翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 ROOS, Aarand;阿兰德·罗斯;; Root and Tuber Crops Technology Project;块茎作物技术项目块茎项目;RTCT;块茎项目 root causes;根本原因;; root environment of plants;植物的根系环境;; root parasite;根寄生物;; root tip;根尖;; root uptake;根系吸收;; root/shoot ratio;根茎比率;; rooting medium;根围; 扎根介质;; ROP;公路和公路运输;ROP; ROSA, Mario LOPES de;马里奥·洛佩斯·德罗萨;; ROSAL, Crista Evangelina GANDARA-;克里斯塔·埃万杰利娜·甘达拉-罗萨尔;; ROSALES, Eduardo;爱德华多·罗萨莱斯;; Rosalynde Ainslie;罗萨林德·安斯利;; ROSARIO AGUIRRE, Juan Carlos;胡安·卡洛斯·罗萨里奥·阿吉雷;; ROSARIO, Humberto RIVERO;温贝托·里韦罗·罗萨里奥;; ROSAS, Jaime;海梅·罗萨斯;; ROSCHMANN, Joan;约安·罗斯克曼;; ROSE, Cecilia;塞西莉亚·罗斯;; ROSE, Claudio de;克劳迪奥·德罗塞;; ROSE, Theophilus J.;西奥菲勒斯·罗斯;; ROSELLO, Jose Luis;何塞·路易斯·罗塞略;; ROSENBERG, Jose;何塞·罗森保;; ROSENNE, Shabtai;沙卜泰·罗森;; ROSENSTOCK, Robert;罗伯特·罗森斯托克;; rosette;襟花;; ROSHAN-RAWAAN, Mohammad Eshaq;穆罕默德·埃斯哈克·罗尚拉万;; ROSING, Hans Pavia;汉斯·帕维亚·罗辛;; Roskar Investments Pvt Ltd.;罗斯卡尔投资私营有限公司;; ROSKENS, Ronald W.;罗纳德·罗斯金斯;; Rossho Kosei-Kai Buddhist Association;立正佼成会;; ROSSI, Emma;埃玛·罗西;; ROSSIDES, Zenon;泽农·罗西泽斯;; Rossing Uranium Ltd.;罗星铀矿有限公司;; Roster fomerly the Register;名册;; roster of candidates;候补人名册候选人名册;; roster of consultants;顾问名册;; roster of experts;专家名册;; Roster of External Candidates;外部后选人名册;; roster of resources;资源登记册;; Rotary Club;扶轮社;; rotary drill rig;旋转式钻井机;; Rotary Foundation;扶轮基金会;; rotary kiln;回转窑;; Rotary Polio Plus programme;扶轮国际预防小儿麻痹强化方案;; rotary shaft seals;转动轴封;; rotary wing aircraft;旋翼飞机;; rotate chairmanship;主席轮流担任;; rotating biological contactor;生物转盘;RBC; rotating components;转动部件;; rotating contactor;生物转盘;; rotating fluidized bed combustion;旋转式流化床燃烧;; rotating members;轮流成员;; rotation;轮调;; rotation and duration for mission staff;出差人员的轮调和任务期限;; rotation and duration of duty for mission staff;出差人员的轮调和任务期限;; rotation and mobility scheme;轮调和流动办法;; rotation of contingents;特遣队的轮调;; rotation/travel costs;轮调/旅费;; rotational farming;轮栽耕植;;植 rotavirus;小儿肠胃炎病毒;; ROTC;后备军官训练团;ROTC; Rote Garde;红卫兵;; Roter Morgen;红色的早晨;; ROTHEISER, Maria;玛丽亚·罗泰泽尔;; ROTHEN, Herbert;赫伯特·罗滕;; Rothmans of Pall Mall;帕尔马尔 罗斯曼斯 公司;; Rothschild;洛希尔集团;; Rothschild Bank;罗思柴尔德银行;; ROTINEN, Eija;埃娅·罗蒂宁;; rotor fabrication equipment;转筒制造设备;; Rotor Flight Helicopters PVT Ltd.;旋羽直升机公司;; rotor tubes;转筒;; roubles;苏联卢布;; rough estimates;粗略估计数;;数 roughness;粗糙度;; ROUINE, Martin;马丁·鲁因;; ROUKOUNAS, Emmanuel;埃曼努尔·鲁库纳斯;; Roulement regiment;鲁莱蒙团;; Roumanian Relief Committee;罗马尼亚救济委员会;CAROMAN; Round of Negotiation, First, Second....;第一,二....轮谈判;; round off;舍入;; round sum;约整数、大数;; round table;圆桌会议;RT; Round Table at Bulawayo;布拉瓦约圆桌会议;; round table conference;圆桌会议;RTC; Round Table Conference for Development Communication;交流促进发展圆桌会议;; Round table on assistance to Chad;援助乍得圆桌会议;; Round Table on Basic Grains Producer Subsidy Equivalents and their Implications for Agricultural Policy Harmonization in Central America and Panama;向基本谷物生产者提供津贴及其对中美洲和 巴拿马农业政策协调的影响问题圆桌会议;; Round Table on Contemporary Problems of International Humanitarian Law;当代国际人道主义法问题圆桌会议;; Round Table on Debt and Development;债务与发展问题圆桌会议;; Round Table on Environment and Trade;环境与贸易圆桌会议;; Round Table on Human Development;人类发展圆桌会议;; Round Table on Human Rights Education;人权教育圆桌会议;; Round Table on Intangible Assets;无形资产问题圆桌会议;; Round Table on International Legal Issues relating to Apartheid Racism and Racial;有关种族隔离、种族主义和种族歧视的国际 法律问题圆桌会议;; Round Table on Keeping the Promise to Children;履行对儿童承诺圆桌会议;; Round Table on Population and Development Strategies in the Post-UNCED Period;环发会议后人口与发展战略圆桌会议;; Round Table on Population Policies, Programmes and HIV/AIDS;人口政策、方案和艾滋病毒/艾滋病圆桌会议;; Round Table on Regaining and Further Enhancing Development Momentum in the Context of Rapid Global change;在全球迅速变化情况下恢复和进一步提高发 展动力圆桌会议;; Round Table on Technology Transfer, Cooperation and Capacity-Building;技术转移、合作与能力建设圆桌会议;; Round Table on Water and Health in Under-privileged Urban Areas;城市贫民区的水和卫生问题圆桌会议;; Round Table on Women's Perspectives on Family Planning, Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights;妇女对计划生育、生殖健康和生育权利的看 法圆桌会议;; round trip;往返;; Round Table Conference for Yemen;也门问题圆桌会议;; Round Table Conference of Donors for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Angola;安哥拉复兴和重建捐助者圆桌会议;; Round Table Conference of Donors to Chad;乍得捐助者圆桌会议;; round table meeting;圆桌会议;; Round Table Meeting on Industrial Rehabilitation;工业整顿圆桌会议;; Round table Meeting on Medium and Long-term Agricultural Development;中期和长期农业发展圆桌会议;; round table meeting on the role of women in the protection of the environment;妇女发挥堡环境作用圆桌会议;; Round Table Ministerial Meeting on Cooperation among Developing Countries in the;关于发展中国家在农业机械工业中开展合作 的部长级圆桌会议;; Round table on Developments and Prospects in South Africa;南非发展和前景圆桌会议;; Round Table on the Economics of Transnational Commons;跨国公有财产经济学圆桌会议;; Round Table on Youth Unemployment;青年失业问题圆桌会议;; poverty-focused development;以扶贫为重点的发展;; round table process;圆桌会议;; round-trip travel;双程旅行;; round-up;综述; 围捕;; round-up document;综述文件;; Round-up for Children;为儿童凑整数;; round-up paper [ICEF];综述文件;; Round Table on the Ageing of Asian Populations;亚洲人口老龄化问题圆桌会议;; rounded index;整的指数;; rounded to;四舍五入为;; rounded to the nearest hundred;按百位整数四舍五入;; rounded-off;四舍五入;; rounding off factors due to computerization;因利用计算机处理而四舍五入;; Round Table on Change: Social Conflict or Harmony;关于变革的圆桌会议:社会冲突还是社会和 谐;; Round Table on the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in the Countries in Transition;转型期国家官方统计基本原则圆桌会议;; roundwood;圆材;; roundworm;蛔虫;; ROUSSEAU, Learie;利里·鲁索;; route, mode and standard of transportation;交通路线、方式和标准;; routes and means;通道和手段;; routine correspondence;例行公文;; routine law enforcement functions;日常执法职责;; routine verification;例行核查;; ROVENSKY, Dusan;杜尚·罗文斯基;; roving ambassador envoys;巡回大使使节; 无任所大使;; Roving Seminar on the Use of Computers in Hydrology and Water Resources Planning;关于水文学和水利资源规划方面利用计算机 的巡回座谈会;; ROVIRA, Joan FORNER-;霍安·福尔内-罗维拉;; rowdyism;流氓行为;; compartmentalization;条块化条块分割现象;; subgoal;分目标;; ROWE, David C.L.;戴维·罗;; ROWE, Richard Anthony;理查德·安东尼·罗;; ROY, Armand;阿曼德·罗伊;; ROY, J. Stapleton;芮效俭;; Royal Academy;皇家学会;; Royal Academy of Arts;皇家艺术学会;; Royal Aircraft Establishment [England];英国皇家飞机机构;; Royal Architectural Institute of Canada;加拿大皇家建筑学会;; Royal Asiatic Society;皇家亚洲学会;; Royal Bank of Canada [Montreal];加拿大皇家银行;; Royal Cambodian Armed Force;柬埔寨皇家武装部队皇家部队;RCAF;皇家部队 royal Canadian Dragoons;加拿大皇家龙骑兵团;; Royal Central Asian Society;皇家中亚学会;; Royal Commission on Social Policy;皇家社会政策委员会;; royal Commission on the Status of Women;妇女地位皇家委员会;; Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind;皇家联邦盲人协会;; Royal Crown Cola Company;荣冠可乐公司;; Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.;荷兰皇家石油公司;; Royal Dutch/Shell Group;英荷皇家壳牌石油公司;; Royal Government of Thailand;泰王国政府;; Royal Hussars;皇家轻骑兵;; Royal Institute for International Affairs;皇家国际问题学社;; Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology;皇家墨尔本理工学院;; Royal National Government of Cambodia;柬埔寨王国政府王国政府;RNGC;王国政府 Royal Nedlloyd Company;皇家内德劳埃德公司;; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences;荷兰皇家文理科学院;; Royal Prerogative of Mercy;皇家赦免权;; Royal Regiment of Fusiliers;皇家火炮团;; Royal Society for the Protection of Animals;皇家动物堡协会;; Royal society of London;伦敦皇家学会;; Royal Statistical Society;皇家统计学会;; Royal Thai Air Force;泰王国空军;; Royal Thai Armed Forces;泰王国部队;; Royal Thai Army;泰王国陆军;; Royal Thai Government;泰王国政府;; royalties;权益费版权费版税特许权使用费 使用税产权税权益税;; Royalties and licensing fees paid to related parties;付给联号的专利权和特许权用费;; Royalties and licensing fees received from related parties;从联号收得的专利权特许权使用费;; Royalties: commemorative Medals;纪念章权益费;; Royalties: flag ingot;国旗纪念章权益费;; royalty;权益费; 版权费; 版税; 特许权使用费;使用税;产权税;权益税;; Royalty income;权益费收入;; royalty remittance;使用费汇款;; Royaume du Cambodge;柬埔寨王国;; ROYO RUIZ, Irma Natalia;伊尔玛·纳塔利娅·罗约·鲁伊斯;; ROYSELAND, Borghild;博格希尔·罗伊塞兰;; Roywest Banking Corporation;罗伊韦斯特银行;; ROZAS, Carlos Ortiz de;卡洛斯·奥尔蒂斯·德罗萨斯;; ROZENTAL, Andres;安德烈斯·罗森塔尔;; ROZENZWEIG-DIAZ, Roberto de;罗伯托·德罗森苏埃格-迪亚斯;; ROZES, Simone Andree;西蒙娜·安德烈·罗泽;; RPKAD;印尼陆军突击部队;RPKAD; RSL programme;重建黎巴嫩南部方案;; RSMC;区域/专业气象中心;RSMC; RSPs;可因呼吸进入人体的悬浮微粒;RSPs; RTF;无线电传输设备;RTF; RTH;区域电信枢纽;RTH; RTM-6000;RTM-6000系统;; RTS;增强热塑性片材;RTS; RTTY;无线电电传打字电报联系;RTTY; Ruacana Falls Project;鲁阿卡纳瀑布计划;; RUBADIRI, David;戴维·鲁巴迪里;; Rubak;族长;; rubber base isolation;以橡胶为原料的绝缘体;; rubber bearings;橡胶底座;; Rubber Growers' Association;橡胶种植者协会;RGA; Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia;马来西亚橡胶研究所 橡研所;RRIM;橡研所 rubber smoked sheet;熏制橡胶片;RSS; RUBIALES CABRERA, Maria Eugenia;玛丽亚·欧亨尼娅·鲁维阿莱斯·卡夫雷拉;; RUBIO, Noemi Sanin de;诺埃米·萨宁·德鲁维奥;; RUDA, Jose Maria;何塞·玛丽亚·鲁达;; Rudda Barnen International;国际拯救儿童会;; RUDENSKIY, Oleg;奥列格·鲁坚斯基;; RUDI, Tom;托姆·鲁迪;; RUDNIK, Igor V.;伊戈尔·鲁德尼克;; RUEDAS, Patricio;帕特西里奥·鲁埃达斯;; RUEDIGER, John;约翰·吕迪格尔;; RUENROM, Roongruang;龙伦·伦龙;; RUFYIKIRI, Marguerite;马格丽特·吕夫伊基里;; rug ranking;地毯等级制;; RUGE, Boris;鲍里斯·鲁格;; Rugova;鲁戈瓦;; RUGUNDA, Ruhakana;鲁哈卡纳·鲁贡达;; Ruhengeri;鲁亨盖里;; RUIZ CERRUTI, Susana M.;苏珊娜·鲁伊斯·塞鲁蒂;; RUIZ ZAPATA, Mercedes;梅塞德斯·鲁伊斯·萨帕塔;; RUIZ, Gaetano ARANGIO;加埃塔诺·阿兰焦-鲁伊斯;; RUIZ, Irma Natalia ROYO;伊尔玛·纳塔利娅·罗约·鲁伊斯;; RUIZ, Sergio Chapparo;塞尔西奥·查帕罗·鲁伊斯;; RUKASHAZA, Oswald;奥斯瓦尔德·吕卡沙扎;; rule of customs duties as means of protection;关税作为堡手段原则;; rule of 24 hour's interval;24小时间隔规则;; rule of continuity of nationality;国籍不变规则;; rule of customs duties as means of protection;关税作为堡手段原则;; rule of enacted law;制定法法则;; rule of engagement;接战规则;; rule of general elimination of quantitative;一般地取消数量限制原则;; rule of international law;国际法规则;; rule of law;法治法制;; rule of measurement;计量准则;; rule of national treatment;国民待遇原则;; rule of non-discrimination;非歧视原则;; rule of reciprocity;互惠原则;; rule of transparency;透明度原则;; rule of unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment;无条件最惠国待遇原则;; rule of war;战争规则;; Rules;规则;; Rules and Personnel Manual Section;规则和人事手册科;; Rules and Procedures Section;规则和程序科;; Rules and Recommendations on Navigation through the Straits;黑海海峡航行规则和建议;; Rules and regulations;规章;; Rules and Regulations governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation;方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法的条例和细则;PPBME; rules and regulations for the supply of risk capital;提供投资资本的规则和条例;; Rules and Regulations on Form and Content of Financial Statements;关于财务报表的形式和内容的细则和条例;; Rules Commission;规则委员会;; rules Committee;规则委员会;; Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, commerce and Transport;行政、商业和运输电子数据交换规则 电子数据交换规则;EDIFACT;电子数据交换规则 Rules for International Commercial Arbitration;国际商业仲裁规则;; Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty, draft;堡被剥夺自由少年的规则草案;; Rules Governing Compensation in the Event of Death, Injury or Illness Attributable to the Performance of Official. Duties on Behalf of the United Nations;为联合国执行公务而死亡、受伤或患病的赔偿规则;; Rules Governing Compensation to Members of Commissions, Committees or Similar Bodies in the Event of Death, Injury, Illness Attributable to Service with the United Nations;支付委员会或相类似机构成员因联合国公务而致死亡、受伤或生病的赔偿规则;; Rules Governing the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trail or Appeal;等待审判或上诉的人员的拘留规则;; Rules governing the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal before the Tribunal or Otherwise Detained on the Authority of the Tribunal;关于在国际法庭等待审判或上诉或其他方面 经法庭授权拘留的人员的拘留规则;; Rules of Arbitration and Conciliation for Settlement of International Disputes between Two Parties of Which Only One is a State;解决双方中仅有一方为国家的国际争端的仲裁和调解规则;; rules of causation;因果关系规则;; rules of competence;权限规则;; Rules of Conduct and Conditions of Service for United Nations Volunteers;联合国志愿人员行为守则和服务条件;; Rules of conduct for the troops in the areas of assembly;部队在集合地区内的行为守则;; Rules of Court of the League of Nations Administrative Tribunal;国际联盟行政法庭法庭规则;; Rules of Detention;拘留规则;; rules of international law;国际法规则;; rules of international law applicable in armed conflict;适用于武装冲突的国际法规则;; Rules of International Law Applicable to Transfrontier Pollution;适用于跨界污染的国际法规则;; Rules of Origin;原产地规则;; Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal;国际法庭程序和证据规则;; Rules of Procedure for International Arbitration;国际仲裁程序规则;; rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council;经济及社会理事会各职司委员会议事规则;; Rules of procedure, internal regulations;议事规则内部条例;; Rules of the Administrative Tribunal of the United Nations;联合国行政法庭规则;; Rules of the Court;法院规则;; Rules of the International Court of Justice, 1978;国际法院规则;; Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;国际海洋法法庭规则;; Rules on Compensation for Damage to the Environment;关于环境损害赔偿的规则;; Rules on the Assignment of Counsel to suspects and accused recognized as indigent;为确认贫困的嫌疑犯和被告指派律师的规则;; Rules on the Ledger Accounts and Accounting Statements of Industrial Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investments;中外合资经营工业企业分类帐户和会计报表条例;; Rules on Water Pollution in an International Drainage Basin;国际流域水污染规则;; ruling;裁定; 裁决;; ruling circles;统治集团;; Rumanian Lev;罗马尼亚列伊;; rumble strips;声响带;; ruminants;反刍动物;; RUMOR, Mariano;马里亚诺·鲁莫尔;; rump presidency;剩余主席团;; run;进行; 推动; 活动; 运动;; run fish;洄游鱼群; 洄游;; run-off;径流; 径流量; 流失;; run-of-mine coal or run-of-the-mine coal;统煤;; run-of-mine ore or run-of-the-mine ore;原矿石;; Runaway and Homeless Youth;逃亡与无家可归青年方案;; running costs;管理费用; 运行成本; 运转费;; running expenses;日常费用;; running of limitation period;时效期限的计算;; running royalties;连续支付的使用费;; running water;活水; 自来水; 长流水;; runoff;径流; 径流量;; runoff from feedlots;从施用场所的流失;; runoff model;径流模型;; runoff water;径流水; 流水; 活水;; RUNTEL, Arnold;阿诺德·吕特尔;; rupee;卢比;Rs; RUPEL, Dimitrij;迪米特里伊·鲁佩尔;; rupiah;印度尼西亚盾印尼盾;Rp;或盾 RUPPRICH, Manfred;曼弗雷德·鲁普里希;; rupture of diplomatic relations;邦交决裂;; rural acculturation;乡村文化接受;; Rural Advancement Foundation International;促进农村发展国际基金会;RAFI; Rural and Land Development Agency;乡村土地开发署;ADRAF; Rural Association of Land;农村土地协会;; Rural Community Schools Project;农村社区学校项目;; rural dairying;农村乳品业;; rural development;农村发展;; rural development assistance;农村发展援助;; Rural Development Newsletter;农村发展通讯;; rural development programme;农村发展方案;; rural development worker;农村发展工作人员;; rural electrification;农村电气化;; Rural Employment Policies Branch;农村就业政策处;; Rural Employment Policy Research Programme;农村就业政策研究方案;; Rural Employment Promotion;促进农村就业;; rural enterprises and cooperatives;农村企业和合作社;; rural exodus;迁离农村;; rural extension;农村推广工作;; rural guard;卫乡团;; rural health centre;农村保健中心;; rural health services;农村保健服务;; rural health unit;农村保健股;; rural household technology;农村家庭技术;; Rural housing;农村住房;; rural industries;农村工业;; Rural institutions;农村机构;; Rural Integration Strategy;农村一体化战略;; Rural Labour Code;农村劳工法;; rural non-farm production;农村非农业生产;; Rural Organizations Action Programme;农村组织行动方案;ROAP; rural population;乡村居民;; Rural Primary Schools;农村小学;; Rural Progress;农村进展;; rural sanitation;农村卫生;; Rural Satellite Programme;农村卫星计划;; rural small industrial enterprises;农村小型工业企业;PSIE; Rural Solidarity;农村团结工会;; rural technology and agricultural management;农村技术和农业管理;; rural telephone links;农村电话连接线;; rural transformation;农村改造;; rural vocational training;农村职业训练;; rural water and environmental sanitation;农村饮水和环境卫生;; rural water supply;农村饮水供应;RWS; rural water supply programme;农村饮水供应方案;; rural women;农村妇女;; rural-to-urban migration;人口从农村流向城市;; rural-urban continuum;城乡统一体;; ruralization;乡村化;; RUSBAT;俄罗斯营;RUSBAT; rush hours;繁忙时间;; RUSITA, Ernest;欧内斯特·鲁西塔;; RUSITA, Michael;米歇尔·鲁西塔;; Russel Tribune;罗素论坛;; RUSSEL, Daniel R.;丹尼尔·拉塞尔;; RUSSELL, Betty Ann;贝蒂·安·鲁塞尔;; Russian Agency for Federal Security;俄罗斯联邦安全署;; Russian Battalion;俄罗斯营;RUSBAT; Russian Communist Workers' Party;俄罗斯共产主义工人党;; Russian Federation;俄罗斯联邦;; Russian Federation Treaty Federal Treaty;俄罗斯联邦条约;; Russian Information Telegraph Agency;俄罗斯新闻电讯社里塔社;RITA;里塔社 Russian Salvation Army;俄罗斯救世军;; Russian Section;俄文科;; Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Russian Federation;俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国 俄罗斯联邦;RSFSR;俄罗斯联邦 Russian Space Agency;俄罗斯空间局;RSA; Russian Winter Campaign;援助俄罗斯过冬运动;; Russian-American programme of comprehensive environmental studies of the benthic interface;俄罗斯-美国海底交界层综合环境研究方案 海底交界层研究方案;;海底交界层研究方案 RUSTICO, Esteve A.;埃斯泰夫·吕斯蒂科;; RUSTICO, Massimo;马西莫·鲁斯蒂科;; RUTANEN, Pasi;帕西·鲁塔宁;; RUTERAKAGAYO-NZIRORERA,Sylvane;西尔瓦妮·吕特拉卡加约-恩齐罗雷拉;; RUTH, Friedrich;弗里德里希·露特;; Ruthenians;鲁塞尼亚人;; Rutkowski, Bradford and Partners;鲁特科夫斯基, 布雷德福建筑师事务所;; RUTLAND, Roye;罗伊·拉特兰;; RUTSKOI, Arnold;亚历山大·鲁茨科伊;; RUUTEL, Arnold;阿诺德·吕特尔;; Ruweished border point;鲁瓦伊谢德边境点;; Rwanda;卢旺达;; Rwanda Emergency Normalization Plan;卢旺达紧急正朝计划;; Rwanda Franc;卢旺达法郎;; Rwanda Government Forces;卢旺达政府部队政府部队;RGF;政府部队 Rwanda Operational Support Group;卢旺达行动支援小组;; Rwanda Patriotic Army;卢旺达爱国军爱国军;RPA;爱国军 Rwanda Patriotic Front;卢旺达爱国阵线 卢爱阵;RPF;卢爱阵 Rwanda Roundtable Conference;卢旺达圆桌会议;; Rwanda Tourism and National Parks Office;卢旺达旅游和国家公园事务处;; Rwanda Tribunal;卢旺达问题法庭;; Rwandese Defence Force High Command Council;卢旺达国防部队最高指挥委员会;; Rwandese Defence Forces High Command Council;卢旺达国防部队最高指挥委员会;; Rwandese Government Forces;卢旺达政府部队;RGF; Rwandese government forces and RPF sectors;卢旺达政府部队支队和爱国阵线地段;; Rwandese government forces sector;卢旺达政府部队地段;; Rwandese Patriotic Front sector;卢旺达爱国阵线地段;; RWEGASIRA, Joseph C.;约瑟夫·鲁韦加西拉;; RYBAK, Alexii;阿列克西·里巴克;; RYDBECK, Olof;奥洛夫·吕德贝克;; RYDBERG, Robert;罗伯特·吕德贝里;; Rye Report;拉伊报告;; rye terms;裸麦条件;R.T.; Rynki Zagraniczne;国外市场杂志;; RYSINSKI, Ryszard;雷沙德·雷辛斯基;; RYZHKOV, Nikolai I.;尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·雷日科夫;; R刣da Barnen International;国际拯救儿童联合会;; R刣da Barnen's Riksf攔bund;国际拯救儿童联合会;; South Africa and Mozambique Non-aggressive and Good-Neighbourhood Treaty;南非和莫桑比克互不侵犯和睦邻条约;; SA Euratom;欧洲原子能联营供应机构;; SA-NGAD CHALORYU;沙鄂·差罗如;; SAAD, Mohamad Saadeddine;穆罕默德·萨阿德丁·萨阿德;; Saami;萨米族人;; SAARC 2000: A Basic Needs Perspective;南盟2000年:基本需要前景;; SAARC Agricultural Information Centre;南盟农业资料中心农业资料中心;SAIC;农业资料中心 SAARC Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;南盟麻醉药品和精神药物公约;; SAARC Decade of the Girl child;南盟女童十年;; SAARC Documentation Centre;南盟文件中心;SDC; SAARC Fund for Regional Projects;南盟区域项目基金项目基金;SFRP;项目基金 SAARC Integrated Programme of Action;南盟《综合行动纲领》;; SAARC Meteorological Research Centre;南盟气象研究中心;SMRC; SAARC Ministerial Meeting on Women in Development;南盟妇女参与发展问题部长级会议;; SAARC Parliamentarian Symposium;南盟议员讲座;; SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement;南盟优惠贸易协定;SAPTA; SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement;南盟优惠贸易安排;SAPTA; SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism;南盟制止恐怖主义活动区域公约;; SAARC Tuberculosis Centre;南盟结核病中心;; SAARC Workshop to Formulate a Collective Position for the World Summit for Social Development;南盟拟定对社会发展问题世界首脑会议的共同立场工作会议;; SAARC Year for Combating Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking;南盟打击滥用毒品及贩毒年;; SAARC Year of Disabled Person;南盟残疾人年;; SAARC Year of Environment;南盟环境年;; SAARC Year of Literacy;南盟扫盲年;; SAARC Year of Shelter;南盟住房年;; SAARCFOODS;SAARCFOODS; 南亚粮食数据中心;SAARCFOODS; SAAVEDRA, Daniel Ortega;丹尼尔·奥尔特加·萨维德拉;; Sabah;晨报;; clawback clauses;收回条款;; SABALAT, Jean-Robert;让-罗贝尔·萨巴拉;; SABBAN, Mohammed Salem Sarur AL;穆罕默德·萨利姆·萨鲁尔·萨班 9/25/92;; Sabbath Day;星期六;; Sabbatical leave programme;公休假方案;; Sabena;比航;; Sabi-Limpopo Authority;萨比-林波波河管理局;; SABO, Boukary;布卡里·萨博;; Sabor;议会;; SABORIO COZE, Cecile;塞西尔·萨沃里奥·科斯;; Sabotage Act;破坏行为治罪法;; Sabunice;萨布尼采;; SABUSHIMIKE, Gerard;热拉尔·萨比希米克;; SACEUR;欧洲盟军最高司令部;SACEUR; sachet collating machine;装袋机;; Sacilor France;萨西洛集团;; SACIRBEGOVIC, Muhamed;穆罕默德·萨西尔贝戈维奇;; SACIRBEY, Muhamed;穆罕默德·萨西尔贝;; SACIRBEY, Nedzib;内季布·萨西尔贝;; Saco Uen;萨古温;; sacred languages or traditions;圣经语文或传统;; SADAAKI NUMATA;沼田贞昭;; Sadako, OGATA;绪方贞子;; Sadarak;萨达拉克;; SADAT, Anwar;安瓦尔·萨达特;; SADCC Programme of Action;发展协调会议行动方案;; saddle stitcher;鞍订机书背缝订机;; SADEGH, Seyed Mohammad;赛义德·穆罕默德·萨迪格;; SADEGHI-TEHRANI, Ali;阿里·萨代吉-泰赫拉尼;; SADEH, Dagan;达甘·萨德赫;; SADEK, Ahmed W.;艾哈迈德·萨迪克;; SADER, Pablo Emilio;巴勃罗·埃米利奥·萨德;; SADI, Waleed;瓦利德·萨迪;; SADIK, Nafis;纳菲丝·萨迪克;; SADIKOV, G.;萨迪科夫;; SADIQ, Sadiq M. Ben;萨迪克·本·萨迪克;; SADOWSKI, Maciej;马切伊·萨多夫斯基;; SADR, Abolhassan Bani;阿布哈桑·巴尼·萨德尔;; SADR, Imam Mousa;伊玛姆·穆萨·萨德尔;; SADRY, Behrooz;伯鲁兹·萨德里;; SADT;自加速分解温度;SADT; SADYKHOV, Gusain;古萨因·萨德霍夫;; SAEID, Ali Sulaiman R. AL-;阿里·苏莱曼·赛义德;; Saeima;议会;; SAEKI, Kuniko;佐伯久仁子;; SAELZLER, Anneliese;安内利泽·塞尔茨勒;; SAEMALA, Francis Joseph;弗朗西斯·约瑟夫·塞马拉;; Saemual Undong;新农村方案;; SAENZ, Melvin;梅尔文·萨恩斯;; SAENZ-DE-TEJADA-HERRERA, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·萨恩斯·德特哈达-埃富 拉;; SAETHER, Svein;斯文·塞特尔;; Safar;回历 2月;; Safari I reactor;狩猎一号反应堆;; SAFAVEV, Sadik;萨迪克·萨法维夫;; safe abortion;安全堕胎,安全人工流产;; safe and healthy working conditions;安全卫生的工作环境;; safe and responsible sexual behaviour;安全和负责任的性行为;; safe and secure access to airports;安全无虞地进出机场;; safe areas;安全区;; safe conduct;安全通行证;; safe country principle;“安全国家”原则;; safe delivery;安全分娩;; safe deposit vaults;安全保管库;; safe drinking water;安全饮水;; safe femalehood;安全女性生活;; safe food;安全食物;; safe havens;安全避难所;; safe house;藏身处藏匿处;; safe humanitarian zone;人道主义安全区;ZHS; safe latrine;卫生厕所;; safe milk;安全牛奶;; safe motherhood;安全孕产;; Safe Motherhood and Better Health for Family Planning Conference;安全孕产和增进健康计划生育会议;; Safe Motherhood Initiative;安全孕产倡议;SMI; Safe Motherhood Inter-Agency Group;安全孕产机构间小组;; Safe Motherhood Operational Research;安全孕产运作研究;; safe sex;安全的性活动;; safe sex practices;安全性行为;; safe storage;安全储藏; 安全储存;; safe water;安全饮水;; Safe water and adequate sanitation for all by 1990;至1990年向所有的人提供安全饮水和适当卫生;; safe womanhood;安全女性生活暂定;;暂定 safeguard agreement;保障协定;; safeguard clauses;保障条款保留条款;; safeguard measures safeguards;保障监督措施;; safeguard mechanism;保障机制保障办法;; safeguard system;保障制度;; safeguarding duties;堡关税;; Safeguarding the Future;“保障未来”;; safeguards;保障监督[IAEA]; 堡设施保障措施;; Safeguards Analytical Laboratory;保障分析实验室;SAL; Safeguards Committee;安全保障委员会;; safeguards for the environment;保障环境措施;; Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty;堡死刑犯权利的保障措施;; Safer Cities programmes;加强城市安全方案;; safety and health;安全和健康;; Safety and Health in Construction Convention;保险备炸装置; 保险和解除保险装置;; safety and security of personnel;人员的安全和保障;; Safety assessment and Notification;安全评价和通知;; Safety convention;安全公约;; safety devices;安全装置;; safety guarantee paper;安全保证书;; safety level;安全水平;; safety net;安全网;; safety of life at sea;海上生命安全;; Safety of Life at Sea Conventions;海上人命安全公约;SOLAS; Safety of Life at Sea Organization;海上生命安全组织;; safety of the public;公众的安全;; safety of water;安全饮水;; safety requirements;安全要求; 安全规格;; safety standard;安全标准;; safety waist belts;安全腰带;; safety, profitability, liquidity and convertibility;安全、有利、流动和可兑换;; Safeway Stores, Incorporated;安全路商店;; safing;堡;; safrole;黄樟脑;; SAFRONCHUK, Vasiliy Stepanovich;瓦西里·萨夫龙丘克;; Safwan Agreement;萨夫万协定;; SAGAF, Said Mohamed;赛义德·穆罕默德·萨加夫;; SAGANO, Akiko;嵯峨浓明子;; SAGAWA, Masaya;佐川昌也;; SAGE;平流层气溶胶和气体实验;SAGE; SAGHAFI-AMERI, Nasser;纳赛尔·萨加菲-阿梅里;; SAGUIER CABALLERO, Hugo;乌戈·萨吉尔·卡瓦列罗;; SAHA, Debabrata;德巴布拉塔·萨哈;; SAHAF, Mohammed Said Kazim AL-;穆罕默德·赛义德·卡齐姆· 萨哈夫;; Saharan Arab Democratic Republic;“阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国”;RASD; Saharan General Assembly;撒哈拉大会;; Saharan National Council;撒哈拉国民议会;; Sahel and Saharan Observatory;萨赫勒和撒哈拉观测站萨赫勒站;OSS;萨赫勒站 Sahel Club;萨赫勒协会;; Sahel Institute;萨赫勒研究所;INSAH; Sahel Observatory;萨赫勒观测站;INSAH; Sahel Regional Financial Management Project;萨赫勒区域财务管理项目;; Sahel, Le;萨赫勒报;; Sahelian Scientific and Technological Information and Documentation Network;萨赫勒科技信息和文献网;RESADOC; SAHHAF, Mohammed Sa'eed Kazim AL-;穆罕默德·赛义德·卡齐姆·萨哈夫;; SAHLOUL, Ali Ahmed;阿里·艾哈迈德·萨赫卢尔;; SAHNOUN, Mohamed;穆罕默德·萨赫农;; SAHO, Baboucarr Ousman;巴布卡·乌斯曼·萨霍;; SAHOVIC, Dejan;德扬·萨霍维奇;; SAHRAOUI, Hocine;侯赛因·萨赫拉乌伊;; Sahraouri;撒哈拉人的;;的 Sahrawi;撒哈拉人的;;的 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic;阿拉伯撒哈拉共和国撒哈拉共和国;SADR;撒哈拉共和国 Sahrawi Assembly Jemma;撒哈拉大会;; Sahrawi Coordinator with the MINURSO;波利萨里奥派驻西撒特派团撒哈拉协调员;; SAI, Nacerdine;纳赛尔丁·赛;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司