翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 OGBU, Edwin Ogebe;埃德温·奥格贝·奥格布;; OGCM;海洋环流模式;OGCM; OGISO, Motoo;小木曾本雄;; Oglavak;奥格拉瓦克;; OGNJANOVAC, Jasna;亚斯纳·奥格尼亚诺瓦茨;; OGOUENKERO-LEGO, Rene;雷内·奥格恩克罗-勒戈;; OGRYZKO, Vladimir S.;弗拉基米尔·奥格雷兹科;; Ogulin;奥古林;; OGUNLEYE, Rosaline;罗莎琳·奥冈勒耶;; OGURA, Itaro;小椋伊太郎;; OGURTSOV, Stanislav S.;斯坦尼斯拉夫·奥古措夫;; OGWU, U.J.;奥格武;; OH, Freddie K.C.;胡敬进;; OH, Haeng Kyeom;吴行兼;; OH, Yoon Kyung;欧允銎;; OHIRA, Masayoshi;大平正芳;; OHLIN, Goran;耶兰·奥赫林;; OHLSSON, Ingvar;英瓦尔·乌尔松;; OHN, GYAW;翁觉;; OHTA, Takeshi;太田赳;; OHTAKA, H.;大鹰弘;; OHTAKA, Ichiro;大鹰市郎;; OHTAKA, Tadashi;大鹰正;; OHTEX;海洋热量输送实验;OHTEX; OHVO, Hannu;汉努·奥沃;; OI Committee International;国际奥伊委员会;; OIC Contact Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina;伊斯兰会议组织波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那问题 联络小组;OICCG; OIC Fund for Relief and Reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina;伊斯兰会议组织救济和重建波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥维那基金;; OIC Standing Committee on Economic and Commercial Cooperation;伊斯兰会议组织经济和商业合作常设委员会;; oil and chemical spills;油溢和化学漏泄;; Oil and Gas Journal;石油和天然气期刊;; Oil and Natural Gas Company;石油和天然煤气公司;SONATRACH; oil and natural gas map;石油和天然气分布图;; oil booms;石油拦索;; oil collection vessel;浮油回收船;; Oil Companies International Marine Forum;石油公司国际海事论坛;OCIMF; oil concession;石油开采权;; oil derivatives;石油衍生物;; oil embargo against South Africa;对南非实行石油禁运;; oil facility;石油专用资金;; oil felt pad;油毛毡板;; oil film on coastal waters;沿海原油浮油油膜;; Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum;石油工业国际勘探和生产论坛;; Oil Minerals Producing Areas Development Commission;石油矿物生产地区发展委员会;OMPADEC; Oil Palm Community;油棕榈联合会;; oil pollution control;石油污染控制;; oil pollution damage;石油污染损害; 油污损害;; oil pollution emergencies;石油污染紧急情况; 石油污染事故;; Oil Pre-verification System;石油预先核查制度;OPVS; oil reference price;石油参考价格;; oil retention barrier;拦油栅;; oil sale contract;石油销售合同;; oil shale resources;油页岩资源;; oil slick;浮油; 油膜;; oil spill;漏油; 石油漏出;; oil spill control;漏油控制;; oil terminal;运油码头;; oil-combating centre;防止油污中心;; oil-fired;燃油的;; oil-loading platform;岸外装油平台;; oil-spill contingency planning;泄油紧急事故规划;; oilseeds;油菜籽;; OIS States Contributing Troops to the UNPROFOR;伊斯兰会议组织派遣部队参加联保部队的国家;; OISCA International;工精文国际 国际工业、精神与文化促进组织;;国际工业、精神与文化促进组织 Oiterong;帕劳人奥伊特龙;; OJANEN, Pekka;佩卡·奥亚宁;; OJARA, Mario;马里奥·奥哈拉;; OJEDA Y EISELEY, Jaime de;海梅·德奥赫达-艾斯利;; Oji Paper;王子制纸株式会社;; OK Bazaars;OK 百货公司;; Okanagan Statement on Southern Africa;关于南部非洲问题的奥卡纳甘声明;; OKANIWA, Ken;冈庭健;; OKAWA, Yoshio;大川英雄;; OKAZAKI, Hisahiko;冈崎久彦;; Oke;土耳其镑;; Okean-M;海洋-M声纳;; OKEYO, Michael George;迈克尔·乔治·奥克约;; OKEYRE, Heather;希瑟·奥凯尔;; Oki Electric Industry;冲电气工业株式会社;; OKI, Masamitsu;大木正光;; Okinawa;“冲绳”号;; OKITA, Etsuko;冲田悦子;; Okoka;奥科卡;; OKOLI, P.O.;奥科利;; OKONGO, Pierre Lumbi;皮埃尔·伦比·奥孔戈;; OKSAMITNIY, Yuriy;尤里·奥克萨米尼;; OKUDA, Norihiro;奥田纪宏;; OKUMBA D'OKWATSEGUE, El Konighi;科尼吉·奥昆巴·多克瓦策格;; OKUN, Herbert S.;赫伯特·奥肯;; OKWEI, Notei;诺泰·奥克韦;; OKWUOSA, Fidel L.;菲德尔·奥克武萨;; Olbiil Era Eelulau;帕劳国会;OEK; old age institution;老人院;; Old City of Jerusalem;耶路撒冷旧城;; old financial instruments;旧财务单据;; old old;老耄;; Old People's Square Level and Justice Organization;老人公平正义组织;; old scale;旧比额表;; old-age home;老人院;; old-age support;老年赡养老有所靠;; older age groups;老年群体;; older persons;老年人;; older refugees;老年难民;; older women;年纪较长妇女;; OLDFELT, Karin;卡林·奥尔德费尔特;; OLEA, Miguel Angel;米格尔·安赫尔·奥莱亚;; OLEANDROV, Vsevolod Leonidovich;弗谢沃洛德·列昂尼多维奇·奥列安德罗夫;; OLECHOWSKI, Andrzej;安杰伊·奥莱霍夫斯基;; OLECHOWSKI, Tadeusz;塔德乌什·奥莱霍夫斯基;; olefiant gas;成油气; 乙烯气;; olefine;链烯;; olefins;烯烃; 链烯;; OLEG, Esyan;奥列格·叶相;; oleh;移民;; OLHAYE, Roble;罗布莱·奥尔埃耶;; OLIC, Teodor;特奥多尔·奥利奇;; oligophotic zone;微明区;; oligopolistic structure;寡头垄断结构;; oligopolization;寡头垄断;; oligopoly;寡头垄断;; oligotrophic lakes;缺乏养分的湖泊; 贫养湖泊;; OLISEMEKA, O.;奥利塞梅卡;; OLIVA, Oscar Oramas;奥斯卡·奥拉马斯·奥利瓦;; Olive Oil and Table Olives Conference;橄榄油和食用橄榄会议;; OLIVIER, Alexander Borg;亚历山大·博格·奥利维尔;; Ollin Yolistli International Literature Prize;“奥林·约利斯特利”国际文学奖;; Olovo;奥洛沃;; OLOWSON, Britt;布里特·奥洛夫宗;; OLR;向外长波辐射;OLR; OLSEN, Bjorn;比扬·奥尔森;; OLSEN, Jose Maria Figueres;何塞·玛丽亚·菲格雷斯·奥尔森;; Olson Travel US;奥尔逊旅行社;; OLSZEWSKI, Jan;扬·奥尔谢夫斯基;; OLSZOWSKI, Stefan;斯特凡·奥尔绍夫斯基;; OLTER, Bailey;贝利·奥尔特;; OLTRAMARE, Yevs;伊夫·奥尔特拉马尔;; OLUKANNI, A.L.;奥卢坎尼;; OLUSANYA, G.;奥卢桑亚;; Olympic Council of Asia;亚洲奥林匹克理事会;OCA; Olympic Games;奥林匹克运动会;; Olympic Truce;奥林匹克休战;; OLZVOY, Khumbagyn;胡姆巴金·奥勒兹沃伊;; OMABOE, Emmanuel Noi;伊曼纽尔·努瓦·奥马博;; OMAKI, Abdullahi A.;阿卜杜拉希·奥马基;; Oman, Sultanate of;阿曼苏丹国阿曼;;阿曼 Omani Women's Association;阿曼妇女协会;; OMAR, Abdikarim Ali;阿卜迪卡里姆·阿里·奥马尔;; OMAR, Dato Haji Abu Hassan;哈图·哈吉·阿布·哈桑·奥马尔;; OMAR, Ibrahim Abdul-Aziz;易卜拉欣·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹· 奥马尔;; OMAR, Mansur;曼苏尔·奥马尔;; OMAR, Ramadan Usta;拉马丹·乌斯塔·奥马尔;; ombud;监察署;; Ombudsman Mediation Panel;监察员调停小组;; Ombudsman Panel;监察员小组;; Ombudsmen;监察员;; Ombudsperson's Panel;监察员小组;; OMENA, Maria de Fatima BORGES DE;玛丽亚·德法蒂马·博尔热斯·德奥梅纳;; OMER, Ibrahim Abdul-Aziz;易卜拉欣·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·奥迈尔;; OMIER SHARP, Barbara;巴尔瓦拉·奥米尔·沙普;; omission;不行为; 疏忽;; omissive behaviour;不履行义务行为;; OMISTE, Edgar CAMACHO-;埃德加·卡马乔-奥米斯特;; omitted signature;省去的签字;; OMLET;海洋混合层实验;OMLET; ommastrephes bartrami;巴尔特拉姆柔鱼;; omnia pro rite praesumuntur;一切系正当行为之推定;; omnibus clause;总括条款;; Omnis definitio in lege periculosa;法律上的任何定义都是危险的;; omnopon;鸦片全碱;; OMORI, Setsuo;大森摄生;; OMOTOSHO, M.G.;奥莫托肖;; OMRAN, Adnan;阿德南·翁兰;; OMS-33;OMS-33;OMS-33; OMURA, Kenzo;大村贤三;; OMURA, Toshio;大村俊雄;; Ongoing Monitoring and Verification Plan;不断监测和核查计划监查计划;OMV Plan;监查计划 Convention portant creation de l'Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Senegal;关于建立塞内加尔河开发组织的公约;OMVS CONVENTION; on a cost incurred basis;按承担费用; 实报实销;; on a full-service basis;全面服务;; on a recurrent basis;经常;; on alert;处于戒备状态;; on an aggregated basis for the port;根据港口总的情况;; on and over the sea;在海面及其上空;; on board;在编人员;; on board observer;到职观察员; 随船观察员;; on current basis;按现值;; on deck goods;仓面货;; on deposit bonds;寄存;; on equal terms footing;以平等地位;; on first demand;首索即付;; on medical grounds;根据健康情况; 根据身体状况;; on pain of;违者以...论处;; on simple demand;见索即付;; On the Creation of Prerequisites for the Removal of the Tension in Korea and Promotion of the Country's Independent and Peaceful Reunification;关于为消除朝鲜紧张局势,促进祖国自主和平统一创造前提;; on the high seas;在公海上;; on the international plane;在国际上;; on the merit of this case;就本案案情;; on the sea;在海上; 临海;; on-board staff;在职工作人员;;工作人员 on-going activities;进行中的活动;; on-going project;正在进行中的项目; 执行中的项目; 在建项目;; on-going result;现在成果;; on-line access;联机存取;; on-line automated system for processing mail orders;处理邮购事务的联机自动系统;; on-line communication;联机通信;; on-line information key;联机信息数据库;LINK; On-line Information Service;联机信息服务;OLIS; On-line Public Acess Cataloque;联机公共检索目录联机目录;OPAC;联机目录 on-line UNICEF offices;联线儿童基金会办事处;; on-line-information key;联机信息数据库联机信息库;LINK;联机信息库 on-scene;当场; 发生事情的地点;; on-screen editing;屏幕编辑;; on-shore oil;陆上石油;; on-shore wind;向岸风; 离海风;; on-site;现场; 就地;; on-site child care;现场托儿服务;; on-site evaluation;现场评论;; on-site inspection;现场视察;; On-Site Operations Coordination Centre;现场作业协调中心现场作业中心;OSOCC;现场作业中心 on-site processing;就地处理;; On-Stream Pilot Programme;“运转”试验方案;; on-the-job orientation programme;在职进修方案;; On-the-job training;在职训练;; On-the-job training in Shipping and Ports;航运和港口业务在职训练 航运和港口训练;JOBLAR;航运和港口训练 on-the-job training programmes;在职培训方案;; on-the-spot audit;现场审计; 就地审核;; on-the-spot briefings;现场情况介绍会;; on-the-spot delivery;现场交付;; on-the-spot inspection;实地视察;; on-the-spot investigation;实地调查; 现场调查;; on-the-spot operating problems;现场业务问题;; on-the-spot processing;就地加工;; on-the-spot training;实地训练;; ONAN, Umit Suleyman;乌米特·苏莱曼·翁南;; ONASSIS, Aristotle;亚里斯多德·翁纳西斯;; once-through;非循环的; 单程的; 一次通过性的;; Onchocerca volvulus;旋盘尾丝虫;; Onchocerciasis Control Programme;盘尾丝虫病防治方案;OCP; Onchocerciasis Fund Agreement;盘尾丝虫病基金协定;; ONDO BILE, Pastor MICHA;帕斯托·米查·翁多·比莱;; one child programme;独生子女方案;; one contracting party;缔约一方;; one day of war for peace;一日军费用于和平;; one day's salary for survival;一日薪金救济灾民;; one high contracting party;缔约一方;; One in Ten;十中居一;; One Kamerun;喀麦隆统一党;OK; one man, one vote;一人一票;; one man, one vote, counted twice;一人一票, 算两次;; one man, two votes;一人两票;; one or more international conventions;一项或数项国际公约;; one voice principle;一个声音的原则;; One World Channel;世界频道1;; One World Family Forum on Nuclear Disarmament [USA];世界大同核裁军论坛;; one-child-family programme;独生子女方案;; one-crop economy;单一作物经济;; one-dimensional paper chromatography;单向纸色谱法;; one-line consolidation;整笔合并;; one-line presentation;整笔开列;; one-person household;单身户;; one-room school project;单教室学校项目;; one-sided application;片面应用;; one-sided application of technology;技术片面应用;; one-sided contract;片面契约;; one-stop services;综合性服务;; one-stop shops;综合信息中心;; one-third formula;三分法公式;; one-third rule;摊付三分之一的规定;; one-time cost;一次费用;; one-time expenditure;一次性支出;; one-time installation costs;一次性安置费用;; one-time nature;临时性质; 一次为限;; one-waw package;一次性包装; 一次使用包装;; one-way data flow;单向数据流动;; one-way travel;单程旅行;; onera;义务;; onerous development loans;苛刻的发展贷款;; ONG, Keng Yong;王景荣;; ongoing evaluation;进行中评价;; Ongoing Monitoring and Verification;不断监测和核查计划监查计划;OMV;监查计划 ongoing programme;现行方案;; ongoing work programme of the United Nations;联合国进行中工作方案;; ONGPIN, Jaime;海梅·翁平;; Only One Earth;只有一个地球;; only surviving parent;未亡父母之一; 未亡之父或未亡之母;; ONO, Masayoshi;大野正义;; ONOBU, E.;奥诺布;; Onomastic Day of King Juan Carlos;胡安·卡洛斯国王命名日;; onomastics;专名学;; ONONAIYE, M.O.;迈克尔·奥诺内耶;; ONUCA Observer Group;中美洲观察团观察小组;; onus of proof;举证责任;; onus operandi;作证的义务;; onus probandi;举证责任;; ONUSAL;联萨观察团;; ONUSAL/ONUCA Special Account;联萨观察团/中美洲观察团特别帐户;; ONWUALIA, Thomas C.;托马斯·昂乌阿利亚;; ONYANGO, John Fredrick;约翰·弗雷德里克·奥尼扬戈;; ONYEAMA, Charles D.;查尔斯·奥尼耶亚马;; OOMS, A.J.J.;奥姆斯;; OORD, W. J. van der;范德沃德;; Oostpriesterhulp;教会东方援助社;; op cit;同前;; opacifying glaze;乳浊釉;; opacity;不透明度阻光度;; OPAND ISHMEAL, Daniel;丹尼尔·伊斯梅尔·奥潘德;; OPEC Fund for International Development;欧佩克国际开发基金 欧佩克基金;OPECFUND;欧佩克基金 Opel;奥泊耳汽车;;汽车 open access fisheries;开放渔业;; open account;往来帐户;; open air;户外; 露天;; open and comprehensive discussion;坦率和全面的讨论;; open ballot;记名投票;; open burning;露天焚烧;; open charter;货港未定租船合同;O/C; open correctional institutions;宽禁感化院;; open court;公开法庭;; open credit;信用往来;; open diplomacy;公开外交;; open drain;阳沟;; open dump;露天垃圾场;; open dumping;露天倾弃;; open electorate;公开选区;; open fire;开火;; open fishing seasons;渔季;; open for accession;开放供加入;; open for signature;开放供签暑;; open forest;可伐林;; open grid;开栅;; open indent;开口定货单; 非限定订单;; open institution;开放式监禁;; open labour market;自由竞争的劳动力市场、公开的劳动力市场;; open land;开放土地;; open licence;一般开放许可证;; open market;开放市场;; open market policy;开放市场政策;; open market price;公开市价;; open oceans;开阔洋;; open outer space;开放外层空间;; open pasture land;开阔牧场;; open penal institutions;宽禁监所;; open port;通商港; 开放港;; open question;未决问题;; Open Regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Economic Integration as a Contribution to Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity;拉丁美洲和加勒比开放区域主义: 经济一体化 促进注意到社会公平的生产模式变革;; Open Relief Centre;开放救济中心;ORC; open sea;公海;; open sea and ocean;开阔海洋; 公海; 外海;; open sea pollution;公海污染;; open skies concept;“开放天空”概念;; Open Skies Consultative Commission;开放天空协商委员会;; Open Skies Treaty;开放天空条约;; open space;空间;; open system for communications, administration and retrieval;通讯、行政和检索开放系统;OSCAR; open to all states;任由所有国家参加;; open top chamber;开顶实验槽;; open treaty;开放条约;; open tree formation;开阔树林;; open unemployment;公开的失业现象;; open unemployment rate;公开失业率;; Open University for the United Kingdom;联合王国开放大学;; open water;地表水; 开阔水面;; open well;开口式水井;; open woodland;开阔树林;; open, equitable, secure, non-discriminatory, predictable, transparent and multilateral rule based international trading system;公开、公平、安全、非歧视性、可预测、透 明和以多边法则为基础的国际贸易体系;; open-cast mine;露天矿;; open-cup test;开杯试验;; Open-Door International: for the Economic Emancipation of the Woman Worker;女工经济解放国际门户开放社门户开放社;ODI;门户开放社 Open-ended Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes and their Disposal;执行《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞 尔公约》不限成员名额特设委员会;; Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Forests of the Commission on Sustainable Development;森林问题不限成员名额特设政府间小组 森林小组;IPF;森林小组 Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group Established by Resolution 34/101 Non-Interference in the Internal Affairs of States;第34/101号决议所设不限成员名额特设工作 组不干涉别国内政;;不干涉别国内政 open-ended ad hoc working group provided for under paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 42/156;根据大会第42/156号决议第6段设立的不限成 员名额特设工作组;; open-ended commitment;无底义务;; open-ended consultations at the level of the ambassadors of the Standing Ministerial Committee of the Non-Aligned Countries for Economic Cooperation;不结盟国家促进经济合作常设部长级委员会 大使级不限成员名额协商会议;; open-ended financial liability;不限数额财务责任;; open-ended group of the Friends of the Chairman;主席之友不限成员名额小组;; Open-Ended High-level Working Group of the General Assembly [to study the issue of strengthening and reform of the UN system];大会不限成员名额高级别工作组;; Open-ended High-level Working Group on the Strengthening of the United Nations System;加强联合国系统不限成员名额高级别工作组;; Open-ended Intergovernmental Meeting of Scientific Experts on Biological Diversity;生物多样性问题科学专家不限成员名额政府 间会议;; open-ended memorandum of understanding;无限期的谅解备忘录;; Open-ended Sub-committee on Good Neighbourliness;睦邻问题不限成员名额小组委员会;; open-ended working group;不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group for the Consideration of the Questions of the Human Rights of Individuals Who are Not Citizens of the Country in which They Live, and of the Draft Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or;审查非居留国国民的个人人权问题和堡受 任何形式拘留或监禁的所有人的原则文书草 案的不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group of the Group of 77 of the _th Committee on the Suggestion of the Secretary-General;第 委员会77国集团讨论秘书长各项建议的不 限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;和平利用外层空间国际合作不限成员名额工 作组;; Open-ended Working Group on Question relating to Information;新闻问题不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention against Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries, open-ended;起草反对招募、使用、资助和训练雇佣军国际公约不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Their Families;起草堡所有移徙工人及其家属权利国际公 约不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of a Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;拟订消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约一项任择 议定书草案不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of the Draft Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals who are not citizens of the Country in which they live;拟订非居住国公民个人人权宣言草案的不限 成员名额工作组;; open-ended working group on the implementation of provisions of the Charter related to assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions under Chapter VII;《宪章》中关于援助因实施《宪章》第七章 规定的制裁而受影响的第三国的条款执行问 题不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Placement of Member States into Groups for the Apportionment of Peace-keeping Expenses;会员国分类以分摊维持和平费用问题不限成 员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council;安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问 题不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultations with Non-governmental Organizations;审查与非政府组织咨商安排问题不限成员名 额工作组;; Open-ended working group on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities;在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体 的人的权利的不限成员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group to consider all aspects of the question of increase of membership of the Security Council, and other matters related to the Security Council;审议安全理事会成员数目增加问题的所有方 面以及与安全理事会有关的其他事项不限成 员名额工作组;; Open-ended Working Group to draft a declaration on the right and responsibility of individuals, groups and organs of society to promote and protect universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedom;起草一项个人、群体和社会机关促进和堡 普遍公认的人权和基本自由的权利和责任宣 言的不限成员名额工作组;; open-house day at the VIC;维也纳国际中心启用节;; open-ocean baseline studies;公葫线研究;; open-space furniture;大厅家具;; opencast mining;露天采矿;; opening and duration of the session;会议开幕和会期;; opening balance;期初余额结余;;结余 opening balance sheet;期初资产负债表;; opening cash;期初现金;; opening hours;不限定时间;; opening inventory;期初存货;; opening of project file;建立项目档案;; Opening of routes;开放通道;; opening rate;开盘价;; opening statement by the president;主席致开幕词;; opening stock;期初存货;; opennese and transparency in activities carried out in outer space;外层空间活动的公开性和透明性;; Opera Pia International;国际慈善会;; Opera Pia International for Active Ageing;国际活跃老年生活慈善会;; Operaciones contra-subversivas;反颠覆行动;OPNS-CS; operating income;营业收入;; Operation Restore Hope;恢复希望行动;; operate;运转;; operate - complete - transfer;操作-完成-移交;OCT; Operating Agreement on INMARSAT;国际海事卫星组织业务协定;; operating company;营业公司;; operating contributions;业务捐款;; operating costs;业务费用;; operating cycle;试验阶段; 试用期;; operating entity [space];操作机构;; operating escalation;业务费加价;; operating expenses;业务费用;; Operating Fund;业务基金;; operating funds;业务经费;; operating income;营业收入;; operating leasing;营业租赁;; operating loss carry-forwards;结转营业损失;; operating profit;营业利润;; operating reserves;业务储备金;; operating result;营业成果;; operating result after extraordinary income;计入非常收益后的经营成果;; operating result before extraordinary income;未计算非常收益前的经营成果;; operating results;营业成杲;; operating revenue;营业收入;; operating supplies;营业用品;; operating surplus;营业盈余;; Operating Systems Unit;操作系统股;; operating year;实施年度;; operation;活动情况业务活动; [银行、金融]操作;; Operation Agreement on the International Maritime Satellite Organization;国际海事卫星组织业务协定;; Operation California;加利福尼亚行动会;; Operation Command;作战司令部;; Operation Coordinating Board;业务协调局;OCB; Operation Coordination Structure;行动协调结构;; operation cost;业务费;; Operation Crossroads Africa;非洲交流促进会;; Operation Desert Storm;沙漠风暴军事行动;; Operation Flood;牛奶增产运动;; Operation Flying Carpet;飞毯行动;; Operation Good Earth;“大地行动”;; Operation Lifeline Sudan;苏丹生命线行动;OLS; Operation Lifeline Sudan Phase II Background Appeal Document;苏丹生命线行动第二阶段背景呼吁文件;; Operation Lifeline Sudan Workshop on Lessons Learned;苏丹生命线行动关于吸取教训的讲习班;; Operation Omega, London;奥米茄工作组织,伦敦;; Operation Pan-America;泛美业务计划;; operation programme;业务方案;; Operation Ramadan;斋月行动;; operation reserve;业务储备金;; African Renaissance;非洲复兴;; Operation Return;回返行动;; Operation Salaam;和平行动;; operation table;手术台;; Operation Turning Point - End the Arms Race;转折点行动-终止军备竞赛;; operational;实际作业;; Operational Account Section;业务帐户科;; operational activities;业务活动;; Operational Activities Branch;业务活动处;OAB; Operational activities for development;发展方面的业务活动;; operational activities in development cooperation;发展合作业务活动;; Operational Activities of the United Nations for International Development Cooperation Segment;联合国国际发展合作业务活动部分;; operational activities of the United Nations System;联合国系统的业务活动;; Operational Activities Segment;业务活动部分;; Operational Activity Segment;业务活动部分;; operational and administrative information;业务和行政资料;; operational and administrative tasks;业务工作和行政工作;; Operational and Financial Manual;业务和财务手册;; operational approach;业务工作方法;; operational area;作业地区操作地区;; operational area [Namibia];军事行动区;; operational arm;业务部门;; operational arms of UNDP;开发计划署的业务机构;; operational arrangements;实际运作安排;; operational assistance;业务援助;OPAS; operational assistance experts;业务援助专家;; operational auditing;业务审计;; operational bank balance;可支取的银行余额;; operational boundaries;行动地区分界线;; operational budget;业务预算;; operational budget balancing;业务预算平衡;; Operational Confabs;作战会议;; operational costs or operating costs;业务费用;; operational elements;业务要素;; operational exchange rate;业务汇率;; operational factor;使用因素;; operational field;工作地区;; operational function;业务职能;; operational funds;业务经费;; operational guidelines for the SIS programme;特别工业服务方案业务准则;; Operational handbook on environmental indicators;环境指标业务手册;; Operational Heads of National Narcotics Law Enforcement Agencies;国家麻醉药品执法机构业务负责官员执法机构负责官员;HONLEA;执法机构负责官员 Operational Hydrological Programme;运行水文学方案;OHP; operational information system;操作信息系统;OIS; operational instruments;业务手段;; operational level;业务上的; 业务方面;; Operational maps;作战地图;; Operational Navigation Chart;作战领航图;ONC; operational needs of industry;工业活动需要;; operational net income;业务收入净额;; Operational Officer;业务干事;; operational organization;业务机构;; operational personnel;业务人员;; operational pilot biosphere reserves;业务示范生物圈养护区;; Operational plan;行动计划; 业务计划;; operational planning;业务规划; 作业计划;; Operational Post;观察哨;; Operational Procedures and Administrative Arrangements;业务程序和行政安排;; operational project;实施中的项目业务计划;; operational project delivery;业务项目执行额; 业务项目完成额;; operational projects;业务项目; 实施中的项目;; operational rate;业务费率; 业务汇率;; operational rates of exchange;业务汇率;; operational research;业务研究运用研究;OR; Operational Research Society, U.K.;英国运筹学会;; Operational Review Team;业务活动审查小组;; operational role;业务任务;; Operational Safety Review Team;操作安全审查小组;OSART; operational sections;业务各科;; operational services costs;业务费用;; Senior Policy Coordination Group;高级政策协调小组;; operational support;行动支持;AFTOS; Operational Task Force;行动工作队;; operational theatre;战区;; operational timetable;行动时间表;; operational timetable to be agreed upon;待商定的行动时间表;; Operational WWW Systems Evaluation;世界天气监视网业务系统评价;OWSE; operational zones;行动区;; operationally completed project;业务上已完成的;; Operations and Development Directorate;操作和发展局;; Operations and Finance Group;业务和财务组;; Operations and Strategy Division;业务和战略司;; Operations Board;业务委员会;; Operations Branch;业务处;; Operations Bureau;业务局;; Operations Centre;业务中心;; Operations Coordinator;业务协调员;; Operations Control System;作业控制系统;; Operations Coordination Structure;行动协调结构;; Operations Division;业务司;; Operations Evaluation Department;业务评议局;; Operations of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia Mission to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Serbia and Montenegro;前南斯拉夫问题国际会议派往南斯拉夫联盟共和国塞尔维亚和黑山的特派团的工作;; Operations Officer;业务干事[UNICEF]行动干事作训军官作战参谋[UNDOF];OPSO; Operations Research;运筹学;OR; Operations Research Society of America;美国运筹学会;ORSA; Operations Section;业务科;; Operations Team;业务队;; Operations Unit;业务股;; operative paragraph;执行部分;; operative part of a resolution;执行部分;; operative technology;实用技术;; opere citato op. cit.; o. c.;同前;op.cit.; OPEX programme;业务执行人员方案;; Ophiolite Project;蛇绿岩项目;; ophthalmic ointment;眼药膏;; Ophthalmological Society of East Africa;东非眼科学会;OSEA; opiate;鸦片制剂;; opiate antagonists;鸦片对抗剂;; opiate raw material;鸦片制剂原料;; opiates;鸦片制剂;; opinion evidence;推测的证据,意见证据;; opinion leaders;舆论领袖;; opino juris;法律意见;; Bethlehem 2000 International Conference;伯利恒2000年国际会议;; Opium;鸦片阿片;; opium addicts;吸食鸦片上瘾者;; opium poppy;罂粟;; Opium, mixed alkaloids of;鸦片混合生物碱;; opportunistic infection;机会性感染;; opportunities for youth;为青年创造机会;; opportunity cost;机会成本;; opportunity study;机会研究;; opposing groups;对立集团;; opposite coasts;对向海岸;; opposite states;相向国家;; opposition benches;反对党议员席;; Opposition National Union;反对派全国联盟;UNO; Opposition Party;在野党反对党;; Opposition United Party;统一反对党;; OPSAHL, Torkel;托克尔·奥普萨尔;; Opstina;区南斯拉夫行政单位;;南斯拉夫行政单位 opt-in;选择进入;; optic fibres;光导纤维;; optical depth;光学厚度;; optical disc pilot project;光盘试点项目;; optical disc system;光盘系统;; optical disk storage and retrieval system;光盘存取系统;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司