翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 HENRIQUEZ, David LOPEZ;戴维·洛佩斯·恩里克;; Henry Darwin;亨利·达尔文;; HENTATI, Adel;阿德尔·亨塔提;; HENVILLE, Evelyn;伊夫林·亨维尔;; HENZE, Gerhard Walter;格哈德·瓦尔特·亨策;; HEPBURN, Audrey;奥德丽·赫伯恩;; Her Britannic Majesty;英国女王陛下;; Her Majesty's Government;英国政府;; Herald of Peace;和平先驱报;; HERARD, Jean-Robert;让-罗贝尔·埃拉尔;; HERBERT, William V.;威廉·赫伯特;; herbicidal treatment;除莠剂处理;; herbicide;除莠剂;; Herceg Bosna;波黑地区;; Hercules, C-130;C-130大力士式运输机;; HERCUS, Ann;安·赫克斯;; HERCZEGH, Geza;盖佐·海尔采格;; herd immunity;群落免疫;; HERDENSTAM, Catherine von;凯瑟琳·冯海登斯塔姆;; hereafter refer to;以下称为;; hereditary;先天的; 遗传的;; hereditary monarchy;世袭君主政体;; hereditary succession;世袭继承权;; hereditary traits;遗传特征;; Herero;赫雷罗族;;族 Herero Tribal Trust Fund;赫雷罗族信托基金;; heritage coast;自然遗产海岸;; Heritage Foundation;传统基金;; heritage preservation;自然遗产维护;; heritage watch;文化遗产观察;; Hermann incident;“埃尔南”号事件;; Hermes;“赫姆斯”号;; HERNANDEZ ALCERRO, Jorge Ramon;豪尔赫·拉蒙·埃尔南德斯·阿尔塞罗;; HERNANDEZ BASAVE, Arturo;阿图罗·埃尔南德斯·巴萨韦;; HERNANDEZ MACHADO, Juan Antonio;胡安·安东尼奥·埃尔南德斯·马查多;; HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ, Homero Luis;奥梅罗·路易斯·埃尔南德斯·桑切斯;; HERNANDEZ, Hector;埃克托尔·埃尔南德斯;; HERNANDEZ, Homero L.;奥梅罗·埃尔南德斯;; HERNANDEZ, Jose;何塞·埃尔南德斯;; HERNANDEZ, Luis Felipe;路易斯·菲利佩·埃尔南德斯;; HERNANDEZ, Marife;玛丽菲·埃尔南德斯;; HERNANDEZ-SANCHEZ, Homero Luis;奥梅罗·路易斯·埃尔南德斯-桑切斯;; HERNDL, Kurt;库特·赫恩德尔;; HERNES, Helga;黑尔加·赫内斯;; Heroin;海洛因;; heroin diacetylmorphine;海洛因二乙酰吗啡;;二乙酰吗啡 heroin base;海洛因碱;; Heroin hydrochloride;盐酸海洛因;; Heroin methyliodide;海洛因甲碘化物;; heroin No.3;三号海洛因;; heroin signature;海洛因特征;; HEROS, Alfonso de Los;阿方索·德洛斯·埃罗斯;; HERRERA CAMPINS, Luis;路易斯·埃雷拉·坎平斯;; HERRERA RAMIREZ, Juan I.;胡安·埃雷拉·拉米雷斯;; HERRERA, Alvaro;阿尔瓦罗·埃雷拉;; HERRERA, Fermin;费尔明·埃雷拉;; HERRERA, Julio Armando MARTINI;胡利奥·阿尔曼多·马丁尼·埃雷拉;; HERRERA, Luis Alberto Lacalle de;路易斯·阿尔韦托·拉卡列·德埃雷拉;; HERRERA, Milena;米莱纳·埃雷拉;; HERRERA, Ricardo;里卡多·埃雷拉;; HERRERO MARTINEZ, Aracelis;阿拉·塞利斯·埃雷罗·马丁内斯;; herring;鲱;; HERRMANN, Ingrid;因格里德·埃尔曼;; HERSI Morgan, Mohamed Said General;穆罕默德·赛义德·赫西摩根将军;;将军 HERSI, Omar Hagi Mohamed;奥马尔·哈吉·穆罕默德·赫西将军;;将军 Herstigte Nasionale Party;重建国民党;HNP; Herstigte Nasionale Party of South West Africa;西南非洲重建国民党;; HERTZEN, Heikki von;黑基·冯赫尔岑;; HERTZOG, Albert;艾伯特·赫佐格;; Herut Party;自由党;; HERVEY, John Bethell Obe;约翰·贝瑟尔·奥贝·赫维;; HERVO-AKENDENGUE, Corentin;科朗坦·埃尔沃-阿康当居;; HERZBRUCH, Helmut;赫尔穆特·赫尔茨布鲁赫;; Herzeg-Bosna, Republic of;黑塞格-波斯纳共和国;; HERZL, Theodor;西奥多·赫兹尔;; HERZOG, Chaim;哈伊姆·赫佐格;; HERZOG, Haim;哈伊姆·赫佐格;; HESOUN, Josef;约瑟夫·黑祖恩;; Hesperian Foundation;西方基金会;; Hessian Foundation for Research on Peace and Conflicts;黑森州和平与冲突研究基金会;; Hessische Landesbank Girozentrale;黑森洲中央储蓄银行;; hetero atoms;杂原子;; heterogamy;异配生殖;; heterophobia;惧异症异性恐怖症;; heterosexual intercourse;异性性交;; heterosexual transmission;异性感染;; heterosexuals;异性恋者;; heterosphere;非均质层;; heterotroph;异养生物;; heterosexual men and women;异性恋男女;; HEVIA, Carlos Lechuga;卡洛斯·莱丘加·埃维亚;; Hewlett Foundation;休利特基金会;; Hewlett Packard;休利特·帕卡德公司惠普公司;;惠普公司 Hewlett-Packard Company;惠普公司;; hexachlorobenzene;六氯苯;HCB; hexachlorocyclohexane;六氯环己烷; 六氯化苯; 六六六;HCH; hexachloroethane C2Cl6 Cl3CCCl3;六氯乙烷; 全氯乙烷;C2Cl6; hexadorm-calcium;黑塞多一钙;; hexafluoroethane CF3CF3;六氟乙烷; 全氟乙烷;; Hexagonal Group;六国集团;; hexane;己烷;; hexanitrostilbene;六硝基芪;HNS; hexene;己烯;; HEYKAL, Hassanein;侯赛因·海卡勒;; Hezb-Allah;真主党;; Hezb-e Jombhuri-ye Eslami;伊斯兰共和党;; Hezb-e Jomhuri-ye Eslami;伊斯兰共和党;; Hezb-e Peikar;斗争党;; Hezb-e Ranjbaran;劳动人民党;; Hezb-e-Islami Khales;伊斯兰党哈利斯派;;哈利斯派 Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰党;; Hezb-e-Wahdat Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰统一党;; Hezbolla;真主党;; HFA;氟烷; 氟代烷烃;HFA; HFC;氟烷; 氟代烷烃; 氢氟碳化合物;HFC; HFET;公路燃油经济性试验;HFET; HHSHI, Bunshichi;星文七;; hiatus financing;停雇期间补助金;; expert hiatus financing;专家停雇期间补助金;; HIC Women and Shelter Network;生境联盟妇女和住房网;; Hickcsean income concept;希克斯收入概念;; HICKS, Irvin;艾文·希克斯;; HIDALGO BASULTO, Alcibiades;阿尔西维亚德斯·伊达尔戈·巴苏尔托;; HIDALGO, Miguel;米盖尔·伊达尔哥;; hidden fault;隐藏的过失; 隐蔽过失;; hidden reserve;秘密准备金;;金 hidden reserves;秘密准备;; hide and skin;皮张;; Hidehiko, HAMADA;滨田英彦;; HIDEKI, Harashima;原岛秀毅;; HIDEYUKI, Sakamoto;坂本秀之;; HIDINNA, Solomon;索洛蒙·希丁纳;; HIELSCHER, Dirk;迪克·希尔舍;; HIENDRASTO, Bambang;班邦·希恩德拉斯托;; HIENSCH, Bob;博布·希恩斯希;; HIGAKI, Masatada;桧坦正忠;; HIGGIE, Dell C.;德尔·希吉;; HIGGINS, Rosalyn;罗莎琳·希金斯;; HIGGINS, William Richard;威廉·理查德·希金斯;; higglers;中间商;; high;高压; 高气压; 反气旋;; High - level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development;可持续发展问题高级别咨询委员会;; high alcohols;高碳醇; 高级醇;; high amplitude;高振幅;; high atmosphere;高层大气;; high bogs;高地沼泽;; high calorific value;高卡值; 高热量;; high capacity container;大容量容器;; high capital investment;高额资本投资;; High Chief [Palau];大族长;; High Command;司令部;; High Command of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea;民主柬埔寨国民军最高司令部;; high commission;高级委员会; 高级专员公署;; High Commission for Peace of the International Association of University Presidents;国际大学校长协会高级和平委员会;; High Commission of Development Cooperation Agencies;发展合作机构高级委员会;; high commissioner;高级专员; 高级委员; 特派员;; High Commissioner for Human Rights;人权事务高级专员人权专员;HCHR;人权专员 High Commissioner for Peace;和平事务高级专员;; High Commissioner for Refugees;难民事务高级专员;; High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;太平洋岛屿托管领土高级专员;; High Commissioner on National Minorities;少数民族问题高级专员民族专员;HCNM;民族专员 High Committee for Repatriation of Third-Country Evacuees;第三国疏散人员遣返问题高级委员会;; high contracting party;缔约国缔约方;; high council;高级理事会;; High Council for National Defence;最高国防委员会;HCND; High Council of Religious Scholars and Clergymen;宗教学者和教士高级理事会;; high court of justice;高级法院;; high current power supplies;高电流供电;; high diffusion stock;高扩散鱼类;; high dilatometric expansion;膨胀率高;; high enriched uranium;高浓度铀;HEU; high environmental risk area;高环境风险区;; high explosives;高爆炸药;; high frequency;高频;HF; high frequency seismic system for detailed mapping of sea floor;海底详细绘图高频地震系统;SEABEAM; high goitre rate;甲状腺发病率高;; High Islamic Commission in Jerusalem;耶路撒冷伊斯兰高级委员会;; High Jirgah;高级别支尔格;; High Latitude Research Satellite;高纬度研究卫星;HILAT; high latitudes;在高纬度地区;; High Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development;可持续发展问题高级别咨询委员会;; High Level Expert Group Meeting in Preparation of the Second Consultation on the;筹备工业人力培训第二次协商会议的高级专家组会议;; high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle;装有高机动多用途车轮的车辆机动多用途车;Hmmwv;机动多用途车 High National Commission on the Fight against Illicit Production, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs;国家取缔非法生产、贩运和滥用麻醉品高级 委员会;; high northern latitudes;北半球高纬度地区;; high ozone-depletion potential;高臭氧消耗潜能值;; high performance liquid chromatography;高效液相色谱法;; high pH;高pH值;; high pressure hose;高压软管;; high pressure water jetting unit;高压喷水车;; High Readiness Brigade;高度戒备旅;; High Representative;高级代表;; high resolution imaging detector;高分辨率成象探测仪;HRID; high resolution infra-red radiation sounder;高分辨率红外辐射探测仪;HIRS; high resolution infra-red sounder;高分辨率红外探测仪;HIRS; high resolution satellite data;高分辨率卫星数据;HRSD; high resolution visible;高分辨率可见光;HRV; high risk population;极易染上毒瘾的人口;; High Scope Foundation;高视野基金会;; high seas;公海; 远洋;; high selective recruitment policy;严格按高标准选择的征聘政策; 严格挑选的征聘政策;; high stratosphere;平流层上部;; high southern latitudes;南半球高纬度地区;; high swelling number;膨胀值高;; high temperature furnaces;高温炉;; high temperature superconductors;高温超导体;; high troposphere;对流层上部;; High Training Institute for Management Accounting;管理会计高级训练研究所;; high treason;叛国罪;; high utilization limit refractories;高使用极限值耐火材料;; high value species;高价值鱼种;; high voltage power supplies;高压供电;; high water;高潮; 满潮;; high-compression lean burn engine;高压缩比稀混合气发动机;; high-current pulse generators;高电流密度脉冲发生器;; high-density digital tape;高密度数字磁带盘高密盘;HDDT;高密盘 high-density radiation shielding windows;高密度辐射屏蔽窗;; high-energy ignition system;高能点火系;; high-energy material;高耗能材料;; high-energy particle;高能粒子;; high-energy solar proton;高能太阳质子;; high-energy-density facility;高能量密度设施;HEDF; high-explosive anti-tank projectile;高爆反坦克弹;; high-explosive bomb;高爆炸弹;; high-explosive shell;高爆榴弹;; high-explosive testing facility;高爆测试设施;; high-frequency automatic request;高频自动回询重发;HF ARQ; high-handedness;高压手段;; High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development;可持续发展问题高级别咨询委员会;; High-Level Advisory Board on the Situation of Namibia;纳米比亚情况高级别咨询委员会;; High-level Advisory Seminar on Cleaner Production Warsaw Seminar;洁净生产高级别咨询讨论会华沙讨论会;;华沙讨论会 High-Level Agreements of 1977 and 1979;1977和1979年的高层协议;; High-Level Arab Committee of the Three;阿拉伯三国高级别委员会;; High-Level Commission on Sustainable Development;可持续发展问题高级别委员会;; High-Level Committee on TCDC;技合高级别委员会;; High-Level Committee on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作高级别委员会;; High-Level Committee on the Review of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;审查发展中国家间技术合作高级别委员会;; High-level Conference on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间经济合作高级别会议;; High-level Expert Group Meeting on the Establishment of the ICGEB;关于建立国际遗传工程和生物技术中心的高 级别专家组会议;; High-Level Experts' Meeting on Regional Cooperation on Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比环境事项区域合作高级别 专家会议;; High-Level Experts' Meeting on the Role of Non-governmental Organizations in the Development of the Least Developed Countries;非政府组织在最不发达国家发展中的作用问 题高级别专家会议;; High-Level Experts' Meeting on the Role of Women in the Development of the Least Developed Countries;妇女在最不发达国家发展中的作用问题高级 别专家会议;; high-level forecasting;高空预报;; High-level Group of Experts on Procurement;采购问题高级别专家组;; High-Level Horn of Africa Standing Committee on Somali;非洲之角索马里问题高级别常设委员会;; High-Level Inter-Governmental Technical Group;高级政府间技术小组;; High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Mid-term Global Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990's;对1990年代支援最不发达国家行动纲领的执 行情况进行中期全球审查高级别政府间会议;; High-Level Interregional Encounter on Disability;残疾人问题区域间高级别会晤;; high-level meeting;高级别会议高层会议;; High-Level Meeting of Experts on Social Development Indicators;社会发展指标高级专家会议;; High-Level Meeting of Government Officials Responsible for Industrial Property of SELA Member States;拉美经济体系成员国负责工业产权政府官员高级别会议;; high-level meeting of the Group of 77 on economic cooperation among developing c;77国集团关于发展中国家间经济合作高级会 议;; High-Level Meeting on Children;儿童问题高级别会议;; High-Level Meeting on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间经济合作高级别会议;; High-Level Meeting on Employment and Structural Adjustment;就业和结构调整问题高级别会议;; High-level Meeting on Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋无害环境与可持续发展问题高 级会议;; High-Level Meeting on TCDC;技合活动高级别会议;; High-Level Meeting on the Review of TCDC;审查技合活动高级别会议;; High-Level Meeting on the Review of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;审查发展中国家间技术合作活动高级别会议;; High-level Meeting on Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development;贸易、环境和可持续发展高级别会议;; high-level multilateral forums;高级多边论坛;; High-Level Open-ended Working Group of the General Assembly on the Strengthening of the United Nations System;加强联合国系统问题大会高级别不限成员名 额工作组;; High-Level Open-ended Working Group on the Financial Situation of the United Nations;联合国财政情况高级别不限成员名额工作组;; high-level ozone;高空臭氧;; High-Level Panel of External Experts in Forestry;高级别外聘林业专家组;; High-Level Panel of Personalities;高级别知名人士小组;; High-Level Policy Planning Meeting on Industrial Property in Africa;非洲工业产权高级别政策规划会议;; High-Level Segment;高级别部分;; High-level Symposium on Peace and Development: Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution in Africa;和平与发展高级别专题讨论会:非洲冲突预 防、管理和解决;; high-level technical talks;高级别技术性会谈;; High-Level United Nations Expert Group on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and Their Impact on Environment;新能源和可再生能源及其对环境影响问题联 合国高级别专家组;; high-level United Nations task force to support the economic and social development of the Palestinian people;联合国支持巴勒斯坦人民经济及社会发展高 级别工作队;; high-level waste;高放废物; 高水平放射性废物; 高放射性废物;; high-parity birth;高胎次生产;; high-priority activities;高度优先活动;; High-Resolution Infrared Radiometer;高分辨红外辐射计;; high-risk births;高危生产;; high-risk child;极易发生问题的儿童;; high-risk child-bearing;高危孕产;; high-risk pregnancy;高危妊娠;; high-risk sexual behaviour;高危险的性行为;; high-speed pulse generators;高速脉冲发生器;; high-sulphur fuel;高硫燃料;; high-sulphur residues;高硫残留物; 高硫残渣;; high-technology;高技术;; high-technology industry;高技术工业;; high-yield varieties;高产品种;; high-yielding varieties;高产品种;HYV; Higher Centre of Studies for National Defence;高级国防研究中心;; higher committee;高级委员会;; Higher Committee of the Arab Military Industrialization Authority;阿拉伯军事工业化问题管理局最高委员会;; Higher Coordinating Committee of Tripoli;特里波利最高协调委员会;; higher court;高级法院; 高等法院;; higher education;高等教育;; Higher Education for Development Cooperation;高等教育促进发展合作协会;HEDCO; Higher Islamic Council;伊斯兰最高理事会;; Higher Joint Commission;高级联合委员会;; higher layers of the stratosphere;比平流层更高的大气层;; Higher Planning Council;最高计划委员会;; higher polyolefins;高级聚烯烃;; higher standard of living;较高生活水平;; higher than average costs;费用高于平均数额;; higher than standard staff salaries;工作人员薪金高于一般标准;; higher Training Institute for Management Accounting;管理会计高级训练研究所;; Higher Tripartite Arab Committee;阿拉伯三方最高委员会;; highest paid civil service;薪酬最高的公务员制度;; highest priority;最重要优先项目; 最高优先;; highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity;效率、才干及忠诚之最高标准;; HIGHETT, David Francis Trevor;戴维·弗朗西斯·特雷弗·海特;; Highlands Agriculture Marketing and Production Project;高原农业销售和生产项目;HAMP; highlight;要闻专载专论;; Highlights of the world social situation 1987: recent developments and current issues;1987年世界社会状况概要:最近发展和当前问题;; highly developed areas;高度发达地区;; highly enriched uranium;高浓缩铀;HEU; highly reactive hydrocarbons;高度活性碳氢化合物;; Highway Command;公路指挥部;; Highway Fuel Economy Test;公路燃油经济性试验;HFET; Highway Patrol Command;公路巡逻指挥部;; highway source;公路污染源; 源于公路的污染;; Highway Sub-Committee;公路小组委员会;; Highways and Highway Transport Subcommittee;公路和公路运输小组委员会;; High Commissioner on National Minorities;少数民族事务高级专员;; Higra;先知迁移事件回历纪元;; Hijra century, 15th;回历15世纪;; HILAL, Ahmed Ezzeldin;艾哈迈德·希拉勒;; Hilal-Ahmar;红新月会;; HILDEBRANDT, Martha;玛尔塔·伊尔德布兰特;; HILDNER;希尔德纳;; HILGER, Reinhard;赖因哈德·希尔格;; Hill Samuel;希尔·塞缪尔银行;; HILL, Anthony;安东尼·希尔;; hill, hilltop;高地;; HILL, James;詹姆斯·希尔;; HILL-NORTON, Peter;彼得·希尔-诺顿;; HILLEL, Reuven;鲁文·希莱尔;; HILLGENBERG, Hartmut;哈特穆特·希尔根贝格;; HILLO, Pia;皮娅·希洛;; hilltribe;山区部族;; HILMI, Falih A.;法利赫·希尔米;; HILMY II, Amin;阿明·希勒米二世;; Hilton Restaurant Group, US;美国希尔顿饭店集团;; HIMA HAMANI;希马·哈马尼;; Himba;西姆巴;; HIMID, Yussuf;优素福·希米德;; HINCHCLIFFE, Phyllis R.;菲利斯·欣奇克利夫;; Hind Mazdoor Sabha;印度劳工协会;; HINDAWI, Salah;萨拉赫·欣达维;; hinderland states;内陆国;; HINDS, Samuel;塞缪尔·海因兹;; Hindu Kush;兴都库什[山脉];; Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.;印度斯坦石油公司;; HING UN;欣温;; hinges;铰链;; Hino Motors;日野汽车工业公司;; hinterland;腹地; 内地;; Hipolito Unanue Agreement;伊波利托·乌纳努埃协定;; Hippodrome;赛马场;; Hirab;希拉布;; HIRASHIMA, Yoshio;平岛良雄;; HIRAYAMA, Tadahiro;平山忠博;; hire purchase;租购;; hire purchase corporations;租购公司;; hire-purchase;分期付款购买办法;; Hire/charter costs;租金/包机费;; hired/charter costs;租用/包机费;; HIRONO;广野;; HIRONO, Ryokichi;广野亮吉;; HIROSE, Yukinari;广濑行成;; HIROSHI, Nakajima;中岛宏;; Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace;广岛和平解说员;; Hiroshima Nuclear Resource Centre;广岛核资料中心;HIP; Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation;广岛和平文化基金会;HNRC; Hiroshima--A Document of Atomic Bombing;广岛--原子弹轰炸的见证;; HIROYASU Kudo;广岛-原子弹轰炸的见证;; HIRSCHBERG, Carl C.F.G. von;卡尔·冯希尔施贝格;; HIS HOLINESS POPE PIUS XII;教宗庇护第十二世宗座;; His Royal Highness Samdech Norodom Sihanouk;诺罗敦·西哈努克亲王殿下;; HISHONGWA, Timothy;蒂莫西·希雄瓦;; Hispanica De Petroleos Sa;西班牙石油能源公司;; Hispano-Angolan Mixed Commission;西班牙-安哥拉混合委员会;; Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law;西-葡-美国际法研究所;IHLADI; HISPASAT satellite;HISPASAT 卫星;; historic bay;历史性海湾;; historic cost;历史成本;; historic monuments;历史古迹;; historic statistical series;历史统计系列;; historic treaty obligations;历史性条约义务;; historic waters;历史性水域;; historical background;历史背景;; historical catch;历史渔获量;; historical cost;历史成本;; historical cost at the beginning and end of the accounting period;会计期间开始和终了时的历史成本;; historical cost balance sheets;历史成本资产贡债表;; historical cost basis of accounting;实际成本核算制; 历史成本会计制;; historical cost convention;历史成本惯例;; historical cost flow;历史成本流动;; historical effective rate;历史有效利率;; historical rate;实际汇率;; historical rate approach;实际汇率法;; historical translate rate;历史换算率;; historical-cost basis of valuation;历史成本估价法;; Hitachi [Japan];日立公司;; Hitachi Co, Ltd, Japan;日本日立制作所株式会社;; Hitachi Seiki Ltd, Japan;日本日立精机株式会社;; Hitachi Ship-Building and Engineering;日立造船株式会社;; Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Japan;日本日立造船株式会社;; Hitachi [Japan];日立公司;; HITAM, Datak Musa;达图克·穆萨·希塔姆;; HITOHIRO, Isbida;石田仁宏;; HIV and Development National Professional Officers;艾滋病毒与发展领域内的本国专业人员;; HIV and Development Programme;艾滋病毒与发展方案;; HIV infection;艾滋病毒感染;; HIV infection/AIDS;艾滋病毒感染/艾滋病;; HIV seroprevalence;艾滋病毒带原者;; HIV-infected individuals;艾滋病毒感染者;; HIV/AIDS;艾滋病毒/艾滋病;; HIV/AIDS Inter-Agency Working Group;艾滋病毒/艾滋病机构间工作组;; HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme Unit;预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病方案股;; Hizb-e-Wahdat;团结党;; HJELM WALLEN, Lena;莱娜·耶尔默-瓦伦;; HJELMAKER, Lennarth;伦纳特·耶尔马克;; HJORT, H.W.;约尔特;; HJORTH-NIELSEN, Henning;亨宁·约特-尼尔森;; HLA Han;拉汉;; HLA Phone;吴拉丰;; Hla, U Tha Zan;吴塔赞拉;; HLAING, Saw;苏拉英;; HLASOA, T.;赫拉索亚;; HLOPHE, A.K.;赫洛佩;; HLOPHE, M.J.M.;赫洛费;; HMC;侯马光电缆;HMC; HMOUD, Salah;萨拉赫·哈穆德;; HMS INVINCIBLE package;“英舰无敌号”一揽子计划;; HNO3;HNO3; 硝酸;; HNO4;HNO4; 过硝酸;; HO Chi Minh;胡志明;; Ho Chi Minh City Understanding;胡志明市谅解;; HO Dam;许锬;; HO Hanh;胡欣;; HO Jong;许政;; HO Jong Suk;许贞淑;; HO, Albert H.L.;何云龙;; HO, Chi Minh;胡志明;; HO, Hanh;胡欣;; HO, Jong;许贞;; HO, Jong Suk;许贞淑;; Hoa Hao;和好教;; Hoa people;华人;; HOANG BICH LIEN;黄毕连;; HOANG Bich Son;黄碧山;; HOANG Leong;黄亮;; HOANG Quoc Viet;黄国越;; HOANG THI CU;黄时渠;; HOANG Tung;黄松;; HOANG Van Hoan;黄文欢;; HOANG VINH THANH;黄荣清;; HOANG, BICH LIEN;黄毕连;; HOANG, Bich Son;黄碧山;; HOANG, Leong;黄亮;; HOANG, Quoc Viet;黄国越;; HOANG, THI CU;黄时渠;; HOANG, Tung;黄松;; HOANG, Van Hoan;黄文欢;; HOANG, VINH THANH;黄荣清;; Hobart East Timor Committee;霍巴特东帝汶委员会;; Hobio;霍比奥;; HOCHSCHILD, Ulrich;乌尔里希·赫希斯希尔德;; HOCKE, Jean-Pierre;让-皮埃尔·奥凯;; HODDINOTT, Anthony Paul;安东尼·保罗·霍迪诺特;; Hoddur;胡得杜尔;; HODJATI, Morteza TAVASSOLI;莫尔泰扎·塔瓦索利·霍德贾蒂;; Hodogaya Chemical;保土谷化学工业株式会社;; HOEHN, Charlotte;夏洛特·赫恩;; HOEHNE, Gerd;格尔德·赫内;; HOEK, van;范赫克;; HOEKEMA, Jan;扬·胡克马;; HOEVERTSZ, N.L.M.;胡费尔茨;; Hofburg Conference Centre;霍夫堡会议中心;; Hofburg premises;霍夫堡宫房地;; HOFFMAN, Wolfgang;沃尔夫冈·霍夫曼;; HOFFMANN, George;乔治·霍夫曼;; HOFFORD, Robert Francis;罗伯特·弗朗西斯·霍福特;; HOGEN, Kensaku;法眼健作;; HOGEN, Shinsaku;法眼晋作;; HOH, Christopher J.;克里斯托弗·霍;; Hohenfellner, Peter;彼得·霍恩费尔纳;; Hokkaido Takushoku Bank;北海道拓殖银行;; HOLCOMBE, Arthur;贺尔康阿瑟·霍尔姆库;;阿瑟·霍尔姆库 hold;搁置;; hold-back money;暂留款项;; HOLDBROOK, Arthur;阿瑟·霍尔德布鲁克;; HOLDEN, Roberto;罗伯托·霍尔登;; holder;持票人;; HOLDER, Egon;埃贡·赫尔德;; HOLDGATE, Martin;马丁·霍尔德盖特;; holding a person incommunicado;单独监禁;; holding anchorage;等候抛锚;; holding centre;收容中心;; holding company;股权公司; 控股公司;; holding gains;持有利得; 已获利益;; holding gains and losses;持有损益;; holding operation;拦截行动;; holding period;持股期间;; holdings;股份;; HOLDRIDGE, John H.;约翰·霍尔德里奇;; HOLGER, James;哈梅斯·奥尔赫;; HOLIK, Josef;约瑟夫·霍利克;; Holiness Pope John Paul II;教宗若望保禄二世宗座;; Holiness, His;宗座;; holistic unified approach;综合统一方法;; holistic approach;综合办法统一办法;; holistic approach to water resources development and management;整体处理水资源的开发与管理;; HOLLAI, Imre;伊姆雷·霍拉伊;; Holland Committee on Southern Africa;荷兰南部非洲问题委员会;; HOLLAND, Patricia;帕特里夏·霍兰;; HOLLANTS VAN LOOCKE, J.;奥朗特斯·范洛克;; HOLM-ERICSON, Anna-Karin;安娜-卡琳·霍尔姆-埃里克松;; HOLMES, John;约翰·霍姆斯;; HOLO, Theodore;泰奥多尔·奥洛;; holoendemic;全地方性的;; HOLOHAN, Niall;尼尔·霍洛汉;; HOLTER, Dag Wernoe;达格·韦尔内·霍尔特;; HOLTHE, Ole Kristian;奥莱·克里斯蒂安·霍尔泽;; Holy Book of Allah;真主圣书;; Holy City of Jerusalem;圣城耶路撒冷;; Holy Cross Catholic Church;圣十字天主堂;; holy land;圣地;; Holy Land Arab Refugee Fund;阿拉伯圣地难民基金会;; Holy Land Christian Mission, New York;圣地基督教传道会,纽约;; holy places;圣地圣迹;; holy sanctuary;神圣禁地圣寺;; Holy Sepulchre, the Church of;圣墓大教堂;; Holy War;圣战组织;; HOLZER, Gabriele;加布里埃尔·霍尔策;; HOLZER, Jerzy;耶尔齐·霍尔泽尔;; HOMAEINEJAD, Mohammad;穆罕默德·霍迈伊内贾德;; home appliance;家用电器;; home care;家庭护理;; home commune;家乡村社;; home communities;家乡社区;; home country;母国本国;; home day-care programme;家庭日托方案;; home detention;家庭拘留;; home developed country;发达母国;; home economics;家政学;; home equity loan;住房抵押后余值贷款;; home gardens;家庭园圃;; home guard;国民军;; home improvement;住房改善工作;; home industry;家庭工业;; home leave;回籍假;; home leave travel;回籍假旅行;; home nurse;家庭护士;; home nursing;家庭护理;; home office;内政部;; home operations;国内业务;; home port;船籍港;; home probation;家庭缓刑;; home production;国产;; home rule;自治地方自治;; home secretary;内政部长内政大臣;; home society;本国社会;; home spraying;房屋喷撒杀虫剂;; home visitor;家访人员;; home workers;家务劳动者;; home-based occupation;家庭职业;; home-based work; homework;在家里从事的工作;; home-based worker;在家里工作的人;; home-economics demonstrator;家政示范人员;; home-help;家庭帮手;; home-made foods;自制食品; 家常烹饪食品;; home-maker;操持家务者; 家庭主妇; 持家妇女;; home-maker services;家务;; home-manufactured;自制的;; homecrafts;家庭手工艺;; homeland;本土纳米比亚家园巴勒斯坦祖国;; Homeland Defence Reserve Forces;护国后备队;; homeland doctrine [Israel];本土主义;; Homeland Party;祖国党;; homeless;无家可归者;; Homeless International;无家可归者国际组织;HI; homemaker;操持家务者; 家庭主妇; 持家妇女;; homemaking;持家; 家务;; homeotherapy;顺势疗法;; homepage;主页; 首页;; HOMER;荷马;; homing device;自动引导装置;; homing guidance;自动引导自动制导;; homicide by negligence;过失杀人;; homo habilis;东非猿人;; homo homini lupus;人对人为狼;; homoeostasis;自稳态;; homogeneous industry;同质产业;; homogeneous layer;均质层;; homolytic breaking;均裂;; homopause;均质层顶;; homopolymer;均聚物;; homosexual transmission;同性感染;; homosphere;均质层;; HOMOUD, Mazen;马增·胡穆德;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司