翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Senior Adviser on Science and Technology;科学和技术问题高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Technology and Small Enterprise Development;技术和小型企业发展高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Women in Development;妇女参与发展高级顾问;; Senior Adviser on Women, Environment and Development;妇女、环境与发展问题高级顾问;; Senior Adviser to ECE Governments on Energy;欧洲经委会各国政府能源问题高级顾问;; Senior Adviser to ECE Governments on Environmental Problems;欧洲经委会各国政府环境问题高级顾问;; Senior Adviser to ECE Governments on Science and Technology;欧洲经委会各国政府科学和技术问题高级顾 问;; Senior Adviser to the Administrator for Humanitarian Affairs;负责人道主义事务署长高级顾问;; Senior Adviser to the Administrator on Emergency, Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons;关于紧急情况、难民、回返者和流离失所者 问题的署长高级顾问;; Senior Adviser, Economic and Social Development;经济和社会发展高级顾问;; Senior Adviser, Water;高级水事顾问;; Senior Adviser/Economic and Social Development;高级顾问经济及社会发展;;经济及社会发展 Senior Advisers on Policies and Strategies in Africa;非洲政策和战略高级顾问;; Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Environmental and Water Problems;欧洲经委会各国政府环境和水问题高级顾问;; Senior Advisor on ART;急性呼吸道感染病高级顾问;; Senior Advisor for AIDS;艾滋病高级顾问;; Senior Advisor to the Administrator on Emergencies, Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons;负责紧急情况、难民、回返者和流离失所者 的署长高级顾问;; Senior Advisory Board on Services to the Public;公众服务高级咨询委员会;; Senior Advisory Committee;高级咨询委员会;; Senior Advisory Group on Biotechnology;生物技术高级咨询小组生技咨询组;SAGB;生技咨询组 Senior Advisory Panel on Management and Finance;管理和财务问题高级咨询小组;; Senior Agricultural Adviser;高级农业顾问;SAA; Senior Assistant;高级助理;; Senior Auditor;高级审计员;; Senior Broadcast Journalist;高级广播记者;; Senior Budget Officer;高级预算干事;; Senior Bureau Finance Officer;财行局高级财务干事;; senior citizen;老年公民;; Senior Civilian Administration Officer;高级民警行政干事;; senior clerk;高等办事员;; Senior Coordinator for Refugee Women;难民妇女问题高级协调员;; Senior Colonel;大校;; Senior Communication Officer;高级通讯干事;; Senior Communications Clerk;高级通信事务员;; Senior Consultant;高级顾问;; Senior Coordinator for Refugee Children;难民儿童问题高级协调员;; Senior Counsellor , General Affairs and Coordination;高等参事一般事务和协调事宜;;一般事务和协调事宜 Senior Deputy Executive Director;高级副执行干事;; Senior Director for Operations;高级业务主任;; Senior Director for Programmes;高级方案主任;; Senior Economic Advisers to ECE Governments;欧洲经委会各国政府高级经济顾问;; Senior Economic Officials Meeting;高级经济官员会议经济官员会议;SEOM;经济官员会议 Senior Economist Seminar;高级经济学家讨论会;; Senior Editor;高级编辑;; Senior Emergency Preparedness and Response Officers;高级应急准备和反应干事;; Senior Engineer;高级工程师;; Senior Environment Officer;高级环境干事;; Senior Environmental Coordinator;高级环境协调员;; Senior Executive Programme;高级行政人员方案;; Senior Executive Service;高级行政人员;SES; Senior Expert Foundation;高级专家基金会;; Senior Expert Symposium on Electricity and the Environment;电力与环境问题高级专家专题讨论会;CO; Senior Fellow of UNITAR;训研所高级研究员;; Senior Field Coordinator;高级外地协调员;; senior field service officer;高级外勤事务员;; Senior Finance Accountant;高级财务会计;; Senior Finance Assistant;高级财务助理;; Senior Headman;高级族长;; Senior Human Resources Performance Management Officer;高级人力资源考绩干事;; Senior Human Settlements Officer;人类住区高级干事;; Senior Industrial Development Adviser;工业发展高级现场顾问;SIDFA; Senior Industrial Development Field Adviser;工业发展高级现场顾问;SIDFA; Senior Information Officer Social mobilization;高级新闻干事社会动员;;社会动员 Senior Interpreter;高级口译员;; Senior Industrial Development Field Adviser;工业发展高级现场顾问;SIDFA; senior judge;资深法官;; senior lecturer;高级讲师;; Senior Legal Adviser for Africa;非洲高级法律顾问;; Senior Legal Officer;高级法律干事;SLO; Senior Level Task Force on Information Systems;信息系统高级工作队;; senior level [staff];高级职等;; Senior Management Advisor;高级管理顾问;; Senior Management Committee;高级管理委员会;; senior management specialist;高级管理专家;; Senior Member to the MAC;军事停战委员会首席委员;; Senior member of Korean-Chinese side to the Military Armistice Commission;朝鲜军事停战委员会朝中方面首席委员;; Senior Member, United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission;联合国军司令部军事停战委员会首席委员;; Senior Military Adviser;高级军事顾问;; Senior National Officer;高级本国官员;; Senior Nutritionist;高级营养师;; Senior Officer;高等干事 P-5级;;P-5级 Senior Official on Environment and Water Problems;环境和水问题高级官员;; Senior Officials Meeting;高级官员会议;SOM; Senior Officials Meeting of the Africa Fund committee;非洲基金委员会高级官员会议;; Senior Officials of the Committee on Kampuchea;柬埔寨问题委员会高级官员;; Senior Officials on the Environment;环境问题高级官员;; Senior Officials' Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation;亚太经济合作高级官员会议;; Senior Personnel Assistant;高级人事助理;; Senior Planning and Monitoring Group;高级规划和监测组;; Senior Planning and Monitoring group for Peace-keeping Operations;维持和平行动高级规划和监测组;; Senior Police Adviser;高级警官顾问;; acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations;根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动;; Senior Policy Officer/Chief, Policy Unit;高级政策干事/政策股股长;; Senior Population Advisor;高级人口顾问;; senior post;高级职位;; Senior President of the Court of Accounts of Belgium;比利时审计法院首席院长;; Senior President, Audit Office of France;法国审计院首席院长;; Senior Production Assistant;高级生产事务助理;; Senior Programme Communications Officer;高级方案宣传干事;; Senior Programme Manager;高级方案管理人员;SPM; Senior Programme Officer Health/Planning;高级方案干事卫生/规划;;卫生/规划 Senior Programme Officer, Rapid Assessment;快速评价高级方案干事;; Senior Programme Officer, Water;高级水事方案干事;; Senior Project Officer for Water and Sanitation;水与卫生高级项目干事;; Senior Review Group;高级审查小组;; KAHENDE, Marx G. N.;马克思·卡亨德;; senior scientific officer;高级科学干事;; Senior Security Officer S-3;高等警务员;; Senior Service;高级服务社;; Senior Staff Review;高级工作人员审查;; Senior Staff Review Committee;高级工作人员审查委员会;; Senior Staff Selection Committee;高级工作人员甄选委员会;; Senior Staff Training Seminar;高级工作人员训练讨论会;; Senior Supply Assistant;高级供应助理;; Senior Technical Adviser;高级技术顾问;; Senior Technical Adviser Recruitment;高级技术顾问征聘;STAR; Senior Technical Officer;高级技术干事;; senior translator;高级笔译员;; Senior United Nations Emergency Manager;联合国高级应急管理员应急管理员;SUNEM;应急管理员 Senior Women's Advisory Group on Sustainable Development;可持续发展问题高级妇女咨询组 妇女咨询组;;妇女咨询组 Senior's Week;敬老周;; seniority;年资; 资历;; seniority number;资历排号;; Senkaku Gunto;尖阁群岛;; sense of commitment;责任感;; sense of dignity;尊严意识;; sense of duty;责任感;; sense of identity;认同意识;; sense of moral and social responsibility;道德和社会责任心;; sensing equipment;传感设备;; sensitive area;敏感地区;; Sensitive Exports Regime;敏感物品出口管制制度;; Sensitive List;敏感产品清单;; sensitive metal;敏感金属;; sensitive species;敏感物种;; sensitive to pollution;对污染敏感;; sensitivity;敏感性; 灵敏度;; sensitivity scale;敏感标度;; sensitivity to pollution;对污染的敏感性;; sensitivity to toxic substances;对有毒物质的敏感性;; sensitization;敏化作用; 使敏感;; sensitization and awareness programme;宣传和情况介绍方案;; sensitizer;敏化剂; 增敏剂;; sensitizing potential;敏化潜力;; sensitizing workshop;提高警觉讲习班;; sensitizing, catalytic and promotional role;敏化、催化和促进的作用;; sensor;传感器; 探测器; 敏感元件;; sensu stricto in a strict sense;严格地说; 从严格的意义上说;; sentence v.;宣判;; sentence of a competent court;管辖法院的判决;; sentencing practices;判刑活动;; sentencing principles;判刑原则;; sentencing State;判刑国;; sentinel sites;监控地点;; SEOCS;日地观测与气候学卫星;SEOCS; SEOS;同步地球观测卫星;SEOS; Seoul Declaration on an Ethical Renaissance;汉城道德复兴宣言;; Seoul Declaration on Regional Cooperation;汉城区域合作宣言;; Seoul National University;国立汉城大学;; Seoul Plan of Action concerning Information Exchange about Environmentally Sound Technologies;关于无害环境技术信息交流的汉城行动计划;; Seoul Plan of Action for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific;促进亚洲及太平洋工业结构调整汉城行动计划;; Seoul University of Foreign Studies;汉城外国语大学;; Separability of treaty provisions;条约的规定可否分离;; separate item;另列项目;; Separate item on the agenda of the General Assembly;大会议程另列项目;; Separate office space;单独的办公空间;; separate peace;单独媾和;; Separate Representation of Voters Act;选民分别代表法;; separate state;分立的土族邦指土族联合邦分立的国家83年11月15日后土族自称 其北塞浦路斯土族共和国;; separate treatment;分别处置;; separate vote;单独表决;; separate;独立的; 各别的; 分开的; 单独的;; separate account;分立帐户; 专帐;; separate accounting office;独立的会计机构;; Separate Accounts;专帐分立帐户;; separate Agreement;单独协定;; Separate Amenities Act [South Africa];公共场所隔离法;; separate arrangements;各别办法;; Separate Development;分别发展;; separate identity of social statistics and indicators;社会统计和指标的“独立性”;; separate institutional units;单独的机构单位;; Separate instrument;单独文书;; separate item;另列项目;; separate maintenance allowance;单独维持津贴;; separate peace;单独媾和;; separate school system;男女学生分校制;; separate self-balancing double-entry group of accounts;单独一组自动平衡复式簿记帐目;; separate sewer system;分流排污系统;; separate trust funds;单独的信托基金;; separated sludge;滗析污泥; 分离污泥;; separating efficiency;分离效率;; separation of spouses;分居;; separation racial;分离;; separation allowances;离职津贴;; separation and repatriation;离职偿金和回国补助金;; separation areas;隔离地区;; separation element housings;分离元件外壳;; separation from service;离职;; separation nozzle;分离喷嘴;; separation of lithium;锂分离;; separation payment;离职偿金;; separation zone;隔离区;SZ; separator;分离器;; separator module housings;分离器组件外壳;; separator tank;分离器槽;; separators with high capacity/modest separation factor;高容量/较低分离系数的分离器;; separators with low capacity/high separation factor;低容量/高分离系数的分离器;; SEPAROVIC, Zvonimir;兹沃尼米尔·塞帕罗维奇;; separate disclosure;分开公布;; Sepedi or North Sotho];塞佩迪族或北索托族;;或北索托族 SEPELAK, Pavol;帕沃尔·塞佩拉克;; SEPELEV, Oleg Y.;奥列格·谢佩列夫;; SEPHA;非洲之角方案;; Sephardi;西班牙或葡萄牙犹太人;; September Democratic Organization;九月民主组织;; SEPTEMBER, Dulcie;达尔西·塞普坦姆伯;; septic tank;化粪池;; SEPULVEDA AMOR, Bernardo;贝尔纳多·塞普尔韦达·阿莫尔;; Sequence;次序;; sequence cropping;连作;; sequence of accumulation accounts;系列积累帐户;; sequence of industry groups listed in Major Division 3 of the ISIC;国际工业标准分类第三大类中所列各工业分类的顺序;; sequenced copolymer;顺序共聚物;; sequential fisheries;相继性渔业;; Serb Territorial Defence Force;塞族领土防卫部队;TDF; Serbia;塞尔维亚;; Serbia and Montenegro;塞尔维亚和黑山;; Serbian Democratic Party;塞尔维亚民主党塞族民主党;SDS;塞族民主党 Serbian Krajina;塞族克拉伊纳;; Serbian National Party of Croatia;克罗地亚塞族民族党;; Serbian People's Party of Croatia;克罗地亚塞族人民党;; Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳塞尔维亚共和国;; Serbian Republic of Krajina;塞族克拉伊纳共和国;; Serbo-Croatian;塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语人;;人 SERE;空间有效分辨元量;SERE; Sergeant missile;中士导弹;;导弹 SERGEEV, Vladimir Nikolaevich;弗拉基米尔·尼古拉耶维奇· 谢尔盖耶夫;; SERGIWA, Abdussalam S.;阿卜杜萨拉姆·塞尔吉瓦;; serial monogamy;奉行一夫一妻制但结婚多次的情况;; Seriatim;逐条顺次依次;; series;统计丛刊级数用于统计卫星系列;; series the 100 series of the staff rule the 200 series of the staff rule;工作人员细则100号编; 工作人员细则200 号编;; Series 1 freight container;第一类货运集装箱;; Series of Industrial Investment Profiles;工业投资简介丛书;; series of Joint Meetings;系列联席会议;; series of the staff Rules, the 100;工作人员细则100号编;; series publication;系列出版物; 丛书出版物;; serious and intentional harm to a vital human asset;对至为重要的人类财富的蓄意严重损害;; serious breach of an obligation of essential importance for the maintenance of international peace and security;严重违反对维护国际和平与安全至关重要的义务的行为;;的行为 Serious Criminal Offences;重大刑事罪;; Serious reasons;重大理由;; SERME, Mamadou;马马杜·塞尔姆;; seroconversion;血清转化;; Serologic test for syphilis;梅毒血清检验;S.T.S.; seropositivity;血清反应阳性;; seroprevalence;血清反应率;; SERRANO CALDERA, Alejandro;亚历杭德罗·塞拉诺·卡尔德拉;; SERRANO, Posso;波索·塞拉诺;; SERRATE CUELLAR, Oscar;奥斯卡·塞拉特·奎利亚尔;; SERREQI, Alfred;阿尔弗雷德·塞雷奇;; SERRI, Rino;里诺·塞里;; SERSALE DI CERISANO, Renato Carlos;雷纳托·卡洛斯·塞萨莱·迪塞里萨诺;; serum-transmitted diseases;血清传染的疾病;; SERVAIS, Michel;米歇尔·塞尔韦;; SERVAS International;塞尔瓦斯国际;; serve v.;服刑;;刑 Serves-Nemetin;塞尔韦斯-奈梅廷;; Servian Army of Krajina;克拉伊纳塞军;SVK; Service;军种;; service affiliate;附属服务公司;; service attaches;公务专员;; Service building;事务大厦;; Service Centra des enquetes et etudes statistiques;统计调查研究中央事务处;SCEES; SERKSNYS, Gediminas;格季米纳斯·谢尔克斯尼斯;; Service Central de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants;电离辐射防护中央事务处;SCPRI; Service Civil International;国际志愿服务社;SCI; service company;服务公司;; Service de Documentation Exterieur et de Contre Espionnage;外国情报与反间谍局;SDECE; service delivery;提供服务;; Service for interantional peace and security;国际和平与安全事务;; Service for Political and Security Affairs;政治和安全事务;; service industry;服务行业;; Service Institute;军人消费合作社;; Service lifts;货运电梯;; Service national d'eau potable;全国饮水事务处;; Service Nationale de Vulgarisation Agricole;全国农业推广事务处;; service of a military nature;军事性质的服务;; service of process;诉讼文书的送达; 传票的送达;; Service of Society SOS Medical and Educational Foundation;服务社会医疗和教育基金会;; service of writs;送达令状;; service potential of an asset;资产的服务潜力;; service sector;服务部门;; Service selevators;货运电梯;; service staff;事务职员;; Service statistics;服务统计;; Service Support Battalion;服务支助营;; service TNCs;跨国服务公司;; Service to Readers Section;阅览事务科;; service to Visitors and Catering Services;参观事务和饮食供应事务;; service transactions;服务交易;; service transnational corporations;服务业跨国公司;; service tribunals;军事法庭;; service workers;服务行业人员;; Service, Justice and Peace in Latin America;拉丁美洲服务、正义与和平组织;; Service, Peace and Justice in Latin America;拉丁美洲服务、和平与正义组织;; Service-Led Growth: Role of the Service Sector in World Development;服务业头的增长:服务部门在世界发展所起 的作用;; service-oriented;以服务业为中心的;; serviceable life;可用年限;; services;事务; 事务费;; Services dos Portos, Caminhos de Ferro e Transportes de Mozambique;莫桑比克港口、铁路和运输局;CFM; Services to the public;服务公众;; services to visitors and guided lecture tours;参观事务和讲解导游;; servicing activities;服务活动;; servicing capacity;服务能量;; servicing departments;各事务部;; Servicing foreign investment or services on foreign investment;偿付外国投资;; servicing of loan;贷款还本付息;; servicing requirements;所需的服务; 应办事务;; Servicio de Inteligencia de la Fuerza Aerea;空军情报局;; Servicio de Inteligencia Investigaciones de Carabineros;警察总部情报局;SICAR; Servicio de Inteligencia Militar;军事情报局;SIM; Servicio de Inteligencia Naval;海军情报局;SIN; Servicio Geologico de Bolivia;玻利维亚地质局;GEOBOL; Servicio Militar;现役部队;SM; Servicio National de Apredizagem Industrial;国家工业培训局;SENAI; Servicio Paz y Justicia en America Latina;拉丁美洲和平与正义促进会;; Servico de Assistencia Medica;医药协助服务处;; Servicos de Portos, Caminhos de Ferro e Transportes;港口、铁路和运输部;; Servicos do Geologia e Minas;矿业和地质事务处;; servile status;奴隶身份;; serving staff;在职工作人员;; servitude;奴役[人权宣言]奴工[人权盟约];; SERY, Marc Georges;马克·乔治斯·塞里;; SES;船舶地球站;SES; SESE, Jean;琼·西斯;; Seshoeshoe or South Sotho;塞舒舒族 或南索托族;;或南索托族 SESSI, Ugo;乌戈·塞西;; session;届会;; Session of Islamic Solidarity with the uprising of the Palestinian people;伊斯兰声援巴勒斯坦人民起义会议;; sessional body;会期机构;; sessional committee sessional committee I II ;会期委员会第一第二会期委员会;; sessional committee of the whole;会期全体委员会;; Sessional Committee on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries of the G;理事会发展中国家技术合作会议会期委员会;; Sessional Fascicle;本届会议专册;; sessional fascicle, corrigendum;本届会议专册,更正部分;; Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;经济、社会、文化权利国际盟约执行情况政 府专家会期工作组;; Sessional Working Group of the Sub-Commission on Detention;拘留问题小组委员会会期工作组;; Sessional Working Group of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on the Rights of Persons Detained on the Grounds of Mental Ill-Health;防止歧视和堡少数小组委员会关于因精神 病被拘禁者权利的会期工作组;; Sessional Working Group on Detention;拘留问题会期工作组;; Sessional Working Group on the Rights of Persons Detained on the Grounds of Mental Ill-Health;因精神病被拘禁者的权利会期工作组;; Sessions of Contracting Parties;缔约国大会;; set forth in;载于...;; set of basic rules for the international transfer of sensitive technology;一套关于敏感技术国际转让的基本规则;; Set of Ideas;一套设想;; Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices;管制限制性商业惯例的一套多边协议的公平 原则和规则;; Set of Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices;管制限制性商业惯例的一套原则和规则;; set off;抵减; 抵销;; set off against, to be;抵充; 抵减;; set-off;抵销;; SETH, Dornella;多内拉·塞思;; SETH, Mira;米拉·塞特;; Setha, SEK;塞塞塔;; Seti Education for Rural Development Project;塞蒂农村发展教育项目;; SETLHARE, Margaret;玛格丽特·塞特拉尔;; Sector West;西区;; Setting Accounting Standards;制订会计标准;; setting aside of arbitral award;撤消仲裁裁决;; Setting National Disability Policies - An Agenda;制定国家残疾人政策-行动议程;; setting programme priorities;制订方案优先次序;; settleable solids;可沈降的固体;; settled out of court;庭外解决;; settlement;[以色列]定居点移民点; 居住区[智利]集垦区;; settlement refugee;安置点难民;;难民 Settlement Department;定居点事务部犹太协会机构;;犹太协会机构 settlement of debts;清结债务;; settlement of invoices;结帐;; settlement of outstanding bank transactions;结清未清算的银行交易;; Settlement of the transactions;交易结算;; settlement policy;移民政策指越南人;;指越南人 settlement process;解决进程;; Settlement Proposal;解决方案解决办法;; Settlement, Infrastructure and Environment Programme;住区、基础设施和环境方案住区方案;SIEP;住区方案 Settlements Information Network Africa;非洲人类住区资料网非洲住区资料网;SINO;非洲住区资料网 settler;定居者移民;; settling chamber;沈降室;; settling colonialism;移民落户殖民主义;; settling tank;沈降槽;; settling time;沈降时间;; settling velocity;沈降速度;; SEV = CMEA;经互会;; SEVAN, Benon;贝农·塞万;; Seven Seas University;七洋大学;; Seven Stars plan;七星计划;; Seven Western Countries Summit Conference;西方七国首脑会议;; Seven-Miles Beach;七哩滩;; Seven-point peace proposal;七点和平倡议;; seven-year base period;七年基准期间;; Seventh Council Directive of the European Communities;欧洲共同体理事会第7号指示;; Seventh Day Adventists;基督复临安息日会;; Seventh International Anti-corruption Conference;第七届国际反贪污大会;; Seventh Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;联合国贸易和发展会议第七届大会;; seventy-fifth percentile;百分之七十五;; Seventy-Seven Group;77国集团;; Several guarantee;分责担保;; several liability;个别责任;; severance indemnity;离职赔偿;; severance of consular relations;断绝领事关系;; severance of diplomatic relations;断绝外交关系;; Severance of treaties;条约的分割;; severance pay;解职费;; severe storm;强烈风暴;; severely disabled;重度残疾;; severely indebted low-income countries;严重负债的低收入国家债务国;SILICs;债务国 severely restricted chemical;受到严格限制的化学品;; SEVERINO, Rodolfo C.;鲁道夫·塞韦里诺;; SEVERINSEN, Hanne;汉诺·塞韦林森;; severization;严格化;; SEVIGNY, Paquet Therese;帕凯·塞维涅·特雷兹;; SEVILLA BOZA, Rolando;罗兰多·塞维利亚·博萨;; sewage;污水;; sewage disposal;污水处置;; sewage farm;污水处理场;; sewage lagoon;污水氧化塘;; sewage lifting stations;排污站;; sewage sludge;污水污泥;; sewage system; sewer system;下水道系统;; sewage treatment;污水处理;; sewage truck;污水处理卡车;; sewage works;污水工程;; sewage sludge application;污水污泥地面处理施于田间当肥料;; SEWALL, John O.B.;约翰·休厄尔;; sewer;下水道; 污水管;; sewer cleansing sludge;从下水道清出的污泥;; sewerage system;下水道系统; 污水排水工程;; sewing kit;针线包;; sex assault;性侵犯;; sex bias;性别歧视;; sex composition of population;人口的性别组成;; sex determination;鉴定性别;; sex discrimination;性别歧视;; sex distribution; sex structure;性别分布;; sex education;性教育;; sex objects;性玩物;; sex ratio;性别比男女人口比例;; sex ratios at birth;出生性别比;; sex role;性别角色;; sex role stereotypes;对男女角色的传统观念;; sex stereotyping in the mass media and advertising;大众媒体和广告中宣言的陈旧的性别观念;; sex structure;性别结构;; sex tourism;性旅游色情旅游;; sex trade;性交易;; sex trafficking;淫媒;; sex worker;色情业者卖淫业者;;卖淫业者 sex-based discrimination;基于性别的歧视;; sex-differential data;按性别分列的数据;; sex-predetermination;先选性别;; sex-segregated;按性别划分的;; sex-selective abortion;针对胎儿性别进行的选择性人工流产;; sex-specific marriage rates;按性别分列的结婚率;; sex-stereotypes;对性别的陈规定型观念;; sex/gender system;性/性别制度;; sexism;性别主义;; sexist language;性别歧视语言;; sexual abuse;性虐待; 性凌虐;; sexual and reproductive behaviour;性行为和生殖行为;; Sexual and Reproductive Health Technical Support Group;性和生殖健康技术支助小组;; sexual assault;性攻击;; sexual behaviour;性行为;; sexual behaviour and mores;性行为和习俗;; sexual discrimination;性别歧视;; sexual exploitation;性剥削色情剥削;; sexual exploitation of women;对妇女的性剥削;; sexual harassment;性骚扰;; sexual harassment in the workplace;工作单位里的性骚扰;; sexual health;性健康;; sexual health care;性保健;; sexual health education;性健康教育;; sexual identity;性别特性;; sexual molestation;性骚扰,性侵犯;; sexual object;性玩物;; sexual offences;性犯罪;; Sexual Offences Act;性罪行法;; sexual orientation;性的取向;; sexual preference;性的偏好;; sexual slavery;性奴役;; sexual violence;性暴力行为;; Sexual Violence against Refugees -- Guidelines on Prevention and Response;对难民的性暴力-防范和对应措施指导方针;; sexually active;性行为活跃的;; sexually active individual;性行为活跃的人;; sexually active unmarried individual;性行为活跃的未婚者;; sexually transmitted disease;性传染疾病性病;STD;性病 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Diagnostic Initiative;性传染疾病诊断倡议性病诊断倡议;SDI;性病诊断倡议 SEY, Alhaji Omar B.;阿尔哈吉·奥马尔·塞伊;; Seychelles;塞舌尔;; Seychelles Democratic Party;塞舌尔民主党;SDP; Seychelles People's Progressive Front;塞舌尔人民进步阵线;SPPF; Seychelles People's United Party;塞舌尔人民联合党人民联合党;SPUP;人民联合党 SEYDOU, Adamou;阿达穆·赛义杜;; SEYE, Papa Aly;帕帕·阿里·塞耶;; SEYNES, Philippe de;菲利普·德塞纳;; SEYOUM, Tesfa Alem;特斯法·阿莱姆·塞尤姆;; SEZAKI, Katsumi;濑岐克己;; statement of financial accounting standards;财务会计标准说明;SFAS; SFDLS;叙利亚前防界限;; sferic;天电; 远程雷电;; SG/Cont/Int Audit Internal Audit Service;内部审计处;; Executive Office of the Secretary-General;秘书长办公厅;EOSG; General Assembly Affairs Office;大会事务处;SG/Exec Off/GA; Protocol and Liaison Section;礼宾和联络科礼宾科;SG/Exec Off/Prot;礼宾科 Administrative Tribunal;行政法庭;SG/LEG/Admin Trib; General Legal Division;一般法律事务司一般法律司;GLD;一般法律司 Office of the Legal Counsel;法律顾问办公室法律顾问室;OLC;法律顾问室 Office for Policy Coordination;政策协调室;SG/PL/Pol Coord; SHA Zukang;沙祖康;; Sha'ban;回历八月;; Sha'ban; Sha Ban;回历八月;; SHAABAN, Mohamed;穆罕默德·沙班;; SHABANGU, A.R.;沙班古;; Shabelle;谢贝拉;; Shabi-Barat;拜拉台夜;; SHACKLETON, Richard;理查德·沙克尔顿;; shadow cabinet;影子内阁;; shadow price;影子价格推算价格;;推算价格 shadow pricing hypothetical pricing;假定的价格; 影子价格;; shads;鲥鱼;; Shafi'i rite;萨菲伊教派;; SHAFIQ, Mohammad Musa;穆罕默德·穆萨·沙菲克;; SHAFIQUE, Mohammed Moussa;穆罕默德·穆萨·沙菲克;; SHAFIR, Herzl;赫兹尔·沙菲尔;; SHAGARI, Shehu;谢胡·沙加里;; SHAH DEVA, Birendra Bir Bikram;比兰德拉·比尔·比克拉姆· 沙阿·德瓦;; SHAH NAWAZ, S.;沙阿·纳瓦兹;; Shah of Iran;伊朗国王;; SHAH, Mohammed Zahir;穆罕默德·查希尔·沙阿;; SHAH, Prakash;普拉卡什·沙阿;; SHAHAB, Ibrahim;易卜拉欣·沙哈布;; SHAHABUDDEEN, Mohamed;穆罕默德·沙哈布丁;; SHAHANI, Leticia;莱蒂西亚·沙哈尼;; Shahanshah;伊朗国王;; Shahbonou of Iran;伊朗王后;; shahedeen martyrs;圣战者;; SHAHEED, Mohammad Najdat;穆罕默德·纳杰达特·沙希德;; SHAHEEN, Imtiaz;伊姆蒂阿兹·沙赫恩;; SHAHGALDIAN, Nicol;尼科尔·沙赫加尔季安;; SHAHI, Agha;阿加·夏希;; SHAHID, Abdullah;阿卜杜拉·沙希德;; SHAHIDAN, Kassim;沙希丹·卡西姆;; SHAHIN, Magda;马格达·沙欣;; Shahr;市镇;; SHAHRANI bin Dato Paduka Haji Md. Hashim;沙拉尼·本·达图·帕杜卡·哈吉·哈 希姆;; shahristan;县;; Shahrivar;波斯历六月;; Shahumian/Garanboy;沙胡米安/加兰鲍伊;; SHAIMIYEZ, Mintimer S.;明蒂梅尔·沙伊米耶兹;; SHAK SAROEUN;夏沙伦;; SHAKER, Abdulla Jassim;阿卜杜拉·贾西姆·沙卡尔;; SHAKHRAY, S.;沙赫赖;; SHAKIR, Qasim;卡西姆·沙基尔;; SHAKOW, Alexander;亚历山大·沙科;; SHALIKASHVILI, John;约翰·沙利卡什维利;; shall land burial;陆地浅坑掩埋;; SHALLI, Ali;阿里·斯卡利;; shallow continental shelf;浅海大陆架;; shallow core drilling;浅层岩石钻探;; shallow penetration sparker profiling;浅穿透电花剖面探测;; Shallow sea area;浅海区域;; Shallow seismic data;浅层地震资料;; shallow tube-well; shallow cased well;浅管井;; Shallow water mapping of estuaries;绘制海湾浅水深度图;; Shallow waters;浅水浅海;; shallow well;浅井;; SHALWANI, Mohammed bin Yousuf bin Dawood AL-;穆罕默德·本·优素福·本·达武德·沙勒 瓦尼;; SHAMBOS, Alecos H.;阿莱科斯·香博斯;; SHAMIR, Yitzhak;伊扎克·沙米尔;; SHAMS, Mohamad Jalil;穆罕默德·贾利勒·沙姆斯;; SHAMUYARIRA, Nathan;内森·沙穆亚里拉;; Shan;掸人 〖缅傣〗;; Shan State Army;掸邦军;SSA; Shan State Nationalities People's Liberation Organization;掸邦民族人民解放组织;; SHAN, Prakash;普拉卡什·沙;; SHAN, Syed Abbas Hussain;赛义德·阿巴斯·侯赛因·沙赫;; Shangri-La International Hotel Co, Ltd, Hong Kong;香港香格里拉国际酒店有限公司;; SHANKAR, Ramsewak;拉姆索·香卡尔;; shanty;棚户;; shanty town;棚户区;; SHAO, JIN;邵津;; SHAO, TIANREN;邵天任;; shape selective zeolite catalysts;择形沸石催化剂;; shaped charges;锥形装药;; SHAPIRA, Orgad;奥加德·沙皮拉;; SHAPOSHNIKOV, Yevgeny;叶夫根尼·沙波什尼科夫;; SHAR, Redwan;雷德万·沙尔;; SHARAF, Al Sherif Fawaz;谢里夫·法瓦兹·沙拉夫;; SHARAF, Fawaz;法瓦兹·沙拉夫;; SHARDELOW, Allen;阿伦·沙尔德卢;; share;股份;股票;; share and loan capital;股票和贷款资本;; share capital;股份资本;; share capital acquired;已获股份资本;; share capital issued;已发股份资本;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司