翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Objective: Justice;目标:正义;; objectives and goals;宗旨和目标; 目的和目标;; objects of expenditure;支出用途;; objects of the proceeding;诉讼标的;; oblast;州;; obligated;承付款额;;款额 obligated funds;专用款项;; obligating document;合约文件;债务的有效证件;; obligation;义务待付款[UNDP]承付款项[UNDP]; 债务责任;; obligation dates;偿还日期;; obligation not to cause appreciable harm;不造成明显损害的义务;; obligation outstanding;待付款保留数;; obligation to action;行为义务;; obligation to try or extradite;审判或引渡的义务;; obligations;债务承付款项;; obligations incurred;承付款项;; obligations of States to contribute to effective disarmament negotiations;各国为有效的裁军谈判作出贡献的义务;; obligations of territorial jurisdiction;领土管辖权的义务;; obligations to do obligations de faire;履行义务;; obligations under warranties;担保负债;; obligatory arbitrations;强制仲裁强制公断;; obligatory jurisdiction;强制管辖权;; obligor;债务人;; OBLIN, Michel;米歇尔·奥布兰;; OBMINSKY, Ernest Evgenievich;叶尔内斯特·耶夫根耶维奇·奥布明斯基;; OBO;石油/散货/矿砂;OBO; obscuration of smoke;烟雾的不透光性; 烟雾的不透明性;; observance religion;戒律; 教规;; observance of human rights;尊重人权;; observance of the Quincentenary of the Discovery of America;庆祝发现美洲五百周年;; observance of treaties;条约的遵守;; observation barricade;观察用障碍工事;; Observation equipment;观察设备;; observation-study tour;考察旅行;OST; observational needs;观测需要;; observational synthesis;观测的综合工作; 综合观测结果;; Observatory for Human Rights;人权观察站;; Observatory of the Sahara and Sahel;撒哈拉和萨赫勒观察站;OSS; Observatory [disarmament];观察处;; observe a cease-fire;遵守宛;; observe the campaign and voting;观察竞选和投票;; observe the registration and polling procedures;观察登记和投票过程;; observer delegation;观察员代表团;; observer group;观察团/组;; Observer Group Beirut;贝鲁特观察员小组 贝鲁特小组;OGB;贝鲁特小组 Observer Mission;观察团; [若是驻联合国的, 则译为] 观察员代表团;MIOB; observer post;观察哨;; observer status for the African Development Bank in the General Assembly;给予非洲开发银行大会观察员地位;; Observer, The;观察家;; observers team;观察员小队;; observing ship station;观测船站;; obsolescence;陈旧、过时、淘汰;; obsolete activities;过时活动;; obsolete equipment;陈旧设备;; obstetric care;产科护理;; obstetric emergencies;产科急诊;; obstetrical care;产科护理;; obstetrical complications;产科病症;; obstetrician;产科医生;; obstructed labour;难产;; Occasional Papers;应景文件; 专题文件; [IMF]不定期刊物;; Occidental Petroleum Corporation;西方石油公司;; Occupancy [Building];启用;; occupation;职业;; Occupation Zone;占领区;; Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974;1974年职业癌症公约;; Occupational Center;行业中心;; occupational disabilities;职业性伤残;; occupational disease;职业病;; occupational group;职业类;; occupational health;职业健康职业保健;; Occupational health and safety;职业健康与安全;; occupational medicine;职业医学;; Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981;1981年职业安全与职业保健公约;; occupational segregation;职业上的隔离;; occupational stereotype;职业的陈规定型;; occupational strata;职业阶层;; Occupational Training Section;职业训练科;; occupied Arab territories;被占领阿拉伯领土;; Occupied Palestinian Territory;被占领巴勒斯坦领土被占领土;OPT;被占领土 occupied posts subject to geographical distribution;受地域分配限制的在职员额;; occupied Syrian Arab Golan;被占领的阿拉伯叙利亚戈兰;; occupied territories;被占领领土被占领区;; occupied West Bank of Jordan;约旦河西岸被占领区;; occupied zone;被占领区;; occupy;占领;; occupy the seat of Cambodia at;...占据柬埔寨在...的席位;; occupying authorities;占领当局;; occupying power;占领国;; Ocean and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre;海洋和沿海区方案活动中心方案活动中心;OCA-PAC;方案活动中心 ocean basin;海洋盆地; 大洋盆地; 洋盆;; ocean chemistry;海洋化学;; ocean circulation;大洋环流; 海洋环流;; Ocean Data Acquisition System;海洋数据收集系统海洋数据系统;ODAS;海洋数据系统 Ocean Data Acquisition System, Aids and Devices;海洋数据收集系统、器械和装置 海洋数据收集系统;ODAS;海洋数据收集系统 Ocean Diamond Mining;海洋钻石采矿公司;; ocean display and planning system;海洋显示和规划系统;ODAPS; ocean disposal;海洋废物处理;; Ocean Drilling and Exploration Co.;海洋钻探公司;; Ocean Drilling Programme;大洋钻探计划;ODP; ocean dumping;海洋倾弃;; ocean dynamics;海洋动力学;; Ocean Dynamics and Climate;海洋动力学和气候;ODC; ocean economics;海洋经济;; Ocean Economics and Technology Branch;海洋经济和技术处;OETB; Ocean Economics and Technology Office;海洋经济和技术处;OETO; ocean eddy;海洋涡流;; ocean engineering;海洋工程;; ocean environment;海洋环境;; Ocean Envoy;海上使节号;; ocean floor;洋底;; ocean floor and the subsoil thereof;洋底及其底土;; ocean freight rates;远洋运费率;; Ocean Heat Transport Experiment;海洋热量输送实验;OHTEX; Ocean Management Inc.;海洋经营公司;; Ocean Mapping;海洋测绘;; Ocean Minerals and Energy Division;大洋矿物和能源司;; Ocean Mixed Layer Experiment;海洋混合层实验;OMLET; Ocean Monarch;海王号;; ocean pollution;海洋污染;; Ocean Products, Ltd.;大洋物产有限公司;; Ocean Research and Development Institute;海洋研究和开发学会;; Ocean Science Capital Corporation;海洋科学资本公司;; ocean services;海洋处;; ocean space;海洋区域;; ocean station;海洋观测站;; Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion;海洋热能转换;OTEC; ocean transport;远洋运输;; ocean warming;海洋水温升高;; ocean water;远洋海水; 大洋海水;; Ocean Weather Ship;海洋天气船;OWS; ocean weather station;海洋天气站;; oceanic sciences;海洋科学;; ocean-atmosphere exchange;海洋大气间的物质能量交换;; ocean-atmosphere interaction;海洋大气相互作用;; ocean-atmosphere interface;海洋大气界面;; ocean-going naval force;远洋海军;; ocean-going vessel;远洋轮船;; Oceana Fishing Corporation, Ltd.;大洋渔业有限公司;; Oceania Basketball Confederation;大洋洲篮球联合会;OBC; Oceania Judo Union;大洋洲柔道联盟;OJU; Oceania Weightlifting Federation;大洋洲举重联合会;OWF; Oceanian Olympic National Committee Association;大洋洲奥林匹克国家委员会协会;; oceanic absorption;海洋吸收;; oceanic circulation;大洋环流; 海洋环流;; oceanic display and planning system;海洋显示和规划系统;ODAPS; oceanic fisheries;海洋渔业;; Oceanic General Circulation Model;海洋环流模式;OGCM; oceanic province;大洋系;; oceanic resources;海洋资源;; oceanic waters;大洋水域;; oceanographic boundaries;海洋学上的界线;; oceanography;海洋学;; Oceanography Committee;海洋学委员会;; Oceans and Coastal Areas PAC;海洋和沿海地区方案活动中心;; OCHIRBAL, Ishtsogyn;伊什佐金·奥奇巴尔;; OCHIRBAT, Punsalmaagiin;彭萨勒马吉音·奥其尔巴特;; OCHOA ANTICH, Fernando;费尔南多·奥乔亚·安蒂奇;; OCHOA, Ramon de la Cruz;拉蒙·德拉克鲁斯·奥乔亚;; ochre pollution;赭石污染;; Ociania Football Confederation;大洋洲足球联合会;; octafluorocyclobutane C4H8;八氟环丁烷;C4H8; October Revitalization;十月复兴运动;; octroi;入市税;; ODA window [a subsidy account];官方发展援助窗口;; ODA, Shigeru;小田滋;; ODAS;海洋数据收集系统;ODAS; odd-numbered years;奇数年;; ODEH, Adnan Abu;阿德南·阿布·奥德赫;; Odelsting;众议院;; Odendaal Commission;奥登达尔委员会;; Odendaal Plan;奥登达尔计划;; ODER, Adnan S. ABU;阿德南·阿布·奥德尔;; ODG;总干事办公室;ODG; ODIO BENITO, Elizabeth;伊丽莎白·奥迪奥·贝尼托 8/28/91;; odious debt;恶债;; ODLUM, George;乔治·奥德隆;; ODOI ANIM, Eric;埃里克·奥多伊-阿尼姆;; ODOI, Nathan;内森·奥多伊;; ODOI-ANIM, Eric;埃里克·奥多伊-阿尼姆;; Odontological Federation of Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马牙科学联合会;FOCAP; odorant;香料; 香味剂; 气味剂;; odour nuisance;令人不愉快气味; 令人讨厌的气味;; ODP;臭氧消耗潜能值;ODP; ODRIOZOLA DIEZ, Jose Francisco;何塞·弗朗西斯科·奥德里奥索拉·迭斯;; ODUNWA, L.;奥顿瓦;; OE, Kenzaburo;大江健三郎;; OECD Decision on the Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals;经合组织关于相互接受化学品评估数据的决定;; OECD Environmental Data;经合组织环境数据;; OECD Group on the State of the Environment;经合组织环境状况小组;; OECD Guidelines;经合组织准则;; OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises;经合组织关于跨国企业的准则;; OECD Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution;经合组织越界污染原则;; OECD Procedures and Requirements for Anticipating the Effects of Chemicals on Man and in the Environment;经合组织关于预测化学品对人及在环境中的影响的程序和要求;; OECD Recommendation on Equal Rights of Access and Non-Discrimination in Relation to Transfrontier Pollution;经合组织关于涉及越界污染的平等获取权利和不歧视的建议;; OECD Recommendations on Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals and Good Laboratory Practices;经合组织关于相互接受化学品数据和良好实验室做法建议书;; OECD Symposium on Transborder Data Flows;经合组织跨国界数据流动问题座谈会;; Workshop on Development Assistance and Technology Cooperation for Cleaner Production in Developing Countries Hanover Workshop;发展中国家洁净生产发展援助和技术合作讲习班汉诺威讲习班;;汉诺威讲习班 OECD/DAW Expert Group on Women in Development;经合组织/提高妇女地位司妇女参与发展问 题专家组;; OECOSYS;OECOSYS;OECOSYS; Oecumenical Patriachate;大公教长区;; oecumenical relief organization;世界基督教救济组织;; OESTERHELT, Juergen;于尔根·厄斯特黑尔特;; Oesterreichische Laenderbank;奥地利联邦银行;; Oesterreichischer Rundfunk;奥地利广播公司;ORF; Oesterreichiszhes Hilfswevk;奥地利救济会;; OESTREICH, Juergen;于尔根·厄斯特赖希;; off-balance-sheet financing;资产负债表外筹资;; off-balance-sheet transactions;资产负债表外交易;; off-budget-years;非编制预算年度;; off-farm employment;农场以外的就业;; off-gases;废气; 尾气;; off-line;脱机;; off-odour;气味不对; 异味; 臭味;;; off-road vehicle;越野车辆;ORV; off-shore;近海; 近岸; 海岸外;; off-shore area;近岸海域;; off-shore banking;境外银行业务;; Off-shore Investment Fund;凯曼群岛境外投资基金;; off-shore oil;海洋石油;; off-shore sewage outfall;离岸入海的污水排水口;; off-site;外部; 非当地;; off-site facility;厂外设施;; off-site impacts of soil erosion;土壤侵蚀对其他地方的影响;; off-stoichiometric combustion;不按化学计量燃烧;OSC; offence;犯法行为罪行;; offence against the person;对人的罪行;; offence against the public interest;违反公共利益的罪行;; Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft;飞机上犯罪行为和某些其他行为;; offender;罪犯,犯罪者;; offending country;违约国;; offending State;违约国冒犯国;; offensive and defensive alliance;攻守同盟;; offensive barricade;攻击性障碍工事;; offensive defence operation;攻势防御作战;;作战 offensive odour;恶臭; 令人不愉快的气味;; offensive posture;进攻姿态;; offensive power spirit;攻击力精神;;精神 offer courses;开设课程;; offeree;被发价人受盘人;; offering for sale;兜售;; offeror;发价人发盘人;; offers;报价; 发盘; 要约;; Offers and Requests of Technology;技术的提供和需求;; office;厅处办公厅办公室办事处;; office accommodation;办公房地;; office accommodation;办公房舍;; Office Accommodation Shop;办公室安排工作室;; Office africain et malgache de la propriete industrielle;非马工业所有权事务处;; office assistant;办公室助理;; office automation;办公室自动化;; office automation equipment;办公室自动化设备;; Office Automation Section;办公室自动化科;; Office Automation Service;办公室自动化事务处办公自动化处;OAS;办公自动化处 Office Automation Sub-Committee;办公室自动化小组委员会;; office building;办公大厦;; Office d'Etudes des Eaux du Sous-sol;地下水研究所;OFEDES; Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre-mer;海外科学和技术研究处;ORSTOM; Office Document Architecture/Office Document Interchange Format;办公室文件结构/办公室文件交换格式;ODA/ODIF; office employees;办公室工作人员;; Office equipment;办公室设备;; office equipment and supplies;办公设备及用品;; office expenses;办公费用;事务费用;; Office federal de l'Industrie;联邦工业局;; Office federal de l'industrie, des arts et des metiers et du travail;联邦工业技艺劳工局工艺劳工局;OFIAMT;工艺劳工局 Office for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲和太平洋事务处;; Office for Assistance to Refugees and Victims of Disaster;协助难民灾民办事处;ONARS; Office for Church in Society;教会社会地位办事处;; Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights;民主制度和人权办公室 民主人权办;ODIHR;民主人权办 Office for Development Research and Policy Analysis;发展研究和政策分析厅发展分析厅;DRPA;发展分析厅 Office for Disarmament Affairs;裁军事务厅;ODA; Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国流离失所者和 难民办事处;; Office for Emergencies in Africa;非洲紧急行动处;; Office for Emergency Operations in Africa;非洲紧急行动处紧急行动处;OEOA;紧急行动处 Office for External Relations;对外关系办公室;OER; Office for External Relations, Strategic Planning and Evaluation;对外关系、战略规划和评价厅;OERSPE; Office for Field Operational and External Support Activities;外勤业务和外部支助活动事务处 外勤业务处;OFOESA;外勤业务处 Office for Free Elections;自由选举事务处;; Office for Harmonization of Environmental Measurement;协调环境测量办事处;; Office for Inspections and Investigations;检察和调查厅;OII; Office for Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination;机构间事务和协调处;; Office for Inter-Organization Relations;组织间关系办公室;; Office for Latin America;拉丁美洲事务处;; Office for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea;海洋事务和海洋法厅海事海法厅;OALOS;海事海法厅 Office for Outer Space Affairs;外层空间事务处外空事务处;OOSA;外空事务处 Office for Peace-keeping Operations;维持和平行动厅;; Office for Persons Returning to the Country;返国人士办事处;; Office for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretariat Services;政治和大会事务及秘书处事务厅;; Office for Programme Planning and Coordination;方案规划和协调厅;PPCO; Office for Programme Planning, Budget and Finance;方案规划、预算和财务厅;; Office for Programme Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation;方案规划、预算、监测和评价厅 规预监评厅;OPBME;规预监评厅 Office for Programmes Evaluation, Audit and Management Review;方案评价、审计和管理审查处;; Office for Project Service;项目事务厅项目厅;OPS;项目厅 Office for Projects Execution;项目执行处;OPE; Office for Research and the Collection of Information;研究和信息收集厅;ORCI; Office for Science and Technology;科学和技术处科技处;OST;科技处 Office for Social Mobilization;社会动员处;; Office for Special Political Affairs;特别政治事务厅;; Office for Special Political Questions;特别政治问题处;OSPQ; Office for Special Projects;特别项目处;; Office for Special Relief Operations;特别救济行动处特别救济处;OSRO;特别救济处 Office for the Administration of Justice;司法厅;; Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan;向阿富汗提供人道主义援助协调处;; Office for the Development of Agricultural Production;农业生产发展局;BDPA; Office for the London Convention 1972;1072年伦敦公约事务处;; Office for the Special Emergency Programme for the Horn of Africa;非洲之角特别紧急方案办事处;; Office for the Status of Women;提高妇女地位办公室;; Office for Women's Affairs;妇女事务办公室;; Office furniture;办公室家具;; office hospitality;招待费;; office information system;办公室信息系统;OIS; office labourer;勤杂工;; office machine operator;办公室机器操作员;; Office Machine Repair Unit;办公室机器修理股;; Office marocain pour les jeunes et l'environment;摩洛哥青年与环境办事处;; Office national algerien de commercialisarion;阿尔及利亚全国商品局;; Office national d'assistance aux refugies et sinistres;全国协助难民灾民办事处;ONARS; Office national de l'hydraulique pastoral et villageoise;全国农牧水利处;ONHPV; Office of Administrative Management;行政管理处行管处;OAM;行管处 Office of Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions;主管特别政治问题助理秘书长办公室 特政助理秘书长办公室;ASGSPQ;特政助理秘书长办公室 Office of Budget and Management;预算和管理处预管处;OBM;预管处 Office of Chief Commissioner for Afghan Refugees;阿富汗难民事务首席专员办公室;CCAP; Office of Civil Affairs;民政事务处;; Office of Commercial Councillor attache;商务参赞处;; Office of Commercial Programmes;商业方案处;OCP; Office of Commercial Representative;商务代表处;; Office of Conference Services;会议事务厅;OCS; Office of Data and Information Systems;数据和信息系统办公室数信办;IGBP-DIS;数信办 Office of Development Policy Analysis;发展政策分析厅;ODPA; Office of Development Studies;发展研究处发研处;ODS;发研处 Office of Director-General Development and International Economic Cooperation;发展和国际经济合作总干事办公室;; Office of Diversion Control;药物转移管制局;; Office of Economic Affairs;经济事务处;; Office of Economic Development and Planning;经济发展和规划所;; Office of Emergency Administrator;紧急行政专员办公室;; Office of Emergency Operation in Africa;非洲紧急行动处;OEOA; Office of Emergency Operations;紧急业务处;; Office of Emergency Programmes;紧急方案办公室;EMOPS;方案办 Office of Emergency Relief Operations;紧急救济业务处;; Office of Environmental Affairs;环境事务办公室;; Office of Evaluation and Strategic Planning;评价和战略规划厅规划厅;OESP;规划厅 Office of Executive Board Secretary;执行局秘书办公室;; Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards;美国联邦统计政策与标准局;; Office of Field Operational and External Support Activities;外勤业务和外部支助活动事务处;; Office of Financial Services;财务厅;OFS; Office of Foreign Assets Control;外国资产管制处;OFAC; Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance;国外救灾处;OFDA; Office of General Assembly and Security Council Affairs;大会和安全理事会事务厅;; Office of General Services;总务厅;OGS; Office of Higher Education;高等教育事务处;; Office of Human Resources Management;人力资源管理厅人力厅;OHRM;人力厅 Office of Human Rights;人权办事处;; Office of Information Resources Management;信息资源管理处;; office of interests;利益办事处;; Office of Internal Audit;内部审计办公室;OIA;内审办 Office of International Geology;国际地质处;; Office of International Norms and Legal Affairs;国际准则和法律事务厅;; Office of Legal Affairs and Law of the Sea and Ocean Affairs;法律事务及海洋法和海洋事务厅;; Office of Legal Protection of the Archdiocese of San Salvador;圣萨尔瓦多大主教管区法律堡处 法律堡处;;法律堡处 Office of Library and Health Literature Services;图书馆和保健文献事务处;; Office of Non-Governmental Affairs;非政府事务处;ONGA; Office of Ocean Economics and Technology;海洋经济和技术处;; Office of Ombudsman;监察员办公室;; Office of Ombudsman and streamlining of appeals procedures;监察员办公室和精简申诉程序;; Office of Overseas Technological and scientific Research;海外技术和科学研究处;ORSTOM; Office of Personnel Management/Total Compensation Comparison;人事管理局/报酬总数比较;; Office of Personnel Services;人事厅;OPS; Office of Planning and Support;规划和支助厅规划厅;OPS;规划厅 Office of Policy Planning and Research;政策规划与研究处;; Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts;方案规划、预算和帐务厅帐务厅;OPPBA;帐务厅 Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Finance;方案规划、预算和财务厅财务厅;OPPBF;财务厅 Office of Programme Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation;方案规划、预算、监测和评价厅规预监评厅;OPPBME;规预监评厅 Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation;计划、预算及评价办公室;; Office of Public Information;新闻厅 [新闻部DPI前身]; 公共宣传办公室[UNESCO]; 新闻处[东帝汶];OPI; Office of Publications and Translation;出版物和翻译处;; Office of Research and Information Collection;研究和资料收集厅;; Office of Research, Policy and Strategy Coordination;研究、政策和战略协调处研政战协调处;RPS;研政战协调处 Office of Science and Technology;科学和技术处;; Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters;经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅 经社事项服务厅;OSSESM;经社事项服务厅 Office of Social Development;社会发展处;; Office of Social Policy and Economic Analysis;社会政策和经济分析处社经处;OSPEA;社经处 Office of Space Science and Applications;空间科学及应用处;COSSA; Office of Special Coordinator for Special Economic Assistance Programme;特别经济援助方案特别协调专员办公室 特别经援方案协调专员办公室;OSCPEAP;特别经援方案协调专员办公室 Office of Special Fund Operations;特别基金业务处特基处;OSFO;特基处 Office of Special Relief Operations;特别救济业务处特别救济处;OSRO;特别救济处 Office of Statistics;统计处;; Office of Strategy Planning, Policy Analysis and Evaluation;战略规划、政策分析和评价处;; Office of Technical Cooperation;技术合作处技合处;OTC;技合处 Office of Technology Assessment;技术评估处;OTA; Office of Territorial and International Affairs;领土事务与国际事务处;; Office of the Accountant General;会计主任办公室;; Office of the Acting Commissioner;代理专员办事处;; Office of the Administrator;署长办公室;OA; Office of the Ageing;老年问题办事处;; Office of the Assistant Administrator;助理署长办公室;OAA; Office of the assistant Executive Director;助理执行主任办公室;; Office of the Assistant Secretary-General;助理秘书长办公室助秘办公室;OASG;助秘办公室 Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights;主管人权事务助理秘书长办公室;; Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs;主管机关间事务助理秘书长办公室;; Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions;主管特别政治问题助理秘书长办公室;; Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for the Office of Programme Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation;主管方案规划、预算、监测和评价厅助理秘 书长办公室;; Office of the Attorney General of the Republic [El Salvador];共和国总检察长办公室;; Office of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations School;联合国国际学校董事会办公室;; Office of the Chef de Cabinet;秘书长办公厅主任办公室;; Office of the Chief of service, division, section, unit;处/司/科/股长办公室;; Office of the Chief of Mission;核查团团长办事处;; Office of the Chief, Administration;行政事务处处长办公室;; Office of the Co-chairman of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫问题国际会议指导委员会共同主席办事处;; Office of the Coordinator for Women;妇女事务协调专员办公室;; Office of the Coordinator of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in the Middle East;联合国中东维持和平特派团协调员办事处; 联中维和协调处;UNPMME; Office of the Commissioner for Industrial Development;工业发展专员办公室;; Office of the Commissioner for Namibia;纳米比亚专员办事处;; Office of the Commissioner for Refugees;难民专员办公室;COR; Office of the Comptroller;会计厅;; Office of the Controller;主计长办公室;; Office of the Coordinator of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in the Middle East;联合国维持中东和平特派团协调专员办公室;UNPMME; Office of the Coordinator and Special Representative of the Executive Delegate in Iraq;执行代表驻伊拉克协调员兼特别代表办事处;; Office of the Coordinator for Humanitarian Relief and Rehabilitation;人道主义救济和重建协调员办事处;; Office of the Coordinator for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat;提高妇女在秘书处地位协调专员办事处;; Office of the Coordinator for United Nations Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes Relating to Afghanistan;联合国阿富汗人道主义和经济援助方案协调 员 办事处联阿协调处;UNOCA;联阿协调处 Office of the Coordinator in the Occupied Territories;被占领土协调员办公室;; Office of the Coordinator of Assistance for Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员办公室;; Office of the Coordinator;协调专员办公室;; Office of the Council of Ministers of the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;埃塞俄比亚人民民主共和国部长会议办公厅;; Office of the Deputy Executive Director;副执行主任办公室;; Office of the Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General;副秘书长帮办办公室副秘帮办办公室;ODUSG;副秘帮办办公室 Office of the Director for Human Rights;人权事务主任办事处;; Office of the Director General;总干事办公室;; Office of the Director of Conference Services;会议事务厅长办公室;ODCS; Office of the Director;1.司长办公室 2.主任办公室;OD; Office of the Director-General;总干事办公室;ODG; Office of the Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation;发展和国际经济合作总干事办公室 总干事办公室;ODGDIEC;总干事办公室 Office of the Director-General for International Economic Cooperation and Development;国际经济合作与发展总干事办公室;; Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva;联合国日内瓦办事处主任办公室;; Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Vienna;联合国维也纳办事处主任办公室;; Office of the Economic Adviser;经济顾问办事处;; Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator;紧急救济协调员办公室;OERC; Office of the Environment Fund and Administration;环境基金和行政事务厅;; Office of the Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General;秘书长执行助理办公室;; Office of the Executive Agent for the Mekong Project;湄公河计划执行专员办事处;; Office of the Executive Chairman;执行主席办公室;; Office of the Executive Delegate of the Secretary-General;秘书长执行代表办事处;; Office of the Executive Director;执行主任办公室;OED; Office of the Executive Director and Special Programmes;执行主任和特别方案办公室;; Office of the Executive Secretary;执行秘书办公室各区域经社委员会;;各区域经社委员会 Office of the Focal Point for Women;妇女问题协调中心处;; Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;人权事务高级专员办事处;; Office of the Medical Director;医务主任办公室;; Office of the Military Adviser to the Secretary-General;秘书长军事顾问处;; Office of the Military Prosecutor;军事检察院;FISMIL; Office of the National Counsel for the Defence of Human Rights;国家维护人权检察官办公室;; Office of the Permanent Observer to the United Nations;常驻联合国观察员办事处;; Office of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central American Peace Process;主管中美洲和平进程的秘书长个人代表办公 室;; Office of the President [Egypt];总统办公室;; Office of the Prime Minister;总理府;; Office of the Principal Commissariat [Guinea Bissau];总理府办公厅;; Office of the Prosecutor;检察官办公室;OTP; Office of the Registrar;[国际法院、ICTY]书记官长处; 登记处;OTR; Office of the Representative of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Pakistan;秘书长驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦代表办事处;; Office of the Secretaries-General;秘书长办公室;; Office of the Secretary of the Commission;委员会秘书室;; Office of the Secretary of the Executive Board;执行局秘书办公室;OSEB; Office of the Secretary-General;[联合国总部]秘书长办公厅; [其他单位]秘书长办公室;; Office of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Pakistan;秘书长驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦办事处;OSGAP; Office of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan;秘书长驻阿富汗办事处驻阿办事处;OSGA;驻阿办事处 Office of the Special Adviser of the Secretary General for Public Policy;秘书长公共政策特别顾问办公室;; Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa and LDCs;非洲和最不发达国家特别协调员办公室 特别协调员办公室;OSCAL;特别协调员办公室 Office of the Special Coordinator for Sarajevo;萨拉热窝特别协调员办事处;; Office of the Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories;驻被占领土特别协调员办事处 被占领土协调员办事处;UNSCO;被占领土协调员办事处 Office of the Special Coordinator on New and Renewable Source of Energy;新能源和可再生能源特别协调员办公室;; Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General;秘书长特使办公室;OSESG; office of the Special Representative for Angola;安哥拉特别代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚特别代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General;秘书长特别代表办公室;OSRSG; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Coordination of Kampuchean Humanitarian Assistance Programmes;主管协调柬埔寨人道主义援助方案的秘书长 特别代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance Programme to Kampucheans;主管协调柬埔寨人道主义援助方案的秘书长 特别代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Emergency Operations in Ethiopia;主管埃塞俄比亚紧急行动的秘书长特别代表 办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs in South-East Asia;负责东南亚人道主义事务的秘书长特别代表 办公室;HASEA; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Africa;负责南非问题的秘书长特别代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Coordination of Humanitarian Operations in Kampuchea;主管协调柬埔寨人道主义工作的秘书长特别 代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Former Yugoslavia;负责前南斯拉夫问题的秘书长特别代表办公 室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea;负责海洋法的秘书长特别代表办公室;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Promotion of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;负责推动联合国残疾人十年的秘书长特别代 表办公室;; Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary General;秘书长发言人办公室发言人办公室;OSSG;发言人办公室 Office of the UN Commissioner in Libya;联合国驻利比亚专员办事处;; Office of the Under-Secretary-General;副秘书长办公室;OUSG; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management;主管行政和管理事务的副秘书长办公室行管 副秘办公室;OAM;行管 副秘办公室 Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Conferences and Special Assignments;主管会议事务部和特别任务副秘书长办公室;; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs;主管裁军事务副秘书长办公室;; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs;主管政治和大会事务副秘书长办公室政治 和大会事务办公室;OUSPGAA;政治 和大会事务办公室 Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretariat Services;主管政治和大会事务及秘书处服务副秘书长 办公室;PGAASS; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Security Council Affairs;主管政治和安全理事会事务副秘书长办公室;; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs;主管特别政治事务副秘书长办公室 特政办公室;OUSGSPA;特政办公室 Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Questions;主管特别政治问题副秘书长办公室;; Office of the United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programme relating to Afghanistan UNOCA;联合国与阿富汗有关的人道主义和经济援助 方案协调员办事处 联阿协调处;UNOCA;联阿协调处 Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚专员办事处 纳米比亚办事处;OCN;纳米比亚办事处 Office of the United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programme relating to Afghanistan UNOCHA;联合国与阿富汗有关的人道主义和经济援助 方案协调员办事处 联阿协调处;UNOCHA;联阿协调处 Office of the United Nations Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员办事处;; Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator;联合国救灾协调员办事处救灾协调处;UNDRO;救灾协调处 Office of the United Nations for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan;联合国向阿富汗提供人道主义援助协调办事 处联阿协调处;UNOCHA;联阿协调处 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights;联合国人权事务高级专员办事处 人权专员办事处;OHCHR;人权专员办事处 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 难民专员办事处;UNHCR;难民专员办事处 Office of the United Nations Security Coordinator;联合国安全协调员办公室安协办;UNSECOORD;安协办 Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Emergency Relief Operations;联合国紧急救灾行动特别协调员办事处;; office rent;办公室租金;; office space;办公室面积;; office supplies;办公室用品;; office workers;办公室工作人员;; office-accommodation;房室;; officer;干事主席团成员;; officer corps;军官团;; Officer for Resolution II and Rules, Regulations and Procedures;第二号决议和规则、条例及程序干事;RII RRP Offi; officer holding the equivalent title;同等职衔的官员;; officer of chambers;分庭主持人员;; Officer-in-charge of the Observer Group Beirut;贝鲁特观察员小组主管;; Offices of the Secretary-General;秘书长直辖厅处;OSG; official acts;公务行为; 官方行为;; official aid programme;官方援助方案;; official aircraft airplane;公务航空器飞机;;飞机 official assets;公有资产;; official bank accounts;正式银行帐户;; official business;公事;; official capacity, in his or her;以其公务身分;; official car;公务汽车;; official channel;官方途径;; official civil registers;正式民事登记册;; official commitments to agriculture;官方对于农业的承诺;OCA; official communications;公务通讯 正式通知;; official communique;官方公报;; official concessional flows;官方优惠资金流动;; official correspondence;来往公文;; official details;官方详细材料;; Official Development Assistance;官方发展援助;ODA; Official Development Assistance flow;官方发展援助流量;; official development finance;官方发展资助;ODF; official duty station;任职地点;; official form for the prescription of narcotics;麻醉品处方公定格式;; official functions;正式活动[指官员的宴请、对外交往等活动];; Official Gazette;政府公报;; official gold price;黄金官价;; official holiday;例假;; Official hospitality;公务招待;; official indices;官方指数;; official Iraqi military spokesman;伊拉克官方军事发言人;; Official Journal of the League of the Nations;国际联盟公报;; official language;正式语文 [联合国用语]; 官方语言;; official mission;公差;; official par of exchange;法定汇兑平价;; official par values;法定平价;; official prescription forms;公定处方笺;; Official Publications Office of the European Communities;欧洲共同体正式出版物处;; official rates;法定汇价、法定利率官价;; Official Records Editing Section;正式记录编辑科;ORES;编辑科 Official Records of the Human Rights Committee;人权事务委员会正式记录;; Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations;联合国关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织间的条约法会议正式记录;; Official Register;官方日刊;; official registration of marriage;正式婚姻登记;; official residence;官邸;; official scale;正式比额;; official seal;公章; 官方印章官封;; Official Secrets Act;公务秘密法;; Official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;外交部官方发言人;; official status file of a staff member;工作人员公务身份档案;; official text;正式文本;; official transaction;官方交易;; official travel;公务旅行;; official travel of staff;工作人员公务旅费;; official visit;正式访问;; officials;公务人员;; officials of a conference;会议主持人员;; officials of the comparator service;用以比较的公务人员;; officials serving the General Assembly other than Secretariat officials;秘书处人员以外其他大会服务人员;; offset balances, to;抵消差额; 轧差;; offset by an increase in the same amount in the estimates of income under income;由收入第1款收入概算增加同等数额抵销;; offset by the same amount under Income Section I, Income from Staff assessment;由收入第1款工作人员薪金税收入项下一笔相同数额予以抵销;; offset camera;胶印照相机;; offset press;胶印机;; offshoot programme;子方案; 小方案;; offshore areas;海岸外地区;; offshore assembly;国外装配工业;;工业 offshore concession;沿海岸外租让区;; offshore drilling industries;海上钻探工业;; offshore employment;雇用境外工人;; offshore financial centres;境外金融中心;OFCs; offshore industries;海外加工出口工业;; offshore installation;海上设施;; offshore office;境外办事处;; offshore oil and gas industry;近海石油和天然气工业;; offshore purchases;海外购买;; offshore structures;沿岸结构;; offshore tax havens;境外避税港;; Offshore Technology Conference;近海技术会议;; offshore terminal;近岸码头;; OFIR, Gabi;加比·奥菲尔;; OGADA, Thomas;托马斯·奥加达;; Ogaden;欧加登;; Oganization of African Trade Union Unity;非洲工会统一组织非洲工统;OATUU;非洲工统 OGATA, Sadako;绪方贞子;; OGAWA, Heishiro;小川平四郎;; OGAWA, Shoji;小川正二;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司