翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Special Committee on Israeli Practices affecting Human Rights of Palestinian People;调查以色列侵害巴勒斯坦人民人权的行为特别委员会;; Special Committee on Latin American Coordination;拉丁美洲协调特别委员会拉美协调会;CECLA;拉美协调会 Special Committee on Measures to Limit the Duration of Regular Session of the General Assembly;大会翅会期限制办法特别委员会;; Special Committee on Methods and Procedures of the General Assembly;大会工作方法和程序问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations;维持和平行动特别委员会;; Special Committee on Preferences;优惠问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States;关于各国建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则特别委员会;; Special Committee on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Apartheid and Decolonization;种族主义、种族歧视、种族隔离和非殖民化问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on Refugees and Displaced Persons;难民和流离失所人员特别委员会;; Special Committee on Resource Requirements and Related Governance Issues;资源需求和有关施政问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on Restructuring the Economic and Social Sectors of the United;改组联合国系统经济和社会部门特设委员会;; Special Committee on Review of Administrative Tribunal Judgements;审查行政法庭判决特别委员会;; Special Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics;太阳 - 地球物理学特别委员会;SCOSTEP; Special Committee on Technical Assistance to Promote the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wilder Appreciation of International Law;促进国际法教学、研究、传播和广泛了解技术援助特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Balkans;巴尔干问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization;联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Distribution of the Funds Released as a Result of the Reduction of Military Budget;裁减军事预算所节省款项分配问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Financial Situation of the United Nations;联合国财政情况特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Participation of Developing Countries;发展中国家参与活动特别委员会;; Special Committee on the policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa;南非共和国政府种族隔离政策问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary;匈牙利问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression;侵略定义问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Rationalization of the Procedures and Organization of the General Assembly;大会程序和组织合理化问题特别委员会;; Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特 别委员会;; Special Committee on the World Disarmament Conference;世界裁军会议问题特别委员会;; Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories;调查以色列侵害占领区居民人权的行为特别 委员会;; Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs in the Occupied Territories;调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他 阿拉伯人人权的行为特别委员会;; Special Committee to Monitor Compliance with the Trade Embargo on Haiti;监测对海地贸易禁运遵守情况特别委员会美洲国家组织设立;;美洲国家组织设立 Special Committee to Select the Winners of the United Nations Human Rights Prize;联合国人权奖得奖人特别遴选委员会;; Special Committee to Study the Formulation of New Measures of Economic Cooperation;研究拟订经济合作新措施特别委员会经合新措施特委会;CECE;经合新措施特委会 Special Commonwealth Fund for Mozambique;英联邦援助莫桑比克特别基金;; special conference;专题会议;; Special Conference of African Ministers of Maritime Transport;非洲海运部长特别会议;; Special Conference of Representatives of Colonial Peoples;殖民地人民代表特别会议;; Special Consolidated United Nations Inter-Agency Appeal for Kenya;关于肯尼亚的联合国机构间特别联合呼吁;; Special Consultant;特别顾问;; Special Consultation Committee on Security;安全问题协商特别委员会安全协商特委会;CECS;安全协商特委会 Special Consultation on Volunteer Participation in Working with the Urban Poor;自愿参与城市贫民工作问题特别协商会;; Special Consultative committee on Security;安全问题特别协商委员会;SCCS; special container;特种容器;; special contribution;特别捐款;; Special Coordination for Africa and IDSs;非洲和最不发达国家特别协商员;; Special Coordinator;特别协调员;; Special Coordinator for Africa and the Least Developed Countries;非洲和最不发达国家事务特别协调员;; Special Coordinator for Economic and Social Development;经济和社会发展特别协调员;; Special Coordinator for Emergency Relief Operations in the Sudan;苏丹紧急救灾行动特别协调员;; Special Coordinator for Financial Institutions;金融机构特别协调员;; Special Coordinator for Operational Activities;业务活动特别协调员;; Special Coordinator for Relations with Financial Institution;金融机构关系特别协调员;; Special Coordinator of Emergency Operations;紧急行动特别协调员;; Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Emergency and Relief Operations in the Sudan;负责苏丹紧急和救灾行动的秘书长特别协调员;; special cost-sharing payment;特别分摊费用;; Special Counsellor;特别顾问; 特别参事;; special courier;特别信使;; Special courses;专门科目; 专门课程;; Special Court of National Security;国家安全特别法庭;; Special days;特别节;; to make China's economy more competitive on the world market; to make China a more active economic player in the world;使中国经济走向世界;; Special declaration on Angola;安哥拉问题特别宣言;; Special declaration on Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那问题特别宣言;; Special Declaration on Namibia;关于纳米比亚问题的特别宣言;; Special Development and Enforcement Plan;发展和执法特别计划;; Special Development Unit for Opium Growing Areas;鸦片种植地区特别发展小组;; special drawing rights;特别提款权;SDR; special economic and disaster relief assistance;特别经济和救灾援助;; Special economic assistance programme of the United Nations;联合国特别经济援助方案;SPEAP; Special economic assistance to Chad;向乍得提供特别经济援助;; Special Economic Unit;特别经济股;; special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance;特别经济、人道主义和救灾援助;; special education;特殊教育;; special education grant;特别教育补助金;; Special Electoral Council;特别选举委员会;; Special Emergency Assistance Fund for Drought and Famine in Africa;非洲干旱饥荒特别紧急援助基金;; Special Emergency Life Food Programme;特别紧急基本粮食方案;SELF; Special Emergency Programme for Humanitarian Affairs;人道主义事务特别紧急方案;; Special Emergency Programme for Iraq;伊拉克特别应急方案;SEP-IRQ; Special Emergency Programme for the Horn of Africa;非洲之角特别紧急方案非洲之角方案;SEPHA;非洲之角方案 Special Emergency Unit;特别紧急事件股;; special endorsement;记名背书;; special enforcement unit;特种执法部队;RENEA; special envoy;特使;; Special Envoy for Haiti;海地问题特使;; Special Envoy for Tajikistan;塔吉克斯坦问题特使;; Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa;中部非洲大湖区问题特使;; Special Envoy of the High Commissioner for the Rwanda/Burundi Operation;难民事务高级专员卢旺达/布隆迪行动特使;; Special Envoy of the Mission Coordinator;特派团协调员特使;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Georgia;秘书长格鲁吉亚问题特使;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Guatemalan Peace Process;秘书长危地马拉和平进程特使;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and of the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States;联合国秘书长和美洲国家组织秘书长特使;; special equipment;特种装备;; Special European Council of the European Community;欧洲共同体欧洲理事会特别会议;; Special Events and New Initiatives;特别活动和新倡议;SNEI; Special Events Assistant;特别活动助理;; Special Events Headquarters Advisory Committee;特别活动总部咨询委员会;SEHAC; Special Events Section;特别活动科;; Special Events Unit;特别活动股;; Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Haiti, Indonesia and the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade;海地、印度尼西亚政府与关税及贸易总协定各缔约国间的特别交换协定;; Special expenses;特别费;; special facilities;特设专用资金;; Special Facilities for Africa;非洲特别贷款业务;; Special facility for compensatory financing of export fluctuations;出口波动补偿筹资特别办法;; Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa;撒南非洲特别贷款业务;SFA; Special Fellow;特别研究员;; special field mission;外地特派团;; special financial facility;特别财务机构;; special financial year;特别财政年度;; Special Financing Modality for Environmental Projects;环境项目特别筹资方式;; Special Foreign Policy Statement on Peace and Unification;和平统一外交政策的特别宣言;; Special Fund SF;特别基金;SF; Special Fund Account;特别基金帐户;; Special Fund Component;特别基金部分;; Special Fund for Africa;非洲特别基金;; Special Fund for Agricultural Development in Americas;美洲农业发展特别基金;; Special Fund for Climate and Atmospheric Environmental Studies;气候和大气环境研究特别基金;; Special Fund for Feasibility Studies;可行性研究特别基金;; Special Fund for Francophone Countries in Africa;援助非洲法语国家特别基金;; Special Fund for Health in Africa;非洲卫生特别基金;SEHA; Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries;内陆发展中国家特别基金;; Special Fund for Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家特别基金;; Special Fund for the Liberation of Africa;非洲解放特别基金;; Special Fund of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries;石油输出国组织特别基金;; Special Fund Operations Section;特别基金业务科;; Special Fund to Combat Racism;反对种族主义特别基金;; Special Fund-raising Events and New Initiatives Section;特别筹款活动和新倡议科筹款科;SENI;筹款科 Special Group on Kosovo;科索沃问题特别小组;; special groups;特殊群体;; special hardship assistance;特别困苦救助;; Special High-Level Council;高级别特别理事会;; Special High-level Council for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction;国际减少自然灾害十年高级别特别理事会 减灾十年特委会;IDNDR;减灾十年特委会 Special High-Level Meeting of the Economic and Social Council in 1991;1991年经济及社会理事会高级别特别会议;; Special Humanitarian Assistance Programme for Somalia;向索马里提供特别人道主义援助方案;; to bring China's economy more in line with international practice;使中国经济与国际接轨;; to achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life;实现小康目标;; Special Implementation Project;特别执行项目;; special index for pensioners;养恤金领取人特别指数;; Special Industrial Services;特别工业服务;SIS; Special Industrial Services Fund;特别工业服务;; Special Industrial Services Programme;特别工业服务方案;SIS Prpgramm; Special Industrial Services Section;特别工业服务科;; Special Industrial Services Trust Fund;特别工业服务信托基金;; Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine;巴勒斯坦问题特别新闻方案;; Special Initiative of the United Nations System in Support of Africa;联合国系统援助非洲特别倡议;; Special Initiative of the United Nations System on Africa;联合国系统关于非洲的特别倡议;; Special Inter-Departmental Selection Committee;部门间特别甄选委员会;SISCO; Special Inter-Sessional Committee;闭会期间特别委员会;; Special interest agreement;特别关系协定;; special interlinkage;特别联系;; special interlinkage in;彼此建立特别关系;; Special International Conference;特别国际会议;; special internes;特别见习员;; Special Intersessional Committee;闭会期间特别委员会;; Special Investigation Team;特别调查队;SIT; Special Islamic Programme for Literacy and Basic Training in Islamic Countries and Communities;伊斯兰国家和社区扫盲和基础训练伊斯兰特别方案;; special leave;特别假;; special leave with full pay;全薪特别假;; Special Libraries Association;专业门图书馆协会;; special licence;特别执照; 特别许可证;; special measure for least-developed, land-locked and island developing countries;援助发展中最不发达国家、内陆国和岛屿国家的特别措施;; social activities;社会生活;; crony economy;裙带经济;; Special Measure Fund for the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家特别措施基金;SMF/LDC; Special Measures and Activities Division;特别措施和活动司;SMA; Special Measures Fund;特别措施基金;SMF; Special Measures Fund for the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家特别措施基金;SMF/LDC; special measures funds;特别措施基金;SMF; Special measures in favour of the least developed among the developing countries;有利于最不发达的发展中国家的特别措施;; Special Measures Law for National Security and Defence;国家安全防务特别措施法;; Special Meeting of African Ministers Responsible for Human Settlements;非洲主管人类住区部长特别会议;; Special Meeting of Experts on Industrial Cooperation;工业合作问题专家特别会议;; Special Meeting of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Regional Security;关于区域安全的东盟高级官员特别会议;; Special Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government;政府首脑会议特别会议;; Special Meeting on Assistance to Bangladesh;援助孟加拉国特别会议;; Special Meeting on the Needs of Children in Africa;非洲儿童需要问题特别会议;; Special Meeting on the Situation of Children and Youth in Latin America;拉丁美洲儿童青年状况问题特别会议;; Special meetings and conferences;特别会议;; Special Meeting in Observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;纪念消除种族歧视国际日特别会议;; Special Minister of State;特别国务部长;; special ministerial conferences;特别部长会议;; Special Ministerial Meeting of the Bureau of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;伊斯兰外交部长会议主席团部长级特别会议;; Special Ministerial Meeting of the Committee of Ministers;部长委员会特别部长级会议;; Special Ministerial Meeting of the European Political Cooperation;欧洲政治合作特别部长级会议;; special mission assignment;特派团外派;; Special Missions;特派团;SISSION; principal sector of the economy; the mainstay of the economy;主体经济;; special narcotics interdiction task force;禁毒特遣队;; Special New Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries in the 1980s;支援最不发达国家的八十年代新的实质性行动纲领;SNPA; Special NGO Committee on Disarmament;非政府组织裁军特别委员会;; Special International NGO Committee on Human Rights;非政府组织人权特别国际委员会;; Special Non-Governmental Organization Committee on Disarmament;非政府组织裁军特别委员会;; special non-statistical data file system;非统计数据特别档案系统;; Special Nuclear Fund;特别核基金;; Special OAU Committee on Namibia;非统组织纳米比亚问题特别委员会;; Special Observations;特别庆典;; Special Olympic World Games;特别奥林匹克世界运动会;; Special Olympics International;国际特别奥运;; Special Panel of Adjudicators;特别仲裁人小组;; Special Pardons Commission;特别赦免委员会;; Special Participants' Meeting of the Global Environment Facility;全球环境基金特别参加者会议;; special pay systems;特殊薪资制度;; special peace-keeping start-up fund;维持和平行动开办费特别基金;; Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America;中美洲经济合作特别计划中美经合计划;PEC;中美经合计划 Special Police;特别警察;; Special Political Affairs;特别政治事务特政;SPA;特政 Special Political and Decolonization Committee Fourth Committee;特别政治和非殖民化委员会第四委员会;;第四委员会 Special Political Committee;特别政治委员会;; Special Political Questions, Regional Cooperation, Decolonization and Trusteeship, Department;特政、区域合作、非殖民化托管部 特政、区合、非殖民化托管部;SPQRCDT;特政、区合、非殖民化托管部 special population grants;特别人口补助金;; special population group;特殊人口群组;; special population programmes;特别人口方案;; special post allowance;特别职位津贴特职津贴;SPA;特职津贴 special postage stamps;特别邮票;; special preferences;特别优惠;; Special Privatization and Restructuring Programme;私有化和结构调整特别方案;; Special Procedures Branch;特别程序处;; Special Procedures Section;特别程序科;; special programme audit examination;特别方案审计检查;; Special Programme for Africa;非洲特别方案;SPA; Special Programme for African Agricultural Research;非洲农业研究特别方案非洲农研方案;SPAAR;非洲农研方案 Special Programme for Economic Cooperation in Central America;中美洲经济合作特别方案;PEC; Special Programme for Industrial Development in the Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家工业发展特别方案;; Special Programme for Management and Related Institution-building;管理发展和有关体制建设特别方案;MDP; Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases;热带病研究和训练特别方案 热带病研训方案;TDR;热带病研训方案 Special Programme for Research on Ageing;老龄问题特别研究方案;; Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification;受干旱和荒漠化影响的撒南非洲国家特别方案;SPA; Special Programme for the Countries Most Affected by the Gulf Crisis;援助受海湾晰影响最严重国家特别方案;SPGC; Special Programme for the Industrial Development of Asia and the Pacific;亚洲和太平洋工业发展特别方案;; Special Programme for the Least Developed, Developing Land-locked, and Developing Countries;最不发达国家、发展中内陆国家和发展中岛 屿国家特别方案;; Special Programme in Human Reproduction Research;人类生殖研究特别方案;; Special Programme of Action for Improvement of the Food Situation and Rehabilitation of Agriculture in Africa;改善非洲粮食状况和重建非洲农业特别行动 方案;; Special Programme of Africa;非洲特别方案;SPA; Special Programme of Assistance for Africa;向非洲提供特别援助方案;SPA; Special Programme of Assistance for the Low-income Debt-distressed Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa;向撒南非洲低收入被债务困扰的国家提供特 别援助方案;; Special Programme of Assistance for the Low-income heavily indebted African Countries;向低收入债务沉重的非洲国家提供特别援助 方案;; Special Programme of Assistance to Countries Most Affected by the Gulf Crisis;援助受海湾晰影响最严重国家特别方案;SPGC; Special Programme of Assistance to the Sudan;援助苏丹特别方案;; Special Programme of Cooperation for Central America;中美洲特别合作方案;; Special Programme of Economic Assistance;特别经济援助方案;; Special Programme of Economic Assistance to Central America;中美洲特别经济援助方案;; Special Programme of Emergency Relief Assistance in Africa;非洲紧急救济援助特别方案;; Special Programme of Informatics for Development;信息学促进发展特别方案 信息学促进发展方案〕;SPINDE; Special Programme of Limited Assistance to Returnees in Ethiopia;向埃塞俄比亚境内的回返者提供有限援助特别方案;; Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction;人类生殖研究、发展和研究训练特别方案;; Special Programme on AIDS;艾滋病特别方案;; Special Programme on Food Production in Support of Food Security in Low-income Food-deficit countries;支援低收入缺粮国家粮食安全的粮食生产特别方案;; Special Programme on Insurance;保险问题特别方案;; Special Programme on Trade Expansion and Economic Integration among Developing Countries [UNCTAD];发展中国家间扩展和经济一体化特别方案;; Special Programmes, Inter-agency and Inter-organizational Affairs Unit;特别方案、机构间及组织间事务股;; Special Programming Mission;特别规划考察团;SPM; Special Project Development Facility;特别项目发展业务;; Special Project of Assistance to the Angolan Elections;向安哥拉选举提供援助特别项目;; the real economy;实体经济;; check and supervision;制约;; Special Project Preparation Facility;特别项目拟定贷款业务;SPPF; Special Projects Section;特别项目科;; Special Projects Unit;特别项目股;; Special Projects' Implementation Review Exercise;特别项目执行审查工作;SPIRE; Special Prosecutor's Office;特别检察院;; Special Protein Fund;蛋白质问题特设基金;; Special protocol;特别议定书;; Special Protocol concerning Statelessness;关于无国籍的特别议定书;; special provisions;特别规定;; special purpose;专用;; special purpose audit reports;专用审计报告;; Special Purpose Contributions;特殊用途捐款;; Special Purpose Grants;特别用途补助金;SPG; Special Purpose Grants Fund;特别用途补助金基金;; Special Purpose Trust Fund;特别用途信托基金;; Special Purpose Trust Fund for the Provision of Junior Professional Officers;雇佣初级专业人员特别用途信托基金;; Special Rapporteur;特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur for the Sudan;苏丹问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur for Yugoslavia of the Commission on Human Rights;人权委员会南斯拉夫问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Apartheid;种族隔离问题特别报告员;; special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;当代各种形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心 理和有关不容忍行为特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Disability;残疾问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on discrimination against HIV-infected people or people with AIDS;歧视艾滋病毒感染者或艾滋病患者问题特别 报 告员;; Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Execution;法外处决、即决处决或任意处决问题特别报 告员;; Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment;人权和环境问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Youth;人权和青年问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫人权问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on new communications;新来文特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Population Transfers;人口迁移问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Promoting the Realization of the Right to Adequate Housing;促进实现取得充足住房权利特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Racial Discrimination;种族歧视问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance;宗教不容忍问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Rwanda;卢旺达问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on States of Emergency;紧急状态特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on the Adverse Consequences on the Enjoyment of Human Rights of Political, Military, Economic and other Forms of Assistance given to the Racist and Colonialist Regime of South Africa;向南非种族主义和殖民主义政权提供政治、军 事、经济和其他形式援助对享受人权所造成的负面影响特别报告员;; special rapporteur on the effects of illicit movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products on the enjoyment of human rights;非法移动和倾弃有毒和危险产品对享受人权的 影响问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on the Implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities;残疾人机会均等标准规则执行情况特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on the question of the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of people to self-determination;利用雇佣军作为手段侵犯人权并阻止人民行使自决权利问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on the sale of Children, child prostitution and child pornography;买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品特别报 告员;; Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Kuwait under Iraqi occupation;伊拉克占领下科威特境内人权情况特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫境内人权情况特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Torture;酷刑问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children;影响妇幼健康传统习俗问题特别报告员;; special rapporteur on violence against women;对妇女的暴力行为问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences;对妇女的暴力行为及其因果问题特别报告员;; Special rate program of the United States Government;美国政府的特别薪金方案;; Special reference to the Tribunal;向法案特别提交;; special regime for the least developed countries;最不发达国家的特别制度;; Special Regime Industrial;适用特别税则的工业;; Special Rehabilitation Mission to Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂复兴特派团;; Special Relief Programme for Angola;安哥拉特别救济方案 特别救济方案;SRPA;特别救济方案 special report;特别报告; 专题报告;; Special reporter;特别报告员;; Special Reports of the Special Committee against Apartheid;反对种族隔离特别委员会的特别报告;; Special Representation of the Secretary-General for Public Affairs;负责公共事务的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative;特别代表;; special representative of the Administering Authority of Trust Territory;托管领土管理当局特别代表;; Special Representative Adviser;特别代表顾问;; Special Representative for Human Rights in Cambodia;柬埔寨人权事务特别代表;; Special Representative for Humanitarian Assistance to the Kampuchean People;负责向柬埔寨人民人道主义援助的特别代表;; Special Representative for South Africa;南非问题特别代表;; Special Representative for Sports;体育运动特别代表;; Special Representative for the Children of the Himalayas;喜马拉雅山脉儿童问题特别代表;; Special Representative for the Film Arts;电影艺术特别代表;; Special Representative for the former Yugoslavia and Chief of Mission of UNPROFOR;前南斯拉夫问题特别代表兼联保部队特派团 团长;; Special Representative for the International Year of Child;国际儿童年特别代表;; Special Representative for the Performing Arts;表演艺术特别代表;; Special Representative for the Promotion of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;负责推动联合国残疾人十年的特别代表;; Special Representative for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;黎巴嫩重建和发展特别代表;; Special Representative of the Commission of Human Rights;人权委员会特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti;负责海地问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina;秘书长特别代表兼联合国波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那行动协调员;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Lebanon Beirut;秘书长特别代表兼联合国开发计划署驻黎巴 嫩 贝鲁特驻地代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Angola;负责安哥拉问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Burundi;负责布隆迪问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cambodia;负责柬埔寨问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Coordination of Cambodian Humanitarian Assistance Programmes;负责协调柬埔寨人道主义援助方案的秘书长 特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Coordination of the Kampuchean Humanitarian Assistance Programmes;负责协调柬埔寨人道主义援助方案的秘书长 特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Emergency and Relief Operations the Sudan;负责苏丹紧急和救灾行动的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Emergency Operations;负责应急行动的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs in South-East Asia;负责东南亚人道主义事务的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance to Cambodia;负责向柬埔寨提供人道主义援助的秘书长特 别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance to the Kampuchean People;负责向柬埔寨人民提供人道主义援助的秘书 长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Namibia;负责纳米比亚问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia;负责索马里问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Africa;负责南非问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Act of Free Choice West Irian;负责西伊里安自由选择行动的秘书长特别代 表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Emergency in Bangladesh;负责处理孟加拉国紧急情况的秘书长特别代 表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Emergency in Northern Iran;负责处理伊朗北部紧急情况的秘书长特别代 表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the International Year of the Child;负责国际儿童年的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Promotion of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;负责推动联合国残疾人十年的秘书长特别代 表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;负责黎巴嫩重建和发展的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara;负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Somalia;秘书长驻索马里特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the Middle East;秘书长驻中东特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons;负责国内流离失所者问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Liberia;秘书长派驻利比里亚特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Namibia;秘书长派驻纳米比亚特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Middle East;秘书长派驻中东特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the multilateral negotiations of the Middle East peace talks;出席中东和平会谈多边谈判的秘书长特别代 表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Third United Nations Conference on the Laws of the Sea;出席联合国海洋法第三次会议的秘书长特别 代表;; special reserve account;特别筹备帐户;; Special Resources for Sub-Saharan Africa;撒南非洲特别资源;SRS; special revaluation reserve;特别重估价准备;; Special Revolutionary Court;特别革命法庭;; Special Sahelian Office;萨赫勒特别办事处;; Special Sectoral Source;特别部门资料源;; Special Select Committee;特别专题委员会;; special session;特别会议特别开庭;; Special Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee on Environment and Development;亚非法律协商委员会关于环境与发展的特别 会议;; Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament;专门讨论裁军问题的第 届大会特别会议;; Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to International Economic Cooperation, in Particular to the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development in the Developing Countries;专门讨论国际经济合作特别是恢复发展中国 家经济增长和发展的第 届大会特别会议;; Special session of the General Assembly on apartheid and its destructive consequences in Southern Africa;关于种族隔离及其对南部非洲破坏性影响的 大会特别会议;; Special Session of the General Assembly on Namibia;关于纳米比亚问题的大会特别会议;; Special Session of the General Assembly on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa;专门讨论非洲危急经济情况的大会特别会议;; jobless migrants from rural areas to cities; influx from the countryside;盲流和倒流人员;; jerry-built projects;豆腐渣工程;; Special Session of the General Assembly to consider the question of international cooperation against illicit production, supply, demand, trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs, with a view to expanding the;关于世界毒品问题的联合国大会第二十届 特别会议;; Special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the critical economic situation in Africa;专门讨论非洲危急经济情况的第届联合国大 会特别会议;; Special Session on a World Summit for Children;关于世界儿童问题首脑会议的第 届联合国 大会特别会议;; Special Sessional Committee;特别会期委员会;; special software package for water resources information and documentation systems;水资源信息和文件系统专项软件包;MICRO/ISIS; Special Solidarity and Support Fund for Namibia;团结支援纳米比亚特别基金;; Special Statement Regarding Foreign Policy for Peace and Unification;关于和平统一外交政策的特别宣言;; special student benefits;特别学生津贴;; Special Studies Unit;特别研究股;; Special study;专题研究; 专门研究;; Special subsidiary organs;特设附属机构;; special supplement;特别增刊;; special survey questionnaire;特别调查问题单;; Special Symposium on the Future of the Welfare State;福利国家前途特别专题讨论会;; special tariff tickets;特价机票;; special tasks;特别任务;; Special Technical Adviser;特别技术顾问;STA; Special Technical Committee on Relief Needs after the Termination of UNRRA;特设联总结束后救济需要问题技术委员会;; Special Trade Commission;特别贸易委员会;; Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971;1971年特种贸易客船协定;; Special Transport Service;特别运输股;; Special Trust Fund for Economic Planning and Projections;经济规划和预测特别信托基金;; special trust fund programmes;特别信托基金方案;; Special UNDP Drought Operation for the Sudan;开发计划署苏丹抗旱特别行动 苏丹抗旱特别行动;SUNDOS;苏丹抗旱特别行动 Special Unit;特别事务股;; Special Unit for Iraq;伊拉克事务特别股;SUI; Special Unit for Iraq, UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs;联合国人道主义事务部伊拉克事务特别股;; Special Unit for TCDC;技合特别股;SU TCDC; Special Unit for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作特别股 技合特别股;SU/TCDC;技合特别股 special Unit for Women, Population and Development;妇女、人口和发展特别股;; Special Unit on Apartheid;种族隔离问题特别股;; Special Unit on Palestinian Rights;巴勒斯坦人民权利特别工作股;; Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development;联合国经济发展特别基金经发基金;SUNFED;经发基金 Special Units A5;A5 特种队;; special Verification Commission;特别核查委员会;SVC; special Voluntary Fund;特别志愿人员基金;SVF; Special Voluntary Fund for Developing Countries Participation;发展中国家参与问题特别自愿基金;; Special Voluntary Fund for Supporting Developing Countries Affected by Desertification and Drought, in particular Least Developed Countries, to Participate in the Negotiation Process on the International Convention to Combat;支助遭受荒漠化和旱灾的发展中国家, 特别是 最不发达国家,参加关于防治荒漠化公约谈判 过程的特别自愿基金;; Special Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Volunteers;联合国志愿人员特别自愿基金;; Special Voluntary Fund to support the participation of developing countries affected by drought and desertification, particularly the least developed countries;支助遭受干旱和荒漠化影响的发展中国家特别是最不发达国家参加的特别志愿基金;; Special Voluntary Fund to Support the Participation of Development Countries;支助发展中国家参与的特别自愿基金;; Special Voluntary Programme for Technical Cooperation;技术合作特别自愿方案;; special weeks;特别周;; Special Working Group;特别工作组;SWG; Special Working Group of Experts established under resolution 6 XXV of the Commission on Human Rights;人权委员会第 6XXV号决议所设特别专家工作组;; Special Working Group of Experts to investigate allegations concerning Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War in the territories occupied by Israel as a;调查所称以色列在中东敌对行为造成以色列 占领区内违反1949年8月12日战时堡平民日内 公约特别专家工作小组;; Special Working Group on the Activities of the Economic Commission for Europe;欧洲经济委员会活动特别工作组;; Special Working Group on Traditional Practices;传统做法问题特别工作组;; Special Working Party;特别工作小组;; Special-purpose Grants Fund;特别用途补助金基金;; special-purpose report;专用报告; 特别报告;; special-purpose trust funds;特别用途信托基金;STF; specialist attaches;专门随员;; Specialist Services Division;专家事务司;SSD; Specialist Study Team;专门调查队;; speciality;特殊产品;; speciality chemical;特殊化学品;; specialized agencies;专门机构;; Specialized agencies and ACC section;专门机构和行政协调会事务科;; specialized agency;专门机构;; specialized agency status;专门机构地位;; specialized aquatic flora;特产水生植物;; Specialized Boards of Examiners;专门考试委员会;; Specialized Conference;专题会议; 专门会议;; Specialized Conference for the Negotiation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change;谈判气候变化框架公约的专题会议;; Specialized Conference of the Caribbean Countries on Problems of the Sea;加勒比海国家海洋问题专门会议;; Specialized Conference on Drug Trafficking;毒品贩运专题会议;; Specialized Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to Latin America;科学技术应用于拉丁美洲发展专业会议;CACTAL; Specialized Control Service;特别管制处;; specialized data bases;专业数据库;; specialized education;专业教育;; specialized hospital;专科医院;; specialized officials;专门官员;; specialized packing;专用填料;; specialized, deliberative body;专门审议机构;; specially reserved area;特别保留区;SRA; Specialties;兵科 [专长];; specie par;铸币平价;; specie point payment, reserve;硬币输送点 支付,准备;;支付,准备 specie reserve;朱笔3准备;; species;物种; 种; 类; 核素; 原子团鱼品种;; species abundance;物种丰度;; species assemblage;鱼种组合;; species distribution area;物种分布地区;; species of living marine resources;各种海洋生物资源;; species-rich biomes;物种丰富的生物群落;; species-specific reference points;特定鱼种参考点;; specific absorbed dose;吸收剂量比值;; specific absorption rate;吸收速率比值;SAR; specific approach;具体方法;; specific assembly;专用装配线;; specific authority;具体权利;; specific chemicals;特定化学品;; specific development;具体的事态发展;; specific discharge of a basin;受水地区的单位面积流量; 比流量;; specific duty;从量税;; specific funds;特定款项;; specific identification method;个别鉴定法;; specific industries;特种工业;; specific matters;具体问题;; specific measures;具体措施;; Specific measures in favour of island developing countries;有利于发展中岛屿国家的具体措施;; specific modulus;特定模数;; specific population groups;特定人口群体;; specific powers tasks;特定权力 任务;;任务 Specific Programme of Measures and Activities;措施和活动特别方案;; specific response plan;特殊应急计划;; specific source;特殊污染源; 特定污染源;; specific tax on a service;服务从量税;; specific tensile strength;特定抗拉强度;; specific weight;比重;; specific-purpose contributions;特定用途捐款;; specifically designated cantonment areas;指定营地;; specification;技术规格; 说明;; specification of performance;性能说明;; specification standard or design specifications;规格标准或设计标准;;或设计标准 specifications;规格;; specifications of a car;汽车的性能规格;; specified domicile;指定住所;; Specified reservations;特定保留;; specified time-limits;规定的时限;; specilized jurisdiction zone;特别管辖地带;; specilized paper;专门考试试卷;; Specilized Training in Agriculture Development;农业发展专业培训;; specimen of draft;汇票样本;; spectral absorption;光谱吸收;; spectral band;光谱带;; spectral capacity of the geostationary orbit;地球静止轨道的光谱容量;; spectral irradiance;光谱辐照度;; spectral line;光谱线;; spectral measurement;光、频、分谱测方;; spectral pattern;光谱图;; spectral range;光谱范围;; spectral region;光谱区;; spectral resolution;光谱分辩力;; spectral signatures;光谱特征;; Spectre 15;光谱仪15号;; spectrometer;分光计;; spectrophotometer;分光光度计;; Spedale degli Innocenti [Florence, Italy];无依儿童收养院;; Spedimex Speditionsgesellschaft m.b.h. of Dusseldorf-Herrdt;杜塞尔多夫 - 赫尔特的斯佩迪梅克斯转运责任有限公司;; speech;口语;; speech community;口语区;; speech impaired;发声方面有缺陷的;; speed;斯皮德;; speedy trial;即速审判;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Middle East Talks;负责中东会谈的秘书长特别代表;; SPENALE, Georges;乔治·斯佩纳尔;; Spence and Pierce, Lda.;斯彭斯和皮尔斯有限公司;; SPENCER, Trevor;特雷弗·斯潘塞;; SPENDER, John Michael;约翰·迈克尔·斯彭德;; spent acid;废酸;; spent boosters;用完的助推器;; spent catalyst;废催化剂;; spent fuel;用过的核燃料; 燃烧过的燃料废燃料;; spent fuel discharge channel;废燃料排卸管道;; spent fuel pond;废燃料池;; spent fuel rod counter system;废燃料棒计数系统;; spent fuel rods;废燃料棒;; spent fuel storage regime;废燃料的储藏制度;; spent manoeuvring stages;用完的机动级;; sperm banking;精子库;; spermcides with microbicidal effects;具有杀菌作用的杀精剂;; spermicidal foam;杀精子泡沫剂;; spermicides with microbicidal effects;具有杀菌作用的杀精剂;; Sperry Corporation;斯佩里公司;; SPETH, James Gustave;詹姆斯·古斯塔夫·斯佩思;; sphere of competence of organizations;职权范围;; spheres of influence;势力范围;; spheres of vital interests;重要利益范围;; SPIERS, Ronald;罗纳德·施皮尔斯;; SPIES, James J.;詹姆斯·斯皮斯;; spikev.;加示踪剂;; spike [n.];示踪剂;; spill;溢出; 溢漏; 撒;; spill cleanup activities;溢漏污染物的清除活动;; spill clearance vessel;漏油清除船;; spill combating vessel;漏油清除船;; spill disposal contractor;溢漏处理承包人;; spill hazard;溢漏风险; 溢漏危险;; spill incident;溢漏事故;; spill response product;溢漏事故应急用品;; spill site;溢漏地; 溢漏事故现场;; spill technology;溢漏事故应急技术;; spill-over;外溢;; spill-over effect;外溢效应;; spillage;溢出; 溢漏; 撒; 溢出量;; spilling;溢出; 溢漏; 撒;; spillover mission;预防冲突蔓延特派团;; SPIN Conference;信息学会议;; SPIN II;第二次信息学会议;; spin scan cloud camera;自旋扫描摄云机;SSCC; spin-forming and flow-forming machines;旋压成形机床和滚压成形机床;; spin-off benefits;附带利益;; spiral structure of cloudiness in the occluded cyclone;锢囚气旋云星的螺旋结构;; spirit of renewed dedication to the United Nations and the principles embodied in its Charter;对联合国及其《宪章》所载原则愈益效忠的精神;; spiritual and cultural value;精神与文化价值;; spit;沙嘴;; splash;喷溅; 溅起; 溅泼; 飞溅;; SPLINO, Miroslav;米罗斯拉夫·斯普利诺;; Split;斯普利特;; split assessment;以两种货币分算摊款;; split carriage book-keeping machines;分台式记帐机;; split custody;分别监护权;; split labour market for women and men;男女分别对待的劳动力市场;; split order;分批定货; 均分定货;; split-currency system;两种货币分算法;; split-currency system of assessment;两种货币摊款法;; split-level method of assessment;两种货币分算摊款法;; splitting of a molecule;一个分子的分裂;; Sudanese People's Liberation Movement;苏丹人民解放运动 人运;SPLM;人运 SPM;悬浮微粒物质;SPM; spoilage;腐败; 损坏; 变坏;; spoiled ballot paper;污损票;; sponge;避孕海绵; 海绵塞;; sponsor;主办人主办单位; 提案国;; sponsor file;主办人档案;; sponsored personal;受助人员;; sponsoring country;保证国;; go into business;下海;; Sponsors' Group;发起者团体;; spontaneous combustion;自燃; 自发燃烧;; spontaneous settlements;自建住区;; spontaneously combustible;自燃物品;; sporadic appeals;零星呼吁;; Sport Aid Campaign;体育界援助运动;; Sport Federation of Islamic Solidarity Games;伊斯兰团结运动体育联合会;; Sport Fund of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union;亚洲-太平洋广播联盟体育基金会;; SPORTAID;体育界援助组织;; Sports Ambassador;体育大使;; Sports Comples Cite Sportive;综合运动场;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司