翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 single-topic survey;单一题目调查;; single-union status;单一工会的地位;; single-voice channel;单声波路;; Singonga;《新东亚》;; singulate mean age at marriage; SMAM;平均初婚年龄;平均初婚年龄;; SINHASENI, Norachit;诺拉戚·信哈舍尼;; Single Committee;单一委员会;; Single Convention;单一公约;; SINIRLIOGLU,;西诺尔利奥格卢;; SINISTERRA de DE LEON, Maria Teresa;玛丽亚·特雷莎·西尼斯特拉· 德德莱昂;; SINJELA, Encyla T.;恩西拉·辛杰拉;; sink;吸收汇;; sinking;沈降;; sinking agent;沈降剂;; sinking fund;偿债基金;; sinking fund reserve;偿债基金准备金;;金 sinking time;沈降时间;; Sinks;集汇;; Sinmun;新闻;; Sinn Fein;新芬党;; Sino-Soviet Joint Communique;中苏联合公报;; Sino-Vietnamese Border Railway Agreement;中越国境铁路协定;; Sino-Kazakhstani joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations;中国-哈萨克斯坦建立外交关系联合公报;; Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance;中苏友好同盟条约;; SINODA, Kinji;筱田欣二;; SINON Mudzakir, Mohd.;穆罕默德·西农·穆扎基尔;; SINON, Guy;居伊·西农;; SINSYS/PERSYS Steering Committee;财务系统和人事系统指导委员会;; SINUNGURUZA, Therence;泰伦斯·西农古鲁扎;; SINZOYIHEBA, Firmin;菲尔曼·辛佐伊赫巴;; SIO World Ocean Sediment Data Bank;斯克里普斯海洋研究所世界海洋沉积物资料库;; SIOTIS, Constantine;康斯坦丁·西奥蒂斯;; SIPANGULE, M.;西潘古勒;; SIPASEUTH, Phoune;奔·西巴色;; SIPILA, Helvi;赫尔维·西皮拉;; SIPOS, Istvan;伊什特万·希波斯;; SIPRASEUTH, Phoun;奔·西巴色;; SIQUEIRA, Alexandre CAMPELLO DE;亚历山大·坎佩略·德西凯拉;; Siren;《警报》;; Sirinakorn Daily News;《京华日报》;; SIRIRATH, SISOWATH;西索瓦·西里拉;; SIRIVUDH, NORODUM;诺罗敦·施里沃特;; SIRIWARDENE, Princy H.;普林西·西里瓦尔登;; Sirre Club Legal Defense Fund;山社法律辩护基金;SCLDF; SIRRY, Omar;奥马尔·西里;; SIRS;卫星红外辐射光谱仪;SIRS; SIRVE, Annikki;安尼基·西尔韦;; SIS Trust Fund;特别工业服务信托基金;; Sisak;西萨克;; Sisaket Sri Saket;是刹吉府;; sisal;剑麻;; SISANDE, Josephine Louise;约瑟芬·路易丝·西桑德;; SISANTE-BATACLAN, Victoria;维多利亚·西桑特-巴塔克兰;; Siscal and Henequen;剑麻和赫纳昆树叶纤维;; SISILO, Robert;罗伯特·西西洛;; Sisophon;诗梳风县;; SISOUVONG, Sayakane;萨亚坎·西苏冯;; SISOWATH SIRIRATH;西索瓦·西里拉;; SISSOKO, Charles Samba;夏尔·桑巴·西索科;; Sistema Andino de Informacion Technologica;安第斯技术资料系统;; Sistema Economico Latino-Americano;拉丁美洲经济体系拉美经济体系;SELA;拉美经济体系 Sistema Nocional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia;国家综合家庭发展系统;; Sistema Regional Maritimo del Pacifico Sudeste;东南太平洋区域海事体系;; sister enterprises;兄弟企业;; sister tutor;护士辅助员;; Sisterhood is Global Institute;全球皆姐妹研究所;SIGI; Sisters against South African Apartheid;反对南非种族隔离修女会;; Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, New Zealand;新西兰圣母马利亚传道修女会;; Sisters of Saint Joseph;圣约瑟夫教派修女会;; SISULU, Walter;沃尔特·西苏鲁;; SISWANTO, Slamet;斯拉梅特·西斯万托;; sit-in;静坐示威;; SITAULA;西陶拉;; SITC/BTN code;国际贸易标准分类/布鲁塞尔税则名目号例;;号例 site;地; 地点; 现场; 场所; 地方; 生境; [internet]网址场址;; site climate;地方气候;; site conditions;生境条件;; site diagrams;现场示意图;; site index;生境指数; 地位指数;; site mapping;绘制生境示意图;; site of generation of wastes;废物产生地;; Site of Special Scientific Interest;具有特别科学意义的地点;SSSI; site requirements;场地要求;; site suited;生境适当的;; site survey;实地调查;; site surveying;场地勘测;; site value;场地价值;; site-reconnaissance mission;工地视察团;; site-specific constraints;因为场地受到的限制;; site-specific cost structures;不同地点的不同成本结构;; sites-and-services project;提供建房地点和种种服务的项目;; SITHI SAVETSILA;西提·沙卫西拉;; SITHOLE, Jonah;乔纳·西索勒;; Situation Centre SITCEN;情况中心;SITCEN; situation created by increasing incidents involving the hijacking of commercial aircraft;劫持商用飞机事件日益增加所造成的情势;; situation in Central America: threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives;中美洲局势:对国际和平与安全的威胁及和 平倡议;; Situation in Cyprus;塞浦路斯局势项目;; Situation in Kampuchea;柬埔寨局势;; Situation in Namibia;纳米比亚局势项目;; Situation in Namibia resulting from the illegal occupation of the Territory by South Africa;南非非法占领纳米比亚领土所造成的局势;; Situation in Southern Lebanon and Activities of UNIFIL;黎巴嫩南部的局势和联黎部队的活动;; Situation in Tajikistan and along the Tajik-Afghan border;安理会议程塔吉克斯坦和塔吉克 - 阿富汗边境局势;; Situation in the Middle East;中东局势;; situation in the occupied Arab territory;被占领阿拉伯领土局势 议程项目;;议程项目 Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Chile;智利境内的人权和基本自由情况;; Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in El Salvador;萨尔瓦多境内的人权和基本自由情况;; Situation of human rights in Afghanistan;阿富汗境内的人权情况;; Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran;伊朗伊斯兰共和国境内的人权情况;; Situation of refugees in the Sudan;苏丹境内的难民情况;; Situation of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa;非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者的情况;; situation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Indian nations and the Negro community in the United States of America;美利坚合众国境内印第安人和黑人的人权和基本自由情况;; situation on the ground;当地局势;地面情况;; Situation on the Korean peninsula and implementation of the relevant resolution on the question of Korea adopted by the General Assembly at its thirtieth session;朝鲜半岛局势和执行大会第三十届会议就朝鲜问题通过的有关决议;; Situation prevailing in and adjacent to the United Nations Protected Areas in Croatia;克罗地亚境内联合国堡区内及其附近的当前局势;; situation relating to Nagorno-Karabakh;与纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫有关的局势;; situation room;情况室;; SIVAN, Antoine Renaud;安托万·雷诺·西旺;; six form;大学预科;; Six Population Inquiry among Governments;第六次各国政府人口调查;; Six States;六国;; six-furrow ploughs;六铧犁;; six-membered ring;六元环; 六原子环;; Six-Nation Initiative;六国倡议;; Six-Point Global Programme of Immediate Action;全球立即行动六点纲领;; six-year fixed-horizon plan;六年固定期计划;; six-year horizon;六年时间范围;; Sixteen Verification Principles;十六条核查原则;; sixteenth annual economic summit;第十六届经济首脑年会;; Sixteenth South Pacific Forum;第十六届太平洋论坛会议;; Sixth Committee Legal Questions;第六委员会法律问题;;法律问题 sixth exchange of views on the terms of a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict;就柬埔寨冲突的全面政治解决方案各项条 件进行第六轮磋商;; Sixth Expert Group Meeting on SNA Coordination;第六次国民帐户体系协调专家组会议;EGC6; Sixth Shock Brigade of Albania;阿尔巴尼亚第六突击旅;; Sixth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders;第六届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会;; size;鱼体大小;;鱼体大小 size elasticity;规模弹性;; size frequency;鱼体大小频率;; Size of the mission;使馆的构成人数;; SIZWE, Umkhonto We;乌姆克杭托·韦·西兹韦;; SJAHRUDDIN, Saodah B.A.;萨奥达赫·斯贾赫鲁丁;; SJURSEN, Jan;扬·舒尔森;; SK - US naval amphibious mobile exercise;韩美水陆两栖联合机动演习;; SK - US Naval and Marine Joint Amphibious Exercise;韩美海军、海军陆战队水陆两栖联合训练;; Skabrinje;斯卡布里尼;; SKALLI, Ali;阿里·斯卡利;; Skandinaviska Enskilda;北欧恩斯基达;; Skanzens;历史文物重点堡文物;; skates;鳐;; skeletal remains;骸骨;; skeleton HQ;骨干总部;; Skelly Oil Company;斯克利石油公司;; SKIAROV, Vladimir;弗拉基米尔·斯基亚罗夫;; SKIBA, Jakub;雅各布·斯基巴;; SKIBSTED, Arnold;阿诺尔·斯基布斯特德;; skill-intensive;技术密集;; skilled journeyman M-4;技工M-4;;M-4 skilled and semi-skilled labour;熟练和半熟练动力;; Skilled worker [journeyman] [M-4];技术工人技工;M-4; Skills Development for Self-Reliance;技能发展促进自力更生;SDSR; Skills Development Programme for Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家技能开发方案 技能方案;SDEPAC;技能方案 Skills for South Africa;南非技能培训团;; skimmer;撇沫器; 撇油器; 浮油回收装置;; skimming;从水面上撇取浮油; 回收浮油; 撇沫;;; skin absorption;皮肤吸收;; skin disorder;皮肤病;; skin exposure;皮肤照射; 皮肤接触; 皮肤暴露;; skin test;皮肤试验;; skin-piercing procedure;穿刺皮肤的手术;; SKINKIS, Janis;詹尼斯·斯金基斯;; SKINNER KLEE ARENALES, Jorge;豪尔赫·斯金纳·克莱·阿雷纳莱斯;; SKINNER, Geraldine;杰拉尔丁·斯金纳;; skip-rule;跳远规则;; skipjack tuna;鲣鱼金枪鱼;;金枪鱼 skipper;小型渔船船长;; SKOFENDO, Vladimir Fedorovich;弗拉基米尔·费多罗维奇·斯科芬科;; SKOGMO, Bjorn;比约恩·斯科格莫;; SKOLD, Lars;拉尔斯·斯科尔德;; Skopje;斯科普里;; SKOV, Erik;埃里克·斯科夫;; SKOWRON-OLSZOWSKA, Zofia;佐菲娅·斯科夫龙-奥尔绍夫斯卡;; SKRABALO, Zdenko;兹登科·什克拉巴洛;; SKRK, Mirjam;米里亚姆·什克尔克;; SKUBISZEWSKI, Krzysztof;克日什托夫·斯库比谢夫斯基;; Skyhawk;“天鹰”式攻击机;; SL-MA'AINI, Hamiad bin Ali bin Sultan;哈米亚德·本·阿里·本·苏丹·马艾尼;; SLA South Lebanon Army;南黎巴嫩军;; SLABY, Alexander;亚历山大·斯拉比;; SLADE, Tuiloma Neroni;图伊洛马·内罗尼·斯莱德;; slag;炉渣; 矿渣;; slaked lime;熟石灰; 消石灰;; SLAOUI, Driss;德里斯·斯拉维;; slapper;飞片;; SLAR;侧视机载雷达;SLAR; slash and burn;刀耕火种;; slash-and-burn agriculture;刀耕火种的农业;; Slatina;斯拉蒂纳;; Slave Route, The;奴隶之路;; slave trade;贩卖奴隶;; slavery;奴隶制奴隶贩卖类似奴隶制的习俗;; Slavery Convention;禁奴公约;; Slavery Convention signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926 and amended by the Protocol done at the Headquarters of the United Nations, New York, on 7 December 1953;1926年在日内瓦签订,并经1953年12月7日 于纽约联合国总部的议定书修正的禁奴公约;; Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Similar Institutions and Practices;奴隶制、奴役、强迫劳动和类似的制度与习俗;; Slavomakedonija;斯拉夫马其顿;; Slavonia;斯拉沃尼亚;; Slavonska Pozega;斯拉温斯卡波泽加;; Slavophones;斯拉夫扩音筒;; sledgehammers;大锤;; sleeping sickness;昏睡病; 非洲锥虫病;; SLEEUWAGEN, Gunther;京特·斯利乌瓦根;; slender tuna;细长金枪鱼;; slick;水面上的浮油; 油膜;; slide projector;幻灯投影机;; slide view editor;幻灯片观辑器;; slide, colour;幻灯片彩色;;彩色 slim majority;微弱多数;; SLIMAK, Igor;伊戈尔·斯利马克;; slime;粘液; 粘菌; 软泥; 淤泥;; slimicides;除粘菌剂;; SLOANE, Ian C.;伊恩·斯隆;; SLOKENBERGS, Ivars Roberts;伊瓦尔斯·罗伯茨· 斯洛肯贝尔格斯;; Slovak Republic;斯洛伐克共和国;; Slovenia Republic of;斯洛文尼亚共和国;; slow fuses;慢速导火索;; slow onset emergency;逐步形成的紧急情况;; slow-moving stocks;呆滞存货;; Slow-yielding;收益迟缓;; slowly developing disasters;正在慢性恶化的灾难;; SLR;侧视雷达;SLR; SLS mission Spacelab Life Sciences Mission;空间实验室生命科学飞行任务;SLS mission; sludge;污泥; 淤泥;; sludge acid;淤渣酸; 废酸;; sludge contact process;污泥接触处理法;; sludge digestion;污泥消化法;; sluice gate;溢洪道;; slum;贫民区;; slum clearance;清除贫民区;; slum improvement; slum rehabilitation;贫民区改建工作;; slum-dweller;贫民窟居住者;; Slunj;斯卢尼;; slurry;泥浆;; small landholders;小土地所有者;; Small and Medium Industry Programme;中小型工业方案;; small and medium-size power reactor;中小型动力反应堆;SMPR; small and medium-sized enterprises;中小型企业;SMEs; Small and Middle-sized Enterprise;中小型企业;SME; Small and Medium Enterprises Branch;中小企业处;; small animal raising;小动物饲养;; small business consultancy;小企业咨询服务;; Small Business Development Agency;小企业发展署;; Small Business Fund Programme;小商业基金方案;; Small Business Learning Fund Programme;小型商业学习基金方案;; small country effect;小国效应;; small engine;小型发动机;; Small Enterprise Credit Association;小企业信用协会;SECA; Small Enterprise Development Corporation;小型企业发展公司;SEDCO; Small Enterprise Development Scheme;小企业发展计划;; small farm development programme;小农发展方案;SFDP; small farmers' development programme;小农发展方案;; small grant programmes;小额赠款方案;; Small Grants Programme;小额赠款方案;; Small Hydropower series No.1;小型水力发电丛书第1号;; Small Industries Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋小型工业公报;; Small Industries Development Organization;小型工业发展组织;SIDO; Small Industry Bulletin;《小型工业公报》;; small island developing states SIDS;小岛屿发展中国家;SIDS; Small Island Developing States Information Network;小岛屿发展中国家信息网;SIDSNET; Small Island Developing States Technical Assistance Programme;小岛屿发展中国家技术援助方案技援方案;SIDS/TAP;技援方案 Small Island Developing States Unit;小岛屿发展中国家股;SIDSU;小岛屿国家股 Small Islands Developing Countries and the Development Potential of Exclusive Economic Zone;小岛屿国家和专属经济区的发展潜力;; small livestock;小家禽;; Small Mining International;国际小型矿业组织;SMI; small scale capital assistance grants;小规模的资本援助补助金;; Small Scale Industry Section;小型工业科;; small shredder;小型碎纸机;; small textual revisions;稍作案文修订;; smaller car;小型小客车; 小尺寸小客车;; Small-and intermediate-sized settlements;中小型住区;; Small-and Medium-sized Enterprise Fund;中小型企业基金;; small-family norm;小家庭规范;; small-holder farmers;小农;; small-scale and household industries;小型工业和家庭工业;; small-scale chemical recovery systems;化学品小型回收系统;; Small-scale Enterprises Using the Business Incubator Concept;运用商业培养概念的小型企业;; small-scale foundry operations;小型铸造作业;; small-scale industry consultancy;小型工业咨询;; small-scale mining;小型矿业;; smaller island countries;较小岛屿国家;; smallholder households;小土地拥有户;; Smallholder Poverty Analysis Framework;小农贫困分析框架;; smallpox;天花;; SMART, Graham Fergusson;格雷厄姆·弗格森·斯马特;; smarting in eyes;眼睛感到剧烈刺痛;; SMEJKAL, Martin;马丁·什梅伊卡尔;; smelter dust;熔炼炉飞尘;; smelts;胡瓜鱼科;; SMERAL, Vladimir;弗拉迪米尔·斯麦拉尔;; SMID, Ladislav;拉迪斯拉夫·斯米德;; Smilcic;斯米尔奇茨;; Seminar on Man-made Fibre Industry;人造纤维工业讨论会;; SMIRNOV, Sergey Nikolaevich;谢尔盖·尼古拉耶维奇·斯米尔诺夫;; SMIRNOV, Vadim;瓦季姆·斯米尔诺夫;; SMITH, Arnold;阿诺德·史密斯;; SMITH, Erik B.;埃里克·斯米特;; SMITH, J. Stephen;斯蒂芬·史密斯;; SMITH, Leighton;莱顿·史密斯;; SMITH, Lindsay George;林赛·乔治·史密斯;; SMITH, Raul Espana;劳尔·埃斯帕尼亚·史密斯;; SMITH, Ruth DECEREGA;鲁特·德塞雷加·史密斯;; Smithkline Beecham;史克必成公司;; Smithkline Deckman Corporation  ;史密斯克兰·德克曼公司;; Smithsonian Institute Agreement;史密森学会协议;; Smithsonian Science Information Exchange;史密森科学资料交流所;SSIE; smog;烟雾; 污雾;; smoggy bowl;经常污雾笼罩的地方;; smokeless fuel;无烟燃料;; smoking;抽吸;; smooth-stalked meadow grass;草地早熟禾;; SMS;同步气象卫星;SMS; smuggling;走私罪;; smuggling of drugs;走私麻醉品;; smuts;煤尘; 烟尘;; SMY;太阳活动峰年;SMY; SNA;索民族同盟;; SNA Expert Group Meeting on Production Accounts and Input-Output Tables;生产帐目和投入-产出表SNA专家组会议;; SNA Framework for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting;国民核算体系综合环境与经济核算框架;; SNA Review Coordination Expert Group Meeting;国民核算体系审查协调专家小组会议;; SNA/MPS links;SNA/MPS 的联接;; SNA/MPS Links Expert Group Meeting;SNA/MPS连接专家小组会议;; snack;零嘴;; Snagov Declaration;斯纳戈夫宣言;; snail killers;杀螺剂;; snap sample;瞬时试样;; SNCR;选择性非催化还原;SNCR; SNDU;索民联;; SNEGUR, Mircea;米尔恰·斯涅古尔;; SNEGUR, Vitalie;维塔列·斯涅古尔;; SNELL, John Michael;约翰·迈克尔·斯内尔;; SNF;索民阵;; SNG;合成天然气;SNG; sniffing;鼻吸; 鼻嗅;; SNM;索民运动;; Snook;锯盖鱼;; Snooker and Billiard;撞球和台球;; SNOUSSI, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·斯努西;; snow cover;雪盖;; snow depth;雪深;; snow gauge;量雪器;; snow melt;融雪; 雪融化;; snow pack;积雪场;; snow plough;铲雪车;; snow sampler;雪柱收集器; 取雪管;; snow survey;测雪;; snow water equivalent;雪水当量;; snow-cover map;雪盖图;; snow-cover mapping;雪盖雪被测绘;; snow-line;雪线;; Snowball effect;雪球效应;; snowdrift;吹积雪; 雪堆;; snowmelt;雪融水; 解冻水;; snowmelt flood;融雪洪水; 春汛;; SNU;索民联盟;; SO2;SO2; 二氧化硫 一般不译;;一般不译 SO3;SO3; 三氧化硫 一般不译;;一般不译 SO3H2;SO3H2 亚硫酸; 一般不译;;一般不译 soaking;浸湿; 浸透;; Soar Terrestrial Energy Programme;日地能量方案;STEP; SOARES, Joao Clemente Baena;若昂·克莱门特·巴埃纳·苏亚雷斯;; SOARES, Jose Tadeu da Costa Sousa;若泽·塔德乌·达科斯塔·索萨·苏亚雷斯;; SOARES, Mario;马里奥·苏亚雷斯;; SOARES, Rodrigo de Lima BAENA;罗德里戈·德利马·巴埃纳·苏亚雷斯;; SOARES, Tadeu;塔德乌·苏亚雷斯;; SOBANDLA,;索班德拉;; SOBCHAK, Anatoly a.;阿纳托利·索布恰克;; SOBERANIS, Catalina;卡塔利娜·索韦拉尼斯;; SOBHAN, Farook;法鲁克·索布汉;; SOBHI, Mohamed Ibrahim;穆罕默德·易卜拉欣·索布希;; Sobrevalorizacao Tax;增值税;; SOBRINHO, Sergio Augusto de Abreu e Lima FLORENCIO;塞尔吉奥·奥古斯托·德阿布雷乌·埃利马·弗洛伦西奥·索布里尼奥;; Sobu Adachi Co.;相武足立信用金库;; Sochi Agreement;索奇协定;; social accounting;社会会计;; Social Accounting Matrices;社会核算矩阵;SAMs; social adjustment;适应社会生活;; social affairs officer;社会事务干事;; social amenities;社会福利设施;; Social and Cultural Planning Bureau, Finland;芬兰社会和文化计划局;; Social and Economic Security Council;社会和经济安全理事会;; Social and Educational Association of Seafarers, Inc.;海员社会和教育协会;; Social and Environment committee;社会和环境委员会;; Social and Gender Analysis Programme;社会和性别分析方案;; Social and Human Sciences Sector;社会和人文科学部门;; Social assistance;社会救助社会援助;; social assistance grants;社会救济补贴;; Social Assistance Secretariat;社会援助秘书处;SAS; social attitudes;社会态度;; Social Christian Party;基督教社会党;PSC; social class;社会阶级;; social cohesion;社会凝聚力社会融合;; Social Commission;社会委员会;; Social Committee;社会问题委员会;; Social Communication Media Law;《社会传播媒体法》;; social communication project;社会传播项目;; Social conditions;社会条件社会状况;; Social Conservatism Party;社会保守主义党;PSOC; social control;社会控制;; social cost;社会代价社会成本;; social cost of adjustment;调整的社会代价;; Social Counsel;社会顾问;; Social defence measures;社会防卫措施;; Social Defence Organization;社会防卫组织;; Social Defence Research Institute, United Nations;联合国社会防卫研究所社防所;UNSDRI;社防所 Social Defence Section;社会防卫科;; social defence;社会防卫;; Social Democracia de Centroamerica;中美洲社会民主党;; social democracy;社会民主主义;; Social Democrat Party;社会民主党;; Social Democratic Association of Timor;帝汶社会民主协会帝汶社民协;ASDT;帝汶社民协 Social Democratic Centre;帝汶社会民主协会帝汶社民协;CDS;帝汶社民协 Social Democratic Party of Comoro;科摩罗社会民主党;PSDC; social development;社会发展;; Social Development and Population Division;社会发展和人口司;; Social Development and Poverty Elimination Division;社会发展和消除贫穷司社会发展司;SEPED;社会发展司 Social Development Data Base;社会发展数据基;; Social Development Division;社会发展司;CSDHA/SD; Social development in Western Asia;西亚社会发展方案;; Social Development Information System;社会发展信息系统;; Social Development Issues and Policies Division;社会发展问题和政策司;; Social Development Newsletter;社会发展通讯;; Social Development Review;社会发展评论;; Social Development Section;社会发展科;; Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region towards the Year 2000 and Beyond;到2000年及其后亚太经社会区域社会发展战略;; Social Development Trust Fund Operations Committee;社会发展信托基金业务委员会;; Social Development Unit;社会发展股;; Social Development, Capacity-Building and Public Administration Division;社会发展、能力建设和公共行政司;; Social Development, Environment and Human Settlement Division;社会发展、环境和人类住区司;; Social Development, Popular Participation and Non-governmental Organizations Liaison Section;社会发展、民众参与和非政府组织联络科;; Social Development, Population and Human Settlement Division;社会发展、人口和人类住区司;; Social diagnosis;社会诊断;; Social Dimensions of Adjustment SDA Project;调整所涉社会问题研究项目;; social discrimination and exclusion;社会歧视和排斥;; social disintegration;社会解体;; social disruption;社会瓦解; 社会混乱; 社会分裂;; Social Emergency Fund;社会紧急基金;; Social Emergency Investment Fund;社会紧急投资基金;; social equity;社会公平社会公正;; Social Equity and Changing Production Patterns: An Integrated Approach;社会公平和生产模式变革: 综合性办法;; social exclusion;社会排斥;; social exclusion and isolation;社会排斥和孤立;; social extremes;社会极端现象如贫富悬殊;;如贫富悬殊 social fabric;社会结构;; social fragmentation;社会分裂;; social function of maternity;母性的社会功能;; Social Fund for Development;社会发展基金;; social group;社会团体社会集团社群;; social indicators;社会指标;; social infrastructure;社会基础结构社会基础设施;; Social injustices;社会上的不公平现象;; Social innovation;社会革新;; social inquiry report; social report;社会调查报告;; Social Insurance;社会保险;; social insurance system;社会保险制度;; social integration;社会融合;; social intercourse;社交;; Social Investment Fund;社会投资基金;FIS; Social Investment Programme;社会投资方案;; social justice;社会正义;; social legislation;社会法规;; social marginality;社会边际地位;; social marketing;社会推销;; social marketing of contraceptives;社会销售避孕药具;SMC; social mobilization;社会动员;; Social Mobilization Programme;社会动员方案;; Social Monitoring Group;“社会监督小组”;; social origin;社会出身;; social overhead;社会费用;; social overhead cost;社会基础设施费用;; social participation;社会参与;; social partners;社会合作伙伴;; Social Pastoral Secretariat;社会教区秘书处;; social pillar;社会支柱;; social planner;社会规划人员;; Social Planning Section;社会规划科;; social polarization;社会两极分化;; Social Policy Basic Aims and Standards Convention, 1962;1962年社会政策基本目的和标准公约;; Social Policy and Economic Analysis Office;社会政策和经济分析处;; Social Policy and the Distribution of Income in the Nation;社会政策和国民分配;; social policy with a human face;合乎人情的社会政策;; social position;社会地位;; Social Product;社会产品;; social progress and development;社会进步和发展;; Social Progress and Development Day;社会进步和发展日;; Social Progress Index;社会进步指数;; Social Projects Section;社会计划科;; social protection;社会堡;; social protection systems;社会堡制度;; Social Reconstruction in West Africa;西非社会建设;; Social reform;社会改革;; social rehabilitation;[残疾人]社会康复社会复兴社会重建;; social rehabilitation of the physically handicapped;残疾人的康复;; social reintegration [treatment of offenders];重新参与社会生活;; social reintegration centre;重新参与社会生活中心;; social report;社会报告;; social resettlement;社会安置;; Social Responsibility and Justice Commission;社会责任和正义委员会;; social rights;社会权利;; social risk;社会风险;; social safety mechanisms;社会安全机制;; social safety net;社会安全网;; Social Section;社会科;; social security;社会保障;; social security legislation system;社会保障 法规 制度;; Social Security Act;社会保障法;; Social Security and other Services;社会保障和其他社会服务;; social security benefits;社会保障补贴福利;;福利 social security contributions;社会保障缴款;; Social Security Department;社会保障部;; social security funds;社会保障基金;; social security insurance programmes;社会保障保险方案;; social security payment;社会保障付款;; social security programmes;社会保障方案;; social security protection;社会保障堡;; social security schemes;社会保障计划;; social security systems;社会保障制度;; social security training;社会保险训练;; Social Security Unit;社会保障组;SS; social service facility;社会服务场所;; Social Services;社会服务处;; social services and programmes;社会服务和方案;; Social Services and Resettlement Service;社会服务和安置处;; Social Services Section;社会服务科;; social statistics;社会统计学;;学 social statistics and indicators;社会统计和指标;; social status;社会地位;; social strata;社会阶层;; Social Summit;社会问题首脑会议;; social support services;社会支助服务;; social support system;社会支助系统;; Social Survey and Development Section;社会调查和发展科;; social therapy;社会疗法;; social treatment;社会治疗;; Social Trends;社会趋势;; social value;社会价值观念;; social visibility high; low;社会表现 高的;低的;;高的;低的 social vulnerability;在社会上易受伤害;; social welfare;社会福利;; Social Welfare and Development Centre for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋社会福利和发展中心 亚太福利发展中心;SWDCAP;亚太福利发展中心 Social Welfare Branch;社会福利处;; social welfare centre;社会福利中心;; Social Welfare in Africa Series;非洲社会福利事务;; social welfare programmes;社会福利方案;; social welfare services;社会福利服务;; Social Welfare Services Section;社会福利事务科;; social welfare system;社会福利制度;; Social Well-Being Programme: A Programme for Social Development;<<社会福利方案:促进社会发展方案>>;; Social work;社会工作;; Social Work Policy in Africa;非洲社会工作政策;; social work school;社会工作学校;; social worker;社会工作者;; Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee Third Committee;社会、人道主义和文化委员会 第三委员会;;第三委员会 social-pedagogical problems;社会教学问题;; social-work school;社会工作学校;; socialcultural;社会文化的;;的 Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫劳动人民社会主义联盟;SSRNJ; Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国南斯拉夫;SFRY;南斯拉夫 Socialist International Women;社会主义国际妇女组织;SIW; Socialist International Women's International League for Peace and Freedom;社会主义国际妇女组织国际自由和平联盟;; Socialist International;社会主义国际# 社会主义国际;; Socialist International Women;社会主义国际妇女组织# 社会主义国际妇女组织;; Socialist Kanak Liberation Party;卡纳克社会主义解放党;LKS; Socialist Movement for the United States of Europe;社会主义欧洲合众国运动;SMUSE; socialist outpost;社会主义前哨;; Socialist Party;社会党;; Socialist Party Monthly;《社会党月刊》;; Socialist Party of Puerto Rico;波多黎各社会党;; Socialist Party One;社会一党;PS-1; Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国;SPLAJ; Socialist Republic of Union of Burma;缅甸联邦社会主义共和国;; Socialist Republic of Viet Nam;越南社会主义共和国越南;SRV;越南 Socialist Republic of Vietnam;越南社会主义共和国;; Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe;中东欧社会主义联合会;SUCEE; Socialist Unity Front of Romania;罗马尼亚社会主义团结阵线;; Socialist Workers Party;社会主义工人党;; Socialist Working Youth League of Korea;朝鲜社会主义劳动青年同盟;; socialization of children;儿童的社会化;; socially ascribed roles;社会指定的角色;; socially equitable, environmentally sustainable development;社会公平的、环境可持续的发展;; socially marginalized groups;处于社会边缘地位的群体;; social welfare services for children;儿童社会福利服务;; socialist community;社会主义大家庭;; Socieda de Ovizicola de Gaza;加萨稻米公司;; Sociedad Agricola Algodoeira;农业棉花公司;; Sociedad de Amigos en Defensa de la Gran Sabana Amigransa;堡大萨瓦纳之友会;; Sociedad de Amigos en Devensa de la Gran Sabana;堡大萨瓦那之友会;AMIGRANSA; Sociedad de Especialistas Latino Americanos en Percepcion Remota;拉丁美洲遥感专家协会;; Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura;全国农业协会;SNA; Sociedad Nacional de frabajadores amigos de Israel;以色列之友全国工人协会;; Sociedade Agricola do Incomati;因科马蒂农业公司;; Sociedade Agricola do Madal;马达尔农业公司;; Sociedade Agricola do Malanje;马兰热农业公司;; Sociedade Agricola e Industrial de Construcoes;农工业建筑公司;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司