翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Sociedade Algodoeira de Fomento Colonial;殖民地发展棉花公司;; Sociedade Algodoeira do Zambeze;赞比西棉花公司;; Sociedade Angolana de Tecidos Estampados;安哥拉印花布公司;; Sociedade Angolana do Acumulador Tudor, SARL;安哥拉图德电池公司;; Sociedade Anonima de Petroleos am Portugal, SARL;葡萄牙特许石油制炼公司;; Sociedade Central de Engarrafamento de Vinhos;中央酒类装瓶公司;; Sociedade cha Oriental;东方茶叶公司;; Sociedade Comercial and Industrial de Moagem;工商磨制公司;SOCIMOL; Sociedade Comercial e Industrial de Caju;贾树果工商会社贾树果会社;SOCAJU;贾树果会社 Sociedade d'Assistance Industrielle et Commerciale;工商援助公司;; Sociedade de Construccoes de Pontes e Estradas;桥梁和道路工程公司;; Sociedade de Construcoes, Lde;营造有限公司;; Sociedade de Empreendimentos Financeiros e Economicos do Lobito, SARL;洛比托金融和经济企业公司;; Sociedade de Gestao e Financiamentos, SARL;产业经营和资金周转公司;SARL; Sociedade de Industria e Comercio de Peixe do Amboim;安布因工商渔业公司;; Sociedade de Lubrificacao e Cambustiveis, SARL;润滑油和燃料公司 安哥拉的公司;SARL;安哥拉的公司 Sociedade de Promocao Hoteleira, Ida.;旅馆业开发有限公司;; Sociedade de Refrigerentes Vitoria, SARL;胜利饮料公司;; Sociedade de Rio Cavaco, Ida. Angola;里奥卡瓦科有限公司;; Sociedade de Turismo da Ilha de Maio, SARL;马伊澳岛旅游业有限公司;TURMAIO; Sociedade des Armadores de Pesca de Lagosta, SARL;龙虾渔获专业有限公司;; Sociedade dos Armadores de Pesca em Mocambique, SARL;莫桑比克渔业有限公司;ARPEM; Sociedade Frigorifica Exportadora;冷藏出口公司;; Sociedade Geral do Comercio;商业公司;; Sociedade Hidro-Electrica do Revue;瑞夫韦水利发电公司;; sociedade Industrial de Cabo Negro, Lda.;黑角企业有限公司;; Sociedade Industrial de Caju e Derivados;腰果及副产品工业会社 腰果副产品会社;CAJUCA;腰果副产品会社 Sociedade Industrial de Grossarias de Angola, SARL;安哥拉纺织公司;; Sociedade Industrial de Lacticinios de Angola, Lda.;安哥拉乳业有限公司;; to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves;抓大放小;; Sociedade Industrial de Manufactures de Papel;造纸工业公司;; Sociedade Industrial de Talcos de Angola;安哥拉滑石工业公司;; Sociedade Marques, Seixas, SARL;塞沙斯马贵斯公司;; Sociedade Mineira de Manica, Lda.;马尼卡矿业有限公司;; Sociedade Mocambicana de Gestao de Bens;莫桑比克产业经营公司;; Sociedade Nacional de Agriculture;全国农业协会;SNA; Sociedade Nacional de Estudos e Financiamento de Empreemdimentos Ultramarinos;全国海外企业建设金融研究公司 海外企业金融公司;SONEFE;海外企业金融公司 Sociedade Nacional de Petroleos de Mocambique;莫桑比克国家石油公司;; Sociedade Natcional de Refinacao Petroleos, SARL;国家石油炼制股份有限公司国家炼油公司;SONAREP;国家炼油公司 Sociedade para Desenvolvimento e turismo da Ilha do Sal;萨耳岛旅游业发展公司;DETOSAL; Sociedade Portuguesa de Exploracao de Petroleos, SARL;葡萄牙石油开采股份有限公司安哥尔公司;;安哥尔公司 Sociedade Portuguesa de Explosivos, Ida.;葡萄牙炸药有限公司;; Sociedade Reunidas de Fabricacoes Metalicas, SARL, of Portugal;葡萄牙金属制品联合公司葡金属联合公司;SOREFAME;葡金属联合公司 Sociedade Santa Fe, SARL Santa Fe Co.;圣菲公司;; Sociedade Tecnica de Construcoes Lda.;建筑技术公司;; Sociedade Tecnica de Empreendimentos Industriais e Agricolas, Lda.;工农企业技术有限公司;; Sociedade Tecnica de Equipamentos Industriais;工业装备技术公司;STEIA; Sociedade Ultramarina de Administracao;海外产业经营公司;; Sociedade Vinicola Angolana, SARL Angola Wine Co.;安哥拉酒公司安酒公司;SOVAN;安酒公司 Sociedade Vinicola do Ultramar, SARL;海外酒公司;; Sociedades Espnolas de Constructionss Babcock and Wilcox;西班牙巴布科克和威尔科克斯营造公司;; Societ Canadienne pour l'Etude de l'Intelligence par Ordinateur;加拿大计算机智能研究学会;SCEIO; societal goals and objectives;社会宗旨和目标;; societe anonyme;股份有限公司;SA; Societe anonyme du chrome of Switzerland;瑞士铬业有限公司;; Societe belge d'etudes et d'expansion;比利时研究和推广学会;; Societe Canadienne pour l'Etude de l'Intelligence par Ordinateur;加拿大计算机智能研究学会;SCEIO; Societe commercial et de l'Ouest African;西非商业公司;; societe Commeriale d'Affretements et de Combustibles;租运及燃料商务公司;SCAC; Societe Comores - Bambao;科摩罗 - 班保公司;; Societe d'Assistance Industrial et Commercial;工商援助公司;SAIC; Societe d'Assurances Commerciales S. A. of Switzerland;瑞士商业保险有限公司 南罗问题;;南罗问题 Societe d'Etudes pour le Developement Economique et Social;经济和社会发展研究协会 经社发展研究会;SEDES;经社发展研究会 Societe de Forages Petroliers Lanquedocienne Forenco of France;法国郎格西恩尼·弗郎哥石油钻孔公司;; Societe de la Nioumakile on Anjouan;尼乌马克勒公司, 昂儒昂岛;; Societe de Legislation Camparee;比较立法学会;; Societe de Luxenbourg;卢森堡公司;; Societe de recherche miniere du Sud-Katanga;南加丹加矿物研究公司;; Societe des Eaux Minerales de Vittel;维特尔矿泉水公司;; Societe des Mineraux of Luxembourg;卢森堡矿业公司;; Societe des plantations mirongoni et de chiconi, en Moheli;米昂尼和希科尼种植公司;; Societe des plantes a parfum de Madagascar, en Mayotte;马达加斯加香料植物公司马约特岛;;马约特岛 Societe Eau et Assainissement;澄水公司;; societe Electrique de l'Our S. A. Luxembourg;卢森堡乌耳电力公司;; Societe europeenne de culture;欧洲文化学会;; Societe Financiere pour les pays d'outre-mer;海外金融公司;SFOM; Societe Francoise d'etudes minieres;法国矿物研究协会;SOFREMINES; societe Francoise des Nouvelles Hebrides;法国新赫布里底公司法国新赫公司;SFNH;法国新赫公司 Societe Generale;兴业银行;; Societe generale de constructions electriques et mecaniques;电力和机械建筑公司;ALSHTOM; Societe generales d'entreprises;通用企业公司;; Societe grenobloise d'etudes appliquees d'hydraulique;格勒诺布尔应用水力学研究协会;; Societe Internationale de Prophylaxie Criminelle;国际预防犯罪协会;; Societe internationale de telecommunications aeronautiques;国际航空电信公司;SITA; Societe Internationale Financiere pour les Investissements et le developpment en Afrique;非洲投资发展国际金融公司;SIFIDA; Societe internationale pour la telecommunication aeronautique;国际航空电信公司;SITA; Societe le Nickel;镍业公司;; Societe miniere et geologique du Zambeze;赞比西矿产和地质公司;; Societe Miniere et Metallurgique de penarroya S. A.;佩内罗耶旷冶有限公司;; Societe National de Petrole d'Aquitaine;阿基坦国家石油公司;; Societe National Elf Aquitaine;埃尔福-阿奎坦国营石油公司;SNEA; societe Nationale d'Irrigation et d'Amenagement Hydro-agricole;国家灌溉和农业水利发展公司;SONIAH; Societe Nationale Eif Aquitaine;埃尔福 - 阿奎坦国营石油公司;SNEA; Societe Nationale Industrielle et Miniere;国家工业和矿业公司;; Societe pour la conversion de l'uranium et metal et en hexafluorure;金属和六氟化铀炼制公司;; Societe pour la Fabrication de Materiaux de Construction, SA of Belgium;比利时建筑材料制造有限公司;; Societe pour le development economique des Comores;科摩罗群岛经济发展公司;SODEC; Societe Suisse des Industries Chimiques;瑞士化学工业公司;; Society for African Church History;非洲基督教史学会;; Society for Austro-Arab Relations;奥地利和阿拉伯关系协会;; Society for Caribbean Linguistics;加勒比语言学会;SCL; Society for Chemical Industry;化学工业协会;; Society for Comparative Legislation;比较立法学社;; Society for General Systems Research;一般体系研究协会;; Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits;矿藏应用地质学学会;SGA; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, U.S.A.;美国工业与应用数学学会;SIAM; Society for International Development;国际开发协会开发协会;SID;开发协会 Society for Islamic Call;伊斯兰召唤协会;; Society for Laboratory Animal Science;实验动物科学学会;SOLAS; Society for Middle East Confederation;中东联盟学会;; Society for Scandinavian Seamen's Homes in Foreign Ports;斯堪的纳维亚国外港口海员之家协会;; Society for Social Responsibility in Science;科学中的社会责任学会;SSRS; Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers;香港戒毒会;; Society for the Arab Development Scheme;阿拉伯发展计划协会;; Society for the Conservation of National Treasures and Environment;堡国家财富和环境协会;; Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry;炼金术和化学史学会;SHAC; Society for the Promotion of Adult Literacy in Africa;非洲促进成人识字协会;AFROLIT; Society for the Protection of Children;堡儿童协会;; Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues;社会问题心理研究学会;; Society for the Study of the New Testament;新约研究会;SNTS; Society for Threatened Peoples;堡受威胁人民协会;; Society for Upgrading the Built Environment;改善建筑环境学会;; Society for Women against AIDS in Africa;非洲妇女对抗艾滋病学会;; Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications;环球银行金融电信协会;SWIFT; Society of African Culture;非洲文化协会;SAC; Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians;非洲物理学家和数学家学会;SAPAM; Society of American Travel Writers;美国旅游业作家学会;; Society of Chemical Industry;化学工业协会# 化工协会;; Society of Comparative Legislation;比较立法协会;; Society of Economic Geology;经济地质学学会;; Society of Foreign Consuls;外国领事协会;; Society of French-Speaking Neurosurgeons;法语神经外科学会;; Society of Friends Quakers;公谊会 教友会;;教友会 Society of Hematology and Blood-Transfusion of African and Near Eastern Countries;非洲和近东国家血液学和输血学会;; Society of Human Rights Supporters;人权支持者学会;; Society of Indexers;索引编辑协会;; Society of Latin American Professionals Specializing in Remote Sensing;拉丁美洲遥感专家学会;SELPER; Society of Latin American Specialists in Remote Sensing;拉丁美洲遥感专家学会;; Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Surgery of the Mediterranean and Middle;地中海和中东国家矫形和创伤外科学会;; Society of Romanic Linguistics;拉丁语系语言学协会;SLR; Society of the Cyprus Turkish Civil Servants;塞浦路斯土族公务员协会;; Socio - Economic Bulletin for Africa;非洲社会经济公报;; Socio-cultural pattern;社会文化型态;; Socio-Economic Adviser;社会经济顾问;; Socio-Economic Bulletin of Africa;非洲社会经济公报;; socio-economic classification;社会经济分类方法;; socio-economic development;社会经济发展;SED; socio-economic indicators;社会经济指标;; socio-economic reconstruction and development;社会-经济重建和发展社-经重建和发展;SERD;社-经重建和发展 socio-economic transformation;社会经济改革;; Socio-Psychological Rehabilitation Centres;社会心理康复中心;; sociocultural;社会文化的;; sociodemographic;社会人口;; Socioeconomic Timeserial Access and Retrieval System;社会经济时序信息存取和检索系统;STARS; SOCRATES;苏格拉底;; SOD;超氧化物歧化酶蓝蛋白;SOD;蓝蛋白 soda ash;苏打灰; 钠碱灰; 纯碱; 碳酸钠;; sodalime;纯碱石灰;; SODE, Michel;米歇尔·索德;; SODER, Karin;卡琳·瑟德尔;; sodium carbonate;碳酸钠;; sodium chloride;氯化钠; 食盐;; sodium hydroperoxide;氢过氧化钠;NaOOH; sodium hydroxide;氢氧化钠;; sodium perborate tetrahydrate;四水合高硼酸钠;; sodium tetrapolyphosphate Na6P4O13;三缩四磷酸钠;; sodium tripolyphosphate Na5P3O10;二缩三磷酸钠;; SODRE, Roberto de Abreu;罗伯托·德阿布雷乌·索德雷;; SOEDARSONO;苏达尔索诺;; SOEDJATMOKO;索贾特莫科;; SOEGARDA, Witjaksana;维扎亚克萨纳·苏加尔达;; SOEHARTO;苏哈托;; Southern Oil Exploration Corporation Pty., Ltd.;南部石油勘探公司;SOEKOR; SOFA;部队地位协定;SOFA; State of Food and Agriculture, The;粮农及农业状况;SOFA; SOFANCO;索凡戈公司 汽水厂;;汽水厂 SOFAP;索法普公司;; Sofia Declaration;索非亚宣言;; Sofia Protocol to reduce nitrogen oxides;关于减少氮的氧化物的索非亚议定书;; to base China's economy on information;使中国经济信息化;; Sociedade Frigorifica do Sul, Ida.;南方冷藏有限公司;SOFRIO; Soft currency;软货币软币;;软币 soft detergents;软性清洁剂软性洗涤剂;; soft drug;软性毒品;; soft landing;软着陆;; soft loan;优惠贷款软贷款低息贷款;; soft loan facility;优惠贷款机构软贷款机构低息贷款机构;; soft oil;软油;; soft pipeline;软性编审中项目指比较没有把握执行的;;指比较没有把握执行的 soft terms;软性编审中项目;; soft-currency duty station;软通货工作地点;; soft-wood forest;针叶林; 软材林;; softening of terms;条件软化简化;;简化 Software and Support for Population Data Processing;人口数据处理软件和支助项目;; Software for Market Analysis and Restrictions on Trade;市场分析和贸易限制软件市贸软件;SMART;市贸软件 software for uranium enrichment facilities;为铀浓缩设施设计的软件;; software package;软件包;; Software Technology Centre;软件技术中心;; SOFYAN, Yunus;尤努斯·萨夫扬;; Sogang University;江西大学;; SOGLO, Nicephore Dieudonne;尼塞福尔·迪厄多内·索格洛;; SOH, Byung Yong;苏秉用;; SOHAHONG-KOMBET, Jean-Pierre;让-皮埃尔·索阿翁-孔贝;; Sohu Adachi;足立送风公司;; soil absorption;土壤吸收;; soil air;土壤空气;; Soil and Water Conservation Unit;水土保持股;; soil animal population;土居动物群落;; soil buffering;土壤的缓冲作用;; soil conditioner;土壤结构改良剂;; soil conditioning;改良土壤结构;; soil conservation;土壤保持;; Soil Conservation Act, No. 76 of 1969;土壤堡法, 1969年第76;; Soil Conservation and Irrigation Service;土壤保持及灌溉服务;TOPRAKSU; soil degradation;土壤退化作用;; soil depletion;土地流失土壤贫化;; Soil deterioration;土壤变质; 土壤破坏;; soil fauna;土壤动物区系; 土居动物群落;; Soil Fertility;土壤肥力;; Soil Fertility Network;土壤肥力网;; soil horizion;土层;; soil humidity;土壤湿度;; soil improvement;土壤改良;; soil map;土壤图;; soil material;土壤物质;; soil mechanics;土壤力学;; soil microflora;土壤微植物区系; 土壤微生物区系;; soil moisture;土壤水分;; soil organisms;土壤生物; 土居生物;; soil pollutant;土壤污染物;; soil pollution;土壤污染;; soil pores;土壤孔隙;; soil productivity;土壤生产力; 地力;; soil profile;土壤剖面;; soil reclamation;土壤改良;; soil research;土壤研究;; soil scientist;土壤科学家;; soil series;土系;; soil solution;土壤溶液; 土液;; soil survey;土壤调查;; soil texture;土壤质地;; soil type;土壤类型; 土型; 土类;; soil water;土壤中的水; 土壤水;; soil water movement;土壤水分运动;; soil with good tilth;有良好耕性的土壤;; soil-forming process;土壤形成过程; 成土过程;; soil-transmitted worms;土壤传播的蠕虫;; Soils Bulletin;土壤学公报;; SOK AN;素克安;; Soka Gakkai International;国际创价学会;; Sokagakkai;创价学会;; SOKALASKI, Henryk;亨里克·索卡拉斯基;; Sokolac;索科拉茨;; SOKOLOVIC, Zoran;佐兰·索科洛维奇;; SOKOLOVSKIY, Vladimir A.;弗拉基米尔·索科洛夫斯基;; soles - S/.;索尔;; SOL, Armando Calderon;阿曼多·卡尔德龙·索尔;; sola draft;单张汇票;; SOLANA MADARIAGA, Javier;哈维尔·索拉纳·马达里亚加;; SOLANA MORALES, Fernando;费尔南多·索拉纳·莫拉莱斯;; SOLANA, Fernando;费尔南多·索拉纳;; SOLANA, Javier;哈维尔·索拉纳;; SOLANKI, Madhavsinh;马达夫辛赫·索兰基;; SOLANO, Jose Luis;何塞·路易斯·索拉诺;; Solar and Heliospheric Observatory;太阳和日光层观察器;SOHO; Solar Backscattered Ultraviolet;太阳后向散射紫外线仪臭氧探测仪;SBUV; solar burst;太阳爆发;; solar cell;太阳能电池;; solar collector;太阳射线收集器;; solar constant;太阳常数;; solar corona;日冕;; solar cosmic particle;太阳宇宙粒子;; solar cosmic rays;太阳宇宙线;; solar drier;太阳能烘干器;; solar dryer;太阳能烘干器;; solar drying; sun-drying;晒干;; Solar Energy Meeting;太阳能会议;; Solar Energy Research Institute;太阳能研究所;SERI; Solar Energy Society of Africa;非洲太阳能协会;; Solar Energy Update;太阳能最新资料;; solar evaporation;曝晒蒸发法;; solar facula;太阳光斑;; solar flare;太阳耀斑;; solar hardware;太阳能金属构件;; solar input;太阳辐射输入;; Solar Maximum Mission;太阳峰年飞行器;SMM; Solar Maximum Year;太阳活动峰年;SMY; solar oscillations;太阳振动;; solar outburst;太阳大爆发;; solar output;太阳辐射输出;; Solar Power Satellites;太阳能卫星;; solar prominence;日珥;; solar proton;太阳质子;; solar pump;太阳能水泵;; solar radiation;太阳辐射;; solar spectral flux;太阳光谱光通量;; Solar Terrestrial Energy Programme;日地能量方案;STEP; solar theory;太阳理论;; solar wind;太阳风;; solar wind energy;太阳风能;; solar-terrestrial physics;日地物理学;STP; solar-terrestrial relationship;太阳地球关系;; sole agent;独家代理总代理;; sole and authentic representative of the people of Namibia;纳米比亚人民唯一真正代表;; sole and legitimate representative of the Namibian people;纳米比亚人民唯一合法代表;; sole arbitrator;独任仲裁员;; Sole Federation of Workers;工人统一工会;CUT; sole legitimate representative;唯一合法代表;; Sole para, Section....;单独一段, 一节;; SOLE-EMANE, Jean-Pierre;让-皮埃尔·索尔-埃马纳;; Solemn appeal to States in conflict to cease armed action forthwith and to settle disputes between them through negotiations, and to States Members of the United Nations to undertake to solve situations of tension and conflict and ....;庄严呼吁冲突各国立即停止武装行动和以谈判方法解决它们的争端, 并庄严呼吁联合国各会员国保证以政治方法解决紧张与冲突局势和现存争端, 并避免实行武力威胁或使用武力以 及避免干涉别国内政;; solemn declaration;庄严宣誓 [消除对妇女歧视委员会新成员就职宣誓];; Solemn meeting in observance of the day of Solidarity with South African Political Prisoners;纪念声援南非政治犯日这样庄严会议;; solemnize the marriage;主持婚礼; 举行婚礼;; SOLESBY, T.A.H.;索尔斯比;; solicitation;教唆罪,诱人犯罪;; Solicitation and evaluation of tenders [Building];招标与评标;; solicitation documents;邀约文件;; Solicitor-General;司法部副部长; 首席检察官; 副检察长;; Solid Earth Research and Applications Mission;固体地球研究和应用任务;ARISTOTELES; solid refuse;固体垃圾;; solid state physics;国体物理学;; solid waste;固体废物; 固体垃圾;; solid waste disposal;固体废物处理; 固体废物处置;; solid waste management;固体废物管理;; solid-liquid chemical exchange;固--液化学交换;; Solidaridad;团结周刊;; Solidarite Socialiste;社会主义团结组织;; Solidarity and Assistance Fund for the Development of the West African Economic Community;促进西非经济共同体发展团结援助基金团援基金;FOSIDEC;团援基金 Solidarity Fund for Economic and social Development;经济和社会发展团结基金;; Solidarity Fund for the Liberation of Southern Africa;解放南部非洲团结基金;; Solidarity Fund of Non-Aligned Countries for the Reconstruction of Laos and Viet Nam;不结盟国家重建老挝和越南团结基金;; solidarity meeting;团结会议;; Solidarity Meeting of Ministers of Industry;工业部长团结会议;; solidarity ministerial meeting;部长级团结会议;; Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan;阿富汗团结运动;; solidary human rights;共同的人权;; solidary rights;共同权利;; solidification stations;固化器;; solidity;稠度 [在指机器叶片blades多少时用; high or low solidity: 稠度大小];; SOLIS PALMA, Manuel;曼努埃尔·索利斯·帕尔马;; solitary confinement;隔离监禁单独禁闭;; solo parent family;单亲家庭;; Solomon and Co.;所罗门公司;; Solomon Fuller Institute, Inc.;所罗门·富勒研究所;; SOLOMON II, Frank X.;弗兰克·所罗门二世;; Solomon Islands, Republic of;所罗门群岛共和国;; Solomon Islands Civil Servants Association;所罗门群岛公务员公会;; Solomon Islands General Workers Union;所罗门群岛总工会;; Solomon Islands Housing Authority;所罗门群岛住房管理局;; SOLOMON, Petros;彼得罗斯·所罗门;; Solomons Wholesale Union, Ltd.;所罗门批发联合公司;; SOLOW, Robert M.;罗伯特·索洛;; soluble solids;可溶性固体;; solute;溶质; 溶解物;; SOLUTION;解决办法; 解决方法;; solvency;清偿能力; 支付能力; 偿付能力; 有力偿付; 资力充沛;; solvency reporting;资力报告;; solvent extraction;溶剂萃取; 溶剂抽提;; solvent extraction and hydrogeneration of extracts;溶剂萃取和萃液氢化法;; solvent extractors;溶剂萃取器;; solvent vapour treatment process;溶剂蒸气处理过程;; solventless lamination;无溶剂层压;; solvents;溶剂;; Somali Africans Muki Organization;索马里非洲人穆基组织索非组织;SAMO;索非组织 Somali Agricultural Muli Organization;索马里农业穆基组织 索农业组织;SAMO;索农业组织 Somali Alliance for National Unity;索马里民族团结同盟索团结同盟;SANU;索团结同盟 Somali Democratic Alliance;索马里民主同盟索民主同盟;SDA;索民主同盟 Somali Democratic Movement;索马里民主运动索运;SDM;索运 Somali Development Bank;索马里开发银行;SDB; Somali Intellectuals for Peace and Democracy;索马里知识份子促进和平与民主组织索民主组织;SIPD;索民主组织 Somali Lifeline project;索马里生命线项目;; Somali National Alliance;索马里民族同盟索民族同盟;SNA;索民族同盟 Somali National Consultative Council;索马里全国协商委员会全国协商会;SNCC;全国协商会 Somali National Democratic Union;索马里民族民主联盟索民联;SNDU;索民联 Somali National Front;索马里民族阵线索民阵;SNF;索民阵 Somali National Movement;索马里民族运动索民运动;SNM;索民运动 Somali National News Agency;索马里国家通讯社;SONNA; Somali National Reconciliation Conference;索马里民族和解会议;; Somali National Union;索马里民族联盟索民族联盟;SNF;索民族联盟 Somali Patriotic Front;索马里爱国阵线索爱阵;SPF;索爱阵 Somali Patriotic Movement;索马里爱国运动索爱运;SPM;索爱运 Somali Patriotic Movement/Somali National Alliance;索马里爱国运动/索马里民族同盟索爱运/索民族同盟;SPM/SNA;索爱运/索民族同盟 Somali Peace and Resettlement Organization;索马里和平与重新定居组织索和平与重新定居组织;SOPRO;索和平与重新定居组织 Somali Red Crescent Society;索马里红新月协会;; Somali Rehabilitation Programme;索马里复兴方案;; Somali Relief Society;索马里救济协会索救协;SRS;索救协 Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party;索马里革命社会主义党;; Somali Salvation Alliance;索马里救国联盟救国联盟;SSA;救国联盟 Somali Salvation Democratic Front;索马里民主救国阵线 索救阵;SSDF;索救阵 Somali shilling;索马里先令;ShSo; Somali Trust Fund Committee;索马里信托基金委员会;; Somali Youth League;索马里青年同盟;SYL; Somalia;索马里;; Somalia Aid Coordination Body;索马里援助协调机构;SACB; Somalia Open Learning Unit;索马里开放学习组开放学习组;SOMOLU;开放学习组 Somalia Rural Rehabilitation Programme;索马里农村复兴方案;; Somalia Trust Fund Committee;索马里信托基金委员会;; SOMARE, Michael Thomas;迈克尔·托马斯·索马雷;; SOMARRIBA, Jaime;海梅·索马里瓦;; SOMAVIA, Juan;胡安·索马维亚;; SOMBOON, Rahong;颂蓬拉宏;; SOMDA, Laurentin;洛朗坦·索姆达;; Some Issues of Development Policy in the coming Decade;未来十年中几个发展政策的问题;; SOMERS, Trevor GORDON;特雷弗·戈登-萨默斯;; SOMIAH, C. G.;索米阿;; SOMMARUGA, Cornelio;科尔内利奥·索马鲁加;; SOMOGYI, Ferenc;费伦茨·肖莫季;; SOMPHAVAN INTHAVONG;松帕万·英塔冯;; SOMVORACHITH, Done;敦·松沃拉吉;; son preference;重男轻女; 偏好儿子;; SON SANN;宋双;; Son Sanniens;宋双派;; SON SEN;宋成;; SON SOUBERT;松苏贝特;; SON, SANN;宋双;; SON, SOUBERT;松苏贝特;; Sonatrach;索纳特拉奇;; Sonbola;阿富汗历六月;; SONG THENG;松滕;; SONG, FAN;宋凡;; SONG, Jocelyn;乔斯林·宋;; SONG, Jong Hwan;宋政焕;; SONG, LI;宋荔;; SONG, Shuhua;宋蜀华;; SONG, THENG;松滕;; SONG, Won Ho;宋元瑚;; SONG, Young Oh;宋永吾;; SONG, Young Wan;宋永完;; Songgyungwan University;成均馆大学;; sonic boom s;声震;; Sonic Boom Committee;声震委员会;SBC; Sonic Boom Panel;声震专家小组;SBP; SONKO, Bolong;博隆·松科;; SONO, Kazuaki;曾野和明;; sonobuoy;声纳浮标;; Sons of Yemen League Party;也门联盟之子党;; Sony;索尼公司;; SOOD, Rakesh;拉克什·苏德;; Sook Myung Women's University;淑明女子大学;; Soong Ching Ling Foundation;宋庆龄基金会;; SOONSIRI, PRASONG;巴颂·顺西里;; soot;烟灰; 烟尘;; sooty shearwaters;乌海鸥;; Sopeixe Industrial;索帕舍企业公司;; sophisticated devices;精密的器材;; sophisticated technique;尖端技术;; sophisticated weapons;尖端武器;精良武器;新式武器;; SOPIAN AHMAD;索皮安·艾哈迈德;; sorbent;吸着剂;; sorbent feed;吸着剂原料;; sorbent surface skimmer;吸着剂面撇油装置; 吸着剂面浮油回收装置;; SOREFAME de Angola;安哥拉金属制品联合公司;; SORENSEN, Gillian Martin;吉利恩·马丁·索伦森;; SORENSEN-MOSQUERA, Pedro;佩德罗·索伦森-莫斯克拉;; sorghum grits;高粱片粥;; Sorghum Vulgare Pers,;高粱;; Soroptimist Federation of the Americas;美洲职业妇女联合会;; Soroptimist International;职业妇女福利互助会国际协会;SI; Soroptimist International Association;职业妇女福利互助会国际协会 职业妇女互助协会;SIA;职业妇女互助协会 Soroptimist International of Europe Cairo Club;欧洲国际知识妇女和女经理联谊会开罗俱乐 部;; sorption;吸着作用;; SORSA, Kalevi;卡莱维·索尔萨;; North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission;北太平洋溯河鱼类委员会;; sorties;飞机出动架次;; sorting of household refuse;家庭垃圾的分拣; 家庭垃圾的分类;; SORUCO, Jorge;豪尔赫·索鲁科;; SOS Children's Village;SOS 儿童村;; SOS Torture;反酷刑协会 国际反对酷刑协会;;国际反对酷刑协会 SOS-Kinderdorf International;国际 SOS 儿童村;; SOSSOU, Pascal;帕斯卡尔·索苏;; Sotho;索托族;; SOTIROV, Ivan;伊凡·索蒂罗夫;; SOTO GARCIA, Amado;阿马多·索托·加西亚;; SOTO, Alfonso CAMPO-;阿方索·坎波-索托;; SOTO, Alvaro de;阿尔瓦罗·德索托;; SOTO, Don Eduardo;唐爱德华多·索托;; SOTO, Eduardo F.;爱德华多·索托;; SOTO, Fernando BERROCAL;费尔南多·贝罗卡尔·索托;; SOTTO-MAYOR, Raimundo;赖蒙多·索托-马约尔;; SOUBANH SRITHIRATH;苏班·斯里提拉;; Souk;街市;; SOULIOTIS, Yannis;扬尼斯·苏利奥蒂斯;; SOULIVONG, Phrasithideth;苏利冯·普拉西提岱;; SOUMANA, Ousseini;乌塞尼·苏马纳;; SOUMPHOLPHAKDY, Bountheung;奔滕·松波尔帕迪;; sound attenuation;声衰减;; sound broadly based economic policies;健全、基础广泛的经济政策;; sound business practices;健全的商业惯例;; sound ecological balance;健全的生态平衡;; sound engineers;音响工程师;; Sound Equipment Operators;音响设备机务员;; sound level meter;声级机;; sound locator;声定位仪;; Sound Ocean System, Inc;可靠的大洋系统公司;SOSI;公司 sound policy view;正确的政策见解;;见解 sound print;音纹; 音印;; Sound Recording Unit;录音股;; sound recordings;录音;; sound reduction;降低音响; 减低噪音;; sound technician;音响技术员;; sound transcribers;录音员;; sound water use;健全的水资源利用;; sound-control booth;音响控制室;; sounder;探测器; 探空装置;; sounding;探测; 探空;; sounding rocket;探空火箭;; sounding unit;探测器; 探空装置;; soundproofing;隔声; 隔音;; SOUNGUI, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·苏恩古伊;; soup kitchen;施食处; 供食处;; SOUPHANOUVONG;苏发努冯;; sour gas;酸气;; source area;源地区;; source category;源种类; 源类别;; source country;来源国; 供应国;; source gases;源气体;; source of disputes and tension;来源国; 供应国;; source of feedback;反馈来源;; source of financing of posts;员额经费来源;; source of international law;国际法的渊源;; source of livelihood;谋生方法;; source reduction;在污染源减低; 在污染源减少;; source rock;源岩;; source state;起源国;; source-receptor relationships;源-受体关系;; sources of goods;货物来源;; SOUSA, Antonio Pinto Caetano de;安东尼奥·平托·卡埃塔诺·德索萨;; souscription;签名;; SOUSUKE UNO;宇野宗佑;; SOUTELLO ALVES, Lauro Eduardo;劳罗·爱德华多·索特洛· 阿尔维;; South;南方报;; South-South Cooperation;南南合作;; South-South Promotion Centre;南南促进中心;; South Seas Conference;南洋会议;; South African Bureau of Standards;南非标准局;SABS; South Africa;南非;; South Africa-Israel Church of Economic Relations;南非 - 以色列经济关系商会;; South Africa Arms Embargo Committee;对南非禁运武器委员会;; South Africa Committee for High Education;南非高等教育委员会高教委员会;SACHED;高教委员会 South Africa Congress of Trade Unions;南非工会大会南非工会;SACTU;南非工会 South Africa Corporative Strategy Group;南非集体战略团;; South Africa Digest;南非文摘;; South Africa Foundation;南非基金会;; South Africa National Citizens Organization;南非全国公民组织公民组织;SANCO;公民组织 South Africa Nuclear Fuel Corporation;南非核燃料公司;; South Africa Relief Fund;南非救济基金;SARF; South Africa Sea Products, Ltd.;南非海产有限公司;; South Africa Territory Force;西南非领土部队;SWATF; South Africa Vendome Ltd.;南非文当有限公司;; South Africa's Centre for Applied Legal Studies;南非应用法律研究中心;; South Africa's Future and Europe's Role;南非的前途与欧洲的作用;; South Africa's nuclear capability;南非的核能力;; South Africa's Suppression of Communism Act;南非镇压共产主义法;; South African Agricultural Credit Act of 1966;南非农业信用法, 一九六六年;; South African Agricultural Union;南非农业联盟;SAAU; South African Airways;南非航空公司;; South African All-white Sports Federations;南非全白人体育联合会;; South African Allied Workers Union;南非工人联合会;SAAWU; South African Amateur Athletic Union;南非业余体育联盟;SAAAU; South African Amateur Athletic Committee;南非业余体育委员会;; South African Amateur Swimming Federation;南非业余游泳联合会;; South African Armaments Corporation;南非军备公司军备公司;ARMSCOR;军备公司 South African Atomic Energy Board;南非原子能委员会;AEB; South African Bantu Administration Act;南非斑图人管理法;; South African Bantu Investment Corporation;南非班图投资公司;; South African Bishops' Conference;南非主教大会;SACBC; South African Boilerworkers' Society;南非锅炉工人协会;; South African Breweries, Ltd. Angola;南非酿酒有限公司;; South African Broadcasting Corporation;南非广播公司;; South African Bureau of Racial Affairs;南非种族事务局;SABRA; South African Catholic Bishop's Conference;南非天主教主教会议;; South African Chamber of Business;南非商会;SACOB; South African Citizenship Act, No. 44 of 1949;南非公民法, 1949年第44号;; South African Coordinating Council on Labour Affairs;南非劳工事务协调理事会;SACCOLA; South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation, Ltd.;南非煤炭、石油和煤气有限公司;SASOL; South African Coalition;南非联盟;SAC; South African Committee against Apartheid;反对种族隔离南非委员会;; South African Communist Party;南非共产党;SACP; South African Congress of Trade Unions;南非工会大会;SACTU; South African Consolidated Revenue Fund South West Africa Account;南非统一收入基金西南非帐户;;西南非帐户 South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research;南非科学工业研究理事会;; South African Council of Churches;南非基督教协进会;SACC; South African Council on Sport;南非体育理事会;SACOS; South African Cricket Board of Control;南非板球管理委员会;; South African Customs Union;南部非洲关税联盟;SACU; South African Defence Force;南非国防军;SADF; South African Democratic Teachers Union;南非民主教师联盟;; South African Department of Bantu Administration and Development;南非班图管理和发展部;; South African Department of Coloured, Rehoboth and Nama Affairs;南非有色人雷霍博斯人和纳马人事务部;; South African Domestic Workers' Association;南非家庭工人协会;SADWA; South African Electricity Supply Commission;南非电力供应委员会供电委员会;Escom;供电委员会 South African Employers Consultative Committee on Labour Affairs;南非雇主劳工事务协商委员会;SACCOLA; South African Engineering Projects and Industrial Installations Consortium;南非工程计划和工业设备财团南非工程财团;;南非工程财团 South African Extension Unit;南非扩展股;; South African Federation Chambers of Industry;南非工业联合会;; South African Federation of Labour;南非劳工联合会;SAFLA; South African General Electric Company Pty., Ltd.;南非通用电气公司南非电气公司;SAGE;南非电气公司 South African Health Workers' Congress;南非卫生工作人员大会;SAHWCO; South African Indian Congress;南非印度人大会;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司