翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Hanafi;哈乃斐;; HANAFI, Waguih Said Moustapha;瓦吉·赛义德·穆斯塔法·哈纳菲;; hanami;赏花;; HANATANI, Takuji;花谷卓治;; HANAZUMI, Kazuo;花角和男;; Hanbili;罕百里;; HANCHI, Salem;萨利姆·汉奇;; HANCOCK, Mary;玛丽·汉考克;; hand cart;手推车;; hand drill for bone pin;骨栓用手钻;; hand over;交出;; hand pump;手泵;; hand-held implement;手控农具; 人工操作的农具;; hand-pump tube well;手泵管道井;; HANDAL, Schafif;沙菲克·汉达尔;; Handbook for Manpower Planners in Africa;非洲人力规划人员手册;; Handbook for National Statistical Data Bases on Women and Development;国家妇女与发展统计数据库手册;; Handbook for Statistics and Indicators on Housing;住房统计和指标手册;; Handbook of Final clauses;最后条款手册;; Handbook of Fishery Statistics;渔业统计手册;; Handbook of Guidelines on Coastal Area Development;沿海地区发展指导方针手册;; Handbook of Industrial Statistics;工业统计手册;; Handbook of International Trade and Development Statistics;国际贸易与发展统计手册;; Handbook of National Accounting;国民核算手册;; Handbook of Organizations Active in the Field of Ageing;从事老龄工作的组织手册;; Handbook of Population and Housing Census Methods;人口和住房普查方法手册;; handbook of recourse procedures;申诉程序手册;; Handbook of State Trading Organizations of Developing Countries;发展中国家国家贸易组织手册;; Handbook of Statistical Programmes for Household and Small-scale Industry;家庭工业和小型工业统计方案手册;; Handbook of UNCTAD;贸法会议手册;; Handbook on Accounting for Production: Sources and Methods;生产核算手册:来源和方法;; Handbook on Agricultural Accounts;农业帐户手册;; Handbook on Agricultural Statistics for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋农业统计手册;; Handbook on Application of SNA in Countries in Transition;转型期国家应用国民核算体系手册;; Handbook on Application of SNA in Countries with High Rates of Inflation;在高通货膨胀率国家应用国民核算体系手册;; Handbook on Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level;环境署关于了解和预防地方一级紧急事件 的手册;APELL-PROCES; Handbook on Environmental Accounting;环境核算手册;; Handbook on Household Sector Accounts;家计部门核算手册;; Handbook on Input-Output Tables;投入-产出报表手册;; Handbook on National Accounting: Accounting for Production--Sources and Methods;国民核算手册:生产核算--原始资料和方法;; Handbook on National Accounting: Public Sector Accounts;国民核算手册:公共部门核算;; Handbook on National Accounts;国民核算手册;; Handbook on National Accounts Compilation;国民核算汇编手册;; Handbook on Public Sector Accounts;公营部门核算手册;; Handbook on Social Indicators;社会指标手册;; Handbook on Statistics relating to Women;关于妇女的统计手册;; Handbook on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes between States;和平解决国家争端手册;; Handbook on Trade Control Measures of Developing Countries;发展中国家贸易管制措施手册;; Handelskredit Bank, AG;商业信贷银行;; handicap;障碍残障;; handicap is the social consequences of the disability;机能障碍;; handicapped children;残疾儿童, 残障儿童;; handicapped person;残疾人;; handicapping injuries and impairments;障碍性伤害和缺陷;; handicraft;手工艺;; Handicraft and Small Industry Development Agency;手工业和小型工业发展署;HASIDA; handie-talkies general;步话机通用;; HANDL, Ludek;吕德克·汉德尔;; handling charges;手续费;; handling of tritium;处理氚;; handyman;杂工;; HANG Song San;姜成山;; HANG Thun Hak;韩通哈;; Hangyore Sinmun;朝鲜新闻;; Hangzhou Regional Centre for Research and Training in Small Hydropower;杭州小水电研究和培训区域中心;; Hangzhou Regional Training Centre;杭州区域训练中心;; HANIF, Mohammad;穆罕默德·哈尼夫;; HANJAN, Firouz;菲鲁兹·汉詹;; Hankuk Ilbo;韩国日报;; Hankuk Independence Party;韩国独立党;; HANNAH, Timothy J.;蒂莫西·汉纳;; HANNAN, Abbul;阿卜杜勒·汉南;; HANNAY, David;戴维·汉内;; HANNESSON, Hjalmar;希亚尔马尔·汉内松;; Hannibal;八月;; HANNIBALSSON, Jon Baldvin;荣·鲍德温·哈尼鲍松;; Hanover Workshop;汉诺威讲习班;; Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government;汉萨德议会政治学会;; Hansen Medal Award Committee;汉森纪念章委员会;; Hansen's disease; leprosy;汉森氏病; 麻风;; HANSEN, Benned;本内兹·汉森;; HANSEN, Birthe;比尔泰·汉森;; HANSEN, Gitte;吉特·汉森;; HANSEN, Peter;彼得·汉森;; HANSSENS, Jean-Michel;让-米歇尔·汉森;; Hanyang University;汉阳大学;; Hapdong News Agency;合同通讯社;; Hapdong Yearbook;合同年鉴;; HAPPONEN, Heikki Juhani;黑基·尤哈尼·哈蓬宁;; HAPPY TCHANKOU, Jean-Marie;让-玛丽·哈皮·尚科;; HAPSORO, Raden Bagas;拉登·巴加斯·哈普索罗;; HAQ SIDDIQUI, Mazharul Haq;马扎鲁尔·哈格·西迪古伊;; HAQ, Anwarul S.;安瓦尔·哈克;; HAQ, Mahbub ul;马赫布卜·哈克;; HAQUE, Inam ul;埃纳姆·哈克;; Harakat-e-Engelab-e-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰革命运动;; Harakat-e-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰运动;; HARALAMBOPOULOS;哈拉拉姆波普洛斯;; Haram;圣地;; Haram al Sherif, al;谢里夫圣地;; Haram al-Ibrahimi Al-;易卜拉欣圣地;; Harare Declaration on the Food Crisis in Africa;关于非洲粮食晰的哈拉雷宣言;; Harare Declaration on the Total Decolonization of Africa and the Elimination of Apartheid;关于非洲彻底非殖民化和消除种族隔离制度 的哈拉雷宣言;; Harare Meeting of Artists and Intellectuals for Children of the Front-Line States;艺术家和知识分子援助前线国家儿童哈拉雷 会议;; HARASHIMA, Hideki;原岛秀毅;; harbour and dock areas;港口和码头区;; harbour dues;港口费;; hard assets;硬资产;; hard cash;现金;; hard copy;硬拷贝; 复制件;; hard copy reproduction sub-system;硬拷贝复制次级系统;; hard core of the least developed countries;特别困难的最不发达国家;; hard currency;硬通货; 硬货币;; hard drug;硬性毒品;; Hard Ecu;硬埃居;; hard goods;耐用消费品;; hard landing;硬着陆;; hard loan;硬贷款;; hard missile base;混凝土掩体导弹基地;; hard paraffin;石蜡;; hard pipeline;硬性编审中项目;; hard water;硬水;; hard-currency duty station;硬通货工作地点;; hardcopy;复制件; 硬拷贝;; hardened site;有防护设施的发射基地;; hardship allowances;艰苦工作地点津贴;; hardship clause;艰难条款;; hardship duty stations;艰苦工作地点;; hardware;硬件;; hardware rehabilitation;机器设备更新;; Hardware Shop;五金工作室;; Hargeisa;哈尔格萨;; Hargeisa Prison;哈尔格萨监狱;; Harguesa;哈尔盖萨;; Harijan;贱民;; Harijan Mandal;生民党;; HARINJATOVO, Jean-Jacques;让-雅克·哈林贾托沃;; Hariran;6月;; Hariri Foundation;哈里里基金会;; HARIRI, Rafic;拉菲克·哈里里;; Harkat-e-Inqilab-Islami;伊斯兰革命运动;; Harkat-e-Islami;伊斯兰运动;; HARKER, Paul;保罗·哈克;; HARKIN, Simon;西蒙·哈金;; harm and risk;损害和危险;; harmful effect;有害影响;; harmful substance;有害物质;; harmful transboundary effects;损害性越境影响;; Harmon Doctrine;哈蒙论;; HARMON, Emmett;埃米特·哈蒙;; Harmonization of Accounting Standards: Achievements and Perspectives;会计标准的协调统一: 成就和前景;; Harmonization of Environmental Measurement;环境度量制度的统一;HEM; harmonization of pesticide registration requirements;农药注册要求的协调;; Harmonization Subgroup;协调分组;; Harmonized Central American System;中美洲体系;SAC; Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System;商品统一分类和编码制度统一制度;HCDCS;统一制度 Harmonized System Committee;统一制度委员会;HSC; Harmonized System Commodity Database;统一制度商品数据库;; Harmonized System Nomenclature;统一制度税则名目;; HARON, Imam Abdullah;阿卜杜拉·哈伦教长;; harp seal;格陵兰海豹;; Harpoon bomber;鱼叉式轰炸机;; Harrier;鹞式垂直起降喷气机;;垂直起降喷气机 HARRIMAN, Leslie O.;莱斯利·哈里曼;; HARRINGTON, Marilyn;玛里琳·哈林顿;; HARRIS, Maxine;马克辛·哈里斯;; HARRIS, Moses;摩西·哈里斯;; HARRISON, Alistair;阿利斯泰尔·哈里森;; HARRY, Ralph L.;拉尔夫·哈里;; harsh language;恶语;; HART, Graham J.;格雷厄姆·哈特;; Hartford Insurance Group;哈特福德保险集团;; HARTHY, Nasser bin Sultan bin Malik AL-;纳赛尔·本·苏丹·本·马利克·哈尔西;; HARTHY, Said bin Nasser AL-;赛义德·本·纳赛尔·哈尔西;; HARTLEY, Muriel L.;穆里尔·哈特利;; HARTLING, Poul;保罗·哈特林;; HARTTILA, Pekka M.;佩卡·哈尔蒂拉;; Harvard bomber;哈佛式轰炸机;; Harvard International Law Club;哈佛国际法学会;; Harvard Law School;哈佛法学院;; harvest fish;捕捞量;; Harvest Losses Account;欠收帐户;; harvest of forest trees;采伐林木;; HASAN, Mubashir;穆巴希尔·哈桑;; HASAN, Saadat;萨达特·哈桑;; HASAN, Saeed H.;赛义德·哈桑;; HASANOV, Hasan;哈桑·哈桑诺夫;; haschisch;大麻;; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;约旦哈希姆王国;; Hashemite leader;哈希姆领导人;; HASHI, Mohamed Abdi;穆罕默德·阿卜迪·哈希;; HASHI, Sheik Abdi-nur Nur;谢赫·阿卜迪-努尔·努尔·哈希;; HASHIM, Anwar;安瓦尔·哈希姆;; HASHIM, Data Hokhtar bin;达塔·莫克塔尔·本·哈希姆;; HASHIM, Saeed;赛义德·哈希姆;; HASHIMOTO, Ryutaro;桥本龙太郎;; hashin;印度大麻;; hashish;印度大麻脂;; HASHMI, Saad Mahmood;萨德·马哈穆德·哈什米;; Hashomer;哈肖默;; Hasid Hasidim;虔敬教信徒;; HASLUCK, Paul;保罗·哈斯勒克;; HASMY, Agam;哈斯米·阿甘;; HASNAOUI, Noureddine;努尔丁·哈斯纳维;; Hassan II;哈桑二世;; HASSAN, Abdel Mageed Ali;阿卜杜勒·马吉德·阿里·哈桑;; HASSAN, Abdelhameed Ali;阿卜杜勒哈米德·阿里·哈桑;; HASSAN, Dawlat Ibrahim;杜拉·易卜拉欣·哈桑;; HASSAN, Fatun Mohamed;法通·穆罕默德·哈桑;; HASSAN, Haidar;海达尔·哈桑;; HASSAN, Ismail Abdi;伊斯迈勒·阿卜迪·哈桑;; HASSAN, Mohammed bin Awadh AL-;穆罕默德·本·阿瓦德·哈桑;; HASSAN, Saadat;萨达特·哈桑;; HASSAN, Said H.;赛义德·哈桑;; HASSAN, Somaya Mohamed Saad;苏马亚·穆罕默德·萨阿德·哈桑;; HASSANAL BOLKIAH, Haji;哈吉·哈桑纳尔·博尔基亚;; HASSANE, Baba;巴巴·哈桑;; Hassania;哈桑尼亚;; HASSANOV, Hassan Aziz ogly;哈桑·阿齐兹·奥格雷·哈桑诺夫;; HASSAR, Fatima Benslimane;法蒂马·本斯利马内·哈萨尔;; HASSELL, Wolf Ulrich von;沃尔夫·乌尔里希·冯哈塞尔;; HASSOUNA, Abdul-Khalek;阿卜杜勒-哈利克·哈苏纳;; HASSUNA, Hussein;侯赛因·哈苏纳;; HASTERT, Roger;勒格尔·哈斯泰特;; HASTICK, Roy;罗伊·哈斯蒂克;; HASUMI, Yukio;莲见幸雄;; HATA, Tsutomu;羽田孜;; HATANO, Akiro;秦野章;; HATANO, Robot;里博·波多野;; HATANO, Yoshio;波多野敬雄;; hate compaign;仇视运动;; hate-crime;煽动仇恨罪;; HATEM, Abdel Kader;阿卜杜勒·卡德尔·哈特姆;; HATONO, Satomochi;波多野里望;; HATOYAMA, Iichiro;鸠山威一郎;; HATSITHEOPHILOU, Theopilos;西奥菲洛斯·哈齐西奥菲卢;; HATZIIOANNOU, George;乔治·哈齐奥安努;; HATZIS, Aliki;阿利基·哈齐斯;; HAUGH, Kevin;凯文·霍;; HAUGHEY, Charle J.;查尔斯·豪伊;; HAUGLID, Ranja;兰亚·豪格利德;; haulage equipment;搬运设备;; Hausa;豪萨语;; HAUSTRATE, I.;奥斯特拉特;; HAUT, Tjaco van den;特亚科·范登豪特;; HAV;甲肝病毒;HAV; Havana Charter;哈瓦那宪章;; Havana Charter for an International Trade Organization;关于国际贸易组织的哈瓦那宪章;; Havana Convention;哈瓦那公约;; have unrestricted access to ...;不受限制地介入 或进入 ...;; have tenure and manage their lands;拥有并管理土地;; haves and havenots;富国与穷国富人与穷人;; having zero gravity;失重;; HAVLIK, Emanuel;埃曼努尔·哈夫利克;; Havrix;贺福立适;; HAVYARIMANA, Leonidas;利奥尼达斯·哈维亚里马纳;; Hawadith;时事日报;; Hawadle;哈瓦德尔;; Hawk;霍克式导弹; 鹰派[指立场强硬的人];; Hawker-Siddeley;霍克--西德利式飞机;; HAWKINS, J.M.;霍金斯;; Hay, CHHORN;乔海;; HAYABUSA, Nagaharu;英水春;; HAYASHI, Azusa;林梓;; HAYASHI, Moritaka;林司宣;; HAYASHI, Sadayuki;林贞行;; HAYASHI, Wataru;林涉;; HAYASHI, Yasuhide;林安秀;; Hayat, al;生活报;; HAYDAR, Lutfallah;卢特法拉·海达尔;; HAYDEN, Bill;比尔·海登·;; HAYES, Francis Mahon;弗朗西斯·马洪·海斯;; HAYLOCK, Sharon BRENNEN-;沙伦·布伦南-海洛克;; Hayots Hamazgayin Sharzhun;亚美尼亚全国运动;; HAYTHAM, Ibn Al-;伊本·海萨姆;; Hazara;哈扎拉人;; hazard;危险; 危害; 公害;; hazard area;危害地区; 危险地区;; hazard assessment;危害评价;; hazard classification system;危险性分类制度;; hazard concentration limit;危险浓度极限;; hazard label;危险标记;; hazard mapping;绘制危险地区示意图;; hazard of poisoning;中毒的危险;; hazard pay;危险津贴;; hazard potential;危害潜力; 潜在危害能力;; hazard rating;危害等级; 危害分级;; hazard substance;危险物质; 有害物质;; hazard-resisting building;耐震建筑物; 防险建筑物;; hazardous characteristics;危险特性;; hazardous goods;危险货物;; Hazardous Material Advisory Council;危险材料咨询委员会;HMAC; hazardous substance;危险物质; 有害物质;; hazardous waste management;有害废物管理;; hazardous wastes;有害废物危险废物;; hazardous working conditions;危险的工作环境;; Hazards '91: Interntional Symposium on Geophysical Hazards in Developing Countries and Their Environmental Impacts;1991年危险物质问题国际座谈会:发展中国家地球物理危险物质及其对环境的影响;; haze;霾; 轻雾;; HAZEEV, Eli;埃利·哈泽耶夫;; hazel-nut;榛子;; HAZOUME, Guy Landry;居伊·朗德里·阿佐梅;; Hazrat Vati-Xi-Asr;永世之王;; hazuk;哈祖克;; HC;碳氢化合物; 烃; 氢化裂解; 加氢裂解;HC; HCB;六氯苯;HCB; HCFC;氢氯氟碳化合物; 氟氯烃化合物;HCFC; HCFC 22;HCFC 22 二氟氯甲烷;;; HCH;六氯环己烷; 六氯化苯; 六六六;HCH; HCl;HCl; 氯化氢; 氢氯酸; 盐酸;HCI; HClO;HClO; 次氯酸;; HCN;HCN; 氰化氢; 氢氰酸;HCN; HCOOCH3;HCOOCH3; 甲酸甲酯; 蚁酸甲酯;; HCR Bulletin;难民专员办事处公报;; He is the best guardian;真主是善于堡的;; HE Qizhi;贺其治;; he would be fully accountable to the Governing Council for the use of the funds;对基金的使用情况他负有向理事会报告的全部责任;; HE, Xiaobing;何笑冰;; HE, Changchui;何昌垂;; HE, CHUNLIN;何椿霖;; HE, Dazhong;何大中;; HE, Guanghui;贺光辉;; HE, Qizhi;贺其治;; HE, Yafei;何亚非;; head of chancery;办事处主任;; head of delegation;代表团团长;; head of family;一家之主; 一家之长;; head of government;政府首脑;; head of household;户主;; head of mission;1.特派团团长 2.代表团团长 3.使馆馆长;HOM; head of shift;领班;; head of state;国家元首;; head of state ratione personae;国家元首个人;; Head of the General Staff;总参谋长;; head of the household;户主;; head office;总店、总行、总公司;; head office expenses;总店费用;; head start programme;先起方案;; HEAD, Ivan;伊凡·黑德;; header piping systems;集管管路系统;; heading;预算内项目、表头;; headland;海角; 岬; 河源; 田边没犁到的地方;; headman;族长;; headnote;首注;; Headquarter Compound;总部营区;; Headquarters Advisory Committee;总部咨询委员会;; Headquarters Agreement;总部协定[Article:条; Section: 节];; Headquarters Agreement for the World Food Programme;世界粮食计划署总部协定;; Headquarters and Regional Offices Procurement and Transportation Service;总部和区域办事处采购和运输处;; Headquarters camp command;总部直属连;; Headquarters Complex;总部综合体;; Headquarters contractual services;总部订约承办事务;; Headquarters district;总部地区;; Headquarters for Planning and Promoting Policies relating to Women;妇女政策规划和促进总部;; Headquarters forward echelon HQ forward echelon;指挥部前沿梯队先遣指挥部;;先遣指挥部 Headquarters General Service Section;总部一般事务人员科;; headquarters level;总部等级;; Headquarters of the United Nations Command in Korea;联合国军朝鲜司令部;; Headquarters office accommodation;总部办公房舍;; Headquarters Operations Group, UNICEF;儿童基金会总部业务小组;; Headquarters Public Lobby;总部公共大厅;; Headquarters rear echelon HQ rear echelon;指挥部后方梯队后方指挥部;;后方指挥部 Headquarters Services Section;总部事务科;; Headquarters staff;总部工作人员;; Heads of Agreement;协定纲领;; Heads of Government Summit of the Melanesian Spearhead Group;美拉尼西亚矛头集团政府首脑会议;; Heads of National Drug Service;国家药物部门负责官员会议;; heads of state and government;国家元首和政府首脑;; Heads of State and Government of the Baltic Sea States;波罗的海国家国家元首和政府首脑;; healer;民俗医士;; health;医疗卫生; 保健; 卫生;; Health Action International;国际保健行动;HAI; health administration systems;保健系统;; health administrator;卫生行政人员;; health agent;健康堡人;; Health and Development for Displaced Populations;流离失所者保健和发展项目 流离失所者项目;HEDIP;流离失所者项目 Health and Education Centres;保健和教育中心;; Health and Environment Data Linkage Analysis and Monitoring Project;健康和环境数据关联分析和监测项目;HEDLAMP; health and life insurance;健康人寿保险;; Health and Life Insurance Committee;健康和人寿保险委员会;HLIC; Health and Nutrition Bureau;卫生和营养局;; Health and Nutrition Division;卫生和营养司;; health and nutrition officer;保健和营养干事;; Health and Nutrition Section;保健和营养科;; health and peace towards development and democracy;卫生与和平促进发展与民主;; Health and Population Research Centre;保健和人口研究中心;; health and safety at work;劳动保健和安全;; Health and Safety Guide;健康与安全指南;; health and sanitary inspector;健康和卫生检查人员;; health authorities;卫生部门; 卫生当局;; health cards;保健卡;; health care;保健;; health care agents;保健工作人员;; health care instruction;保健指导;; health centre;保健中心,保健站,医务所;; health centre subdistrict level;保健中心;; Health Clinic;诊所;; Health Coordinator;保健协调员;; Health Corps;保健队;; health delivery system;医疗提供系统;; health education;卫生教育;; Health Education of the Child;儿童卫生教育;; health educator;卫生教育人员;; health facilities;保健设施;; Health for All;人人享有健康;HFA; Health for All and All for Health;人人享有健康,个个讲究卫生;; Health for All by the Year 2000;到2000年人人享有健康;HFA/2000; Health for All Strategy;确保人人享有健康战略;HFA Strategy; health hazard;对健康的危害性;; health indicators;健康指标;; health infrastructure;保健基础设施;; health insurance;医疗保险;HI; Health Insurance Review Committee;健康保险审查委员会;; health interventions;保健干预措施;; Health Laboratory Technology Unit;保健实验室技术股;; Health Literature, Library and Information Services;保健印刷品、图书馆和资料服务处;HELLIS; health logistic capacity;保健后勤能力;; Health Manpower Development Programme;保健人员培训方案;HMP; health outlets;保健中心保健站;; health personnel; health staff;保健人员;; health planning;卫生工作规划;; health policy;卫生政策;; health post;保健站; 卫生站;; health practitioner;医疗人员;; health professionals;卫生专业人员保健专业人员;; health promotion;卫生推广工作;; health risk assessment;健康风险评价;; health sciences;保健科学;; Health Sector Technical Working Group;卫生部门技术工作组;; health service;保健服务; 公共医疗事业; 医务处;; Health Service;医务处;; health service outlets;保健站;; health services and facilities;保健服务和设施;; health station;保健站; 卫生站;; health system;保健制度; 保健系统;; Health Systems Research Group;保健系统研究小组;; Health Teaching and Learning Materials Clearing House;保健教学材料交换中心;; health team;卫生工作队;; health unit;卫生股;; health worker;卫生工作人员;; health-care provider;提供保健服务者;; health-care sector;保健部门;; health-related monitoring;与健康有关的监测;; healthy cities project;健康城市项目;; healthy city;健康城市;; healthy life-span;健康寿命;; healthy lifestyles;健康的生活方式;; Healthy Villages Project;健康村庄项目;; Healthy women counselling guide;健康妇女辅导指南;; hearing;听证会审讯; 审理;听讯[国际刑事法院];; hearing and deciding complaints;听讯; 审讯; 审理;; hearing of petitioners;听取请愿人申诉;; hearing witness;听取证人的证词;; hearings;听证会听讯; 开庭;; hearings and written proceeding;开庭和书面审理程序;; hearings on Namibian Uranium;关于纳米比亚铀的听询会;; HEART, Eduardo A.;爱德华多·哈特;; hearts and minds strategy;心理战略;; heat balance;热量平衡;; heat capacity;热容量; 热容;; heat content;焓; 热函; 热含量;; heat engineering;热力工程; 热工学;; heat exchangers;热交换器;; heat exchangers for cooling UF;冷却UF 的热交换器;; heat flares;发热照明弹;; heat flow;热流;; heat insulation;热绝缘; 绝热;; heat resistance;耐热性; 抗热性;; heat resistant;耐热性;; heat seal paper;热封纸;; heat stabilizing;热稳定的; 耐热的;; heat treatment;热处理;; heat-producing chemical reaction;放热化学反应;; heat-resistant materials;耐热材料;; heat-stable vaccines;耐热疫苗;; heat-trapping ability;致温室效应气体的吸热能力;截热能力;; heathlands;荒野; 石楠荒原;; HEATH, Edward Prime Minister United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;爱德华·希思 9/21/72;; HEATHERINGTON, Scott;斯科特·希瑟林顿 2/12/91;; heating plant;供热设备; 供热车间;; heating, air-conditioning and ventilation;暖气、空调和通风系统;HCV;系统 Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Unit;暖气、通风和冷气股;; heavenly body;天体;; heavy artillery;重炮;; heavy cargo truck;重型运货卡车;; heavy diesel vehicle;重型柴油车辆;; heavy fishing;滥捕;; heavy goods vehicle;重型货车; 重型运输车辆;; Heavy Industries Sector;重工业部门科;HI; heavy machine-gun;重机枪;HMG; heavy manufacturing;重型制造业;; heavy market;大量买卖的市场; 交易活跃;; heavy metals;重金属;; heavy missile;重型导弹;; heavy pack ice;重浮冰;; heavy rain;豪雨; 大雨;; heavy water;重水;; heavy-duty engine;重负荷发动机; 重负载发动机;; heavy-duty transformers;强功率变压器;; heavy-duty vehicle;重型车辆;; heavy-water reactor;重水反应堆;; heavy-weapons exclusion zone;重武器禁区;; heavy ice;重冰;; Hebrew University;希伯莱大学;; Hebron Training Institute;希布伦训练学院;; Hebron University;希布伦大学;; HECKSCHER, Gunnar;贡纳尔·黑克谢尔;; hectare;公顷;; hedgerow;绿篱; 篱列;; HEDGES, John A.;约翰·赫奇斯;; hedging;套头交易;; hedging arrangement;套汇安排; 套头交易安排;; hedging instruments;套期保值手段; 套头手段;; hedging transactions;套头交易;; hedonic method;奢侈品回归分析法;; Hedonic Price Method;快感估价法快感法;HPM;快感法 hedonic regression method;奢侈品回归分析法;; HEERDEN, Phillip van;菲利普·范赫尔登;; HEGAZY, Abdel Aziz;阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·赫加齐;; HEGEL;黑格尔;; HEGELAN, Sheikh Faisal A.;谢赫·费萨尔·赫吉兰;; hegemonism;霸权主义;; Heglic tree;酸叶木树;; Heidelberg cancelling machine;海德尔伯格盖销机;; HEIDWEILLER, Henricus;亨里克斯·海德韦勒;; height profile of ozone;臭氧铅直分布图;; height-for-age;年龄标准身高;; HEIJDEN, Barend C.A.F. Van der;巴伦德·范德尔黑伊登;; HEIJST, A.N.P. van;阿德·范黑伊斯特;; HEIKAL, Mohamed Hassanein;穆罕默德·侯赛因·海卡尔;; HEINE, Carl L.;卡尔·海涅;; HEINEBACK, Bo;博·黑内巴克;; HEINEMANN, Gustav;古斯塔夫·海涅曼;; HEJAZI, Mohammed;穆罕默德·赫贾齐;; Hejra Year;回历年;; HEKMATYAR;希克马蒂亚尔;; HELBICH, Leopold;利奥波德·黑尔比希;; HELCOM;波罗的海海洋环境堡委员会;HELCOM; held in suspense;暂不动用;; held in trust;委托保管托管;; held pending investigation;侦查期间的拘留;; Helen Keller International, Inc.;国际海伦·凯勒协会;; HELGASON, Gudmundur;格维兹·黑尔加松;; HELGASON, Hordur;赫尔迪尔·黑尔加松;; HELGESEN, Jan;简·赫尔格森;; helicopter gunship;武装直升机;; helicopter squadron;直升飞机中队;; Helicopter unit of the Special Commission;特别委员会的直升机分队;; helicopter wing;直升机联队;; HELIMAKI, Ilmari;伊尔马里·黑利马基;; helium-3;氦-3;; HELKE, Jill B.;吉尔·赫尔克;; Hellenic Organization for Standardization;希腊标准化组织;; Hellenic Productivity Centre;希腊生产率中心;ELKEPA; Hellenic Tourist Organization;希腊旅游组织;HTO; Hellenism;希腊主义;; HELLER, Claude;克劳德·埃列尔;; HELLNERS, Vidar;维达·赫尔纳斯;; Helmand River Delta Commission, Afganistan and Iran;阿富汗--伊朗赫尔曼德河三角洲委员会;; HELMINEN, Rauli;劳利·赫尔米南;; HELMINGER, Paul;保罗·黑尔明格;; helminthiases;蠕虫病;; helminthiasis;蠕虫病;; helminths;蠕虫; 肠虫;; HELMY, Amin;阿明·赫勒米;; help desk;服务台;; Help the Aged;助老会;; Helpage International;国际助老会;HAI; helper;助手;; helplessness;孤立无援;; HELSINGIUS, Ulla;乌拉·黑尔辛吉乌斯;; Helsinki Convention;赫尔辛基公约;; Helsinki Declaration on the Protection of the Ozone Layer;赫尔辛基堡臭氧层宣言;; Helsinki Final Act;赫尔辛基最后文件;; Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control; HEUNI;赫尔辛基预防和控制犯罪研究所;; Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers;关于使用国际河川水道的赫尔辛基规则;; Helsinki Sanomat;赫尔辛基新闻;; Helsinki Summit Document;赫尔辛基首脑会议文件;; Helsinki Watch;赫尔辛基观察;; Helvetas;瑞士技术援助协会;; hemihydrate;半水合物;HH; Hemisphere Insurance Conference;半球保险会议;; hemispheric consciousness;半球意识;; Hemispheric Security Committee;半球安全委员会;; Hemispheric Summit;半球首脑会议;; Hemispheric Summit Conference on Sustainable Development;半球可持续发展首脑会议;; hemispherical circulation;半球环流;; hemispherical distribution;半球分布;; hemispherical thermodynamic model of climate;气候的半球热力学模式;; hemorrhagic fever;出血热;; Hemphill Harris Travel, US;美国哈里斯旅行社;; HENAR, Lucien J.;吕西恩·黑纳尔;; HENG Samrin;韩桑林;; HENG, Choon Boon;王俊文;; HENGEL, Rene;勒内·亨格尔;; henna hinna;指甲花;; HENNES, Richard V.;理查德·亨尼斯;; HENNESSY, Patrick;帕特里克·亨尼西;; Henri Dunant Institute;亨利·迪南学院;; HENRIKSEN, Arnt;阿恩特·亨里克森;; HENRION, R.;昂里翁;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司