翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 finance house;金融机构;; Finance Management and Support Service;财务管理和支助处财管处;FMSS;财管处 Finance Management Support Service;财务管理支助处;; Finance Officer - Treasury;财务科财务干事;; Finance Section;财务科;; Finance, Administration and Resources Mobilization Unit;财务、行政和资源调动股;; financed from extra-budgetary sources;用预算外资源办理的;; financed in part by transfer from surplus account;部分经费由盈余帐转调;; financial abuse;扰乱金融;; Financial Accounting Standards;财务会计标准;; Financial Accounting Standards Board;财务会计标准委员会;FASB; Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No.52;财务会计标准委员会第52号说明;; Financial Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises;工商企业财务会计标准;; financial accounts;金融帐户;; Financial Accounting Standards Board;财务会计标准委员会;FASB; Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering;洗钱问题财务行动工作队;FATF; financial administration;财务行政和管理;; financial administration and management;财务行政和管理;; financial administration machinery and procedures;财务行政的机构和程序;; financial affiliates;附属财务公司;; financial allocation;财政拨款;; financial analysis and COMFAR application;财务分析及可行性分析和报告模型应用;; Financial Analysis Unit;财务分析股;; Financial and Administrative Committee;财务和行政委员会;; Financial and Administrative Management of Research Projects in Eastern and Southern Africa;东非和南部非洲研究项目财务及行政管理 机构;FAMESA; Financial and Administrative Service;财务和行政处;; Financial and Central Administrative Services Department;财务和局行政管理司;; Financial and Economic Board;财务和经济委员会;; Financial and Economic Cooperation Committee;财政和经济合作委员会;; financial and economic evaluation of industrial investments;工业投资的财务和经济评价;; Financial and Management Information System;财务和管理信息系统;FMIS; Financial and Technical Instruction;财政技术指示;; financial aspects;财务问题;; financial assets or liabilities;金融资产或负债;; financial assistance;财政援助;; Financial Assistance Fund;财政援助基金;; financial auxiliaries;金融附属活动;; financial balance;财政平衡表;; financial capital;金融资本;; financial capital maintenance;金融资本的维持;; financial circles;金融界;; Financial Circular;财务通知;; financial claim;金融债权;; financial closing of projects;项目结帐工作;; financial commitments;财政承诺;; Financial Committee of Experts of the CSO;高级官员委员会财务专家委员会;; Financial Control Organ;财务管理机构;; financial cost;财务费用; 财务成本;; financial crisis;财政晰;; financial emergency of the United Nations;联合国财政紧急情况;; financial entitlements;有权支领的款项应享财务权利;; financial entity;财务实体;; financial estimates;财务概算;; financial figures;财务数字;; financial fixed assets;金融固定资产;; financial flows;资金流动;; financial forecast;财务预测;; financial framework;财务框架;; Financial Fund for Development of the Plata River Basin;拉普拉塔河流域开发信贷基金 拉普拉塔河基金;FONPLATA;拉普拉塔河基金 financial futures market;金融期货市场;MATIF; financial gains;金融收益;; Financial Implementation Management Services Unit;财务支付管理股;FIMS; financial implications;所涉经费问题;; financial incentive;奖金;; financial inducement;金钱引诱;; financial information;财务信息;; financial information concerning property;关于财产、厂房和设备的财务资料;; financial information items;财务资料项目;; financial inspector;财务视察员;; financial institutions;金融机构;; financial instruments;金融手段;; financial integrity;健全的财政状况;; financial interests;金融利益金融利益集团;; financial intermediaries;金融中介机构;; financial intermediary;金融中介; 金融居间人;; financial intermediation services;金融中介服务;; financial intermediation services indirectly measured;间接计量的金融中介服务;FISIM; financial items;财务项目;; financial leasing;金融租赁;; financial liquidity;财政周转力;; Financial Mail;金融邮报;; financial make-believe;形式缴款;; Financial Management and Budgetary Control Service;财务管理和预算管制处财务和预算处;FMBCS;财务和预算处 Financial Management and Control Division;财务管理和管制司;FMC; Financial Management and Control System Unit;财务管理和管制系统股;; Financial Management Model;财务管理模型;; Financial Management of Technical Cooperation Unit;技术合作财务管理组;FMTC; Financial Management Office;财务管理厅;; Financial Management Officer;财务管理干事;; Financial Management Service;财务管理处;; Financial Management System;财务管理系统财管系统;FINSYS;财管系统 financial market;金融市场;; financial measures;金融措施;; financial operation;财务经营活动;; Financial Operations Department;财务局;; financial penalty;罚款;; financial performance report;财务执行情况报告;; financial period;财政期间;; Financial Policy and Analysis Department;金融政策和分析局;; financial position;财务状况;; financial procedures;财政程序;; financial rand;金融兰特;; financial ratio;财务比率;; financial realities;财政方面的现实状况;; Financial Regulations and Rules;财务条例和细则;; Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Development Programme;联合国开发计划署财务条例和细则;; Financial Regulations of the United Nations;联合国财务条例;; financial report;财务报告;; financial reporting by segment;部门财务报告;; Financial Reporting Release No.6;财务报告第6号;FRR 6; Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors;财务报告和审定财务报表以及审计委员会的 报告;; financial resource base;财源基础;; financial resource transfers;资金转移;; financial resources;财政资源; 财力; 资金;; financial resources development;财政资源开发;; Financial Resources for Industrial Projects in Developing Countries;发展中国家工业项目资金来源名册;; Financial Resources Management Service;财政资源管理处;FRMS; financial results;财务结算;; Financial Rules;财务细则;; Financial Rules of the United Nations;联合国财务细则;; financial security;财政担保[海洋法公约]; 财政安全;; financial self-sufficiency;资金自足;; Financial Service;财务科;; Financial Service Division;财务司;FS; Financial Services;财务科;; Financial Services Division;财务司;; financial solvency;财政偿付能力;; financial standby letter of credit;融资性备用信用证;; financial statement;财务报表;; Financial Statement of the Fund for the Year Ended 31 December 19xx and the Report;基金19xx年12月31日终了年度的财务报表和 审计委员会的报告;; financial statements, schedules and notes;财务报表、附表及附注;; financial stringency;财政支绌; 财政紧张;; financial summary;财务摘要;; financial support;财政支助;; Financial Support Fund;财政支援基金;; financial systems;财务制度;; financial technology;金融管理技术;zaitech; financial time series;金融时序;; Financial Times;金融时报;FSSC; Financial Times World Survey of Annual Reports;金融时报年度报告世界调查;; Financial Tracking Services;财务支出核实处;FTS; financial transactions;财务事项; 财务金融交易;; financial year;财政年度;; Financial/Economic Planning Models;财政/经济规划模式;; financially completed project;财务上已结清的项目;; Financiera de Preinversion;投资前基金;FINAPRI; financing;筹措资金; 提供资金; 金融业务;; Financing Agency for Studies and Projects;研究和项目资助公司;FINEP; financing arrangements;筹资安排;; Financing Energy Services for Small-scale Energy-users;面向小型能源用户的能源筹资服务 能源筹资服务;FINESSE;能源筹资服务 financing institutions;提供资金的机构; 筹资机构;; financing of the United Nations;联合国的经费筹措;; Financing Planning Section;财务规划科;; financing projects;资助项目;; financing related to trade;贸易资金的筹措;;的筹措 financing science and technology for development;为科学和技术促进非洲筹措资金;; Financing System for Science and Technology for Development;科学和技术促进发展筹资系统;FSSTD; Financial Management and Administrative Polity Division;财务管理和行政政策司;FMAP; Finans Bank of Johannesburg;约翰内斯堡金融银行;; Finbatt;芬兰营;; find;认定;; finder;中间人;; findings;定论; [国际法庭]裁定;; fine;罚金,罚款;; fine chemicals industry;精细化学品工业;; fine gold;纯金;; fine textured soil;细质地土壤;; finished goods;制成品;; preliminary HIPC documents;关于重债穷国的初步文件;; finishing;终饰; 抛光; 最后一道工序;; finishing facility;终饰工作;; finishing operation;精整;; Finland;芬兰;; FINNBOGADOTTIR, Vigdis;维格迪斯·芬博阿多蒂尔;; Finnish Accounting Standards Board;芬兰会计标准委员会;; Finnish Association for Nature Protection;芬兰堡大自然协会;; Finnish International Development Agency;芬兰国际开发署芬开发署;FINNIDA;芬开发署 Finnish Markka;芬兰马克;; Finnish Meteorological Institute;芬兰气象研究所;; Finnish National Association for the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women;联合国妇女十年自愿基金芬兰全国协会;; Finnish National Association for UNIFEM;妇发基金芬兰国家协会;; Finnish Peace Committee;芬兰和平委员会;; Finnish Refugee Council;芬兰难民协进会;; FINSYS/PERSYS package;财务和人事系统程序包;; FIOL, Julio;胡利奥·菲奥尔;; FIR;远红外辐射;FIR; fire agent;灭火剂;; fire focus;火力焦点;; fire insurance;火险;; fire plan;火焰计划;; fire suppressant;灭火剂;; fire tender;消防车船;;船 Fire Unit;消防股;; fire-brigade type assistance;消防队式援助;; Fireguard;防火员;; firing sets;点火装置;; firm pledges;已确定的认捐;; first additional language;第一种额外语文;; First Additional Protocol of 1977 to the Geneva Red Cross Conventions;日内瓦红十字会公约1977年第1号附加议定 书;; First Agreement on Trade Negotiations among Developing Member Countries of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会发展中成员国 关于贸易谈判的第一项协定;; first appeal court;第一上诉法院;; First Asian Women Parliamentarians Conference on Population and Development;第一次亚洲女议员人口与发展会议;; first asylum country;第一庇护国;; first ballot;第一次投票;; First Bank System, Inc.;第一银行系统公司;; first call for children, the principle of;儿童至上原则;; first capture;初次捕获;;获 First CARP Global Experiment;大气研究方案第一次全球试验第一次全球试验;FGGE;第一次全球试验 First Chicago Corp.;第一芝加哥公司;; First Chicago Corporation;第一芝加哥公司;; first class air fare;头等舱位飞机票价;; first cluster of items;第一组项目;; first come, first served;先到先得;; First Committee;第一委员会;; first cost-of-living adjustment;第一次生活费用调整数;; first country programming cycle;第一个国家计划周期;; first cycle as a whole;第一个周期的全期内;; first cycle programme financing;第一周期方案经费;; first cycle project expenditure;第一周期项目支出;; First Day of Issue;首日封;; first day of the month;当月一日;; first demand guaranty letter;一索即付担保书;; first draft;草稿初稿;; First Earth Run;首届环球长跑;FER; First Freedom of the Air;第一空航自由;; First GARP Global Experiment;大气研究方案第一次全球试验 第一次全球试验;FGGE;第一次全球试验 first instance arbitral tribunal;大气研究方案第一次全球试验 第一次全球试验;;第一次全球试验 First International Congress on Population Education and Development;第一届人口教育与发展国际大会;; First International Week of Scientists for Peace;第一届国际科学家促进和平周;; First Interstate of CA;加利福尼亚第一州际银行;; First ISLSCP Field Experiment;第一个国际卫星地面气候项目实地试验;FIFE; First Kiblah;首次朝向;; First Ladies Conference on Drug Abuse;吸毒问题第一夫人会议;; first level region;一级地区;; first mate officer;大副;; first minister;总理;; First National Bank of Chicago;芝加哥第一国民银行;; First National Bank of New York;纽约第一国民银行;; First National City Bank;第一花旗银行;; First National City Bank of New York;纽约花旗银行;; First National Development Corporation;第一国民开发公司;FNDC; First National Development Plan;第一花旗银行;; First Officer;一等干事;; first part of the resumed session of the General Assembly;大会续会第一期会议;; first performance report;第一次执行情况报告;; first phase;第一阶段;; first pleadings;初诉;; First Political Department;第一政治司;; First Prime Minister;第一首相;; first priority;第一优先;; first programming cycle;第一个方案周期;; first reading;一读;; first refuge;第一避难地;; first refuge countries;第一避难国;; first report;第一次报告;; First Report on the Proposed Programme Budget for the Biennium 1984-1985;关于1984-1985两年期方案概算的第一次报告;; first restricted ballot;第一次限制性投票;; first round of discussion;第一轮讨论;; First Secretary;一等秘书;; First Secretary of the Afghan Repatriation Committee;阿富汗遣返委员会第一书记;; first sergeant;上士;; first series of ballots;第一轮投票;; First Session of the Conference of the Parties;缔约方第一届会议;COP 1; First South Korean-US Joint Army Corps;韩美联合第一军团;; first spawner;初次产卵鱼;; First Special Session Devoted to Disarmament;第一届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会 议;; first strike capability;第一次打击能力;; First Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;非洲第一个运输和通讯十年;; First Vice-President of the Council;理事会第一副主席;; First World Climate Conference;第一次世界气候会议;; First World Health Assembly;第一次世界卫生大会;; first-aid kit;急救包;; first-aid worker;急救人员;; first-birth interval;结婚到头胎的间隔;; first-come-first-served projects;先到先核可的项目;; first-day covers;首日封;; first-in-first-out;先进先出法;FIFO; first-pregnancy interval;结婚到首次妊娠的间隔;; firsthand sales;第一手销售;; fisc;国库;; Fiscal Affairs Department;财政事务部财政部;FAD;财政部 Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Section;财政和货币事务科;; fiscal charges;财政费规费;;规费 Fiscal Control System;财政管理制度;; fiscal domicile;税居地;; fiscal incentives;财政刺激;; fiscal matters;纳税事务;; fiscal monopolies;财政专营;; fiscal offences;经济罪;; fiscal period;财政期; 会计期;; fiscal policy;财政政策;; fiscal year;会计年度;; fiscal year conversion factors;会计年度换算系数;; Fiscalia Militar;军事检察院;FISMIL; FISCHER, Bernd;贝尔恩德·菲舍尔;; FISCHER, Jens;金斯·费希尔;; FISCHER, Juan Enrique;胡安·恩里克·费希尔;; FISCHER, Oscar;奥斯卡·菲舍尔;; FISENKO, Valentin N.;瓦连京·菲先科;; fish canneries;鱼罐头业;; fish catch statistics;鱼获量统计;; fish detection;鱼群侦察;; fish farm;养鱼场;; fish farming;养鱼业;; fish fleet;渔船队;; fish harvesting;渔业收获;; fish kill;鱼灾; 屠杀鱼群;; Fish Marketing Information, Promotion and Technical Advisory Services for Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家鱼类销售信息、促销和技术咨询服务;INFOSAMAK; fish meal;鱼粉;; fish processing;鱼品加工;; fish products;鱼产品;; fish protein;鱼类蛋白质;; fish school;鱼群;; fish size;鱼体大小;; fish stock;鱼类资源; 鱼群;; fish stock assessment;鱼类资源评估; 鱼量评估;; fish stocks;鱼类;; fish transplantation;鱼苗移植;; fishery resources;渔业资源; 水产资源;; Fisher formula;费系尔公式;; Fisher's Price and Volume Indices;费希尔价格和物量指数;; FISHER, Juan Enrique;胡安·恩里克·费希尔;; fisheries;渔业;; fisheries adviser;渔业顾问;; fisheries biology;渔业生物学;; Fisheries Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic;大西洋中东部渔业委员会;CECAF; Fisheries Convention European;欧洲渔业公约;; Fisheries Council;渔业理事会;; Fisheries Council of Canada;加拿大渔业理事会;; Fisheries Department;渔业司;; Fisheries Development Donor Consultation;渔业发展捐助者磋商会议;; Fisheries Development Unit;渔业发展股;; fisheries expert;渔业专家; 水产专家;; Fisheries Industrial System;水产工业系统;FIS; Fisheries Investment Project Information System;渔业投资项目信息系统;FIPIS; fisheries jurisdiction;渔业管辖权; 渔业管辖范围;; Fisheries Jurisdiction Case;渔业管辖权案;; fisheries management;渔业管理;; Fisheries Vessels Pool Agreement;渔业船只联营协定;; Fisherman, Food and Allied Workers;渔民、食品和同业工人协会;; fishery;渔业; 渔场;; Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic;中东部大西洋渔业委员会;FCECA; fishery conservation;水产资源养护;FCECA; Fishery Country Profiles;渔业国家概况;; fishery dynamics;渔业动态;; Fishery Economics and Institutions Division;渔业经济与机构处;FIE; Fishery Industries Division;渔业工业司;FII; fishery managers;渔业管理人员;; fishery product processing;水产加工;; Fishery Research Vessel;渔业研究船;; fishery resources;渔业资源水产资源;; fishery survey;渔业调查;; fish population;鱼类种群;; fishing;捕鱼; 渔捞; 渔业; 渔捞权;; fishing area;渔区;; fishing capacity;渔捞能力;; fishing days;渔捞日;; fishing effort;渔捞努力量;; fishing effort statistics;渔捞努力量统计;; fishing equivalencies;渔捞等量;; fishing grounds;渔场;; fishing intensity;渔捞强度;; fishing master;渔捞长;; fishing method;渔捞方法;; fishing mortality rate;渔捞死亡率;; fishing patterns;渔捞形式;; fishing power;渔捞能力;; fishing practices;惯常的渔捞方法;; fishing pressure;渔捞压力;; fishing rights;渔业权捕鱼权;; fishing seiner;围网船;; fishing state;捕鱼国;; fishing unit;渔捞单位;; fishing zone;渔区;; fishpond;鱼池;; FISSEHA Desta;弗塞哈·德斯塔;; fission chamber;裂变室;; fissionable materials;可裂变材料;; fit-out;装修;; fitness value;健康价值;; FITOURI, Moftah M.;穆夫塔赫·菲图里;; fittings;水管接头;; FITZ, Michael;米夏埃尔·费茨;; FITZGERALD, Garret;加勒特·菲茨杰拉德;; FITZGERALD, Peter;彼得·菲茨杰拉德;; Five Continent Peace Initiative;五大洲和平倡议;; Five Freedom Forum;五大自由论坛;; Five International Association Coordinating Committee;国际五协会协调委员会;FIACC; Five Power Proposal;五国建议;; Five-Five Sin-Sin Programme;“五五一一”方案“五年期一年期”方案;; Five-Hundredth Anniversary of the Encounter between Two Worlds;两个世界汇合200周年纪念;; five-megawatt experimental nuclear power plant;5兆瓦实验核电厂;; five-membered ring;五元环; 五原子环;; five-point peace plan;五点和平计划;; Five-point Programme;五点纲领;; Five-Point Programme for a Great National Union of Kampuchea against the Vietnamese Le Duan Clique;反抗越南黎笋集团柬埔寨民族大团结五点纲领;; five-point proposal for national unity;国家统一的五点纲领;; Five-Power Arrangements for Defence;五国联防;; Five-Power Sub-Committee of the Disarmament Commission;裁军委员会五国小组委员会;; five-target combat tactic;五项目标战术;; Five-year Integrated Rural Development Programme;五年综合农村发展方案;PQDRI; five-year recovery programme for Africa;非洲五年复兴方案;; fixed ammonia;固定氨; 结合氨;; fixed and reasonable limit;固定的合理限额;; fixed asset;固定资产;; fixed assets with limited useful economic lives;有用经济寿命有限的固定资产;; fixed capital formation;固定资本形成;; fixed charges;固定费用;; fixed combustion source;固定床火箱; 固定床燃烧室;; fixed costs;固定成本;; fixed floor;固定最低额;; fixed gases;固定气体; 难于冷凝的气体;; fixed ocean weather station;固定海洋气象站;; fixed parity;固定比价;; fixed price contract;固定价格合同;; fixed production overhead;固定生产费用;; fixed rate;固定汇率;; fixed reference point;固定参考点;; fixed resources;固定资源;; Fixed Satellite Services;固定卫星服务;FSS; fixed staff costs;固定人事费;; fixed-bed catalyst;固定床催化剂;; fixed-income securities;固定收入证券;; fixed-term appointment;定期任用; 定期任命;; fixtures;装置;; FIZULI;菲祖利;; FJAERTOFT, Torgeir Edvard;托尔盖·埃德瓦·弗耶托夫特;; FJELLANGER, Guro;古罗·弗耶兰格尔;; FLA;武装解放军;FLA; flag of convenience;方便旗;; flag of registry;登记旗;; flag of truce;休战旗免战旗;; flag principle;船旗原则;; Flag Series;旗帜系列邮票;; flag State;船旗国;; Flagging Agreement;挂旗协定;; flagging of fishing vessels;渔船挂旗;; flagrant violation;明目张胆地违反公然破坏严重违反;; flagrante delicto;当场作案现场现行犯;; flagrante delicto, criminal arrested;被当场捉住的罪犯;; flame ionization detector;火焰电离检测器;FID; flammable liquids;可燃液体; 易燃液体;; flare bomb;照明弹;; flare bullet;信号弹曳光弹;; flared gas;燃烧天然气;; flaring;天然气火炬;; flash flood;暴涨的洪水; 山洪爆发;; flash x-ray equipment;闪光X射线设备;; flat annual fee;定额年费;; flat bladed fan;平扇叶风扇;; flat rate;统一收费率; 统售价格; 定额;; flat-rate benefits;统一费率养恤金;; flat-rate reduction;以统一比率减少;; flatfish;鲽;; flatlands;平地;; FLECKEN, W.;弗莱肯;; fleet admiral;海军元帅五星上将;; fleet capacity;船队捕捞能力;; fleet overcapacity;船队捕捞能力过大;; fleet overcapitalization;对渔船队投资过多;; fleet testing;使用性试验; 在使用中试验;; Fleischhauer Agreement;弗莱希豪尔协议;; FLEISCHHAUER, Carl-August;卡尔-奥古斯特·弗莱施豪尔;; Fleming Committee;弗莱明委员会;; Fleming principle;弗莱明原则;; Flemish Cap;佛兰芒帽;; Flemming Principle;弗莱明原则;; FLEMMING, Charles Stephen;查尔斯·斯蒂芬·弗莱明;; fleon;弗里昂;; flexibility;伸缩幅度;; flexibility provision;通融条款;; flexible polyurethane foam;软泡沫聚氨酯塑料;; flexible post;灵活性员额;; flexible working-hours system of;弹性工时制;; Flick;弗利克康采恩;; flight control centre;航行控制中心;; flight level;飞行高度;FL; flight lieutenant;空军上尉;flt-Lt; flip chart;翻页挂图;; float glass;浮法玻璃;; floatation companies;债券发行公司;; floating assets capital;流动资产资金;; floating charge;总质权;; floating currencies;浮动货币;; floating exchange rate;浮动汇率;; floating group;流动小组;; floating interest;浮动利息;; floating policy;流动保险单;; floating rate;浮动汇率;; floating rice;水稻;; floc;絮凝物; 絮状沈淀;; flocculation;絮凝作用; 结絮作用;; Flood Action Plan;防洪行动计划;; flood control;防洪; 控制洪水;; Flood Control Programme;防洪方案;; flood control system;防洪系统; 洪水控制系统;; flood forecasting;洪水预报;; flood hazard;洪患; 水灾风险;; flood level;洪水位;; flood loss management;洪水损害管理;; flood pattern;洪水模式;; flood plain;洪泛平原; 泛滥平原; 河漫滩;; Flood Policy Study;防洪政策研究;; flood risk mapping;洪患地区图;; flood warning;洪水警报;; floor;最低比率经费分摊比额表; 最低限额;; floor configuration;楼面布置;; floor criterion;最低额标准;; floor exchange rate;最低汇率;; floor plate consistency;楼面地板相容性;; floor price;最低价格底价;; floor provisions;最低定额;; floor rate;最低比率;; floor salary scale;底薪表;; floor scale;底薪表;; FLOR, Miguel Angel de la;米格尔·安赫尔·德拉弗洛尔·巴列;; flora and fauna;动植物群;; Flora European Organization;欧洲植物志组织;FEO; FLOREAN, Valeriu;瓦列留·弗洛雷安;; FLORENCIO SOBRINHO, Sergio Augusto de Abreu e Lima;塞尔吉奥·奥古斯托·德阿布雷乌·埃利马 ·弗洛伦西奥·索布里尼奥;; FLORES BERMUDEZ, Roberto;罗伯托·弗洛雷斯·贝穆德斯;; FLORES OLEA, Victor;维克托·弗洛雷斯·奥莱亚;; FLORES THERESIN, Jorge;豪尔赫·弗洛雷斯·特雷辛;; FLORES, Fernando;费尔南多·弗洛雷斯;; FLORES, Jorge;豪尔赫·弗洛雷斯;; FLORES, Maria del Lujan;玛丽亚·德尔卢汉·弗洛雷斯;; FLORES, Victor Daniel;维克托·丹尼尔·弗洛雷斯;; FLORES-FUENTES, Victor;维克托·弗洛雷斯·富恩特斯;; florin guider;荷兰盾;; FLORIN, Peter;彼得·弗洛林;; Florius;弗洛林斯;; flotation;浮选;; flotation companies;债券发行公司;; flout the law;藐视法律;; flow;流转; 流动; 融通; 流量; 流程;; flow account;流量帐户;; flow area;过水面积;; flow data;流动数据;; flow filter;水流过滤装置;; flow obstructions;水流堵塞;; flow of capital;资金流动;; flow of cost factors;成本流转因素;; flow of investment funds;投资基金的流通;; flow pattern of the atmosphere;大气流型;; flow rate;流量;; flow statement;流转报表;; flow-forming machines;滚压成形机床;; flow-of-funds matrices;资金流量矩阵;; flow-through bioassay;连续流动生物测定; 连续流动活体检定;; flowmeter;流量计;; flows;流动、流转、流量、流程、流通;; fluctuation;波动;; fluctuation band system;[汇率]浮动设限制度;; Fludiazepam;氟地西泮;; flue gas dust;烟道尘; 烟尘;; flue gas;烟道气;; flue gas desulphuration;烟道气脱硫;; flue gas desulphurisation;烟道气脱硫;FGD; flue gas reheating;烟道气再热;; fluid catalytic crocking process;流化床催化进程;; Fluid Control Research Institute;液体控制研究所;; fluid mechanics;流体力学;; Fluid Physics/Dynamics Facility;流体物理学/动力学设施;; fluidized bed combustion;流化床燃烧法;FBC; fluidized bed combustor;流化床燃烧装置;; fluidized bed copper oxide process;氧化铜流化床法;; fluidized bed reactors;沸腾焙烧炉;; fluidized pyrolysis;流态化高温分解;; Flunitrazepam;氟硝西泮;; Fluor Corporation;萤石公司;; fluorescence line imager;荧光线性成像器;FLI; fluorescent staining;荧光染色法;; fluorhydric acid;氢氟酸;; fluoridation;氟化;; fluoride;氟化; 氟化物;; fluorinated;氟化的;; fluorinated hydrocarbon;氟化碳氢化合物;; fluorination;氟化作用;; fluorination systems;氟化系统;; fluorine;氟;; fluorine-containing substance;含氟物质;; fluorocarbon;氟碳化合物; 氢氟碳化合物;; fluorocarbon plastic;氟碳塑料;; fluorocarbon-500;500氟碳化合物; 500制冷剂;; fluorocarbon-502;502氟碳化合物; 502制冷剂;; fluorocarbon-503;503氟碳化合物; 503制冷剂;; fluorocarbon-504;504氟碳化合物; 504制冷剂;; fluorochlorocarbons;含氯氟烃;; fluorodichloromethane;二氯氟甲烷;; fluoroform;氟仿; 三氟甲烷;; fluorohydrocarbon;氢氟碳化合物;; fluoronated ethylene-propylene;氟化乙丙烯; 氟化乙烯-丙烯;FEP; flurazepam;氟西泮;; Flurazepam hydrochloride;盐酸氟西泮;; flush lighting;平面灯光;; flush toilet;抽水马桶;; flushing;冲洗;; fly ash;飞尘; 飞灰;; fly ash disposal;飞灰处理;; Fly River;弗来河;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司