翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 economic blockade;经济封琐;; economic boycott;经济抵制;; Economic Bulletin for Africa;非洲经济公报;; Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East;亚洲和远东经济公报;; Economic Bulletin for Europe;欧洲经济公报;; Economic Bulletin for Latin America;拉丁美洲经济公报;; economic collaboration;经济合作;; Economic Commission for Africa;非洲经济委员会非洲经委会;ECA;非洲经委会 Economic Commission for Africa Expert Group Meeting on the System of National Accounts;非洲经济委员会国民经济体系专家组会议;; Economic Commission for Asia and Far East;亚洲及远东经济委员会亚远经委会;ECAFE;亚远经委会 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East Rules for International Commercial Arbitration;亚洲及远东经济委员会国际商事仲裁规则;; Economic Commission for Europe;欧洲经济委员会欧洲经委会;ECE;欧洲经委会 Economic Commission for Latin America;拉丁美洲经济委员会拉美经委会;ECLA;拉美经委会 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会拉加经委会;ECLAC;拉加经委会 Economic Commission for Western Asia;西亚经济委员会西亚经委会;ECWA;西亚经委会 Economic Commission of the Arab Maghreb Union;阿拉伯马格里布联盟经济委员会;; Economic Community for Livestock and Meat;家畜和肉类经济共同体;ECLM; Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries;大湖国家经济共同体大湖经共体;CEPGL;大湖经共体 Economic Community of West African States;西非国家经济共同体西非经共体;ECOWAS;西非经共体 Economic Complementarity Agreement;经济互补协定;; economic confrontation;经济对抗;; Economic Cooperation Administration;经济合作署;ECA; economic cooperation among developing countries;发展中国家间经济合作经合;ECDC;经合 Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries Section;发展中国家间经济合作科;ECDC; Economic Cooperation and Integration Section;经济合作和一体化科;; Economic Cooperation Centre for the Asian and Pacific Region;亚洲及太平洋区域经济合作中心 亚太经合中心;ECOCEN;亚太经合中心 Economic Cooperation Committee;经济合作委员会;; Economic Cooperation Office;经济合作处;; Economic Cooperation Organization;经济合作组织;ECO; Economic Coordination Centre for the Asian and Pacific Regions;亚洲及太平洋地区经济协调中心 亚太经协中心;ECOCEN;亚太经协中心 Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis System;经济成本-利得分析系统;; Economic Council;经济理事会;; Economic Council of Canada;加拿大经济委员会;; economic counsellor;经济参赞;; economic crime;经济犯罪;; Economic Declaration: Building World Partnership;经济宣言:建立世界伙伴关系;; economic demographic modelling;经济人口模式;; economic depression;经济萧条;; Economic Development Administration;经济发展局;; economic development decade;经济发展十年;; Economic Development Division;经济发展司;; Economic Development Institute;经济发展研究所经发所;EDI;经发所 Economic Development Institute of the World Bank;世界银行经济发展学院经发学院;EDI;经发学院 Economic Development Issues and Policies Division;经济发展问题和政策司;; Economic Development Section;经济发展科;; Economic Development Working Group;经济发展工作组;; economic diversification index;经济多样化指数;EDI; economic efficiency;经济效率; 经济效益;; economic establishment;经济设施;; economic expansion;经济扩张;; economic feasibility;经济可行性;; Economic Forum;经济论坛;; economic gap;经济差距;; economic groupings;经济类型国家;; economic growth;经济增长;; economic help;经济援助;; Economic High Authority;经济高级管理局;; economic imbalance;经济失调;; economic impulse;经济冲击;; economic indicators;经济指标;; Economic Information & Agency, Hong Kong;香港经济导报社;; economic integration;经济一体化;; economic integration instruments;经济一体化文书;; Economic Issues and Policies Section;经济问题和政策科;; Economic Issues Working Group;经济问题工作组;; economic life of an asset;资产的经济寿命;; economic life-line;经济命脉;; economic loss;经济损失;; economic migrants;经济移民;; economic migrants and refugees;经济原因造成的移民和难民;; economic mobilization;经济动员;; economic operators;经济从业者;; Economic Outlook;经济展望;; Economic Panorama of Latin America;拉丁美洲经济概论;; economic penalty;经济惩罚; 罚款;; Economic Planning Agency, Japan;日本经济企划厅;; Economic Planning Commission;经济规划委员会;; Economic Policy Coordination Unit;经济政策协调股;; economic potential;经济潜力;; Economic Programming Office of the State Council;国务院经济规划办公室;; Economic Progress of Rural Women in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比农村妇女经济进展;; Economic Projection Centre;经济预测中心;; Economic Projections and Programming Centre;经济预测与规划中心;; economic recession;经济衰退;; economic recovery;经济复苏; 经济复原;; economic rehabilitation;经济复兴;; economic rent;经济报酬; 经济纯利;; Economic Report on Africa 1988;1988年非洲经济报告;; Economic Research Committee of the Gas Industry;煤气工业经济研究委员会# 煤气工业经研会;; Economic Research Section;经济研究科;; Economic Research Unit;经济研究股;; Economic Research, Statistics and Information Systems Division;经济研究、统计和信息系统司;; economic risk;经济风险;; economic sectors;经济部门;; Economic Security Council;经济安全理事会经安会;ESC;经安会 Economic Service for Latin America;拉丁美洲经济事务处;SELA; Economic Statistics Branch;经济统计处;ESB;经统处 economic stranglehold;经济窒息;; economic strangulation;经济绞杀;; economic strength;经济实力;; economic structure;经济结构;; economic substance;经济实质;; Economic Summit Declaration - A Strengthened Commitment to Jobs and Growth;经济首脑会议宣言:加强对就业和增长的承诺;; Economic Survey Branch;经济调查处;; economic survey mission;经济调查团;; Economic Survey Mission for the Middle East;中东经济调查团;; Economic Survey of Asia and the Far East;亚洲和远东经济概览;; Economic Survey of Europe;欧洲经济概览;; Economic Survey of Latin America;拉丁美洲经济概览;; Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比经济概览;; Economic System of Latin America;拉丁美洲经济体系;SELA; economic take off;经济起飞;; economic territory;经济领土;; Economic Time Series;经济时间序列;ETS; economic totalitarianism;经济专制主义;; economic union;经济联盟;; economic zone;经济区;EVI; Economic, Employment and Development Commission;经济、就业和发展委员会;; economic, social and cultural rights;经济、社会和文化权利;; Economic, Social and Human Rights Service;经济、社会和人权处;ESHRS;经社人权处 economically active population active population;从事经济活动人口; 在业人口;; economically advanced country;经济先进国家;; economically feasible;经济上可行的;; economically inactive population;非从事经济活动人口; 非在业人口;; economically less developed member states;经济上欠发达会员国;; Economics Directorate;经济学理事会;; economics of insurance;保险经济;; economics of scale;规模经济;; Economics Statistics and Cooperatives Service of Department of Agriculture, U.S.;美国农业部经济、统计与合作局;; ECONOMIDES, Constantine;康斯坦丁·埃科诺米泽斯;; economies;经济体;; economies in transition;转型期经济体;; economies of scale;规模经济;; Economist Intelligence Unit;《经济学家》资料处;EIU; Economist Programme;经济学家方案;; Economists for Africa Programme;经济学家为非洲服务方案;; econometric modelling work;计量经济模式制订工作;; economy;经济体;; economy and efficiency;节约和功效;; economy class;经济舱;; economy class air fare;经济舱位飞机票价;; economy measures;经济措施;; economy of exchange;易货经济;; economy of scale;规模经济;; economy seat;经济舱位;; Economy Survey;经济概览;; ECOSOC Affairs and Inter-agency Coordination Division;经社理事会事务和机构间协调司;; ECOSOC Committee on Programme Appraisals;经社理事会方案评价委员会;; ECOSOC formula;经社理事会办法;; ECOSOC Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Geneva, 26 April 1957, as revised in 1990;经社理事会关于危险物品运输的建议 1957年4月26日,日内瓦,修正本;;1957年4月26日,日内瓦,修正本 ecosphere;生态圈;; ecosystem;生态系统; 生态系;; Ecosystem Conservation Group;生态系统养护小组;ECG; ecosystem rehabilitation;生态系复原;; ecosystems approach;生态系观点;; ecotechnology;生态技术; 生态无害技术;; ecotone;生态系观点;; ecotoxicology;生态毒理学;; ECOWAS Capital Cities Association;西非经共体首都城市协会;; ECOWAS Monitoring Group;[报告中用] 西非经共体监测组 西非监测组 [安理会决议中用] 西非经共体观察组 西非观察组;ECOMOG; ECOWAS Peace Plan;西非经共体和平计划;; ECOWAS Standing Mediation Committee of Nine;西非经共体九国常设调解委员会;; ECS;环境控制系统;ECS; ECS carnets;商业样品手簿;; ecstasy;狂喜致幻剂;; ectoparasidicide;杀体外寄生虫剂;; ectopic pregnancy;宫外孕;; Ecuador;厄瓜多尔;; Ecuadorian sucre;厄瓜多尔苏克雷;; Ecuela de Mecanica de la Armada;海军工程学院;ESMA; Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians;基督教第三世界神学家协会;; Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church;天主教大公会议;; Ecumenical League for Third World Tourism;第三世界旅游同盟;; Ecumenical Monitoring Programme in South Africa;普世教会监视南非方案;EMPSA; Ecumenical Patriachate;大公教长区;; Ecumenical Relief and Development Group for Somalia;索马里全基督教救济和发展组织;; EDAFE, Phabien Raphael;法比恩·拉斐尔·埃达夫;; Edalat Party of the Peasants;农民正义党;; EDAMURA, Sumio;枝村纯郎;; edaphon;土居生物; 土壤微生物;; EDC;二氯化乙烯; 1,2-二氯乙烷;EDC; eddy;涡旋; 涡动; 涡流;; eddy diffusion;涡动扩散;; eddy diffusion coefficient;涡动扩散系数;; EDEED, Mohammed Taher;穆罕默德·塔赫尔·埃迪德;; EDELSTEIN, Verona M.;维罗娜·埃德尔斯坦;; education is colour blind;教育不分肤色;; editing of manuscripts;稿件编辑;; editing terminal;编辑终端;; editor-in-chief;总编辑;; editor-verbatim reporter;编辑兼逐字记录员;; editorial amendment;文字上的修正;; Editorial and Document Services Department;编辑和文件司;; Editorial and Language Service;编辑和语文处;; Editorial and Official Records Division;编辑和正式记录司;EOR; Editorial and Official Records Service;编辑和正式记录处;EORS; Editorial and Research Unit;编辑和研究股;; editorial assistance at meetings;会议编辑助理服务;; Editorial Board;编辑委员会;; Editorial Board on the Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas;热带旋风地区防灾备灾指导方针编辑委员会;; Editorial Chief;总编辑;; Editorial Control and Publications Section;编辑和出版科;ECP; Editorial Service;编辑处;ES; Editorial Section;编辑科;; Editorial, Publications and Media Services Branch;编辑、出版物和媒体事务处;; Editors' Roundtable;编辑圆桌会议;; Edizioni Oriente;东方出版社;; EDMONDS, Robert;罗伯特·埃德蒙兹;; Edna McConnell Clark Foundation;埃德娜·麦康内尔·克拉克基金会;; EDP assistant;电子数据处理助理;; EDP Support Service Section;电子数据处理支助事务科;; EDUARDO, Johnny;约翰尼·爱德华多;; Education Adviser in Somalia;驻索马里教育顾问;; Education and Knowledge: Basic Pillars of Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity;教育与知识: 注意到社会公平的生产模式变革 的基本支柱;; Education and Social Policy Department;教育和社会政策部;ESP; Education and Training Department;教育训练司;; Education and Women Section;教育和妇女科;; education cluster;教育小组;; Education Council for Foreign Medical Graduates;外国医科毕业生教育委员会;ECFMG; Education Department;教育局;; Education Development Centres;教育开发中心;EDCs; Education for All;普及教育;EFA; education for all by the year 2000;到2000年普及教育;; Education for All Network;普及教育网;; Education for All Programme;普及教育方案;; Education for All Summit;普及教育首脑会议;; Education for All Summit of Nine High Population Developing Countries;九个多人口发展中国家普及教育首脑会议;E-9 Summit; Education for Development Officer;教育促进发展干事;; Education for Development Section;教育促进发展科;; education for peace;教育促进和平;; Education for Peace Programme;教育促进和平方案;; education for responsible parenthood;有关父母责任的教育;; education grant advances;预付教育补助金;; education grant travel;教育补助金探亲旅行;; education grants;教育补助金;; education indicators;教育指标;; Education Innovation and Information;教育革新与信息;; Education International;国际教育协会教育协会;EI;教育协会 education kits;整套教育材料教材;;教材 Education Materials Production Centre;教材生产中心;EMPC; education of children for life in peace;对儿童进行和平生活教育;; Education Officer;教育干事;; education programme;教育计划;; Education Projects Department;教育项目部;; Education Regulations;教育条例;; Education Renewal Strategy;教育改革战略;; Education Reserve Fund;教育储备基金;; Education Sub-Committee;教育小组委员会;; Education, Training, Research and Fellowship Opportunities in Space Science and Technology and Its Applications: A Directory;空间科学技术及其应用方面的教育、训练、研究和研究金机会指南;; Educational Account Programme;教育帐户方案;; Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa;南部非洲教育和训练方案 南部非洲教育方案;UNETPSA;南部非洲教育方案 educational attainments;教育程度教育水平;; educational authorities;教育当局;; educational broadcast;教育广播;; Educational Clearing House;教育情报交换中心;; educational grant travel;教育补助金项下的旅行;; educational indicators;教育指标;; educational institution;教育机构; 教育结构;; Educational International;国际教育组织;; educational kit;教育资料袋;; educational leave;学习假;; Educational Library for Arab Gulf States;阿拉伯海湾国家教育图书馆;; educational materials;教材;; Educational Materials Donations Scheme;教材捐献计划;; educational products;教育产品教具;; Educational Resource Centre;教育资源中心;; Educational Research Network of Eastern and Southern Africa;东非和南部非洲教育研究网;; Educational Sciences Study Unit;教育学研究股;; Educational Sub-Committee;教育小组委员会;; educational tariff;培育关税;; educational wastage;教育事业的损失;; education grants;教育补助金;; EDWARD, Alfred;艾尔弗雷德·爱德华;; EDWARDS, Erstein M.;厄斯坦·爱德华兹;; EDWARDS, Neijon Rena;内琼·里纳·爱德华兹;; EDWARDSEN, Leif;莱夫·埃德瓦尔森;; Earth Summit Information System;地球问题首脑会议信息系统;ESIS; eel grass;大叶藻;; EER;能效比能源效率比;EER; EERIKAINEN, Marita;马里塔·埃里凯宁;; Eesti Roheline Liikumine;爱沙尼亚绿党;; Eesti Vabariik;爱沙尼亚共和国;; EEZ;专属经济区;; EFA vehicle;EFA军车;EFA; EFEO;对环境有利的能源选择;EFEO; effective authority;有效统治;; effect;效力;; Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal;联合国行政法庭给付偿金的判决的影响;; effect of war;战争效果;; effect payments, to;支付款项;; effect-oriented;面向效率的; 重视效率的;; effective arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效安排;; effective concentration 50 %;半有效浓度;EC 50; effective control;有效控制;; effective date;有效日期;; effective date of the business combination for accounting purposes;为会计目的采用的企业合并生效日期;; effective demand;有效需求;; effective dominion;有效统治;; effective enjoyment;切实享受;; effective execution;有效执行;; effective exercise of jurisdiction;切实行使管辖;; effective fertility;有效生育率;; effective framework;有效的依据;; effective interest rate;实际利率;; effective international control;有效国际监督;; effective international cooperation;有效国际合作;; effective legal remedies;有效的法律补救措施办法;;办法 effective mechanism;有效机构; 有效机制; 有效办法;; effective mobilization and integration of women;有效动员妇女参与;; effective mobilization of women in development;有效动员妇女参与发展;; effective nationality;有效国籍;; effective occupation;有效占领;; effective prevention and investigation of extra-legal, arbitrary and summary execution;有效防止和调查法外、任意和即决处决;; effective radiated power;有效辐射功率;ERP; effective rate;实际利率;; effective remedy;有效补救;; effective right;有效权利;; effective safeguards;有效保障;; effective state control;国家一国的有效控制;; effective strength;有生力量;; effective tax rates;实际税率;; effective working budget;实际运用预算;; effectively controlled disarmament;有效监督下的裁军;; effectiveness;功效实效; 效果; 费用-功效;; effectiveness doing the right thing;效能有效性;; effectiveness of occupation;占领的实效;; effects of an appeal;上诉的功能;; effects of atomic radiation;原子辐射影响;; effects of exchange rate adjustments;汇率调整的影响;; effects on the scale of assessments as a result of the incorporation of external;增列外债和有关指标后对分摊比额表的影响;; effervescent chlorine tablet;泡腾氯片剂;; efficiency;效率[评价用语]; 效益;; efficiency audit;效率审计法;; Efficiency Board;效率委员会;; efficient new technology;高效能新技术;; effluent;流出物; 废液; 污水;; effluent charge;排污费; 排污税;; effluent discharge;排放废物; 排出废液;; effluent fee;排污费; 排污税;; effluent standard;排放标准;; effort;努力量;; effort controls;努力量管制;; effort limitation;限制努力量; 努力量的限度;; effort reduction policies;努力量削减政策;; EFI, Toupuola;图普奥拉·埃菲;; EFON, Vincent;樊尚·埃丰;; Eftar Iftar;开斋;; EFTYCHIOU, Petros;帕特罗斯·埃弗蒂丘;; EGBARA, Edward;爱德华·埃格巴拉;; EGELAND, Jan;扬·埃格兰;; egence fransaise pour la maitrise de l'energie;法国能源管理机构;AFME; egg-laying;产卵;; EGGAR, Tim;蒂姆·埃加;; Regional Employment Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域就业方案 拉加就业方案;PREALC;拉加就业方案 EGLIN, Colin;科林·埃格林;; EGUH, E.C.;埃古赫;; EGUNOOLA;埃朱努拉;; EGUNSOLA, P. A.;埃贡索拉;; Egypt;埃及;; Egypt's General Authority for Arab and Foreign Investment and Free Zones;埃及阿拉伯及外国投资和自由区总署;; Egyptian Anti-Narcotics General Administration;埃及禁毒管理委员会;; Egyptian Association of Home Economics, the;埃及家政协会家政协会;EAHE;家政协会 Egyptian Committee for Peace and Disarmament;埃及和平与裁军委员会;; Egyptian Enlightenment Association;埃及启蒙协会;; Egyptian Federation of Labour;埃及劳工联合会;; Egyptian Federation of Trade Unions;埃及工会联合会埃及工联;EFTU;埃及工联 Egyptian General Medical Doctors Association;埃及普通医师协会;; Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation;埃及通用石油公司;; Egyptian International Bank for Foreign Trade and Development;埃及对外贸易发展国际银行;; Egyptian Iron and Steel Company;埃及钢铁公司;; Egyptian pound;埃及镑;; Egyptian Red Crescent;埃及红新月社;; Egyptian Red Crescent Society;埃及红新月社;; Egyptian Red Crescent Society in Alexandria;埃及亚历山大红新月社;; Egyptian Red Grid System;埃及红格网制;; Egyptian Society for Performance and Instruction;埃及业绩和教导学会教导学会;ESPI;教导学会 Egyptian Society for the Development of Local Communities, the;埃及当地社区发展学会;; Egyptian Universities Federation's Conference;埃及大学联合会会议;; Egyptian-Israeli Agreement on Disengagement of Forces in Pursuance of the Geneva Peace Conference;依照日内瓦和平会议规定双方部队脱离接触 的埃及-以色列协定;; EHLERS, William;威廉·埃勒斯;; EHRENREICH, Anne;安诺·埃赫伦雷克;; Ehrlich Foundation Supreme Medical Research Prize;埃尔利嚣金会最高医学研究奖;; Ehuzu;革命报;; Ehwa Women's University;梨花女子大学;; EIA;环境影响的评价;EIA; EICHTINGER, Martin;马丁·艾希廷格;; Eichwald & Company;艾希瓦尔德公司;; Eid;尔德;; Eid Alfitr;开斋节;; Eid el-Fitr;开斋节;; Eid El-Ghorban;古尔邦节;; EIDE, Asbjorn;阿斯布乔恩·艾德;; Eight Point Peaceful Reunification Programme;八点和平统一方案;; Eight Principles for China's Aid to Foreign Countries;中国对外援助八项原则;; Eight-Point Proposal;八点建议;; Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament;十八国裁军委员会十八国裁委会;ENCD;十八国裁委会 Eighth SAARC Summit;南盟第八次首脑会议;; Eighth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;联合国贸易和发展会议第八届大会 第八届贸发大会;UNCTAD VIII;第八届贸发大会 Eigtveds Pakhus Center;埃格特韦斯·帕库斯中心;; EIL;环境损害责任; 破坏环境责任;EIL; EILAN, Arieh;阿里埃·艾兰;; Eiland Diamond Company;埃兰得钻石公司;; Ein Jalud;埃恩·甲路德;; Einstein International Prize for Peace;爱因斯坦国际和平奖;; EIRIKSSON, Gudmundur;格维兹门迪尔·埃里克森;; EIRIKSSON, Guomundur;居奥蒙迪尔·埃里克松;; EIS;环境影响的报告;EIS; EISA, Abu;阿卜·艾萨;; EITEL, Antonius;安东尼乌斯·艾特尔;; EITEL, Tono;托诺·艾特尔;; Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo;人民革命军;ERP; Ejercito Secreto Anticomunista;秘密反共军;; ejido [Mexico];公地农户;; EJIRI, Mihoko;江尻美惠子;; ejusdem generis;类推同样;; Farmers' Union;农民协会;EKA; EKANGAKI, Nzo;恩佐·埃肯加基;; EKE, Gagnon;加尼翁·埃克;; EKETEBI, Myidiba Mondjolomba;埃克特比·米迪巴·蒙卓隆巴;; EKEUS, Rolf;罗尔夫·埃克乌斯;; EKLO, Michel Yao;米歇尔·约·埃克洛;; EKLUND, Sigvard;西格瓦尔德·埃克隆德;; EKONG, Joe Efiong Udo;乔·埃菲昂·乌多·埃康;; EKOUMILONG, Samuel;塞缪尔·埃库米龙;; EKPEBU, L.E.;埃克佩布;; ekpuele, Equatorial Guinea;埃克普韦莱;; EKRA, Kouassi Florent;库阿西·弗洛朗·埃克拉;; EKSTEEN, Riaan;里安·埃克斯廷;; EKTEKI MBOUMOUA, William;威廉·埃特基·姆布穆瓦;; EKWALL, Richard;理查德·埃克瓦尔;; EL AHMAR, Abdallah;阿卜杜拉·阿赫马尔;; EL AMRANI, Abdelhakim;阿卜杜勒哈欣·安拉尼;; El Anwar Al Anwar;安瓦尔报;; EL AWAD, Mohamed Osman;穆罕默德·奥斯曼·阿瓦德;; El Ayam;天天报;; EL BANDAK, Yusif;尤素福·班达克;; EL BANHAWI, Mohamed;穆罕默德·赛义德·班哈维;; EL BANNA, Mohamed Ali Abdel Salam;穆罕默德·阿里·阿卜杜勒· 萨拉姆·班纳;; EL BASHIR, Abdel Rahman Ahmed;阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·艾哈迈德·贝希尔;; El Du Pont de Nemours & Company;杜邦公司;; EL EINY, Mohsin;穆赫辛·艾尼;; El Escorial Agreement;埃斯科里亚尔协议;; El Expreso;快报;; EL FAHOUM, Khaled;哈立德·法胡姆;; El Fajr El Ghedid;新曙光报;; EL FARRA, Muhammad;穆罕默德·法拉;; El Fatah [Syria];法塔赫;; EL FATTAL, Dia Allah;迪亚·阿拉赫·法塔勒;; EL GHAOUTH, Mohamed Mahmoud OULD;穆罕默德·马哈穆德·乌尔德·加乌斯;; EL GHATRIFI, Mohamed Magy;穆罕默德·马吉·加特里菲;; EL GHOUAYEL, Hassen;哈桑·胡瓦耶勒;; EL HASSEN, Moulaye;穆拉耶·哈桑;; El Hayat;生活报;; EL HOSS, Salim;萨利姆·胡斯;; EL HUSSEIN, Ali;阿里·侯赛因;; El Ijtihad;伊智提哈德原则;; El Jisser Weekly Newspaper;大桥周报;; EL KHANI, Abdullah Fikri;阿卜杜拉·菲克里·哈尼;; EL KHATIB, M'hammed Chafik;穆罕默德·沙菲克·哈提卜;; EL MAGDOUB, Taha;塔哈·马吉杜卜;; EL MAHDI, Sadiq;萨迪克·迈赫迪;; EL MAKI, Abdelatti Mohamed Abdalla;阿卜杜拉提·穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉马基;; EL MARZOUK, Jassem Khaled Dawoud;贾西姆·哈立德·达乌德·马祖克;; El Mercurio;信使报;; EL MOCTAR, Bal Mohamed;巴尔·穆罕默德·摩克塔;; EL MOKRI, Abbas;阿巴斯·穆克里;; EL MOUMNI, Abde EL Ali;阿卜德·阿里·穆姆尼;; EL NASHASHIBI, Mohammad Sohdi;穆罕默德·苏赫迪·纳沙希比;; El Nino/Southern Oscillation;厄尔尼诺/南方涛动;ENSO; El Nour and el Amal Association for the Care of Blind Women;向失明妇女提供保健努尔和阿迈勒协会;; El Premio Julio Cortazar por la Defensa de la Paz y la Democracia en America Latina y el Caribe;胡利奥·科塔萨尔保卫拉丁美洲和加勒比地区和平与民主奖;; El Salvador;萨尔瓦多;; El Salvador Human Rights Commission non-governmental;萨尔瓦多人权委员会非官方;; EL SANOSI, Godbi ElMahdi Ahmed;戈德比·埃尔马赫迪·艾哈迈德·萨诺西;; EL SHAFEI, Hussein;侯赛因·沙菲;; El Tahrir Publish and Printing House;埃及解放出版社;; El TINAY, Hamid Ali;哈米德·阿里·蒂奈;; El Tor vibrios;爱尔托弧菌;; El Yaum;今日报;; EL ZAYYAT, Mohamed Hassan;穆罕默德·哈桑·扎耶特;; EL-ABD, Salah;萨拉赫·阿卜德;; EL-AGIB, Kamal Abdel Rahman;卡马勒·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·阿吉卜;; El-Ahram;金字塔报;; El-Al Israeli Airlines;以色列国家航空公司以航;;以航 EL-ALAMI, Sheikh Saad Eddin;谢赫萨德·埃丁·阿拉米;; EL-ATRASH, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·阿特拉什;; EL-AUGI, Mustafa;穆斯塔法·奥吉;; EL-BAGHIR AHMED, Mohamed;穆罕默德·贝克尔·艾哈迈德;; EL-BAZ, Osama;奥萨马·巴兹;; EL-ERIAN, Abdullah;阿卜杜拉·埃里安;; EL-FARRA, Muhammad;穆罕默德·法拉;; EL-FATTAL, Dia-Allah;迪亚-阿拉赫·法塔勒;; EL-HAFEZ, Amine Ismail;阿明·伊斯梅尔·哈菲兹;; EL-HOUDERI, Hamid Elaraby;哈米德·埃拉拉比·胡德里;; EL-HUSSEIN, Ali;阿里·侯赛因;; EL-KADDUMI, Farouk;法鲁克·卡杜米;; EL-MAHDI, Saddiq;萨迪克·马赫迪;; EL-MALIK, Safaldin Al Zobair Hamad;萨法勒丁·祖贝尔·哈马德·马利克;; EL-QUADDAFI, Muammar;穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲;; EL-RASHIDI, Galal Ahmed;加拉勒·艾哈迈德·拉希迪;; EL-SADAT, Anwar;安瓦尔·萨达特;; EL-SAFY, Mohamed A.;穆罕默德·萨夫蒂;; EL-SHAFEI, Omran;奥姆兰·沙菲;; EL-SHIBIB, Talib;塔列卜·谢比卜;; EL-TAHTAWY, Mohamed Rifaah;穆罕默德·里法赫·塔赫塔维;; EL-TAWIL, Bahgat A.;巴赫加特·塔维勒;; EL-ZOEBY, Mohamed;穆罕默德·祖比;; EL-ZOEBY, Mohamed Ahmed;穆罕默德·艾哈迈德·祖埃比;; ELAAGIB, Kamal;卡迈勒·埃拉吉卜;; Elaboration of draft principles relevant to the use of nuclear power sources in outer space;拟订关于在外层空间使用核动力源的原则草案;; ELABYAD, Abdul Aleem I.;阿卜杜勒·阿利姆·埃拉比阿德;; ELAHI, Chaudhry Fazal;乔德里·法查尔·埃拉希;; Elakhir;回历四月;; ELALAGHY, Ferida;费里达·埃拉拉吉;; ELANGWE, Henry N.;亨利·纳马塔·埃朗圭;; ELARABY, Nabil A.;纳比勒·埃拉拉比;; Elastic Rail Spike Company;弹性铁道钉公司;; elasticity coefficients;弹性系数;; elasticity of supply;供给弹性;; ELAZAR, David;戴维·埃拉扎尔;; ELBATEL, Amara A.;阿马拉·埃勒巴特勒;; ELBE, Frank;弗兰克·埃尔贝;; ELCHIBEY, Abulfaz;阿布·法兹·艾尔希贝;; ELDEEB, Abdel Gaffar;阿卜杜勒·贾法尔·埃尔迪卜;; elder women;老年妇女;; elderly;老年人;; elderly and aged;老年人;; elderly and aged women;老年妇女;; elderly and the aged;年长和老年人;; elderly disabled persons;老年残疾人;; elderly people;老年人;; elderly persons;老年人;; elderly population;老年人口;; elderly refugees;老年难民;; elderly women;老年妇女;; Elders' Circle of the Four Directions Elders' Circle;四方理事会;; ELDJARN, Kristjan;克里斯蒂安·埃尔亚恩;; ELDON, Stewart;斯图尔特·埃尔登;; ELDON, Sveinn;斯文·埃尔登;; Eldorado Nuclear;埃尔多拉多核公司;; ELDREDGE, Alberto Ruiz;阿尔维托·鲁伊斯·埃尔德雷德赫;; Eleanor Reed Heltzel and Dores Schumaker Fund;埃利诺·里德·赫尔策尔和多丽丝·休梅克基金;; elected representatives of people;民选代表;; Election Analyst;选情分析员;; Election and Human Rights Adviser;选举和人权事务顾问;; Election Commission;选举委员会;; Election Constitutional Proclamation;选举制宪公告;; Election Dispute Committee;选举争端委员会;; election district;选区;; election of officers;选举主席团成员;; election offer;选举干事;; election process;选举进程;;进程 election spin resonance;电子自旋共振;ESR; Election-related supplies and services;与选举有关的用品和事务;; elections;大选;; elections under United Nations auspices;在联合国主持下举行选举;; electromagnetic pulse;电磁脉冲;EMP; Electoral Act;选举法;; Electoral Advisory and Promotion Centre;选举咨询和促进中心;CAPEL; Electoral Advisory Committee;选举咨询委员会;; Electoral Assistance Coordinator;选举援助协调员;; Electoral Assistance Division;选举援助司;EAD;选援司 Electoral Assistance Information Network;选举援助信息网;; Electoral Assistance Unit;选举援助股;EAU; Electoral Bill;选举法案;; Electoral Code;选举守则;; electoral college;选举团;; Electoral Component;选举部门;; electoral court;选务法庭;; Electoral Group;选举小组;; electoral identification card;选民证;; electoral irregularities;选举中非规范行为;; Electoral Ordinance;选举法令;; electoral quota;选举限额;; Electoral Reform Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;大不列颠和北爱尔兰选举革新学会;; electoral regulations;选举规章;; electoral roll;选民名册;; electoral supervisors;选举监督员;; Electoral Tribunal;选举法庭;; electoral vote;选举人票;; Electoral Observation Mission;选举观察团;; electric arc furnace;电弧炉;; electric cable;电缆;; electric data processing;电子数据处理;EDP; Electric Power in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋地区的电力;; Electric Power Section;电力科;; electric propulsion satellite;电力推进卫星;; electric shocks;电刑;; electric typewriter;电动打字机;; electric welding;电焊;; electrical exemption clauses;电器除外条款;; Electrical supplies;电气用品;; electrically suspended gyro;电悬置陀螺仪;ESG; Electricity Supply Commission;供电委员会;ESCOM; electro-metallurgical plant;电力冶金厂;; electro-optical shuttering;电光快门;; electrochemical reduction cells;电化学还原槽;; electrodialysis;电渗析;; electrojet;电离层中的电急流;; electrolyte;电解液;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司