翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Pre-disaster planning;灾前规划;; pre-disaster planning and preparedness;灾前规划和准备工作;; pre-employment review;雇用前审查;; pre-emptive policy;先发制人政策;; pre-eradication;根除前期;; Pre-feasibility Survey for a Network of Centres of Excellence of International Scope on New and renewable Sources of Energy;新能源和可再生能源国际性优异中心联络网 的可行性前期调查;; pre-feasibility studies;可行性初步研究;; pre-filled device injecteur prerempli;预装注射器;; pre-financing;初期资金筹供首先筹资;; Pre-Implementation Meeting;执行前会议;; pre-initiation country;未开始的国家;; pre-investment survey;投资前调查;; pre-investment activities;投资前活动;; Pre-Investment and Investment Activities Unit;投资前和投资活动股投资股;INVEST;投资股 pre-investment assistance;投资前的援助;; pre-investment gap to fill;弥补投资前活动的缺陷;; pre-investment project;投资前项目;; pre-investment study programmes;投资前研究方案;; pre-marital examination;婚前体检;; pre-marital pregnancies;未婚先孕;; pre-natal allowance;产前津贴;; pre-natal care;产前保健; 产前护理;; pre-natal clinic;产前门诊所;; pre-natal consultations;产前咨询;; pre-natal weight;产前体重;; pre-natal, delivery and post-natal care;产前、分娩和产后护理;; pre-national tax operating costs;缴纳国家税款前的业务成本;; pre-placement;聘任前;; pre-pledges;先期认捐;; pre-press areas of the reproduction section;复制科准备区;; pre-primary education;幼儿教育; 学前教育;; pre-production portotypes and models;生产前原型和模型;; pre-programming work;方案制订前工作;; pre-project assistance;项目前援助;; pre-project field study;项目拟订前实地调查;; pre-release regime;释前制度;; pre-school;学龄前学校;; pre-school and early child stimulation;学龄前和早期儿童诱发教育;; pre-school centre;学前中心;; pre-school child;学前儿童;; Pre-school Educatino Service;学前教育处;; pre-school education;学前教育;; pre-school learning centre;学前学习中心;; pre-selection;事先选定;; pre-sentence report;判决前调查报告;; pre-service training;任职前训练;; pre-service training of health workers;保健人员的任职前训练;; pre-session;会前;; Pre-session consultations;会前协商;; Pre-session documentation;会前文件;; Pre-session documentation forecasts;会前文件预报;; Pre-sessional Working Group on the Implementation of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice;联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法标准和规范执行情况会前工作组;; pre-shipment inspection;装运前检查;PSI; pre-sorting;预分选; 预分类;; pre-spawning;产卵前;; pre-spill planning;溢漏应急规划;; pre-term baby;早产儿;; Pre-transitional Council;过渡前理事会;; pre-trial custody;审前拘留;; pre-trial detainee;待审拘留犯;; Pre-trial detention;审判前羁押预防性羁押;; pre-trial motion;开审前的请求;; pre-trial proceedings;预审;; pre-trial release;保外候审;; pre-trial steps;审判前步骤;; pre-vocational school;职业训练预备学校;; pre-vocational training;职前训练;; Preach CHEAYA, Samedech;王妃;; Prebyterian Church, USA;美国长老会;; precarious labour;不稳定劳工;; precautionary approach;预防方法;; precautionary management measures;预防性管理措施;; precautionary principle;预防原则;; precautionary reference point;预防性参考点;; precautionary TAC;预防性总可捕量;; price-level accounting;价格水平会计;; precedence;优先地位优先顺序;; preceding meeting;先期会期;; preceding period;前期;; Presidential Summit of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Concerted Political Action;常设协商和一致政治行动机构总统级首脑会议;; precious and base metal mineralization potential;贵金属和贱金属矿藏量;; precipitate;沈淀物;; precipitated barium sulphate;沈淀硫酸钡;; precipitation chemistry;降水化学;; precipitation climatology;降水气候学;; precipitation collector;降水收集器;; precipitation depth;降水深度;; precipitation enhancement;人工促进降水; 增加降水;; precipitation event;降水情况; 降水场合;; precipitation field;降水场;; precipitation gauge;量雨筒; 雨量计;; precipitation pattern;降水型式;; precipitation regime;季节降水特征;; precipitation sampler;降水取样器;; precipitator;除尘器; 吸尘器; 沈淀器;; precis-writer;简记员;; precision engineering techniques and horology;精密机械技术和钟表制造术;; precision weapon;精密武器;; precision-built camera;精密摄影机;; precision-guided munition;精密制导武器;PGM; Precludes the entry into force of the treaty as between ...;使条约在……之间不能生效;; precocious pregnancy;过早怀孕;; Precococene;使蛹不能成熟而杀死害虫的化合物质;; precollection;收集前;; precooked foods;熟食;; precursor;先质; 前体;; precursor chemicals;化学先质;; precursor gas of ozone;臭氧的气体先质;; precursor pollutant;前体污染物;; precursors and essential chemicals;先质和基本化学品;; predation;掠食;; predation intensity;掠食强度;; predation rate;掠食率;; predators;掠食鱼类;;类 predatory fishes;掠食性鱼类、肉食性鱼类;; predecessor organization;前组织先前组织;; predecessor state;先前国;; predictable pattern;可预测的模式特性;; predictable, continuous and assured;可以预测、持续不断和有保证的;; predictable, continuous and increasingly assured basis;可以预计、持续不断和日益有保证的基础上;; predispose to damage;易受损害的;; predrying;预先烘干过程;; pree-runs;印发份数;; prefabricated unit;预制构件;; prefabricated warehouses;预制仓库;; prefeasibility study;可行性初步研究;; prefect of police;警察局长;; prefect;省长;; Prefectoral Authorities;地方当局;; preferred stock redemption reserve;优先股赎回准备金;; preference;优先权;; preference dividends;优先股利;; preference earnings of the corporation;参与或非参与公司盈利分红的优先股;; preference of dividends;累积或非累积支付股利的优先股;; preference shares;优先股;; preference shares which may be callable for redemption at a specified price;按指定价格通知赎回的优先股;; preference shares which may be cumulative or non-cumulative as to the payment of dividends;累积或非累积支付股利的优先股;; preference shares which may be participating or non-participating as to the earnings of the corporation;参与或非参与公司盈利分红的优先股;; Preference-giving countries;给惠国;; preferential access conditions;优惠市场推销条件;; preferential duties tariff;特惠关税优惠关税;; preferential employment;优先雇用;; preferential import programme;优惠进口方案;CARIBCAN; preferential regimesystem;优惠制度体系;; preferential rights;优先权利; 优惠权利;; preferential tariff arrangements;特惠贸易协定;; preferential tariff system;关税特惠制; 关税优惠制;; preferential technology arrangement;优惠技术安排;; Preferential Trade Agreement;优惠贸易协定;PTA; Preferential Trade Area;优惠贸易区;PTA; Preferential Trade Area Clearing House;优惠贸易区票据交换所优惠区票据所;PTACH;优惠区票据所 Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States;东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区 东南非优惠贸易区;PTA;东南非优惠贸易区 Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States PTA Policy Organs Meeting and Tenth Anniversary Celebrations;东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区决策机构会议和十周年庆最动;; Preferential Trade Areas;优惠贸易区;PTA; Preferential Trade Areas Clearing House;优惠贸易区票据交换所优惠区票据所;PTACH;优惠区票据所 preferential treatment;优惠待遇;; preferred capital stock;优先股本;; preferred shares;优先股份;; preferred stock redemption reserve;优先股赎回准备金;; Prefet;省长;; pregnancy intervals; interpregnancy intervals;妊娠间隔;; pregnancy termination;中止妊娠;; pregnancy; pregnancy status;妊娠,怀孕;; Pregrey Customs House;普雷格尼海关大楼;; prejudge;预先制定;; prejudgement;不审判决;; prejudice to provisions;妨碍;; prejudice or racial superiority;种族优越偏见;; prejudice the interest of justice;影响司法;; prejudice to ...;妨碍; 影响; 损害;; prejudice to the other party;对当事另一方的权利有不利影响;; preliminary accounts;暂定帐目;; preliminary agreement;初步协定;; Preliminary Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Parties to the Constitutional Agreement;克罗地亚共和国与宪政协定缔约方间的初步协定;; Preliminary Assessment and Mid-term Review of the Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development;《联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领》执行情况的初步评价和中期审查;; Preliminary comprehensive report of the Working Group on the Role of the International Court of Justice;国际法院任务问题工作小组之初步综合报告;; preliminary conference;预备会议;; Preliminary development and testing phase;初步发展和试验阶段;PDTP; preliminary examination;初步侦察初步审查;; preliminary expenses;开办费;; preliminary figures;初步数字;; Preliminary framework of international development strategy for the 1970's;1970年代国际发展战略的初步框架;; preliminary hearing;调查厅,预审;; preliminary issues;先决问题;\; preliminary list;初步名单;; preliminary list of items;暂定项目表;; Preliminary List of Items to be Included in the Provisional Agenda of the Twenty-Seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly;暂定列入大会第二十七届翅临时议程项目 表;; Preliminary Meeting of the Ministers of Industry of the Developing Countries of the Asia and Pacific Region;亚洲及太平洋区域发展中国家工业部长预备会议;; preliminary mission;筹备团;; Preliminary objection;初步反对意见初步异议;; preliminary of peace;媾和初约和平初约;; preliminary operations;初步业务;; Preliminary Peace Conference;初步和平会议;; preliminary prior consultations;初步预先协商;; Preliminary report;初步报告; 第一次报告;; preliminary study;初步研究;; Preliminary study on Guarantees and Securities as related to International Payments;与国际支付有关的保证及担保品之初步研究;; preliminary technical appraisal;初步技术评价;; Preliminary treaty of peace;媾和初约和平初约;; PREM TINSULANONDA;炳·廷素拉暖;; PREMADASA, Ranasinghe;拉纳辛格·普雷马达萨;; Prematric Scholarships;预科奖学金;; premature birth;早产;; premature care;早产儿护理;; premature sexual activity;过早的性活动;; prematurity;早产;; premeditated, unprovoked act;预谋的无端故行动;; Premier conseiller;一级参赞;; Premier Consolidated Oilfields Ltd.;第一联合油田公司;; Premises of the mission;使馆馆舍代表团的房舍使团馆舍;; premises, equipment, supplies and services;房地、设备、用品和事务;; Premises/accommodation;房地/住宿;; premium;溢价贴水保险费;; premium on a lease;租赁费;; premium on capital stock;股本溢价;; premium price;优惠价格;; premium rate;保险费率升水率;; premium returns;额外利润;; PREMPEH, Osei Tutu;奥塞·图图·普伦佩;; prenatal and perinatal care;产前和围产期护理;; prenatal care;产前护理;; prenatal clinic;产前诊所;; prenatal diagnosis;产前诊断;; prenatal sex selection;产前性别选择;; prenatal substance addiction;出生前的药物成瘾;; prenatal syphilis;先天性梅毒;; PRENDERGAST, David Allen;戴维·艾伦·普伦德加斯特;; prendre note take note of;备悉;; Prensa, El;新闻报;; Prensa, La [Nicaragua];新闻报;; prenuptial medical examinations;婚前体检;; Preobrazhenie;“改革”运动;; prepacked;预先包装的;; prepaid and deferred expenses;待摊费用;; prepaid benefits;预付养恤金;; prepaid expenses;预付费用;; prepaid insurance;预付保险费、广告费和租金;; Prepaid Ticket Advices;机票预付凭单;PTA; Preparatory Assistance for the Establishment of an Oceangraphic Instate Phase I;建立海洋学院第一阶段的筹备性援助;; preparation;制备; 制剂; 准备;; preparation of programmes;方案的编制;; Preparation Division;书目编制司;; preparation of aggression;侵略的准备;; preparation of societies for life in peace;为各国社会共享和平生活做好准备;; preparation of the proposed programme budget;方案概算的编制;; preparations and catalogue section;编制和书目科;; preparations for oral use;口服制剂;; Preparations for the Mid-term Review and Appraisal of the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade;联合国第二个发展十年国际发展战略的中期审查和评价的筹备工作;; Preparatory Ministerial Conference on the African Common Position on Environment and Development, UNCED;环发会议非洲对环境与发展的共同立场问题部长级筹备会议;; Preparatory activities and preliminary operations;筹备工作与初步业务;; preparatory allocation;预备性拨款;; preparatory assistance allocation;筹备性援助拨款;; preparatory authority;筹备权力;; Preparatory Commission for Denuclearization of Latin America;拉丁美洲非核化事宜筹备委员会拉非核筹委 会;COPREDAL;拉非核筹委 会 Preparatory Commission for the International Fund for Agricultural Development;国际农业发展基金筹备委员会;; Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the Intern;国际海底管理局和国际海洋法法庭筹备委员 会;; Preparatory Commission for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons;禁止化学武器组织筹备委员会;; Preparatory Commission Training Panel;筹备委员会训练小组;; Preparatory Committee;筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements;联合国人居-人类住区会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the 1995 Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年会议筹备委 员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations;联合国五十周年纪念筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations;联合国四十周年纪念筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Fourth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国第四次审查会议筹 备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Habitat;人居会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on the Question of Palestine;巴勒斯坦问题国际会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Central American Refugees;中美洲难民问题国际会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the International conference on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development;裁军和发展之间关系国际会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the International Sea-bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;国际海床管理局和海洋法国际法庭筹备委员 会;; Preparatory Committee for the New International Development Strategy;新的国际发展战略筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Second Development Decade;第二个发展十年筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Second Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof;禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他 大规馁灭性武器条约 缔约国第二届审查会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Third Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament;第三届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议筹 备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Second Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament;第二届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议筹 备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries;第二次联合国最不发达国家问题会议筹备委 员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Special Fund;特设基金会筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Development and International Economic Cooperation;专门讨论发展和国际经济合作问题的大会特 别会议的筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Third Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国第三次审查会议筹 备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Third Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof;禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他 大规馁灭性武器条约 缔约国第三届审查会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the Thirtieth Anniversary of the United Nations;联合国三十周年纪念筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International Cooperation in the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy;联合国促进国际合作和平利用核能会议筹备 委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships;联合国船舶登记条件会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations conference on Environment and Development;联合国环境与发展会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II;联合国人类住区会议人居二筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development;科学和技术促进发展会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;联合国发展中国家技术合作会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment;联合国人类环境会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries;联合国最不发达国家问题会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa;关于制裁种族主义南非的世界会议筹备委员 会;; Preparatory Committee for the World Summit for Social Development;社会发展问题世界首脑会议筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee of the Whole for the Seventeenth Session;第十七届会议全体筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee of the Whole for the Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to International Economic Cooperation, in Particular to the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries;大会专门讨论国际经济合作、特别是恢复发 展中国家经济增长和发展的特别会议 全体筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee of the Whole for the Special Session of the General Assembly to Consider the Question of International Cooperation against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance;大会审议国际合作取缔麻醉药品和精神药物 非法生产、供应、需求、贩运和分销问题 特别会议全体筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee of the Whole for the Special Session of the General Assembly on the Question of International Cooperation against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs;关于国际合作取缔麻醉药品的非法生产、 供应、需求、贩运和分销问题的大会特别会 议全体筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee of the Whole for the Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to International Economic Cooperation;专门讨论国际经济合作问题的大会特别会议 全体筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court;设立国际刑事法院筹备委员会;; Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of the International Centre for Genet;建立国际遗传工程和生物技术中心筹备委员会;; preparatory costs;筹备费;; preparatory cycle of secondary school;中学预备班;; Preparatory Expert Group Meeting for Consultations;协商会议专家组筹备会议;; Preparatory Fact-finding Mission;初步实况调查团;; Preparatory meeting;筹备会议;; Preparatory meeting for the Global Review and Appraisal of Implementation of the Substantial New Programme of Action in 1990;1990年全球性审查和评价《新的实质性行动纲领》执行情况筹备会议;; Preparatory meeting for the International Year of the Family Africa and Western Asia;非洲和西亚国际家庭年筹备会议;; Preparatory Meeting of High-Level Government Experts for the Regional Conference on Industrialization;工业化问题区域会议高级别政府专家筹备会议;; Preparatory Meeting of Island Developing Countries of the Caribbean;加勒比发展中岛屿国筹备会议;; Preparatory Meeting on Bauxite Second;第二次铝土筹备会议;; Preparatory Meeting on Technology Transfer, Cooperation and Local Capacities;技术转让、合作和本地能力问题筹备会议; 技术转让问题筹备会议;; preparatory mission activity;筹备工作团活动;; Preparatory Mission on Technical Assistance for the Development of Agriculture Machinery Suitable for Use and Production in Asian Countries;发展适宜亚洲国家使用和生产的农业机械技术援助筹备工作团;; Preparatory Parliamentary Conference for Euro-Arab Cooperation;阿拉伯-欧洲议会合作筹备会议;; preparatory phase malaria control;准备阶段;; Preparatory Regional on Youth and Development in Africa;青年和发展问题区域筹备会议;; Preparatory Scientific Committee;科学筹备委员会;; Preparatory Technical Maritime Conference;筹备性技术海事会议;; preparatory work travaux preparatoires;准备工作;; Preparatory Working Group on Tungsten;钨砂筹备工作组;; Prepare articles;草拟;; prepare experts;培训专家;;专家 prepare formulate a programme, to;拟订方案;; prepared on a gross basis;按毛额编制;; Prepared opium;精制鸦片;; preparedness;准备好的状态;; Preparedness Plan to Cope with Food Emergency;粮荒准备计划;; preparedness planning;准备工作的规划;; preferred stock redemption reserves;优先股赎回准备;; prepolymer;预聚物;; preponderance of responsibilities;主要的职务; 职务的重点;; Prequalification;资格预审;; prereproductive-age girl;育龄前女孩;; PRESCOTT, Darlene;达琳·普雷斯科特;; PRESCOTT, Donna;唐娜·普雷斯科特;; prescribed agency reviews;指定的机构审查;; prescribed format;规定的格式;; prescribed timetable;核定时间表;; prescription;时效时限;; Prescription Act, No. 68 of 1969, S.21;时效法,一九六九年第六十八号,S.21;; prescription by medical doctors, on;须经医师处方;; prescription drugs;经处方开出的麻醉品;; prescrubber;预洗涤装置; 预涤气装置;; presence;驻留驻扎存在在场;; presence or availability of persons;出庭或在场;; Presendial Council of Angola;总统委员会;; present an amendment;提出修正案;; present and not voting;出席而不参加表决;; present assessment formula;现行计算分摊会费摊款公式;; Present Day Asia;《现代亚洲》半月刊;; present document has not been edited, The;本文件译自未经审定的英文原件;; present formula;现行办法; 现行公式;; present international and national data collection arrangements;现有的国际和家数据收集安排;; present its compliments to ...;向……致意;; present own's case;陈诉自己的案情;; present the credentials;递交证书递交国书呈递国书;; present value;现值;PV; Present-value depreciation;现值折旧法;; presentation;表述法; 表述形式;; presentation format;表列格式;; Presentation of budgets;预算编制方式;; Presentation of estimates;概算编制格式;; presentation of the budget;预算编制格式;; presentation of the study;研究报告的排印形式;; Presentation of the United Nations budget by programme;按方案编制联合国预算;; Presentation officer;图表干事;; Presentation Unit;图表股;; presented in United States dollars;以美元为单位编列;; preservation;保存; 防腐; 保持; 维护;; Preservation and further development of cultural values, including protection, restitution and return of cultural and artistic property;保存和进一步发扬文化价值包括堡、归 还、送回文化和艺术财产;; preserve;堡地; 保留地; 禁猎地;; Preshipment Inspection;发货前的检验;PSI; Presidenciaq de Conselho;国务会议主席办公厅;; Presidency;1. 主席团[南斯拉夫、波黑] 2. 主席[欧盟; 西欧联盟等] 3.院长会议 [国际刑事法院];; Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那主席团;; Presidency of EC Head of State/Government;欧洲共同体主席团 国家元首或政府首脑;;国家元首或政府首脑 Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of Yugoslav Communists, the;南斯拉夫共产主义联盟中央主席团;; Presidency of the Government;元首办公室;; Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国主席团;; Presidency of the Supreme National Council;全国最高委员会主席;; President;1.[国际法庭]庭长; 2. 主席; 3. 总统; 4.总裁[世界银行, 农发基金等, 公司等] 5.院长;; President of the Supreme National Council;全国最高委员会主席;; President of the Chamber;庭长;; President of the Supreme National Council;全国最高委员会主席;; President of Academic Council;校务委员会主席;; President of Cambodia;柬埔寨主席;; President of Federal Executive Council;联盟执行委员会主席;; President of the French Community;联盟会长;; President of the Chamber of Representatives;众议院议长;; President of the CILSS Heads of State Conference;萨赫勒抗旱常委会首脑会议主席;; President of the Committee for Inspection of State Affairs;国家监察委员会主席;; President of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities;欧洲共同体部长理事会主席;; President of the Council of State;国务委员会主席;; President of the Croatian Union of Herceg-Bosna;黑塞哥--波斯那的克族联盟总统;; President of the Democratic Kampuchea party;民主柬埔寨一方主席;; President of the Government;内阁总理;; President of the International Tribunal;国际法庭庭长;; President of the Palestinian National Authority;巴勒斯坦民族权力机构巴权力机构主席;PNA; President of the Senate;参议院议长;; President of the Tribunal;国际法庭庭长;; President's Council;总统理事会;; Presidential Committee;主席委员会主席团;; Presidential Committee of the World Peace Council;世界和平理事会主席团;; Presidential Council of Democratic Yemen;也门民主共和国总统委员会;; Presidential Council of the Arab Maghreb Union;阿拉伯马格里布联盟总统委员会;; Presidential Council of the Confederation of Arab Republics;阿拉伯共和国联邦总统委员会;; Presidential Council;1.总统委员会[安哥拉] 2.主席团[主席团];; Presidential Forum on the Management of Science and Technology for Development in Africa;非洲科技管理促进发展总统论坛;; Presidential Human Rights Committee;总统人权委员会;COPREDEH; Presidential Meeting of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Concerted Political Action;协商和协调政治行动常设机构主席会议;; Presidential parliamentary republic;总统议会制共和国;; Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms;总统市场机制工作队;; presiding arbitrator;首席仲裁员;; Presiding Board of the Islamic Consultative Assembly;伊斯兰议会主席团;; Presiding Clerk;会议主持人公谊会;;公谊会 presiding judge;主审法官审判长; 首席法官;; Presiding Judge of the Chamber;分庭主审法官;; Presiding Officer;会议主持者[大会议事规则]投票站主任[Turks选举];; Presiding Officer of the Working Group;工作组会议主持人;; Presidium;主席团;; Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the Mongolian People's Republic;蒙古人民共和国大人民呼拉尔主席团;; Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly;最高人民会议主席团;; Presidium of the Supreme Soviet;最高苏维埃主席团;; PRESLE, Bertrand de Sauville de la;贝特朗·德索维尔·德拉普雷斯尔上将;;上将 Press Agencies Pool of Non-aligned Countries;不结盟国家通讯社联盟;; Press and Information Office;新闻和资料处;; Press and public services area;新闻和公众事务区;; Press and Publications Division;新闻和出版司;PPD; Press Attache;新闻专员;; Press Committee of the Armed Forces;武装部队新闻委员会;; Press Counsellor;新闻参赞新闻参事;; Press Documents Counter;新闻文件柜台;; press encounter;记者座谈会;; Press Foundation of Asia;亚洲新闻基金会亚新基金;PFA;亚新基金 Press kit;新闻资料袋;; press officer;新闻干事; [外交]新闻官员;; Press Release;新闻稿;; press release distribution desk;新闻稿散发处;; Press release services;新闻发布事务;; press run;发行份数;; Press Section;新闻科;; Press Service;新闻处;; Press working area;记者工作区;; pressed flowers telegram;“压花电报”;; pressure groups;压力集团;; Pressure Modulated Radiometer;压力调制辐射仪;PMR; pressure regulator;压力调节器;; pressurized container;加压舱;; pressurized fluidized bed combustion;加压流化床燃烧;; pressurized instrumentation container;加压仪器仓;; PRESTON, Lewis T.;刘易斯·普雷斯顿;; Prestressed Concrete Association of Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马预应力混凝土协会;; presumed affected state;假定的受影响国;; presumed fault;推定过失;; presumed innocent until proved guilty;未经确定有罪前视为无罪;; presumption of fact;事实推定;; presumption of innocence;无罪推定;; presumption of law;法律上的推定;; presumption of misadventure;已遭不幸推定;; presumption taxation;推定税制;; presumptive fraud;舞弊嫌疑;; presumptive tax assessment;推定税额办法;; presumptive test;推定化验;; presumptive treatment;推测治疗;; Presunto Delincuente Terrorista;被指称的恐怖主义犯罪分子;PPDDTT; preto black;黑人;; Pretoria Minute;比勒陀利亚会议记录;; Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Veereeniging;比勒陀利亚-威特沃特斯兰-费伦尼京 比威费区;PWV;比威费区 pretreatment;预处理; 前处理;; Prevail, provisions of that other treaty;该先定或后定条约之规定居优先;; prevailing conditions;主导条件;; prevailing practice;通行惯例;; prevailing price;现行价格 时价;; prevailing United Nations rate of exchange;联合国现行汇率;; prevailing wind;盛行风;; PREVAL, Rene;勒内·普雷瓦尔;; prevalence;流行率;; prevalence of disability;残疾流行情况;; prevalence of disease;疾病流行;; prevent, control and abate pollution;防止、控制和减少污染;; prevent, neutralize or mitigate the damage or damage to other watercourse states resulting therefrom;防止、缓解或减轻因此对水道国造成的危险 或损害;; Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil Act, No. 67 of 1972;防止并清除海洋油污法一九七一年第六十七 号;; Prevention and control of acquired immune deficiency syndrome Aids;预防和控制后天免疫丧失综合症艾滋病;;艾滋病 Prevention and control of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Aids;预防和控制后天免疫丧失综合症艾滋病;;艾滋病 prevention and reduction of the illicit demand for drugs;预防和减少药物非法需求;; Prevention of an arms race in outer space;防止外层空间的军备竞赛 防止外空军备竞赛;PAROS;防止外空军备竞赛 Prevention of an arms race in outer space and its termination on earth;防止外层空间军备竞赛和终止地球上的军备竞赛;; prevention of crime;预防犯罪;; Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders;预防犯罪和罪犯待遇;; Prevention of Discrimination Unit;防止歧视股;; prevention of diseases;疾病预防;; Prevention of Food Losses;防止粮食耗损办法;PFL;办法 Prevention of major industrial accidents, An ILO code of practice;劳工组织关于防止重大工业事故的业务守则;; Prevention of Maritime Fraud;防止海运欺诈;; Prevention of nuclear war;防止核战争;; Prevention of disputes;防止发生争端;; Prevention routiere internationale, la;国际公路安全协会;; prevention strategies;预防战略;; preventive and curative measures;预防性和治疗性措施;; preventive check;预防性检查;; Preventive deployment operation;预防性部署行动;; preventive detention;防范性拘留;; Preventive Education Unit;预防教育股;; preventive food;备荒粮;; preventive functions;预防职能;; preventive health care;预防性保健;; preventive maintenance;预防性维修检修、保养;;检修、保养 preventive measure;预防措施;; preventive measures in environmental emergencies;环境紧急情况中的预防措施;; preventive obligation;预防义务;; Preventive sea and air patrols;预防性海空巡逻;; preventive strategy;预防性策略;; preventive zone;预防区;; preview book;项目预审手册;; preview meeting;预审会议;; preview of projects;项目预审;; preview stage of projects;预审阶段;; previous business;原企业;; previous question;先决问题;; Prevlaka;普雷维拉卡;; Prevlaka Peninsula;普雷维拉卡半岛;; prey;被食鱼;; prey abundance;被食鱼丰量;; Prey Chhor;波雷乔县;; Prey Nup;波雷诺县;; PRIAMO ALVARENGA, Ivo;伊沃·普里莫·阿尔瓦伦加;; price adjusted rate of exchange;按物价调整的换算汇率价格调整汇率 价调汇率;PARE;价调汇率 price analyses and comparisons;价格分析和比较;; price and volume measures;价格和物量计算价格和物量计算法 价格和物量衡量标准;; price constant-in space;空间不变价格;; price deflators;价格平减指数;; Price deflector;价格减缩指数;; price distortion;价格反常;; price fixing;规定价格限定价格;; price fluctuations;价格波动;; price index;物价指数;; price lists;价目表;; price questionnaire;物价调查表;; price range;价格范围幅度;;幅度 price relatives;价比;; price taker;受价人;; PRICE, Halisi;哈利西·普赖斯;; price-adjusted exchange rate;价格调整汇率;PARE; price-adjusted rates of exchange;价格调整汇率 价调汇率;PARE;价调汇率 price-adjustment methodology;价格调整办法;; price-earnings ratio;价格--收益比率;; price-elasticity;价格弹性;; price-level accounting;价格水平会计;; price-level adjusted financial statements;按价格水平调整的财务报表;; price-regulating effect;价格调整效应;; Prices of Selected Asia/Pacific Products;亚洲及太平洋选定产品价格;; Pricing policies;定价政策;; pricing policy;定价政策;; Principle of non-refoulement;不驱回原则;NR; PRICKETT, Christopher Richard;克里斯托弗·理查德·普里克特;; PRIDA, Maria de Los Angeles Florez;玛丽亚·德洛斯安赫莱斯·弗洛雷斯·普里达;; PRIEST, Jan;简·普里斯特;; Prijedor;普里耶多尔;; prilling;颗怜;; prills;小颗粒;; prima facie;初步证据;; prima facie case;表面上证据确凿的案件;; prima facie evidence;初步证据; 表面证据;; primacy;人口聚居;; PRIMAKOV, Yevgeny M.;叶夫根尼·普里马科夫;; primary and secondary wood processing industries;初级和次级木材加工工业;; primary colour;原色;; Primary commodities, products;初级商品、产品;; primary commodity market;初级商品市场;; primary consumers;初级消费者 例如: 食草动物;; primary coolant pumps;一次冷却剂泵;; primary cosmic radiation;原宇宙辐射;; primary dependant;一级受扶养人;; primary deposit;现金存款;; primary distribution of income;收入初次分配;; primary divisions;一级区主区;; primary education;初级教育;; primary education project;初级教育项目;PEP; primary electricity;一次电;; primary energy;一次能源;; Primary Environmental Care;初级环境堡初级环保;PEC;初级环保 primary export earnings;初级商品出口收益;; primary exports;初级出口品;; primary financial statement;基本财务报表;; primary forest;原始林; 原生林;; primary formation;原始地形; 原始结构; 一级结构;; primary hazard;主要危险;; primary health care;初级保健;PHC; Primary Health Care Operations Research;初级保健业务研究;PRICOR; Primary Health Care Programme of Mozambique;莫桑比克初级保健方案;; primary health care services;初级保健服务;; primary health care technology;初级保健技术;Committee 3; Primary Health Care Training Centre;初级保健培训中心;; primary health care; PHC;初级保健初级保健;; primary health worker;初级保健人员;; primary income;原始收入;; primary incomes by kind of activity of the material sphere;原始收入,按物质领域活动类别分列;; primary incomes from net material product by sector;得自物质产品净值的原始收入,按部门分列;; primary infertility;原发性不育症;; primary level workers;基层工作人员;; primary liability;第一位赔偿责任;; primary magma;原始岩浆; 母岩浆;; primary market;初级市场;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司