翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 primary obligation;首要义务主要义务;; primary output;主要产出;; primary payload;主要载荷;; primary pollutant;原生污染物; 一次污染物;; primary producers;初级产品生产者;; primary production;农业生产; 初级生产;; primary products;初级产品;; primary response time;从作出决策到商品上市所需的时间;; primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security;维护国际和平与安全的主要责任;; primary responsibility;主要责任;; primary rules;主要规则;; primary school age;小学年龄;; primary school enrolments;小学入学人数;; primary school equivalency programme;相当于小学水平的校外教育方案;; primary sector;主要部门;; primary sector industry;初级部门;; primary soil;原始土壤;; primary standard;一级标准;; primary structure;原始结构; 一级结构;; primary treatment;废水的初级处理; 一级处理;; Primary Tungsten Association;钨砂生产者协会;PTA; primary wave;P波; 纵波 地震波;; primary-level health care;初级保健;; primary-level worker;基层工作人员;; primary-school enrolment;小学入学人数;; primary-school-age group;小学学龄儿童;; primate;天主教首主教首席主教;; primate city;人口聚居城市[see also: primacy]; 主要大城市;; primate city size distribution;首要大城市的人口分布情况;; Prime Minister;总理; 首相;; Prime Minister of the State Council;政务院总理;; Prime Ministers' Conference;总理会议;; Prime rate;优惠利率;; primigravida;初孕妇;; primitive agriculture;最初的农业;; PRIMO, Jose Guerreiro Alves;若泽·格雷罗·阿尔维斯·普里莫;; primordial consideration;优先考虑;; primus inter pares: first among his equals;侪辈之冠;; Prince Albert Satellite Station in Canada's Saskatchewan Province;加拿大萨斯喀彻温省艾伯特王子卫星站;; Prince Consort;伴君; 王夫;; Prince Regent;摄政王;; Princess Tours, US;美国公主旅行社;; principal;主犯委托人;; Principal Research Officer;特等研究干事;; principal account;主要帐户;; principal act;主犯行为;; Principal Assessment and Evaluation Officer;特等评估干事;; Principal Assistant;特等助理;; principal claim;主诉;; Principal Clerk;特等办事员;; principal consultant;总顾问;; Principal Deputy High Representative;首席副高级代表;; Principal Director;特等主任;; principal earner;主要的赚钱人;; Principal Economist;特等经济学家;; Principal Field Officer II;特等外勤事务员 II;; principal language;主体语言;; Principal Law Officer;首席司法官;; principal level;特等[General Service];PL; principal of the Fund;基金本金;; Principal Officer D-1;特等干事;; Principal Officer in Charge of Planning and Intersectoral Projects;主管规划和部门间项目的特等干事;; Principal Officer on Oceans;海洋问题特等干事;; principal product;主要产品;; Principal Programme Representative;特等方案代表;PPR; Principal Project Resident Representative;特等项目驻地代表;PPRR; Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋主要区域办事处亚太办事处;PROAP;亚太办事处 Principal Resident Representative;特等驻地代表;; Principal Secretariat of the King;国王首席秘书处;; Principal Secretary;特等秘书;; principal source of realized income;已实现收益的主要来源;; Principal Working Party on Road Transport;公路运输主要工作队;; Principality of Liechtenstein;列支敦士登公国;; Principality of Monaco;摩纳哥公国;; principle and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order;有关新的国际经济秩序的国际法原则和规范;; principle of accountability;问责制原则;; principle of autonomy of the parties;当事各方自主原则;; principle of capacity to pay;支付能力原则;; principle of consensus;协商一致原则;; principle of effective nationality;有效国籍原则;; principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples;各民族享有平等权利与自决权之原则;; Principle of Equal Security;同等安全原则;; Principle of equal security of all States;所有国家同等安全原则;; Principle of equality and equal security;平等和同等安全原则;; principle of equality and mutual benefit;平等互利原则;; Principle of equidistance;相等距离原则;; principle of functional protection of arrested and detained officials;被逮捕和拘留工作人员的职能堡原则;; principle of geographical rotation;按地域轮换的原则;; Principle of International Law recognised in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgement of the Tribunal;纽伦堡法庭宪章和判决书所确认的国际法原 则;; Principle of international standard;内外人平等主义;; principle of majority rule;多数人统治的原则;; Principle of Medical Ethics;医疗道德原则;; principle of non-discrimination on grounds of sex;不因性别而加以歧视的原则;; principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of gender;不得有性别歧视的原则;; Principle of non-extradition of own subjects;本国人民不引渡原则;; principle of non-refoulement;不驱回原则;NR; principle of proportionality of penal sanctions;量刑原则;; Principle of Reciprocity;相互原则;; principle of shared responsibility and partnership;分担责任和伙伴关系原则;; principle of sovereign equality of states;国家主权平等原则;; principle of subordination;服从原则;; principle of territoriality;属地性原则;; principle of uniformity of treatment;原则上一视同仁;; principle that any change of border by force is not acceptable;不接受任何以武力改变国界的原则;; principle that states shall fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the Charter;各国应一秉诚意履行其依《宪章》所负之原 则;; principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations;各国在其国际关系上应避免为侵害任何国家 领土完整或政治独立之目的、或以与联合国 宗旨不符之任何其他方式使用威胁或武力之 原则;; principle that States shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered;各国应以和平方式解决其国际争端俾免危及 国际和平、安全及正义之原则;; Principles and criteria for the Protection of and assistance to Central American refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Latin America;堡和援助在拉丁美洲的中美洲难民、回返 者和流离失所人员的原则和标准;; Principles and Guarantees for the Protection of Mentally Ill Persons;堡精神病患者的原则和保障措施;; Principles and Norms Governing Cooperation among States and Government of the Horn of Africa in Humanitarian Matters;指导非洲之角国家和政府在人道主义事务方 面合作的原则和准则;; principles and norms of international law;国际法原则和规范;; principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order;关于新的国际经济秩序的国际法原则和规范;; principles and objectives;原则和目标;; Principles and Policies for Programme Planning, Implementation and Evaluation;方案规划、执行和评价的原则和政策;; Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses;关于人口和住房普查的原则和建议;; principles and rules of international law;国际法原则和规则;; Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution, and related recommendations on Equal Rights of Access and Non-Discrimination;关于越界污染问题的原则和关于平等获取权 利和不歧视的建议;; Principles for a New Constitution for Cambodia;柬埔寨新宪法原则;; Principles for Restoration of Infrastructure;恢复基础设施的原则;; Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment;堡所有遭受任何形式拘留或监禁的人的原 则;; Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and for the Improvement of Mental Health, draft;堡精神病患者和改善精神保健的原则草案;; Principles governing Conventional Arms Transfers;常规武器转让原则;; Principles Governing the Use by States of Artificial Earth Satellites for International Direct Television Broadcasting;各国利用人造地球卫星进行国际直接电视广 播所应遵守的原则;; Principles of Conduct in the Fields of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources shared by Two or More States;指导各国养护和协调利用两国或多国共有自 然资源的环境领域行为原则;; Principles of Coordination;协调原则;; Principles of Freedom of Navigation in Open Seas;公海通航自由原则;; Principles of International Cooperation in the Detection, Arrest, Extradition and Punishment of Persons Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity [1973];关于侦察、逮捕、引渡和惩治战争罪犯和危 害人类罪犯的国际合作原则;; Principles of Medical Ethics;医疗道德原则;; Principles of Medical Ethics Relevant to the Role of Health Personnel in the Protection of Persons against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, draft;医疗人员在堡人们免受酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚方面的作用的 医疗道德原则草案;; Principles of Medical Ethics relevant to the role of health personnel, particularly physicians, in the protection of prisoners and detainees against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;有关医务人员,特别是医生,在堡被监禁和拘留的人不受酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚方面的作用的医疗道德原则;; principles of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe;欧洲安全和合作会议的原则;; Principles of the London Conference;伦敦会议原则;; Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions;有效防止和调查法外处决、任意处决和即审 即决事件的原则;; Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Arbitrary and Summary Executions, including Extra-legal Executions;有效防止和调查任意处决和即审即决,包括 法外处决事件的原则;; Principles on the Prohibition of Military and Armed Attacks on Refugee Camps and Settlements;禁止军事和武装袭击难民营和安置点的原则 草案;; Principles Regarding Cooperation in the Field of Transboundary Waters;越界水体领域的合作原则;; Principles Regarding International Cooperation in the Exploration and Utilization of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes;关于为和平目的探索及利用外层空间的国际 合作的原则;; Principles relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space;关于从外层空间遥感地球的原则;; Principles relating to the status of national institutions;有关国家机构地位的原则;; Principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights;有关促进和堡人权的国家机构的地位的原 则;; principles relevant to the use of nuclear power sources in outer space, draft;在外层空间使用核动力源的原则草案;; Principles that should govern further actions of States in the field of the freezing and reduction of military budgets;关于各国在冻结和裁减军事预算领域采取进 一步行动所应遵守的各项原则;; Principles, Criteria and Environmental Framework of Operations;作业原则、标准和环境框架;; Principles, guidelines and guarantees for the protection of persons detained on grounds of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder;堡因精神病或精神失常而被拘留的人的原 则、指导方针和堡措施;; Principles, Policies, Guidelines and Procedures for a Preparatory commission Training Programme, draft;筹备委员会训练方案的原则、政策、方针和 程序草案;; Principles for Dispute Settlement and Provisions for a CSCE Procedure for Peaceful Settlement of Disputes;解决争端原则和欧安会和平解决争端程序规 定;; print shop;印刷房;; print-outs;印出图表;;图表 printed metallized film;镀金属印膜;; printed page;印页;; printer;印刷器打印机;; printer-processor for microfiches;缩微胶片冲印机;; printing;印刷; 印刷费;; Printing and Kindred Industries Union;印刷同业工会;; Printing Department;印务部;; printing form;印刷格式;; printing industry;印刷业;; printing of Philatelic material;集邮材料和印刷费;; printing officer;印务干事;; printing requirements;所需印刷费;; Printing Section;印务科;; Printing Service;印务处;; Printing Unit;印务股;; printout;打印输出;; prior biennia;上一个两年期; 前两年期;; prior consent;事先同意;; prior consultations;预先协商;; prior conviction;曾被判罪;; prior deposits;预付保证金;; prior informed consent procedure;事先知情的同意程序;PIC; prior tempore, prior jure: first in time, first by right; first come, first served;先到者优先;; prior treaty;先前条约先订条约;; prior year Emergency Fund balance;上年度紧急基金结余;; prior year's obligations;往年债务;; prior year's unappropriated funds;上年度未分配基金;; prior years;以前各年度;; prior years' obligations;以往各年度债务;; prior-period adjustment;前期调整项目;; priorities;优先地位优先次序轻重缓急;; Priorities and focus in UNICEF programmes of cooperation;儿童基金会合作方案的优先事项及重点;; Priorities for global activities and programmes during the second half of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;联合国残疾人十年后半期的全球优先活动 和方案;; priorities within programmes;方案内的优先次序;; priority;优先次序优先事项;; Priority Action and Investment Programme in Population;人口问题中的优先行动和投资方案;; Priority Africa;非洲优先事项;; priority chemical;首要化学品优先化学品;; priority country;优先国家;; priority drugs in the UNIDO illustrative list;工发组织说明性清单中重点药品;; priority ecosystems;首要生态系统优先生态系统;; Priority for Action;优先行动;; Priority Health Needs in Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马优先卫生需求;; priority interventions;优先措施优先活动;; priority needs;优先需要;; priority problems;优先次序的问题;; Priority Programme for Economic Recovery 1986-1990;1986-1990年非洲经济复苏优先方案;; priority projects;优先项目;; priority ratings;评定的优先次序;; Priority Rehabilitation Programme;优先复兴方案;PRP; priority sectors;优先部门;; Priority Social Action Programme;优先社会行动方案;; Priority Subject Area;优先工作部门;; Priority Substances List;首要物质清单;; Priority Survey;优先性调查;; priority topics;优先项目;; priority, first;绝对优先项目;; priority, high;重要优先项目;; priority, higher;更重要优先项目;; priority, lower;次重要优先项目;; priority, to have;有优先权;; priority-setting;制定优先次序;; priority-setting system;制定优先次序的制度;; priroda module;自然舱;; prison;监狱,看守所,拘留所;; prison abuse;虐待犯人行为;; Prison Act, No. 8 of 1959;监狱法,1959年第八号;; Prison Fellowship International;国际监狱联谊会;; prison official;监狱官;; prison population;监狱人口;; Prison Rules;监狱条例;; prison service;狱政署狱政部;; prisoner;囚犯,被监禁者;; prisoner of conscience;政治犯良心犯;; Prisoners' Advisory Release Board;犯人获释咨询委员会;; prisoners' aid societies;囚犯援助社团;;社团 Prisoners' Friends Association;囚犯之友协会;; Prisons Commissioner;典狱长;; Prisons Control Commission;监狱管制委员会;; Pristina;普里什蒂纳;; pristine area;处女地; 生荒地;; Pritzker International Prize for Architecture;国际普里茨克建筑学奖;; privacy;隐私权私生活清静秘密;; Privatbanken of Copenhagen;哥本哈根私营银行;; Private Agencies Collaborating Together, Inc.;民间机构合作协会;PACT; private automatic branch exchange;专用自动交换分机分机;PABX;分机 private bill;私议案;; private capital formation;私人资本形成;; private consultation;非公开协商;; private consumption per capita;人均私人消费;; private convention;私人合约;; Private Development Finance Company of Indonesia;印尼私人发展资金筹措公司;PDFCI; private diplomacy;悄悄外交;; private donations pledged;私人认捐款项;; private economy;私有经济;; private final consumption expenditure;私人最后消费支出;; private for profit and private for non-profit institutions;营利私营机构和非营利私营机构;; Private Funding Section;私营筹资科;; private industrial enterprise;私营工业企业;; private international law;国际私法;; private investment;私人投资民间投资;; private law remedies;私法补救办法;; Private Libraries Association;私人图书馆协会;PLA; private limited liability companies;私人股份有限公司;; private meetings;非公开会议;; private non-guaranteed debt;私人无担保债务;; private non-profit institution;私人非营利机构;PNPI; private persons or entities;私人或私人实体;; private placement;私募资金;; private practice;开业医生;;医生 private sector;私营部门; 民营部门;; Private Sector Development Review Group;私营部门发展审查小组;; Private Sector Development Unit;私营部门发展股;; private sector fund-raising;私营部门筹款;PSFR; Private Sector Fund-raising Development Programme;私营部门筹款发展方案筹款发展方案;FDP;筹款发展方案 Private Sector Fund-raising Group;私营部门筹资组;; Private Sector Inter-bureau Task Force;私营部门局际工作队;; Private Sector Partnership;私营部门伙伴关系;; private staff;私人职员;; private unincorporated enterprises;私人非股份有限企业;; privately-owned companies;私有公司;; privilege discrimination in favour of women;优待妇女;; privileges and immunities;特权和豁免;; privileges of membership;会员特权;; Privy Council;枢密院;; Prix Hughes;虞格奖;; prize court;捕获法院;; prize crew;捕获船员捕获水手;; Prize for Peace;和平奖;; Prize for Peace Education;和平教育奖;; Prize for the Promotion of the Civil Service;促进公共事务奖;; Prize for the Teaching of Human Rights;人权教学奖;; prize money;捕获奖励金;; prize salvage;捕获拯救金捕获救助费;; pro bono publico;为公益计;; pro domo sua;自行辩护;; pro forma balance sheet;预计资产负债表;; pro forma cost;估计费用;; pro forma invoice;估价单暂定发票;; pro forma statement;预测报表;; pro forma;形式上估计之循例假定的预计; 预编; 暂列;; pro hac vice;只限于此只限这一次只限于这种情形;; pro memoria;以为纪念备注备忘录数额待 定;; pro rata average;按比例平均;; pro rata reduction;按比例核减;; pro rata;按比例;; pro tempore pro. tem.;临时暂代;pro. tem.; pro-active;事先安排; 未雨绸缪; 积极主动的;; pro-active, effective and modern recruitment system;事先安排未雨绸缪积极主动的;; pro-child anti-crime network;堡儿童打击犯罪网络;; pro-choice;赞成堕胎选择的;; pro-consul;代理领事;; Pro-Crianca Pro-Child Programme;爱护儿童方案;; Pro-cyclical;助长商业周期性波动;; Pro-Independence Movement;赞成独立运动;MPI; pro-life;反对堕胎的;; pro-life organization;反对堕胎组织;; pro-natalist population policy;鼓励提高人口出生率的人口政策; 鼓励生育的政策;; proactive role;主动进攻的作用;; probability sampling;概率取样;; probable loss;可能发生的损失;; probate court;遗嘱法院;; probation;察看以观后效,缓刑考验,保释;; probation officer;监护官,监视缓刑的官员;; probationary appointment;试用;; probe;探针探头探测器;; Probe International, Inc.;国际调查公司;; probing strategy;探索战略;; problem of immigration;外来移民问题移民入境问题;; problem of remnants of war;战争残余物问题;; problem of the elderly and the aged;年长人和老年人问题;; problem waste;问题废物;; problem-solving approach;解决问题的办法;; problematique;难题;; problems of input-output tables and analysis;投入产出表格及分析之问题;; problems of storage and its costs in organizations of the United Nations system;联合国系统各组织的储存及其费用问题;; Procedimiento Operativo Normal sobre Prioridad de Investigaciones, Capturas y Derechos de los Detenidos;关于优先调查、捕获和被拘留者权利的正常执行程序;; Procedural Agreements for the Search for Peace by Political Means;通过政治手段谋求和平的程序性协定;; Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute;国际法程序问题研究所;; Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute -- The international Human Rights Law Group;国际法程序问题研究所 -- 国际人权法律小组;; procedural clauses;程序条款;; procedural committees;程序委员会;; procedural immunities;程序上的豁免;; procedural law;程序法;; procedural matters;程序事项;; procedural obligation;程序性义务;; procedural order;程序问题的裁定预审裁定;; procedural rights;被告的程序性权利;; procedural safeguards;程序上的保障;; procedural vote;程序投票程序表决;; procedure;程序; 过程; 步骤; 手续; 办法;; procedure for registration;登记程序;; procedure for the effective implementation of the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary;有效执行《关于司法机关独立的基本原则》的程序;; Procedure for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes;和平解决争端程序;; Procedure for the Transfer of Presidential Authority;总统权力转移程序;; Procedure for UNICEF representation at international meetings;关于儿童基金会参加国际会议的程序;; procedure to apply;申请手续; 申请步骤;; procedure to follow;遵守规定; 遵守程序;; Procedures and norms for the Creation, suppression, reclassification, conversion and redeployment of posts;设置、撤消、改叙、转换和调动员额的程序 和准则;; Procedures and Requirements for Anticipating the Effects of Chemicals on Man and in the Environment;关于预测化学品对人及在环境中的影响的程 序和要求;; Procedures for Arbitration and Additional Rules for the International Energy Agency Disputes Settlement Centre;国际能源机构争端解决中心仲裁程序和补充 规则;; procedures for planning and operating the programme;规划和实施发展方案的程序;; procedures for project revisions;项目修订程序;; Procedures for the Control of Operational Requirements Related to the Safety of Ships and Pollution Prevention [International Maritime Org. Resolution A 18/Res742];有关船舶安全和防止污染的作业规定的监督 程序;; Procedures for the Effective Implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners;有效实施囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则的程序;; Procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America;在中美洲实现稳固持久和平的程序;; Procedures to be employed by the Security Council Committee established by resolution 661 1990 concerning the situation between Iraq and Kuwait in the discharge of its responsibilities under Security Council resolutions 706 1990 and 712;安全理事会关于伊拉克与科威特间局势的第669 1990号决议所设委员会依照安全理事会第 706 1990和712 1991号决议履行责任所应 采用的程序;; proceed to a second reading;进行二读;; proceeding;诉讼;; proceeding before a court;向法院提起的诉讼; 法院诉讼;; proceeding to take up one's post;赴任;; Proceedings;记录;; proceedings [administrative, civil, criminal, disciplinary, judicial, penal];[行政、民事、刑事、惩戒、司法、刑事]程序; 诉讼;; Proceedings before the Chambers;分庭程序;; Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber;海底争端分庭的程序;; Proceedings of a conference;会议记录;; Proceedings of Holy See;教廷公报;AAS; Proceedings of the International Congress on the Teaching of Human Rights;国际人权教学大会议事录;; Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on the Trade and Development, Vol.I: Final Act and Report;联合国贸易和发展会议议事录,第一卷,最后文件及报告;; proceeds;收款、所得收益;; proceeds collected;实收帐款;; proceeds from rental of property of loan of services;出租财产或提供服务所得收益;; proceeds from the sale of surplus property;出售剩余财产的收入;; proceeds of sale and income earned;卖出后所得收益和实赚的收入;; proceeds of sale of equipment;出售设备收入;; proceeds of the offence;非法收入; 非法收益; 不当利益;; proceeds on disposal;售货收入;; Proceracy;检察院;; Proces-verbal;议事录纪录;; Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare;关于潜水艇战争法规的议定书;; process;[名词]过程; 进程; [动词]处理; 审阅 报告;;报告 process control;[名词]过程; 进程; [动词]处理; 审阅报告;;报告 process control systems;流程控制系统;; process costing;分步法成本核算;; process engineering;工艺过程; 程序工程;; process flows;工艺流程;; Process Industries Sector;加工工业部门科;PI; process industry;制造工业; 加工工业;; process of arms control and reduction;控制和裁减军备的过程;; process of registration for the elections;大选登记过程;; process server;执达员;; process waste;制造过程产生的废物;; process weight;过程重量;; processed commodities;加工商品;; processed food products;经加工的食品;; processed products;加工产品;; Processes and production methods;加工与生产方法;PPMs; processing;加工; 处理; 操作;; processing centre;难民事务处理中心;; processing of projects;处理项目;; processing of written petitions and requests for oral hearings by the Special Committee;处理书面请愿和关于特别委员会举行口头听 询的请求;; Processing Officer;手续干事;; Inter-Office Processing Unit;部门间处理股;; proclamation;通告;; Proclamation of Paris on Trees and Forests;关于树木与森林的巴黎宣言;; Proclamation of Teheran;德黑兰宣言;; Proclamation of Teheran, setting forth a consensus on the major human rights problems considered by the conference;就会议所审议的一些重大人权问题发表一项 协商一致的德黑兰宣言;; Proclamation of the Czech National Council to All Parliaments and Nations of the World;捷克民族议会对世界所有议会和人民的宣言;; Proclamation of the Independent State of Palestine;独立的巴勒斯坦国宣言;; Proclamation of the International Literacy Year: Note by the Secretary-General;宣布国际扫盲年:秘书长的说明;; Proclamation of the International Year of Peace;国际和平年宣言;; Proclamation of the National Council of the Slovak Republic to Parliaments and Peoples of the World;斯洛伐克共和国民族议会对世界各国议会和 人民的宣言;; Proclamation of the World Week of Peace;世界和平周宣言;; Proclamation on Ageing;老龄问题宣言;; Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region;亚洲及太平洋区域残疾人充分参加和平等宣 言;; Procter & Gamble Company, The;普罗克特-甘布尔公司;; procuces ... full powers;出具 ...... 全权证书;; Procuracy;检察院;; Procurador para le Defensa de los Derechos Humanos;堡人权检察官;; procurement;采购;; Procurement and Assembly Centre;采购和装配中心;UNIPAC; Procurement and Inventory Control System;采购和库存控制系统;PROC; Procurement and Transportation Division;采购和运输司;; Procurement Assistant;采购助理;; procurement authorization;采购核准;; Procurement Branch;采购处;; procurement in bulk;大批采购;; procurement lead-time;采购准备时间;; procurement of supplies;采购供应品;; procurement officer;采购干事;; Procurement Officer - Engineering;采购干事 - 工程;; Procurement Officer - Medical;采购干事 - 医药;; Procurement Officer - Social & Education;采购干事 - 社会和教育;; procurement request;采购请求;; procurement restrictions;采购上的限制;; Procurement Review and Advisory Committee;采购审查和咨询委员会;; Procurement Review Committee;采购审查委员会;; procurement system;采购系统;; Procurement Unit;采购股;; regional investment plan for the transport sector for the 1990s;1990年代运输部门区域投资计划 运输投资计划;PRODECA;运输投资计划 procedural consequences;程序性后果;; Fundacion por las derechos de familia - Secretaria internacionale;家庭权利基金会 - 国际秘书处;PRODEFA; PRODJOWARSITO, Wyoso;维奥索·普罗佐瓦西托;; PRODROMOU, Loizos;洛伊佐斯·普罗德罗穆;; Production Accounts Expert Group Meeting;生产核算专家小组会议;; Population, Social Equity and Changing Producation Pattern;人口、社会公平和生产模式变革;; Produce Chemists' Laboratory;农产制药厂;; Produce Marketing Board;农产品产销社;PMB; producer and consumer subsidy equivalents;生产者补贴等值和消费者补贴等值;PSE/CSE; producer country;生产国;; producer developing country;生产发展中国家;; producer goods;生产资料; 生产设备;; producer price;生产者价格;; producer services;生产服务;; producer subsidy equivalent;生产者补贴等值;PSE; producer-consumer forum;生产者 - 消费者论坛;; Producers Committee;生产国委员会;; producers' association;生产者协会; 生产国联合组织;; producers' cooperative;生产者合作社;; producers' price;生产者价格;; producers' value;生产者价值;; product adaptation for exports;出口产品的适销改造进;; Product and Process Development Scheme;产品研制和工序创新计划;; product and tails collector assemblies;产品和尾料收集器组件;; product and tails stations;产品和尾料器;; product and tails withdrawal systems;产品和尾料提取系统;; product category costing;分类法成本核算;; product charges;产品费;; product collector assembliers;产品收集器组件;; product coverage;产品范围;; product delivery approach;交货付酬办法;; Product Development Unit;产品发展股;; product identification number;产品编号;PIN; product in hand contract Produit-en-main Contract;产品到手合同;; product line;产品系列;; Product Line and Marketing Group;产品系列和销售组;; product lines;产品种类; 产品系列;; product management;产品管理;; product mix;产品混合; 产品品种; 产品组合;; product or tails stations;产品或尾料器;; product processing;产品加工;; product standard;产品规格; 产品标准;; product type costing;品种法成本核算;; product-in-hand contract produit-en-main contract;产品到手合同;; product-pay-back schemes;以产品支付以产品偿付的办法;; products sharing contract;产品分成合同;; production account;生产核算;; Production and Quality Control Unit;生产和质量管制股;; production automation;生产自动化;; production boundary;生产范围;; production ceiling;生产最高限额;; production centres and field sales offices;生产中心和外地销售办事处;; production chains;生产链;; production charge;生产费;; PRODuction COMmunautaire;社区生产;PRODCOM; production complementarities;生产互补性;; Production Control Board;生产管制局;; Production Control Unit;生产管制股;PCU; production cooperative society;生产合作社;; production cost;生产成本;; production credit for rural women;农村妇女生产贷款;; production distribution patterns;生产分配类型;; production function;生产函数;; production management;生产管理;; production of fissionable material for nuclear weapons;生产核武器用裂变材料;; production pattern;生产形态;; production plateau;生产稳定水平;; production process;工序生产过程;; Production Quality Control Officer;产品质量控制干事;; production responsibility system;生产责任制;; production runs;流水线生产; 生产过程;; Production sharing contract;产品分成合同;; Production Society of the Sons of the Palestinian Martyrs;巴勒斯坦烈士之子生产协会;SAMED; Production Sub-Committee;生产小组委员会;; Production Supervisor;制作监督员;; production technology;生产技术;; production under license;特许生产;; production waste;生产废料;; Production Yearbook;生产年鉴;; Production, Productivity and Management Division;生产、生产力和管理司;; production-based entitlements;从生产而来的所有权;; production-sharing;产量分成; 生产分成;; production/management - public sector mechanical wood processing industries;生产/管理-公营部门机械木材加工工业;; productive and reproductive life;人的繁衍生活;; productive employment;生产性就业;; productive force;生产力;; productive investments;生产性投资;; productive resources;生产性资源;; productive structure;生产结构;; productivity;生产率; 生产力;; Productivity and Applied Research Committee;生产力及应用研究委员会;; productivity of agricultural lands;农地生产力;; productivity of labour;劳动生产率;; productivity statistics;生产力统计;; Products to South Africa Intergovernmental Group to Monitor the Supply and Shipping of Oil and Petroleum;监测向南非供应和运输石油与石油产品政府间小组;; produit-en-main contract product in hand contract;产品到手合同;; Professional Accounting in 30 Countries;30国专业会计;; professional activity;专业活动;; professional and above category;专业人员及以上类别;; Professional and Technical Associations;专业技术协会;PTA; professional and vocational education;专业和职业教育;; professional assistant;专业人员助理;; Professional Association of Natural Rubber in Africa;非洲天然橡胶同业公会;ANRA; professional associations;专业协会;; professional category;专业人员职类;; professional category and above;专业人员以上职类;; professional consul diplomat;职业领事外交官;;外交官 Professional Council for Economic Sciences;经济学专业委员会;; professional courier;专业信使;; professional education;专业教育;; Professional Engineers Act;职业工程师法;; professional ethics;职业道德;; professional grade;专业职等;; Professional Grading Appeals Committee;专业职等申诉委员会;; professional judge;专业法官,职业法官;; professional level;专业人员职等;PL; professional life;专业工作;; professional local staff;当地征聘专业人员;PLS; professional organization;专业组织;; professional post;专业人员员额;; Professional Regulation Commission;专业管制委员会;; Professional Skills Development Programme;专业技术开发方案;; professional staff;专业工作人员;; Professional Staffing Service;专业员额配置处;PSS; professional training;专业培训; 专业训练;; Professional Training Series;专业培训丛书;; professional visibility;专业可见度;; professional work month;专业人员工作月;; Professional, technical and kindred persons;专业性、技术性和类似的工作人员;PTKs; professionals;专业人员;; Professors' Association of Metrologists;计量学家学者协会;; PROFFEN, German;赫尔曼·普罗芬;; profile;轮廓; 外形; 纵剖面; 分布图; 示意曲线;; profile pipe;模型筒;; profiler;剖面仪;; Profiles of Manufacturing Establishment;制造业企业简介;; profiling;剖面探测;; Profina;比利时炼油公司;; profit net on sales of investments;变卖投资的盈利净额;;净额 profit and loss statement;损益表;; profit margins;利润幅度;; profit remittance;利润汇款;; profit squeeze;利润缩减;; profit tax;利得税;; profit-and-loss account;损益帐户;; profit-directed activities;追求盈利的活动;; profit-making enterprise;营利事业;; profit-sharing arrangement;利润分享安排;分红制;; profit-sharing certificates;分红证券;; Profitability;获利能力;; profits and losses on disposal of investments;转让投资的损益;; profits before tax;税前利润;; Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development[Cairo, Sept 94];国际人口与发展会议行动纲领;; project monograph;项目专利;; Program for Commercial Energy Research;商业能源研究方案;; Program for Refugee Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Resettlement Areas in Eritrea;厄立特里亚定居区难民重返社会和重过正常生活方案 定居区难民方案;PROFERI;定居区难民方案 Program for the Advancement of Commercial Technology;提高商业技术方案提高商技方案;PACT;提高商技方案 Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology;引进和应用避孕技术方案;; Programa Coopertivo de Investigacion y Transferencia de Tecnologia Agrpecuaria para los Tropicos;热带农牧业研究和技术转让合作方案 农牧合作方案;PROCITROPIC;农牧合作方案 Programa de Estudios Conjuntos sobres Integracion Economica Latinoamericana;拉丁美洲经济一体化联合研究方案;ECIEL; Programa de la Region Andina de Servicios Basicos Contra la Pobreza;安第斯基础服务分区方案安第斯区域方案;PROANDES;安第斯区域方案 programmable balance;可列入方案的余额;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司