翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 scardinops sagax sagax;太平洋小沙丁鱼;; SCARP MIRANDA, Carlos Alberto;卡洛斯·阿尔韦托·斯卡尔普·米兰 达;; scatterometer;散射仪; 散射计;; scavenge;清除; 除去; 从弃物中挑拣可利用的东西;; scavenge oil;废油;; scavenger;清除剂; 净化剂; 食腐肉动物; 清扫垃圾者;; scavenger cell;清除细胞; 游走细胞;; scavenging;清除;; scavenging agent;清除剂; 净化剂;; scavenging tower;净化塔;; scenario;对事态发展的预测假想假设;; scenario growth rate;设想增长率;; scene of operations;作业地区; 操作地区;; scenery;风景; 景色;; scenic beauty;优美的风景; 美丽的景色;; scenic reserve;风景堡区;; scenting dog;嗅毒警犬;; SCH-CORE;中国加拿大资源环境高技术中心;SCH-CORE; SCHADLER, Horst;霍斯特·谢德勒;; SCHAFER, Roland;罗兰德·舍费尔;; SCHAFER-PREUSS, Ursula;乌尔苏拉·舍费尔-普罗伊斯;; SCHAIK, R.J. van;范斯海克;; SCHALLENBERG, Wolfgang;沃尔夫冈·沙伦贝格;; SCHAMBECK, Herbert;赫伯特·山贝克;; SCHAPER, Herman A.;赫尔曼·沙佩尔;; SCHARIOTH, Klaus Erich;克劳斯·埃里希·沙里奥特;; SCHASTNY, Vladimir G.;弗拉基米尔·沙斯特内;; SCHAUS, Eugene;欧仁·绍斯;; SCHEB, Elisabeth M.;伊丽莎白·舍布;; Schedular tax system;居地征税制度;; schedule;一览表清单时间表附则 [在条例等之后];; schedule for permanent disfigurement or loss of function;永久残废或功能丧失的赔偿细表;; schedule for replenishment;补充资金的时间表;; Schedule I II,III,IV;[精神药物公约] 表一二、三、四;;二、三、四 schedule of income;收入表收益表;; schedule of post adjustments amount per index in US dollars;工作地点差价调整数额表 [每一指数点的美 元数值];; schedule of separation payments;离职费数额表;; scheduled amortization;计划分期偿还;; scheduled castes or scheduled tribes;在册种姓或在册部落;; scheduled meetings;排定的会议;; scheduled person;计划内人员;; scheduled substance;列入清单物质;; Scheduled Territory;表列英属领土;; scheduled work-week;排定工作周;; schedules;附表; 表;; schedules supporting the financial statements;财务报表附表;; schedules to the accounts;决算附表;; scheduling;将某一药物列入附表;; SCHEEL, Hermann;赫尔曼·谢尔;; SCHEGGIA, Mario;马里奥·谢希亚;; SCHEICH, Manfred;曼弗雷德·沙伊希;; schematic outline;纲要;; Scheme 1.1;附表 1.1;; Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development;农业信用发展计划;SACRED; Scheme for monitoring and reporting levels of atmospheric radioactivity;监测报告大气放射程度计划;; Scheme for the Promotion of Organized Tourism;推动团体旅游计划;; scheme I;办法一;; scheme of limits;限额办法;; Schengen and Trevi Agreements;申根与特雷维协定;; Schengen Supplementary Agreement;申根补充协定;; SCHENKEL, Martin;马丁·申克尔;; SCHIALER-SALCEDO, Elmer;埃尔梅·斯基亚莱尔-萨尔塞多;; schillings - S [Austria];先令;; SCHILLING, Wolf-Dietrich;沃尔夫-迪特里希·席林;; SCHIRNDING, K.R.S. von;冯席尔恩丁;; schistosoma;裂体吸虫属; 血吸虫属;; schistosomiasis;血吸虫病;; SCHKAUJHER, Stephen A.;斯蒂芬·施考耶尔;; SCHLAGINTWEIT, Reinhard;赖因哈德·施拉金韦特;; SCHLAGINTWEIT, Reinhardt;赖因哈特·施拉金韦特;; Schlebusch - Le Grange Commission;施勒布施-勒格朗热委员会;; SCHLEGEL, Willi;维利·施勒格尔;; schliering systems;纹影系统;; Schlittler, Gilberto B.;吉尔伯托·施利特勒;; SCHLOTTERBACK, Bishop E.;施洛特尔巴克主教;;主教 SCHLUTER, Poul;保罗·施吕特;; SCHMELZER, W.;施梅尔策;; SCHMID, Erich-Maximilian;埃里希-马克西米利安·施密德;; SCHMIDT, Aloisia;阿洛伊西亚·施密特;; SCHMIDT, Helmut;赫尔默特·施密特;; SCHMIDT, Jochen;约亨·施密特;; SCHMIDT, Rudolf;鲁道夫·施密特;; SCHMIDT, Susanne;苏珊恩·施密特;; SCHMIT, Nicolas;尼古拉·施米特;; SCHMITZ, Hans-Jurgen;汉斯-于尔根·施米茨;; SCHMORACK, Dov R.;多夫·施莫拉克;; SCHNEEWEISS, Burkhard;布克哈德·施内魏斯;; SCHNEIER, Arthur;阿瑟·施奈;; SCHNELLE, Rolf Dieter;罗尔夫·迪特尔·施内尔;; SCHOER, Karl-Heinz;卡尔-海因茨·舍尔;; scholar;学者;; scholar-in-residence;驻校学者;; Scholarship Fund for the Higher Education of Students of the Occupied Arab Territories;被占领阿拉伯领土学生高等教育奖学金基金;; Scholarship Offers and Awards;奖学金的提供和颁发;; Scholarship Programme for Namibian Students;纳米比亚学生奖学金方案;; Scholarship Selection Committee;奖学金审核委员会;; Scholarship Unit;奖学金股;; scholastic system;教育制度;; scholastic year completed;已结束的学年度;; SCHOLZ, Allan;阿伦·肖尔茨;; SCHONLEITER, Ulrich;乌尔里希·舍恩莱特尔;; SCHOO;斯赫奥;; school attendance;在学人数;; School Attendance for Children 18-21 Form;18岁-21岁子女在学表;; school attendance rates;入学率;; school broadcast;学校广播;; school canteen;学校食堂;; School cooperatives;学校合作社;; School equivalency programme;同等学历训练方案;; school feeding;学校补充营养餐;; school for technical stock agents;家畜配种人员技术训练学校;; school garden;校园;; school garden project;学校园圃项目;; school health;学校保健;; school health services;学校保健服务;; school luncheon; school meal;学校供应午餐;; School of Prevention and Tropical Medicine;预防和热带医学学院;; school premises;校舍;; school space;校舍;; school-age population;学龄人口;; School-based Interventions;学校干预小组;SBI; school-feeding programme;学校供餐方案;; School-in-a-box;箱中学校;; schoolchildren;学童;; SCHOPENHAUER;叔本华;; SCHOPP-SCHILLING, Hanna Beate;汉娜·贝亚特·舍普-席林;; SCHORI, Pierre;皮埃尔·肖里;; SCHOUPS, Jozef;约瑟夫·舒普斯少将;;少将 SCHRANZ, Edgar;埃德加·施兰茨;; SCHREIBER, Efrain Goldenberg;埃弗拉因·戈尔登贝格·施赖贝尔;; SCHULDENZUCKER, Andreas;安德烈亚斯·舒尔登楚克尔;; SCHULZ, Christine;克里斯廷·舒尔茨;; SCHUMACHER, Gudrun;古德龙·舒马赫;; SCHUMACHER, Hans-Heinrich;汉斯-海因里希·舒马赫;; SCHUMANN, Gunter;冈特·舒曼;; SCHUMM, Siegfried;西格弗里德·舒姆;; SCHUTTE, Julian Jacob Ernst;朱利安·雅可布·恩斯特·舒特;; SCHUTTE, Rolf Ernst;罗尔夫·恩斯特·许特;; SCHWAETZER, Irmgard;伊姆加尔德·施韦策尔;; SCHWANDT, Hans-Michael;汉斯-米夏埃尔·施万特;; SCHWARZKOPF, Norman;诺曼·施瓦茨科普夫;; SCHWEBEL, Stephen M.;斯蒂芬·施韦贝尔;; Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft;瑞士联合银行;; SCHWENGER, Carl;卡尔·施文格尔;; SCIALOJA, Mario;马里奥·夏洛亚;; Science Agenda 21;21世纪科学议程;; Science and Islam;科学和伊斯兰教;; Science and peace;科学与和平;; Science and Technology Branch;科学和技术处;; Science and Technology Education Information Centre;科学和技术教育资料中心科技教育资料中心;STEIC;科技教育资料中心 Science and Technology for Development;科学和技术促进发展科技促进发展;CYTED;科技促进发展 Science and Technology for Environmental Protection;科学和技术促进环境堡方案;; Science and Technology Information System;科学和技术信息系统科技信息系统;STIS;科技信息系统 Science and Technology Policies Information Exchange System;科学和技术政策资料交换系统科技政策资料交换系统;SPINES;科技政策资料交换系统 Science and Technology Policy Asian Network;科学与技术政策亚洲网科技亚洲网;STEPAN;科技亚洲网 Science and Technology Referal Systems for Journalists;供新闻工作者使用的科学和技术查询系统;; Science and Technology Service;科学和技术处;; Science and technology Unit;科学技术股;; Science Cooperation Office for Latin America;拉丁美洲科学合作处拉美科合处;LASCO;拉美科合处 Science Cooperation Office for South East Asia;东南亚科学合作处东南亚科合处;SEASCO;东南亚科合处 Science Council;学部;; Science Education Programme for Africa;非洲科学教育方案非洲科教方案;SEPA;非洲科教方案 science equipment;科学设备;; Science for Peace;科学为和平组织;; science kit;科学器材;; science parks;科学区; 科学城;; Science Programme Committee;科学方案委员会;SPC; science teaching;科学教学;; Science, Technology and Development: the Imperative of Social Innovation;科学技术和发展:社会创新的迫切必要性;; Science, Technology and Private Sector Division;科学、技术和私营部门司科技司;STAPSD;科技司 Science, Technology, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Division;科学、技术、能源、环境和自然资源司;; science-bases industrial park;科学工业园区;; science-intensive industries;科学密集型工业;; science-teaching book;科学教科书;; science-teaching equipment;科学教学设备;; scientific adviser attache; cousellor; secretary;科学顾问专员参事秘书;;专员参事秘书 Scientific Advisory board;科学咨询委员会;SAB; Scientific Advisory Committee;科学咨询委员会;SAC; Scientific Affairs Officer;科学事务干事;; Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel;科学和技术咨询小组;STAP; Scientific and Technical Committee;科学和技术委员会科技委;CST;科技委 Scientific and Technical Documentation and Information Institute;科学和技术文献资料研究所科技资料所;IDICT;科技资料所 Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation Committee;科学和技术资料委员会科技资料委员会;STIDC;科技资料委员会 Scientific and technical Research Commission;科学技术研究委员会科技研委会;STRC;科技研委会 Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee;科学和技术小组委员会;; Scientific and Technological Advisory Council;科学和技术咨询理事会;; scientific and technological cooperation;科技合作;; Scientific and Technological Strategy for Latin American and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比科学技术战略;; Scientific Applications Satellite;科学应用卫星科学卫星;SAC-B;科学卫星 scientific assistant;科学助理;; scientific ballooning;科学气球探测;; Scientific Committees of the International Union for Scientific Study of Population;人口问题科学研究国际联盟科学委员会;; Scientific Committee for Africa South of the Sahara;撒南非洲科学委员会;; Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research;南极研究科学委员会;SCAR; Scientific committee on Atomic Radiation;原子辐射科学委员会;; Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research;海洋研究科学委员会海研科委会;SCOR;海研科委会 Scientific Committee on Pollution of Environment;环境污染问题科学委员会;SCOPE; Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment;环境问题科学委员会环境科委会;SCOPE;环境科委会 Scientific committee on Reconbinant DNA;重组脱氧核糖核酸科学委员会重组DNA科委会;SCORD;重组DNA科委会 Scientific Committee on the Application of Science to Agriculture, Forestry and Agriculture;科学应用于农业、林业和水产业科学委员会 农林水产科委会;CASAFA;农林水产科委会 Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation;联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会辐射委员会;USSCEAR;辐射委员会 Scientific Committee on Water Research;水资源研究科学委员会水资源委员会;COWAR;水资源委员会 Scientific Committees of the International Union for Scientific Study of Population;人口问题科学研究国际联盟科学委员会;; Scientific Conference for Conservation and Utilization of Resources;资源养护和利用科学会议; 资源会议;UNSCCUR; Scientific Conference on Outer Space;外层空间科学会议;; Scientific Conference on Sea-Land-Atmosphere Interface;海洋-陆地-大气相互作用科学会议;; Scientific Conference: Science and Technology for the Sustainable development of Ibero-America;伊比利亚 - 美洲科学与技术促进可持续发展科学会议;; scientific considerations;科学考虑;; Scientific Cooperation Bureau for Europe;欧洲科学合作局;; Scientific council for Africa South of the Sahara;撒南非洲科学理事会;CSA; Scientific Council for the Institute for Peace Research in Security Policy;安全政策和平研究所科学理事会;; Scientific Council on Peace and Disarmament Research;和平裁军研究科学理事会;; scientific counsellor;科学参赞;; Scientific Exploration and Technical Experimentation Satellite;科学探索和技术实验卫星;; Scientific Group on Dumping;倾弃问题科学组;; Scientific Instrumentation Centre;科学仪器中心;SIC; scientific needs;科研需要;; Scientific Prize;科学奖;; Scientific Prizes of the Third World Academy of Sciences;第三世界科学院科学奖;; Scientific Secretary;科学秘书;; Scientific Steering Group for WOCE;世界海洋循环试验科学指导小组;; Scientific symposium on Antarctic Ocean Variability and its Influence on Marine Living Resources, Particularly Krill;南极海洋变异性及其对海洋生物资源特别是 磷虾的影响问题科学座谈会;; scientific textbooks;科学教科书;; Scientific World Conference on the Changing Atmosphere in Toronto 1988;1988年多伦多大气层改变问题世界科学会议;; Scientific, Technical and Research Commission of the Organization of African Unity;非洲统一组织科学、技术和研究委员会 非统组织科技研究委员会;OAU/STRC;非统组织科技研究委员会 Scientists and Peace;科学家与和平委员会;; Scientology-Brussels, Brussels;基督教科学派-布鲁塞尔;; scimitars;波斯偃月刀;; scintillometer;闪烁计数器核子;;核子 scomber japonicus peruanus;秘鲁鲭;; scomber scombrus;鲭;; scoops;收集器;; SCOPE;环境问题科学委员会;SCOPE; scope of a convention;公约的范围;; scope of applicability;适用范围;; scope of application;适用范围;; scope of audit;审计范围;; scope of the present articles;本条款的范围;; scoping;对问题范围的研究;; SCOR;海洋研究科学委员会;SCOR; scorched earth policy;焦土政策;; Scorpion;蝎式导弹;; Scorzonera divaricata turcz;鹿角草;; SCOSTEP;日地物理学特别委员会;SCOSTEP; SCOTT, C.J.;斯科特;; SCOTT, Lylen A.;利伦·斯科特;; scourge of war;战祸战争的祸患;; Scout movement;童子军运动;; SCOWCROFT, Brent;斯考克罗夫特;; SCR;选择性催化还原;SCR; SCRANTON, William W.;威廉·斯克兰顿;; scrap;废料; 残渣; 碎屑;; scrap value;残值;; Scredetz apparatus;Scredetz 仪器;; Screen Printing Association International;国际网目版印刷协会;SPAI; screening;筛选;; screening bioassay;筛选生物检定;; screenings;筛选过的物质;; screenmail;屏幕邮政;; Scretariat of Basel Convention;巴塞尔公约秘书处;SBC; Screw-worm Action Group;螺旋锥蝇行动组;; Screw-worm Emergency Centre for North Africa;北非螺旋锥蝇应急中心螺旋锥蝇应急中心;SCENA;螺旋锥蝇应急中心 Screw-worm infection;螺旋锥蝇为害;; Scripps Institute of Oceanography;斯克里普斯海洋学研究所;; scriptomatic machine;手稿复印机;; scrub growth;灌木林;; scrubber;洗涤器; 涤气器;; scrubber sludge;洗涤器淤渣;; scrubbing;洗涤; 涤气;; Scrutiny Committee;甄别委员会;; SCUD;飞毛腿导弹;; Scud missile;飞毛腿导弹;; Scurry-Rainbow Oil Ltd.;施柯里伦石油公司;; SDA;索民主同盟;; Sdech Krom Luong Norodom, Ranariddh;诺罗敦·拉那烈王子;; knowledge economy;知识经济;; SDH;同步数字系列;SDH; SDM;索运;; SDS;塞族民主党;; Sea and Ocean Affairs Library;海洋事务图书馆;; Sea area;海域;; sea bank;海堤海塘海岸防波堤;; sea bed;海床;; sea bottom;海底; 海床;; Sea brief;航海证书中立国船舶证;; sea damage;海损;; sea disposal;海洋处理; 倾弃于海洋;; sea energy;海洋能;; sea farming;海洋养殖; 海水养殖;; sea floor;海底; 海床;; sea floor renewal;海底更新; 海底扩展; 海底扩张;; sea grass bed;海草海底; 海草海床;; sea ice;海冰;; Sea Isle city [vessel];“海岛城”号船;;船 Sea letter;航海证书中立国船舶证;; sea level;海平面;; Sea Level Rise and Climate Monitoring Project;海平面上升和气候监测项目;; sea marsh;海边沼泽地;; sea mount;海峰;; Sea of Okhotsk Okhotsk High Seas;鄂霍次克海 鄂霍次克公海;;鄂霍次克公海 sea plateau;海台海底高原;; sea ranch;海洋养殖场; 海洋牧场;; sea ridge;海脊;; Sea Surface Temperature Project;海洋表面温度项目;; sea ward;向海朝海的;;的 sea water conversion;海水转化淡水; 海水淡化;; sea water desalinization;海水脱盐; 海水淡化;; sea waybill;海运货单;; concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive;智力密集型;; sea-based processing;海上加工;; sea-bed;海底海床;; sea-bed and ocean floor;海床洋底;; sea-bed area;海底区域;; Sea-Bed Committee documents data base;海底委员会文件数据基;; Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber, the;海底争端分庭;; sea-bed insertion;埋藏海底泥土中;; sea-bed mining;海底采矿;; Sea-bed topographic map;海底地形图;; Sea-bed Treaty;《海床条约》;; Sea-Ice and Terrain Assessment Radar;海 - 冰和地形评估雷达 海 - 冰评估雷达;STAR;海 - 冰评估雷达 sea-ice coding;海冰数据编码;; sea-ice margin;海-冰分界面;; sea-lanes;海道海上航道;; sea-level rise;海平面升高; 海平面上升;; sea-patrol aircraft;海上巡逻飞机;; Sea-Shore Amendment Act;海岸法修正法;; sea-surface temperature;海面温度;SST; sea-surface wind;海面风;; sea-way;航道航路;; Seabed Committee;海底委员会;; Seaboard Oil Company of Delaware;特拉华西波特石油公司;; Seaborne troops;海运部队;; seabream;乌鲂; 鲷;; SEACOM Cable;东南亚通讯网电缆;; Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code;海员培训、发证和值班准则;STCW Code; seal kits;密封工具箱;; seal of approval;合格印记;; sealed housing evaporative emission determination;密封外壳燃油蒸发排出物确定;; sealing;盖印;; Sealing Commission for the North-East Atlantic;东北大西洋海豹捕猎委员会;SCNEA; SEALY MONTEITH, Sheila;希拉·西利·蒙蒂思;; SEALY, Sheila;希拉·西利;; SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts;东南亚教育部长组织考古与美术中心;SPAFA; seamounts;海山海峰;; SEAP Games;东南亚半岛运动会;; Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking;搜索和救援卫星协助跟踪;SARSAT; search for and arrest smugglers;缉私;; search warrant;搜查令;; SEARLE, Leonel;莱昂内尔·塞亚尔;; SEARS, Joshua;乔舒亚·西尔斯;; Sears, Roebusk & company;西尔斯 - 罗巴克公司;; seas;海域;; SEASAT altimetric data analysis;海洋卫星高程测量数据分析;; SEASAT;海洋卫星;; seashore;海岸海滨;; seasonal deviation;季节性偏差;; seasonal fluctuations;季节性波动;; seasonal migration;季节洄游;; seasonal patterns;季节特性;; seasonality;季节性;; Seat;西特;; Seat of Concho or Circunscricao;区公署或分区所在地;; seat of learning;学府;; seat of the consulate;领馆所在地;; seat of the government;政府所在地;; seat of the mission;使馆所在地使团所在地;; seaward limit of a bay or river mouth;海湾或河口向海界限;; seaweed;海草; 海藻;; Seawise Foundation;西瓦斯基金会;; seaworthiness;适航条件[海洋法]; 适航能力适航性;; sebastes abutus;太平洋鲈;; sebastes fasciatus;美洲鲈;; sebastes marinus;鲈鱼由you;;you sebastes mentella;尖吻鲈鱼由you;;you sebastes viviparus;小鲈;; SEBASTIAO NETO, Joao Manuel;若奥·曼努埃尔·塞巴斯蒂昂·内托;; sebsector, military;军事分区;; SEBURYAMO, Benoit;伯努瓦·塞布里亚莫;; Securities and Exchange Commission;证券交易委员会;SEC; sec-propyl alcohol;异丙醇;; Sec.;秘书;; secbutabarbital;仲丁比妥;; secbutabarbital sodium;仲丁比妥钠;; Seccion Contra Terrorismo de la Policia Nacional;反恐怖主义科;SECOTE-PNP; Secession;分离;; Secextern;南非外交部;; Sechaba;国家;; SECIL Group of Portugal;葡萄牙塞西集团;; SECK, Assane;阿萨纳·塞克;; SECK, Fode;福代·塞克;; SECO, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·塞科;; secobarbital;司可巴比妥;; secobarbital calcium;司可巴比妥钙;; secobarbital resinate;司可巴比妥树脂酸盐;; secobarbital sodium;司可巴比妥钠;; second secondment;借调; 调派;; second the motion;附议支持动议;; second additional language;第二种额外语文;; Second Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union;万国邮政联盟组织法第二附加议定书;; Second African Population conference;第二次非洲人口会议;; Second Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference on Women in Development;第二次亚洲及太平洋妇女参与发展部长级 会议;; second ballot;第二次投票;; Second Chamber of the States-General;议会二院;; Second Committee Economic and Financial;第二委员会;; Second Committee of the Paris Conference on Cambodia;柬埔寨问题巴黎会议第二委员会;; Second Congress;第二院;; Second Congress of People of Guinea;第二届几内亚人民大会;; Second Development Cooperation Cycle;第二个发展合作周期;; Second Development Decade;第二个发展十年;DD-2; Second Disarmament Decade;第二个裁军十年;; Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization;联合国工业发展组织第二次大会;; Second Ground Force;第二个地面部队;; second instance arbitral tribunal;二审仲裁庭;; Coordination Office of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment;堡海洋环境全球行动纲领协调处;; Second International;第二国际;; Second International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa;第二次援助非洲难民国际会议;; Second International Conference on Urban Safety, Drugs and the Prevention of Crime;第二次国际城市安全、毒品和预防犯罪问 题会议;; Second International Week of Scientists for Peace;第二届国际科学家促进和平周;; second medium-term plan of recruitment, 1986-1987;1986-1987年第二个中期征聘计划;; Second Meeting of Governmental Experts from Land-locked and Transit Developing Countries and Representatives of Donor Countries and Financial and Development Institutions;内陆和过境发展中国家政府专家以及捐助 国及金融和发展机构代表第二次会议;; Second National Development Plan;第二个国家发展计划;; Second Nordic Battalion;北欧第二营北欧2营;Nordbat 2;北欧2营 Second Officer;二等干事P-3级;;P-3级 Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Aiming at the Abolition of the Death Penalty;旨在废除死刑的公民及政治权利国际盟约 第二项任择议定书;; second part of the resumed session of the General Assembly;大会续会第二期会议;; Second Part of the First Session of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority;国际海底管理局大会第一届会议第二期会议;; second periodic report;第二次定期报告;; Second Protocol;第二项议定书;; second reading;二读;; Second Regional Consultation on the Convention of the Rights of the Child;儿童权利公约第二次区域协商会议;; Second Republic of Zaire;扎伊尔共和国第二共和国;; second restricted ballot;第二次限制性投票;; Second review and appraisal of the implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing;老龄问题维也纳国际行动计划》执行情况 第二次审查和评价;; Second Review Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological Biological and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction;关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌生物 及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》 缔约国第二次审查会议;; Second Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof;禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其 他大规馁灭性武器条约缔约国第二届审 查会议;; Second Review on the Health of the Oceans;第二次海洋健康问题审查报告;; second round of U.S.-Soviet strategic arms limitation talks;第二轮美苏第二轮限制战略武器会谈;;美苏第二轮限制战略武器会谈 Second Secretary;二等秘书;; Second South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Summit;南亚区域合作联盟第二次首脑会议;; second special session devoted to disarmament;第二次专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议;; Second Transport and communications Decade in Africa;非洲第二个运输和通讯十年;; Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II;第二次联合国人类住区会议 人居二;Habitat II;人居二 Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;第二次联合国探索与和平利用外层空间会议 1982年外空会议;UNISPACE 82;1982年外空会议 Second United Nations conference on the Least Developed Countries;第二次联合国最不发达国家问题会议;; Second United Nations Development Decade;联合国第二个发展十年;DDII; Second United Nations Disarmament Decade;联合国第二个裁军十年;; Second United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;联合国非洲第二个运输和通讯十年 非洲第二个通讯十年;UNTACADA II;非洲第二个通讯十年 Second Western Hemisphere Parliamentarians Conference on Population and Development;第二次西半球议员人口与发展会议;; Second World Climate Conference;第二次世界气候会议;SWCC; Second World Conference to combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, Preparatory Sub-committee for the;第二次向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗世界 会议筹备小组委员会;; Second World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;第二次向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗世界 会议;; Second World Congress on Human Rights;第二届世界人权大会;; Second World Meeting of War Veterans;第二届世界退伍军人会议;; Second-in-Command;副指挥官;; second-tier authorities;第二级当局;; second-tier elections;第二级选举;; secondary airstrips;次级小型机场;; secondary biological treatment;废水的二级生物处理;; secondary cosmic radiation;次宇宙辐射;; secondary crop;副作物;; Secondary Data User Station;二级数据用户站;SDUS; Secondary dependent;二级受扶养人;; secondary dependent benefit;二级受扶养人补助金;; secondary distribution of income;收入二次分配;; secondary education;中学教育;; secondary forest;次生林;; secondary import substitution;二级进口替代;; secondary infertility;继发性不育症;; secondary labour force;次级劳动力;; secondary market;二级市场;; secondary obligation;次级义务次要义务;; Secondary or tertiary levels of education;中等或高等教育;;教育 secondary output;次要产出;; secondary payloads;次要载荷;; secondary pollutant;次生污染物; 二次污染物;; secondary prevention;二级预防;; secondary products;副产品;; secondary raw material;次生原料;; secondary rule;次要规则;; secondary seal;二次密封;; secondary sector industry;二级部门;; secondary standard;二级标准;; Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories;次级标准剂量学实验室;SSDLs; secondary status;从属地位;; secondary treatment;废水的二级处理;; secondary wood-processing industry;木材二级加工工业;; secondhand warm clothing;二手御寒服装;; Secondments;借调;; secondments to other UN offices;借调至联合国其他机关人员;; Seconod Account;第二帐户;; Second Decade of Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的第二个行 动十年第二个行动十年;;第二个行动十年 overseas-funded enterprises;外资企业;; Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的第二个十 年;; Secours international de Caritas Catholica;天主教慈善社国际救济会;; Secretary of Workers Affairs;工人事务书记;; Secrecy of Telecommunication;电信保密;; Secret Anti-Communist Army [Guatemala];秘密反共军;; secret ballot;无记名投票秘密投票;; secret process;秘密工序;; Secret Services Account;特工帐户;; Secretaria de Commnicacions v Transportes;通信和运输部;; Secretaria de Deprtes y Turismo;娱乐和旅游事务署;; Secretaria Ejecutiva Nacional de Detenidos;全国援助被拘留者执行秘书处;SENDET; secretarial and clerical administrative assistance;文书和事务行政助理人员;; secretarial and clerical assistance;文书和事务助理人员;; Secretarial college;秘书学校;; Secretarial Order;部令;; Secretarial Order No. 2918;部令第2918号;; Secretarial Pool;秘书室;; secretarial posts;秘书员额;; Secretariat boards and committees;秘书处委员会;; Secretariat Building;秘书处大厦;; Secretariat Digest;秘书处汇集;; Secretariat for Botanic Gardens Conservation and Management of Protected Areas and National Parks;堡区和国家公园植物园养护和管理秘书处;; Secretariat for Central American Tourism Integration;中美洲旅游业一体化秘书处 旅游业一体化秘书处;SITCA;旅游业一体化秘书处 Secretariat for Economic Integration for Central America;中美洲经济一体化秘书处;; Secretariat for Social Integration;社会融合秘书处;; Secretariat for Women's Rights [Cyprus];妇女权利秘书处;; Secretariat General of the African Accounting Council;非洲会计理事会秘书长;; Secretariat News;秘书处新闻;; Secretariat News Trust Fund;秘书处新闻信托基金;; Secretariat of Foreign Relations;对外关系秘书处;; Secretariat of National Reconstruction;全国重建秘书处;SRN; Secretariat of Policy Making Organs;决策机构秘书处;POL; Secretariat of state for Commerce and Tourism;商业和旅游国务秘书处;; Secretariat of state;国务秘书处;; Secretariat of the Administrative Tribunal;行政法庭秘书处;; Secretariat of the Basel Convention;巴塞尔公约秘书处;SBC; Secretariat of the Board of Auditors;审计委员会秘书处;; laid-off workers;下岗工人;; Secretariat of the Central Committee;中央委员会书记处;; Secretariat of the Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions;行政问题协商委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa;非洲经济委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe;欧洲经济委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Economic Commission of Africa;非洲经济委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Executive Board;执行局秘书处;; Secretariat of the House of Councillor of Japan;参议院事务处;; Secretariat of the Industrial Development Board;工业发展理事会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Joint Appeals Board;联合申诉委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Military Staff Committee;军事参谋团秘书处;; Secretariat of the Secretary General;秘书长秘书室;; Secretariat of the Special Committee of 24;二十四国特别委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the United Nations;联合国秘书处;; Secretariat of the United Nations Board of Auditors and Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency;联合国审计委员会及联合国、各专门机构和 国际原子能机构外聘审计团秘书处;; Secretariat of the United Nations Fiftieth Anniversary;联合国五十周年纪念秘书处;; Secretariat of the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control;联合国管制滥用麻醉品基金秘书处;; Secretariat of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and the United Nations Staff Pension Committee;联合国合办工作人员养恤基金和联合国工作 人员养恤金联合委员会秘书处养恤金秘书处;;养恤金秘书处 Secretariat Organization and Procedures for Preparation of United Nations Special Conferences;秘书处筹备联合国专题会议的组织和程序;; Secretariat Recruitment Service;秘书处征聘事务处;; Secretariat Review Team;秘书处调查组;; Secretariat Survey Team;秘书处调查组;; Secretariat-General of Health for Arab Countries of Gulf Areas;海湾地区阿拉伯国家卫生总秘书处;; Secretary for Foreign Affairs;外事秘书;; Secretary for Information and Publicity;新闻和宣传秘书;; Secretary General of the Ministry of Fundamental Education and Religious Affairs of Mauritania;毛里塔尼亚基础教育和宗教事务部秘书长;; Secretary General of the Presidency of France;法国总统府秘书长;; Secretary General of the Presidency;总统府秘书长;; Secretary of Economic and Social Council;经济及社会理事会秘书;; Secretary of State for Culture and Higher Education of Somalia;索马里文化和高等教育部长;; Secretary of State for External Affairs [Canada];加拿大外交部长;; Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs;外交和联邦事务大臣;; Secretary of State for Information and Tourism [Portugal];新闻和旅游国务秘书;; Secretary of State for Transport and Communications of the Ministry of Social Facilities and the Environment;环境和社会设施部主管运输交通的国务部长;; Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;外交部国务秘书;; secretary of State;美国国务卿联合王国大臣安哥拉国 务秘书;; Secretary of the Central Committee;中央委员会书记;; Secretary of the Council for Namibia;纳米比亚理事会秘书;; Secretary of the Executive Board and Liaison with Non-Governmental Organizations;执行委员会秘书兼非政府组织联络员;; Secretary of the Executive Board;执行局秘书;; Secretary of the Scientific committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation;原子辐射影响科学委员会秘书;; Secretary of the United Nations Command Component of the Military Armistice Commission;停战委员会联合国军部分秘书长;; Secretary or the United Nations Council for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚理事会秘书;; Secretary to the Committee;委员会秘书;; Secretary to the Government;政府秘书;; Secretary's Department;秘书部;; Secretary-General;秘书长总书记日本政党书记长;; Secretary-General of the Fourth World Conference on Women;第四次妇女问题世界会议秘书长;; Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长;; Secretary-General's Advisory Board;秘书长顾问委员会;; Secretary-General's Bulletin;秘书长公报;; Secretary-General's Bulletin 163;秘书长第 163号公报;; Secretary-General's Consolidated appeal for Cambodia's needs;秘书长关于柬埔寨需要的统一呼吁;; Secretary-General's Group of Experts on the Contribution of Nuclear Technology to the Economic and Scientific Advancement of Developing countries;核技术对发展中国家经济和科学进步的贡献问题秘书长的专家小组;; Secretary-General's mission of good offices for Cyprus;塞浦路斯问题秘书长斡旋特派团;; Secretary-General's opening statement of 1980;1980年秘书长的开幕词;; Secretary-General's Special Initiative on Africa;秘书长非洲特别倡议;; Secretary-General's Special Representative;秘书长特别代表;; Secretary-General's Task Force on Economic and Social Development of the Gaza Strip and Jericho;秘书长加沙地带和杰里科经济和社会发展工作队;; Secretary-General's Trust Fund for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;用于黎巴嫩重建和发展的秘书长信托基金;; Secretary-General's Trust Fund to Assist States in the Settlement of Disputes through the International Court of Justice;秘书长关于协助各国通过国际法院解决争端的信托基金;; Secretary/Finance Clerk;秘书 / 财务办事员;; Section;节 [Section I: 第一节][预算] 款 [组织单位] 科[法庭] 申诉分庭;; Section 13 of the Regular Budget;经常预算第13款;; Section Chief;科长;; Section for African Questions;非洲问题科;; Section for Coordination and Executive Management;协调和行政管理科;; Section for Coordination and Political Information;协调和政治资料科;; Section for Equal Education Opportunities for Girls and Women;少女和妇女教育机会平等科;; Section for External Relations;对外关系科;; Section for External Relations, Publications and Documentation;对外关系、出版和文件科;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司