 演员 playback 录音重放 playback 录音重放装置 playback 重放 playback amplifier 放音放大器 playback characteristic 重放特性 playback circuit 读出电路 playback circuit 取信号电路 playback duration 重放期间 playback duration 重放时间 playback equalizer 放声均衡器 playback equalizing 重放校正 playback field syne pulse 放象场同步脉冲 playback head 放音磁头 playback loudspeaker 播音室扬声器 playback mode 再演状态 playback tracking 重放磁迹跟踪 playbill 戏单 playbill 节目单 playbook 剧本 playbook 剧本集 playbox 个人玩具用品箱 playboy 寻欢作乐的女子 playboy 花花公子 playbus 游戏公共汽车 playclothes 游乐装 playclothes 轻便装 playdate 上映期 playday 休息日 playday 非正式比赛 playdom 戏剧界 playdown 决赛 player 做游戏的人 player 比赛者 player 演员 player 演奏者 player 表演者 playfalse 欺骗 playfellow 游伴 playfield 室外运动场 playfield 球场 playful 好玩的 playful 嬉戏的 playful 十分有趣的 playful 顽皮的 playfully 开玩笑地 playgame 儿戏 playgame 玩笑 playgirl 好寻乐的女子 playgoer 爱看戏的人 playgoer 常看戏的人 playgoing 看戏 playground 运动场 playground 操场 playgroup 幼儿游戏组 playhouse 剧场 playhouse 儿童游戏室 playhouse 玩具小屋 playing card 扑克牌 playing condition 竞技状态 playing course 球场 playing court 球场 playing field 运动场 playing member 参加比赛的队员 playing space 比赛场地面积 playing speed 放音速度 playing surface 台面 playing-card 扑克牌 playing-field 运动场 optoacoustic detector 光声探测器 optoacoustic spectroscopy 光声光谱法 optochin 奥普托欣 optoelectric input transducer 光电输入换能器 optoelectronic 光电子的 optoelectronic cell 光电池 optoelectronic cell 光电管 optoelectronic circuit 光电子电路 optoelectronic data processor 光电子数据处理机 optoelectronic diodes 光电子二极管 optoelectronic effects 光电效应 optoelectronic functional electronic block 光电子功能电子块 optoelectronic isolator 光电隔离器 optoelectronic multiplex switch 光电转换开关 optoelectronic noise rejector 光电噪声抑制器 optoelectronic scanner 光电子扫描器 optoelectronic scanning 光电扫描 optoelectronic sensor 光电传感器件 optoelectronic shift register 光电移位寄存器 optoelectronic storage 光电子存储器 optoelectronic transducer 光电换能器 optoelectronics 光电子学 optoeletronic amplifier 光电子放大器 optogram 视网膜象 optoisolator 光绝缘体 optokinesis 趋光性 optokinetic 视动的 optokinetic response 视动力反应 optomagnetic 光磁的 optometer 视力计 optometer 视力检定装置 optometrist 验光师 optometrist 视力测定者 optometry 视力测定 optometry 验光 optophone 光声机 optophone 盲人光电阅读装置 optotransistor 光晶体管 optotype 试视力字体 opopanax 愈伤草树脂 opopanax 愈伤草 opophilus 适液的 opophilus 喜液的 opaque 不透明物 opaque 不透明的 opaque 不传热的 opaque 迟钝的 opaque background 不透明背景 opaque enamel 乳浊搪瓷 opaque finish 不透明涂饰剂 opaque fluid 不透明流体 opaque glass 不透明玻璃 opaque illuminator 不透明照明器 opaque layer 不透明层 opaque medium 不透明介质 opaque mirror 不透明反射镜 opaque painting 不透明画法 opaque photocathode 不透明光电阴极 opaque porcelain 一种优质彩陶 opaque porcelain 半瓷器 opaque projector 投影电视机 opaque projector 反射型放映机 opaque screen 不透明屏幕 opaque sky cover 蔽光云量 opaque word 隐性词 opaquely 不透明地 opaquely 无光泽地 opart 欧普艺术 opera 歌剧 opera bouffe 滑稽歌剧 opera bouffe 谐歌剧 opera cloak 夜礼服斗蓬 opera glass 观剧镜 opera glasses 小型双眼望远镜 opera hat 男用礼帽 opera hood 观剧用的女头巾 opera house 歌剧院 opera house 剧场 opera seria 悲歌剧 operability 运转或操作性能 operability 可操作性 operable 可操作的 operagoer 经常看歌剧的人 operameter 运转计 operameter 运数计 operand 操作数 operand address 操作数地址 operand bus 运算数总线 operand entry 操作数进入 operand fetch instruction 取操作数指令 operand field 操作数信息组 operand field 操作字段 operand field 操作栏 operand length 运算数长 operand length 操作数长 operand register 操作数寄存器 operand stack register 操作组号寄存器 operand store 运算数存储器 operant 发生作用之人或物 operant 工作之人或物 operant 动作的 operate 操作 operate 运转 operate 开动 operate 起作用 operate 动手术 operate 开刀 operate 作军事行动 operate miss 操作错误 operate mode 运算状态 operate on 对...施手术 operate on six cylinders 工作效率很好 operate on six cylinders 竭尽全力地干 operate on six cylinders 运转正常 operate on all cylinders 工作效率很好 operate on all cylinders 竭尽全力地干 operate on all cylinders 运转正常 operate on four cylinders 工作效率很好 operate on four cylinders 竭尽全力地干 operate on four cylinders 运转正常 operated digits 被加数的数位 operated-slowly 慢慢地操作 operatic 歌剧的 operatic 歌剧风格的 operatics 歌剧的创作和演出 operating 运行的 operating 操作的 operating 工作的 operating gown 手术衣 operating account 营业帐户 operating agreement 经营合同 operating altitude 有效高度 operating altitude 作战高度 operating altitude 实用升限 operating altitude 拦阻气球高度 operating ampere turn 工作安匝 operating assets 营业资产 operating attitude 工作姿态 operating audit 业务审查 operating authority 运输许可证 operating availability 可能利用率 operating bank 开业银行 operating bellows 控制膜盒 operating budget 业务预算 operating budget 活动经费预算 operating budget 营业收支预算 operating cab 操纵室 operating cab 司机室 operating capital 营业资本 operating capital 流动资本 operating characteristic 运行特性 operating ceiling 实际上升限度 operating characteristic function 运算特征函数 operating charges 运营费 operating coefficient 运营系数 operating coil 操纵线圈 operating company 营业公司 operating company 自营公司 operating condition 运行条件 operating condition 运转状态 operating condition 工作状况 operating condition 操作规范 operating condition 操纵条件 operating console 操作控制台 operating contact 动作接点 operating contact 操纵接点 operating costs 生产费用 operating costs 营业成本 operating crew 工作班 operating current 动作电流 operating current 吸起电流 operating curve 操作曲线 operating cycle 经营周期 operating cylinder 工作油缸 operating data 运行数据 operating data 生产数据 operating data 操作记录 operating deficit 营业亏绌 operating delays 操作延误 operating distance 工作距离 operating division 运营段 operating duty 操作规程 operating duty 操作制度 operating earnings 营业收益 operating effectiveness 经营效能 operating environment 操作环境 operating equipment 操作装置 operating equipment 航行驾驶设备 operating expenditure 业务开支 operating expenditure 经营费 operating expenses 营业费用 operating experience 运营经验 operating factor 利用率 operating feature 工作特点 operating flexibility of tray 塔板操作弹性 operating floor 工作台 operating fluid 工作液体 operating force 操纵力 operating force 控制力 operating fund 业务基金 operating gains 营业利得 operating gear 操纵机构 operating grip 操作手柄 operating handle 操纵杆 operating handle 操作手柄 operating holding company 营业控股公司 operating house 操纵室 operating income 营业收入 operating information 操作信息 operating information 控制信息 operating information 业务资料 operating instructions 操作说明书 operating instructions 使用说明书 operating instructions 业务或工作须知 operating instructions 操作规程 operating instructions 维护规则 operating instructions 业务规章 operating instrument 控制仪表 operating intermediate lever stud 中间操作杆桩 operating jack 业务线塞孔 operating key 工作键 operating key 控制键 operating key 电报电键 operating language 操作语言 operating lease 维护性租赁 operating ledger 营业收支分类帐 operating lever 操纵杆 operating lever connecting yoke 操作杆连接架 operating lever hook 操作杆钩 operating lever latch knob 按钮 operating lever spring foot 操作杆簧位钉 operating lever stem 操作杆柄轴 operating lever stud 操作杆桩 operating leverage 营业挺率 operating leverage 营业杠杆作用 operating load 工作负荷 operating load 运转负荷 operating log 作业志 operating loss 营业损失 operating magnet 动作电磁铁 operating maintenance 运行维护 operating margin 营业毛利 operating mechanism 工作机构 operating mechanism 传动机构 operating motor 执行电动机 operating panel 控制盘 operating panel 操纵盘 operating path 工作路径 operating pit 作业坑 operating pitch radius 工作节圆半径 operating platform 工作台 operating position 工作位置 operating power 负载功率 operating pressure angle 实际压力角 operating principle 操作原理 operating procedure 操作程序 operating procedure 工作方法 operating procedure 经营方式 operating profit 营业利润 operating rate 开工率 operating region 工作范围 operating regulations 操作规则 operating regulations 行车规程 operating repair 日常修理 operating report 营业报告 operating report 动态报告 operating reserve 营业准备 operating result 业务成果 operating result 运营结果 operating result accounts 业务成果帐户 operating revenue 营业收入 operating risk 经营风险 operating rod lever 操作杆臂 operating rod spring 复进簧 operating room 手术室 operating section 营业部 operating set 话务员用送受话器 operating shaft 作用轴 operating slide 滑板 operating solenoid 操纵电磁铁 operating space 工作范围 operating spider 操作十字架 operating staff 操作人员 operating standard 操作标准 operating star 操作星轮 operating star jumper 操作星轮跳杆 operating state 操作状态 operating station 操纵部位 operating station 控制台 operating statistics 业务统计 operating statistics 行车统计 operating status 经营状况 operating stress 工作应力 operating stroke 工作行程 operating strut 作用杆 operating switch 操作开关 operating system 操作系统 operating system master 操作系统总体 operating system supervisor 操作系统管理程序 operating table 手术台 operating temperature range 工作温度范围 operating tension 工作电压 operating tension 运行电压 operating theater 手术室 operating theatre 手术室 operating threshold 工作阈 operating time 操作时间 operating time 作业时间 operating time 算题时间 operating trouble 操作故障 operating trouble 行车事故 operating unbalance 工作不平衡 operating value 工作值 operating value 吸起值 operating valve 动作阀 operating valve 操纵阀 operating valve body stud 操作阀体柱螺栓 operating valve lever 操作阀杆 operating variable 操作变量 operating volatility 操作挥发度 operating yoke 止摆杠杆 operating-table 手术台 operatingperformance 操作手续 operation 运转 operation 操作 operation 实施 operation 作用 operation 业务 operation 工作 operation 手术 operation 军事行动 operation activity 维护 operation activity 保养 operation activity 运行 operation board 操作盘 operation board 控制盘 operation board 操纵台 operation capacity 工作量 operation capacity 工作能力 operation capacity 营业能力 operation capacity 生产能量 operation card 工艺卡片 operation card 工序卡片 operation code 工艺卡 operation control panel 操作控制板 operation decoder 运算译码器 operation department 运营部门 operation department 运营处 operation desk 操纵台 operation desk 控制台 operation division 业务司 operation drawing 加工图 operation element 操作工作 operation element 工作元件 operation exception 操作异步 operation exception 运行异常 operation flow chart 工序卡 operation flow sheet 操作顺序图 operation hours 操作小时 operation hours 设备运行时间 operation indicator 动作指示器 operation instruction 使用说明书 operation lever bolt 操作杆螺栓 operation log 调度日志 operation manager 业务经理 operation meeting 业务会议 operation mistake 操作错误 operation operating manual 使用手册 operation operating manual 操作条令 operation operating manual 使用说明书 operation panel 操作板 operation panel 操纵板 operation parameter 使用参数 operation part 操作码部分 operation part 指令操作码 operation part 运算代码 operation record 工作记录 operation record 加工记录 operation record 工序卡 operation record 工作程序表 operation register 操作码寄存器 operation routing 作业程序 operation sequence diagram 操作程序图 operation sheet 操作卡片 operation sheet 操作说明书 operation sign 行车标志 operation specifications 操作规程 operation specifications 使用说明书 operation stack register 操作栈寄存器 operation statement 营业表 operation statement 损益表 operation surplus 营业盈余 operation symbol 运算符号 operation table 手术台 operation torque 工作转矩 operation transform pair 运算变换对 operation variable 操作变数 operational 操作的 operational 运作的 operational advantage 操作利益 operational amplifier 运算放大器 operational approach 业务方法 operational aspect 运行情况 operational assistance 业务协助 operational attrition 作战消耗 operational auditing 系统审计 operational beacon 工作信标 operational capability 工作能力 operational capability 运算能力 operational character 运算符号 operational chart 工作图表 operational chart 作业流程图 operational command 操作指令 operational criterion 运算准则 operational definition 操作型定义 operational differential amplifier 运算差分放大器 operational digital technique 数字运算技术 operational element 运算元素 operational factors 作用参数 operational factors 运算因数 operational factors 工作特性 operational flexibility 操作灵活性 operational flowchart 操作流程图 operational flowchart 操作程序图 operational form 算子式 operational formula 运算公式 operational height 工作高度 operational height 射击高度 operational indicator 业务指标 operational information 业务情报 operational key 操作键 operational label 操作标号 operational life proof cycle 使用寿命 operational life proof cycle 保证周期 operational management 业务领导 operational manoeuvre 战役机动 operational mathematics 运算数学 operational mode 运转模 operational multiplier 运算乘法器 operational precision 运算精度 operational problem 操作问题 operational procedure 操作程序 operational procedure 运行程序 operational project 业务项目 operational project 实施中的项目 operational proof cycle 运转保证周期 operational ration 军用干粮 operational ration 军粮 operational reliability 使用的可靠性 operational reserve 业务储备金 operational responsibility 操作责任 operational rule 运算律 operational safety 操作安全 operational safety 使用可靠 operational servo 操作伺服系统 operational sign 运算符号 operational site 工作场所 operational site 运行场所 operational sphericity 运算球度 operational staff 运营职工 operational system matrix 运算系统矩阵 operational test set 操作测试设备 operational travel 业务差旅费 operational version 使用方案 operational word 操作字 operational work 操作 operationalism 操作主义 operationalist 操作主义者 operationalize 使用于操作 operationalize 使开始运转 operationalize 实施 operations area 操作台 operations area 工作地区 operations evaluation staff 业务评议部门 operations improvement 操作改进 operations map 作战地图 operations research 作业研究 operations research 运筹学 operations room 设备控制室 operations schedule 操作表 operations schedule 作业表 operations schedule 工序卡 operative 运转着的 operative 有效验的 operative 手术的 operative 实施的 operative approach 手术入路 operative decision 业务决策 operative length 工作长度 operative part 生效部分 operative plan 作业计划 operative skills 操作技巧 operative technology 实用技术 operatives bank 劳工银行 operatize 编成歌剧 operator 操作员 operator 工作者 operator 接线员 operator 报务员 operator 手术员 operator 行家 operator 经营者 operator 算子 operator algebras 算子代数 operator cabin 驾驶室 operator cabin 司机室 operator class 算子类 operator control panel 操作员控制台面板 operator dial 话务员用拨号盘 operator dial 座席拨号盘 operator dialling working 半自动接续制 operator dialling working 话务员拔号制 operator domain 算子域 operator dominance 算子优势 operator endomorphism 算子自同态 operator equation 算符方程 operator error 操作者误差 operator grammar 算子文法 operator grammar 算符文法 operator group 算子群 operator homomorphism 算子同态 operator indicator 操作人员指示器 operator interrupt 操作员中断 operator isomorphism 算子同构 operator matrix 算子矩阵 operator message 操作者信息 operator notation 算子记号 operator precedence grammar 算符优先文法 operator routine 运算程序 operator stack 操作栈 operator stack 运算栈 operator theory 算子理论 operatortopology 算子拓扑 opercle 盖 opercle 孔盖 opercular 有蒴盖的 opercular 鳃盖 opercular chamber 鳃盖腔 opercular chamber 鳃室 opercular gill 盖鳃 opercular layer 孔盖层 opercular sac 鳃囊 operculiform 盖状的 operculiform 鳃盖骨状的 operculiform 厣状的 operculum 鳃盖 operculum 盖 opere citato 在列举的著作中 operetta 小歌剧 operette 小歌剧 operette 轻歌剧 opern 歌剧 operette 歌剧院 operette 曲谱 opero 一款非常小巧 opero 但速度奇快的浏览器。 operon 操纵子 operon network 操纵子网 operose 费力的 operose 困难的 operose 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司