翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 composite spar 组合翼梁 composite staff 旋分路签 composite statistical hypothesis 合成统计假设 composite steel 复合钢 composite strain 复合品系 composite structure 组合结构 composite symbol 复合符号 composite synchronizing pulse 复合同步脉冲 composite teaching 单元教学 composite testing 复合试验 composite tie 组合轨枕 composite tolerance 复合公差 composite tolerance 综合误差 composite tone 复合音 composite tone 合成音 composite tooth form 混成齿形 composite tooth form 组合齿形 composite transect 复合样带 composite transport 综合运输 composite transposition 复合换位 composite treaty 复合条约 composite truss 组合桁架 composite truss frame 混成桁架 composite tubular mast 多节管柱 composite unconformity 复合不整合 composite underframe 复合结构底架 composite variable 复合变量 composite variety 多系品种 composite variety 混系种 composite vector 合成向量 composite vein 复合脉 composite verb 复合动词 composite vessel 综合货船 composite volcano 复式火山 composite waste 混合废水 composite wave 波组 composite wave 复合波 composite wheel 复合砂轮 composite wire 双金属丝 composite word 复合词 composite word 合成词 composited tube 复合管 compositequantity 合数 composites of fields 域的合成 compositeturnover 复合周转数 composition 写作 composition 作文 composition 成分 composition 合成物 composition algebra 合成代数 composition battery case 胶质电池壳 composition board 组合板 composition book 写作指导书 composition book 作文练习簿 composition brake shoe 合成闸瓦 composition cork 合成材料的瓶塞 composition diagram 组成图 composition effect 复合效应 composition face 复合面 composition face 接合面 composition factor series 合成因子列 composition factors 合成因子 composition founts 书版印刷铅字 composition gradient 合成梯度 composition homomorphism 合成同态 composition joint 铆焊并用接合 composition mapping 复合映射 composition measurement 成分测量 composition motor 组合电机 composition nail 屋面板钉 composition of accelerations 加速度的合成 composition of atmosphere 大气组成 composition of balance 差额组合 composition of commodity consumption 商品消费构成 composition of fixed assets 固定资产的组成 composition of forces 合力 composition of homotopy classes 同伦类的合成 composition of industry 产业构成 composition of mapping 映射的合成 composition of price 价格构成 composition of primary cosmic ray 一次宇宙线的组成 composition of probabilities 概率合成 composition of profit 利润的组成 composition of radiance 辐射频谱 composition of resources available for commitment 可供承付 composition of velocity law 速度合成定律 composition plane 接合面 composition plane 复合面 composition principle 合成原理 composition product 合成积 composition profiles 组成分布 composition roller 明胶墨辊 composition rule 合成规则 composition scale 作文量表 composition sequence 合成序列 composition surface 接合面 composition variable 组成变量 compositional analysis 成分分析 compositional maturity 组分成熟度 compositionalism 构成派 compositionmetal 复合金属 compositivez 组成的 compositivez 合成的 compositivez 集成的 compositivez 混合的 compositive fund statement 综合基金表 compositive rejection 合成关系 compositive relation 合成关系 compositor 排字工人 compositor 排序 compositron 高速显字管 composmentis 精神健全的 compossible 可共存的 compost 混合肥料 compost 堆肥 compost block press 混合肥料营养钵压制机 compostable refuse 可堆肥垃圾 composting 堆制肥料 composure 镇静 composure 沉着 compotation 同饮 compotation 聚饮 compotation 酒宴 compotator 会饮者 compotator 酒伴 compote 煮熟的糖渍水果 compote 果盘 compotier 高脚果盘 compote 高脚果碟 compound 混合物 compote 化合物 compote 复合的 compote 混合 compote 配合 compound crystal 复晶体 compound a felony 受到赔偿而不起诉 compound a felony 私了案件 compound active participial 复合主动分词形容词 compound adjustment 多级调整 compound alluvial fan 复合冲积扇 compound alternator 复激交流发电机 compound amount 本和利 compound arbitrage 复合套汇 compound arbitrage 间接套汇 compound arbitrage 三角套汇 compound arbitration 重复汇兑 compound atom 复合原子 compound average 综合平均数 compound barm 混合酵母 compound beam 组合梁 compound blank 胶坯 compound body 混合体 compound body 合成体 compound bolster 复式承梁 compound box 传动箱 compound brush 合成电刷 compound cable 混合电缆 compound cable 分段组合电缆 compound cam 组合凸轮 compound casting 双金属铸件 compound catenary 双重键线 compound catenary 双重悬键线 compound catenary suspension 复链悬 compound chromosome 复合染色体 compound circuit 复合电路 compound circuit 复合线路 compound configuration 混合式构型 compound control action 复合控制作用 compound cryosar 复合低温雪崩开关 compound curvature 空间曲率 compound curve 复合曲线 compound cutting oil 复合切削油 compound cylinder 复合柱体 compound cylinder 复式汽缸 compound decision rule 复合判别准则 compound decision rule 复合决策准则 compound design 配方设计 compound device 复合设备 compound die 复式压模 compound diode 复合二极管 compound discount 复利贴现 compound dislocation 复合位错 compound effervescent powder 复合起泡粉 compound elastic scattering 复合核弹性散射 compound embryo sac 复胚囊 compound engine 复合式发动机 compound entry 综合分录 compound epicyclic reduction gear 两级行星减速器 compound essence 复合香精 compound ether 混合醚 compound evaporator 多效蒸发器 compound event 复合事件 compound excitation 复激励 compound expansion 复膨胀 compound expansion 二级膨胀 compound experiment 复合实验 compound expression 复合表达式 compound expression 复合式 compound eye 复眼 compound eyepiece 复式目镜 compound failure 复合破坏 compound feed 配合饲料 compound feint 复杂假动作 compound fertilizer 复合肥料 compound floating aileron 复式浮动副翼 compound flower 复合花 compound formulation 配方设计 compound fraction 繁分数 compound fracture 哆开骨折 compound fracture 有创骨折 compound frequency distribution 复合频率数分布 compound fruit 复合果 compound gall 复瘿 compound ganglion 复神经节 compound ganglion 复合性腱鞘囊肿 compound gauge 真空压力计 compound gauge 真空压力两用表 compound gear train 复式轮系 compound gearing 复合传动装置 compound girder 合成梁 compound girder 组合梁 compound glass 多层玻璃 compound glass tube 双孔玻璃管 compound grain structure 复粒结构 compound grinding 磨剂 compound hair 复毛 compound harness 复合吊综 compound horn 复合喇叭 compound indexing 复式分度 compound indicator 复式指示计 compound interest 复利 compound interferometer 复式干涉仪 compound ion 复合离子 compound journal entry 贷借方多项分录式 compound journal entry 分项分录式日记帐 compound kinematic chain 组合运动链 compound kinoform 复合开诺全息照片 compound lapping 研磨剂 compound lard 混合猪油 compound lard 混合油脂 compound lard 烹饪用猪油 compound lattice 复点阵 compound leaf 复叶 compound lens 复合透镜 compound lever 复式杠杆 compound link 复式链节 compound logic element 多逻辑元件 compound loudspeaker 复合式扬声器 compound magnet 复合磁铁 compound manure 复合肥料 compound marking 复斑 compound matrix 复合矩阵 compound measure 合成测度 compound melanosome 复合黑素体 compound meter 复合流量计 compound middle lamella 复中层 compound modulation 多重调制 compound motion 复摆运动 compound motion 纵横走刀 compound movement 复杂运动 compound noun 复合名词 compound nucleus 复核 compound number 复名数 compound output circuit 复合输出电路 compound ovary 复子房 compound oven 联立炉 compound parry 复杂防守 compound particle 合成粒子 compound pendulum 物理摆 compound motion 复摆 compound perfume 调合香料 compound perfume 香精 compound phoneme 复合音位 compound pier 组合柱 compound piston ring 由几部分组成复式活塞环 compound predicate 复合谓语 compound press tool 复合冲模 compound perfume 复式冲模 compound probability 合成概率 compound probability 组合概率 compound probability 合成几率 compound proportion 复比例 compound protein 复合蛋白 compound pulley 复滑车 compound pump 复式唧筒 compound pyrenoid 复蛋白核 compound quadratic form 复合二次形式 compound quadratic form 复合二次型 compound raceme 复总状花序 compound radical 复根 compound rail 复式钢轨 compound ratio 复比 compound regenerative oven 复合式再生炉 compound regulator 复合自动控制器 compound reinforcement 复式加筋 compound relocatable expression 复合可再定位表示式 compound resistance 复合阻力 compound rest 复式刀架 compound rest 小刀架 compound rest feed 复式刀架进给 compound rest handle 复式刀架手柄 compound rest swivel 复式刀架转盘 compound return 复杂还击 compound revolving screen 复式回转筛 compound river 合流河 compound rod 组合杆 compound rule 复合词规则 compound screw 复式螺钉 compound semiconductor 化合物半导体 compound sentence 并列句 compound shaft 复合井筒 compound shutter 复式快门 compound sieve plate 复合筛板 compound spike 复穗状花序 compound spore 复合孢子 compound spring 复式弹簧 compound stage compression 复级压缩 compound statement 复合语句 compound steam hammer 双缸气锤 compound steel 三层钢 compound rest 复合钢 compound stem 复合茎 compound stem 分枝茎 compound storied forest 复层林 compound suspension 复式悬挂装置 compound swivel 复式转座 compound table 组合台 compound table 复合工作台 compound technique 混合技法 compound tincture 复方酊剂 compound trommel 多层转筒筛 compound turbine 复合透平 compound turbine 复式涡轮 compound turbo jet 双级压缩机涡轮喷气发动机 compound twin 孪晶 compound twisted wire 合成绞线 compound umbel 复伞形花序 compound valley glacier 复合谷冰川 compound value 复利终值 compound ventilation 混合式通风 compound verb 复合动词 compound volcano 复合火山 compound wound dynamo 复激电机 compoundanimal 群体动物 compounded 混合的 compounded abrasive 复合磨料 compounded essential oil 混合香精油 compounded latex 填充胶乳 compounded latex 加填料胶乳 compounded mix 复合填料 compounded plate spring 组合片簧 compounded rubber 复合橡胶 compounded latex 填料混炼胶 compounder 部分还款者 compounder 中止起诉者 compounder 混合者 compounding 组合 compounding 混合 compounding feedforward 复合前馈 compounding ingredient 配合材料 compounding of cylinder 复合汽缸 compounding of glaze 配釉的方法 compounding period 复利计算期 compounding practice 配合操作 compounding variations 配方差异 compoundingroom 配料间 compoundingroom 配方室 compressor 压缩机房 compoundsubstance 复合物质 comprador 买办 comprador class 买办阶级 compral 康普拉尔 compral 乙酰水杨酸安替比林 compreg 胶合夹板 compregnated wood 胶压木材 comprehend 领会 comprehend 理解 comprehend 包括 comprehend 由...组成 comprehendingly 具有理解地 comprehensibility 能理解 comprehensibility 易了解 comprehensible 可理解的 comprehensible 易于了解的 comprehensibly 使能理解地 comprehensibly 易了解地 comprehension 理解 comprehension 包含 comprehension listening 理解性听力训练 comprehensive 全面的 comprehensive 广泛的 comprehensive 能充分理解的 comprehensive 包容的 comprehensive accounting 综合核算 comprehensive approach 综合方案 comprehensive approach 综合处理方法 comprehensive budget 总预算 comprehensive education 全面教育 comprehensive equilibrium 综合平衡 comprehensive evaluation map 综合评价地图 comprehensive examination 综合测验 comprehensive hybrid variety 综合杂交品种 comprehensive income 综合所得 comprehensive indication 明显指示 comprehensive institutional framework 综合体制 comprehensive insurance 综合保险 comprehensive insurance 全程保险 comprehensive map 综合地图 comprehensive mechanization 综合机械化 comprehensive plan 综合计划 comprehensive report 综合报告 comprehensive review 全面审查 comprehensive school 综合中学 comprehensive table statistics 综合统计表 comprehensive text 综合教科书 comprehensive total model 综合性总模型 comprehensive trace 全跟踪 comprehensive transportation study 综合运输研究 comprehensive treatment 综合治理 comprehensive university 综合大学 comprehensive work 综合著作 comprehensive work 大部巨著 comprehensive work 大全 comprehensively 包括地 comprehensivize 使综合化 compreseed iron powder core 压粉铁心 compress 压缩 compress 摘要叙述 compress 敷布 compress north 罗盘北向 compressed 被压缩的 compressed 扁平的 compressed air 压缩空气 compressed air atomization 压缩空气喷雾法 compressed air bearing 压缩空气轴承 compressed air bearing 压气轴承 compressed air bottle 压缩空气瓶 compressed air breaker 压缩空气断路器 compressed air cell 压缩空气腔 compressed air chuck 气压夹头 compressed air chuck 压缩空气卡盘 compressed air chuck 气动卡盘 compressed air clamp 压缩空气夹具 compressed air clamp 气动夹具 compressed air condenser 压缩空气电容器 compressed air distributor 压缩空气分配器 compressed air drill 风钻 compressed air gauge 气力系统压力表 compressed air hammer 压缩气锤 compressed air clamp 风铆锤 compressed air clamp 风动锤 compressed air hose 压缩空气软管 compressed air installation 压缩空气设备 compressed air jack 气动千斤顶 compressed air jack 气顶 compressed air jet 压缩空气喷射器 compressed air mixer 压缩空气式搅拌机 compressed air painting apparatus 压气油漆机械 compressed air plant 压缩空气装置 compressed air press 气动压力机 compressed air quenching 压缩空气淬火 compressed air spray gun 压缩空气式喷枪 compressed air spraying 压缩空气喷涂 compressed air starter 压缩空气起动机 compressed air stuffer 气动灌肠机 compressed airmotor 气动马达 compressed asbestos sheet 压紧的石棉胶板 compressed asbestos sheet 夹胶石棉板 compressed cereal bar 压缩干粮 compressed dehydrated foods 压缩脱水食品 compressed dehydrated foods 压成块的干制食品 compressed drive 压缩驱动器 compressed files 压缩文件 compressed format 压缩格式 compressed gas 压缩气体 compressed gas automobile 压缩瓦斯汽车 compressed gas cutout 压缩气体断路器 compressed gas cylinder 压缩气筒 compressed gastruck 煤气汽车 compressed height of spring 弹簧压缩高度 compressed hydrogen 压缩氢 compressed mixture 压制混合料 compressed oxygen 压缩氧气 compressed pattern lumber 压缩制模木材 compressed petroleum gas 液化瓦斯 compressed powder 压粉 compressed steel 压钢 compressed volume file 压缩卷文件 compressibility 可压缩性 compressibility correction 压缩性订正 compressibility drag 压缩性阻力 compressibility factor 压缩因数 compressibility figure 压缩系数 compressibility influence 压缩性影响 compressibility modulus 压缩模数 compressibility of a powder 粉末压缩性 compressibility parameter 可压缩性参数 compressible 可压缩的 compressible 可压榨的 compressible cake 压缩性滤渣 compressible cascade flow 可压缩叶栅气流 compressible cascade flow 可压缩叶栅流动 compressible flow theory 可压缩流理论 compressible jet 可压缩射流 compressible medium 可压缩介质 compressible support 让压支架 compressible support 可缩支架 compressing barrier 压缩阻片 compressing feedback loop 压缩反馈回路 compressing roll 压实辊 compressingrubber 压缩橡胶 compression 浓缩 compression 压缩 compression 压榨 compression 压缩 compression 密集 compression annealing 压缩熟炼 compression annealing 压缩退火 compression area 受压面积 compression area 压缩区 compression atrophy 压迫性萎缩 compression bonding 压力接合 compression boom 受压弦杆 compression border 压型化石边缘 compression bumper 缓冲器 compression casting 压铸 compression casting 加压铸造 compression chamber 气压匣 compression casting 气压室 compression check 压缩检查 compression chord 受压弦杆 compression coefficient 压缩系数 compression coupling 压紧联轴节 compression coupling 法兰锥形联轴节 compression creep 压缩蠕变 compression cube 抗压试验用立方试件 compression deflection characteristic 压缩变形特性 compression deformation 压缩变形 compression deformation 相对收缩量 compression diagonal 受压斜杆 compression die 挤压模 compression diffuser 压缩式扩散器 compression engine 压缩机 compression face 受压面 compression failure 压坏 compression faucet 压缩旋塞 compression fault 挤压断层 compression fissure 挤压裂缝 coordination agent 配位剂 compression flange 受压翼缘 compression gasoline 气态汽油 compression gauge 压缩真空计 compression grease cup 压缩加料滑脂杯 compression ignition 压缩点火 compression index 压缩指数 compression indicator 压缩指示器 compression inner ring 活塞环扩张器 compression joint 压力接合 compression joint 压接 compression kinking 压缩扭折 compression knock 压缩爆燃 compression leg 压柱 compression losses 压缩损失 compression manometer 压缩式真空计 compression modulus 抗压模量 compression mold 压模 compression molding 平板硫化 compression molding 压缩模塑 compression molding 压模 compression molding press 压力成形机 compression moulding compound 压塑料 compression nut 压紧螺母 compression of dynamic range 动态范围压缩 compression of dynamic range 音量压缩 compression of quasigroups 拟群的压缩 compression of signal 信号压缩 compression packing 压缩包装 compression packing 紧缩包装 compression pad 压缩式防震垫 compression plant gasoline 压缩冷凝法回收的天然汽油 compression process gasoline 压缩冷凝法回收的天然汽油 compression programs 压缩程序 compression pump 压缩机 compression pump 压气机 compression rating 增益压缩比 compression ratio 压缩率 compression ratio 压缩比 compression regulator 压实度调节器 compression reinforcement 抗压钢筋 compression reinforcement 压缩加强法 compression release 压缩漏气 compression release valve 减压阀 compression relief 泄压旋塞 compression relief cam 调压凸轮 compression resistance 耐压力 compression resistance starter 加压变阻起动器 compression retarder 抗压延迟器 compression roller 压辊 compression screw 压紧螺钉 compression set 压缩形变 compression shackle 压缩弹簧钩 compression shear apparatus 压缩剪切装置 compression shock 压力震动 compression shock absorption 压缩减震 compression shrinkage 加压收缩 compression sintering 加压烧结 compression space 压缩空间 compression space 压缩室 compression spectrum 压缩谱 compression splice 受压拼接 compression sprayer 压力喷雾器 compression spring 压缩弹簧 compression strain 压缩应变 compression stress relaxation 压缩松弛 compression stroke 压缩冲程 compression strut 压缩支柱 compression strut 压杆 compression tap 压缩旋塞 compression travel 压缩行程 compression valve 压缩行程阀 compressional 有压缩性的 compressional 与压缩有关的 compressional heating 压缩加热 compressional vibration 纵振动 compressional vibration 压缩振动 compressional viscosity 压缩粘度 compressional wave 压缩波 compressive 有压缩力的 compressive curvature 压缩曲率 compressive elatic limit 压缩弹性极限 compressive fatigue strength 压缩疲劳强度 compressive layer 压缩层 compressive parallel plate viscometer 压缩平行板粘度计 compressive region 受压范围 compressive region 受压区 compressive reinforcement 受压钢筋 compressive reinforcement 抗压钢筋 compressive resistance 压应力 compressive reinforcement 抗压力 compressive reinforcement 抗压强度 compressive rigidity 抗压刚度 compressive strength 耐压强度 compressive stress 压力 compressive ultimate strength 极限抗压强度 compressometer 压缩仪 compressor 压缩物 compressor 压缩机 compressor 收缩肌 compressor air intake 压气机进风装置 compressor amplifier 压缩放大器 compressor blade row 压气机叶栅 compressor bleed governor 压气机放气调节器 compressor cascade 压气机叶栅 compressor circuit 压缩电路 compressor displacement 压缩机排量 compressor flow 压气机的流量 compressor flow 通过压缩枪的气量 compressor governor 调压器 compressor governor 压气机调节器 compressor gun 润滑油冲压机 compressor housing 压气机气缸 compressor impeller screen 压气机入口防尘网 compressor inlet vane assembly 压缩器进口叶片组件 compressor input 压缩输入 compressor lubrication 压缩机润滑 compressor manifold 压缩机歧管 compressor map 压气机特性线图 compressor mount 压气机机架 compressor output 压缩机制冷能力 compressor power 压气机功率 compressor pressure ratio 压气机增压比 compressor rotor 压气机转子 compressor set 压气机组 compressor set 空气压缩机组 compressor stage 压气机级 compressor stall 压气机失速 compressor start interlock 压气机起动联锁 compressor surge limit 压气机喘振极限 compressor vacuum pump 压气机真空泵 compressor valve 压气机气门 compressorblade 压缩机叶片 compressure 压缩 compressure 抑制 comprimario 主要配角 comprint 私印版 comprisable 能被包含的 comprisable 可被包括的 comprisal 包括 comprisal 包容 comprise 包含 comprise 由...组成 comprizal 包括 comprizal 包含 comprize 包括 comprize 由...组成 compromise 妥协 compromise 折衷 compromise 妥协 compromise 折衷 compromise 危及...的安全 compromise act 妥协条例 compromise balancing network 粗调的平衡网络 compromise clause 仲裁条款 compromise joint 异型接头 compromise joint 异孔钢轨 compromise network 折衷网络 compromise rail 异形钢轨 compromise sort 折衷分类 compromise with sb. on sth. 妥协 compromised total loss 约定全损 compromising emanations 泄密发射 compromising joint bar 异形鱼尾板 comprovincial 同地方的 comprovincial 同一大主教管区的 compter-TV 电脑电视 comptograph 自动计算器 comptometer 高速度计算机之一种 comptometer 其商标名 Compton 姓氏 Compton absorption coefficient 康普顿吸收系数 Compton attenuation coefficient 康普顿衰减系数 Compton cross section 康普顿截面 Compton shift 康普顿移动 comptroller 审计员 comptroller general 总审计长 comptroller of accounts 审计长 comptroller of currency 通货监理官 comptroller of the treasury 美国库监督 comptroller of the treasury 会计检查官 compu- 表示“电脑”之义 compulsator 强制器 compulsion 强迫 compulsion 强制 compulsion 强迫性冲动 compulsion type concrete mixer 强制式混凝土搅拌机 compulsionist 主张采取强迫手段的人 compulsive 强制的 compulsive 强迫的 compulsive 由强迫产生的 compulsive 禁不住的 compulsive colony 强制殖民地 compulsive means 强制手段 compulsively 强制地 compulsively 禁不住地 compulsorily 强迫地 compulsorily 强制地 compulsory 必需做的 compulsory 必修的 compulsory 被强迫的 compulsory 被强制的 compulsory 义务的 compulsory arbitration 强制仲裁 compulsory circulation 强制流通 compulsory commutation 强制解除 compulsory course 必修课 compulsory crossing 强迫杂交 compulsory debt 强制公债 compulsory discipline 必修学科 compulsory education 义务教育 compulsory exercise 规定动作 compulsory purchase 强制性收买 compulsory reserve 强迫准备 compulsory sanction 强制性制裁 economic sanctions 经济制裁 economic sanctions 经济抵制 compulsory sandhi 强迫连音 compulsory stop 强制停车 compulsory subject 必修科目 compulsory work 必修作业 compunction 良心的谴责 compunction 后悔 compunction 悔恨 compunctious 悔的 compunctious 惭愧的 compunctious 内疚的 compunication 计算机通信 compuphone 计算机电话 compurgation 根据他人保证宣告被告无罪 compurgator 辩护者 compurgator 为他人作证者 CompuServe 美国最大的在线信息服务机构之一 CompuServe Information System Compuserve信息系统 computability 可计算性 computable 可计算的 computalk 电子计算机通话 computation 计算 computation 估计 computation correction 计算修正 computation explosion mechanics 计算爆炸力学 computation fluid mechanics 计算流体力学 computation laboratory 计算研究所 computation laboratory 计算室 computation mechanics 计算力学 computation module 计算模型 computation of elevation 高程计算 computation of hours worked 工时计算 computation of optimum linear taxation 最佳线性税收计算技术 computation of settlement price 成交单价的计算 computation of tax amount 税额计算 computation of train traction 列车牵引计算 computation of yield 计算收获量 computation of yield 估产 computation sheet 计算表格 computation solid mechanics 计算固体力学 computational 计算的 computational complexity 计算的复杂性 computational language 计算机语言 computational linguistics 计算语言学 computational mathematics 计算数学 computational photogrammetry 计算摄影测量 computational physics 计算物理学 computational problem 计算问题 computational problem 算题 computational procedure 计算程序 computational quantum chemistry 计算量子化学 computational scheme 计算线路 computational scheme 计算方案 computational table 计算表 computational technique 计算法 computative 推算的 computative 喜欢计算的 computator 计算机 computator 电脑 compute 计算 compute 估计 compute 用计算机计算 compute sign 计算符号 computed azimuth angle 计算方位角 computed diameter 计算直径 computed firing azimuth 提前方位角 computed Go To statement 计算转向语句 computed measured velocity 估算的测度流动速度 computed mode 操作方式 computed path 运算途径 computed price 推定价格 computed pulse shape 脉冲的计算波形 computed pushbutton 计算按钮 computed result 计算结果 computed speed 计算速度 computed taring 预计皮重 computed taring 推定皮重 computed torsional strength 计算抗扭强度 computed value 计算值 computed velocity 计算速度 computer 计算机 computer 电脑 computer aided die design 利用电子计算机进行模具设计 computer aided software engineering 电脑辅助软件工程 computer animation 计算机直观显示 computer application 计算机应用 computer application criterion 计算机应用标准 computer assisted management 计算机辅助管理 computer assisted quality management 计算机辅助质量管理 computer automatic translation 机器自动翻译 computer board 计算台 computer bureau manager 计算机处处长 computer camera 计算机摄象机 computer capacity 整机规模 computer cartography 计算机制图学 computer centre 计算机中心 computer chronograph 计算器计时器 computer circuit 计算机回路 computer circuit 计算机电路 computer class 计算机课 computer code 计算机编码 computer complex 计算装置 computer configuration 计算机配置 computer control communication 计算机控制通信 computer control register 计算机控制寄存器 computer crime 电脑犯罪 computer dating 计算机约会安排 computer design automation 计算机设计自动化 computer editor 计算机编辑装置 computer entry punch 计算机输入凿孔机 computer family 计算机族 computer family 计算机系 computer field service 计算机应用维修 computer file 计算机文件 computer file 计算机外存储器 computer game 计算机模拟 computer generations 计算机代 computer generations 计算机发展阶段 computer genetics 计算机遗传学 computer graphics 电脑图形图像 computer hardware 计算机的硬件 computer holography 计算机全息术 computer identification of bacteria 细菌的计算机鉴定 computer instruction 计算机指令 computer instruction 机器指令 computer instruction code 计算机代码 computer instruction code 机器代码 computer instruction set 计算机指令组 computer interface 计算机接口 computer interface 计算机界面 computer invoice 计算机发票 computer language 计算机语言 computer language translator 计算机语言翻译程序 computer larguage 计算机语言 computer laser technology 计算机激光技术 computer library service 计算机为图书馆服务 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司