翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 kiloton weapon;千吨级武器;; kilowatt-hours;千瓦小时;KWh; kin, kindred;亲族; 亲戚;; kindergarten;幼儿园;; kindergarten teacher;幼儿园老师;; kinescope;电视显象管;; kinetic energy weapon;动能武器;KEW; king macherel;大西洋马鲛;; kip;基普;K; kit;药包;; kits drug identification kits;毒品鉴定包;; kitskonstabels;速成警察;; knapsack sprayer;背包式喷雾器;; knitware;针织品;; knives, serrated;刻齿动刀片;; knots true air speed;以节表示的真空速;KTS; knowingly;知情;; knowledge;知情; 知悉明知;; knowledge industry;知识工业;; knowledge of the market;市场知识;; knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning KAP surveys;计划生育知识、态度和实践调查;KAP survey; knowledge, attitudes and practice;知识、态度和实践;KAP; knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices/partner relations;知识、态度、信念和实践/伙伴关系;KABP/PR; known loss;已知损失;; known or suspected caches of weapons and military supplies;已知和可疑的武器和军事装备隐藏地点;; kokain;可卡因;; kraft paper;牛皮纸;; kramas;毛巾;; krill;磷虾;; krona;克朗;IKr; kroon;克龙;; krypton-85;氪85;; kuffar [infidels];异教徒;; kuna;库纳;KN; kwacha;克瓦查;; kwashiorkor;夸希奥科病恶性蛋白质缺乏营养不良症;; ky klos;循环;; kyat;元;K; L Wave [Love wave];L 波 [洛夫氏波];; L'Action;行动报;; l'aide publique au developpment;官方发展援助;APD; L'Essor;发展报;; L'expansion;发展;; l'Istiqlal;独立党;; L'Office National du Tourisme et du Thermalisme;国家旅游和温泉管理处旅游温泉处;ONTT;旅游温泉处 L'Oreal Group, France;法国巴黎莱莉雅集团;; L'Organisation de la Ligue arabe pour l'education, la culture et la science;阿拉伯联盟教育、文化及科学组织 阿联教文科组织;ALECSO;阿联教文科组织 l-methadone;l-美沙酮;; l-methadone bitartrate;重酒石酸l-美沙酮;; l-methadone hydrochloride;盐酸l-美沙酮;; La ilaha-illa-l-lah;除真主外别无神灵;; La Leche League International, Inc.;国际母乳育婴联盟;LLLI; LA MALFA, Ugo;雨果·拉马尔法;; LA MONTANA-CESE, Francisco;弗朗西斯科·拉蒙塔纳-塞色;; La Partage de la Technologie traditionelle;分享传统技术;PTT; La Paz Appraisal;拉巴斯评价;; LA PUENTE, Oscar DE;奥斯卡·德拉普恩特;; la-Harth;11月;; LAACK, Lance E.;兰斯·拉克;; LABAKI, Kesrouan;凯斯鲁安·拉巴基;; LABANI, Christopher M.;克里斯托弗·拉巴尼;; LABARIA, Violeta T.;比奥莱塔·拉瓦里亚;; label;标记; 标志;; labelled pharmaceuticals;标签药物; 贴标签;; labelling;贴上标志; 标志; 标记;; labelling standards;标签标准;; LABERGE, Paul;保罗·拉贝热;; LABIDI, Abdel Wahab;阿卜杜勒·瓦哈布·拉比迪;; laboratory;实验室; 制药工厂;; laboratory assistant;实验室助理;; Laboratory for Atmospheric and Solar Physics;大气和太阳物理实验室;LASP; Laboratory for Surveillance of Airborne Radio-activity;空中辐射监视实验室;; Laboratory of Agro-Pedology;农业土壤学实验室;; laboratory reagents for CHOLERA CONTROL;控制霍乱用的实验室试剂;; Laboratory Section;实验室科;; laboratory technician;实验室技术员;; Laboratory Techniques for the Profiling and Distinction between Diverted Licit Drugs and Clandestinely Manufactured Products;说明和区别被转用的合法药物和秘密制造的产品的实验室技术;; Laboratory-to-Laboratory Nuclear Materials Protection, Control and Accounting Programme;实验室对实验室核材料堡、控制和衡算方案;; LABORSTA;劳工统计数据库;LABORSTA; LABOUISSE, Henry R.;亨利·拉布伊斯;; labour;分娩;; labour absorption;劳动力吸收量;; Labour Action for Peace;劳工促进和平行动协会;; labour administration;劳动行政劳工管理;; Labour Advisory Committee;劳工咨询委员会;; Labour Alignment;劳工联盟;; Labour and Population Policy Team;劳工和人口政策队;; Labour and Population Team for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋劳工和人口工作队 亚太劳工人口工作队;LAPTAP;亚太劳工人口工作队 Labour Code;劳工法典;; labour collective;包工队; 包工队制;; labour conditions;劳动条件;; labour contracts;劳工合同;; labour convention;劳工公约;; labour cost;人工成本;; Labour Court;劳资争议法庭; 劳资调解委员会;; labour dispute;劳资争议; 劳资纠纷;; labour exchange;职业介绍所;; labour force;劳动力; 劳动队伍;; Labour force survey;劳动力调查;LFS; Labour Information and Statistics Department;劳工信息和统计部;; labour input method;劳动投入法;; labour intensity;劳动密度; 劳动强度;; labour intensive;密集劳力;; Labour Intensive Public Works Programme;劳动力密集公共工程方案;; labour law;劳工法;; labour legislation;劳工法律;; labour migration;劳动力迁移;; Labour Party;工党;; Labour Party of Namibia;纳米比亚工党;; labour relations;劳资关系;; Labour Relations Act;劳工关系法;; Labour Relations Amendment Act [South Africa];劳工关系修正法;; labour segregation;劳动隔离;; labour statistics;劳工统计;; Labour Supply and Migration in Europe;欧洲劳力供应和流动情形;; labour turnover;劳动力周转;; LABOUR, Marie L. M.;玛丽·拉博;; labour-importing country;劳力输入国;; labour-intensive;劳力密集的劳动强度高的;; labour-intensive construction method;密集劳力施工法;; labour-intensive goods;劳力密集型货物;; labour-intensive industries;劳力密集型工业;; labour-intensive investments;劳力密集型投资;; Labour-management Conciliation Commission;劳资协调委员会;; labour-saving devices;节省劳力的装置;; labour-saving technologies;人力节约技术;; labour-sending countries;劳工输出国;; labourer;工人;; labourer movement;劳工运动;; LABUNOV, Vladimir A.;弗拉基米尔·拉布诺夫;; Lac Lanoux Case;拉诺湖案;; LACALLE, Luis Alberto;路易斯·阿尔维托·拉卡列;; LACANLALE, Linlingay;林林盖·拉坎拉莱;; LACAYO, Alexandra;亚历山德拉·拉卡约;; LACAYO, Danilo;达尼洛·拉卡约;; lace maker;花边女工; 花边工人;; LACHARRIERE, Guy Ladreit de;居伊·拉德雷·德拉夏里埃;; lachrymation;流泪;; LACHS, Manfred;曼弗雷德·拉克斯;; lack of biologically mature trees;缺乏生物学上成熟的树木;; lack of concordance;不一致之处;;之处 LACLAUSTRA, Arturo;阿图罗·拉克劳斯特拉;; LACOUL, Prasad;普拉萨德·拉库尔;; LACROIX, Jean Pierre;让·皮埃尔·拉克鲁瓦;; Lacross missiles;拉克罗斯导弹;; LACSON, Jose Carlos;何塞·卡洛斯·拉克松;; lactating mother;授乳母亲;; lactation;哺乳期; 哺乳;; Lactic Acid Bacteria Network;乳酸菌网络;LABNET; lactuca tatarica;蒙山莴苣;; lacustrine sedimentology;湖泊沈积学;; LADD, Bruce C.;布鲁斯·拉德;; LADGHAM, Slah;萨拉赫·拉德加姆;; LADJIMI, Farouk;法鲁克·拉吉米;; LADJOUJI, M'hand;马汉德·拉朱齐;; LADJOUZI, Mahand;马汉德·拉朱齐;; LADOR, Mordechai;莫德哈伊·拉多尔;; LADSOUS, Herve;埃尔韦·拉德苏;; lady health visitor;女保健视察员;LHV; LAER;最低可达排放速率;LAER; Laetamini, Laetamini!, Rejoice, People of ....;欢乐, 欢乐! ....的人民, 你们要欢乐呀!;; LAETHEM, Gabriel van;加布里埃尔·范勒特姆;; LAFER, Celso;塞尔索·拉费尔;; LAFFRAI, Najibullah;纳吉布拉赫·拉弗拉伊;; LAFORTUNE, Helene;埃莱娜·拉福顿;; LAFRAIE, Najibullah;纳吉布拉·拉夫赖;; lag effect;滞后效应;; lagging;拖后结汇支付;;支付 LAGO GOMEZ, Pedro J.;佩德罗·拉戈·戈麦斯;; LAGO SILVA, Jorge;豪尔赫·拉戈·席尔瓦;; lagoon;氧化塘; 环礁; 泻湖;; LAGORIO, Ricardo Ernesto;里卡多·埃内斯托·拉戈里奥;; Lagos Accord on National Reconciliation in Chad;关于乍得民族和解的拉各斯协定;; Lagos Declaration for Action against Apartheid;拉各斯反对种族隔离行动宣言;; Lagos Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa;执行蒙罗维亚非洲经济发展战略的拉各斯行动计划;; Lagos Reconciliation Agreement;拉各斯和解协定;; Lagting;上议院;; Lagu, Joseph;约瑟夫·拉古;; LAGUARDIA MESTRE, Rafael;拉斐尔·拉瓜迪亚·梅斯特雷;; LAGUERRE, Garaudy;加劳迪·拉格雷;; lahar;火山灰泥流;; LAHAV, Beny;贝尼·拉哈夫;; Lahd Army;拉哈德军;; LAHD, Anthoine;安托万·拉赫德;; LAHDEVIRTA, Kimmo;基莫·莱代维尔塔;; LAHLOU, Rachid;拉希德·拉赫卢;; LAHMAN, Hasan;哈桑·拉赫曼;; LAHNSTEIN, Anne Enger;安内·恩格尔·兰斯泰因;; LAI, Ya-li;赖亚力;; Laiki Agones;人民斗争周刊;; Laikos Dromos;人民之路周刊;; Lailatul Qadr;莱拉图勒卡德尔节日;; LAIMA, David;戴维·赖马;; LAINE, Jermu;杰穆·莱纳;; LAINFIESTA, Mario Palencia;马里奥·帕伦西亚· 拉因菲耶斯塔;; LAING, Edward A.;爱德华·莱恩;; LAIPSON, Ellen B.;埃伦·莱普桑;; Laissez-passer;通行证;; LAKAS, Demetrio Basilio;德梅特里奥·巴西略·拉卡斯;; LAKATOS, Andras;安德拉什·拉卡托什;; lake bloom;藻华;; Lake Chad Basin Commission;乍得湖流域委员会;LCBC; Lake Constance;康斯坦茨湖;; Lake Lanoux Case;拉诺湖案;; Lake Mohonk Conference Centre;莫洪克湖会议中心;; Lake Titicaca-Rio Desaguadero-Lake Poopo-Lago Salar de Uyuni;的的喀喀湖--德萨瓜德罗河--普波湖--萨拉德乌尤尼湖 的德普萨水域;TDPS; lakelands;湖泊地区;; Lakh;拉克;; LAL, Aryoday;阿约戴·拉尔;; LALA, Petr;彼得·拉拉;; LALEYE, Antoine;安多万·拉莱耶;; Lalkasse;拉尔克塞;; LALLAH, Rajsoomer;拉杰苏默·拉拉赫;; limited area model;有限域模式;LAM; LAM;拉姆航空公司;LAM; LAMAMRA, Ramdane;拉姆丹·拉马姆拉;; LAMARR, Donald;唐纳德·拉马尔;; LAMAZIERE, Georges;热奥热斯·拉马济耶雷;; Lambert surfaces;朗伯表面;; LAMBERT, Yues;伊夫·朗贝尔;; LAMBO, T.A.;兰波;; lame standard;跛行本位;; LAMELA, Maria Luisa;玛丽亚·路易莎·拉梅拉;; laminating machine;胶合机;; LAMIZANA, Sangoule;桑古尔·拉米扎纳;; LAMKOUANDE, Ali;阿里·兰库安德;; LAMONT, Marjorie;马乔里·拉蒙特;; LAMOUCHI, Abdelaziz;阿卜杜拉齐兹·拉穆奇;; LAMPTEY, G.O.;乔治·兰普泰;; LAN server;局部网服务机;; LANC, Erwin;埃尔温·兰克;; Lancaster House;兰开斯特宫;; Lancaster House Agreement;兰开斯特宫协议;; Lancaster House Conference;兰开斯特宫会议;; Lance missile;长矛导弹;; land;州;; Land Acts;土地法;; land alienation;土地让渡;; land and structures;土地和建筑物;; Land and Surveys Department;土地和测量局;; Land and Water Development Division;水土开发司;AGL; Land Appellate Court;土地上诉法院;; Land Apportionment Act;土地分配法;; land area of the globe;全球大陆地带;; Land Bank;土地银行;; land bridge;陆桥;; land cadaster programme;地籍登记方案;; land capability;土地能力; 地力;; land clearance;清理土地; 清除地物; 开荒;; land clearing;清理土地; 清除地物; 开荒;; land control bill;土地管制法案;; land cost;土地成本;; land cruise car;越野车;; Land Day;国土日;; land degradation;土地退化;; land disposal of sewage sludge;下水污泥的地面处理;; land disposal site;地面处理场;; land erosion control;土地侵蚀控制; 土地侵蚀治理;; land extensification;扩大耕地;; Land for Peace;以土地换取和平; 土地换和平;; land hemisphere;陆半球;; land ice;陆冰;; Land Information System;土地信息系统;LIS; land management;土地管理;; land masses;陆块; 地块;; land of henna;指甲花之乡;; land pollutant;陆地污染物;; land pollution;陆地污染; 土壤污染;; land reclamation;土地改良; 土地开垦; 垦荒;; land redistribution;土地再分配;; land reform;土地改革;; Land Register;土地登记册;; land registeration;土地登记;; Land Registry;土地登记处;; land resettlement schemes;土地垦植计划;; Land Resources Development Centre;土地资源发展中心;LRDC; land restoration;土地恢复; 土壤改良;; land settlement;居住点;; land sharing;土地共有;; land station;地面站;; land subsidence;土地沉陷;; land surface;地面;; land surface temperature;地面温度;; Land Survey Act;土地测量法;; Land Surveyors' Registration Act;土地测量员登记法;; land tenure;土地占有制土地保有权;; Land Tenure Act;土地占有制法;; land tenure system;土地占有制度;; land transfer programme;土地转让方案;PTT; land transit insurance;陆上运输保险;; land transport;陆上运输;; Land Transport Committee;陆运委员会;; land treatment of wastes;废物的地面处理;; land use;土地利用; 土壤使用;; LAND, Frank H.;弗兰克·兰德;; land-based intercontinental missile;陆基洲际导弹;; land-based missile;陆基导弹;; land-based processing;岸上加工;; land-based producer States;陆上生产国;; pollution from land-based sources and activities;陆地来源和活动污染;; land-cruiser;越野车;; land-grabbing operation;蚕食军事行动;; Land-locked and Island Developing Countries Branch;内陆和岛屿发展中国家处;; land-locked countries;内陆国;LLCs; land-locked developing countries;内陆发展中国家;LLDC; land-ocean interactions;陆地海洋相互作用;; Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone;沿海地带陆地-海洋的相互作用 陆海相互作用;LOICZ;陆海相互作用 Land-Ocean-Climate Satellite;陆地海洋气候卫星;LOCS; land-rover;轻便汽车; 大吉普车;; land-tenure system;土地占有制度;; Land-Use Management and Agro-Forestry Development in Dosso, Niger;尼日尔多索省土地使用管理和农林发展;; land-use mapping;绘制土地利用示意图;; Land-Use Mapping Office;土地使用情况绘图处;; land-use plan;土地利用计划;; land-use planning;土地利用规划;; LANDAU, Afred;阿尔弗雷德·兰道;; landed catches;上岸渔获量;; landed terms;岸上交货价格;; landed value;岸上交货价格;; landed weight;上岸卸船重量;; LANDELIUS, Peter;彼得·兰德利尤斯;; lander;州;; landfill site;填地; 垃圾填埋地; 填埋;; landfill dumping;倾弃垃圾填地;; landfill treatment;垃圾填埋处理;; landfilling;倾弃垃圾填地;; landing charges;起货费; 卸货费;; Landing fees and ground handling;着陆费和地勤;; landing tax;上岸税;; landings;上岸量; 上市量;; LANDJERGUE, Lorempo Tchabre;洛朗波·查布雷·朗热居;; landlocked countries;内陆国家;LLCs; landlocked country;内陆国家;; LANDRY, Monique;莫尼克·朗德里;; LANDSAT;大地卫星;LANDSAT; Landsat Ground Stations Operators Working Group;大地卫星地面站操作人员工作组 卫星操作人员工作组;LGSOWG;卫星操作人员工作组 Landsat Technical Working Group;大地卫星技术工作组;LTWG; LANDSBERGIS, Vytautas;维陶塔斯·兰茨贝吉斯;; landscape;地貌景观;; landscape conservation;堡地貌景观堡风景;; landscape protected area;风景堡区;; landscape renovation;景观改造; 风景更新;; landscape restoration;恢复景观; 风景恢复;; landscaped area;风景区;; landscaping;园林设计;; landslide;塌方; 山崩; 地崩;; Landsting;上议院;; LANG, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·兰;; LANG, Winfried;温弗里德·朗格;; LANGE, David Russell;戴维·拉塞尔·朗伊;; LANGEVAD, Eric;埃里克·兰吉瓦德;; Langkawi Declaration on Environment;凌家卫环境宣言;; LANGMAN, H.;朗曼;; LANGMAN, Nicolas J.A.;尼古拉斯·兰曼;; language allowance;语文津贴;; language bonus system;语文奖励金制度;; language class;语文班;; Language Division;语文司;; language factor;语文因素;; language incentive;语文奖励;; language incentive programme;语文奖励方案;; language industries;语言业;; language instruction programme;语文教导方案;; language laboratory;语言实验室;; language maintenance workshop;语文进修讲座;; language posts;语文工作员额;; language proficiency certificate;语文资格证书;; language proficiency examination;语文资格考试;; Language Reference Assistant;语文参考资料助理;; Language Reference Clerk;语文参考资料员;; Language Services;语文事务处;; language skills;语文能力;; language staff;语文工作人员;; language teacher;语文教员;; language training programme;语文训练方案;; Language Training Section;语文训练科;; Language Training Service;语文训练处;; Language Training Unit;语文培训组;LT; Languages and Documentation Division;语文文件司;LD; Languages, Publications and Conferences Department;语言、出版和会议司;; LANIR, Zvi;兹维·拉尼尔;; Lanka Sama Samaja Party;兰卡平等社会党;; LANSANA, Diane;迪亚纳·兰萨纳;; LANUS, Juan Archibaldo;胡安·阿奇博尔多·拉努斯;; LANUSSE, Alejandro A.;亚历杭德罗·拉努塞;; lanwair systems;陆海空体系;; Lao Front for National Reconstruction;老挝民族复兴阵线;; Lao Issara;自由寮;; Lao Patriotic Front;老挝爱国阵线;; Lao Patriotic Women's Association;老挝爱国妇女联合会;; Lao People's Army;老挝人民军;; Lao People's Democratic Republic, the;老挝人民民主共和国;; Lao People's Revolutionary Party;老挝人民革命党;; LAOHAPHAN, Laxanachantorn;拉克萨纳参东·劳哈汉;; Laos;老挝人民主主共和国;;人民主主共和国 LAOSE-AJAYI, Maria;玛丽亚·劳斯-阿贾伊;; Laotian Kip;老挝基普;; LAOUANI, Othman;奥斯曼·拉瓦尼;; LAOUARI, Abdallah;阿卜杜拉·拉乌里;; LAOUMAYE MEKONYO, Koumbaria;库姆巴里亚·拉乌马耶·迈孔尤;; LAOURI, Abdallah;阿卜杜拉·拉乌里;; LAPITSKY, Vladimir T.;弗拉基米尔·拉皮茨基;; LAPOINTE, Paul;保罗·拉普安特;; LAPOUGE, Jacques;雅克·拉普热;; lapse;满期失效;; lapse rate;直减率递减率;; lapsus calami;笔误;; lapsus linguae;失言口误;; lapsus memoriae;记错;; laptop computer;膝上型计算机;; laptop equipment;膝上型计算机设备;; laptop technology;膝上型计算机技术;; LAPTSENAK, Aleg;阿列格·拉普采纳克;; LAPTYONOK, Oleg N.;奥列格·拉普乔诺克;; LARA, Carlos Torres y Torres;卡洛斯·托雷斯·托雷斯·拉腊;; LARA, Elba Janet;埃尔瓦·哈内特·拉腊;; LARA, Guillermo Rodriguez;吉列尔莫·罗德里格斯·拉腊;; LARA, Lucio;卢西奥·拉拉;; LARAKI, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·拉腊基;; LARAKI, Az ad-Dine;阿兹·迪奈·拉腊基;; larceny;盗窃罪,非法侵占他人财产;; LARDNER-BURKE, Desmond;德斯蒙德·拉德纳-伯克;; LARE, Nampouguini;南波吉尼·拉雷;; large clearing;大面积砍伐森林; 大面积清除;; large energy consuming;大量消耗能源;LEC; large families;大家庭;; large format camera;大像幅摄影机;LFC; Large Marine Ecosystems;大型海洋生态系统;LME; large memory;大量存储;; large phased-array radar;大型相控阵雷达;LPAR; large scale chart;大比例尺海图;; large scale production units;大规模生产单位;; large scale projects;大型项目;; large shredder;大型碎纸机;; large-area pollution;大面积污染;; large-calibre machine-gun;大口径机关枪;; Large-capability communication and broadcasting satellite;高能通信和广播卫星;; large-scale drift-net fishing;大型流网捕鱼;; Large-scale Forest Damage Survey in Europe;欧洲大规摸森林损害调查;; large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing;大型中上层流网捕鱼;; large-scale space system;大规模空间系统;; larger range;较远射程较远航程;; lari;拉里;; LARIJANI, Mohammad Javad;穆罕默德·贾瓦德·拉里贾尼;; Larnaca;拉纳卡;; LARRALDE, William;威廉·拉腊尔德;; LARSEN, Pia;皮亚·拉森;; LARSEN, Terje Roed;泰耶·勒厄德·拉森;; larval crab, shrimp;蟹虾的幼体;; laryngitis;喉炎;; laryngoscope;喉镜;; Las Anod;拉斯阿诺德;; Lasaf;拉萨夫;; Lasalle National Bank;拉萨尔国民银行;; LASARTE, Gaston;加斯东·拉萨特;; LASCARRO, Luis;路易斯·拉斯卡罗;; laser;激光;; laser based enrichment plants;以激光器为基础的浓缩工厂;; laser bomb;激光炸弹;; laser disk;激光视盘;LD; LASer FLuorescence EURope;欧洲激光荧光计划;LASFLEUR; Laser Geodynamic Satellite;激光地球动力卫星;LAGEOS; laser mass spectrometer;激光质谱仪;; laser ranging system;激光测距系统;; laser station;激光站;; laser systems;激光器系统;; laser technology;激光技术;; laser weapon;激光武器;; Lasfleur;欧洲激光荧光计划;; LASP;大气和太阳物理实验室;LASP; Laspeyres formula;拉斯佩雷斯公式;; Laspeyres Price;拉斯派雷斯价格;; LASRAM, Abdel Aziz;阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·拉斯拉姆;; Lassa fever;拉萨热;; LASSE, Vincent D.;文森特·拉塞;; LASSO, Jose Ayala;何塞·阿亚拉·拉索;; LASSOU, Gouara;古瓦拉·拉苏;; last-in;后进先出法;; Last-in, first-out method;后进先出法;LIFO; last-known place of business;最后一个为人所知的营业地点;; LASTIRI, Raul Alberto;劳尔·阿尔贝托·拉斯蒂里;; Lasva;拉什瓦;; OISTAD, Knut;克努特·厄伊斯塔德;; Lataf;拉塔夫;; LATAILLADE, de Guilhem de;德吉兰姆·德拉泰亚德;; Latakia Forest Ranger's School;拉塔基亚森林管理学校;; latch-key children;钥匙儿童;; late fetal deaths; stillbirths;死胎;; late foetal mortality;晚期胎儿死亡率;; late marriage;晚婚;; late presentation;供货延误;; late repayment;迟缴;; late-initiation country;“晚开始”的国家;; late-parity women;晚胎次妇女;; Societe francaise pour le droit international;法国国际法学会;SFDI; LATEEF, Sarwar;萨尔瓦尔·拉蒂夫;; later;嗣后;; later plea;待后提出的抗辩;; later treaty;后订条约; 后条约;; lateral integration;横向合并;; lateral reassignment;同级调动相同职等调动;; lateral transport;侧向输送; 侧向运送;; laterite deposits;红土矿藏;; latex opium;鸦片乳液;; latex vessel;乳汁管;; lati;拉蒂;; laticifer;乳汁细胞;; Latifi;拉蒂菲;; latifundium;大地主领地;; Latin America and Caribbean Division;拉丁美洲和加勒比司 拉加司;LACD;拉加司 Latin America and Caribbean Programme;拉丁美洲和加勒比方案;LAC; Latin America and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the International Year of the Family;国际家庭年拉丁美洲和加勒比区域筹备会议;; Latin America and the Caribbean Unit;拉丁美洲和加勒比组;LAC; Latin America and the Caribbean: Policies to improve linkages with the global Economy;拉丁美洲和加勒比:改善与全球经济联系的 政策;; Latin America Economic Commission;拉丁美洲经济委员会拉美经委会;;拉美经委会 Latin America Environmental NGO Network;拉丁美洲非政府组织环境网;; Latin America Railways Association;拉丁美洲铁路协会拉美铁路协会;ALAF;拉美铁路协会 Latin America region;拉丁美洲区域;RLA; Latin America Technological Information Network;拉丁美洲技术情报网;RITLA; Latin American and Caribbean Broadcasting Union;拉丁美洲和加勒比广播联盟 拉加广播联盟;ULCRA;拉加广播联盟 Latin American and Caribbean Centre for the Exchange and Promotion of Human Settlement Technologies;拉丁美洲和加勒比人类住区技术交流和促进中心;; Latin American and Caribbean Commission on Environment and Development;拉丁美洲和加勒比环境与发展委员会;; Latin American and Caribbean Committee against Apartheid;拉丁美洲和加勒比反对种族隔离委员会;; Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defence of Women's rights;拉丁美洲和加勒比保卫妇女权利委员会 拉加妇权会;CLADEM;拉加妇权会 Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Governors, Superintendents and Legislators for the Right to Life;拉丁美洲和加勒比州长、负责人和议员促进生命权会议;; Latin American and Caribbean Consensus on Population and Development;拉丁美洲和加勒比关于人口与发展的一致意见;; Latin American and Caribbean Council for Self-Management;拉丁美洲和加勒比私人企业理事会;CLA; Latin American and Caribbean Data Bank of Economic and Social Statistics;拉丁美洲和加勒比经济和社会统计数据库;; Latin American and Caribbean Division;拉丁美洲和加勒比司;; Latin American and Caribbean Federation of Exporters' Associations;拉丁美洲和加勒比出口商协会联合会;FELACEX; Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Housing for the Homeless;拉丁美洲和加勒比为无家可归者提供住房论坛;; Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Intellectual Property Policies;拉丁美洲和加勒比知识产权政策论坛;; Latin American and Caribbean Free Trade Zones Association;拉丁美洲和加勒比自由贸易区协会 拉加自由贸易区协会;AZOLCA;拉加自由贸易区协会 Latin American and Caribbean Group;拉丁美洲和加勒比集团;GRULAC; Latin American and Caribbean HONLEA;拉丁美洲和加勒比禁毒执法机构;; Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning;拉丁美洲和加勒比经济和社会规划研究所 拉加经社规划所;ILPES;拉加经社规划所 Coordination of Latin American and Caribbean Labour Institutes;拉丁美洲和加勒比劳工机构协调处;CITALC; Latin American and Caribbean Network on Domestic and Sexual Violence;拉丁美洲和加勒比家庭暴力和性暴力问题网;; Latin American and Caribbean Population Information Programme;拉丁美洲和加勒比人口信息方案 拉加人口信息方案;INFOPAL;拉加人口信息方案 Latin American and Caribbean proposal for a Solution to its external debt problems;拉丁美洲和加勒比关于解决其外债问题的建议;; Latin American and Caribbean Region Doctors Federation;拉丁美洲和加勒比地区医生联合会;; Latin American and Caribbean Regional Conference on population and development;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域人口与发展会议;; Latin American and Caribbean Regional Plan of Action on Population and Development;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域人口与发展行动计划;; Latin American and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域筹备会议;; Latin American and Caribbean Regional Programme for Youth;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域青年方案 拉加青年方案;PRADJAL;拉加青年方案 Latin American and Caribbean Trade Information and Foreign Trade Support Programme;拉丁美洲和加勒比贸易信息和外贸支助方案;; Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network;拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女保健网拉加妇健网;LACWHN;拉加妇健网 Latin American and the Caribbean Programme;拉丁美洲和加勒比方案处;LAC; Latin American Association for Automated Highway Transport;拉丁美洲高速公路运输协会;ALATAC; Latin American Association for Fertilizer Development;拉丁美洲肥料发展协会;; Latin American Association for Human Reproduction Research;拉丁美洲人类繁殖研究协会;; Latin American Association for Human Rights;拉丁美洲人权协会拉美人权协会;ALDHU;拉美人权协会 Latin American Association for Integration;拉丁美洲一体化协会;; Latin American Association for Social Psychology;拉丁美洲社会心理学协会;ALAPSO; Latin American Association for the Development and Integration of Women;拉丁美洲妇女发展与参与协会;; Latin American Association for the Development of Fertilizer Industry;拉美肥料工业发展协会;ADIFAL; Latin American Association for the Promotion of Habitat, Architecture and Urbanization;拉丁美洲促进人居、建筑和都市化协会;ALAHUA; Latin American Association of Archives;拉丁美洲档案协会;ALA; Latin American Association of Aviation and Space Medicine;拉丁美洲民航和空间医药协会;; Latin American Association of Dental Schools;拉丁美洲牙科学校协会;ALAFO; Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions;拉丁美洲开发金融机构协会 拉美金融开发协会;ALIDE;拉美金融开发协会 Latin American Association of Development Journalists;拉丁美洲发展新闻工作者协会;ALACODE; Latin American Association of Development Organizations;拉丁美洲发展组织协会 拉美发展组织协会;;拉美发展组织协会 Latin American Association of Electrical and Electronic Industries;拉丁美洲电气和电子工业协会;ALAINEE; Latin American Association of Export Credit Insurance Organizations;拉丁美洲出口信贷保险组织协会 拉美出口信贷保险协会;ALASECE;拉美出口信贷保险协会 Latin American Association of Finance Development Institutions;拉丁美洲开发金融机构协会 拉美开发金融机构协会;;拉美开发金融机构协会 Latin American Association of Food Processors;拉丁美洲食品加工商协会;ALICA; Latin American Association of Freight and Transport Agents;拉丁美洲货物和运输代理商协会;ALACAT; Latin American Association of Home Educators;拉丁美洲家庭教育工作者协会;ALAEH; Latin American Association of Industrial Design;拉丁美洲工业设计协会工业设计协会;;工业设计协会 Latin American Association of Library and Information Science Schools;拉丁美洲图书馆学与情报科学学校协会;ALEBC; Latin American Association of Linguistics and Philology;拉丁美洲语言和语文学协会;ALFAL; Latin American Association of Meat Exporters;拉丁美洲肉类出口商协会;ALEC; Latin American Association of National Academies of Medicine;拉丁美洲国家医学院协会;ALANAM; Latin American Association of Navigational Law and Law of the Sea;拉丁美洲航行法和海洋法协会;ALDENAVE; Latin American Association of Pharmaceutical Industries;拉丁美洲药品工业协会;ALIFAR; Latin American Association of Physiological Sciences;拉丁美洲生理科学协会;ALACF; Latin American Association of Plant Sciences;拉丁美洲植物科学协会;ALAF; Latin American Association of Plastic Industries;拉丁美洲塑料工业协会;; Latin American Association of Public Administration;拉丁美洲公共管理协会;ALAP; Latin American Association of Regional Development Corporations;拉丁美洲地区发展公司协会;ALCORDES; Latin American Association of Societies of Nuclear Biology and Medicine;拉丁美洲核生物学和核医学学会协会;ALASBIMN; Latin American Association of Sociology;拉丁美洲社会学协会;ALAS; Latin American Association of Solar Energy;拉丁美洲太阳能协会;ALES; Latin American Bank for Exports;拉丁美洲出口银行;; Latin American Banking Federation;拉丁美洲银行联合会;FELABAN; Latin American Bariloche Model;拉丁美洲巴利罗切模式;LA; Latin American Canning and Allied Industries Associations;拉丁美洲罐头工业协会;ALICA; Latin American Central Confederation of Workers;拉丁美洲工人中央联合会工人中央联合会;CLAT;工人中央联合会 Latin American Centre for Biological Sciences;拉丁美洲生物科学中心拉美生物科学中心;CLAB;拉美生物科学中心 Latin American Centre for Chemistry;拉丁美洲化学中心拉美化学中心;CLAQ;拉美化学中心 Latin American Centre for Development Administration;拉丁美洲发展事业管理中心;CLAD; Latin American Centre for Economic and Social Documentation;拉丁美洲经济和社会文献中心拉美经社文献中心;CLADES;拉美经社文献中心 Latin American Centre for Educational Technology in Health;拉丁美洲卫生教育技术中心;; Latin American Centre for Information Technology;拉丁美洲信息技术中心;CLADI; Latin American Centre for Mathematics and Informatics;拉丁美洲数学和信息学中心;CLAMI; Latin American Centre for Physics;拉丁美洲物理学中心拉美物理中心;CLAF;拉美物理中心 Latin American Centre for Research in the Social Sciences;拉丁美洲社会科学研究中心;; Latin American Centre for Training in Local Government;拉丁美洲地方政府训练中心;; Latin American Centre of Workers;拉丁美洲劳工中心;CLAT; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司