翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Placement Committee;工作安插委员会;; placement of staff;工作人员的安插;; Placement Services;职业介绍;; placements of satellites;卫星放置;; placer gold;砂金;; plages;谱斑;; plain fax;明码传真;; Plains Cotton Cooperative;平原棉花合作社;; plaintiff;原告; 检举人;; Plan de Transformacion de Desarrollo;改变发展方式的计划;; Plan for Action for the Integration of Women in Development;妇女参与发展行动计划;; plan for Arms Control and Disarmament;军备控制与裁军计划;; Plan for Concerted Short-term and Long-term Action Against Drug Abuse;长短期协同禁毒行动计划;; Plan for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts;预防吸毒和吸毒者康复计划;; Plan for Priority Health Needs in Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马优先保健需要计划;PPSCAP; Plan for Scientific and Technology Development [Brazil];科技发展计划;; Plan for the Development of Arab Culture;发展阿拉伯文化计划;; Plan for the Ongoing Monitoring and Verification of Iraq's Compliance with Relevant Parts of Section C of Security Council resolution 687 1991;关于不断监测和核查伊拉克遵守安全理事会第6871991号决议C节有关部分情况的计划;; Plan for the Prevention of Accidents from Mines;防止地雷事故计划;; Plan for the Survey, Assessment and Dealing with the Consequences of Environmental Damage Caused by Conflict between Kuwait and Iraq;调查、评估和处理科威特、伊拉克冲突造成的环境损害后果计划;; plan for verification inspections of military forces;联塞部队核查军力计划;; Plan International;国际计划;; Plan of Action Following the Twenty-Sixth South Pacific Forum;第二十次南太平洋论坛之后的行动计划;; Plan of Action for Academic Initiatives at United Nations Headquarters;联合国总部学术倡议行动计划;; Plan of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development;非洲经济复苏和发展行动计划;; Plan of Action for Agricultural in Central America;中美洲农业行动计划农业行动计划;PAC;农业行动计划 Plan of Action for an in-depth investigation of allegations of sexual assault, extrajudicial executions, torture and alleged violations of international humanitarian law in detention camps in connection with the hostilities in the Former Yugoslavia;与前南斯拉夫境内敌对行为有关的拘留营中 性攻击、法外处决、酷刑和被控违反国际人 权法的指控的深入调查行动计划;; Plan of Action for Durable Solutions for Rwandese Refugees;持久解决卢旺达难民问题行动计划;; Plan of Action for Eradication of Illiteracy by the 2000;到2000年扫除文盲行动计划;; Plan of Action for Humanitarian Assistance to Iraq;向伊拉克提供人道主义援助行动计划;; Plan of Action for Implementing the Global Strategy for Health for All;执行人人享有卫生保健全球战略行动计划;; Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s;1990年代执行《儿童生存、堡和发展世界宣言》行动计划;; Plan of Action for Nutrition;营养行动计划;; Plan of Action for People's Participation in Rural Development;人民参与农村发展行动计划;; Plan of Action for Repatriation;遣返行动计划;; Plan of Action for Rwandese Refugees;卢旺达难民问题行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women in Asia and the Pacific;提高亚洲及太平洋妇女地位行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Development of Logistics Doctrine and Standard Operating procedures in Support of United Nations Peace-keeping Operations;制定支持联合国维持和平行动的后勤工作原 则和标准作业程序的行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices affecting the Health of Women and Children;消除影响妇幼健康的有害传统做法行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Eradication of Illiteracy by the Year 2000;到2000年扫除文盲行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Full Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;关于充分执行给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言的行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Global Strategy, 1994-1995;1994-1995年全球战略行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa;执行蒙罗维亚非洲经济发展战略的拉各斯 行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector;妇女参与海事部门行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme in Iraq;伊拉克机构间人道主义方案行动计划;; Plan of Action for the Protection of the Mediterranean Barcelona Convention;堡地中海行动计划巴塞罗那公约;;巴塞罗那公约 Plan of Action for the Surveillance, ecological assessment and clearance of pollution, war-related objects and wrecks in the sea area of the Kuwait Action Plan region;对科威特行动计划区内海区的污染、与战争 有关的物体和残骸进行监测、生态评价和清 理的行动计划;; Plan of Action for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2005;1995-2005年联合国人权教育十年行动计划;; Plan of Action for West and Central Africa;中西非行动计划;; Plan of Action of Arab Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development;阿拉伯部长级环境和发展会议行动计划;; Plan of Action of the African Environment Conference;非洲环境会议行动计划;; Plan of Action of the International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism;铲除殖民主义国际十年行动计划;; Plan of Action of West and Central Africa Abidjan Convention;中西非行动计划阿比让公约;;阿比让公约 Plan of Action on Children for South Asia;南亚儿童问题行动计划;; Plan of Action on Environment;环境行动计划;; Plan of Action on equality of opportunity and treatment of men and women in employment;关于男女就业机会和待遇平等的行动计划;; Plan of Action on Industrialization;工业化行动计划;; Plan of Action on National and Regional Initiatives for Human Resources Development and its Technological Dimensions;关于人力资源开发及其技术方面的国家及区 域性倡议的行动计划;; Plan of Action on People's Participation;人民参与行动计划;; Plan of Action on Tourism, Trade and Transportation;旅游、贸易和运输问题行动计划;; Plan of Action on World Food Security;世界粮食安全行动计划;; Plan of Action to Combat Desertification;防治荒漠化行动计划;PACD; Plan of Action to Correct Present Imbalances in the Participation of Men and Women in Political Life;纠正目前男女参政不平衡现象行动计划;; Plan of Action to Implement the Long-term Strategy to Further Implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond;执行“到2000年及其后进一步执行《关于残 疾人的世界行动纲领》的长期战略”的行动 计划;; plan of action to improve the status of women in the Secretariat;提高妇女在秘书处地位的行动计划;; plan of operation;业务计划行动计划;; plan period;计划期间;; Planet Earth Council;行星地球理事会;; Planet Protection Fund;地球堡基金;; planetary boundary layer;行星边界层;PBL; planetary circulation;行星环流;; Planetary Citizens;世界公民会;; Planetary Data System;行星数据系统;PDS; Planetary Exploration;行星探索;; Planetary guarantees for territorial integrity and sovereignty;在全球范围内保证领土完整和主权;; planetary jet;行星急流;; Planetary Society;行星协会;; Planification des Resources Humaines Emploi et Education;人力资源的计划运用和培育;; plankton;浮游生物;; plankton multiplier;浮游生物增殖因素;; planned births;有计划的生育;; planned call-forwards;计划提用或提支额;; planned capital expenditure;事先安排的基本建设费用计划资本支出;; planned cost;计划成本;; Planned country and intercountry programme expenditure;原订的国家和国家间计划支出;; planned depreciation;计划折扣;; Planned economy;计划经济;; planned expenditure;计划开支;; planned measure;计划的措施;; planned parenthood;计划生育;; Planned Parenthood-World Population;计划生育-世界人口组织;PP-WP; planned products and operations;计划产品和作业;; planned programme;已规划的方案;; planned regional development;有计划的地区发展;; planned spacing of birth;计划生育间隔;; planned throughput;计划生产量生产能力;;生产能力 planners;计划人员规划人员;; planning concept of;策划的概念;;的概念 planning accuracy factor;规划精确系数;PAF; Planning and Administration of Special Public Works Programmes;特别公共工程方案的规划与管理;; Planning and Administration of Special Public Works Schemes for Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家特别公共工程办法的规划与 管理;; Planning and Analysis Unit;规划和分析股;; Planning and Coordination Office;规划和协调处;; Planning and Coordinating Committee;规划和协调委员会规划委员会;PCC;规划委员会 Planning and Coordination Task Force and/or Group;规划和协调工作队和/或组;; Planning and Design Section;规划和设计科;; Planning and Development Authority;规划和开发委员会;PDA; Planning and Early Warning Service;规划和预警处;; Planning and Evaluation Section;规划和评价科;PES; Planning and Information Section;规划和资料科;; Planning and Intersectoral Projects Unit;规划和部门间项目股;; planning and liaison unit;规划和联络事务股;; Planning and Management Committee;规划和管理委员会;; planning and meeting services;规划和会议事务;; Planning and Meetings Servicing Section;规划和会议服务科;PMSS;会议服务科 planning and monitoring systems;规划和监测系统;; planning and Programming machinary;制订规划和计划的机构;; Planning and Projection Branch;规划和预测组;; Planning and Promoting of Policies Relating to Women;妇女政策规划和促进委员会;; Planning and Research Coordination and Development Unit;规划和研究协调及发展股;; Planning and Special Programmes Section;规划和特别方案科;; Planning Board;规划委员会;; Planning Cell;规划核心;; Planning Committee of the Conference of Non-governmental Organizations;非政府组织会议规划委员会;; Planning Conference on the European Social Pevelopment Programme;欧洲社会发展方案规划会议;; Planning Coordinator;规划协调员;; Planning Council;规划委员会;; Planning Directorate;规划局;; planning environment;规划环境;; planning estimate;计划概算;; Planning Estimate for the financial year 1974;1974会计年度计划概算;; Planning estimate for the forecast period;预测时期的计划概算;; planning exercise;规划活动;; planning figure;计划数字;; Planning for Better Family Living;改善家庭生活计划;PBFL; planning for incidents;作事故的应变计划;; Planning for Namibian Independence: Manpower Development Strategies;纳米比亚独立的规划:人力发展战略;; Planning for Social Progress and Development;社会进步和发展的规划;; planning group;规划小组;; planning mission;规划团;; Planning Office;规划处;; planning officer;规划干事;; planning period;规划期间;; Planning Secretariat;规划秘书处;; Planning Section;规划科;; Planning, Coordination and Information Service;规划、协调和资料处;; Planning, Management and Development Action Programme I of Fisheries;渔业规划、管理和发展的行动方案一;; Planning, programming and budgeting process;编制计划、方案和预算的过程;; Planning, Programming and Evaluation Section;规划、方案编制和评价科规方评科;PPE;规方评科 Planning, Programming and Evaluation Unit;规划、方案编制和评价股;; Plano de Fomento;发展计划;; Planovane Hospodarstvi;《计划经济》杂志;; Plans, elevations and sections;平面图、正面图及截面图;; plant;工厂; 车间;; plant and machinery valued with buildings;厂房和机械与建筑物一同估价;; plant breeding;植物育种; 植物育种学;; plant capacity;工厂能力;; plant capacity utilization;工厂能力的利用;; plant cover;植被;; plant damage;植物损害;; plant ecology;植物生态学;; plant environment;植物环境;; plant genetic resources;植物遗传资源;PGR; plant genetic resources for agriculture;农用植物遗传资源;PGRFA; plant industry;种植业;; plant life;植物区系; 植物;; plant nutrition;植物营养;; plant plankton;浮游植物;; plant protection;植物堡植保;; Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region;东南亚和太平洋区域植物堡协定;; Plant Protection Bulletin;植物堡简报;; plant protection service;植物堡服务; 植保服务;; plant protection unit;植保站;; plant protein;植物蛋白质;; plant waste;植物性废物; 工厂废物;; plant-based drugs;植物制成的药物;; Plaski;普拉斯基;; plasma;等离子体;; plasma bank;血浆库;; plasma generated condensation aerosol;由等离子体产生的冷凝气溶胶;; plasma separation enrichment plants;等离子体分离浓缩厂;; plasma separation process;等离子体分离过程;; plasma spray systems;电浆喷涂系统;; plasma waves;等离子体波;; plasmapause;等离子体层顶;; plasmasphere;等离子体层;; plasmatic choline esterase level;血浆中胆碱酯酶的含量;; Plasmodium falciparum; P. falciparum;恶性疟原虫;; Plasmodium malariae; P. malariae;三日疟原虫;; Plasmodium ovale; P. ovale;卵形疟原虫;; Plasmodium vivax; P.vivax;间日疟原虫;; Plasterers', Bricklayers' and Construction Workers' Federation;泥水工人、砌砖工人及建筑工人联合会;; plastic arts;造型艺术;; plastic explosives;塑料炸药;; plastic fabric;塑料织物;; plastic foam;泡沫塑料;; plastic monomer;塑料单体原料;; plastic sheeting;塑料薄膜;; plastic stretch wrap machine;塑胶伸展包装机;; plastic tarpaulins, reinforced;塑料加固防水布;; plasticizer;增塑剂;; plastics technology;塑料技术;; plate filter;压滤器; 压滤机;; plate insulator;感光版绝缘机;; Plate-forme des Organisnes Haitiens des Droits de l'Homme;海地人权组织纲领;; plateau, sea;海台海底高原;; platemaker;感光版制版机;; platform;平台;; Platform for Action;行动纲要;; Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace;第四次妇女问题世界会议行动纲要: 以行动 谋求平等、发展与和平;; Platform on European Security Interests;欧洲安全利益宣言;; Platform on the Constitution Between the Armed Forces Movement and Political Parties;葡萄牙武装部队运动和各政党宪法协议;; platforms;纲领;; platinized catalysts;载铂催化剂;; PLATIS, Dimitris;季米特里斯·普拉蒂斯;; platteland;农村; 乡村;; PLAVSIC, Biljana;比利亚纳·普拉夫希奇;; play equipment;文娱设备;; play material;文娱器材;; playground equipment;游乐场设备;; Plaza Accord;广场协定;; plea as to arbitrator's juri;对仲裁人管辖权的抗辩;; plea bargaining;认罪求情协议;; Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents;书状、口头辩论和文件;; Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents, Comprising Texts, Maps and Charts;书状、口头辩论、文件、构成案文、地图和图表;; pleasure craft;游艇;; plebiscite;全民投票;; pledge;质押、抵押权、品;;权、品 pledged and paid for;已交认捐数;; pledged and received in advance;预收认捐数;; pledged contributions;认捐款;; pledged contributions unpaid;未缴认捐款;; Pledging Conference for Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan;有关阿富汗的人道主义和经济援助方案认捐 会议;; Pledging Conference for Operational Activities for Development;发展业务活动认捐会议;; Pledging Conference for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa;南部非洲紧急抗旱认捐会议;; Pledging Conference for the Repatriation Programme for Western Sahara;西撒哈拉难民遣返方案认捐会议;; Pledging Conference for the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development;联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统认捐会议;; Pledging Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign Trust Fund;世界裁军运动信托基金认捐会议;; Pledging Conference for United Nations Industrial Development Fund;联合国工业发展基金认捐会议;; Pledging Conference for United Nations Operational Activities;联合国业务活动认捐会议;; Pledging Conference;认捐会议;; plenary debate;全会辩论;; Plenary Hall;全体大会堂;; Plenary Meeting of COSPAR;空间研委会全体会议;; plenary meetings;全体会议;; Plenary of Uruguayan Women;乌拉圭妇女全体会议;; plenary session;全体法官开庭期;; Plenipotentiary Conference;全权代表会议;; Plenipotentiary Telecommunications Conference;电讯全权代表会议;; Plessey Radar Ltd.;普莱西雷达有限公司;; plight;困境,景况;; PLIMPTON, Francis T.P.;弗朗西斯·普林顿;; PLIOUSHKO, Anatoly D.;阿纳托利·普利乌什科;; Ploca;普洛切;; PLOEG, A.;普卢格;; plot;图; 一块地;; ploughshares;犁头;; PLUMBLY, Derek;德里克·普拉姆布利;; plume;烟缕; 烟羽;; plume centre line;烟缕中线;; plume spread;烟缕伸展范围;; plume travel time;烟缕飘移时间;; plunge point;卷波点;; plural birth;多胎;; plural democracy;多元民主;; pluralism;多元政策;; pluri-continental;分布多洲的;; pluri-continental nation;地跨多洲的国家;; plurilateral negotiations;复边谈判;; Plurilateral Trade Agreement;复边贸易协定;; PLUSHCH, I;普柳希;; plutonium nitrate to oxide conversion system;硝酸钚到氧化钚的转换系统;; plutonium oxide to metal production system;氧化钚到金属钚的生产系统;; pluviogragh;雨量计;; pluviometer;雨量器;; plywood plates;胶合板;; paramethoxyamphetamine;副甲氧基安非他明;PMA; PMR;压力调制辐射仪;PMR; PN Emergency;紧急电报;PN;电报 PNC;巴勒斯坦全国委员会;PNC; Poa sphondylodes;硬质早熟禾;; POBAMBA, Hifikepunya;希菲克彭亚·波邦巴;; POC YANINE;博亚尼内;; POCAR, Fausto;福斯托·波卡尔;; POCHIGAYEV, Igor V.;伊戈尔·波奇加耶夫;; pockel cell;普克尔盒;; pocket beach;袋状滩; 湾头滩;; pockets of infection;发病区;; pocuch, Ivan;伊万·波丘赫;; Podgorica;波德戈里察;; PODGORNY, N.V.;波德戈尔内;; Podlapaca;波德拉帕察;; PODTSEROB, Alexei Borisovich;阿列克谢·鲍里索维奇·波德采罗布;; POERNOMO, Isslamet;伊斯拉梅特·普尔诺莫;; Pohang Iron and Steel Co.;浦项综合制铁会社;; POHL, Reynaldo Galindo;雷纳尔多·加林多·波尔;; point emission source;点排放源;; point gradations;各级相差点数;; point of convergence;共同点;; point of coordination;协调中心;; point of order;程序问题;; point of reference;衡量标准;; point of time;时点;; point pollution;点污染;; point source;点污染源;; point spreads;起讫点数相差幅度;; point values;点数价值;; point-factor system of job classification;点数因素职务分类制度;; point-of-sale banner;减价标志;; point-to-point communications;定向无线电传送干线无线电通信;; pointer's accuracy;指点准确度;; points at issue;争论之点;; Summary Results Matrix;成果汇总表;; Points of Agreement;协议要点;; Points of Departure for Resolving the State Political Crisis in Yugoslavia;解决南斯拉夫国家政治晰的起点;; points of order;程序问题;; points rating system;点数评级制度;; Poipet;波贝事件;; POIRET, Chantal;尚塔尔·普瓦雷;; POIRIER,;普瓦里埃;; poison;毒; 毒物; 毒剂; 毒药; 有毒物质;; poison control centre;毒物控制中心;; Poison and Poisoned Weapons;毒物和毒性武器;; poisonous gas;毒气; 有毒气体; 有毒物质控制中心;; poisonous plant;有毒植物;; POKDG, Haji ALAIHUDDIN bin Haji Mohd Taha;哈吉·阿莱胡丁·本·波克德格·哈吉·穆罕默德·塔哈;; POL POT;波尔布特;; Pol Pot remnants and accomplices;波尔布特残余分子及其帮凶;; Polana;波拉纳;; POLANCO, Alejandro;亚历杭德罗·波朗科;; POLANCO, Rhadys Iris Abreu Blondet de;拉迪斯·伊里斯·阿夫雷乌·布朗德特·德波朗科;; Poland;波兰;; Poland Central Statistics Office;波兰中央统计局;; Poland/Hungary Aid for the Reconstruction of the Economy PHARE Programme;援助波匈经济改革方案法尔方案;PHARE;法尔方案 polar air mass;极地气团; 极地空气;; Polar Air-Snow Experiment;极地空气 - 冰雪实验;; polar anticyclone;极地反气旋;; Polar Atmospheric Chemistry Programme;极地大气化学方案;; polar aurora;极光;; Polar Bear International;北极熊国际公司;; polar cyclone;极地涡旋; 极涡;; Polar Experiment POLEX;极地实验;POLEX; polar front;极锋;; polar front jet stream;极锋急流;; polar ice cloud;极地冰晶云;; Polar Ice Extent Project;极地冰层范围项目;; polar ice sheet;极地冰原; 极地冰盖;; polar latitudes, at;极地纬度; 高纬度;; polar low;极地低压; 极地涡旋; 极涡;; polar meteorologist;极地气象学家;; polar orbit;极轨道;; polar orbiting satellite;极地轨道卫星;POS; polar ozone;极地臭氧;; Polar Platform;极地空间平台;; polar satellite launch vehicle;极轨卫星发射火箭;; polar stratospheric cloud;极地平流层云;PSC; polar sunsynchronous orbit;极地太阳同步轨道;; polar vortex;极地涡旋; 极涡;; polar-orbiting platforms;极轨平台;; polar-orbiting satellites;极轨卫星;; polarization-division;极分;; Polarized Selective Transmission Coating;无偏振选择穿透涂料;; Polish battalion;波兰营;Polbat; pole and lining;竿钓;; polemological agency;战争学研究所;; Polemological Institute;战争学研究所;; Polemology;战争学;; POLETTI, Bernard;贝尔纳·波勒蒂;; POLHO, Aapo;阿波·波尔霍;; POLIACOF, Michele;米歇尔·波利亚科夫;; Police Academy;警察学校;; Police Act;警察法;; Police Advisor;警察顾问;; Policy and Analysis Section;政策和分析科;; Police Code of Conduct;警察行为守则;; Police Commissioner;警察局长警务专员;; police commissions;警察调查委员会;; Police Communale;社区警察;; Police Complaints Board;警察失职审查委员会;; police court force, jurisdiction;警察法院部队、管辖;;部队、管辖 police Division;警务司;; police forces;警察部队;; Police Handbook;警察手册;; Police Headquarters;警察总局;; police judiciare;法警;PJ; police monitors;警察监测员;; Police of the Republic of Mozambique;莫桑比克共和国警察莫国警察;PRM;莫国警察 police officer;警官;; police post;派出所;; Police Reservist;警察后备队后备警察;; police self defence action;警察自卫行动;; police sergeant;警官;; police service;警署;; police station;派出所;; Police, Customs and Drugs Group;警察、海关与毒品小组;PTN Group; Policia de Carreteras;公路警察部队;POLCAR; Policia de Investigaciones del Peru;秘鲁警察侦缉局;PIP; Policia Internacional de Defesa do Estado;国防国际警察国防警察;PIDE;国防警察 Policia Nacional del Peru;秘鲁国家警察部队;PNP; policies and practices of the past shall never be allowed to return;永不允许回到过去的政策和作法;; Policies and Procedures governing the administration of United Nations fellowships;联合国研究金管理政策及程序;; Policies and Procedures Handbook;政策和程序手册;; Policies and Procedures Manual;政策和程序手册;PPM; policies and programmes involving young people: Participation, Development,Peace;促进青年人参与的政策和方案:参与、发展、和平;; Policies and programmes involving youth;有关青年的政策和方案;; Policies and Projects Committee;政策和项目委员会;; Policies and Resources Planning Division;政策和资源规划司;; Policy Adviser on HIV/AIDS and Development;艾滋病毒/艾滋病与发展问题政策顾问;; Policy Advisory Bureau;政策咨询局;PAB; Policy Analysis and Regional Programme Division;政策分析和区域方案司;; Policy and Analysis Unit;政策和分析股 政策股;PAU;政策股 Policy and Compensation Section;政策和赔偿科;; Policy and Information Service;政策和新闻处;; Policy and Operations Teams;政策和业务小组;; Policy and Planning Committee;政策和规划委员会;PPC; Policy and Procedures Manual;儿童基金会政策和程序手册;; Policy and Programme Coordination Committee;政策和方案协调委员会;; Policy and Programme Coordination Office;政策和方案协调处政方处;PPCO;政方处 Policy and Service Delivery Support Section;政策和提供服务支助科;; Policy Conference on Managing ASEAN's Coastal Resources for Sustainable Development;管理东盟沿海资源促进可持续发展政策会议;; Policy Coordination;政策协调;; policy decision;决策;; Policy Development and Programme Management Division;政策制订和方案管理司;; Policy Development Resource Portfolio on Gender, Environment and Sustainable Development;关于性别、环境与可持续发展的政策发展资 料文件;; Policy Development Unit;政策制订股;PDU;政策股 Policy Dialogues for Strengthening Endogenous in Science and Technology in Developing Countries;关于加强发展中国家本国科技能力的政策 对话;; policy directives;政策指示;; policy for the frequency of revaluations;再估价频率政策;; policy formulation;制定政策;; policy framework;政策框架;; policy framework papers;政策框架文件;PFP; Policy Group on Somalia;索马里问题政策组;; Policy Group on the World Economy;世界经济政策小组;; policy guidelines;政策准则;; Policy guidelines for the harmonization of activities policy of the organization of the United Nations system in science and technology for development;协调联合国系统各组织在科学和技术促进发 展方面活动政策的政策准则;; policy holder;;; policy making organs;决策机构;PMO; policy minimum;起码政策;; policy mix;政策配套;; policy of hostility and aggression against Vietnam;仇越侵越的政策;; policy of non-intervention;不干预政策;; Policy on Refugee Women;难民妇女问题政策;; policy orientation;政策方针;; policy paper;指导文件;; Policy Planning and Evaluation Unit;政策规划和评价股;; policy planning and management staff;政策规划和管理工作人员;; Policy Planning Committee;政策规划委员会;; Policy Planning Officer of the State Department;国务院政策计划官员;; policy planning staff;政策规划人员;; policy response;政策反应; 对策;; policy review;政策审查;; Policy review of operational activities for development;发展业务活动政策审查;; policy scenarios;政策设想;; Policy Team;政策工作队;; policy underlying this article;本条所体现的方针;; Policy Unit;政策股;; Policy, Planning and Information Division;政策、规划和信息司;; Policy, Programming and Development Planning Division;政策、方案编制和发展规划司;; Policy, Strategy and Oversight Board;政策、战略和监督委员会政战监委会;PSO Board;政战监委会 policy-formulating post;决策职位;; policy-induced;通过政策的诱导进行;;进行 Policy-level Awareness Workshop on Geographic Information System;决策层了解地理信息系统讲习班;; policy-maker;决策人;; policy-making body;决策机构;; policy-making organ;决策机构;; policy-oriented studies;以政策为重点的研究;; POLIMENI, Gioacchino;焦阿基诺·波利梅尼;; polio;小儿麻痹症;; Polio 3;小儿麻痹3;; polio vaccination coverage;小儿麻痹症防疫普及率;; poliomyelitis;小儿麻痹症; 脊髓灰质炎;; poliproplene bags;聚丙烯袋;; POLISARIO Coordinator;波利萨里奥阵线协调员;; Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Saguiael Hamra y Rio de Oro;萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线 波利萨里奥阵线 ;Polisario Front;波利萨里奥阵线 Polish Central Union of Work Cooperatives;波兰工人合作社中央联盟;; Polish Committee of Martyr Cities - Cities of Peace;波兰蒙难城市-和平城市委员会;; Polish Committee of Solidarity with the Chilean People;波兰声援智利人民委员会;; Polish National Child's Committee;波兰国家儿童委员会;; Polish United Workers' Party;波兰统一工人党;PUWP; Polish Zloty;波兰兹罗提;; Polish zlotych;波兰兹罗提;; Polish-American Immigration Relief Committee;波美移民救济委员会;; Political Affairs;政治事务;POLIT; politica de Chaos;种族聚居地区政策;; Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;欧洲委员会议会大会政治事务委员会;; Political Affairs/Information Officer;政治事务/新闻干事;; Political Agreement;政治协议;; political alias;假名化名;; political and constitutional development;政治及宪政发展;; political and decolonization activities;政治和非殖民化活动;; Political and Diplomatic Commission of the EDR-FMLN;革命民主阵线-马蒂民解阵线政治和外交委员会;; political and economic coercion;政治和经济胁迫;; political and peace-keeping activities;政治和维持和平行动;; Political and Security Committee;政治和安全委员会;; political asylum;政治庇护;; Political Asylum Committee;政治庇护委员会;; Political Bureau of the Central Committee;中央委员会政治局;; Political Bureau of the Senegalese Progressive Union;塞内加尔进步联盟政治局;; political campaign;政党竞选活动;; Political Cooperation Council;政治合作理事会;; Political Commission;政治委员会;; political configuration;政治形势;; Political Constitution;政治宪法;; Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty Member States;华沙条约成员国政治协商委员会;; Political Consultative Committee of the Warsaw Treaty Organization;华沙条约组织政治协商委员会;; political consultative conference;政治协商会议;; Political Consultative Conference for National Reunification;统一祖国政治协商会议;; Political Council of Zimbabwe;津巴布韦联合军事指挥部;; political crime;政治罪行;; Political Declaration - Striving for a More Secure and Human World;政治宣言: 为建立一个更安全和更人道的世 界而努力;; Political Declaration on international cooperation against illicit production, supply, demand, trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;关于国际合作取缔麻醉药品和精神药物的非 法生产、供应、需求、贩运和分销的政治 宣言;; Political Declaration: Strengthening the International Order;政治宣言:加强国际秩序;; Political Department;政治司[瑞典外交部]; 政治部[PLO];; political detainee;因政治被拘留者政治拘留犯;; political education;政治教育;; Political Education Committee;政治教育委员会;; political entities;政治实体;; political exiles;因政治原因流亡在外的人;; Political Freedom Index;政治自由指数;PFI; political heterogeneity the rule of;政治成分多源的原则;;的原则 Political Information News Service;政治新闻处;PINS; Political Information Unit;政治资料股;; political nationality;政治国籍;; Political Office for Somalia;索马里政治事务处;; political opening;政治开放;; political patients;政治病人;; political pluralism;政治多元主义;; Political Prisoner Release Programme;释放政治犯方案;; political prisoners and detainee;政治犯和政治拘留犯;; political prisoners, detainees and restrictees;因政治原因而被监禁、拘留和限制的人;; Political Programme of the Patriotic and Democratic Front of Great National Union of Kampuchea;柬埔寨爱国、民主、民族大团结阵线的政治纲领;; Political Reports Unit;政治报告股;; political rights of women;妇女政治权利;; Political Secretary to British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;外交和联邦事务大臣政治秘书;; political socialization;政治社会化;; Political Status Commission;政治地位委员会;POLSTACOM; political subdivision of the state;国家政治区分单位;; political union;政治联盟;; Political, Legal and Common Services Service;政治、法律和共同事务处;; Political-Diplomatic Commission of FMLN;马解阵线政治外交委员会;; politically motivated;政治动机;; politico-military talks;政治军事会谈;; Politico-Military Working Group;政治-军事工作组;; Politieke Studente Organisasie;南非政治学生协会;POLSTU; Poliuretanos de Angola, Lda.;安哥拉聚氨酯公司;POLIANG; Poljane;波利亚奈;; poll book;投票登记册;; pollack;狭鳕;; pollen analysis;花粉分析;; polling agent of candidates;候选人的监票代理人;; polling and the vote count;投票和计票;; polling booth station, division;投票站站、区;;站、区 polling clerk;计票员;; Polling Station;投票站;JRV; pollutant;污染物;; pollutant load;污染物负荷; 污染物浓度; 污染物含量;; pollutant reduction;减少污染物;; pollutant release and transfer register;污染物释放和转移登记册;PRTR; pollutant removal;去除污染物;; polluted water;污染水;; polluted water treatment;被污染水处理;; Polluter Pays Principle;污染者付清理费原则;PPP; polluting activities;污染活动;; pollution abatement;减轻污染;; pollution control;污染控制;; pollution control equipment;控制污染设备;; pollution control industry;控制污染工业;; pollution control measures;污染控制措施;; pollution control policy;污染控制政策;; pollution control ship;污染控制船;; pollution control technology;控制污染技术;; pollution controls;污染控制;; pollution episode;污染敏感时刻; 特别容易受污染威胁的时候;; pollution from land-based sources;陆地来源的污染; 陆源污染;; pollution incident;污染事故;; pollution level;污染水平;; pollution load;污染负荷;; pollution or environmental emergencies;污染或环境紧急情况;; pollution permit;污染许可证;; Pollution Probe at the University of Toronto;多伦多大学污染调查会污染调查会;PROBE;污染调查会 pollution reduction;减轻污染; 减少污染;; pollution rent;污染权利转让;; pollution-immune;不受污染影响的;; pollution-intensive goods;污染密集货物; 强烈造成污染的货物;; pollution-prone;易于受到污染的;; pollution-reducing;减少污染; 减轻污染;; pollution-related;与污染有关的;; pollution/waste treatment-textiles;纺织工业的污染和废物处理;; POLO, Carlos;卡洛斯·波洛;; Pologne-Hongrie assistance a la restructuration economique;援助波匈经济改革方案法尔方案;PHARE;法尔方案 POLOWCZYK, Grzegorz;格热戈日·波洛夫奇克;; Polpot remnants and accomplices;波尔布特残余分子及其帮凶;; Polpotian;波尔布特派的;; POLSERVICE;波兰服务公司;POLSERVICE; Polution control equipment;防污设备;; polyvinyl chloride;聚氯乙烯;PVC; polyvinyl chloride plastics;聚氯乙烯塑料;; polyvinylidene chloride;聚偏二氯乙烯;PVDC; polyvinylidene fluoride;聚偏二氟乙烯;PVDF; poly-drug use;使用多种毒品;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司