翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Nordic Union of Road Construction Workers;北欧公路建筑工人工会;; Nordic United Nations Project;北欧联合国项目;; Nordic University Group on Physical Oceanography;北欧物理海洋学大学协会;; Nordic Voluntary Aid Committee;北欧志愿援助委员会;NORVAC; Nordic Women's Trade Union Committee;北欧妇女工会委员会;; Nordic Wood Preservation Council;北欧森林堡理事会;NWPC; Nordic Working Group on South Africa;北欧国家南非问题工作组;; Nordin, Mohd KHALED;穆罕默德·哈莱德·诺尔丁;; Nordiya;诺尔迪亚;; Joint Nordic Committee for Military UN Matters;联合国军事事项北欧联合委员会 北欧联委会;NordSamFN;北欧联委会 Nordwestdeutsche Kraftwerke;德意志西北电厂;; Noreast Airline;东北航空公司;; NOREEN, Stefan;斯特凡·诺林;; NORGAARD, Ivar;伊瓦尔·纳尔戈尔德;; NORHEIM, Are-Jostein;阿雷-约施泰因·诺尔黑姆;; NORIEGA, Flora Lelia;弗洛拉·莱利亚·诺列加;; NORIHIRO, Okuda;奥田纪宏;; Norinchukin Bank;诺林丘银行;; Norlevorphanol;去甲左啡烷左旋3-羟吗啡烷;; Norlevorphanol hydrobromide;溴化氢左旋3-羟吗啡烷;; Norlevorphanol hydrochloride;盐酸左旋3-羟吗啡烷;; norm;规范;; norm costing;定额法成本核算;; normal activities;正愁动;; normal ceiling;正常最高限额;; normal channel;正常途径; 正常渠道;; Normal College of the Seoul University;汉城大学师范学院;; normal day-to-day transactions;正常日翅计事项;; normal development;正常发展;; normal environmental lapse rate;正撤境直减率;; normal institutions of government;正常政府机构;; normal operating capacity;正常营业能力;; normal profit margin;正常利润幅度;; normal residence;正常住所;; normal retirement benefit;正常退休金;; normal retirement eligibility;正常的退休资格;; normal state of residence migrant worker;通常居住国;; normal wear and tear;正常损耗;; normal working hours;正常工作时间;; normal working week;每周的正常工作时间;; normalization;制定文字写法的规范; 依照文字规范写字; 正朝;; normative economics;规范经济学;; normative instrument;规范性文书;; normative lacunae;规范方面的漏洞空白;;空白 Normethadone;去甲美沙酮;; Normethadone 2,6-di-tert-butylnaphthalindisulfonate;去甲美沙酮2,6-二-三-丁基萘二磺酸酯;; Normethadone hydrobromide;溴化氢去甲美沙酮;; Normethadone hydrochloride;盐酸去甲美沙酮;; Normethadone methiodide;去甲美沙酮甲基碘化物;; Normethadone oxalate;草酸去甲美沙酮;; Normethadone picrate;苦味酸去甲美沙酮;; norminative character;准则性质;; Normorphine;去甲吗啡;; Normorphine hydrochloride;盐酸去甲吗啡;; norms and weights;范数和权数;; norms of lending;贷款标准;; NORODOM CHAKRAPONG;诺罗敦·夏卡朋;; NORODOM PHURISSARA;诺罗敦·富里萨拉;; Norodom Ranariddh, Sdech Krom Luong;诺罗敦·拉那烈王子;; NORODOM, Sihamoni;诺罗敦·西哈莫尼;; NORODON SIHANOUK;诺罗敦·西哈努克;; NORODUM SIRIVUDH;诺罗敦·施里沃特;; Norpipanone;诺匹哌酮二苯哌己酮;; Norpipanone hydrobromide;溴化氢二苯哌己酮;; Norpipanone hydrochloride;盐酸二苯哌己酮;; Norplant hormonal implant;诺普兰激素植入;; NORPLANT hormonal implant;诺普兰激素皮下植入剂;; norpseudoephedrine;降假麻黄碱;; NORRING, Tom;汤姆·诺林;; NORRIS, Cecily;塞西利·诺里斯;; NORRIS, Eric;埃里克·诺里斯;; NORRIS, Stephen;斯蒂芬·诺里斯;; NORRMAN, Karl Erik;卡尔·埃里克·诺尔曼;; Norsad;北欧/南部非洲发展协调会议;Norsad; Norsad Fund = Nordic/SADCC Fund;北欧/南部非洲发展协调会议基金;; Norsk Braendselolje AS;挪威石油供应有限公司;; North African Development Information System;北非发展信息系统;NADIS; North African Port Management;北非港口管理局;; North African Subregional Working Group on Science and Technology for Development;北非科学和技术促进发展分区域工作组;; North African Transport Committee;北非运输委员会;; North-American Coordinating Committee for NGOs on the Question of Palestine;非政府组织巴勒斯坦问题北美洲协调委员会;; North American Committee of NGOs Concerned with the Environment;与环境有关的非政府组织北欧委员会;; North American Coordinating Committee for NGOs on the Question of Palestine;非政府组织巴勒斯坦问题北美洲协调委员会 北美协调会;NACC;北美协调会 North American Environmental Fund;北美环境基金;; North American Forestry Commission;北美林业委员会北美林委会;NAFC;北美林委会 North American Free Trade Agreement;北美自由贸易协定北美贸协;NAFTA;北美贸协 North American Free Trade Area;北美自由贸易区;NAFTA; North American Hargard T-6;北美哈格德 T-6;; North American Industry Classification System;北美工业分类制度;NAICS; North American Inter-Agency Working Group for Harmonization of Computerized Terminology Data Banks;协调计算机化名词数据库北美机构间工作组;; North American Office;北美办事处;; North American Procurement and Shipping Section;北美采购和发运科;; North American Recruitment;北美徵聘室;; North American Regional Seminar on the Question of Palestine;巴勒斯坦问题北美区域讨论会;; North and Central American and Caribbean Football Confederation;北美、中美和加勒比足球联合会;CONCACAF; North and Latin American Regional Journalists Encounter on the Question of Palestine;北美洲和拉丁美洲地区记者巴勒斯坦问题辩论会;; North and South Coordination Commission;朝鲜南北协调委员会;; North and South Coordination Committee;朝鲜南北协调委员会;; North and South federation system;南北联邦制;; North and South general election;南北大选;; North Atlantic Alliance;北大西洋联盟;; North Atlantic Assembly;北大西洋议员会议;; North Atlantic Council;北大西洋理事会;NAC; North Atlantic drift;北大西洋漂流;; North Atlantic Fishery Organization;北大西洋渔业组织;NAFO; North Atlantic Ocean Station;北大西洋海洋观测站;NAOS; North Atlantic Ocean Stations NAOS Agreement;北大西洋海洋观测站协定;; North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization;北大西洋鲑鱼养护组织;NASCO; North Atlantic Seafood Association;北大西洋海味协会;NASA; North Atlantic Systems Planning Group;北大西洋系统规划小组;NAT/SPG; North Atlantic Treaty;北大西洋公约;; North Atlantic Treaty Council;北大西洋公约理事会;; North Atlantic Treaty Organization;北大西洋公约组织北约;NATO;北约 North Bay Canning Co., Ltd.;北湾罐头有限公司;; North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission;东北大西洋渔业委员会;NEAFC; North East Atlantic Fisheries Convention;东北大西洋渔业公约;; North East Development Superintendence;东北发展管理处;; North Eastern Services;东北运输公司;; North Federation of Advertisers Associations;北方广告商协会联合会;NORDAF; North Highness, M/V;北部陛下号;; north latitude;北纬;; North Mogadishu;北摩加迪沙;; North Ossetia;北奥塞佳;; North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission;北太平洋溯河鱼类委员会;NPAFC; North Pacific drift;北太平洋漂流;; North Pacific Marine Science Organization;北太平洋海洋科学组织海洋科学组织;PICES;海洋科学组织 North Pacific Scientific Driftnet Review Meeting;北太平洋科学流网审查会议;; North Polar;北太平洋海洋科学组织海洋科学组织;;海洋科学组织 North Polar Basin;北极海盆;; North Sea Continental Shelf;北海大陆架;; North Sea Continental Shelf Case;北海大陆架案;; North Sea Hydrographic Commission;北海水文委员会;NSHC; North South Roundtable Panels on Strengthening the United Nations for the 1990s;1990年代加强联合国问题北南圆桌小组;; North-American Congress on Alcohol and Drug Problems;北欧酗酒和吸毒问题大会;; North-East Asian Regional Security and the Role of International Institutions;东北亚区域安全和国际机构的作用;; North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission;东北大西洋渔业委员会;NEAFC; North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention;东北大西洋渔业公约;; North-East Rural Development Programme;东北农村发展方案;; North-East Rural Development Superintendence [Brazil];东北农村发展管理处;; North-South : A Programme for Survival;北方和南方: 争取生存的纲领;; North-South Campaign;北南运动;; North-South Confederation under a Single National Title;单一国号下的南北联邦制;; north-south dialogue;南北对话;; North-South division;南北分界;; North-South Election;南北选举;; North-South Global Fund for the Promotion of Industrialization of Developing Countries;促进发展中国家工业化南北全球基金;; North-South High Level Talks;南北高级别会谈;; north-south joint conference;南北联合会议;; North-South Joint Military Committee;北南联合军事委员会;; North-South Joint Nuclear Control Committee;北南联合核管制委员会;; North-South Joint Statement;北南联合声明;; North-South Political Consultative Conference;南北政治协商会议;; North-South Red Cross Talks;南北红十字会会谈;; North-West Province;西北省;; North-west Region Agricultural Development Project;西北地区农业发展方案;; Northern Afghanistan Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme;阿富汗北部农业重建方案;NAARP; Northern Cape;北开普省;; Northern Chad;乍得北部;; Northern Corridor Agreement;北部走廊协定;; Northern Corridor Transit Agreement;北部走廊过境协定;; Northern Council;北方理事会;; Northern Countries' Nurses Cooperative;北方国家护士合作组织;; Northern Fishing Industries, Ltd.;北部澳洲有限公司;; Northern Friends Peace Board;北方友人和平会;; Northern Front;北部前线;; Northern half of the Republic [North Korea];共和国北半部;; northern hole;北方臭氧层空洞;; Northern House of Assembly;北部省众议院;; Northern House of Chiefs;北部省酋长大会;; Northern Inter-Parliamentary Union;北方议会间联合会;; Northern Kamerun Democratic Party;北喀麦隆民主党 北喀民党;NKDP;北喀民党 northern latitude;北纬;; Northern Mariana Commonwealth Legislature first-- second--;北马里亚纳联邦立法院 --第一院 --第二院;; northern middle latitude;北半球中纬度;; northern polar zone;北极区;; Northern region;北部地区;; Northern Region Commander;北部区域司令;; Northern right whale;北鲸;; northern right whale dolphin;北鲸豚;; northern stratosphere;北方平流层;NRWD; Northern Sun News;北方太阳新闻;; Northern Territories Counter-Measures Headquarters of the Prime Minister's Office;日本首相府北方领土问题对策总部;; Northern Territories Problem Counter-Measure Association;北方领土问题对策协会;; northern tiers;北疆; 北方地区;; Northern Transvaal;北德兰士瓦;; Northern Tribes;北方部落;; Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization;西北大西洋渔业组织;NAFO; Northwest Energy Co.;西北能源公司;; Norway;挪威;; Norway Central Bureau of Statistics;挪威中央统计局;; Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation;挪威发展合作机构挪威发合机构;NORAD;挪威发合机构 Norwegian Agency for International Development;挪威国际开发署挪开发署;;挪开发署 Norwegian Battalion;挪威营;NORBAT; Norwegian Church Aid;挪威教会援助社;NCA; Norwegian Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament;挪威武器管制和裁军委员会;; Norwegian Council for Southern Africa;挪威南部非洲委员会;; Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System;挪威应急制度应急制度;NOREPS;应急制度 Norwegian Institute of Certified Public Accountants;挪威执业会计师协会;; Norwegian International Development Agency;挪威国际开发署;NORAD; Norwegian Krone;挪威克朗;; Norwegian People's Aid;挪威人民援助会;NPA; Norwegian Redda Barnen;挪威拯救儿童会;; Norwegian Refugee Council;挪威难民理事会;NRC; Norwegian Shipowners' Claims;挪威船主要求赔偿 案;; Norwegian Shipowners Association;挪威船东协会;; Norwest Corporation;西北公司;; Norwich Union Life Insurance;诺威奇联合人寿保险公司;; Norwegian Aid Society for Refugees and International Development;挪威救济难民和国际开发协会;NORWAID; NOSAVAN, Phoumi;富米·诺萨万;; NOSE, Kumiko;野濑久美子;; NOSF, Tariq Mohamed;塔里克·穆罕默德·努斯夫;; nosology;疾病分类学;; not applicable NA;不适用;NA; not available NA;不详; 缺;NA; not elsewhere classified;别处未分类者;n.e.c.\; not pensionable;不计养恤金的;; not quantified economy measures;没有确定数额的节约措施;; Not reproduced in the present document, for the text, see document...;本文中未予抄录, 全文见.....号文件;; not restricted;不受限制的;; not yet spent/obligated;尚未使用/承付的款额;; NOTAM 045/90;045/90 号航行通告;NOTAM 045/90; notarial functions;公证职务;; notary public;公证人;; Notas de Poblacion;人口简讯;; Note by the bureau;主席团的说明;; Note by the President of the Security Council;安全理事会主席的说明;; Note by the Secretariat;秘书处的说明;; Note by the Secretary-General;秘书长的照会 对外用; 秘书长的说明 对内用;;对内用 note circulaire;通告;; Note de embarque;装船证;; note diplomatique;外交照会;; note disclosure;在说明中公布;; note identique;同样照会;; note issuance facilities NIFs;票据发行工具;NIFs; note of dishonour;退票通知;; Note of the Chairman of the Market Access Group on Modalities for the Establishment of Specific Binding Commitments under the Reform Programme;市场准入小组主席关于根据改革方案确立有 约束性的具体承诺的模式的说明;; Note of the Secretary-General on the Report of the United Nations Team in Baghdad Teheran concerning an Inspection Carried out on;秘书长对联合国驻巴格达德黑兰小组关于--年--月--日的调查所作报告的说明;; Note of Understanding;谅解备忘录;; Note on Certain Aspects of Sexual Violence against Refugee Women;对难民妇女施加性暴力的某些方面的说明;; Note on International Protection;国际堡照会;; note to air man;航行通告;NOTAM; note to bearer;不记名支票;; note to order;记名支票;; note verbal;普通照会;; NOTE, Kessai;凯塞·诺特;; notebook computer;笔记本型计算机;; notebook equipment;笔记本型计算机设备;; notebook technology;笔记本型计算机技术;; noted;“备案项目”数额;; noted component;核定待筹数;; noted programme;备案方案;; noted project;备案项目; 核定待筹经费的项目;; NOTERDAEME, Paul;保罗·诺特达姆;; Notes and Documents;照会和文件;; Notes for Guidance;指导说明;; Notes for Guidance of Troop Contributors;部队派遣国准则的说明;; Notes for Speakers;发言者参考要点;; notes on the accounts;帐目说明;; notes to the accounts;帐目说明;; notes to the financial statements;财务报表的说明;; notice of notification;批准通知;; Notice to Airmen;给飞行员的通知;NOTAM; Notice to Mariners;给海员的通知;NOTAM; Noticias;新闻报;; Noticias e Factos;新闻与事实;; notifiable disease;应报告的疾病;; notification;通知;; notification by the Secretary General;秘书长提送的通知书;; Notification of nuclear tests;核试验的通知;; Notification of re-entry;再入大气层前的通知;; notification post malaria control;报告站;; notification, information and warning by the affected state;通知、资料和受影响国的通告;; notified blockade;通知封锁;; notified party;被通知者;; notified state;被通知国;; notifier;通知人;; notifying state;通知国;; noting notings;核定待筹经费;; notings;“备案”项目;; notional costs of documentation and meeting time;文件和会议时间名义费用;; notional planning figures;名义规划数字;; notional units;名义单位;; NOTO, D.K.;诺托;; Notre Dame Cathedral;圣母院;; Nottebohm case;诺特博姆案;; notwithstanding the provisions of this article;虽有本条的规定, ...;; NOUANTHASING, Khenthong;肯通·暖塔辛;; NOUR, Salah;萨拉赫·努尔;; Nouvel Observateur;新观察家周刊;; Nouvelle compagnie havraise peninsulaire;勒阿弗尔半岛新公司;; Nouvelles equipes internationales - Union internationale democratiens chretiens;国际新工作同志社 - 国际基督教民主党联合会;; Nouvelles Galeries algeriennes;新阿尔及利亚公司;; Nova Empresa de Cervejas de Angola;安哥拉新啤酒公司 新啤酒公司;;新啤酒公司 Nova Makedonija;新马其顿;; Novel armament;新式军备;; November 29th Committee for Palestine;巴勒斯坦11.29委员会;; Novi Sad corps;诺维萨德军团;; Novi Travnik;新特拉夫尼克;; Novigrad;诺维格拉德;; NOVIK, Nimrod;尼姆罗德·诺维克;; NOVOTNY, Pavel;帕维尔·诺沃特尼;; NOVRUZOV, Rufat Nadir ogly;鲁法特·纳迪尔·奥格雷·诺夫鲁佐夫;; Novy Sad;新萨德;; NOW account;流通提款支票帐户;; Nowegian Water Resources and Electricity Board;挪威水利电力局;; NOWLAN, Patrick;帕特里克·诺兰;; NOWODWORSKI, Antoni;安东尼·诺沃德沃尔斯基;; NOWORYTA, Eugeniusz;尤金纽什·诺沃雷塔;; NOWOTNY, Eva;埃娃·诺沃提尼;; NOWOTNY, Ewald;埃瓦尔德·诺沃提尼;; NOx;NOx 氮的氧化物;NOx; NOx control approach;NOx的控制方法;; NOx reservoir;NOx吸收库;; NOx sink;NOx吸收汇;; NOx station;NOx监测站;; noxious emissions;有害排放物;; NPFL/NPRAG;利比里亚民族爱国阵线爱国阵线;NPFL/NPRAG;爱国阵线 NPL;全国首要工作清单; 噪声污染级;NPL; NRSE;新能源和可再生能源;NRSE; NSANZE, Terence;特伦斯·恩桑泽;; NSEKALIJE, Aloys;阿洛伊斯·恩塞卡利杰;; NSENGIYAREMYE, Dismas;迪斯马斯·恩森吉亚雷姆耶;; NSEREKO, Daniel David Ntanda;丹尼尔·戴维·恩坦达·恩塞雷科;; NSOGO, Rafael Obiang;拉菲尔·奥比昂·恩索戈;; NSOUR, Abdullah;阿卜杜拉·恩苏尔;; NSSEF, Adnan M.;阿德南·恩塞夫;; NSUE BINDANG, Jesus-Otunga;赫苏斯-奥顿加·恩苏·宾丹;; NSUE NGUEMA, Mariano;马里亚诺·恩苏埃·恩克马;; NTAKABANYURA, Joseph;约瑟夫·恩塔卡巴纽拉;; NTAKIMIRORA, Tharcisse;塔尔斯·恩塔基比罗拉;; NTARYAMIRA, Cyprien;西普里安·恩塔里亚米拉;; NTESO, Ben Tiisetso;本·蒂伊塞措·恩泰索;; NTIBANTUNGANYA, Sylvestre;斯尔维斯特·恩蒂班吞干亚;; NTIMAMA, William Ole;威廉·奥勒·恩蒂马马;; NTIRO, Sarah;萨拉赫·恩蒂罗;; NTO-BAKO Party;恩托巴可党;; nuclear age;核子时代核时代;; Nuclear Age Peace Foundation;核时代和平基金;; nuclear aid programme;核援助方案;; Nuclear and Space Talks;核谈判和空间谈判;NST; Nuclear Arms Expansion;核扩军;; nuclear capability;核能力;; nuclear capability of South africa;南非的核能力;; Nuclear Countries;有核国家 核国家;; Nuclear deterrence, effective means of;核威慑的有效手段;; Nuclear Deterrent;核威慑力量;; Nuclear Development Corporation of South Africa Limited;南非核发展有限公司;NUCOR; Nuclear disarmament;核裁军;; Nuclear disaster;核灾难;; Nuclear Enrichment Corp.;核浓缩公司;; Nuclear electricity generating stations;核能发电站; 核电站;; Nuclear Energy Agency;核能机构;NEA; Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Data Committee;核能机构核数据委员会核数据委员会;NEANDC;核数据委员会 Nuclear Energy Board;核能委员会;; nuclear exports;核出口;; nuclear family;核心家庭; 小家庭;; nuclear forces;核部队;; Nuclear forces committed to the NATO;调派北约组织的核部队;; Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific;无核独立太平洋协会;; nuclear fuel fabrication plants;核燃料制造厂;; nuclear grade graphite;核级石墨;; nuclear group of experts;专家核心组;; nuclear industry;核工业;; Nuclear Inspection Team;核视察队;; nuclear Launching device;核发射装置;; nuclear magnetic resonance;核磁共振;NMR; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging systems;核磁共振成像系统;NMR; nuclear monopoly;核垄断;; nuclear neutron weapon;核中子武器;; nuclear non-proliferation;核不扩散;; Nuclear Physics Building;核物理大楼;; Nuclear Planning Group of NATO;北大西洋组织核计划小组;; nuclear power reactor;核能反应堆;NPR; nuclear power sources;核动力源;NPS; nuclear power sources on board space objects;空间物体所载核动力源;; nuclear power thermionic reactor;核能热离子反应器;; Nuclear Powers;核大国;; nuclear reactors;核反应堆;; Nuclear Regulatory Commission;核管制委员会;NRC; Nuclear Risk Reduction Center;降低核风险中心;; Nuclear Safeguards Accord;核保障协定;; Nuclear Safety Convention;核安全公约;; Nuclear striking power;核打击力量;; Nuclear Superpowers;超级核大国;; Nuclear Suppliers Group;核供应国集团核供应商集团;NSG; nuclear test;核试验;; nuclear threshold;核门槛;; Nuclear Weaponization Programme;核武器研制方案;; nuclear weapons;核武器;; Nuclear weapons in all aspects;核武器的一切方面;; nuclear winter;核冬天;; Nuclear-arms freeze;冻结核武器;; nuclear-capable nations;有核能力国家;; Nuclear-free and Independent Pacific Committee;无核独立太平洋委员会;; nuclear-free constitution;无核宪法;; nuclear-missile submarine;核导弹潜艇;; nuclear-safe orbit;核安全轨道;; nuclear-test explosions;核试爆;; nuclear-test-ban treaty;核禁试条约;; nuclear-waste dumping practices;倾弃核废料的做法;; nuclear-weapon capability;核武器能力;; Nuclear-weapon states;拥有核武器的国家; 核武器国家;; nuclear-weapon-free and non-violent world order;无核武器和非暴力世界秩序;; nuclear-weapon-free corridor;无核武器走廊;; nuclear-weapon-free world;无核武器世界; 没有核武器的世界;; nuclear-weapon-free zone;无核武器区;; NUEN CHEA;农谢;; Nueva Hora;新时代;; NUFSK;救国民族团结阵线;NUFSK; NUGDDALLA, Osman Salah Eldin;奥斯曼·萨拉赫·埃丁·努格达拉;; NUHUMAN, A.C.A.M.;努胡曼;; nuisance;公害; 损害;; NUJOMA, Sam;萨姆·努乔马;; null and void;无效;; nulla poena sine lege;法无明文者不罚法无明文规定者不罚;;; nullum crimen sine lege: no crime without a previous law;法无明文不为罪; 罪行法定;; NUMATA, Sadaaki;沼田贞昭;; number initiated during year;年内提出的次数;; number of employees as at year-end and annual average;年终职工人数和年平均数;; number of projects approved in biennium;已核准的两年期项目数;; numeracy programme;识数方案;; numeraire;定值标准; 计价标准; 基准货币;; numeraire ny meirer n. French. standard for currency exchange rates;货币交换率标准; 定值标准; 计价标准; 基准货币;; numeraire price;定值标准价格;; Numerical Control Centre for Metalworking;金属加工数字控制中心;; Numerical Control/Computer-aided Manufacturing Metalworking Centre;数控/计算机辅助制造业金属加工中心;; Numerical data on the largest transnational corporations;关于最大跨国公司的数字数据;; numerical modelling centre;数值模拟中心;; numerical sequence;数字编号;; numerical weather prediction;数值天气预报;NWP; NUNES DE MELO, Antonio;安东尼奥·努涅斯·德梅洛;; NUNEZ MOSQUERA, Pedro;佩德罗·努涅斯·莫斯克拉;; NUNEZ, Marta;玛尔塔·努涅斯;; Nuptiality;婚姻;; Nuptiality table;婚姻表;; Nuremberg Principles Principle I...;纽伦堡原则 原则一...;;原则一.. Nuremberg Tribunal;纽伦堡法庭;; Nuri, Seyed Abdollah;赛义德·阿卜杜拉·努里;; NURMOHAMED, Moestava Sh.;默斯塔瓦·努尔穆罕默德;; Nurnberg Charter;纽伦堡宪章;; Nurnberg Tribunal;纽伦堡法庭;; nursery;托儿所;; nursery factory scheme;雏型工厂计划;; nursery school;幼儿园;; Nursing Act;看护法;; nursing adviser;护理顾问;; nursing aid;护士助理;; nursing breaks;工间晡乳;; nursing education;护士教育;; nursing home;疗养院;; nursing room;哺乳室;; nursing services;护理;; nursing staff;护理人员;; nursing teacher;护理教师;; nursing woman;哺乳妇女;; NURYAGDYEV, Murad;穆拉德·努雷亚格德耶夫;; National Union of Seamen;全国海员工会;NUS; nutmeg;肉豆蔻;; nutrient material;营养物质;营养素; 养料; 养分;; nutrient deficiencies;营养不足;; nutrient depletion;养分枯竭;; nutrient leaching;浸出养分; 养分沥滤;; nutrient requirement;营养需要量;; nutrient salts;盐类营养物;; nutrient supplements;营养补充物;; nutrient turnover;定期补充营养;; nutrition;营养;; Nutrition and Child Welfare Committee [Zaire];营养和儿童福利委员会;; nutrition capacity development;营养能力发展;; nutrition centre of the Philippines;菲律宾营养中心;NCP; nutrition deficiencies;营养缺乏;; Nutrition Division;营养司;; nutrition education;营养教育;; nutrition education programme;营养教育方案;; nutrition gap;营养缺陷;; nutrition indicators;营养指标;; Nutrition Institute of Central America and Panama;中美巴拿马营养研究所;INCAP; nutrition interventions;营养措施;; nutrition policy;营养政策;; nutrition rehabilitation;营养康复;; Nutrition Research Centre;营养研究中心;NRC; Nutrition Research and Development Centre;营养研究和发展中心;NRDC; Nutrition Section;营养科;; Nutrition Strategy;营养战略;; nutrition support;营养支助;; nutrition surveillance programme;营养监测方案;; Nutrition Surveillance Training Programme;营养监测训练方案;; nutrition survey;营养监测;; nutrition therapy;营养疗法;; nutrition training;营养训练;; nutrition worker;营养工作人员;; nutritional anaemia;营养性贫血;; nutritional anemia;营养性贫血;; nutritional blindness prevention;预防营养不良性失明;; nutritional data base;营养数据基;; nutritional deficiencies;营养不良; 缺乏营养;; nutritional deficiency;营养不足营养缺乏营养不良;; nutritional deficiency disease;营养缺乏症;; nutritional deficiency disorders;营养缺乏引起的失调;; nutritional diseases;营养不良性疾病;; nutritional disorder;营养性紊乱;; nutritional marasmus;营养缺乏性消瘦;; nutritional quality;营养质量;; nutritional requirements;营养需求;; nutritional status;营养状况;; nutritional status indicators;营养状况指标;; nutritional surveillance; nutrition surveillance;营养监测;; nutritionist;营养学家;; nutritious foods;营养食品;; Nuwe Westelike Beleggings Maatskappy EDMS., Bpk.;新西方投资控股有限公司;; NVO-MTO;无船多式联运人;NVO-MTO; NWACHUKWU, Ike Omar;艾克·奥马尔·恩瓦楚克武;; NWANEAMPEH, J.J.;恩瓦内亚姆佩赫;; NWP product;数值天气预报的出版物;; NWT;无废技术;NWT; NYAGUMBO, Maurice;莫里斯·尼亚冈博;; NYAKI,;尼亚基;; NYAKYI, Anthony B.;安东尼·尼亚基;; NYAMIKEH, Simon A.;西蒙·尼亚米凯;; NYAMSUREN, Tsogtyn;超格廷·年苏伦;; nyanza;湖;; NYBERG, Rene;雷内·尼贝尔格;; NYCS mainframe computer;纽约电子计算系统主计算机;; NYE, Joseph S., Jr.;小约瑟夫·奈;; NYERERE, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage;姆瓦利姆·朱利叶斯·坎巴拉吉·尼雷尔;; NYILINKINDI, Antoine;安托万·恩伊兰坎迪;; NYIMA, GEDHUN CHOEKYI;格洪区吉·义玛;; NYKERK;尼凯尔克;; nylon fibre;尼龙纤维;; NYMAN, Christel;克里斯泰尔·尼曼;; Nyunt, My;米纽;; Nywerheids, Ontwikkelings Korporasie;工业发展公司;; NYYNEQUE, Osanya;奥萨尼·涅内克;; NZAMBIMANA, Edouard;爱德华·恩赞比马纳;; NZAPA YEKE, Edmond;埃德蒙·恩扎帕·耶克;; NZAPA-YEKE, Edmond;埃德蒙·恩扎帕-耶科;; NZENGEYA BAGBENI, Adeito;阿代托·恩藏格亚·巴格贝尼;; O Comercio;商业;; O JIN U;吴振宇;; O NAM CHOL;区男铁;; O'BRIEN, Basil;巴兹尔·奥布赖恩;; O'BRIEN, Richard;理查德·奥布赖恩;; O'BRIEN, Terence Christopher;特伦斯·克里斯托夫·奥布赖恩;; O'DELL, Marlene;马林·奥德尔;; O'DONNELL, George J.;乔治·奥唐奈;; O'DONOGHUE, Lois;洛伊丝·奥多诺休;; O'HANRAHAN, Orla;奥拉·奥汉拉汉;; O'NEIL, Maureen;莫林·奥尼尔;; O'Smach;奥斯玛;; O'SULLIVAN, Paul Thomas;保罗·托马斯·奥沙利文;; o.w. = of which;[在表格中出现];o.w.; O3;O3臭氧;; OAKLEY;奥克利大使;;大使 Oakwood Petroleums Ltd.;橡林石油公司;; Qal'at Sukkar;苏凯尔堡;; Oamites Mining Company Pty., Ltd.;奥米特斯矿业有限公司;; Oanh Ca;莺哥海;; OAS Charter;美洲国家组织宪章;; OAS Electoral Observation Mission;美洲国家组织选举观察团;; OASG;助理秘书长办公厅;; oasis of peace;和平的绿洲;; oath;宣誓,誓言;; OAU Coordinating Committee on Assistance to Refugees;非统组织援助难民协调委员会 援助难民协调会;CCAR;援助难民协调会 OAU Convention concerning the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, 1969;1969年非统组织关于非洲难民问题特定方面的公约;; OAU Council of Ministers;非统组织部长理事会;; OAU Defence Force;非统组织防卫部队;; OAU Heads of State and Government Declaration on Angola;非统组织国家元首和政府首脑关于安哥拉局势的宣言;; OAU Mission in Burundi;非统组织布隆迪特派团 非布特派团;OMIB;非布特派团 OAU Population and Development Policy Programme;非统组织人口与发展政策方案;; OAU Summit Conference;非统组织首脑会议;; OAU Trade Ministers' Conference;非统组织贸易部长会议;; ob turpem causam;动机不良;; OBADI, Hamed Mohamed;哈米德·穆罕默德·奥巴迪;; OBAFEMI, O.O.;奥多费米;; OBASANJO, Olusegun;奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔;; OBASI, Godwin O. Patrick;戈德温·帕特里克·奥巴西;; OBAZE, H.O.;奥巴泽;; OBEID Sheikh;奥贝德教长;;教长 OBEIDAT, Khalid;哈利迪·奥拜达特;; OBEIDAT, Walid;瓦利德·奥贝达特;; OBENGA, Theophile;泰奥菲尔·奥本加;; OBERENKO, Sergey;谢尔盖·奥别伦科;; Obgyn Congress;妇产科会议;; OBI-NNADOZIE, Chigozie;奇戈齐·奥比-纳多齐;; OBIANG NDONG, Damaso;达马索·奥比昂·恩东;; obidoxime;奥比醛肟;; OBIOZOR, George;乔治·奥比约佐尔;; obiter dictum;附言附带意见;; obiter scriptum;附注附带文字;; object heading, by;按用途分列;; object of expenditure;支出用途;; object of expenditure, main;主要支出用途;; object of taxation;主要支出用途;; object of the claim;诉讼要求的标的;; objection;异议,反对,抗议;; objectionable odour;令人不愉快的气味; 恶臭;; objections to payment;拒付理由;; Objective and Scope of the Audit of Financial Statements - IAGI;审计财务报的目的和范围-IAGI;; Objective information on military matters;关于军事情况的客观情报;; objective-based programme structure;以目标为基础的方案结构;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司