翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 regulation of imports of technology;技术进口的管理;; regulation of international watercourses;国际水道的调节;; Regulation of Vienna;维也纳规约;; Regulation on International Cooperation concerning Pollutants other than Oil;关于油类以外污染物的国际合作条例;; Regulation on the Control of Concentrations between Undertakings;控制企业间集中条例;; Regulation on the Evaluation and Control of the Risks of Existing Substances;评价和控制现存物质危险条例;; regulations;规约章程规程条例;; Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation;方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测 和评价方法条例和细则;; Regulations for Navigation on the Seaways of the Northern Sea Route;北海航道航运条例;; Regulations for Patents in the Member States;成员国专利条例;; Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1960;1960年海上避碰规则;; Regulations for Retail Trade;零售贸易条例;; Regulations for the Construction and Equipment of Fishing Vessels;渔船建造和装备条例;; Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials;放射性物质安全运输规则;; Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund;联合国合办工作人员养恤基金条例;; Regulations respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land;陆战法规和习惯条例;; regulations;条例;; regulatory actions;管制行动; 管制的行为; 管理的行为;; regulatory area;管制区;; regulatory controls;规章; 条例; 制度;; Regulatory Department;规则部;; regulatory fishery bodies;渔业管理机构;; regulatory power;制定规章的权力;; regulatory rules;规范性的规则;; rehabilitation;复原康复复兴整顿改造复健 善后[灾区重建];; rehabilitation of victims of a disaster;灾害受害者的复原;; rehabilitation and reconstruction;善后与重建复兴与重建;; rehabilitation camps;康复中心;; rehabilitation centre;康复中心;; Rehabilitation Centre for Torture victims;酷刑受害者康复中心;; Rehabilitation International;国际康复会 康复会;RI;康复会 Rehabilitation International Congress;国际康复协会大会;; rehabilitation of housing;住宅的翻新;; rehabilitation of the educational system;教育体制的恢复;; rehabilitation of the environment;恢复环境;; Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped;伤残人康复股;; Rehabilitation Peace Plan;恢复和平计划;; Rehabilitation Programme;复兴方案;; Rehabilitation Unit;重建股;; rehabilitation, reconstruction and development;复兴、重建和发展;; rehabilitative measures;解毒措施复兴措施;; Rehoboth Baster Bereniging;雷霍博特巴斯特人联合会;; Rehoboth Liberation Party;雷霍博斯解放阵线;; Rehoboth Volkpartei;雷霍博特人民党;; Rehon Works;雷翁钢铁厂;; rehydration;恢复体液平衡;; rehydration drug;体液补充药物;; rehydration fluid;体液补充液;; rehydration salts;水化盐;; rehydration therapy;体液补充疗法;; rehydration unit;体液补充股;; rehydration, immunization, nutrition and education;体液补充、免疫、营养和教育;RINE; rehydration/nutrition centre;体液补充/营养中心;; REICHL, Irene FREUDENSCHUSS-;伊雷妮·弗罗伊登舒斯-赖克尔;; Reiew of recent development in implementing the arms embargo against South Africa;审查执行对南非的武器禁运的最近发展;; REIF, Guenter;冈特·赖夫;; REIG, Oscar Ribas;奥斯卡·里巴斯·雷格;; reimbursable costs amount;可偿还的费用数额;;数额 reimbursable IPF;应偿还指规数;RIPF; reimbursable procurement;代办采购;; reimbursable procurement income;代办采购收入;; reimbursable seeding operations;偿还性原始业务;; reimbursable service;可偿还的事务费; 可收回费用的事务;; reimbursement;偿还; 报销;; reimbursement for programme support cost;偿还方案支助费用;; reimbursement of income taxes;所得税偿还;; reimbursement of internal travel costs to associate specialists;报销协理专家内部旅费;; reimbursement of programme support costs to executing agencies;偿还各执行机构的方案支助费用;; reimbursement resources;偿还用资源指支付支助费用的资源;;指支付支助费用的资源 reimbursements to donors;偿还捐赠者的款项;; reimbursing agent;偿付银行;; REIMNITZ, Juergen;于尔根·赖姆尼茨;; REIMUNDIN, Eduardo RAMOS-;爱德华多·拉莫斯-雷蒙丁;; REINARES, Carmen;卡门·赖纳雷斯;; reincarnation of the Panchen Lama;班禅喇嘛的转世灵童;; reincorporate a woman into her work;重新录用一名妇女;; reinderpest control project;牛瘟防治项目;; REINER, John;约翰·赖纳;; REINER, Jorge;豪尔赫·雷内尔;; reinfection;再传染; 再感染;; reinforced skim milk;营养脱脂奶;; reinforced thermoplastic sheet;增强热塑性片材;RTS; reinforcement exercise;增援演习;; reinforcing effect;增强效应;; reinhardtius hippoglossoides;黑鲽;; REINO, Fernando Jose;费尔南多·若泽·雷诺;; reinstallation cost;重新安装成本;; reinsurance;再保险;; reintegration;重返社会; [指克罗地亚多瑙河地区]重归版图, [指该地区的教育等方面的合并过程]重归整合;; Reintegration Commission;安置委员会;CORE; reintegration grant;安家费;; reintegration into civilian life;转入平民生活;; reintegration of demobilized soldiers;复员士兵重返社会;; reintegration packages;重返社会一揽子计划;; reintroduction of malaria;疟疾复发;; reinvested investment income;再投资的投资收益;; reinvestment;再投资;; REIS, Fernando Guimaraes;费尔南多·吉马良斯·雷伊斯;; REISKIND, Jason;贾森·赖斯金;; REISMAN, Michael;迈克尔·雷斯曼;; reissued for technical reasons;由于技术上的理由重新印发;; Reject [ICJ];驳回;; Rejectionist Front;拒绝阵线;; rejectionist states;拒绝阵线国家;; Rejoicing of the Law Simbath Torah;庆祝律法节;; Rejoinder;第二次答辩状;; rejoinder by the respondent;被告之再答辩状;; REKA, Fatos;法托斯·雷卡;; REKSODIPUTRO, Hertomo;赫尔托莫·雷克索迪普特罗;; REL Relief Programme;救济方案;REL; relagging of fishing vessels;渔船换旗重挂国旗;; relapse;复发; 再发;; relapse into crime;重新犯罪; 重犯;; related costs;有关费用; 所涉费用;; related parties;联号;; related party disclosure;公布联号资料;; related party transactions;联号交易;; relational data base management system;关系数据库管理系统;RDBMS; relations among national accounting aggregates;各种国民核算总数之间的关系;; Relations and Meetings Department;关系和会务司;; Relations between South Africa and Israel;南非同以色列的关系;; relations between states and international organizations;国家和国际组织间的关系;; relations officielles;正式关系;; relations officieuses;非正式关系;; Relations with and coordination of specialized agencies;与专门机构的关系及协调;; relationship agreement;关系协定;; Relationship Agreement between the United Nations and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;联合国与联合国工业发展组织之间的关系协 定;; Relationship Agreement with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;与联合国工业发展组织的关系协定;; Relationship between disarmament and development;裁军和发展之间的关系;; Relationship between Disarmament and International Security;裁军和国际安全之间的关系;; relationship between navigation and non-navigation uses;航行使用与非航行使用之间的关系;; relationship data base;关系数据基;; relationship of proposed requests to approved programme of work;所提要求同核定工作方案的关系;; relationship to navigational uses;与航行使用的关系;; relative capacity to pay;相对支付能力;; relative contraband;相对禁止品;; relative majority;相对多数;; relative normalized unit labour cost;相对正规化单位人工成本;; relative political crimes;相对政治罪;; relative price changes;相对价格变化;; relative price trends of commodities and manufactured products;商品和制成品的相对价格趋势;; relative real growth rates;相对实际增长率;; relative total loss;相对全损推定全损;;推定全损 Relatorio e Contas, Exericio de 1968;1968会计年度帐目报告;; relative voting rights;相对表决权;; Relaunching African economic and social development: The Cairo Agenda for Action;重新发起非洲经济和社会发展:开罗行动议程;; relaxation of international relations;国际关系缓和;; relaxation of tension;缓和紧张局势;; relay satellites;中继卫星;; release;释放;; release of a pollutant;排出污染物; 放出污染物;; release agent;脱模剂; 隔离剂;; release from an obligation;解除义务;; release II;单元二;; release its block on ...;不再阻止讨论;; release its hold on ...;不再搁置讨论;; release of capital resources;资本资源节余释放;;释放 release of heat;放热; 释放热量;; release of nationality;国籍解除; 放弃脱离国籍;; release of prisoners of war and civilian internees;释放战俘和被拘禁的平民;; release of radio-active materials;释放出放射性物质;; release on bail;保释; 交保释放;; release on parole;宣誓后释放凭誓释放;; release on security;保释; 交保释放; 具保释放;; release pending trial;保外候审;; release programme;出院方案;; release rate of CFCs;放出含氯氟烃的速率;; released;辞退解职;; released funds;节余释放资金;; relegation of disabled persons to the margin of society;把残疾人排挤到社会边缘;; relevance;关联性;; relevancy and admissibility of evidence;证据的关联性和可接受性;; relevant;切合实际的;; releve de conclusions;结论摘要;; reliability;可靠性;; Reliance Group US;信赖集团;; Reliat Electric;信赖电器公司;; relief;补救救济;; relief grant;补救办法判给;;判给 relief absorber;承担宽减额的负担;; Relief activities;救济活动;; relief and distribution of the burden of relief;宽减额与分配宽减额的负担;; relief and rehabilitation;救灾和善后;; Relief and Rehabilitation Commission;救济和重建委员会;RRC; Relief and Rehabilitation Programme;救济和复兴方案;; relief and welfare service;救济和福利事务;; relief burden;宽减额负担;; relief camps;救济营;; relief convoy;救济品护送队;; relief deduction;宽免扣减数;; relief formula;宽减公式会费用语;;会费用语 relief gradient;宽减梯度;; relief manager;救灾工作管理人; 救灾工作负责人;; relief material;救济物质;; relief period;换防期间;; relief phase;换防阶段;; relief Programme;救济方案;REL; relief recipient;享受宽减额国家;; Relief Service Department;救济事务部;; relief to development continuum;从救济向发展过渡;; relief worker;救灾工作人员;; ReliefNet;救济网;; relies received from governments;从各国政府收到的答复;; religion/ethnic factors;宗教/民族因素;; Religious Freedom and Practices;宗教的自由和实践;; religious groups;宗教团体;; religious intolerance;基于宗教的不容忍;; religious judge;宗教法官;; Religious Kibbutz Movement;宗教集体农庄运动;; religious marriage;宗教婚姻仪式;; religious practice;宗教实践;; religious trust VAKFS;宗教机构“教产”;VAKFS;“教产” relinquishing of drug addiction;强制戒毒;; relocation;迁移别处;; relocation allowance;搬迁津贴;; relocation of industry;工业迁移;; relocation or repatriation;迁移别处或遣返;; relying on;援用;; rem/year;雷姆/年;; remain on their respective positions;原地不动;; remainder;剩余部分; 剩款;; remaining arrears;拖欠; 积欠;; remaining manifestations;残余形态;; remaining unexploded ordnance devices;残存的尚未引爆的装置;; remand for sentence;在押等候宣判; 还押等候宣判;; Remember Cassinga;勿忘卡辛加;; REMEC, Peter;彼得·雷默克;; remedial action;补救行动;; remedial course;补习课程;; remedial measure;补救措施;; remedy;补救; 补救办法;; remedy of amparo;要求堡行使宪法权利;; reminder;催复通知;; REMIREZ de ESTENOZ BARCIELA, Fernando;费尔南多·雷米雷斯·德埃斯特诺斯·巴尔谢 拉;; remit;移交事项; 汇款;; remit to the appropriate committee;送交主管委员会;; remittance of profits and dividends;利润和股利的汇付;; remittances of contributions;汇寄缴款;; remitter;汇款人;; remnants of war;战争残余物;; remobilization of a chemical;化学品的再流动;; Remote Access Terminal;远距准入终端;; remote and inaccessible areas;边远地区;; remote computer terminal;电子计算机远距终端;; remote determination;遥远测定;; remote job entry terminal;远程作业输入终端;RJE; remote manipulators;远距离操作的机械手;; remote sensing;遥感;; Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data Users Committee;遥感和气象数据用户委员会;; Remote Sensing Centre RSC;遥感中心;RSC; Remote Sensing for Developing countries;为发展中国家进行遥感;; Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station;遥感地面接收站;; Remote Sensing Information Programme for Africa;非洲遥感资料方案;; remote sensing library/referral system;遥感资料馆和查询系统;; Remote sensing of interest to developing countries;发展中国家感兴趣的遥感;; remote sensing of the earth by satellite;卫星遥感地球;; remote sensing of the earth from the space;从空间遥感地球;; Remote Sensing On-line Retrieval System;遥感联机检索系统;RESORS; Remote Sensing Pre-processing and Archiving System;遥感先期处理和归档制度遥感归档制度;RESPAS;遥感归档制度 Remote Sensing Programme;遥感方案;; Remote sensing satellite data;遥感卫星数据;; remote sensor;遥感传感器;; remote sensor imagery;遥感图象;; remote servicing of conferences;远距离会议服务;; remote translation;远距离笔译;; remote-sensing vegetation index;遥感植被指数;; Remotely piloted vehicles;遥控飞行器;RPVs; removable lid;活动盖子;; removal;去除; 清除;; removal costs;搬迁费;; removal efficiency;去除系数;; removal expenses;搬迁费;; Removal expenses on appointment, transfer and separation;就任,调职及解职搬迁费;; removal of demolition waste;清理废墟;; removal of household effects;搬家费;; removal of peat;移走泥炭;; removal of Pol Pot;排除波尔布特;; removal of pollutants;消除污染物; 去除污染物;; removal permit;迁居许可证;; removal process;消除过程; 消除步骤;; removal rate;消除速率;; removal shipment;搬迁托运行李;; removing, disarming or deactivating remaining unexploded ordnance devices;清除残存的尚未引爆的装置, 拆除引信或使其丧失杀伤力;; remunerated contribution of women;妇女所作有报酬的贡献;; remuneration correction factor;薪酬校正因素;RCF; remuneration;薪酬;; remuneration comparisons;薪酬比较;; remuneration in kind;实物报酬;; Remuneration system;薪酬制度;; Remuneration Unit;薪酬股;; remunerative price;有利价格;; REN, Quan;任泉;; Resisteucia Nacional Mocambicana;莫桑比克全国抵抗运动 抵运;Renamo;抵运 Renault;雷诺汽车公司;; Renault trucks;雷诺卡车;; rendition;交还让出;; RENDOH, David;戴维·伦多;; RENDON BARNICA, Julio;胡利奥·伦东·巴尔尼卡;; RENDON, Alicia Margarita;阿莉西亚·玛加丽塔·伦东;; renew ... mandate;延长...任务期限;; Renewable Energy Review Journal;可再生能源评论杂志;; renewable natural resources;可再生自然资源;; renewal assets;更新资产;; Renewal of term of office;连任;; renewal of the mandate of;延长 …… 任务期限;; renewal or purchase options;展期或优先购买权;; Renforcement des Maitres de l'Enseignment Secondaire;加强中学教员的阵容;; Renforcement du Bureau d'Etudes et de Coordination;加强农业部研究和协调局;; Renforcement du Department de la Pedologie et des Sols;加强土壤部和土壤研究;; Renovated Mediterranean Policy;新地中海政策;RMP; renovation of natural resources;自然资源的再生;; rent;经济收益;; rent control;房租管制;; Rent Increases Domestic Premises Control Act, 1971;1971年住宅房地加租管制法;; rent-free category;免收租金类联合国房地收租办法之一;;联合国房地收租办法之一 rentable area;可出租面积;; rental;租金;; rental allowance;房租津贴;; rental and maintenance of premises;房地租金和维修费;; Rental and maintenance of premises and equipment including utilities;房地与设备的租金和维修费包括水电费;;包括水电费 Rental and maintenance of simultaneous interpretation equipment;同声传译设备的租金和维修费;; Rental and maintenance of transportation equipment;交通工具的租金和维修费;; rental of office space;办公房地租金;; rental of parking space;停车场租金;; Rental of premises;房地租金;; Rental of vehicles;车辆租金;; rental subsidy;补贴租金;; rental subsidy scheme;租金补贴办法;; rental subsidy threshold;租金补助限额;; rental threshold;房租阈限;; RENTON, Dennis;丹尼斯·伦顿;; renvoi;撤回辞退;; reobligate against current appropriations;改在现期经费项下偿还;; Reordenamento rural regrouping;农村重整方案;; Reordenamento habitacional;非洲徙置方案;; reordering levels;再订购数量;; reordering procedures;重新定货手续;; reorganization costs;改组费用;; reorganization of appropriations;经费调整;; reorient;调整; 改订; 重订;; reorientation service;帮助恢复正常生活;; Reorienting International Development Cooperation for Sustained Growth, Equality and Human Development [UNU project];调整国际发展合作方向促进持续增长、平等 和人类发展;; repair and maintenance;维修;; repair the ozone hole;修复臭氧层空洞;; repairing and repointing exterior masonry;修补户外泥水工程;; repairing and resealing roadways and service roads;车行道和便道的修补和从新填缝;; repairs;修理费;;费 reparation;赔偿;; reparation by equivalent;等值赔偿;; Reparation for damage suffered by Swiss citizens as a result of events during the war;瑞士国民因战时事件而受损害的赔偿问题;; Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations Case;联合国公务中所受伤害的赔偿案;; reparation lato sensu;广义的赔偿;; Reparations Funds;赔偿款项;; Reparticion de Aricultura y Florestas de Circelo de Centro;中部西塞洛农林部;; repatriate refugees, to;遣回难民; 遣返难民;; repatriation;遣返; 返回;; Repatriation Agreement;遣返协议;; repatriation and resettlement of displaced Cambodians;柬埔寨流离失所者的遣返和安置;; Repatriation Committee;遣返委员会;; Repatriation Component;遣返部门;; repatriation grant;回国补助金;; repatriation grant entitlements;领取回国补助金权利;; Repatriation Ministry;遣返部;; repatriation of Cambodian refugees and displaced persons;柬埔寨难民和流离失所者的返回;; Repatriation of Prisoner;遣返战俘;; Repatriation Programme for Western Sahara;西撒哈拉难民遣返方案;; Repatriation, Resettlement and Reconstruction Committee;遣返、安置和重建委员会 遣安建委员会;RRR Committ.;遣安建委员会 Repatriation, the best durable solution;返回家园是最好的持久解决办法;; Repayer;偿付国;; repayment guarantee;付还保证;; repayment of benefits with interest to restore prior contributory service;退还的养恤金加利息, 以恢复从前的缴款服务期间;; repayment of borrowings and the charges thereon;偿付借款和有关费用;; repayment of principal;还本;; repayment schedule;偿还时间表;; repayments;还款;; repeal v.;撤消,废止;; repeat offender;累犯,惯犯;; Repeater [space];中继器;; repeater for rural link;农村连接线中继器;; repeater stations;转发台;; repeating pattern;重复型式; 周期性的型式;; Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council Supplement for 1975-1980;安全理事会惯例汇辑 [1975-1980年补编];; repertory;汇编;; Repertory of Jurisprudence of the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations and ILO;联合国和国际劳工组织行政法庭判例汇编;; Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs Supplement No 5;联合国机关惯例汇编, 第5号补编;; Repertory of Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly;大会议事规则汇编;; Repertory of United Nations Practice;联合国惯例汇编;; rephase activities;重新安排各项活动的时间; 改期进行活动;; REPISHTI, Saimir;塞米尔·雷皮什蒂;; replacement chemical;代替化学品; 代用化学品;; replacement cost;重置成本;; Replacement depreciation;重置折旧法;; replacement level;更替水平;; Replacement of word-processing equipment;更换文字处理设备;; replacement value;重置价值;; replacement value method;重置价值法;; Replanting Programme , Coconut;椰树补植方案;; replenishment of IDA eighth;开发协会第八次资金补充;; replenishment system;补给制度;; Replies;答辩状;; replies to memorials;答辩状;; Reply;答辩状;; reply by the applicant;原告之答辩状;; reply to notification;对通知的答复;; reply, right of;答辩权;; Responsible Care programme;负责任的经营方案;; repopulation;再放养; 再引种; 种群恢复;; report;报道[不用报导]; 报告[联合国的 report];; Report and Recommendations of the Advisory Group on Financial Flows for Africa;流入非洲的资金状况咨询小组的报告和建议;; report contents;报告内容;; report has been issued as received;本报告译自收到的英文原件;; Report of Arbitral Awards;仲裁裁决报告;; Report of Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations;公约和建议适用问题专家委员会的报告;; Report of International Arbitral Awards;国际仲裁裁决汇编;UNRIAA; Report of Secretary-General concerning the implementation of General Assembly Resolution 2790 XXVI and Security Council resolution 307 1971;秘书长关于大会第2790号决议和安全理事会 第3071971号决议执行情况的报告;; Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole for the Final Review and Appraisal of the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990;最后审查和评价<<1986-1990年联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行为纲领>>特设全体委员会;; Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Drafting of an International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries;反对招募、使用、资助和训练雇佣军国际公 约特设起草委员会的报告;; Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country;东道国关系委员会的报告;; Report of the Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy;发展和利用新能源和可再生能源委员会的报 告;; Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;消除种族歧视委员会的报告;; Report of the Conference on Disarmament;裁军谈判会议的报告;; Report of the Disarmament Commission;裁军审议委员会的报告;; Report of the Economic and Social council for the year 1987;经济及社会理事会1987年的报告;; Report of the Group of Eminent Persons to Study the Impact of Multinational Corporations on the Development Process and on International Relations;研究多国公司对发展过程和国际关系的影响 问题知名人士小组的报告;; Report of the Group of High-Level Experts on the Comprehensive New Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries;高级专家小组关于最不发达国家的新综合行 动纲领的报告;; Report of the Independent Counsel on International Human Rights on the Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan;国际人权独立法律顾问小组关于阿富汗人权 情况的报告;; Report of the Secretary-General on progress made in implementing projects and programmes on the basis of the framework provided in document A/AC.218/5;秘书长关于在以A/AC.218/5号文件提供的范 围为基础执行各项目和方案所取得进展的报告;; Report of the Secretary-General on the effects of the possible use of nuclear weapons and on the security and economic implications for States of the acquisition and further development of these weapons;秘书长关于核武器可能使用的影响及取得与 进一步发展此等武器对各国安全与经济所引 起的问题的报告;; Report of the Secretary-General on the evaluation of the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning disabled persons during the first half of the United Nations Decade on Disabled Persons;秘书长关于评价联合国残废人十年前半期 <<关于残废人的世界行动纲领>>的执行情 况的报告;; Report of the Secretary-General on the Flow of Long-term Capital and Official Donations, 1965-1969;秘书长关于长期资本流动及政府捐款的报告, 1965年至1969年;; Report of the Secretary-General on the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the Nairobi Programme of Action;秘书长关于为执行<<内罗毕行动纲领>>调集 财政资源的报告;; Report of the Secretary-General on the monitoring of the Implementation of the Nairobi Programme of Action A/AC.218/9;秘书长关于监察<<内罗毕行动纲领>>执行情 况的报告;; Report of the Secretary-General on the outflow of trained personnel from developing countries;秘书长关于受有训练人员自发展中国家外流 的报告;; Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization;联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会的 报告;; Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories;调查以色列侵害占领区居民人权的行为特别 委员会的报告;; Report of the Trade and Development Board;贸易和发展理事会的报告;; Report of the Twenty-First Session of the International Civil Service Advisory Board;国际公务员咨询委员会第21届会议的报告;; Report of the United Nations Conference in New and Renewable Sources of Energy Nairobi, 10-21 August 1981;联合国新能源和可再生能源会议的报告,1981 年8月10日至21日, 内罗毕;; Report of the United Nations Team in Baghdad Teheran Concerning an Inspection Carried out on _____;联合国驻巴格达德黑兰小组关于__年__月__日的调查所作报告;; Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development;世界环境与发展委员会的报告;; Report on a Survey of Manpower Requirements and the Labour Force;人力需要及劳动力的调查报告;; Report on Coordination and cooperation at the Country Level;<<关于国家一级的协调与合作问题的报告>>;; Report on collection, availability and use of service statistics;关于收集、具备和利用服务统计的报告;; Report on International Definition and Measurement of Standards and Levels of Living;关于国际生活水平定义与测量的报告;; Report on Maltreatment and Torture of Prisoners in South Africa;南非犯人遭受虐待和酷刑的报告;; Report on Programming and Budget in the United Nations Family of Organizations__by Bertrand M.;关于联合国组织系统的方案拟订和预算的报告;; Report on the Monitoring of Multilateral Population Assistance;多边人口援助监测报告;; Report on the United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;关于联合国非洲运输和通讯十年的报告;; Report on the World Social Situation;世界社会状况报告;; Report Processing Fund;报告处理基金;; reported commitments;据报承诺额;; reported earnings;报告收益; 账面收益;; reported net income;申报的净收入;; Reporters san Frontieres;记者无国界协会;; reporting costs;报告费用;; reporting country;提供报告的国家;; reporting currency;报告货币;; reporting cycle;报告周期;; Reporting enterprise;报告企业;; Reporting entity;报告实体;; reporting financial information by segment;按部门报告财务资料;; reporting format;报告格式;; reporting formats for presentation of financial highlights;提出财务重点的报告格式;; reporting framework;报告格式;; reporting instruments;汇报表格;; reporting judge;撰写判决书法官; 独任推事;; reporting mechanism;报告机制;; Reporting obligations of States parties to United Nations conventions on human Rights;有关人权的联合国公约缔约国的报告义务;; reporting obligations under United Nations instruments in the field of human rights;根据联合国人权领域各项文书的报告义务;; reporting of an incident;事故的报告;; reporting of data;资料的报告;; reporting officer first/second;第一/第二考绩人;; reporting period;本报告所述期间;; reporting procedures;报告程序;; reporting responsibility;提出报告的责任; 报告责任;; reporting system;报告制度;; Reporting Transnational Business Operations;《报告跨国公司业务》;; reporting under regulatory acts;按规章条例提出报告;; Reporting year;报告年度;; Reports and Statistics Division;报告和统计司;; Reports of International Arbitral Awards;国际仲裁裁决汇编;RIAA; Reports of Judgements, Advisory Opinions and Orders;判决书、咨询意见和命令汇辑;; reports officer;报告干事;; Reports Unit;报告股;; Repository Service;存放事务处;; Repovica;雷波维察;; representant permanent adjoint;副常驻代表;; representation;代表制; 代表权; 任职情况,代表情况; 意见陈述; 说明;; representation allowance;出席会议津贴交际费;; representation by ...;...的说明;; Representation of Namibia;纳米比亚代表资格;; Representation of organization of the United Nations system at conferences and Meetings - the United Nations;联合国系统各组织出席会议的代表____联合 国;; Representation of organizations of the United Nations system at conferences and meetings - Part B, The specilized agencies;联合国系统各组织出席会议的代表_____B部 分, 专门机构;; Representation of the Secretary-General on Southern Rhodesia;关于南罗得西亚问题的秘书长代表;; representation of women in the Secretariat;妇女在秘书处中的任职情况;; representation on individual assessments;关于个别摊款的意见;; Representation Unit;参加会议事务股;; Representational diplomacy;代表外交;; representations and housing allowances;开会和住房津贴;; representations of liquidity;流动资金的说明;; representative;代表;; representative allowance;公费;; Representative Assembly;领土议会;; Representative Authorities Proclamation No.8号;代表权公告AG 8号;; representative government;代议制政府;; representative individuals with authority among the Cambodian people;在柬埔寨人民中有威望和代表性的个人;; Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons;负责国内流离失所者问题的秘书长代表;; Representative of the Secretary-General on the Settlement of the situation relating to Afghanistan;解决有关阿富汗局势的秘书长代表;; Representative on the Settlement of the Situation relating to Afghanistan;关于解决阿富汗局势的代表;; represented by:;计开;; repression;压制;; Repression of Terrorism Act;镇压恐怖主义法;; Repression, Maltreatment and Torture;压迫、虐待和折磨;; repressive and discriminatory legislation;镇压和歧视性法律;; repressive domination;镇压统治;; Repressive Laws, Regulations and Proclamations;镇压性法律、条例和公告;; repressive measures;镇压措施;; reprisal in time of peace;平时报复;; reprocessing facilities;回收设施;; reprocessing technology;后处理技术;; reproduced below for the consideration of the Committee;兹将...摘录如下,供委员会审议;; reproduction;复印; 印制;; reproduction age;育龄: 生育年龄;; reproduction and distribution;复制和分发;; Reproduction and Distribution Unit;复印和分发股;; Reproduction and fertility control;生殖与生殖力控制;; Reproduction clerk;复制事务员;; Reproduction costs;再生产成本复制费;; reproduction rate;增殖率;; reproduction rights;复制权;; Reproduction Section;复制科;RS; Reproduction service;复制事务;; reproductive age;育龄; 生育年龄;; Reproductive Age Mortality Survey;育龄死亡率调查;RAMOS; reproductive and productive roles;生育和生产方面的作用;; reproductive behaviour;生殖行为;; reproductive choice;生育选择;; reproductive failure;生殖失败; 繁殖失败;; reproductive health;生殖健康生殖保健;; reproductive health care;生殖保健;; reproductive health services;生殖保健服务;; reproductive health-care services and commodities;生殖保健服务和用品;; Reproductive Health/Family Planning Branch;生殖健康和计划生育处;; reproductive pattern;生育范型;; reproductive period;生育期;; reproductive potential;生殖潜能; 繁殖潜能;; reproductive responsibilities;生育责任;; reproductive rights;生殖权利;; reproductive success;生殖成功; 繁殖成功;; reproductive system;生殖系统;; reproductive tract infection;生殖道感染;RTI; reproductive years;生育年;; Republic of Crimea;克里米亚共和国;; Republic of Surinam;苏里南共和国;; Republic of Vietnam;越南共和;; Republic and Canton of Geneva;日内瓦共和国郡;; Republic Democracy Khmer Party;共和民主高棉党;REDEK; Republic Guard;共和国近卫军;; Republic Nationalist Alliance;民族主义共和联盟 民共联盟;ARENA;民共联盟 Republic of Afghanistan;阿富汗共和国;; Republic of Djibouti;吉布提共和国;; Republic of Estonia;爱沙尼亚共和国;; Republic of Guinea-Bissau;几内亚比绍共和国;; Republic of Herzeg-Bosna;黑塞格-波斯纳共和国;; Republic of Korea;大韩民国韩国;ROK;韩国 Republic of Krajina;克拉伊纳共和国;; Republic of Macedonia;马其顿共和国;; Republic of Marshall Islands;马绍尔群岛共和国;; Republic of Nagorny Karabagh;纳戈尔内卡拉巴赫共和国;; Republic of Serb;塞族共和国;; Republic of Serb Krajina;塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国 塞克共和国;RSK;塞克共和国 Republic of Serbia Krajina;塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国;RSK; Republic of Serbian Krajina;塞尔维亚克拉伊纳共和国塞克共和国;RSK;塞克共和国 Republic of Somaliland;索马里兰共和国;; Republic of South Lorea;南朝鲜共和国;; Republic of South Vietnam;越南南方共和;; Republic of Spska;斯普斯卡共和国;RS; Republic of Srpska;斯普斯卡共和国;RS; Republic of Sudan;苏丹共和国;; Republic of Vietnam;越南共和;; Republic of Yugoslavia Servia and Montenegro;南斯拉夫联盟共和国塞尔维亚和黑山;;塞尔维亚和黑山 Republic Steel Corporation;共和钢铁公司;; Republican Coalition Party;共和联合党;RCP; Republican Guard;共和国卫队;; Republican National Movement for Development and Democracy;全国发展和民主共和运动;; Republican Palace, The;共和国宫;; Republican People's Party;共和人民党;; Republican Reliance Party;共和信任党;; Republika Srpska;斯普斯卡共和国;RS; Republikein, Die;共和报;; Republique Arabe Sahraouie Democratique;阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国;; repudiation of nationality;弃绝国籍; 抛弃国籍;; repudiation of treaty;废弃条约;; repugnant substance;恶臭物质;; repurchase;购回;; repurchase agreement;购回协定;; reputation, honour and;声名与信誉; 荣誉与信用;; request;请请求请求书;; request contained in the draft resolution;决议草案内的要求;; request for additional appropriation;请求增拨经费;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司