翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 limited liability company;股份有限公司;; limited liability partnerships;有限责任合营企业;;企业 limited neutrality;有限中立;; limited nuclear response;有限核反击;; limited nuclear retaliation;有限核报复;; limited nuclear war;有限核战争;; limited partnerships;有限合伙公司; 两合公司;; limited strategic war;有限战略性战争;; Limited Test Ban Treaty;局部禁试条约;; limited vote;限制投票法;; limited-time partnerships;定期合伙关系;; limits to growth model;增长极限模式;LIMITS; limits of the territorial sea;领海界限;; LIMJUCO, Ruth;鲁思·林胡科;; limnetic zone;湖沼带; 湖泊透光层;; limnion;湖沼带; 湖泊透光层;; System Management Section;系统管理科;SMS;系统科 limnology;湖沼;; LIMON, Ewald W.;埃瓦尔德·利蒙;; Limpet mines;水下爆破弹;; LIMS;平流层临边红外监测;LIMS; LIN, Chao-nan;林兆南;; LIN, Chongfei;林崇斐;; LIN, Chung Ying;凌忠莹 3/1/76;; LIN, Hua;林华;; LIN, Huisheng;林慧生;; LIN, Kuo-Chung;林国炯;; LIN, Ling;林凌;; LIN, Shangzhen;林尚贞;; LINARES, Juan Manuel GONZALEZ de;胡安·曼努埃尔·冈萨雷斯·德利纳雷斯;; LINARES, Julio;胡利奥·利纳雷斯;; LIND, Per;佩尔·林德;; LINDEGAARD, Jytte;于特·林戈尔;; LINDEN, F.;林登;; LINDGREN Alves, Jose Augusto;若泽·奥古斯托·林德格伦·阿尔维斯;; LINDHOLM, Rolf;罗尔夫·林德霍尔姆;; LINDSAY, John V.;约翰·林赛;; LINDSTROM, Bert;贝特·林斯特伦;; line;门款项目;; line authority;各级负责机构; 直线指挥权领导权;; line charts;线形图表;; line departments;有关部门;; line duties;各级职责;; line items;细列项目;; line of business;营业范围;; line of credit;信贷额度;; line of latitude;纬度线;; line of longitude;经度线;; line office;第一线办事处;; line position;第一线的地位;; line source;线源;; line-by-line consolidation;逐行合并;; line-item veto;单项否决;; line-kilometer;线公里;; line-up;嫌疑犯列队,对质;; linear alkyl sulphonates;磺酸直链烷酯;; linear and angular displacement measuring devices;线位移和角位移测量装置;; linear defence;线状防御;; linear family;直系家庭;; linear feet;长...英尺;; linear index of mortality;死亡率线性指数;LIM; linear polyethylene;线型聚乙烯;LPE; linear reduction;直线式减低[关税];; linear relatives;直系亲属;; linearity;线性度;; lined;衬里的; 衬砌的; 镶衬的; 有衬的;; Liner Conference;班轮公会;; liner trade;班轮货运;; Lines;轮船公司; 航空公司;; LING, Ching;凌青;; LINGAMA-TOLEQUE, Christian;克里斯蒂昂·兰加马·托莱克;; LINGAYA, Jocelyne;若瑟兰·林加亚;; Linggadjati Agreement;林加查蒂协定;; lingua franca;普通话;; linguistic balance;语言上的平衡;; linguistic community;语言区;; linguistic research adviser;语言研究顾问;; linguistic skills;语文能力;; Linguistic Society of Europe;欧洲语言学会;; linguistic minorities;语言上的少数群体;;群体 Linguistic Plan of Action for Africa;非洲语言学行动计划;; LINI, Walter;沃尔特·利尼;; Link Data Base;联用资料索引数据库;; LINK modelling system;联机信息库模式系统;; LINK project;联机项目;; LINK system;联机系统;; linkage;联系; 联系问题;; linked grades;联接职等;; LINNAMO, Jussi;林纳莫;; LINNMARKER, Katarina;卡塔里娜·林马克;; LINVILLE, Maria D.;玛丽亚·林维尔;; Lions Clubs International - The International Association of Lions Club;狮子俱乐部国际 -- 狮子俱乐部国际协会;; Lions International;狮子俱乐部国际;; lipid solubility;类脂溶解度; 类脂可溶性;; LIPKOWSKI, Jean de;让·德利普科夫斯基;; Lipovac;利波瓦奇;; LIPPOLDT, Meridy Sue;梅里迪·休·利波尔德特;; LIPPWE, Jeem;吉姆·利普维;; LIPSKI, Witold;维托尔德·利普斯基;; Liptako-Gourma Authority;利普塔科 - 古尔马局;; Liptako-Gourma Region Integrated Development Authority;利普塔科 - 古尔马区域综合发展管理局;LGA; liquefaction stations;液化器;; liquefied petroleum gas;液化石油气;LPG; liquid ash extraction;液体灰分提取法;; liquid assets;流动资产;; liquid cannabis;大麻液; 液体大麻精;; liquid capital;流动资本;; liquid chromatography;液相色谱法;LC; liquid dye laser;液体染料激光;; liquid glucose;葡萄糖液;; liquid uranium metal handling systems;液态铀金属处理系统;; liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors;液--液离心接触器;; liquid-liquid chemical exchange;液--液化学交换;; liquid-liquid exchange columns;液--液交换柱;; liquid-liquid exchange columns for lithium amalgams;锂汞合金液--液交换柱;; liquidate;对…进行停业清理;; liquidated by cancellations;注销债务;; liquidated by deliveries;以执行方式偿付债务;; liquidated by disbursements;已清偿数;; liquidated by payments;以付款方式偿付债务;; liquidated damages;预定赔偿金;; liquidated obligation;已履行义务;; liquidation;清理结束;; liquidation budget;清偿预算;; Liquidation Committee;清理委员会;; liquidation expenditure;清算支出;; liquidation income;清算收益;; liquidation of prior years' commitments;往年承付款项清偿状况;; liquidation of the operation;行动的清理结束费用;;费用 liquidation phase;结束阶段;; liquidation reserve;清偿准备金;; liquidity;流动性; 流动资金; 偿债能力; 清算能力; 变现能力;; liquidity crisis;周转晰;; liquidity position;周转情况;; liquidity provision;周转资金;; liquified natural gas;液化天然气;LNG; liquor treaties;禁酒条约;; lira;里拉;Lit; lis pendens;未决案件;; lis sub judice;待审案件;; lisbon;“里斯本”柠檬种;; Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration;堡原产地名称及其国际注册里斯本协定;; Lisbon Declaration;里斯本宣言;; Lisbon Protocol to the Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of strategic Offensive Arms START I;裁减和限制进攻性战略武器条约第一阶段裁 武条约里斯本议定书;; Lisbon Union Council;里斯本联盟理事会;; LISSIDINI, Adriana;阿德里亚娜·利西迪尼;; List A B;清单AB;;B list approach;制订清单办法;; list frame;目录标架;; list of candidates;候选人名单;; list of documents;文件一览表;; list of domestic subsidiaries of affiliates;国内子公司或联营公司名单;; List of electors;选举人名册;; List of Essential Drugs;必需药品表;; List of human rights that might be considered for inclusion in, or other protection under, the BiH Constitution;可能列入《波黑宪法》 或根据宪法应予堡的人权清单;; list of items;项目清单;; List of legislation enacted by the European Community in the areas covered by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;欧洲共同体在《经济、社会、文化权利国际 盟约》所涉领域的立法一览表;; List of Narcotic Drugs under International Control Yellow List;国际管制的麻醉药品清单黄单;;黄单 List of New United Nations Documents relating to the Advancement of Women;联合国有关提高妇女地位的新文件一览表;; list of offences;罪行清单;; List of officials of the United Nations;联合国职员名单;; list of overseas subsidiaries or affiliates;国外子公司联营公司名单;; list of psychotropic substances under international control Green list;国际管制的精神药物清单绿单;;绿单 List of Rare, Threatened and Endemic Plants;欧洲稀有受威胁和特产植物清单;; list of recommendations;建议案一览表;; list of speakers;发言名单;; list of speakers is closed, the;发言报名已经截止;; list of states which have signed, ratified or acceded to ...;已签暑、批准或加入...的国家名单;; List of Subjects and Issues relating to the Law of the Sea;有关海洋法的项目和问题清单;; list of tables;统计表;; Lista 99;人民政府运动;MGP 99; listed airport;表列机场;; listed in descending order;按任用人次递减排列;; listed port;表列港口;; listed securities;上市证券;; listed substance;列入清单物质;; listing application;申请挂牌上市;;上市 Listing Manual of the Stock Exchange of Singapore;新加坡证券交易所上市手册;; Listing of Focal Points within the United Nations System on Questions Relating to Women;联合国系统内有关妇女问题的协调中心名单;; LISTRE, Arnoldo Manuel;阿诺尔多·曼努埃尔·利斯特雷;; LISWANISO, George Mbanga;乔治·姆班加·利斯瓦尼索;; Litas;利塔斯;; LITCHFIELD, M.S.;利奇菲尔德;; lite pendente [during the trial];在审理中; 在诉讼期间;; literacy;识字;; literacy and post-literacy non-formal education;识字和识字后非正规教育;; literacy campaign;扫盲运动;; literacy education;扫盲教育; 识字教育;; Literacy International Committee;国际扫盲委员会;; literacy programmes;扫盲班; 扫盲方案;; literacy rate;识字率;; literacy teacher;扫盲教师;; literacy test;识字测验;; literacy-by-radio programme;广播教学识字;; literary and artistic copyright;文学和艺术版权; 文艺版权;; literary language;文语;; literary production;文学作品;; literate world;无文盲的世界;; lithium;锂;; lithium amalgams;锂汞合金;; lithium amalgams electrolysis cells;锂汞合金电解池;; lithium amalgams pumps;锂汞合金泵;; lithium bromide LiBr;溴化锂;; lithofacies;岩相;; lithofacies map;岩相图;; lithological series;岩性系列;; lithology;岩石学;; lithosphere;岩石圈; 岩石层;; Lithuania, Republic of;立陶宛共和国;; litigant;诉讼当事人;; litigation;诉讼;; litre;公升;; LITSCHAUER, Josef;约瑟夫·利乔尔;; litter;死地被物; 枯枝落叶层;; litter bin;垃圾桶; 垃圾箱;; litter collection;垃圾收集;; littering;乱丢垃圾;; Little Entente;小协约国;; Little Joe;“小乔”号;; Little Protocol;小议定书;; little tuna;鲔鱼;; LITTLE, Denier St. C.;丹尼尔·圣利特尔;; littoral;沿岸;; littoral and hinterland states;沿岸和内陆国;; littoral environment;滨悍境;; littoral state;沿岸国;; littoral system;浅海系;; LITVINOV;李维诺夫;; LIU, Benkun;刘本坤;; LIU, Chi-tsai;刘冀才;; LIU, Du;刘度;; LIU, F.T.;刘虎;; LIU, Hsia-ching;刘霞静;; LIU, Jiang;刘江;; LIU, Jieyi;刘结一;; LIU, Jinfeng;刘谨凤;; LIU, SHA;流莎;; LIU, Shaodong;刘韶东;; LIU, SHIH-SHANG;刘师尚;; LIU, Xinsheng;刘昕生;; LIU, Yuan;刘远;; LIU, Yun-chou;刘云舟;; LIU, Zhaoji;刘兆吉;; LIU, Zhenmin;刘振民;; LIU, Zhimin;刘志民;; LIU, Zhixian;刘志贤;; LIU, Zhongli;刘仲藜;; LIUBICIC, Nikola;尼古拉·留比契奇;; LIUNDI, Christopher;克里斯托弗·利翁迪;; liurai;部族长;; lIV, Ullman;利夫·乌尔曼;; LIVAK, Arno;阿尔诺·利瓦克;; Live Aid Foundation;义演援助基金会;; live ammunition;实弹;; live attenuated vaccine;减活性疫苗;; live birth;活产活胎;; live exercise;实弹演习;; live species;活物种; 现有物种;; live stock;生畜畜产;; live vaccine;活性疫苗;; live-born child;活产婴儿;; live-line insulated piercing connector;火线绝缘刺孔连接器;; LIVENTSEV, Nicolai;尼古拉·利文采夫;; LIVERMORE, Dan;丹·利弗莫尔;; livestock breeding;畜牧业;; livestock buildings;饲养家畜建筑物;; Livestock Coordinating Unit;畜牧协调股;; livestock development;牲畜发展;; livestock inventories;牲畜存栏数;; livestock statistics;牲畜统计;; living community;生活区;; Living Conditions in Developing Countries in the Mid-1980s: Supplement to the 1985 Report on the World Social Situation;1980年代中期发展中国家的生活条件: 1985年世界社会状况报告补编;; Living Conditions of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territories;被占领巴勒斯坦领土境内巴勒斯坦人民的生活状况;; living environment;生活环境;; living forces;有生力量;; living marine resources;海洋生物资源;LMR; living organism;生物机体;; living principle;实际运用的原则;; living quarters allowance;住房津贴;; living resources;生物资源;; Living Standard Measurement Study;生活水平衡量研究;LSMS; Living Standard Measurement Study Programme;生活水平衡量研究方案;; Living Standard Measurement Survey;生活水平衡量调查;LSMS; living standard surveys;生活水平调查;LSS; LIVINGOOD, Wilson;威尔逊·利文古德;; Livno;利夫诺;; lixiviation [hydrometallurgical process];浸滤作用;; LIZANO, Carlos;卡洛斯·利萨诺;; LJUBIJANKIC, Irfan;伊尔凡·柳比扬基奇;; Ljubinje;留比涅;; Ljubljana;卢布尔雅那;; LJUJIC-MIJATOVIC, Tatjana;塔季扬娜·柳伊奇-米亚托维奇;; LJUNGHOLM, Sven-Erik;斯文-叶里克·柳格霍尔姆;; Lloyd's Register of Shipping;劳埃德船级社;; Lloyd's SG Form;劳埃德公司海上保险单格式;; Lloyd's SG Policy;劳埃德公司海上保险单;; Lloyds Bank;劳埃德银行;; LLUPA, Adeline;阿代林·卢帕;; LLUPA, Roland;罗兰德·卢帕;; LMR;海洋生物资源;LMR; LMS Hall;伦敦会会堂;; LMS Mission;伦敦会布道所;; LNWTs;低废和无废技术;LNWTs; LO MBACKE, Fatou Alamine;法图·阿拉曼·洛姆巴克;; LO PINTO, Yves;伊夫·洛·潘托;; LO, Xu;罗旭;; LO, Fatou Alamine;法图·阿拉明·洛;; load;负荷; 负担; 负载; 载荷; 浓度; 含量;; load curve coverage;负载曲线送电区;; Load Line Convention [1966];1966年负载线公约;; load per unit of mass;单位质量的含量;; load per unit of volume;单位体积的含量;; loading;负荷; 浓度; 含量;; loading area;装载地区;; loading charges;装船装货费;; loadline;上网;; Loan Administration Unit;贷款管理股;; loan agreements;贷款协定;; loan capital;贷款资本;; Loan Department IBRD;贷款局;; loan loss;放款损失;; loan mix;贷款构成;; loan of services;提供服务;; loan repayments and others;付还贷款和其他;; Loan to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;给联合国工业发展组织的借款;; loans evidenced by a non-negotiable security;非可转让证券作凭证的贷款;; Laos, Government of National Union of;老挝民族联合政府;; LOBATO, Nicolau;尼科劳·洛巴托;; LOBATO, Rogerio;罗热里奥·洛巴托;; lobby;游说团体;; Lobby of Assembly Hall;大会堂前厅;; LOBO, Jose Carlos;若泽·卡洛斯·洛博;; loc. cit. l.c.[in the place cited; in the passage already quoted];如上述引用文中; 在上述引文中;l.c.; local;局部的; 当地的; 地方的;; local emission source;本地排放来源;; local administration;地方管理当局;; Local Aid Coordination Committee;当地援助协调委员会;; local and regional cooperative agreement;地方和区域合作协定;LORCA; local area and backstopping costs;当地费用和支助费用;; Local Area Network for Computer Aided Learning;计算机辅助学习局域网;LANCAL; Local Armed Forces;地方武装部队;FAL; local armed groups;地方武装集团;; Local Authorities against Apartheid Biennial Conference;地方当局反对种族隔离两年期会议;; local authority associations;地方当局协会;; local back-up service facilities;当地支助服务设施;; local budget costs;当地预算费用;; local business enterprises;地方企业;; local community organization;地方社区组织;; Local Coordinator;当地协调员;; local costs;当地费用;; local costs waiver;当地费用的豁免;; local court;地方法院; 当地法院;; local currency;本地货币; 当地货币;; local currency amount;当地货币数额;; local currency bank accounts;以当地货币结算的银行帐户;; local currency ceiling;当地货币最高限额;; Telecommunications Service;电信处;; local currency equivalent of the dollar amount;美元数额折合当地货币的数额;; local currency floor;当地货币最低限额;; local defence self-defence;地方自卫;; local diseases;地方病;; local dispute;地方争端;; local environment;局部环境本地环境;; local fall-out;局部微料沉降;; local food;当地食品;; local forces;地方武力;; local general service staff;当地征聘一般事务人员;LGS; local government area;地方政府所在地地方政府所在地;LGA; local government;地方政府;; local government authorities;地方政府当局;LGA; Local Government Council;地方政府议会;LGC; Local Government Councillor;地方政府议员;; local imprest accounts;当地定额备用金帐户;; Local Initiative Facility for the Urban Environment;城市环境堡当地倡议资金城市环保资金;LIFE;城市环保资金 Local Initiative for Urban Environmental Programme;城市环保当地倡议方案;; local inquiry;就地调查;; local integration;就地安置;; local legislation;地方立法当地法律;; local level;当地雇员; 地方一级;LL; local level posts;当地雇用人员员额;;员额 local level staff posts;当地雇用人员员额;;员额 local living costs of experts;专家当地生活费;; local market;当地市场;; local matching;本地相对部分;; local monitor;地方监测员;; local national officer;当地征聘本国人员;LNO; local office cost contributions;当地办事处费用捐助;; local offices;当地办事处;; local operating costs;当地业务费用;; Local Peace Committee;地方和平委员会;; local population;当地居民;; local procurement;当地采购;; Local Property Survey Boards;当地财产调查委员会;; local prototype development;当地原型开发;; local purchase order;购买单;; local remedies;当地补救办法;; Local Representative of the Secretary-General for the Emergency in Bangladesh;负责处理孟加拉国紧急情况的秘书长当地代 表;; local self-government;地方自治;; local self-help labour;当地自助劳工;; local sensibilities;当地感情;; local settlement;就地安置当地定居;; local sponsor;本国主办人;; Local staff salaries;当地工作人员薪金;; local support supporting staff;当地支助工作人员;; local taxes;地方税;; Local Teachers' Association;当地教师协会;; local Territorial Defence;地方领土防卫队;; local track;当地轨道;; local tradition;当地风俗;; Local Transportation Subunit;本地运输分股;; local union;基层工会;; local user terminal;本地用户终端;LUT; local vertical;地地垂线;; local-area telecommunications networks;局部电信网络;LANs; locality study;地方性研究;; localization of the public service;公务制度的本地化;; locally elected bodies;地方民选机构;; locally recruited;当地征聘人员;; Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs;建立工业品外观设计国际分类洛迦诺协定;; locate and confiscate;查明并没收;; Location A;A 地点;; location and directional signs;地点和方向标志;; location error;定位误差;; location of industry locality;工业定点地点;;地点 location threshold;定位界限;; locational transponder;定位脉冲转发器;; loccus standi, to have;具有确认的地位;; lock canal;船闸运河;; Lockheed Corp.;洛克希德公司;; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company;洛克希德导弹及宇航公司;; LOCKWOOD, Edgar;埃德加·洛克伍德;; Local 1199, Drugs, Hospitals and Health Care Employee Union;药品、医院和保健员工工会1199分会;; loco citato;如上述引用文中; 在上述引文中;loc. cit; LOCS;陆地海洋气候卫星;LOCS; locus delicti commissi;侵权行为地;; locus in quo;现场所在地; 出处;; locus-standi;确认的地位; 诉讼地位出庭资格发言权;; locust control;蝗虫控制; 治理蝗灾;; locust infestation in Africa;非洲的蝗虫灾害;; locust plague;蝗灾;; locust swarm;蝗群;; locusta migratoria [migratory locust];流蝗;; locusts and grasshoppers;蝗虫和蚱蜢;; Locusts, Migratory Pests and Emergency Operations Group;蝗虫、迁移害虫和紧急作业组;; LOEIS, Wisber;维斯贝尔·卢伊斯;; Lofa Defence Force;洛法防御力量洛法力量;LDF;洛法力量 LOFGREN, Folke;福尔克·勒夫格伦;; lofting plume;高升空中的烟羽; 高耸的烟羽;; log;记录表; 测井曲线图; 岩心记录; 原木; 圆木;; log book;航行日志;; log jam;木材堵塞河道; 僵局;; logan;海上拾得物;; LOGAR, Andrej;安德烈·洛加尔;; logarithmic weighting;对数加权数;; logging;记录试验结果仪器读数测井木材采运 采伐集材;; logging cycle;采伐间隔期采伐周期;; logical framework analysis and objectives-oriented project planning methods;逻辑框架分析和目标导向项目规划法;LFA/OOPP; Logistic Advisory Centre;后勤咨询中心;LAC; Logistic and Personnel Branch;后勤和人事处;; logistic arrangement;后勤安排;; Logistic Battalion;后勤营;; logistic contingent;后勤特遣队;; Logistic Doctrine;后勤原则;; logistic model;逻辑模型;; Logistic Support Battalion;后勤支助营;; Logistic Unit;后勤队;; Logistical and Infrastructure Command;后勤和基地设施司令部;; logistical support;后勤支援;; Logistics Advisory Centre;后勤咨询中心;; Logistics Advisory Unit;后勤咨询股;; Logistics and Communications Section;后勤和通讯科;; Logistics and Communications Service;后勤和通讯处后勤处;LCS;后勤处 Logistics and Infrastructure Command;后勤和基础设施司令部;; Logistics Consultant;后勤顾问;; Logistics Control Centre;后勤控制中心;; Logistics Operations Unit;后勤业务股;LOU;后勤股 Logistics Planning Subgroup;后勤规划分组;; Logistics Unit;后勤股;; LOGOGLU, Faruk;法鲁克·洛奥卢;; logographic lexicon;字典;; LOHANI, Mohan Prasad;穆汉·普拉萨德·洛哈尼;; LOHIA, Renagi Renagi;雷纳吉·雷纳吉·洛希亚;; loi cadre;纲领法;; loi fondamentale;基本法;; loiasis;罗阿丝虫病;; LOIKKANEN, Juhani;尤哈尼·洛伊卡宁;; LOIKKANEN, Pekka J.;佩卡·洛伊卡宁;; Lois reconnues accepted law;公认法;; LOIZIDES, Andreas M.;安德雷斯·卢伊齐德斯;; Lok Sabha;人民院下院;;下院 LOKKAJ, Jadwiga;雅德维加·沃卡伊;; LOKONGOL'OME, Inonga;伊农加·洛孔戈洛梅;; loligo spp.;枪乌贼;; LOMBARDO, Juan Jose;胡安·何塞·隆巴多;; Lome Convention;洛美协定;; Lome Convention between the European Economic Community and the African Caribbean and Pacific States;欧洲经济共同体-非洲、加勒比和太平洋国 家洛美协定;; Lome Declaration on Security, Disarmament and Development in Africa;关于非洲安全、裁军与发展的洛美宣言;; Lome II Convention;第二号洛美协定;; Lome Peace Message;洛美和平文告;; Lomonosov Gold Medal;罗蒙诺索夫金质奖章;; LON NOL;朗诺;; LON NON;朗农;; LONCAR, Budimir;布迪米尔·隆查尔;; LONCAR, Budomir;布多米尔·隆查尔;; LONDO;伦多;; London Agreement;伦敦协定;; London Charter of the International Military Tribunal;伦敦国际军事法庭章程;; London Clearing House Automated Payments System;伦敦票据交换所自动支付系统;CHAPS; London Club London Group;伦敦俱乐部伦敦集团;;伦敦集团 London Conclusions, The;伦敦结论;; London Conference on Pollution of Sea Water;伦敦海水污染问题会议;; London Conference on Saving the Ozone Layer;伦敦堡臭氧层问题会议;; London Convention;伦敦公约;LC; London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Waste and Other Matters;防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的伦敦公约伦敦倾倒公约;;伦敦倾倒公约 London Declaration on AIDS Prevention;预防艾滋病伦敦宣言;; London Dumping Convention;伦敦倾倒公约;LDC; London Dumping Convention Task Team 2000;伦敦倾倒公约2000年工作队;; London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Toxic Chemicals in International Trade;关于有毒化学品国际贸易资料交流的伦敦准则;; London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade;关于化学品国际贸易资料交流的伦敦准则;; London Institute Insurance Clauses;伦敦保险协会货物保险条款;; London inter-bank offered rate;伦敦银行同业拆放利率;LIBOR; London Metal Bulletin;伦敦金属导报;LMB; London Metal Exchange;伦敦金属交易所;LME; London Missionary Society;伦敦宣教会;; London Nuclear-free and Independent Pacific;伦敦争取无核独立太平洋组织;; London Peace Accords;伦敦和平协议;; London Programme of Action on Humanitarian Issues;伦敦人道主义问题行动纲领;; London Scheme for the Rendition of Fugitive Offenders;伦敦引渡逃犯协议;; London School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine;伦敦热带卫生和医药学院;; London Session of the International Conference;国际会议伦敦回合;; London Sunday Telegraph;伦敦星期日电讯报;; LONDONO PAREDES, Julio;胡利奥·隆多尼奥·帕雷德斯;; LONDONO-PAREDES, Julio;胡利奥·隆多尼奥-帕雷德斯;; LONFERNINI, Alberto;阿尔贝托·隆费尔尼尼;; LONFERNINI, Giuseppe;朱塞佩·隆费尔尼尼;; Long Beach;“长滩”号;; LONG Boret;隆波烈;; long distance strategic reconnaissance aircraft;远距离战略侦察机;; Long Duration Exposure Facility;长时照射设施;LDEF; long duration projects;长期项目;; LONG NORIN;朗诺林;; long outstanding cheques;长期未兑现支票;; long period wave;长周期波;; long production runs;长过程流水线生产;; long range air surveillance radar;远距离空中监视雷达;; long range fall-out;远程放射性微粒沉降;; long service leave;长期服务休假;; long service step;长期服务薪级;; long term event;长期事件;; long term project;长期项目;; long ton;长吨; 英吨;; LONG Visalo;龙维沙洛;; Long Wang;苗人龙王;; long-acting penicillin; repository penicillin;常效青霉素;; long-baseline acoustic transponders;长基线声应答器;; long-distance blockade;远距离封锁;; Long-Duration Balloon Flight;长时气球飞行;LDBF; long-form narrative reports;详细叙述式报告;; long-lived toxic substance;长命有毒物质;; long-period seismograph;长周期地震仪;; long-range aid;长期援助;; Long-range and short-range side-scan sonar;长距离和短距离侧扫描声纳;; long-range ballistic missile;远程弹道导弹;LRBM; long-range bomber;远程轰炸机;; long-range communications;远程通信;; long-range fishing;远洋捕鱼;; long-range telephone and telegraph radio communications;远程无线电话电报通讯;; long-range transboundary air pollution;远程越境空气污染;LRTAP; long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants;大气污染物的长程飘移;LRTAP; long-range transportation;长程输送; 长程飘移;LRT; long-serving staff;长期服务工作人员;; Long-term and Expanded Programme of Ocean Exploration and Research;海洋勘测研究长期扩大方案;LEPOR; long-term assets;长期资产;; long-term bill;长期汇票;; long-term capital;长期资本;; long-term contract in progress;进行中的长期合同;; long-term credit;长期贷款;; Long-term Credit Bank of Japan;日本长期信贷银行;; long-term economic trends;长期经济趋势;; long-term exposure;长期暴露; 长期接触;; long-term financing;长期筹资;; long-term investment;长期投资;; long-term lease;长期租约;; long-term liabilities;长期债务;; long-term loans and debentures;长期贷款和债券;; long-term migrants;长期移民;; long-term monetary assets;长期货币性资产;; long-term obligations;长期债务;; Long-Term Perspective Study;长期前景研究;LTPS; Long-term Plan for Measures for Disabled Persons;关于残疾人的措施的长期计划;; Long-term Plan for the World Weather Watch;世界天气观测长期计划;; long-term prepayments;长期预付项目;; Long-term Programme for Pollution monitoring and research in the Mediterranean;地中海污染监测和研究长期方案;MED POL; Long-term Programme of Economic Cooperation until the Year 2000;至2000年长期经济合作方案;; long-term project;长期项目;; Long-term Projections for legal opiate supple and demand;鸦片制剂合法供求的长期预测;; long-term receivable from implementing agency;应向执行机构收取的长期未收款项;; long-term receivables;应收长期帐款;; long-term recruitment plan;长期征聘计划;; Long-term Socio-economic Perspectives Branch;长期社会经济展望处;; 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