翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Section for Latin America;拉丁美洲科;; Section for Political committees;政治委员会科;; Section for Sea-Bed and Ocean Floor Affairs;海床洋底事务科;; Section for Security Council Affairs;安全理事会事务科;; Section for Special Problems;特定问题科;; Section I - Commission on Human Rights Secretariat;第一科:人权委员会秘书处;; Section I - General Problems and Procedures of Pacific Settlements;第一组:一般问题及和平解决程序;; Section I - Implementation of International Treaties;第一科:国际条约的实施;; Section II - Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities;第二科:防止歧视及堡少数民族;; Section II - Regional Affairs and Service to Commissions;第二科:区域事务和委员会事务;; Section II - Studiea and Research;第二科:研究;; Section II of the resolution;决议第二节;; Section III - Status of Women;第三科:妇女地位;; Section of Programme Publications, Library and Research;方案出版物、图书馆和研究科;; Section on Economies in Transition and Free Economic Zones;转型期经济体和自由经济区科;; Section on Human Development;人类发展科;; Section on New and Renewable Resources of Energy;新能源和可再生能源科;; sectional consultation;部门协商;SC; sectional level, at the;预算各款标题;;标题 Sectional Titles Act, No.66 of 1971;区地契法,1971年第66号;; Sector;地区[Israel-Lebanon; Namibia]区块海法部门经济 部分人口;; Sector Coordinator;部门协调员;; Sector Coordinator on Industry and Trade;工业和贸易部门协调员;; Sector Coordinator for Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources;粮食、农业和自然资源部门协调员;; Sector East;东区;; sector headquarters;区总部;; sector military;军事分区;; sector of activity;活动部门;; sector of destination;目的地去向部门;; Sector of economies;各个经济部门;; sector of origin;来源部门;; Sector of Social Services, Humanities and Culture;社会学、人道和文化部;; sector principle;扇形区原则;; Sector Sarajevo;萨拉热窝防区;; Sector Structural Adjustment Policy;部门和结构调整政策;SSAP; Sector West;西区;; reposition of redundant personnel;分流;; sectoral;按部门的;; sectoral activities;部门活动;; Sectoral Activities Department;部门活动司;; Sectoral advisory services;部门咨询服务;; sectoral agreement;部门协定;; Sectoral classification;部门分类;; Sectoral classification IPF - funded UNDP - executed projects;指规数出资开发计划署执行的项目的部门分类;; sectoral clusters;部门分组;; Sectoral Commission;部门委员会;COMISEC; Sectoral Complex Group Meeting on Energy Conservation on Chemistry-alumina Industry;关于化学一氧化铝工业节能问题的部门性综合小组会议;; sectoral deflators;部门经费减缩指数 [预算]; 部门物价折算指数 [经济];; Sectoral Development Loans Programme;部门发展贷款方案;; competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster; core products;拳头产品;; sectoral development programmes;部门发展方案;; Sectoral development; sectoral programming;部门发展部门方案拟订;; sectoral distribution of resources;资源部门性分配;; Sectoral distribution;部门分配情况;; sectoral dossier;部门档案;; sectoral issues;部门议题;; Sectoral Issues and Policies Division;部门议题和政策司;; Sectoral lines;部门界限;; Sectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment;强调环境方面的科学与技术问题部门会议;; Sectoral Meeting on Social Development UN/League of Arab States;关于社会发展的部门性会议联合国/阿拉伯国家联盟;;联合国/阿拉伯国家联盟 sectoral ministries;经济部门各部;; Sectoral Programme Evaluation Unit;部门方案评价股;; sectoral programmes;部门方案;; sectoral studies and research;部门性研究;; sectoral support;部门支助;; Sectoral Working Paper Series;部门工作文件系列;; sectoral focus;部门焦点法;; Sectors North and South;北区和南区;; secular state;政教分立国家;; secure evidence;获得证据; 取证;; secure humanitarian area;安全人道主义区;; secured liabilities;担保负债;; secured loan;抵押放款;; Securing Development beyond 2000;谋求2000年后继续发展;; Securities and Investments Board;证券投资局;SIB; Securities Exchange Act;证券交易法;; Securities Exchange Commission;证券交易委员会;; Securities Exchange Law;证券交易法;; downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency;减员增效;; Securities Industry Act;证券业法案;SIA; securities regulators;证券调节人;; securitization of debt;债务证券化;; security;保证金;; Security - Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference;安全-保障国际民用航空免受非法行动干扰;; Security Advisory Committee;安全顾问委员会;; Security and Defence Commission;安全和防御委员会;; Security and Safety Service;警卫和安全处;SEC;警卫处 Security and Safety Unit;警卫和安全股;; Security Assessment Mission;安全评价团;; Security Commission Agreement;安全委员会协定;; Security Commission established under the Esquipulas II Agreement;第二次埃斯基普拉斯协议所设安全委员会;; Security Committee;安全委员会;; security cordons [Lebanon];“安全地带”;; security corridors;安全通道;; Security Council Ad hoc Committee Established under Resolution 4551979, Concerning the Complaint by Zambia, to Assist the Security Council in the Implementation of the Resolution;安全理事会按照关于赞比亚的控诉的第4551979号决议设立以协助安全理事会 执行该决议的特设委员会;; Security Council AD HOC Committee Established Under Resolution 507 1982;安全理事会第5071982号决议所设特设委员会;; Security Council and political committee activities;安全理事会和政治委员会活动;; Security Council and Political Committees Division;安全理事会和政治委员会司安理会和政委 会司;SCPC;安理会和政委 会司 Security Council Chamber at Headquarters;总部安全理事会会议厅;; Security Council Commission established under resolution 446 1979;安全理事会第4461979号决议所设委员会;; Security Council Commission of Investigation established under resolution 5711985;安全理事会第5711985号决议所设调查委员会;; Security Council Committee established by resolution 661 1990 concerning the situation between Iraq and Kuwait;安全理事会关于伊拉克与科威特间局势的第661 1990号决议所设委员会;; Security Council Committee established by Resolution 748 1992 concerning Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;安全理事会关于阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题的 第 7481992号决议所设委员会;; Security Council Committee established in pursuance of resolution 253 1968;安全理事会按照第2531968号决议所设委员 会;; Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 748 1992 concerning the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;安全理事会关于阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题的 第7481992号决议所设委员会;; Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 7511992 concerning Somalia;安全理事会关于索马里问题的第7511992 号决议所设委员会;; Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 864 1993 concerning the Situation in Angola;安全理事会关于安哥拉局势的第8641993 号决议所设委员会;; chain debts;三角债;; education for all-round development;素质教育;; a country under the rule of law;法治国家;; Security Council Committee established resolution 421 1977 concerning the question of South Africa;安全理事会关于南非问题的第4211977 号决所设委员会;; Security Council Committee on Council Meetings away from Headquarters;安全理事会在总部以外地点开会问题委员会;; Security Council Committee on the Admission of New Members;安全理事会接纳新会员国委员会;; Security Council Committee on the Arms Embargo against South Africa;安全理事会对南非武器禁运委员会;; Security Council Mission to …;安全理事会派往… 代表团;; Security Council Practices and Charter Research Branch;安全理事会惯例和宪章研究处;SCPCRB;安理会惯例处 Security Council Resolution SCR;安全理事会决议安理会决议;SCR;安理会决议 Security Council Secretariat Services Branch;安全理事会秘书处事务处;; a state with an adequate legal system;法制国家;; training for specific posts;定向培训;; programme budget commitments;方案预算承诺产出;; Security Council Subsidiary Organs Secretariat Services Branch;安全理事会附属机关秘书处事务处;; Security Council Summit Meeting;安全理事会首脑会议;; Security Council's Balkan Commission of Investigation;安全理事会巴尔干调查委员会;; Security District Proclamation AG-9;《安全地区公告》AG.9号;;AG.9号 Security Evacuation Plan;安全撤出计划;; security exceptions;安全例外;; security forces;安全部队[南斯拉夫和中非共和国]治安部 队[萨尔瓦多] 保安部队[南非]; 公安部队;; security given in respect of liabilities;对债务所作的担保;; Security guards;警卫;; Security Handbook;安全手册;; security in rem;以实物担保以不动产担保;; security interests;物权担保; 担保权益;; Security Laws;保安法;; security legislation;安全法律;; Security Lieutenant S-5;特等警务员S-5;;S-5 Security Management Team;安全管理小组;SMT; security of employment;职业保障;; security of job tenure;职业保障;; security of person;人身安全;; security of reserve assets;储备资产的保证;; security of title;所有权的保障;; Security Officer Probationary S-1;见习警卫S-1;;S-1 Security Officer S-2;警卫S-2;;S-2 Security Officers Meeting;安全军官会议;; security order;警卫令;; Security Pacific Corporation;安全太平洋公司;; Security Pacific Natinoal Bank;太平洋国民证券银行;; security plan;安全计划;; Security Police;保安警察;; security prisoners;安全罪行囚犯;; security rating;安全等级;; Security Sergeant S-4;高等警务员S-4;;S-4 Security Service;警卫事务警卫人员;; Security Service [USA];安全局;; security services [South Africa];治安部门;; Security Standards and Quality Assurance Officer;安全标准及质量保证干事;; Security Task force;安全工作队;; Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America;澳大利亚、新西兰和美利坚合众国安全条约;; Security Unit;安全股;; security, national;国家安全;; security, social;社会安全;; Security/Safety Officer;警卫/安全干事;; sedadrop;瑟丹滴剂;; sedative;镇静剂;; sedative-hyporotios;镇静剂-安眠药;; Sedentary fisheries;定着渔业;; sedentary species;定着类定居种固着种类; 定居种;; sedentary stocks;定居鱼类;; sediment;沈降物; 沈积物; 沈淀物;; sediment core;沈积岩心;; sediment trap;沉积物收集器;; sedimentation;沈降作用; 沈积作用; 沈淀作用;; sedimentation basin;沈降池; 沈积盆地;; sedimentation rate;沈降速度;; sedimentation tank;沈降槽; 沈降池;; sedimentation trap;沉积物收集器;; SEDLAK, Miroslav;米罗斯拉夫·塞德拉克;; SEDOC, Edwin J.;埃德温·塞多克;; Sedrenic;塞德雷尼茨;; See Hua Daily News;诗华日报;; Seed Capital;原始资本;; seed capital loans;原始资本贷款;; seed capital; seed money;原始资本;; seed company;种子公司;; seed fish;怀卵鱼;; Seed Improvement and Development Programme;种子改良和发展方案;; Seed Industry Development Programme;种子工业发展方案;; Seed Information System;种子信息系统;SIS; seed money;创办费; 开办经费; 原始经费;; seed multiplication;种子繁殖;; Seed reserve stock programme;种子储存方案;; SEED, C.;西德;; seed-money;起始资金开办经费;; seed-time;播种季节;; seeded pasture;人工牧场; 人工草原;; seeding operations;原始业务;; SEEGER, Ines;伊内斯·泽格;; seek order;取得命令;; Seeker;搜索者;; SEEMANN, Heinrich;海因里希·泽曼;; seepage;渗漏; 渗出; 渗流;; seepage factor;渗漏系数;; seerfish;日本马鲛;; SEGADLO, Eckart;埃尔特·泽加德洛;; SEGARRA, Amada;阿马达·塞加拉;; SEGER, Paul;保罗·西格;; segment information;部门性资料;; segment information by line of business and geographical area;按行业和地理区分列的部门资料;; segmental analysis and reporting;部门分析和报告;; segmental data;细分数据;; segmental information on employees;职工细分资料;; segmentation activity;按不同经济活动部门细分财务资料;; segmentation by;细分;; segmentation by geographical area;按地区分列;; segmentation by geographical area and by line of business;按地理区域和行业细;; segmentation by line of business;按行业分列;; segmentation of employees by geographical area;职工按地区细分;; segmentation of employees by line of business;职工按行业细分;; segmentation of financial information by geographical area;按地理区域细分财务料;; segmentation of financial information by industry segment;按工业部门细分财务资;; segmentation of financial information by line of business;按行业细分财务资料;; segmentation of financial information on a country-by-country basis;按国家细财产资料;; segmentation of information;资料细分;; segmented structure;分段结构;; segments of society;社会各阶层;; segregated by functions;按职能分类;; segregated state property;分离的国有财产;; segregation in South Africa;南非的种族歧视;; SEGUI, Rene DEGNI;勒内·德尼-塞吉;; Seibu Japan;西武集团;; SEIICHI INO;井野诚一;; SEIM, Lasse Sigurd;拉塞·西古尔德·塞姆;; Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania;立陶宛共和国议会;; seisin, seizin;法定占有;; Seismic Construction;抗震建筑;; Seismic Data Centre;地震数据中心;; Seismic Data Exchange Center DARPA;DARPA地震数据交换中心;; Seismic profiler;地震剖面测量仪;; Seismic profiling;地震剖面测量;; seismic reflection profiling;地震反射剖面测量;; seismicity;地震活动性; 地震活动度;; Seismographic Services;地震服务公司;; seismological research;地震研究;; Seismological Society of the South-West Pacific;西南太平洋地震学会;; seismological techniques;地震技术;; seize;缉获; 收缴; 扣押;; seize; seizure;拿捕;; seized item of which the Security council is;处理正在处理中;;正在处理中 seizure;扣押财产; 没收收缴毒品;;毒品 Seizure of civil aircraft in flight;劫持飞行中的民航飞机;; Sejm;波兰议会;; SEK;瑞典克郎;; SEK, Setha;塞塞塔;; Sekai;《世界月刊》;; SEKLUND, Sigvard;西格瓦尔德·埃克隆德;; Sekovici;舍科维契;; SEKS, Vladimir;弗拉迪米尔·舍克斯;; SEKULE, William H.;威廉姆·塞库莱;; Latin American Economic System LAES;拉丁美洲经济体系拉美经济体系;LAES;拉美经济体系 Selce;塞尔采;; SELE, Edwin F.;埃德温·塞莱;; select club of nuclear Powers;核国家专用俱乐部;; Select Committee;特设委员会;; Select Committee on Bantu Affairs;班图事务特设委员会;; Select committee on Constitutional Development;宪政发展特设委员会;; Select Committee on Economic Crime;经济罪行特设委员会;; Select Committee on Localization;地方化特设委员会;; Select Committee on Status and Federal Relations;领土地位和联邦关系特设委员会;; selected base year exchange rates;特定基年汇率;; selected characteristics of higher conditionality lending agreements;制约更多的贷款协定的一些特征;; Selected Committee on Land Problems;土地问题特设委员会;; Selected socio-economic indicators for monitoring implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade;监测联合国第三个发展十年国际发展战略执 行情况的选定社会-经济指标;; Selection Board;甄选委员会;; Selection Committee for the Environment Prize;环境奖甄选委员会;; Selection Committee for the Sasakawa Environment Prize;筱川环境奖甄选委员会;; selection interview;甄选口试;; selection of a contribution class or unit;选定某一缴费等级或单位;; selection panel;甄选小组;; Selection Panel for Human Rights Prizes;人权奖甄选小组;; Selection trust, Ltd;精选信托有限公司;; selective capitalization;有选择的资本化;; selective catalytic reduction;选择性催化还原;SCR; selective chopper radiometer;选择性斩波辐射计;; selective collection;选择性收集;; selective dissemination of information;选发信息方案;SDI;方案 selective economic sanctions;有选择性的经济制裁;; Selective Embargo;选择性禁运特种货物的禁运;; selective herbicide;选择性除莠剂; 选择性除草剂;; selective non-catalytic reduction;选择性非催化还原;SNCR; selective pension;选择性养恤金;; selective placement services;选择性的就业安置;; Selective retrieval of information;有选择地检索资料;; Selective Service Law [US];兵役法;; Selective Service;兵役署;; selective tariff;选择性关税率;; selectivity of fishing gear;选择性渔具;; SELEPENG, Molosiwa L.;莫洛西瓦·塞莱彭;; self and nonemployed persons;自营职业人员和非雇佣人员;; self help projects;自助项目;; self-abnegation;忘我精神;; self-accelerating decomposition;自加速分解;; self-accelerating decomposition temperature;自加速分解温度;SADT; self-balancing;自动平衡;; self-balancing double-entry group of accounts;自平复式簿记帐本;; self-built fixed assets;自建固定资产;; self-care;自理;; self-confidence-building measures;建立自信措施;; self-contained breathing apparatus;自给式呼吸器 呼吸器;SCBA;呼吸器 self-contained drainage system;独立的排水系统; 配套齐全的排水系统;; self-contained entities;自成一体的实体;; Self-Defence Forces [Japan];自卫队;; self-defence units;民兵自卫队;; self-defence-guards;自卫队员;; self-delusion;自我欺骗的幻觉;; self-destroying;自毁的;; self-destructing syringe;一次性注射器;; self-destructing syringe seringue non reutilisable;一次性使用注射器;; self-determination;自决;; self-development;职员进修自身发展;; self-draining pipe;自动排水管;; self-employed;自营职业者;; self-employed farmers;自耕农;; self-employed migrant workers;自营职业移民工人;; self-employed women;自营职业的妇女;; self-employed worker;自营职业工人自营职业者个体户;; self-employment;自营职业;; self-evaluation;自我评价;; self-evaluation systems;自我评价制度;; self-financing;自筹资金;; self-financing arrangement;自筹资金安排;; self-financing body;自筹资金机构;; self-financing concept;自筹资金观念;; self-financing village groups;农村信用合作社;; self-generated goodwill;自生商誉;; self-governing homeland;自治本土;; Self-government;自治;; self-healing process;自体愈合过程;; self-health;自我保健;; self-help;自助;; self-help associations;自助协会;; self-help building groups;自助楼房团体;; self-help community development;自助社区发展;; self-help cooperative society;自助合作社;; self-help initiatives;自助活动行动;;行动 self-help project;自助项目;; Self-Help Scheme through the Provision of a Revolving Loan Fund for Women's Groups;向妇女团体提供自动展期放款基金的自助计划;; self-help schemes [refugee problem];自助计划;; self-induced abortion;自行堕胎;; self-instruction;自教自学;; self-insurance arrangement;自保安排;; self-learning package;自学材料;; Self-liquidating;自动清偿的;; self-liquidating commercial activities;自行结算的商业活动;; self-liquidating purchases and activities;自给性购置与工作;; self-mailer stationery;搭配信封的信纸;; self-medication;自行服药;; self-monitoring;自监测;; self-pollinating species;自花传粉植物;; self-propelled artillery piece;自行火炮;; self-purification;自净作用;; self-regulating organization;自我调节机构;SRO; self-regulation;自动调节; 自订规章;; self-reliance;自力更生;; self-renewal;自我更新;; self-restoring capacity of nature;自然的自我恢复能力;; self-revision;自译自审;; self-sown flora;自播植物; 自然播种植物;; self-sufficiency projects;自给自足项目;; self-sufficiency rate;自足率;SSR; self-sustaining economic growth;可自我维持的经济增长;; self-sustaining foreign operations;自负盈亏的国外业务;; Self-sustaining growth;自力增长;; self-sustainment;自我维持;; Seliste;塞利斯特;; SELL, Andreas;安德烈亚斯·泽尔;; SELLAMI-MESLEM;塞拉米-迈斯勒;; seller's market;卖方市场; 卖主市场;; selling costs;销售成本;; selling price;售价; 卖价;; selling rate;卖出价;; Selous Scouts;塞卢斯侦察队;; selp-policing;自我管制;; Selskaya Zhizny;《农村生活报》;; SELSO, Jette Birgitte;耶特·比尔吉特·塞尔瑟;; SEM;空间环境监测仪;SEM; SEMAFUMU, Rosemary;罗斯玛丽·塞马富穆;; SEMAMBO-KALEMA, Julliet;朱丽叶·塞曼博-卡莱马;; semblance of legitimacy;合法形象;; SEMEDO, Julio;儒利奥·塞梅多;; SEMGURUKA, Leah P.;利赫·森古鲁卡;; semi desert;半沙漠; 半荒漠;; semi-annual newsletter;半年期业务通讯;; semi-annual summary of financial information;半年期财务资料摘要;; semi-arid stock raising zones;半干旱性牲畜饲养区;; semi-arid tropics;半干旱热带;; semi-arid zone;半干旱带;; semi-budgeting;半预算;; semi-closed sea;半闭海;; semi-enclosed seas;半封闭海; 半闭海;; semi-finished goods;半成品;; semi-fixed costs;半固定成本;; semi-full budgeting;编制半期全面预算;; semi-governmental bodies;半政府机构;; semi-institutional arrangement;半监禁式办法;; semi-licit operation;半合法行动;; Semi-local;准当地人;; semi-manufactures;半制成品;; semi-manufactured commodities;半制成品;; Semi-manufactured goods;半制成品;; Semi-permanent member of the Security Council;安全理事会半常任理事国;; semi-precious stones;次等宝石;; semi-processed goods;半成品;; semi-processed primary products;半加工初级产品;; Semi-quantitative, thin-larger chromatographic procedure;半定量薄层色层分离法;; semi-rigid foamed plastics;半硬质泡沫塑料;; semi-skilled M-3 Manual worker;半技工;; Semi-skilled Manual worker;半技工;; semi-skilled worker;半技术工人M-3;M-3;M-3 semi-station; station;半测点测点;; semi-subsistence economy;半自给经济;; semi-turnkey contract;半统包合同;; Semiconductor Research Cooperative;半导体研究合作社;; seminal resources;种子资源资金;; seminar;讨论会;; Seminar for High-level Military and Civilian Officials;高级军事和文职官员讨论会;; Seminar for Teachers on South Africa and Apartheid;南非和种族隔离问题教师讨论会;; Seminar in international organization and multilateral diplomacy;国际组织和多边外交讨论会;; Seminar in North America on the Efforts by the International Community to End South Africa's Illegal Occupation of Namibia;北美洲关于国际社会为结束南非对纳米比亚的非法占领所作努力的讨论会;; Seminar of Collective Self-Support of the Third World;第三世界集体自力更生讨论会;; Seminar of Experts on Democratic Institution;民主体制专家讨论会;; Seminar of Experts on the sustainable Development of Temperate and Borea Forests;温带和北部地区森林可持续发展专家讨论会;; Seminar of International Human Rights Standards and Constitutional Law;国际人权标准和宪法讨论会;; Seminar of National Correspondents of OAU's Bureau for the Placement and Education of African Refugees;非洲统一组织非洲难民安置和教育局所办各国通讯员研究班讨论会;; Seminar of the Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against Apartheid on the Future of Southern Africa and Europe's Role;西欧议员反对种族隔离行动协会关于南部非洲未来与欧洲作用讨论会;; Seminar on Action against Traffic in Women and Forced Prostitution;反对贩卖妇女和强迫卖淫行动讨论会;; Seminar on Apartheid;种族隔离问题讨论会;; Seminar on Applications for Space Technology in the Mitigation of the Effects of Natural Disasters;空间技术应用于减轻自然灾害后果问题讨论会;; Seminar on Appropriate Indicators to Measure Achievements in the Progressive Realization of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;关于衡量逐步实现经济、社会和文化权利方面成就的适当指标的讨论会;; Seminar on Arms Proliferation and Confidence- and Security-Building Measures in Latin America;拉丁美洲军备扩散和建立信任和安全措施讨论会;; Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People;向巴勒斯坦人民提供援助讨论会;; Seminar on Asylum and the Rights of Refugees;庇护和难民权利讨论会;; seminar on cadastre;地籍图讨论会;; Seminar on Children on the Agenda for Development and Democracy;发展与民主议程中的儿童问题讨论会;; Seminar on Civil and Political Education of Women;妇女公民和政治教育讨论会;; Seminar on Coastal Evolution in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋海岸演变讨论会;; Seminar on Collaboration between Israel and South Africa;以色列与南非勾结问题讨论会;; Seminar on community relations commissions and their functions;关于族群关系委员会及其职责的讨论会;; Seminar on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures;建立信任与安全措施讨论会;; Seminar on Contingency Planning for Technical Assistance to Namibia During the Transition to Independence;纳米比亚独立过渡期间技术援助应急规划讨论会;; Seminar on Contract Negotiation and Consulting Services for Industrial Project P;为工业项目促进者举办的合同谈判和咨询服务研讨会;; Seminar on Cultural Boycott of South Africa;对南非进行文化抵制讨论会;; seminar on cultural dialogue between the countries of origin and the host countries of migrant workers;移民工人的原籍国和所在国之间文化对话讨论会;; Seminar on Current Status of Developments in Deep-sea Mining Technology;深海采矿技术发展现状讨论会;; Seminar on Disarmament and Security in Africa;非洲裁军与安全问题讨论会;; Seminar on Donor Support for the Promotion of Rural Cooperatives in Developing Countries;促进发展中国家农村合作社捐助者支助讨论会;; Seminar on East-West accounting issues;东西方会计问题讨论会;; Seminar on Economic and Environmental Aspects of Industrial Waste Management;工业废物管理的经济和环境方面问题讨论会;; Seminar on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Workers with Family Responsibilities for Selected Countries of Asia and the Pacific;关于特定亚洲及太平洋国家中有家庭责任的工人享受机会平等和待遇平等的讨论会;; Seminar on Evaluation in the Management of R and D;研究与发展管理评价讨论会;; Seminar on financial aspects of manufacturing enterprises in the public sector;公营部门制造企业财政问题讨论会;; Seminar on Freedom of Association;结社自由讨论会;; Seminar on Human Rights in Developing Countries;发展中国家人权问题讨论会;; Seminar on Industrial Restructuring and International Competitiveness;工业调整与国际竞争力讨论会;; seminar on industrial statistics;工业统计讨论会;; Seminar on International Law;国际法讨论会;; Seminar on International Commercial Arbitration;国际商业仲裁讨论会;; Seminar on International Human Rights Standards and Constitutional Law;国际人权标准和宪法讨论会;; Seminar on International Security;国际安全讨论会;; Seminar on International Standards for Environmental Protection;国际环境堡标准讨论会;; seminar on Latin America and the world towards the year 2000;拉丁美洲和世界迈向2000年讨论会;; Seminar on major problems of technical and financial cooperation;技术和金融合作主要问题讨论会;; Seminar on Mathematical Methods and Computer Techniques;数学方法与计算机技术讨论会;; Seminar on Mechanization of Mountain Harvesting Operations;山区收割作业机械化问题讨论会;; Seminar on Media Development and Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean;促进拉丁美洲和加勒比媒体发展和民主讨论会;; Seminar on Migration;移徙问题讨论会;; Seminar on Military Doctrine;军事理论讨论会;; Seminar on National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;促进和堡人权国家机构讨论会;; Seminar on Natural Resource and Environmental Accounts for Development Policy;发展政策自然资源和环境帐户讨论会;; Seminar on New and Renewable Sources of Energy;新能源和可再生能源问题讨论会;; Seminar on New Applications for Steel in View of the Challenge from Substitute Materials;钢在面临代用材料挑战中的新用途讨论会;; Seminar on New Developments in Geothermal Energy;地热能新发展情况讨论会;; Seminar on New International Economic Order;新的国际经济秩序讨论会;; Seminar on Participation in Local Administration as a Means of Promoting Human Rights;以参加地方行政为促进人权方法问题讨论会;; Seminar on Personal and Collective Services;个人和集体服务问题讨论会;; Seminar on Policies for Energy Conservation in Buildings;建筑物节省能源政策讨论会;; Seminar on Programme Planning for the National Reconstruction and Development of Namibia;纳米比亚国家重建和发展方案规划讨论会;; Seminar on Promoting an Independent and Pluralistic African Press;促进非洲新闻独立和多元化讨论会;; Seminar on prospects for the Palestinian industrial sector;巴勒斯坦工业部门前景讨论会;; Seminar on Road Traffic Safety;公路交通安全讨论会;; Seminar on security and the problem of refugees in East Africa and the Horn of Africa;安全问题与东非及非洲之角难民问题讨论会;; Seminar on Services and Development: the Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade;服务和发展问题讨论会:外国直接投资和贸易的作用;; Seminar on Small-Scale Industry in Latin America [5 Dec. 1966];拉丁美洲小型工业讨论会;; Seminar on South Africa;南非问题讨论会;; Seminar on South Africa's Socio-Economic Problems: Future Role of the United Nations System in Helping to Address Them;南非社会经济问题讨论会:联合国系统在帮助 解决以上问题中的未来作用;; Seminar on Special Problems Relating to Human Rights in Developing Countries;发展中国家内有关人权的特殊问题讨论会;; Seminar on standardization in developing countries;发展中国家标准化讨论会;; Seminar on sustainable economic growth and development in South Africa: Policy priorities for the early years of a democratic government;南非可持续经济增长和发展讨论会:民主政府初期的优先政策;; Seminar on Technical Assistance for an Independent Namibia - the Role of the United Nations;向独立的纳米比亚提供技术援助讨论会-联合国的作用;; Seminar on the Alleged Transnational Criminal;指称的跨国公司罪犯问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Building Industry;建筑工业问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Cultural Boycott and Academic Links with South Africa;文化抵制和与南非进行学术联系问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Current Status of Developments in Deep Sea-Bed Mining Technology;深海底采矿技术当前发展状况讨论会;; Seminar on the demographic and socio-economic implications of international migration in the Arab world;阿拉伯世界国际性移徙对人口和社会经济影响座谈会;; Seminar on the Desulphurization of Fuels and Combustion Gases;燃料和燃烧气体去硫问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Development of Higher Education in Africa;非洲发展高等教育讨论会;; Seminar on the Economic and Technical Aspects of the Modernization of the Iron and Steel Industry;钢铁工业现代化的经济与技术方面问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Economic Application of Water Desaltination, United Nations;联合国咸水淡化经济应用问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Economic Role of Women in the ECE Region;关于欧洲经委会区域内妇女经济作用的讨论会;; Seminar on the effects of racism and racial discrimination on the social and economic relations between indigenous peoples and states;种族主义和种族歧视对土著人民与国家间社会经济关系影响讨论会;; Seminar on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;消除一切形式种族歧视问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Encouragement of Understanding, Tolerance and Respect in Matters relating to Freedom of Religion or Belief;鼓励在涉及宗教自由或信仰自由的问题上予以谅解、容忍和尊重的讨论会;; Seminar on the Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of Social Progress;社会进步的伦理和精神方面问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Evaluation of Housing Quality;住房质量评价讨论会;; Seminar on the Evolution in the Dimensions of Loading Units;加载单元容积演变讨论会;; Seminar on the External Dimensions of a Single European Market, Impact and Opportunities;欧洲单一市场、影响和机会的对外层面讨论会;; Seminar on the Hamburg Rules;汉堡规则讨论会;; Seminar on the Impact of Atmospheric Protection Measures on Thermal Power Stations;热电站大气堡措施影响讨论会;; Seminar on the Impact of Economic Restructuring on the Employment, Training and Working Conditions of Women for Selected English-speaking African Countries;关于特定非洲英语国家中经济改组对妇女就业、训练和工作条件影响的讨论会;; Seminar on the Impact of Increasing Dimensions of Loading Units on Combined Transport;装载单位层面增加对联合运输的影响讨论会;; Seminar on the Implications of Accession to the International Conventions on Road and Rail Transport [ESCAP, Tehran, Nov 1994];加入国际公路和铁路运输公约所涉问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Integration of Women in Development;妇女参与发展讨论会;; seminar on the international economy: a Latin American Perspective;国际经济讨论会:从拉丁美洲角度展望;; Seminar on the International Responsibility for Namibia's Independence;国际对纳米比亚独立所负责任讨论会;; Seminar on the Legal Status of the Apartheid Regime and Other Legal Aspects of the Struggles against Apartheid;关于种族隔离制度的法律地位和反对种族隔离斗争的其他法律问题讨论会;; seminar on the Mediterranean;地中海讨论会;; Seminar on the Organization and Administration of Public Enterprises in the Industrial Field;公营工业组织行政讨论会;; Seminar on the Participation of Women in the Economic Evolution of the ECE Region;关于欧洲经委会区域妇女参与经济发展情况的讨论会;; seminar on the petroleum industry in Latin America, first;拉丁美洲石油工业第一次讨论会;; Seminar on the Policy of Criminal Law in the Protection of Nature and the Environment in a European Perspective;从欧洲角度看堡自然和环境的刑法政策讨论会;; Seminar on the political, historical, economic, social and cultural factors contributing to racism, racial discrimination and apartheid;关于导致种族主义、种族歧视和种族隔离的各种政治、历史、经济、社会和文化 因素的讨论会;; Seminar on the Prediction of Earthquakes;地震预测讨论会;; Seminar on the Prevention and Control of Groundwater Pollution;预防和控制地下水污染讨论会;; Seminar on the Promotion of Trade among the Countries of the Arab Maghreb Union;促进阿拉伯马格里布联盟国家间贸易讨论会;; Seminar on the Protection of Ground and Surface Waters against Pollution by Oil and Oil Products;堡地下和地表水免受石油和石油产品污染问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Rational Usr of Electricity;合理使用电力讨论会;; Seminar on the Realization in all countries of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;各国实现经济、社会和文化权利问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Realization of Economic and Social Rights Contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;实现世界人权宣言所载经济和社会权利问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Role of Government in Promoting the Cooperative Movement in Developing Countries;政府在发展中国家合作化运动中的推动作用讨论会;; Seminar on the Role of Long-term Forecasting in the Formulation of Science and Technology Policies;长期预测在制定科学与技术政策中的作用座谈会;; Seminar on the Role of the Chemical Industry in Environmental Protection;化学工业在环境堡中作用讨论会;; Seminar on the Role of the Latin American and Caribbean Media in the International Campaign against Apartheid;关于拉丁美洲和加勒比媒体在国际反种族隔离运动中所起作用的讨论会;; Seminar on the Role of Women and Women's Movements in the Struggle Against Colonialism, Neo-colonialism and Racial Discrimination for National Independence, Democracy and Peace;妇女和妇女运动在反对新老殖民主义和种族歧视、争取国家独立、民主与和平的斗争中的作用讨论会;; Seminar on the Roots of Drug Use in Under-development in the Third World;第三世界不发达国家中麻醉品使用根源问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Senitization and Training of Administrators of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of ECOWAS and ECCAS Member States on Drugs;西非经共体和中非经共体各成员国外交部行政人员关于麻醉药品问题的觉悟和训练问题讨论会;; Seminar on the Special Needs of South African and Namibian Refugee Women and Children;关于南非和纳米比亚难民妇女和儿童的特殊需要讨论会;; Seminar on the Status of Children: Children and Development;儿童状况讨论会:儿童与发展;; Seminar on the United Nations Arms Register on Conventional Arms for Central Africa;联合国中部非洲常规武器登记册讨论会;; Seminar on the Use of Electric Energy in the Chemical Industry;化学工业中电能的使用问题讨论会;; Seminar on Tinplate Production;马口铁生产讨论会;; Seminar on Ways and Means of Achieving the Elimination of the Exploitation of Child Labour in All Parts of the World;在全世界消除童工剥削的途径和办法讨论会;; Seminar on World action for the Immediate Independence of Namibia;促进纳米比亚立即独立世界行动讨论会;; Seminar to Review the Political, Economic and Social Conditions in the Remaining Non-Self-Governing Territories;审查尚存的非自治领土的政治、经济和社会状况讨论会;; Seminar-Workshop for Latin American Indigenous Women Weavers;拉丁美洲土著女编织工讨论会-讲习班;; semisubmersible rig;半潜式钻井台;; Semitic;犹太人的; 闪族的;; sen;钱[日本]; 仙[印度尼西亚、柬埔寨];; SEN, Samarendra;萨马伦德拉·森;; SEN, Samarendranath;萨马伦德拉纳特·森;; SENANAYAKE, Maithripala;迈特里帕拉·森纳那亚克;; Senate of the Namibia Institute;纳米比亚研究所评议会;; Senate of the United Nations institute for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚研究所评议会;; Senate of the United States Congress;美国国会参议院;; SENAWI, Antonius Dasimin;安东尼厄斯·达西明·塞纳维;; SENAYA, Djisa Awoyo;吉萨·阿沃约·塞纳亚;; SENAYAH, Hajjah Mohd. Naam.;哈贾·塞纳亚赫·穆罕默德·纳姆;; Sendai Conference on Aging Populations in the Context of Urbanization;仙台都市化老龄人口问题会议;; sender;发送人;; Sender Freies Berlin;自由柏林广播电视台;; Sendero Luminoso;“光辉道路”;; sending bank;发送银行;; sending countries;始发国;; sending State;遣送国派遣国;; SENE, Aliou;阿利乌·塞内;; SENE, Alioune;阿利乌内·塞内;; SENE, Djibril;吉卜里尔·塞内;; Seneca College;塞尼卡学院;; SENECAL, Nicole;尼科尔·塞尼卡尔;; Senegale, Confederation of;塞内加尔联邦;; Senegalese Association for Judicial Studies and Research;塞内加尔法律研究协会;; Senegalese Progressive Union;塞内加尔进步联盟;UPS; Senegalese Red Cross;塞内加尔红十字会;; SENEVIPATNE, E.L.F. de J.;塞内维拉特恩;; SENGHOR, Leopold Sedar;列奥波尔德·塞达·桑戈尔;; SENGWE, Ngoni Francis;恩戈尼·弗朗西斯·森格韦;; SENILOLI, Ratu Manasa Kikau;马纳萨·基考·塞尼洛利;; senior;高级高等;; senior M-5;高级技工;; Senior Administrative Officers;高级行政干事;SAO; senior administrators;高级行政主管高级行政人员;; Senior Adviser;高级顾问;; Senior Adviser for AIDS;艾滋病高级顾问;; Senior Adviser for Women's Development Programmes;妇女发展方案高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Development Programme for Women;妇女发展方案高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on East-West energy trade and industrial cooperation;东-西能源贸易和工业合作高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Environmental and Water Problems;环境和水问题高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Health;卫生高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Humanitarian Affairs to the Administrator;署长的人道主义事务高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Ports;港口问题高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Refugee Women;难民妇女问题高级顾问;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司