翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 penal establishment;刑氟构/机关;; penal institution;刑氟构;; penal judge;刑事法官;; penal jurisdiction proceedings;刑事管辖[诉讼]权;;权 penal jurisdiction of ...;刑事管辖权;; penal offence;刑事罪;; penal provision;刑罚条款;; penal responsibility;刑事责任;; penal sanction;刑事制裁;; penal servitude;徒刑;; penal servitude for life;无期徒刑;; penalization;处罚;; PENALOSA, Enrique;恩里克·佩尼亚洛萨;; penalty clause;罚款条款;; PENALVA, Maria Silvina de;玛丽亚·西尔维娜·德佩尼亚尔瓦;; pendente lite: during the suit; while litigation continues;在诉讼中未决;; PENDER-CUDLIP, David;戴维·彭德-卡德利普;; pending accumulation of credits;存款尚未足额前;; pending appointments;有待作出的任命;; pending problems;悬案;; pending question;待决问题悬案;; pending reports;即将提出的报告;; pending trial;待审候审;; penetration time;渗透时间; 穿透时间;; PENEV, Kroum;克鲁姆·佩内夫;; PENG, Peiyun;彭云;; PENG, Yu;彭玉;; penitentiary;教养所监狱;; Penitentiary system;感化制度;; PENN NOUTH;宾努亲王;;亲王 PENN THOL;宾托;; Penn World Tables;宾夕法尼亚大学世界表格;PWT; PENNANEACH, Soumi-Biova;苏米-比奥瓦·庞纳尼什;; Pennisetum flaccidum;白草;; Pennzoil Co.;宾索公司;; pension;养恤金;; pension annuities;养恤金年金;; pension benefit package;整套养恤金福利;; Pension Board;养恤金联委会;; pension costs;养恤金费用;; pension costs and obligations;养恤金费用和待付款;; pension coverage;养恤金福利; 领取养恤金;; pension coverage for officials;工作人员养恤金福利;; pension entitlements;领受养恤金权利; 应领养恤金;; Pension Entitlements Section;养恤金权利科;PES;养恤金科 pension fund;养恤基金;; Pension Fund Act;养恤基金法;; pension fund contributions;摊缴养恤金基金;; pension in payment;给付中养恤金;; Pension Laws Amendment Act No. 98 of 1969;养恤金法修正法1969年第98号;;1969年第98号 Pension plan;养恤金计划;; pension plans and similar financial commitments;养恤计划和类似的财务承诺;; Pension Purchasing Power Protection Insurance;堡养恤金购买力保险;PPPPI; Pension Rate;养恤金支付率;; Pension refunds;养恤金退款;; Pension Review Group;养恤金审查小组;PRG; pension scheme;养恤金办法;; Pension Services Section;养恤金事务科;; pensionable;应计养恤金的;; pensionable amount;应计养恤金数额;; pensionable longevity steps;应计养恤金的长期服务薪级;; pensionable remuneration;应计养恤金薪酬;; pensionable remuneration amounts for benefits and contribution purposes;用于计算福利和缴费的应计养恤金薪酬数;; Pensionable remuneration for benefit purposes;计算养恤金数额的应计养恤金薪酬;PR/B; Pensionable remuneration for contribution purpose;计算缴款数额的应计养恤金薪酬;PR/C; pensionable remuneration for the Professional and higher categories;专业人员以上职类的应计养恤金薪酬;; pensionable remuneration less staff assessment;扣除工作人员薪给税后的应计养恤金薪酬;; Pensioner;养恤金领取人;; pensioners' mutual aid fund;养恤金领取者互助基金;; pensioning-off;发给养恤金令其退休;; PENSYS;养恤金管理系统;PENSYS; pentaceros richardsoni;猪鱼;; pentachloroethane C2HCl5;五氯乙烷;CCl3CHCl2; pentaerythritoltetranitrate;季戎四醇四硝酸酯;PETN; Pentaline;五氯乙烷;; pentane C5H12;戊烷;C5H12; pentateuch;五经;; Pentazocine;喷他佐辛 镇痛新;;镇痛新 Pentazocine hydrochloride;盐酸镇痛新;; Pentazocine lactate;乳酸镇痛新;; pentene C5H10;戊烯;C5H10; Pentobarbital;戊巴比妥;; Pentobarbital calcium;戊巴比妥钙;; Pentobarbital sodium;戊巴比妥钠;; PEOLI, Isidoro MALMIERCA;伊西多罗·马尔米耶卡·佩奥利;; peon labour;偿债劳动;; People for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament;人民促进和平与核裁军组织;; People for Southern African Freedom;南部非洲自由支持者组织;;组织 People in Equal Participation;人民平等参与协进会;; people living with HIV and AIDS;艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者;PWHIV; people only live their full lives in the light of human rights;人权照耀下才有美满人生;; People Power;人民力量;; People's Action Movement;人民行动运动党;PAM; People's Aid;人民援助协会;PAM; People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola;安哥拉人民解放武装部队武装部队;FAPLA;武装部队 People's Army of 25 April;4月25日人民军;; People's bureau for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation;人民对外联络和国际合作办公室;; People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison;人民对外联络办公室;; People's Bureau;人民办公室;; People's Chamber;人民议院;; People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation;对外联络和国际合作人民委员会;; People's Committee of the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison;人民对外联络办公室人民委员会?;; People's Congress Pyithu Hluttaw;人民议会;; People's Consultative Assembly;人民协商会议人协;MPR;人协 People's Councils;人民委员会;; people's courts;人民法院;; People's Democracy Democratic State;人民民主国家;; People's Democratic Movement;人民民主运动;; People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan;阿富汗人民民主党;PDPA; People's Democratic Republic;人民民主共和国;; People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;埃塞俄比亚人民民主共和国;; People's Democratic Republic of Laos;老挝人民民主共和国;; People's Democratic Republic of Yemen;也门人民民主共和国;; People's Democratic Union;人民民主联盟;UDP; People's Diplomacy;人民外交国民外交;; People's Fedai Guerrillas;人民敢死游击队;; People's Fedaian Organization;人民敢死队组织;; People's Front;人民阵线;; People's Front for Democracy and Justice;人民民主和正义阵线人阵;PFDJ;人阵 People's Insurance Company of China;中国人民保险公司;PICC; People's Korea;人民朝鲜;; People's Liberation Army;人民解放军;; People's Liberation Army of Namibia;纳米比亚人民解放军;PLAN; People's Liberation Organization of Tamil Ealam;泰米尔伊兰人民解放组织泰米尔伊兰民解;PLOTE;泰米尔伊兰民解 People's Majlis;国民议会;; People's Mojahedin Organization;人民圣战者组织;PMO; People's Mojahedin;人民圣战者组织;; People's Movement of Mozambique;莫桑比克人民运动;MPM; People's National Assembly;全国人民议会;; People's National Liberation Armed Forces of Cambodia;柬埔寨民族解放人民武装力量;; People's Oil Industrial Investment Euro-Asian Corporation;欧亚人民石油工业投资公司;NIPEK; People's Own Party;人民自己党;; People's Participation Service;人民参与发展处;; People's Participation Task Force on Integrated Rural Development;综合农村发展人民参与工作队;; People's Party of Cambodia;柬埔寨人民党人民党;CPP;人民党 People's Party NS;人民党;NS; People's Political Party;人民政治党;; People's Redemption Council;救民委员会;; People's Representative Council of East Timor;东帝汶人民代表议会;; People's Republic;人民共和国;; People's Republic of Bangladesh;孟加拉人民共和国;; People's Republic of Benin;贝宁人民共和国;; People's Republic of Kampuchea;柬埔寨人民共和国;PRK; People's Revolutionary Army;人民革命军;ERP; People's Revolutionary Council of Kampuchea;柬埔寨人民革命委员会;; People's Revolutionary Party;人民革命党;; People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea;柬埔寨人民革命党;; people's rights;民权;; People's Supreme Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic;老挝人民民主共和国最高人民议会;; People's Union for Civil Liberties;人民公民自由联盟;; People's United Party;人民统一党;PUP; people-centred framework for social development;以人为中心的社会发展框架;; people-oriented planning;以人为重点的规划;POP; people-to-people;人与人的接触人际接触;; Peoples of Dependent Territories;未独立地区的人民;; Peoples of the United Nations;联合国人民;; Peoples of the World against Apartheid for a Democratic South Africa;世界人民反对种族隔离支持民主南非;; Peoples United Party;人民统一党;PUP; Peoples' Assembly on Canadian Foreign Policy;加拿大外交政策人民大会;; pep pill;兴奋药片;; PEPAP;1-苯乙基-4-苯基-4-哌啶子基乙酸盐酯;PEPAP;酯 PEPAP hydrochloride;盐酸-1-苯乙基-4-苯基-4-哌啶乙酸盐酯;;酯 pepper Community;胡椒联合会;; Pepsi Cola Inc.;百事可乐公司;; PepsiCo Inc. [US];百事可乐公司;; PEQUENO, Ovidio Manuel Barbosa;奥维迪奥·曼努埃尔·巴尔博萨· 佩格诺;; per annum: by the year; annually;每年;; per capita;每人人均按人口平均计算;; Per capita ceiling principle;每人最高限额原则;; per capita daily caloric intake;个人平均每日摄取热量;; per capita energy consumption;人均能源消耗量;; per capita GNP;人均国产总值;; per capita gross product;按人口计算的总产量;; per capita income;国民平均收入;; per capita income average;人均收入平均数;; per capita income limit;人均收入限度;; per capita national income;人均收入; 国民平均收入;; per capita output growth;人均产出增长率;; per capita real personal income;国民平均实际收入;; per capita total expenditure;人均总支出;PCTE; per capital gross product;人均总产值;; per capital output;人均产量;; per cent SSB/R;SSB/R百分比;; per contra: on the contrary;反之;; per curiam: by the court as a whole;全院全体法官由法院;; per diem;每日津贴每日;; Per Diem Allowance;每日津贴;PDA; per dose unit;每一剂量单位;; per procurationem: by proxy; by the action of;由......代办代行;; per se per sese: by or in itself; intrinsically;自身本来本质上;; per unit of output;每一产品单位;; PERALTA, Alvaro Aguilar;阿尔瓦罗·阿吉拉尔·佩拉尔塔;; PERALTA, Ceferino Adrian VALDEZ;塞费里诺·阿德里安·巴尔德斯·佩拉尔塔;; percentage distribution;分配百分数;; percentage limit;百分数限度;; percentage of appointments;占任用人数百分比;; Percentage of completion method;完工百分率法;; percentage of market value to cost;市价对成本的百分比;; percentage of programme resources;方案资源百分比;; percentage point;百分点;; percentage points limit;百分点限度;; percentage share;份额百分数;; percentile, 75th;75百分位数;; perception of self;自我认识;; perchloric acid HClO4;高氯酸;HClO4; perchlorinated;全氯化的 所有氢原子被氯原子取代的;; perchlorinated hydrocarbon;全氯烃; 全氯碳化物;; perchlorocarbon;全氯碳化物; 全氯烃;; perchloroethane;全氯乙烷; 六氯乙烷;; perchloroethylene;全氯乙烯; 四氯乙烯;; perchloromethane;全氯甲烷; 四氯甲烷; 四氯化碳;; percolation;渗滤; 渗漏; 渗透;; percutaneous;经皮的; 通过皮肤的;; Promotional and External Relations Division;宣传和对外关系司;PERD; Pere Lebrun;街头私刑;; PEREIRA BURGOS, Cesar;塞萨尔·佩雷拉·布尔戈斯;; PEREIRA, Aristides Maria;阿里斯蒂德斯·马里亚·佩雷拉 总统;; PEREIRA, Carlos;卡洛斯·佩雷拉;; PEREIRA, Ena;埃纳·佩雷拉;; PEREIRA, Manuel Tomaz FERNANDES;曼努埃尔·托马斯·费尔南德斯·佩雷拉;; peremptory challenge;绝对回避;; peremptory norm;强制性规范强制规律;; peremptory regulations;强制性规章;; PERERA, Daya;达亚·佩雷拉;; PERES, Shimon;西蒙·佩雷斯;; peresters;过酸酯;; perestroika;改革;; PEREZ BALLADARES, Ernesto;埃内斯托·佩雷斯·巴利亚达雷斯;; PEREZ CANCIO, Pedro Pablo;佩德罗·巴勃罗·佩雷斯· 坎西奥;; PEREZ DE CUELLAR, Javier;哈维尔·佩雷斯·德奎利亚尔;; PEREZ GRIFFO, Francisco Javier;弗朗西斯科·哈维尔·佩雷斯-格里福;; Perez Guerrero Trust Fund for Economic and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间经济和技术合作佩雷斯·格雷罗 信托基金;; PEREZ NOVOA, Jose;何塞·佩雷斯·诺沃亚;; PEREZ OTERMIN, Jorge;豪尔赫·佩雷斯-奥特明;; PEREZ VILLANUEVA, Joaquin;华金·佩雷斯·比利亚努埃瓦;; PEREZ, Alan Garcia;阿兰·加西亚·佩雷斯;; PEREZ, Carlos Andres;卡洛斯·安德烈斯·佩雷斯;; PEREZ, Rafael PARRA;拉斐尔·帕拉·佩雷斯;; PEREZ-GRIFFO, Francisco Javier;弗朗西斯科·哈维尔·佩雷斯-格里福;; Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund;佩雷斯-格雷罗信托基金;PGTF; PEREZ-GUERRERO, Manuel;曼努埃尔·佩雷斯-格雷罗;; PEREZ-OTERMIN, Jorge;豪尔赫·佩雷斯-奥特明;; PERFILIEV, Vadim Pavlovich;瓦季姆·帕夫洛维奇· 佩尔菲利耶夫;; perfluorinated;全氟化的 所有氢原子被氟原子取代的;; perfluorinated hydrocarbon;全氟烃; 全氟碳化物;; perfluorocarbon;全氟碳化物; 全氟烃;; perfluorocyclobutane;全氟环丁烷; 八氟环丁烷;; perfluoroethane;全氟乙烷; 六氟乙烷;; perform a treaty;履行条约;;条约 performance;履约[条约]执行情况[预算]; 业绩;; performance appraisal evaluation report system;考绩报告制度;PAS; Performance Appraisal Review;考绩审查;PAR; performance bond;性能保证书;; performance budget;执行预算;; performance evaluation;执行情况评价; 考绩;; Performance Evaluation Report;执行情况评价报告考绩报告;PER; performance factor;性能因素;; performance guarantee;履行保证;; performance indicator;业绩指标;; performance management;业绩管理;; performance measurement;业绩计量;; performance of a contract;履行合同;; performance of budget;预算执行情况;; performance of official functions;执行公务;; performance of the adsorbent;吸附剂效率吸附剂性能;; Performance of their obligations;履行其义务;; performance report;执行情况报告;; performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 1988-1989;1988-1989两年期方案预算执行情况报告;; performance reporting;执行情况报告;; performance resins;高性能树脂;; performance standard;[军语]性能标准;; performance study;执行情况的研究;; performance targets;实绩指标; 执行指标;; performance-related environmental standards;性能环境标准;; Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament;演艺人员核裁军协会艺人核裁军协会;PAND;艺人核裁军协会 Performing and Fine Artists for World Peace;演奏家和美术家促进世界和平协会;; Performing Animals Protection Act;堡表演动物法;; Pergamon Press;珀盖蒙出版社;; perhalogenated;全卤化的 所有氢原子被卤原子取代的;; perhalogenated fluorocarbon;全卤化氟碳化合物; 全氟碳化物;; perhydroxyl radical;氢过氧游离基; 氢过氧自由基; 过羟基;; peri-urban areas;近郊区;; PERICAS Neto, Bernardo;贝尔纳多·佩里卡斯第三;; perigee to perigee period;异常期;; perimenopausia;绝经期前后;; perinatal;围产期的;; perinatal care;围产期护理;; perinatal morbidity;围产期发病率;; perinatal morbidity and mortality;围产期发病率和死亡率;; perinatal mortality;围产期死亡率;; period costs;当期成本;; period expenses;当期费用;; period for reply to notification;对通知作出答复的期限;; period of acquisition;收购期间;; period of country programme;国家方案实施期间;; period of drought;干旱时期;; period of qualifying service;合格服务期间;; period required to qualify for participation in the Fund;参加基金规定的合格期间;; periodic abstinence;定期禁欲; 安全期外禁欲;; periodic benefit;定期福利;; periodic development of Programme;定期制订方案;; periodic elections;定期选举;; periodic evaluations;定期评价;; periodic holidays with pay;定期带薪休假;; periodic income;定期收益;; periodic inventory;定期盘存;; Periodic Monitoring System;定期监测制度;; periodic performance evaluation reports;定期考绩报告;; periodic report;定期报告初次、第二次..;;初次、第二次.. periodic report of State parties, the second;缔约国的第二次定期报告;; periodic visiting mission;定期视察团按期视察;; periodic work programmes;定期工作方案;; periodical check-up;定期检查;; Periodical on Aging Bulletin on Aging;老龄问题期刊;; periodical report;定期报告;; periodical surveys of published annual accounts;对已公布的年度报表进行定期调查;; Periodicals Unit;期刊股;; periodicity;周期;; peripheral health establishment;外围性卫生机构;; peripheral issues;边缘问题;; peripheral labour market;边缘劳工市场;; peripheral strategy;周边战略;; peripheral unit;外围性卫生单位;; perishable articles;易耗品;; perishable produce;易腐产品;; PERISIC, Miodrag;米奥德拉格·佩里希奇;; Perkins Engine;珀金斯发动机公司;; PERKINS, Edward;爱德华·珀金斯;; PERKOVIC, Radmila;拉德米拉·佩尔科维奇;; PERLA-BUSTAMANTE, Antonio;安东尼奥·佩尔拉-布斯塔曼特;; PERLOT, Enzo;恩佐·佩洛特;; permafrost;永冻层; 永久冻土;; Permanent Council of Accounting in Zaire;扎伊尔常设会计理事会;; Permanent International Association of Road Congress;公路会议常设国际协会公路会协;PIARC;公路会协 Permanent Advisory Commission on International Commodity Trade;国际商品贸易常设咨询委员会;; Permanent and International Committee of Underground and Spatial Town Planning and Construction;国际都市地下与空间规划和建设常设委员会;; Permanent Arab Committee for Human Rights;阿拉伯常设人权委员会;; Permanent Arab Information Committee;阿拉伯常设新闻委员会;; permanent arbitration institution;常设仲裁机构;; Permanent Bilateral Committee on Nuclear Cooperation;核合作常设双边委员会;; Permanent Bureau of Non-Aligned Summit Conference;不结盟国家首脑会议常设局;; Permanent Central American Commission for the Eradication of the Production, Traffic, Consumption and Illicit Use of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;中美洲根除毒品和精神药物的生产、贩运、 消费和非法使用常设委员会;; Permanent Central Narcotics Board;中央麻醉品常设局麻醉品常设局;PCNB;麻醉品常设局 Permanent Central Opium Board;常设中央鸦片委员会鸦片委员会;PCOB;鸦片委员会 Permanent Centre on Peace;常设和平中心;; Permanent Commission;常设委员会;; Permanent Commission and International Association on Occupational Health;职业卫生常设委员会和国际协会;; Permanent Commission for Human Rights;常设人权委员会;; Permanent Commission of Afro-Arab Cooperation;非洲-阿拉伯合作常设委员会;; Permanent Commission of Cooperatives;合作社常设委员会;; Permanent Commission of Good Offices;常设斡旋委员会;; Permanent Commission of the Conference on the Use and Conservation of the Marine Resources of the South Pacific;南太平洋海洋资源使用和养护会议常设委员 会南太海洋资源常委会;PCSP;南太海洋资源常委会 Permanent Commission on Industrial Consultation;工业协商常设委员会;; Permanent Commission on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific;开发和堡南太平洋海洋资源常设委员会;; Permanent Committee;常设委员会;; Permanent Committee for Development Cooperation Related to Copyright and Neighbouring Rights;版权和有关权利方面的发展合作常设委员会;; Permanent Committee for Development Cooperation Related to Industrial Property;工业产权方面的发展合作常设委员会;; Permanent committee for Development related to Copyright and Neighbouring rights;发展著作权和有关权利合作常设委员会;; permanent committee for inter-agency coordination;机构间协调常设委员会;; Permanent Committee of the Industrial Development Board;工业发展理事会常设委员会;; Permanent Committee on Health, Labour and Social Security;卫生、劳工和社会保障问题常设委员会;; Permanent Committee on Industrial Property Information;工业产权资料常设委员会;; Permanent Consultation for Displaced Persons in the Americas;美洲流离失所者问题常设协商会议 流离失所协商会;CPDIA;流离失所协商会 Permanent Conference of Catholic International Organizations;天主教国际组织常设会议;; Permanent Committee of Trade Union Unity of Latin American Workers;拉丁美洲工人联合工会常设委员会;CPUSTAL; Permanent Consultative Committee of the Maghreb;马格里布常设协商委员会;PCCM; Permanent consultative machinery;常设协商机构;; Permanent Contact Committee of Postal Administrations and Airlines;邮政管理局和航空公司常设联系委员会;; permanent contact group;常设联络小组;; Permanent Coordinating Committee on Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkan Region;减少巴尔干区域地震危险常设协调委员会;; Permanent Council of Accounting in Zaire;扎伊尔常设会计理事会;; Permanent Council of African Parliamentarians on Population and Development;非洲议员人口和发展常设理事会;; Permanent Council of French-speaking Countries;法语国家常设理事会;; Permanent Council of the Islamic Solidarity Fund;伊斯兰团结基金常设理事会;; Permanent Council of the Organization of American States;美洲国家组织常设理事会;; Permanent Council of the Solidarity Fund;团结基金常设理事会;; Permanent Court of Arbitration;常设仲裁法院;PCA; Permanent Court of International Justice;常设国际法院;PCIJ; Permanent Delegation;常驻代表团;; permanent diplomatic mission;常驻使团常设使馆;; permanent direct telephone communication;常设直通电话线;; permanent disabilities;终生残疾;; permanent disfigurement;永久残废;; Permanent Emergency Electoral Council;常设紧急选举委员会;; permanent equipment;永久设备;; Permanent European Working Party on Land and Water Utilization and Conservation;常设欧洲地水利用及养护问题工作小组;; Permanent Executive Commission of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council;美洲经济及社会理事会常设执行委员会 美洲经社执委会;CEPCIES;美洲经社执委会 Permanent Executive Committee for Pan-American Highway Congresses;泛美公路大会常设执行委员会;; Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American council for Education, Science and Culture;美洲教育、科学和文化理事会常设执行委员会 美洲教科文执委会 ;CEPCIECC;美洲教科文执委会 Permanent Financial Regulations of the United Nations;联合国财务永久条例;; Permanent Five Framework Document;五常任理事国框架文件;; Permanent Forum on Science and Technology for Development;科学技术促进发展常设论坛;; Permanent Group on Synthetics and Substitutes;合成品和代用品常设组;; permanent harbour works;永久海港工程;; Permanent Headquarters Committee;常设总部委员会;; permanent health services;常设保健服务;; Permanent Indus Commission, India and Pakistan;印度--巴基斯坦印度河常设委员会;; permanent integrated household surveys;长期一体化户口调查;; Permanent Inter-American Anti-Locust Committee;美洲防蝗常设委员会;CIPA; Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel;萨赫勒国家间抗旱常设委员会 萨赫勒抗旱委员会;CILSS;萨赫勒抗旱委员会 Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses;航运会议常设国际协会航运会协;PIANC;航运会协 Permanent International Association of Road Congresses;公路会议常设国际协会公路会协;PIARC;公路会协 Permanent International Bureau of Motor Cycle Manufacturers;摩托车制造商常设国际局;; Permanent International Committee of Linguists;国际语言学家常设委员会;CIPL; Permanent International Meat Office;国际肉类常设局;; Permanent Joint Committee on Geographical Names;常设地理名词联合委员会;; Permanent Joint Technical Commission for Nile Waters;尼罗河流域常设联合技术委员会;; Permanent Joint Technical Commission for Nile Waters, Egypt and Sudan;埃及--苏丹尼罗河常设联合技术委员会;; Permanent Joint Technical Committee;常设联合技术委员会;; Permanent League for Human Rights;人权永久联盟;; Permanent Mandates Commission;常设委任统治委员会委任统治委员会;PMC;委任统治委员会 permanent meadow;永久性草地; 永久性草原;; Permanent Mechanism for Political Consultation and Concerted Political Action;常设政治协商和一致政治行动机制;; Permanent Members;常任理事国;; Permanent Mission of ... to the United Nations;XX国常驻联合国代表团;; Permanent Mission to UNIDO;各国常驻工发组织代表团;; permanent neutrality;永久中立;; permanent observer mission;常驻观察员代表团;; Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations;巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员代表团;; Permanent Observer Office;常驻观察员办事处;; Permanent Observer to the United Nations;常驻联合国观察员;; permanent observer, a.i.;代理常驻观察员;; permanent occupation;永久占领;; permanent office;终身职常设办事处;; permanent office of interests;常设利益办事处;; Permanent People's Tribunal;人民永久法庭;; Permanent Production Committee;常设生产委员会;; Permanent Programme for Development Cooperation related to Industrial Property;发展工业产权合作常设规划署;; Permanent Representative;常驻代表;; Permanent Representatives Committee;常驻代表委员会;COREPER; permanent seat;常设馆址会址;;会址 Permanent Secretariat of General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration;中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处 中美洲经济一体化秘书处;SIECA;中美洲经济一体化秘书处 Permanent Secretariat of the Conference of the South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;南美洲麻醉药品和精神调理物质协定会议常 设 秘书处;; Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty for Central American Economic Integration;中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处 常设秘书处;SIECA;常设秘书处 Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American Economic System;拉丁美洲经济体系常设秘书处;; Permanent Secretariat of the South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;南美洲麻醉药品和精神药物协定常设秘书处;; Permanent Secretary of Foreign Ministry;外交部常务秘书;; Permanent Secretary of the Latin American Economic System;拉丁美洲经济体系常任秘书;; Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs;外交部常务秘书;; Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs, Tourism and Emigration;外交、游览和移民部常务秘书;; Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance;财政部常务秘书;; Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;尼日利亚内政部常务秘书;; Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office of Mauritius;毛里求斯总理办公室常务秘书;; Permanent South Pacific Commission;南太平洋常设委员会;; permanent sovereignty;永久主权;; permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories;被占领巴勒斯坦和其他阿拉伯领土的民族资 源的永久主权;; permanent sovereignty over natural resources;对自然资源的永久主权;; permanent staff;长期工作人员;; Permanent Standing Commission on Afro-Arab Cooperation;非洲-阿拉伯合作永久常设委员会;; Permanent Statute for the Free Territory of Trieste;特里亚斯特自由区永久规约;; Permanent Steering Committee;常设指导委员会;PSC; Permanent Sub-Committee of the Committee on Commodities;商品委员会常设小组委员会;; Permanent Sub-Committee on Commodities;常设商品小组委员会;; Permanent Technical Committee of the Heads of Statistical Organizations in the Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家统计组织负责人常设技术委员会;; Permanent Technical Committee on Labor Matters;劳工事务常设技术委员会劳工技委会;COTPAL;劳工技委会 Permanent Technical committee on Ports;常设港口技术委员会港口技术委员会;PTCP;港口技术委员会 Permanent Transport Conference of Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家常设运输会议;; permanent treaty;永久条约;; Permanent Under-Secretary;常务次官;; permanent under-secretary of state;常务次官;; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;外交和联邦事务常务次官;; Permanent Undersecretary of State to the President;常任总统政务次官;; Permanent Vice-Foreign Minister;外务次官;; permanent waste storage;废物的永久性储藏;; permanently manned orbital platform;永久载人轨道平台;; permissible exposure limit;容许曝露限度;PEL; permissible yield;容许渔获量;; permissive action link;允许行动联络;PAL; permissive provision;任选条款;; permissive servitude;许可性地役;; permissiveness; permissivism;宽容,纵容;; permit to discharge;排放许可证; 倾卸许可证;; permits, the treaty so;条约所许可;; PERMUTH, Mario;马里奥·佩尔穆特;; pernitric acid HNO4;过硝酸;HNO4; Pernod Ricard Group;佩尔诺·里卡尔集团;; PERON, Isabel Martinez de;伊莎贝尔·马丁内斯·德庇隆;; PERON, Juan Domingo;胡安·多明戈·庇隆;; PERONNET, Gabriel;加布里埃尔·佩罗内;; PEROVIC, Rade;拉德·佩罗维奇;; peroxidase;过氧化物酶;; peroxides;过氧化物;; peroxy radical;过氧游离基; 过氧自由基;; peroxy salt;过酸盐;; peroxyacetyl nitrate;硝酸过氧化乙酰;; peroxyacyl nitrates;硝酸过氧酰;PAN; peroxybenzoyl nitrate;硝酸过氧化苯甲酰;PBzN; peroxyl radical;氢过氧游离基; 氢过氧自由基; 过羟基;; peroxynitric acid;过氧硝酸; 过硝酸;; perpetrator;犯罪人行凶者; [刑法]行为人;; perpetual duration;恒久有效;; perpetual lease;永租权;; perpetual neutrality;永久中立;; PERRET, Edmond;埃德蒙·佩雷;; PERRI, Flavio Miragaia;弗拉维奥·米拉加亚·佩里;; PERRICOS, Demetrius;德梅特里尤斯·佩里科斯;; persalt;过酸盐;; PERSAUD, June;琼·珀索德;; Pershing;潘兴导弹;;导弹 Persian Gulf;波斯湾;; Persian Gulf Crisis Fund;波斯湾晰基金;; Persian Gulf Oil Pollution Disaster Fund;波斯湾石油污染灾害基金;; persistence;持久性; 持续性; 长期留存;; persistent offender;惯犯;; PERSNL personnel work;人事工作;PERSNL; person of unsound mind;精神失常者;; person served;收到传票的人;; person socially at risk;社会处境受到威胁的人;; person to be heard as witness;作为证人接受听询的人;; person with mental disabilities;心智残缺的人;; persona grata;受欢迎的人;; persona non grata;不受欢迎的人;; Personal Administrative Assistant to the Secretary-General;秘书长行政事务私人助理;; Personal Advances and Recovery System;个人预支和偿还制度;PAR; personal arms;个人武器;; personal assault;个人伤害罪;; personal capacity;个人身份;; Personal Communications Services;个人通讯服务;PCS; personal computer;个人计算机;; Personal Computer Budget-Aid;个人计算机预算协助;; personal consumption according to source of goods and services;个人消费,按物品和劳务来源分列;; personal documentation;个人证件;; personal documents;身份证件;; personal effects;个人用品; 个人财物;; personal envoy;个人特使;; Personal Equity Plan;个人产权计划;PEP; personal grades system of;因人特设职等制度;;制度 personal identity card;身份证;; personal income;个人收入;; personal injuries;人身伤害;; personal integrity;人格完整;; personal inviolability;人身不可侵犯权;; personal jurisdiction;属人管辖权;; personal law;属人法;; personal liberty and inviolability;人身自由和人身不可侵犯;; personal or real taxes;对人或对物课征的捐税;; personal plots of households;家庭自留地;; personal privileges and immunity;个人特权和豁免;; personal recognizance;个人具结;; personal representative of the President of a country;总统个人或:私人代表;; Personal Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina of the chairman of the European Community Conference on Yugoslavia;欧洲共同体南斯拉夫问题会议主席派驻波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那个人代表;; Personal Representative of His Royal Highness Samdech Norodom Sihanouk;诺罗敦·西哈努克亲王殿下个人代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretariat-General for the Controversy between Guyana and Venezuela;负责圭亚那和委内瑞拉分歧的秘书长个人 代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretary General for the Coordination of International Cooperation to Mitigate the Environmental Consequences on Kuwait and other Countries in the Region resulting from the Situation between Iraq and Kuwait;负责协调国际合作以减轻伊拉克和科威特间 局势给科威特及该区域其他国家造成的环境 后果的秘书长个人代表;; personal representative of the Secretary-General;秘书长个人代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance relating to the Crisis between Iraq and Kuwait;负责与伊拉克和科威特之间晰有关的人道 主义援助的秘书长个人代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Iran and Iraq;负责伊朗和伊拉克事务的秘书长个人代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Operation Lifeline Sudan;负责苏丹生命线行动的秘书长个人代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central American Peace Process;负责中美洲和平进程的秘书长个人代表;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Pakistan;秘书长派驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦个人代表;; personal responsibility;个人责任;; personal right;人身权; 人格权;; personal safety security;人身平安安全;;安全 personal safety equipment;个人防护设备;; personal security;个人保障;; personal services;个人服务;; personal services contracts;个人服务费服务合同;;服务合同 personal services and contributions;个人服务及捐献;; personal sovereignty;属人主权;; personal status;个人身份;; personal status law;个人身份法;; personal transitional allowance;个人过渡津贴;; personal union;身合国君合国;; personal use;自用;; personalized document;加印物主姓名的文件;; Personalized version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;《世界人权宣言》个人专用本;; Personna International U.K. Ltd.;珀森那国际公司;; personne morale;法人;; personnel administration management;人事行政管理;;管理 Personnel Administration and Social Security Section;人事行政和社会保障科;ADM; Personnel and Social Protection Department;人事与社会堡部;; Personnel Branch;人事处;; personnel carrier;运兵车;; personnel clerk;人事办事员;; personnel data base;人事数据库;; Personnel Division;人事司;AFP; Personnel Management and Support Service;人事管理和支助处人事处;PMSS;人事处 Personnel Management Department;人事局;; Personnel Management Service;人事管理处;; Personnel Management System;人事管理系统;PERSYS; Personnel Manual;人事手册;; personnel office;人事处;; personnel officer;人事干事;; Personnel Officers Unit;人事干事股;; personnel pilot project;人事试点项目;; personnel plan;人事计划;; personnel policy;人事政策;; personnel questions;人事问题;; Personnel Record Unit;人事记录股;PRU;记录股 Personnel Records and Registry;人事纪录及登记;; Personnel Records Unit;人事记录股;PRU;记录股 Personnel Section;人事科;; Personnel Service;人事处;; Personnel Services Division;人事司;PS; personnel year;人事年;; Personnel, Information, liaison Unit;人事、资料和联络股;; persons children born out of wedlock;非婚生人子女;;子女 persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minority;在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体 的人;; Persons Chairing the Human Rights Treaty Bodies;人权条约机构主持人;; persons imprisoned, detained or restricted;被监禁、拘留和软禁的人;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司