翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 request for an additional appropriation;要求增拨经费;; request for hearing;请求听询;; Request for Settlement of Income Taxes;所得税偿还申请表;; request for the inclusion of a supplementary item in the agenda of the...Session;请求在第....届会议议程内列入一个补充项目;; Request for the Inclusion of an Additional Item in the Agenda of the ....Session;请求在第....届会议议程内列入一个增列项目;; Request for the Inclusion of an Item in the Provisional Agenda of the 50th Regular Session of the General Assembly;请求在大会第五十届翅临时议程内列入一个项目;; Request for the Inclusion of an Item in the Provisional Agenda of the Twenty-seventh Session;请求在第....届会议临时议程内列入一个项目;; requested party;被请求国;; Requested State;被请求国;; requester;查询人;; requesting country;请求国;; requesting Government;请求国政府 F.224 [UNDP] 申请国政府 A.7606 [Budget] 要求国政府;; requesting party;请求方;; Requesting State;请求国;; requestor for information;要求者;; requests;请, 要求;; requests for carry forward of funds;结转经费要求;; requests for remittal of contributions and advances;请缴会费和预算款项;; required goods and materials;所需货品和物资;; required majority;法定多数票; 必要多数;; required minimum age of marriage;法定最低结婚年龄;; required proof of entitlement;应享权利的必要证明;; requisite majority;必要多数;; requisitioner;申购人;; requisitions;请购单;; reroofing;修屋顶;; rerouting;改道; 改变走帐方式;; Resident Programme Officer;驻地方案干事;; res ancipitis usus;和战两用物;; res communis omnium;公共之物; 公用之总物;; res communis;公有物;; res extra commercium;非私有物;; res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet;他人之间的行为不得妨害不参加得人;; res judicata;已决事件; 定案;; res mullius;无主之物; 无主地;; res nullius;无主财产;; res perit custodibus;保管人承担损失;; res perit domino;货主承担损失;; res perit emptore;买主承担损失;; resale;转卖;再卖;再售;; rescheduling;重新安排偿还期限;; rescind the decision;撤消裁决;; Rescue at Sea and Disembarkation Resettlement Offers;海上救援和重新安置计划;; Rescue at Sea Resettlement offers;海上救援和重新安置计划;RASRO; rescue clause;救助条款;; rescue coordination centre RCC;救援协调中心;RCC; Research Administration's Office;研究管理处;RAD; Research Adviser;研究顾问;; Research and Applications for Alternative Financing for Development;研究和应用其他筹资办法促进发展;RAFAD; Research and Data Analysis Unit;研究和数据分析股;; Research and Data Collection Unit;研究和数据收集股;; research and development;研究和发展研究和开发;R and D; research and development activities;研究和发展活动;; Research and Development Assistance Scheme;研究和发展援助计划研发援助计划;RDAS;研发援助计划 research and development costs;研究和发展成本;; research and development costs charged as an expense for the current period;记为本期费用的研究和发展成本;; research and development costs of the current period deferred for amortization over the future periods;递延到以后各期摊销的本期研究和发展成本;; research and development expenditure;研究和发展开支;; Research and Documentation Unit;研究和文件股;; Research and Early Warning Service;研究和预报处;; research and experimental development;研究和实验发展;; Research and Information System;研究和信息系统;RIS; Research and Planning Division;研究和规划司;; Research and Policy Analysis Branch;研究和政策分析处;; Research and Projects Officer;研究和项目干事;; Research and Publications Section;研究和出版科;; Research and Technology Development Division;研究和技术发展司;; Research and Training Advisory Committee;研究和训练咨询委员会;; Research and Training Centre for Women, the Family and Development;妇女、家庭及发展研究和训练中心;; Research and Training Centre on Global Environment and Human Health;全球环境与人类健康研究和训练中心;; Research and Training Centre on the Study of Governance;施政研究研训中心 施政研究中心;UNU/CESG;治理研究中心 research and training centre or programme;研究和训练中心或方案;RTC/P; Research and Training in Tropical Diseases;热带病研究和训练;; Research and Training Unit;研究和训练股;; Research arm;研究机构; 负责研究的部门;; Research Assistant;研究助理;; Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology;应用科学技术研究中心;RECAST; Research Centre for Cooperation with Developing countries;与发展中国家合作研究中心;RCCD; Research Centre on Islamic History, Art and Culture;伊斯兰历史、艺术和文化研究中心;IRCICA; Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Southern Asia;南亚社会和经济发展研究中心;; Research Centre on the Social Implications of Industrialization in Southern Asia;南亚工业化对社会影响研究中心;; Research Colloquium for the Production Family;生产家庭研究讨论会;; Research Committee;研究委员会;; Research Committee on the Sociology of Youth;青年社会学研究委员会;; Research Department of the High Command of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea;民主柬埔寨国民军总司令部研究部;; Research Design and Standards Organization;研究、设计和标准组织;; Research Division;研究司;; Research Documentation and Information Centre;研究文献和信息中心信息中心;CREDIF;信息中心 research grants;研究补助金;; Research Group for European Migration Problems;欧洲移徙问题研究组;REMP; Research Group for Inter-parliamentary Questions;议会间问题研究小组;; Research Group for Social and Visual Relationships;社会和视觉关系研究小组;CIAM; Research Institute;研究所;; Research Institute for Balkan Economic Cooperation;巴尔干经济合作研究所;; Research Institute for Innovative Technology for the Earth;堡地球革新技术研究所革新研究所;RITE;革新研究所 Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology;核医学和核生物学研究所;; Research Institute for Palm Oils and other Oleaginous Plants;棕榈油及其他产油植物研究所 产油植物研究所;IRHO;产油植物研究所 Research Institute of Electric Light Source Materials of Nanjing;南京电光源材料研究所;; research institutes;研究机构;; Research Libraries Group;研究图书馆集团;; Research Libraries Information Network;研究图书馆资料网;RLIN; Research Managers;研究管理专员;; Research on Development of New, Stress-resistant Maize Genetic Resources;研究开发新的、具有抵抗力的玉米遗传资源;; Research project grants;研究项目补助金;; Research Project on the Economic Impact of Adult Mortality from AIDS and other Causes;由于艾滋病及其他原因致死的成人死亡率对经济影响问题研究项目;; Research Section;研究科;; research ship;调查船; 考察船; 研究船;; Research surveys;研究考察; 研究调查;; Research Triangle Institute;研究三角研究所 [美国];RTI; Research Workshop on Alternatives to Imprisonment;关于监外教养办法的研讨会;; research, development and demonstration;研究、开放和示范;RD&D; Research, Extension and Training Division;研究、推广和训练司研推训司;SDR;研推训司 Research, Studies and Prevention of Discrimination Section;研究、调查和防止歧视科;; Researcher/writer;研究员兼编剧;; Reseau Sahelien de Documentation;萨赫勒文件网络;RESADOC; Resena Minerals Co.;雷塞纳矿物公司;; RESENDIZ, Leandro Arellano;莱安德罗·阿雷利亚诺·雷森迪斯;; reservation;保留;; reservation of credits to meet expenditures;保留存款应付支出;; reserve account;准备帐户;; reserve accounting;准备金会计;; reserve army;后备部队; [南朝鲜]后备军;; reserve assets;储备资产;; reserve bank;储备银行;; Reserve Bank of South Africa;南非储备银行;; reserve budget;储备预算;; reserve clause;保留条款;; reserve currency;储备货币;; reserve for constructive loans to government;政府造房贷款储备金;; Reserve for Emergencies and other Contingencies;应急和其他意外开支准备金;; Reserve for Field Accommodation;外地住房准备金;RFA; reserve for fund-raising initiatives;筹募经费运动准备金;; reserve for liabilities;负债准备;; reserve for own shares;自有股份准备;; reserve for replacement of inventories;重置存货准备;; Reserve for Reporting;报告编制储备金;; reserve for support cost;支助费用储备额;; reserve for the acquisition of fixed assets;购置固定资产准备;; Reserve Fund for Field Office Accommodation and Staff Housing;外地办公室房舍和工作人员住房储备金;; reserve of military observers and armed forces of the United Nations;联合国军事观察员和武装部队预备队;; reserve officer;预备军官;; Reserve Oil and Gas Co.;储备油气公司;; reserve unit of UN stand-by troops;联合国待命部队中的后备部队;; reserve units;后备部队;; reserved area;保留区域;; reserved employment;保留的就业;; reserved forest;保留林;; reserves;准备金;;金 reserves of armed forces;预备役军人;; reserves against unsettled claims;未决索赔准备金;; reserves and contingencies for staff welfare;工作人员福利储备金和应急基金;; reserves for with-profit insurance;分红保险准备金;; Reserving States;保留国;; reservist;预备役军人; 预备兵;; reservist paratroopers;后备役伞兵;; reservoir;水库; 吸收库; 储层; 蓄水池;; reservoir of chlorine;氯的吸收库;; reservoir species;吸收库中的各种物质;; resettlement [migrant worker];重新定居;; Resettlement and rehabilitation;重新定居和重新安置;; resettlement areas;安置地区;; resettlement camp;徙置区;; resettlement countries;重新安置国家;; resettlement outside the region;区域外重新定居;; Resettlement Service;安置事务处;; reshaping of trade in the flows;改变贸易流动状态;; reside separately;分居;; residence;常住常住问题、常住状况、常住权、常住属性常住地位;; residence half-time;停留半衰期; 半存留期;; residence permit;居留证;; residence time;停留时间;; residences;居所;; Residency;行省; 督府;; Residency boundary;区界;; Residency Council;区参政会;; Residency of Jogjakarta;日惹行政区;; resident;常住者;; Resident diplomatic; political;驻节公使; 驻办; 驻使; 督办;; Resident - General;总督, 驻....长官;; resident alien;常住侨民;; resident burdensome surpluses;累赘剩余;; Resident Coordinator of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System;联合国系统发展业务活动驻地协调员;; Resident Coordinator of the operational activities for development of the United Nations system in Lebanon;联合国系统黎巴嫩发展业务活动驻地协调员;; Resident Commissioner;常驻专员;; Resident Coordinator;驻地协调员;RC; resident enterprise;常住企业;; resident fellows and scholars;驻访研究员和学者;; resident households;常住住户;; Resident Minister;常驻部长常驻公使;; resident population;常住人口; 居民人口;; Resident Programme Officer;驻地方案干事;; Resident Representative;驻地代表;; Resident Representative for the Eastern Caribbean;东加勒比驻地代表;; Resident Research Associateship Program;驻地研究金方案;; resident scholar;驻访学者;; resident SIDFAs;驻地高级现场顾问;; resident units;常住单位;; residential area centre, purely;住宅区;; residential school;寄宿学校;; residential training centre;寄宿培训中心;; residual;残留物; 残积物;; residual residually;余项; 残差项; 剩余法;; residual balances of closed projects;项目完成后剩余的款项;; residual burdensome surpluses;累赘剩余;; residual character;剩余性质;; residual convention;剩余备用公约;; residual fuel oil;残余燃料油;; residual insecticide;残余杀虫剂;; residual liability;剩余赔偿责任;; residual regime;剩余备用制度;; residual rule;剩余规则; 备用规则;; residual settlement;剩余偿金;; residual soil;残积土;; residual spawning biomass;剩余产卵生物量;; residual stock of projects;项目库存额;RSP; residuary rule clause;剩余规则; 备用规则;; residue value of projects;项目剩余值;; resilience;复原力;; resilience under stress;应力之下的回弹力;; resinking of wells;重新打井;; resins;树脂;; Resisres jusdicata;定案; 已决案件;; resistance forces;抵抗力量;; resistance movement;抵抗力量;; Resistance Youth [Australia];抵抗青年;; resistant to pollution;耐污染的; 抗污染的;; Resistencia Nacional;全国抵抗组织;RN; Resistencia Nacional de Mozambique;莫桑比克全国抵抗运动;RENAMO; Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana;莫桑比克全国抵抗运动抵运;RENAMO;抵运 Resistencia Unida Angolana Angolan United Resistance;安哥拉团结抵抗运动团结抵抗运动;RUA;团结抵抗运动 resistor;电阻器;; resolution;分辨率;; Resolution 8 XXVII of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities;防止歧视和堡少数小组委员会的第8XXVI号决议;; Resolution adopted by the Special Committee at its 977th meeting on 22 August 1974;1979年8月22 日特别委员会第977次会议通过的决议;; Resolution adopted without reference to a main committee;未经发交主要委员会而通过的决议;; resolution degradation;分辨率衰减;; Resolution I on respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories;关于占领领土内人权的尊重及实施的决议一;; Resolution on Small-Calibre Weapon Systems;关于小口径武器系统的决议;; Resolution on the Problem of Interference in the Internal Affairs of African States;关于干涉非洲国家内部事务问题的决议;; Resolution on the use of Radio as an Instrument of Dissemination of Hostile Broadcasts against the Non-Aligned Countries;关于利用无线电作为对不结盟国家进行敌对广播的工具的决议;; Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its thirty-ninth;大会第三十九届会议通过的决议和决定;; resolutions involving expenditures;涉及支出的决议;; resolutions on the crisis in the Arabian Gulf arising out of the Iraqi Occupation of the State of Kuwait, adopted by the Council of the League of Arab at its extraordinary session held at Cairo on 30 and 31 August 1990;阿拉伯国家联盟理事会于1990年8月30日和31日在开罗举行的特别会议就伊拉克占领科威特 所引起的阿拉伯湾晰通过的各项决议;; resolve through peaceful means any disputes with respect to the implementation of this Agreement;以和平方法解决任何有关执行本协定的争端;; resolving power;解像力;; Resort to a commission of good offices, mediation or conciliation within the United Nations;利用联合国内的斡旋、调万调解委员会;; resort to force or the threat of force;诉诸武力或武力威胁;; resource per cent of programme total;占方案全部资源的百分之一;; resource allocation;资源分配资源配置;; resource base;资源基础;; resource book;资料手册;; Resource Centre;资源中心;; resource classrooms;资源教室;; Resource Committee on Transnational Crime;跨国犯罪问题资源委员会;; Resource Development Unit;资源开发股;; resource endowment;天赋资源;; Resource Exploration;资源勘探公司;; resource flows;资源流动;; resource growth at revised 1981 rates;资源增长按1981年订正费率计算;;按1981年订正费率计算 resource institutions;资源机构;; resource kit;资料袋;; resource man;技术顾问; 支助人员;; resource material;原始材料;; resource mobilization;资源调动;; Resource Mobilization Advisory Committee;资源调动咨询委员会;RMAC; Resource Mobilization and External Relations Unit;资源调动和对外关系股;; resource mobilization target;资源调动指标;RMT; resource on constraints;资源限制拮据;; Resource Person;顾问;; resource recovery;资源回收;; resource recovery plant;资源回收厂回收车间;; resource requirements;所需资源所需资金;; resource surveys;资源勘察;; resource-poor regions;资源贫乏区域;; resources;资源;; Resources and Programme Planning Office;资源和方案规划处;RAPPO; resources for children;给予儿童的资源;; International Plan of Action;国际行动计划;IPOA;行动计划 Resources for Development: Net Outflow of Capital from Developing Countries;发展资源: 发展中国家的资本净外流;; Resources for the Awareness of Population Impact on Development III;了解人口对发展的影响材料之三 材料之三;RAPID III;材料之三 Resources Mobilization and Inter-agency Coordination Service;资源调动和机构间协调处资源协调处;RMICS;资源协调处 Resources Mobilization Section;资源调动科;RM; Resources Mobilization Service;资源调动处;; respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms;尊重和遵守人权和基本自由;; respect for and understanding of human rights;对人权的尊重和理解;; respect for human rights in armed conflicts;武装冲突中对人权的尊重;; Respect for the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations;尊重联合国和各专门机构以及有关组织工作人员的特权和豁免;; Respect for the right of everyone to own property alone as well as in association with others and its contribution to the economic and social development of Member States;尊重每个人的单独的财产所有权以及同他人合 有的所有权及其对会员国经济及社会发展的贡 献;; respect immediately and fully;立即完全遵守;; respirable suspended particulates;可因呼吸进入人体的悬浮微粒;RSPs; respirable-sized particulates;颗粒大小可因呼吸进入人体的微粒;; respiratory infections;呼吸道感染;; respiratory syncytial viruses;呼吸道合胞体病毒;RSV; respite care;临时护理残疾人;;残疾人 respond....to the needs of....;满足....需要;; respondent;答辩人被告回答人口普查问题的答卷人;; responsible fishing;负责任捕鱼;; response;回应; 反应; 响应;; response plan;应急计划; 反应计划;; response strategies;回应战略;; Response Strategies Working Group;反应策略工作组;; Response Strategies Working Group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;政府间气候变化小组反应策略工作组;; response time of a measuring instrument;测量仪器的响应时间;; response to insecticides;对杀虫剂的反应;; responseles apocrisiarii;教皇全责大使;; responsibilities;职责;; responsibilities of the States parties for the expenses of the members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination under article 8, paragraph6, of the Convention;缔约各国根据公约第8条第6款对消除种族歧视 委员会成员的费用所应承担的责任;; Responsibility for Peace and Security in the Changing World;在变化中世界的和平与安全责任;; responsibility of States for the protection of the environment and prevention of environmental pollution as a result of the accumulation of toxic and radioactive wastes, and strengthening of international cooperation for the purpose of;各国有责任堡环境和防止因毒性和放射性废料累积而造成的环境污染, 并加强国际团 结, 以解决这个问题;; Additional Protocol to the Safeguards Agreements;保障协定附加议定书;; responsibility of the State;国家的责任;; responsibility to pay;缴款责任;; Responsible Care programme;负责任的经营方案;; responsible fishing;负责任捕鱼;; responsible government;责任政府;; Responsible National Oceangraphic Data Centre for the Southern Ocean in Argentina;阿根廷南极洋国家海洋学数据中心;; responsible parenthood;负责任的生育计划生育;; responsible reproductive behaviour;负责任的生育行为;; responsible sexual behaviour;负责任的性行为;; responsible technology;负责任技术;; RESSLER, Kirkby;柯克比·雷斯勒;; rest and recuperation leave;休养假;; rest barricade;休息用障碍工事;; rest of the world;国外;; restatement of specific costs;重报特定成本;; restatement of the value of an asset;重报资产价值;; restatement of unsettled balances at the balance sheet date;在结帐日重报未结余额;; Restaurant Associations;餐馆业联合会;; restitutio in integrum;回复原状;; restitution;恢复原状;; restitution in kind;实物复原;; restitution of advance annual and sick leave;预支事假和病假扣还;; restitution of objects;归还物体;; restitution of services;恢复服务;; restitution of the diverted water;补偿因引流而减少的水量;; restocking;再放养; 再引种; 种群恢复;; Restoration of infrastructure;恢复基础设施;; restoration of jurisdiction peace;恢复法权 和平;;和平 restoration of soils;土壤的恢复;; Restoration of the Lawful Rights of the Royal Government of National Union of Cambodia in the United Nations Organization;恢复柬埔寨王国民族团结政府在联合国组织中的合法权利;; restorative measures;恢复措施;; restorative services;复原服务;; restored taxa;复原分类群;; restricted assets;专用资产限定用途资产;; restricted ballot;限制性投票;; Restricted Business Practices Unit;限制性商业惯例股;; restricted contribution;特定用途捐款;; Restricted documents;不公开分发文件;; Restricted Postal Unions;限制性邮盟;; restricted residence for life;终身软禁;; restricted union;特限联合会;; restricted zone;边境禁区;; restriction of entry into the country;限制入境; 禁止入境;; restrictions on sulphur dioxide emissions;二氧化硫排放的限制;; restrictions on the title to an asset;对资产所有权的限制;; Restrictive Business Practices Trust Fund;限制性商业惯例信托基金;; restrictive doctrine of state immunity;限制性国家豁免理论;; restrictive measures;限制性措施;; restrictive or selective asylum policies;限制或选择性庇护政策;; restrictive pre-screening;限制性预选;; restrictive state immunity;限制性国家豁免;; Restructured Global Environment Facility;经调整的全球环境基金;GEF II; Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System;联合国系统经济和社会部门的改组;; Restructuring the existing pattern of international scientific and technological relations;改革目前国际科学和技术关系的形式;; Restructuring the World Order and the United Nations;世界次序的调整与联合国;; corporate strategic results framework;共同战略成果框架;; Resubmitted;从新提出;; result-oriented political dialogue;着重效果的政治对话;; results of these elections once certified as free and fair by the United Nations;经联合国证实为自由和公正的大选结果;; Resume the chair; resume the chairmanship;继续担任主席;; Resumed from______meeting;续第___次会议;; resumed session;续会;; resumed thirty-fifth session of the General Assembly;大会第三十五届会议续会;; resumption of diplomatic relations;复交; 恢复外交关系;; resumption of nationality;恢复国籍;; resumption of operation of a treaty;条约恢复施行;; resumption of the ration distribution to Palestine refugees;恢复向巴勒斯坦难民发放配给品;; resupply;再补给;; Resupply flights;再补给飞行;; resupply of forces during cantonment;武装力量集中在营地期间的供给;; resurvey;重新调查;; resuscitation table;急救台;; retail banking transactions;零售银行交易;; Retail Clerks Union;零售店员工会;; retail inventory method;零售价盘存法;; retail outlet;零售点;; retail trade;零售业;; retained dose;保留剂量; 持留剂量;; retained earnings;留存盈余 收益;;收益 retained earnings and reserves;留存收益和准备;; retained realized profits;留存已实现利润;; retainer;预聘费;; retaliatory tariffs;报复性关税;; Retardation factor new post;迟延因素新员额;;新员额 retarded spark timing;延迟点火正时;; retention;持水; 滞留水量;; retention and destruction of records;保存和销毁记录;; retention and development of staff;保留和培养人员;; retention efficiency;去除效率;; retention of nationality;保持国籍;; retention of title;扣留所有权;; retention quotas;定量保留;; retention time;停留时间; 阻滞时间;; retentionist country;保留死刑的国家;; Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin;文化财产应送回或归还本国;; Regional Committee for Electrical Integration;区域电力一体化委员会电力一体化委员会;CIER;电力一体化委员会 retirees;退休人员;; retirement allowance of the Secretary-General;秘书长退休津贴;; retirement benefit;退休金;; retirement benefit plan costs;退休金计划成本;; Retirement depreciation;报废折旧法;; retirement gratuity;退休金;; retirement of long-term loans;长期借款拨还; 偿还长期贷款;; retirement of securities;收回证券;; retirement of shipping documents;赎单;; retirement schemes;退休办法;; retirement survivors benefits;退休遗属抚恤金;; retirements and disposals;报废和出售;; Retiring Chairman, etc....;即将离任的主席, 等....;;主席, 等.... retiring member;即将御任成员;; retornados;归国侨民;; retraction;取消; 撤回; 食言; 爽约;; retraining;再训练;; retranslated;重新折算汇率;;汇率 retreat;务虚会;; retrenchment;裁员;缩减;; retrenchment through attrition;自然减员;; retrieval;检索;; retroactive;追溯既往; 追补;; retroactive adjustment;追溯调整;; retroactive admission Pension Fund;追计加入;; retroactive charging of personnel costs;补收人事费;; retroactive contributions Pension Fund;追溯交款;; retroactive depreciation;补记折旧;; retroactive effect;追溯效力;; retroactive revision;追溯性订正;; retroactively reclassified;追溯改叙;; retroactivity of payments;款项的追领或追付;; retrofit;改装; 改型;; retrofit technology;改装技术;; retrofiting;改装; 改型;; retrofitted low-pollution vehicle;经改装的低污染车辆;; retroreflective placard;后向反光性标志牌;; retrospective actuarial liability;补记精算负债;; return right of migrant workers;回返;; return comparisons;报酬比较;; return migrant;回国移民; 回返移民;; return migration;回移;; return of investment;投资利润; 投资报酬;; return or restitution of cultural property;文化财产的送回或归还;; return time;复原时间;; return to civilian life;退役;; return-beam vidicon RBV;返束光导摄像管;RBV; returnable glass container;可以退回的玻璃容器;; returnee women;回返家园的妇女;; returnees;回返者;; returning officer;选举主任;; returning to former employment;回任原职;; Banco de Datos de Balanza de Pagos;国际收支数据库;BADEPAG; returning to one's post;返任;; returns;收入;; Reunion;留尼汪岛;; Reunion du Comite Politque Consultatif des Etats Parties au Traite de Varsovie;华沙条约缔约国政治协商委员会会议;; Reunion of National Committees;国家委员会联合会议;; Reunionese;留尼汪人;; reusable space vehicle;可再使用航天器;; Reuter's Information Services;路透社资料服务处;; revaluated resource base;从新估价的资源基数;; revaluation;升值; 重新调整币值;; revaluation account;重估价帐户;; revaluation of currencies;货币改值;; revaluation of loans denominated in foreign currencies;外币债项的再估价;; revaluation of the 19xx-19xx resource base;重新估价19xx-19xx年的资源基数;; Revaluation of the resources base;资源基数重新估价;; revaluation reserves;重估价准备;; revaluation surplus;重估价盈余;; revalue upwards;向上调价;; revalued appropriations;重新估价的经费;; revalued base;重新估价的费用基数;; revalued resource base;重新估价的资源基数;; revalution surplus;重估价盈余;; revealed comparative advantage;呈现的相对优势;RCA; revegetation;重行绿化; 重建植被;; REVELOMANANTSOA RATSIMIHAH, Jean-Pierre;让-皮埃尔·雷韦卢马南楚阿-拉齐米哈赫;; REVELOMANANTSOA-RATSIMIHAH, Jean-Pierre;让-皮埃尔·雷韦卢马南楚阿-拉齐米哈赫;; revenue;收入;; revenue - expenses + gains - losses = earnings;营业收入-开支+收益-亏损=业务收入;; Revenue Accounts Unit;收入帐务股;; revenue charges duty;财务规费关税;;关税 revenue credited to miscellaneous income;收益记作杂项收入;; revenue derived from the Staff Assessment Plan;工作人员薪金税计划的税款收入;; Revenue Equalization Fund;平衡收入准备金;; revenue estimates;收入估计数;; revenue expenditure;营业支出;; revenue recognition;认列收入;确认收入;; revenue reserve;收入储备金;保留收入;; revenue sharing;分享收入;; Revenue-earning capability;挣取收入的能力;; revenue-generating activities;生利活动;; revenue-producing activities;生利活动;; revenue-producing transactions;产生收入的交易;; Revenues derived from Palestine refugees properties;巴勒斯坦难民财产的收益;; revenur reserves;收入保留数;; REVERCHON, Ramon Enrique;拉蒙·恩里克·雷韦琼;; reversal entry;转回分录; 相反分录;; reversal of the provision for termination indemnities;转回解雇补偿金;; reverse application of the rates of staff assessment;反向运用;; reverse conversion;反向换算;; reverse discrimination;反向歧视;; reverse flow of financial resources from developing to developed countries;资金倒流 资金从发展中国家倒流入发达国家;;资金从发展中国家倒流入发达国家 reverse osmosis;反渗透; 逆向渗透;; reverse phase chromatography;反相色谱法;; reverse regression;反向递减;; reverse take-over;倒转接收;; reverse transfer;反向技术转让;; reverse transfer of technology;技术反向转让;; reversed, conviction has been;原判撤消;; review;复核复审;; Review and Analysis of Agarian Reform and Rural Development in the Developing Countries since the Mid-1960's;60年代中期以来发展中国家土地改革和农村 发展的检查和分析;; review and appraisal;审查和评价;; Review and appraisal of the implementation of the Declaration of the 1980's as the Second Disarmament Decade;审查和评价宣布1980年代为第二个裁军十 年宣言的执行情况;; review and appraisal of the World Population Plan of Action;世界人口行动计划的第 X 次审查和评价;; Review and Assessment of Population Programme Experience;审查和评价人口方案经验 审评人口方案经验;RAPPE;审评人口方案经验 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年审议和延 期会议;; Review and Implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly;审查和执行大会第十二届特别会议结论文件;; Review and Monitoring Committee;审查和监察委员会;RMC; good-will mission;友好访问团;; Review at Forest Issues;森林问题评论;; Review Commission of Salvadorian Legislation;萨尔瓦多立法审查委员会;; Review Committee;审查委员会;; Review committee on Job Reclassification;职务重新叙级审查委员会 职务重新叙级审委会;RCJC;职务重新叙级审委会 Review Conference of the 1972 Global Prohibition Treaty;1972年全球禁止细菌武器条约审查会议;; Review Conference of the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions and Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons;1980 年禁止和限制使用某些常规武器公约审查会 议;; Review Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques;禁止为军事或任何其他敌对目的使用改变环 境的技术的公约缔约国审查会议;; Review Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological Biological and Toxin Weapons and their Destruction;禁止细菌生物及毒素武器的发展、生产和 储存以及销毁此种武器的公约缔约国 第...届审查会议;; Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国第...次审议大会;; Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil there of;禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他 大规馁灭性武器条约缔约国审议会议;; Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons;某些常规武器公约缔约国审议会议;; Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects;禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害 力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约缔约国审 议会议;; Review Conference on Implementation on the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner conferences;联合国班轮公会行为守则公约执行情况审 查会议;; Review Conference on the Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences;班轮公会行为守则公约审查会议;; Review Conference on the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner conferences;联合国班轮公会行为守则公约审查会议;; Review Group;审查组;; review mission, a;审查团;; Review of a statutory cash reserve;法定现金储备的审查;; Review of International Trade and Development , 1967;1967年国际贸易及发展评论;; Review of Maritime Transport;海运回顾;; review of obligations and expenditures;审核债务和支出;; review of outstanding obligations;复核未清债务;; review of production activities and product lines;关于生产活动和产品系列的审查;; Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations in the economic and social fields;审查联合国在经济和社会领域的行政和财政业务效率;; Review of the functioning and programme of work of the United Nations in crime Prevention and criminal justice;审查联合国在预防犯罪和刑事司法方面的职能和工作方案;; Review of the Functioning of the Intergovernmental Committee on Science and Technology for Development;科学和技术促进发展政府间委员会业务的审查;; Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security;审查<<加强国际安全宣言>>的执行情况;; Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session;审查大会第十届特别会议通过的各项建议和 决定的执行情况;; Review of the International Commission of Jurists;<<国际法学家委员会评论>>;; Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process;多边条约制定程序的审查;; Review of the role of the United Nations in the field of disarmament;审查联合国在裁军领域的作用;; Review of Trade in Manufactures and Trends in Production and Trade;制成品贸易与生产和贸易趋势审查;; Review of travel and related entitlements of representatives attending United Nations Meetings;审查出席联合国会议的代表的旅费和有关权利;; review panel;审查小组;; review proceedings;复核程序;; Review Sub-Committee;审查小组委员会;; Review Team;审查工作队;; Review Team on the Structures, Organization and Operations of the Multinational Programming and Operational Centres;多国方案编制和业务中心结构、组织和业务问题审查组;; Review Unit;审查组;; revised allocations;订正拨款额;; revised allocations proposed for xxx - xxx;订正的xxx-xxx 两年期提议拨款额;; revised appropriation;订正经费;; Revised appropriations 1986-1987;1986-1987年订定经费;; revised approved estimates of income;订正原核定收入概算;; Revised budget estimates;订正概算;; Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987 and budget estimates for the biennium 1988-1989;1986-1987两年期订正概算和1988-1989两年 期概算;; revised budget format;订正预算格式;; Revised checklist of international human rights instruments relevant to a Constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH;同波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那波黑宪法有关的 国际人权文书订正清单;; Revised Consolidated Guidelines of the Committee for the Conduct of its Work Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 7131991, 7571992, 7601992, 7871992 and 8201993;委员会依照第7131991、7571992、7601992、7871992和8201993号决议执行工作 的订正合并准则;; Revised Consolidated Guidelines of the Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 7241991 for the conduct of its work pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 7131991,7571992,7601992,7871992 and 8201993;安全理事会第7241991号决议所设委员会依照安全理事会第7131991、7571992、7601 992、7871992和8201993号决议执行工 作的订正合并准则;; Revised Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for former Yugoslavia;关于前南斯拉夫的机构间订正联合呼吁;; Revised Consolidated Inter-Agency for former Yugoslavia;关于前南斯拉夫的机构间订正联合呼吁;; revised draft;修改草案;; Revised draft Convention for the Prohibition of Biological Methods of Warfare;禁止生物作战方法公约订正草案;; revised draft resolution;订正决议草案;; revised estimates;订正概算;; revised estimates of expenditure and income;订正支出概算与收入概算;; Revised General Act on Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes;和平解决国际争端修订总议定书;; revised guidelines for military manuals and instructions on the protection of the environment in times of armed conflict;关于武装冲突中环境堡的军事手册和指令订正准则;; revised guidelines for the format and contents of the reports of subsidiary organs of the General Assembly;关于大会各附属机构的报告的格式和内容的订正准则;; Revised Humanitarian Assistance Appeal;订正人道主义援助呼吁;; Revised Interim Technical Guidelines on the Control of Incineration of Wastes and Other Matter at Sea;关于管制在海上焚化废物和其他物质的订正临时技术指导方针;; revised IPF;订正指规数;; Revised Joint Appeal;订正联合呼吁;; Revised Management Procedure;订正管理程序;; Revised Management Scheme;订正管理办法;; revised methodology for cost-of-living measurement;衡量生活费用的订正方法;; revised net appropriation;订正经费净额;; Revised net decrease;订正净减数;; Revised net increase;订正净增数;; revised PAT;订正的员额核准表;; Revised Policy Guidelines for Assistance to NGOs;援助非政府组织的订正政策指针;; revised programme budget proposals for the following financial period;下一财政期间的订正方案概算;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司