翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 巨大的 gigantic pine 砂糖松 gigantine 大曲菌素 gigantinol 四氢二甲基异喹啉三醇 gigantism 巨人症 gigantoblast 巨大有核红细胞 gigantocyte 巨红细胞 gigantolite 青块云母 gigantomachia 巨人与诸神之间的战争 gigantomachia 描绘巨人与诸神作战的艺术品 gigantomachy 巨人对天神 gigantomachy 的搏斗 gigantopithecus 巨猿 gigartinine 脒氨甲酰鸟氨酸 gigasecond 十亿秒 gigastylosporous 具巨型柄生孢子的 gigaton 十亿吨 gigavolt 吉伏特 gigavolt 千兆伏特 gigavolt 十亿伏特 gigawatt 十亿瓦特 GIla 毒蜥 Gila 大毒蜥 Gina 吉娜 ginaca 菠萝去皮去芯机 giraffe 长颈鹿 giraffe 鹿豹座 giraffine 长颈鹿的 giraffine 像长颈鹿的 girandola 装饰烛台 girandole 一种旋转的焰火 girasol 青蛋白石 girasole 青蛋白石 gisant 死者雕塑卧像 gisarme 中世纪士兵用的战斧 gitana 吉卜赛女人 gitano 吉卜赛男子 gi bill of rights 士兵福利法案 gibba 圆瘤 gibbane 赤霉素烷 gibbed 阉割的 gibber 叽哩呱啦言语 gibber 把莫名其妙的事叽叽喳喳地讲 gibber 喋喋而言 Gibberella 赤霉菌 gibberellane 赤霉素烷 gibberellic acid 赤霉酸 gibberellin 赤霉素 gibberene 赤霉芴 gibberene 1,7-二甲基芴 Gibberichthyidae 后鳍金眼鲷科 gibberish 快速而不清说的言语 gibberish 乱语 gibberish total 检验总计 gibberish total 混杂总计 gibberone 赤霉素酮 gibbery 姜并 gibbet 绞刑架 gibbet 绞刑 gibble-gabble 快而不清的话 gibblegabble 快速而不清说的言语 gibblegabble 乱语 gibbon 长臂猿 gibbose 凸状的 gibbose 拱起的 gibbosity 突起 gibbous 突起的 gibbous moon 凸月 gibbs 吉布斯 Gibbs 吉布斯 Gibbs grand canonical ensemble 吉布斯大正则系综 gibbsite 水铝矿 gibbsitogelite 三水胶铝矿 gibbus 驼背 gifblaar 毒叶木 Gilbert 吉尔伯特 gilbert 吉伯 Gilbert and Ellice Islands 吉尔伯特和埃利斯群岛 Gilbert reversal epoch 吉尔伯特反向期 Gilberta 吉尔伯塔 Gilberte 吉尔伯特 Gilbertese 吉尔伯特群岛的 Gilbertese 吉尔伯特群岛的 Gilbertian 英国喜歌剧作家吉尔伯特派的 Gilbertian 滑稽的 Gilbertian 诙谐的 GIlbertian 吉柏特派的 GIlbertian 诙谐的 Gilbertian situation 滑稽可笑的场面 Gilbertian situation 荒谬混乱的场面 Gilbertine 吉尔伯丁 gilbertite 丝光白云母 gilboform 甲基二硝基苯酚钠盐 gimbal 万向节 gimbal assembly 万向架组件 gimbal axis 常平架轴 gimbal axis 框架轴 gimbal freedom 常平架自由度 gimbal joint 万向节 gimbal joint 水平自由接头 gimbal mount 万向架 gimbal mount 常平架 gimbal mounting 万向悬挂架 gimbal mounting 常平架框 gimbal pickup 万向架位置传感器 gimbal ring 万向悬架环 gimbal servo 常平架伺服机构 gimbal servo motor 万向伺服电动机 gimbal suspension 万向关节 gimbal suspension 万向接头 gimbaled 装有万向接头 gimbaled 的 gimbaled engine 换向发动机 gimbaled motor 万向架固定式发动机 gimbaled stable platform 常平架稳定平台 gimbaling actuator 万向支架动作筒 gimbaling error 常平架误差 gimballess inertial navigation equipment 无万向架惯性导航设备 gimballing rocket motor 框架固定式火箭发动机 gimballing rocket motor 万向架支座火箭发动机 gimbals 平衡环 gimbalsring 万向节 giobertite 菱镁矿 girbotol absorber 以乙醇和二乙醇胺溶液精制气体用吸收器 Girbraltar stone 细纹大理石 Gisborne 吉斯伯恩 Giacobinids 贾科宾流星群 gimcrack 华而不实的 gimcrack 小玩意 gimcrackery 华而不实之物 gimcrackery 刻意造成的效果 gimcracky 华而不实的 Gioconda 蒙娜丽莎的肖像画 Gioconda 迷一般的 Gioconda 不可思议的 giocoso 欢快地 giocoso 嬉戏的 giucuronic acid lactone 葡糖醛酸内酯 giddap 向前跑 giddap 快跑 gidderite 细晶片麻岩 giddify 使头昏眼花 giddily 头晕地 giddiness 眼花 giddiness 轻率 giddy 眼花缭乱的 giddy 头晕的 giddy 轻率的 giddy 眼花 giddy 眩晕 giddy-brained 轻率的 giddy-brained 轻浮的 giddy-go-round 回转木马 giddy-headed 草率从事的 giddyap 跑 giddyhead 草率从事的人 gild 镀金 gild the pill 把药丸加糖衣 gild the pill 美化讨厌的东西 gild the pill 把药丸加糖衣 gild the pill 美化讨厌的东西 gild fund 行会基金 gild fund 行会基金 gild the lily 画蛇添足 gild the pill 把药包上糖衣 Gilda 吉尔达 gilded 镀金的 gilded chamber 英国上议院 gilded youth 千金之子 gilded youth 纨绔子弟 gilder 镀金工人 Gilderoy 吉尔德罗伊 gildhall 同业公会集会所 gildhall 市府 gildhall 市政厅 gilding 贴金箔 gilding 镀金 gilding metal 手饰铜 gilding metal 镀金青铜 gilding metal 制造子弹头壳的铜合金 gilding press 烫金机 gildsman 基尔特公会会员 gird 束缚 gird oneself for 准备 gird up one's loins 准备行动 girder 梁 girder 钢桁的支架 girder and beam connection 大小梁联接 girder beam 梁式桁架 girder frame 横梁 girder frame 桁架梁 girder iron 梁钢 girder iron 梁铁 girder pass 钢梁孔型 girder pole 桁架杆柱 girder sclerenchyma 工字厚壁组织 girder space 桁间隔 girder space 横梁间隔 girder span 梁跨 girder steel 钢梁 girder steel 工字钢 girder truss 梁构桁架 girder truss 桁架梁 girdle 带 girdle 腰带 girdle 带状物 girdle 浅锅 girdle 束 girdle 绕 girdle 包围 girdle 围绕 girdle band 环带 girdle railway 环形铁路 girdle ring 腰环 girdle structure 环带结构 girdlecake 烘板烘成的糕饼 girdled 有环带的 girdled 环绕的 girdler 做腰带的人 girdling 束腰 gibe 嘲笑 gibe 嘲笑 Gibel 欧鲫 gibelite 歪长粗面岩 Gibeon 吉比恩 GIbeonite 做苦工者 GIbeonite 卑微的劳动者 Gibeonite 基遍人 Gibeonite 贱民 Gibeonite 苦力 giber 讥笑者 giber 愚弄者 Gide 纪德 Giles 圣伊莱斯 gilet 背心 gilet 马甲 gimel 希伯来文第三个字母 Gisela 吉塞拉 Giselle 吉塞尔 gisement 子午线收敛 gisement 座标偏角 gite 乡间住所 give 弹性 give 可弯性 give 给 give 授予 give 供给 give 献出 give 让步 give 引起 give 发表 give 捐助 give 捐赠 give 让步 give a cry 大叫一声 give a cry 喊叫起来 give a good example to 做...榜样 give a good example to 树立榜样 give a party 举行宴会 give a party 酒会等 give an example to 做...榜样 give an example to 树立榜样 give an eye to 顺便照看一下 give no change 不被某人知道 give no change 对某人保密 give offence to 触怒 give offence to 得罪 give the business 被捉弄 give the business 被粗暴地对待 give the time of day 向某人问候 give the time of day 寒暄 give to the dogs 扔掉 give to the dogs 丢弃 give to the dogs 挥霍掉 give up the ghost 死 give up the ghost 断气 give a puff 吹捧 give a puff 瞎吹 give a war whoop 发出战争呐喊声 give a war whoop 发出大叫大嚷声 give a bad account of oneself 干得差劲 give a bad account of oneself 表现不好 give a ball 举行舞会 give a black eye to 使丧失信誉 give a black eye to 使丢脸 give a bum steer 给予错误的指点 give a bum steer 提供错误的消息 give a buzz 给打电话 give a child the breast 给孩子喂奶 give a dance 举行舞会 give a dare 挑战 give a decision against 判决对...有利 give a decision for 判决对...有利 give a denial to 否认 give a denial to 拒绝 give a description of 描述 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 流言可畏. give a fair trial 给予公正的、合法的审判 give a false colour to 歪曲 give a false colour to 曲解 give a false colouring to 歪曲 give a false colouring to 曲解 give a false color to 歪曲 give a feast 请客 give a fight 打一仗 give a final touch to 对...作最后的润色 give a final touch to 完成...的最后一部分工作 give a finishing touch to 对...作最后的润色 give a finishing touch to 完成...的最后一部分工作 give a free sample of 免费赠送...样品 give a good account of oneself 干得差劲 give a good account of oneself 表现不好 give a good account of oneself 付清帐 give a good account of oneself 为自己辩护 give a good example 做模范 give a good example 树立榜样 give a hand 帮助某人 give a hand in 帮忙 give a hand in 参加 give a handle for 使人有可乘之机 give a handle for 给人以口实 give a handle to 使人有可乘之机 give a handle to 给人以口实 give a help ing hand 助一臂之力 give a helping hand 伸出援助之手 give a helping hand 助一臂之力 give a hint 暗示 give a hint 示意 give a hint 露口风 give a kiss 接个吻 give a long price for 高价购买 give a look in 顺便看看 give a lurch 撒谎 give a lurch 欺骗 give a miss 故意打一个空球 give a miss 避开 give a miss 避免 give a new turn to 对...给与新的说法 give a new turn to 给与...另外一种说法 give a nut a good screw 扭紧螺母 give a passing recognition 打一个过路招呼 give a piece of cake 分红 give a presentation of 对...作陈述 give a pull 拉 give a pull 拖 give a pull 拔 give a pull 抽 give a raise 加薪 give a reception to 招待 give a reception to 欢迎 give a reference to 提到 give a reference to 介绍 give a ring 打电话给某人 give a signal 发信号 give a spell 使换班休息 give a start of 因...而愣了一下 give a start of 因...震颤了一下 give a stone and a beating to 轻易胜出 give a stone for bread 帮忙为假愚弄为真 give a stretch 伸懒腰 give a tap 轻轻一拍 give a tap 轻敲 give a tilt 使倾斜 give a trial 试用 give a tug 猛拉 give a tug 用力拖 give a view of 大致介绍一下 give a warm 热一热 give a warm 烘一烘 give a warm 烤一烤 give a whirl 试一试 give a wide berth 躲避 give a wide berth 别接近 give a wide berth to 远离 give a wide berth to 敬而远之 give about 分布 give about 传播 give access to 接见 give access to 准许出入 give advice 劝告 give advice 忠告 give again 归还 give aim 报告射靶结果 give aim 远远站在一旁 give air to 发表 give allegiance to 忠诚于 give an account of 报告 give an account of 叙述 give an account of 说明 give an edge to 加剧 give an edge to 使尖锐化 give an imitation of 模仿 give an imitation of 对...加以模仿 give an impact to 对....起冲击作用 give an opportunity 给机会 give an outline of 概要说明 give an outline of 描绘...的轮廓 give and take 平等交换 give and take 互让 give and take 交换意见 give another turn of the screw 对施加压力 give anxiety to 使...担心 give appetite 促进食欲 give as good as one gets 回敬 give as good as one gets 以牙还牙 give audience to 倾听 give audience to 倾听 give away 送掉 give away 分发 give away 放弃 give away 泄露 give away 出卖 give away 让步 give away 陷下 give away the racket 无意识泄露秘密 give back 归还 give back 恢复 give back 后退 give back 反射 give back with interest 连利息一起偿还某人 give back with interest 加重回敬某人 give back with interest 加倍还击某人 give bail 缴保释金 give bail 取保 give battle 挑战 give birth to 产生 give body to 实现 give body to 使 give body to ....具体化 give bond for 为...作保 give care 留意 give care 用心 give cause for 引起 give cause for 成为...的原因 give chapter and verse for 注明出处 give chase to 追赶 give color to 使显可信 give colour to 使看起来似有可能 give colour to 把话说得象真的一样 give colour to 渲染 give comfort to 安慰 give control over 对...给予控制 give counsel 提出忠告 give countenance to 赞成 give countenance to 鼓励 give countenance to 支持 give credit to 相信 give credit to 信任 give cry 发出吠声 give currency to 散布... give directions 予以指示 give down 使奶流出 give ear to 倾听 give ear to 发怒 give effect to 使实行起来 give emphasis to 着重 give emphasis to 强调 give evidence 作证 give evidence 提出证据 give evidence of 证明 give expression to 表达出 give first rank to 把... give first rank to 放在第一位 give for 牺牲 give for 交换 give forth 发出 give forth 发表 give free play to 使任意活动 give free swing to it 听其自由 give free swing to it 放任自流 give full marks for 佩服 give full swing to it 听其自由 give full swing to it 放任自流 give good measure 优惠多给 give good measure 优惠多给 give ground 退却 give ground 让步 give ground 失利 give hell 使人受罪 give hell 挨痛骂 give hell 受严惩 give her juice 设法使事情顺利 Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. 得寸进尺. give his change 为某人尽力 give his change 给某人以应有的赏罚 give his change 为某人尽力 give his change 给某人以应有的赏罚 give hostages to fortune 听天由命 give in 投降 give in 屈服 give in 让步 give in 交上 give in 宣布 give instruction in 讲授 give into 通向 give it a fly 试一试 give it another brush 润色 give it another brush 再加工一下 give it mouth 滔滔不绝 give it sb. hot 痛打某人 give it the gun 开动 give leg bail 逃走 give lesson in 教授...课程 give line and scope 欲擒故纵 give line and scope 先给自由后压制 give lip service to 口头上支持 give lip service to 口头上赞成 give lip service to 口头上承认 give loose to 放纵 give me a break 让我休息一下 Give me liberty or give me death 不自由毋宁死 give me your fist 伸出手来 give me your fist 握手言欢 give mouth 吠 give mouth to 说出 give my remembrances to 请代问候... give new life into 给予生气 give new life into 给予活力 give new life into 赋与生机 give notice 通知 give notice to 报告 give occasion to 引起 give odds 让对方一等 give off 发出 give off 长出 give offense 冒犯 give offense 挑衅 give on 向着 give one a big hand 喝采 give one a break 饶恕 give one his say 让人把话讲出来 give one to understand 暗示 give one's attention to 注意 give one's ears 不惜任何代价 give one's hand to sb. 答应和某人结婚 give one's head for the washing 低头受辱 give one's heart to sb. 爱上某人 give one's mind to 专心于 give one's voice for 投票赞成 give one's word 保证 give one's word 答允 give one's word of honour 以名誉担保 give oneself airs 摆架子 give oneself away 露马脚 give oneself away 现原形 give oneself countenance 沉住气 give oneself out as give 自称为 give oneself out for give 自称为 give oneself out to be give 自称为 give oneself over to 沉迷于 give oneself over to doing 使沉湎于 give oneself to 使沉湎于 give oneself up 自首 give oneself up to 使沉湎于 give oneself up to despair 只会悲观失望 give or take 允许有...的小误差 give out the results 发表成绩 give over 停止 give over 放弃 give over to sb. 交付给某人 give pap with a hatchet 以粗暴方式做好事 give pause to 使踌躇 give place to 让位于 give plan to 使...发挥 give points to 让分给 give possession 移交所有权 give possession 使完全占有 give priority to 认为优先 give prominence to 突出 give prominence to 重视 give prominence to 突出 give prominence to 重视 give proof on 举例证明 give publicity to 公布 give publicity to 宣传 give quarter 准其投降免死 give quarter 从宽发落 give reasons for 陈述理由 give reasons for 解释 give rise to 引起 give rise to 使发生 give sanction to 批准 give sanction to 同意 give satisfaction 使满意 give satisfaction 接受挑战 give sb. a bit of one's mind 直言不讳 give sb. a dirty look 对某人瞪一眼 give sb. a fit 使某人大吃一惊 give sb. a glad hand 欢迎某人 give sb. a hand 给予帮助 give sb. a lead 给某人做榜样 give sb. a lead 提示某人 give sb. a leg up 助某人一臂之力 give sb. a lick with the rough side of one's tongue 对某人出言粗鲁 give sb. a lift 让某人搭车 give sb. a lift 帮某人忙 give sb. a piece of one's mind 对某人直言不讳 give sb. a rap on the knuckles 敲打某人的手指关节 give sb. a rap on the knuckles 谴责某人 give sb. a shove off 帮助某人开个头 give sb. a snuff 惩罚某人 give sb. a thick ear 把某人耳朵打肿 give sb. a touch of the rope's end 体罚某人 give sb. a wet shirt 使某人累得汗流浃背 give sb. beans 惩罚某人 give sb. change 给某人以报答 give sb. credit for 为某人提供信用贷款 give sb. credit for 相信某人有 give sb. hell 使某人不能忍受 give sb. his gruel 挫败某人 give sb. his gruel 杀死某人 give sb. in marriage 把某人嫁出 give sb. line enough 对某人欲擒故纵 give sb. one's good honour 对某人许下诺言 give sb. some skin 与某人握手 give sb. the air 解雇某人 give sb. the axe 解雇某人 give sb. the bag 解雇某人 give sb. the benefit of the doubt 假定某人无辜 give sb. the bird 嘘某人 give sb. the bird 解雇某人 give sb. the boot 解雇某人 give sb. the brush 打发某人 give sb. the brush 不睬某人 give sb. the bucket 解雇某人 give sb. the cut direct 故意不理睬某人 give sb. the edge of one's tongue 痛骂某人 give sb. the eye 向某人做媚眼 give sb. the finger 亏待某人 give sb. the frozen mit 冷待某人 give sb. the gate 赶走某人 give sb. the lie 指责某人说谎 give sb. the lie in his throat 指责某人撒谎 give sb. the rough side of one's tongue 对某人出言不逊 give sb. the slip 乘人不备时溜走 give sb. the stick 鞭打某人 give sb. the wall 把好走的路让给某人 give sb. the works 折磨某人 give sb. the works 杀害某人 give sb. the worst of it 击败某人 give sb. time 给某人放宽时间 give sb. to understand 通知某人 give sb. to understand 使某人领会 give sb. what for 痛打某人 give security against 堡 give security against 使无...之忧 give service to 为...效劳 give shape to 使成形 give shape to 表达 give shape to 使...具体化 give shelter to 庇护 give short measure 短少分量 give short measure 不能满足要求 give short shrift 对...漠不关心 give short shrift 很快解决 give short weight 克扣分量 give some colour of truth to 使...具有一定的真实性 give someone a ring 打电话 give speech to 说出 give sth. a miss 避开某物 give sth. to the dogs 抛弃某物 give sth. to the dogs 牺牲某物以堡自己 give suck to 给...吃奶 give support to 支持 give support to 支援 give teeth to 使...真正有效 give teeth to 使坚强有力 give thanks 作感恩祷告 give the opportunity 给机会 give the war whoop 发出战争呐喊声 give the war whoop 发出大叫大嚷声 give the war whoop 发出战争呐喊声 give the war whoop 发出大叫大嚷声 give the alarm 发警报 give the appearance of 装出...的样子 give the appearance of 看起来象 give the battle 认输 give the blessing 给教徒祝福 give the blessing 给教徒祝福 give the bounce 解雇 give the bounce 与断绝关系 give the bridle to 放纵 give the bucket 解雇 give the bullet 解雇 give the case against sb. 作出对某人不利的判决 give the case against sb. 作出对某人不利的判决 give the devil his due 公平对待 give the devil his due 平心而论 give the dope 提出内部 give the dope 消息 give the dummy 做假动作骗对手 give the dummy 声东击西 give the dust to 超越 give the dust to 赶过 give the eye 注目 give the eye 给以白眼 give the floor to 给予发言权 give the game away 泄露秘密 give the game away 露出马脚 give the high sign 发出信号 give the last hand to 对...做最后的润色 give the law to sb. 把自己的意志强加于人 give the law to sb. 把自己的意志强加于人 give the nod 认可 give the nod 批准 give the nod 选中 give the office 暗示 give the OK 批准 give the OK 同意 give the push 解雇某人 give the push 叫卷铺盖 give the push 叫某人滚蛋 give the push 解雇某人 give the push 叫卷铺盖 give the push 叫某人滚蛋 give the reins to 放任 give the reins to 使自由发挥 give the rod 鞭打 give the shaft 欺骗 give the show away 露出马脚 give the show away 泄露内情 give the stem 撞击 give the time of day 问好 give the tip to 暗中关照做某事 give the word 说出通行口令 give tick 赊销 give to the dogs 扔掉 give to the dogs 挥霍掉 give to the world 出版 give to the world 发表 give up 放弃 give up 停止 give up 抛弃 give up 认输 give up 把...送交 give up 对...绝望 give up all hope 放弃一切希望 give up for lost 认定己无生还的希望 give up for lost 认为某事己没有希望 give up for lost 认为没有希望 give up the breath 死 give up the fight 放弃战斗 give up the fight 认输 give up the ghost 死 give up the spirit 死去 give up to 让给 give up to 让给 give upon 向着 give us your fist 伸出手来 give us your fist 握手言欢 give vent to 吐露 give vent to 发泄 give vogue to 使...风行一时 give voice to 表达 give way 撤退 give way 让路 give way 退让 give way 垮掉 give way 倒塌 give way 屈服 give way 跌价 give way to 让路 give way to 让步 give way todespair 断念 give way todespair 绝望 give weight to 重视 give weight to 加强... give weight to 为...提出强有力的证据 give witness on behalf of sb. 为某人作证 give witness on behalf of sb. 为某人作证 give words to 用言语表达 give words to 用言语表达 giveaway 泄漏 giveaway 免费样品 giveback 福利归还 given 赠予的 given 沉溺的 given 特定的 given 假设的 given give的过去分词 given capital 定额资本 given data 已知资料 given inlet condition 喷管进口的给定条件 given name 教名 given price 计算价 given price 特定价 given product 既定产品 given to 惯于... given under my hand and seal 经我本人签名盖章 given under my hand and seal 经我本人签名盖章 given value 既定价值 given value 指定数 given value 已知数 given value 既定价值 given value 指定数 given value 已知数 given value 既定价值 given value 指定数 given value 已知数 given year 计算年 giver 送礼者 givey 易塌陷的 givey 易弯曲的 giff-gaff 交谈 giff-gaff 互助 giff-gaff 互赠 giff-gaff 戏谑 giff-gaff 巧辩 Giffen inferior goods 居民收入增加时需求减少 Giffen inferior goods 收入减少时需求增加的低价代用商品 Gifford 吉福德 Gifford 吉福德 Gifford 吉福德 gipfelflur 山顶平齐面 gidgee 小相思树 gigger 起绒工 giggit 快运 giggit 急运 giggle 哈哈地笑 giggle 傻笑 giggle gas 笑气 gigglesmoke 大麻 gigglish 好咯咯笑的 gigglish 喜欢傻笑的 giggly 傻笑的 giggly 吃吃笑的 gilgai 黏土小洼地 Gilgamesh 吉尔伽美什 gilguy 临时张索 gingeli 芝麻 gingeli 芝麻油 gingelli 芝麻 gingelli 芝麻油 gingelly 芝麻树 gingelly 芝麻油 ginger 姜 ginger 生姜 ginger 有姜味 ginger 活泼 ginger 元气 ginger 精力 ginger 淡赤黄色 ginger ale 姜汁无酒精饮料 ginger bread 姜料面包 ginger candy 姜味糖 ginger group 在组织中起骨干作用的核心小组 ginger nut 姜汁饼干 ginger pine 美洲花柏 ginger slice 干姜片 ginger slice 干姜片 ginger snap 姜汁饼干 ginger up 使更有生气 ginger up 使更为奋发 ginger wine 姜汁酒 gingerbread 华而不实的东西 gingerbread 姜饼 gingerbread 华而不实的 gingerbready 俗艳的 gingerbready 华而不实的 gingerin 姜油脂 gingerliness 小心翼翼 gingerliness 慎重 gingerly 小心翼翼地 gingerly 谨慎的 gingerly 极为小心地 gingerly 慎重地 gingerly 慎重的 gingerly 谨慎的 gingernut 姜汁饼干 gingerrace 姜根 gingerroot 姜根 gingersnap 姜饼 gingery 姜味的 gingham 有条纹或方格纹的棉布 gingham 洋伞 gingili 芝麻 gingili 芝麻油 ginging 砌砖石井壁 gingiva 齿龈 gingival marginal atrophy 龈缘萎缩 gingivectomy 龈切除术 gingivitis 齿龈炎 gingko 银杏 ginglymus 屈戌关节 ginglymus 绞链关节 girgensonine 盐蓬碱 gitgo 开端 gitgo 开始 Gilheney 吉利尼 gilhoist 登陆艇运输车 gilhoist 登陆艇运输车 ginhouse 弹棉花厂 gibing 讥刺的 gibing 嘲弄的 Gilian 吉莲 Gilian 吉莲 Gini Coefficient 吉尼系数 giving 礼物 giving 给予物 giving clearance 给予结关 giving quotation 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司