翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment;环境战略行动计划;; Strategic Planning and Review Department;战略规划和审查部;; Strategic Planning Committee;战略规划委员会;SPC; Strategic Planning Framework for the Senior Advisers on Environmental and Water Problems;环境和水问题高级顾问战略规划框架;; Strategic Planning Workshop;战略规划讲习班;; strategic programming countries;方案重点国家;SPCs; strategic relocatable target;战略可移目标;SRT; strategic reserves;战略储备;; Strategic Review;《战略评论》季刊;; Strategic stockpiling;战略囤储;; strategic structures;战略工事;; strategic thrust;战略方针; 战略方向; 战略重点;; strategic triad;战略三大件;; strategic weapons;战略武器;; Strategies and Methodologies of Training for Management Trainers;培训管理训练人员的战略和方法;; Strategies for children and development in the 1990s;1990年代儿童与发展战略;; Strategies for Confronting Domestic Violence: A Resource Manual;对付家庭暴力战略:参考手册;; Strategies for Revitalization, Recovery and Growth of Africa's Trade in the 1990s and Beyond;1990年代及其后非洲贸易复兴和增长战略;; Strategy and Management Committee;战略和管理委员会;SMC; Strategy Division;战略司;; Strategy for Arab Women in Western Asia to the Year 2000;到公元2000年西亚阿拉伯妇女战略;; strategy for direct confrontation;直接冲突战略;; Strategy for Drylands;干旱地区战略;; Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development;渔业管理和发展战略;; Strategy for Global Partnership;全球伙伴关系战略;; Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000;到2000年人人得享健康战略;; Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Children and Women in Developing Countries;改善发展中国家儿童和妇女营养的战略;; Strategy for Joint Arab Economic Development;阿拉伯经济联合发展战略;; Strategy for Maritime Training;海洋训练战略;; Strategy for Regional Cooperation in Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development;空间技术应用促进可持续发展区域合作战略;; strategy for survival and world integrated model;生存战略和世界综合模式;WIM; Strategy for Sustainability;可持续性战略;; Strategy for sustainable development;可持续发展战略;; Strategy for the integrated development of regional cooperation in Asia;亚洲区域合作统一发展战略;; Strategy for the Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector;妇女参与海事部门战略;; strategy for the period 19xx-19xx;19xx-19xx年期间战略;; Strategy of Assistance to Sub-Saharan Africa;援助撒哈拉以南非洲战略;; strategy of preparedness, prevention and solution;准备、预防和解决战略;; strategy of raw materials;原料战略;; strategy paper;战略文件;; Strategy Steering Committee;战略指导委员会;; Strategy Team;策略组;; Strategy to Counter South African Propaganda and Censorship: Canadian Action Plan;反击南非宣传和新闻检查的策略:加拿大行动计划;; Strategy Unit;策略股;; Strategy, Policy and Planning Office;战略、政策和规划办公室;SPPO; stratified charge engine;层状燃烧发动机; 分层燃烧发动机;; stratified sample;分层抽样;; stratigraphic correlation;地层对比;; stratigraphic hole;地层孔;; stratopause;平流层顶;; stratosphere;平流层;; Stratosphere - Troposphere Interactions and the biosphere;平流层-对流层的相互作用及生物圈 平对流层的相互作用;STIB;平对流层的相互作用 Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment;平流层气溶胶和气体实验;; stratospheric aerosol measurement device;平流层气溶胶测定装置;SAM; stratospheric chemistry;平流层化学;; stratospheric chlorine;平流层氯;; stratospheric dust load;平流层尘埃浓度;; stratospheric oscillation;平流层振荡;; stratospheric ozone;平流层臭氧;; stratospheric ozone loss;平流层臭氧损耗;; stratospheric ozone steady state;平流层臭氧稳态;; Stratospheric Sounding Unit;平流层探测单元;SSU; stratospheric warming alert message;平流层增温警戒信息;; STRAUSS, Howard J.;霍华德·斯特劳斯;; strawwalker_crank_shafts;逐稿器曲轴;; stray animals;迷失动物; 离群动物;; stray bullets;流弹;; stream;水流; 河流; 气流; 流;; stream flow;河道流量; 河川径流; 水流;; streamflow control;流量控制; 径流控制;; streamflow regime;水流情况; 水流状态;; streamflow regulation;流量调节; 径流调节;; streamlining;精简简化;; street children;流落街头儿童;; street children programme;街头儿童方案;; street drug user;一般吸毒者;; street educator;街头教育者;; street litter bin;街道垃圾箱; 街道垃圾桶;; street value;黑市零售价值; 街头价;; street vendors;街头小贩;; street violence;街头暴行;; Street,42nd Street;街, 四十二街;; strella surface-to-surface missiles;斯特雷拉式地对地导弹;; strength;强度; 力量; 能力; 浓度;; Strengthening and improving intergovernmental programming exercises for technical cooperation among developing countries;加强和改善发展中国家技术合作政府间协商 会议;; Strengthening Civil Aviation Ground Services;加强民航地勤;; strengthening of peace and security;加强和平安全;; Strengthening of Primary Health Care: Development of New Tools for Disease Prevention and control;加强初级保健:发展防治疾病的新工具;; strengthening of international cooperation in the field of human rights;加强人权领域的国际合作;; strengthening of international security;加强国际安全;; Strengthening of regional and international peace;加强区域和国际和平与安全;; Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region;加强地中海区域的安全和合作;; Strengthening of the Central American Monetary Stabilization Fund;加强中美洲货币稳定基金;; Strengthening technical cooperation among developing countries in food and agriculture;加强发展中国家间粮食和农业技术合作;; strengthening the capacity of the United Nations evaluation units and systems;加强联合国评价单位和评价系统的能力;; Strengthening the coordination of humanitarian emergency assistance of the United Nations;加强协调联合国人道主义紧急援助;; Strengthening the coordination of humanitarian emergency assistance of the United Nations;加强协调联合国人道主义紧急援助;; Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards System;加强保障制度的效力并提高其效益;; strengthening the licit drug control system;加强合法药物管制系统;; strengthening the work of the United Nations in integrating women effectively in economic development programmes and activities;加强联合国促进妇女切实参与经济发展方案和活动的工作;; Streptococcus pneumonia;肺炎链球菌;; STRESOV, Alexander;亚力山大·斯特雷佐夫;; stress;压力;; stress counselling;心理压力辅导;; stress of weather;天气恶劣;; stressful region;受到压力区域;; Stretched Rohnini Scientific Satellite;加长罗希尼科学卫星罗希尼卫星;SROSS-C;罗希尼卫星 STREZOV, Alexander;亚历山大·斯特雷佐夫;; strict and effective international control [disarmament, atomic energy];严格及有效的国际监督;; strict construction;严格解释; 狭义解释;; strict liability;严格赔偿责任;; strict nature reserves;严格执行的自然堡区; 严格意义的自然堡区;; stricto sensu;严格地说;; stricto seusu;狭义来说;; STRIDE;欧洲科学和技术促进区域革新和发展计划;STRIDE; strikes, riots and civil commotion;罢工、暴动、民变险;S.R.C.C.; strile needle;消毒针头;; stringent regulations;严厉的规则; 严格管理;; strip camera;连续胶带摄影机;; striped bass;斑鲈;; Striploin;腰肉条;; Strmen;斯特门;; STROESSNER, Alfredo;阿尔弗雷多·斯特罗斯纳;; STROHAL, Christian;克里斯蒂安·施特罗哈尔;; STROMHOLM, Sten;斯滕·斯特罗姆霍尔姆;; strong;有力的; 浓的; 深的; 烈性的; 稳固的; 显眼的; 强的;; strong compacting;压的非常紧密;; STRONG, Maurice F.;莫里斯·斯特朗;; strongyloidiasis;类园线虫病;; strontium;锶;; structural adjustment;结构调整;; Structural Adjustment Advisory Teams for Africa;非洲结构调整咨询队;SAATA; Structural Adjustment Facility;结构调整贷款;SAF; structural adjustment measures;结构调整措施;; structural adjustment Programmes;结构调整方案;SAPs; structural adjustments;结构调整;; structural change;结构改革;; structural discrimination;结构性歧视;; structural formula;化学结构式;; structural measures;结构性措施;; Structural Policy Framework;结构性政策框架;; structural unemployment;结构性失业;; structure;结构; 构造;; structure biology;结构生物学;; structure of imports and exports;进出口商品结构;; Structure of the State;国家结构;; structure unit;构件; 结构部件; 结构单位;; structured discussion of specific subjects on the adopted thematic approach;分阶段讨论了所采用的主题办法的具体问题;; structured interviews;分阶段采访;; Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology;结构化系统分析和设计法;SSADM; STRUGAR, Milos;米洛斯·斯特鲁加尔;; struggle against fascism and for democracy;反法西斯争民主的斗争;; STRULAK, Tadeusz;塔德乌斯·斯特鲁拉克;; STRYDOM, Barend;巴伦德·斯特赖多姆;; STUART, David Gordon;戴维·戈登·斯图尔特;; student attache;学习员;; student consul;随习领事;; Student Homeland Defence Corps;学生护国团;; Student Intern Programme;学生实习方案;; Student Leaflet;学生传单;; Student Movement for African Unity;争取非洲统一学生运动;; Student Office of Palestine Liberation Front;巴勒斯坦解放阵线学生办事处;; student refugees;学生难民;; Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry;学生拯救苏联犹太人组织;; Student Travel Association of Asia;亚洲学生旅游协会;STAA; Students for Exploration and Development of Space;研究空间探索与开发的学生空间学生;SEDS;空间学生 Students Representative Council;学生代表理事会;SRC; Studies and Expansion Society;研究和扩展学会;; Studies and Expansion Society - International Scientific Association;研究和扩展学会-国际科学协会研扩会;SEC;研扩会 Studies in the Integration of Social statistics: A Technical Report;社会统计一体化研究:技术报告;; Studio camera channels;演播室摄像设备;; Studio camera lenses;演播室摄像机镜头;; Studio camera mountings;演播室摄像机架;; Studio distribution equipment;演播室分布设备;; Study on the equality of access of girls and women to education in the context of rural development [UNESCO];在农村发展范围内少女和妇女平等教育机会的研究;; Study Abroad;《留学指南》;; Study and Evaluation of Technical Assistance in Bangladesh;研究和评价对孟加拉国的技术援助;; Study commission on United States Policy toward Southern Africa;美国对南部非洲政策研究委员会;; Study Conference;研讨会议;; Study Grant Programme;研究赠款方案;; Study group;研究小组;; Study Group on food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe;欧洲粮食和农业统计研究组;; Study Group on International Payments;国际支付问题研究组;; Study Group on Mechanization of Forest Work;森林工作机械化研究小组;; Study Group on Methods and Organization of Forest Work;森林工作方法和组织研究小组;; Study Group on Oilseeds, Oils and Fats;油籽油脂研究小组;; Study Group on progressive codification of international trade law;逐步编纂国际贸易法研究小组统法社;;统法社 Study Group on the Condition of Women;妇女情况研究小组;; Study Group on vocational Training and Prevention of Accidents in Forest Work;森林工作职业训练及事故防范研究小组;; study kit;研究资料袋;; Study of Financing the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification;防治荒漠化行动计划筹资研究;; Study of International Fisheries Research;国际渔业研究;SIFR; Study of the Capacity of the United Nations Development System;联合国发展系统能力研究;; Study of the Possibility of the Establishment of a New Jurisdictional and Procedural Mechanism or of the Extension of Mandates and Improvement of the Functioning of Existing Jurisdictional and Procedural Mechanisms;建立新的司法管辖和诉讼程序机制或扩大现有司法管辖和诉讼程序机制并改进其运作的可能研究;; Study of the right of everyone to be free from arbitrary arrests, detention and exile;人人有权不受无理逮捕拘禁及放逐的研究;; Study of the Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere;热带海洋和全球大气研究;; Study on All the Aspects of Regional disarmament;区域裁军的一切方面的研究;; Study on Charting the Potential Uses of Resources Allocated to Military Activities for Civilian Endeavours to Protect the Environment;关于将分配给军事活动的资源转用于民间堡环境努力的可能性的研究;; Study on Conventional Disarmament, the United Nations;联合国常规裁军研究报告;; Study on Deterrence;关于威慑的研究;; Study on International Fishery Research;国际渔业研究方案渔研方案;SIFR;渔研方案 Study on regional disarmament: Provisional Outline;关于区域裁军问题的研究:暂定大纲;; Study on tariffs and transmission facilities for press messages;关于新闻文电收费标准和传输设施的研究;; Study on the climatic and other global effects of nuclear war;关于核战争造成的气候影响和其他全球性影响的研究;; study on the climatic and potential physical effects of nuclear war, including nuclear winter;研究核战争的气候和潜在物质影响, 包括核冬天;; Study on the economic and social consequences of the arms race and military expenditures;军备竞赛和军事支出的经济和社会后果的研究;; study on the feasibility of an international university;创设国际大学之可行性研究;; Study on the interrelationship of the status of women and family planning;妇女地位和计划生育的相互关系的研究;; Study on the right of arrested persons to communicate with those whom it is necessary for them to consult in order to ensure their defence or to protect their essential interests;被捕人为确保辩护或堡其重大利益必须与其谘商者通讯之权利的研究;; Study on the role of the United Nations in the field of verification;研究联合国在审查领域的作用;; Study prepared by the Secretary-General on the effects of racial discrimination in the field of education, training and employment as it affects the children of minorities, in particular those of migrant worker;秘书长编写关于种族歧视在教育、培训和就业方面对少数民族子女、特别是对移民工人子女的影响的研究报告;; Study Series on Disarmament;《裁军研究丛刊》;; study team;研究组;; study tour;考察旅行; 研究旅行;; Study Tour on United Nations Political Sources;联合国政治来源研究旅行;; study visit;考察访问;; STULPNAGEL, Paul-Joachim von;保罗-约阿希姆·冯施蒂尔普纳格尔;; Stung Trang;斯栋德朗;; stunting;发育障碍; 短小症;; Stup;斯图普;; Stupni Do;斯图普尼多;; SU/TCDC;技合活动特别股;SU/TCDC; sua aponte;自愿自由;; sua quique utilitas;凡物各有其用;; SUANZES PARDO, Victor;维克托·苏安塞斯·帕尔多;; SUAREZ HERNANDEZ, Edmundo;埃德蒙多·苏亚雷斯·埃尔南德斯;; SUAREZ, Javier;哈维尔·苏亚雷斯;; SUAZO TOME, Javier;哈维尔·苏亚索·托梅;; SUAZO, Marco Antonio;马科·安东尼奥·苏阿索;; sub judice;待审;; sub rosa;秘密地; 暗中;; sub silentio;私下; 心中;; sub-tropical belt;副热带;; sub-tropics;副热带; 亚热带;; sub-account;子帐户;; sub-agreement;副协定;; sub-allotment;分拨款;; sub-amendment;补充修正案;; sub-area of activities;活动分部门;; sub-category;亚类;; sub-centre;次中心;; sub-clans;小部族;; sub-classification;细分类;; sub-colony;半殖民地;; subcommission;小组委员会;; Subcommission on Economic Development;经济发展小组委员会;; Subcommission on Employment and Economic Stability;就业和经济稳定小组委员会;; Subcommission on Freedom of Information and of the Press;新闻和报业自由小组委员会;; Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East;近东和中东非法贩运毒品及有关事项小组委 员会;; Subcommission on Narcotic Drugs;麻醉药品小组委员会;; Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities;防止歧视及堡少数小组委员会;; Subcommission on Reconstruction of Devastated Areas;战灾区域复兴小组委员会;; subcommission on refugees and displaced persons;难民和流离失所者问题小组委员会;; Subcommission on Statistical Sampling;统计抽样小组委员会;; Subcommission on the Question of Exploitation of Labour through Illicit and Clandestine Trafficking;非法秘密运送剥削劳工问题小组委员会;; Subcommission on the Status of Women;妇女地位小组委员会;; Subcommission on Traditional Practice;传统习俗小组委员会;; Subcommittee;小组委员会;; Subcommittee for Examination of the Report on Progress in Non-Self-Governing Territories;非自治领土进度报告审查小组委员会;; Subcommittee I;第一小组委员会;; Subcommittee of Permanent Members of the Security Council;安理会常任理事国小组委员会;; Subcommittee of the Disarmament Commission;裁军委员会小组委员会;; Subcommittee of the Whole on Governance and Relationships between the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Food Programme;联合国、联合国粮食及农业组织和世界粮食 计划署之间施政和关系问题全体小组委员会;; Subcommittee of the Whole on International Protection;国际堡问题全体小组委员会;; Subcommittee of the Whole on the International Protection of Refugees;国际堡难民问题全体小组委员会;; Subcommittee of the Whole on the Measures for the Prevention of International Terrorism;防止国际恐怖主义措施问题全体小组委员会;; Subcommittee of the Whole on the underlying causes of International Terrorism;国际恐怖主义基本原因问题全体小组委员会;; Subcommittee on a Treaty for the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests;停止核武器试验条约小组委员会;; Subcommittee on an Marine Science and its Application;海洋科学及其应用小组委员会;SCMSA; Subcommittee on Audio-Visual Material;视听材料小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Balance of Payments;收支平衡小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Bulk Chemicals;散装化学品小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Containers and Cargoes;集装箱和货物小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Decolonization and against Racism, Apartheid and Racial Discrimination;非殖民化及反对种族主义、种族隔离和种族歧视小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Developments in South Africa;南非事态发展小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Education and Training;教育和训练小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Electric Power;电力小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Energy Resources and Electric Power;能源和电力小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Fertilizers;肥料小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Fiji;斐济小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Fire Protection;防火小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Fund Raising;筹款小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Good Neighbourliness;睦邻关系小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Highways;公路小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Housing and Building Materials;住房和建筑材料小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Human Resources, Education and Training;人力资源、教育及训练问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Implementation of United Nations Resolutions and Collaboration with South Africa;联合国决议执行情况及与南非勾结问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Information on Apartheid;种族隔离情报小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Inland Water Transport;内陆水运小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Inland Waterways;内陆水道小组委员会;; Subcommittee on International Trade;国际贸易小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Iron and Steel;钢铁小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Life-Saving Appliances;救生设备小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Manpower;人力小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Marine Science and its Application;海洋科学及其应用小组委员会;SCMSA; Subcommittee on Metals and Engineering;金属及工程小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Mineral Resources;矿物资源小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Mineral Resources Development;矿物资源开发小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Nutrition;营养小组委员会;SCN; Subcommittee on Nutrition of the Administrative Committee on Coordination;行政协调委员会营养小组委员会 营养小组委员会;ACC-SCN;营养小组委员会 Subcommittee on Outer Space Activities;外层空间活动小组委员会;SOSA;外层空间小组委员会 Subcommittee on Petitions, Information and Assistance;请愿书、新闻和援助小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Population;人口问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations;国际组织特权和豁免小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Programme Matters, Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions;实质问题协商委员会方案事项小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Projects;项目小组委员会;SCP; Subcommittee on Protective Measures;堡措施分组委员会;; Subcommittee on Public Relation;公共关系小组委员会;; Sub-committee on Publication;出版小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Apartheid and Decolonization of the Special Committee of International Non-Governmental Organizations on Human Rights;国际非政府组织人权特别委员会种族主义、 种族歧视、种族隔离和非殖民化小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Radio Communications;无线电通信小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Rail Transport;铁路运输小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Railways;铁路小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Road Transport;公路运输小组委员会;; Sub-committee on Safety of Navigation;航行安全小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Science and Technology;科学和技术小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Small Territories;小领土问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Southern Africa;南部非洲问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Staff Training;工作人员培训小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Steel;钢小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods;危险货物运输问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Corfu Channel Incidents;科孚海峡事件小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Development Decade of the Administrative Committee on Coordination;行政协调委员会的发展十年小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Development of Cooperation with International Organizations;发展与国际组织的合作小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Implementation of United Nations Resolutions and Collaboration with South Africa;联合国决议执行情况及与南非勾结问题小组 委员会;; Subcommittee on the Implementation of United Nations Resolutions on South Africa;联合国关于南非的决议执行情况小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Questionnaire;问题单小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Revision of the Questionnaire Relating to Trust Territories;修订关于托管地调查表小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Timber;木材小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Tourism and Facilitation of International Traffic;旅游业和促进国际交通小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Trade of Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家贸易小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Water Resources Development;水资源开发小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Women in Development;妇女参与发展小组委员会;; sub-contract;分包合同;; Sub-contracting exchange centre;分包合同情报交换中心;; sub-contracting programme;合同分包方案;; sub-critical facilities;次临界装置;; sub-critical flow;亚临界流; 次临界流; 亚声速流;; sub-culture;次文化;; sub-custodians;分处保管人;; sub-delegation;警察分局;; sub-district;区;; sub-faction;部族;; sub-fund;分基金;; sub-group;分组;; Sub-Group on Common Premises and Services;共同房地和共同事务分组;; Sub-group on International Passenger Transport Services by Road;国际公路客运事务问题分组;; Sub-group on Logistics Planning;后勤规划分组;; Sub-group on Refrigerated Equipment for Road Transport;公路运输冷藏设备分组;; Sub-group on Standardization of Packaging and on Conditions of Transport;包装标准化及运输条件分组;; Sub-group on Women in Development;妇女参与发展分组;; sub-heading;小标题; 副标题;; sub-humid tropics;湿副热带; 湿亚热带;; sub-item;项目分项;; sub-lieutenant;中尉;; sub-machinegun;冲锋枪;; sub-national;国家一级以下的;; sub-network;支网;; sub-objects;支出用途分项;; sub-office;办事分处;; sub-paragraph;一般分段; 联合国宪章款; 条约项;; sub-polar latitudes;副极地纬度;; sub-population;分人口;; sub-professional personnel;半专业人员;; sub-project;次级项目;; Sub-regional Commission on Fisheries;渔业分区域委员会;SRCF; sub-regional integration;分区域一体化; 小地区一体化;; Sub-regional Ministerial Meeting for Central Africa;中部非洲分区域部长级会议;; Sub-regional Ministerial Meeting for Eastern and Southern Africa;东部和南部非洲分区域部长级会议;; sub-regional office;分区域办事处;; Sub-regional Workshop on Women, Rural Development and Decentralization Processes;妇女、农村发展和权力下放过程分区域讲 习班;; Sub-Saharan Africa;撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区撒南非洲;; Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Programme;撒南非洲运输方案;; Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth - A Long-Term Perspective Study;撒南非洲: 从晰走向可持续增长 - 长期远景研究;; sub-Saharan Africa; Africa south of the Sahara;撒南非洲;; sub-satellite experiments;星下实验;; sub-section;分款;; sub-soil assets;地下资产;; sub-superpower;次超级大国;; sub-system;分支体系;; sub-systems-financial;次系统财务;; sub-theme;次主题;; sub-topic;分专题;; sub-total;小计;; sub-tropical convergence zone;亚热带汇合区;STCZ; sub-trust-funds;次级信托基金;; sub-unit, element;[部门、单位]下级单位[组成待命部队 的]小单位分队;; Sub-Working Group on Biotechnology;生物技术工作分组;; sub-zone;分区;; subaerial;海面上的; 风成的; 陆上的;; subaretic convergency;亚热带辐聚;; subcoma;半休克;; Subcommission on Illicit Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East;近东和中东非法贩运及有关事项小组委员会;; Subcommission on the Prevention of Discriminations and the Protection of Minorities;防止歧视及堡少数小组委员会;; Subcommittee for the Implementation of United Nations Resolutions on South Africa;联合国关于南非问题决议执行情况小组委员会;; Subcommittee for the Protection and Development of Fisheries in the Sahelian Zone;堡和发展萨赫勒地带渔业小组委员会;; Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods;危险货物运输问题专家小组委员会;TDG Subcommittee; Subcommittee of the Whole on the Definition of International Terrorism;国际恐怖主义定义问题全体小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Africa;非洲事务小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Coordination in Matters of International Drug Abuse Control;国际药物滥用管制事项协调小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Demographic Estimates and Projections;人口估计和预测小组委员会;SCDEP; Subcommittee on Finances;财务小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Flag State Implementation;船旗国执行小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Humanitarian Affairs;人道主义事务小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Institutional, Procedural and Legal Matters;体制、程序和法律问题小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs;岛屿和国际事务小组委员会;; Subcommittee on International Rivers;国际河川小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Personnel and Training;人事和训练小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Rural Development;农村发展小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Small Territories, Petitions, Information and Assistance;小领土、请愿书、新闻和援助小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping;训练和监测标准小组委员会;; Subcommittee on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses;国际水道非航行使用法小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Trade and Environment;贸易和环境小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Water Resources;水资源问题小组委员会;; subcontracted services;分包合同服务;; subcontracting and partnership exchanges;分包和合伙业务交流所;SPXs\; subculture;亚文化群;; subdermal contraceptive implant;皮下植入避孕药管 诺普兰;NORPLANT;诺普兰 subdivide;细分;; Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act;农业土地划分法;; subfecundity;生育力不足;; subfraction;小分支;; Sub-group on Harmonization;统一问题分组;; Sub-group on Indicators;指标分组;; Sub-group on Macedonia;马其顿问题分组;; Sub-group on Personnel and Training;人事和训练分组;; Sub-group on Programming Policies and Procedures;方案编制政策和程序分组;; Sub-group on Structural Adjustment and Social Development;结构调整和社会发展问题分组;; Sub-group on Training;训练分组;; subjacent;在下的; 下层的;; subjacent waters;下方水域;; subject areas;问题领域;; subject matter competence;按标的物确定的管辖权;; subject of international law;国际法的主体;; subject only to the requirements of normal security;只需经过正常安全检查;; subject to;除须遵照按照...规定外; 除...的规定外; 以...为条件; 但...不在此限; 尚待...;;; subject to any contrary agreement by the parties;除当事各方有相反协议外,...;; subject to constitutional approval;须依宪法程序认可;; subject to its sovereignty;隶属其主权范围;; subject to ratification;须经批准;; subject to the authority of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina;接受波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那政府的管制;; subject to the provisions of this law, the parties can ...;当事各方可以在本法规定的限制下, 进行 ...;; subject to the same procedures;须依照同样程序办理;; subject-matter;标的物项; 主要内容;; subject-matter approach;专题法;; subject-matter jurisdiction;属事管辖权;; subject-matter of the dispute;争端事由;; subjugation;征服;; sublata causa, tollitur effectus;因除则果去;; subleasing;分租;; sublicensee;分领执照人;; subliminal dose;限下剂量; 最低有效剂量;; sublittoral zone;浅海带; 潮下带;; submarine;一种酷刑;;一种酷刑 submarine areas, cables, pipelines;海底地区; 电缆; 管线;;地区; 电缆; 管线 submarine cables;海底电缆;; submarine resources;海底资源;; submarine ridge;海脊; 海岭;; submarine telegraph cables;海底电报线;; submarine tender;潜艇补给舰;; submarine warfare;潜艇战;; submarine-launched ballistic missile;潜艇发射弹道导弹潜艇导弹;SLBM;潜艇导弹 submerged areas;淹没地区;; submerged land mass;淹没陆块;; submerged speed;潜航速率;; submersible electric pump;可置于水下的电泵;; submersible motor-driven pump;水下机动水泵;; submersible pumps;水下泵;; submersibles;潜水器;; submersion skimmer;浸没式撇油器; 浸没式浮游回收装置;; submicron particle;亚微米微粒; 亚微米粒子;; submission of financial statements;提出财务报表;;财务报表 Submission of Annual Reports and Communication of Significant Information Concerning Illicit Drug Traffic Cases;提交年度报告和有关非法贩运毒品案件的重 要资料;; submission of claims;报销提出清偿的要求;; submission of supplementary programme budget proposals;提出追加方案概算;; submission to the General Assembly;提交大会;; submit a draft resolution, to;提出决议草案;; submitting officer;负责拟稿的干事;; subnatant;下层清液;; subnational levels;国以下各级;; subnational statistics;国内分区统计数字;; subnetwork;小网络;; SUBOLMAR, J. RAGLMAR-;拉格尔马尔·苏博尔马尔;; suboptimal size;次最适大小;; subordinate officers;部属; 部下;; subordinate structure;辅助机构;; Subotica;苏博蒂察;; subparagraph b;b项;; subpoena ad testificandum;出庭作证的传票;; subpoena duces tecum;使携带证件到庭作证的传票;; subpolar high;副极地高压;; subprefecture;县;; subprofessional cadre;半专业干部;; subprogramme;次级方案;; subprogramme description;次级方案说明;; subprogramme level;次级方案级;; subprogramme narratives;次级方案说明;; Subprogramme on Operational Activities, Planning and Overall Coordination;关于业务活动、规划和全面协调的次级方案;; sub-region;分区域;; sub-regional agreement;分区协定;; Sub-regional Aquaculture Project for the Caribbean;加勒比分区域水产养殖项目;; sub-regional cooperation;分区合作;; sub-regional economic groupings;分区域经济集团;; Sub-regional Environment Group;分区域环境组;SREG; Sub-regional Environment Programme;分区域环境方案;; Sub-regional Institute for Statistics and Applied Economics;统计学和应用经济学分区域研究所 统计和经济学所;ISEA;统计和经济学所 Sub-regional Meeting on North Asia Regional Dialogue;关于北亚区域对话的分区域会议;; Sub-regional Meeting on the Promotion of Intra-African Industrial Cooperation;促进非洲内部工业合作分区域会议;; Sub-regional Multisectoral Institute for Applied Technology, Planning and Project Evaluation;分区域多部门应用技术、规划和项目评价研 究所 分区域多部门所;ISTA;分区域多部门所 Sub-regional Network on Prevention of Post-harvest Losses;防止收获后损失分区域网;; Sub-regional Office for Education for Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马分区域教育办事处;; sub-regional programme;分区域方案;; Sub-regional Programme for the Pacific;太平洋分区域方案;; sub-regional projects;分区域项目;; Sub-regional Tripartite Seminar on the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment in French-speaking African Countries;法语非洲国家促进平等机会和就业待遇问题 分区域三方讨论会;; subsatellite point on the equator;卫星下赤道点;; subscribed capital;认定资本;; subscription of shares;认购股票份;;份 Subscriptions;订阅;; subscriptions quotas;认定份额; 认缴份额;; Subsecretarias de Turismo y de Turismo Social;旅游和社会旅游处;; Subsecretariat of Industry;工业处;; subsection;分节;; subsector;分部门;; subsectoral programming approach;分部门方案制订法;; subsequent acceptance;事后予以接受;; subsequent confirmation;事后确认;; subsequent disposition of any costs not initially expensed;后来处理当初未作为用的成本;; subsequent expenditures related to an item of property;决算后同财产、厂房和设项目有关的出;; subsequent period;报帐后期间;; subsequent practice;事后所生...惯例;; subsequent treaty;后订条约;; subsidiaries and associated companies;附属公司和联号;; subsidiary company;附属公司子公司;; subsidiary account;辅助帐户;; subsidiary accounting records;补助会计记录明细帐户记录;; subsidiary agreement;附属协定; 补充协定; 辅助协定;; subsidiary appropriation ledger;支出岁出预算补助分类帐政府;;政府 subsidiary bodies;附属机构;; subsidiary body;附属机构;; Subsidiary Body for Implementation;附属履行机构 履行机构;SBI;履行机构 Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice;科学和技术咨询附属机构 科技咨询机构;SBSTA;科技咨询机构 Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构 科技咨询机构;SBSTTA;科技咨询机构 subsidiary business;副业;; subsidiary coins;辅币;; subsidiary industries;副业;; Subsidiary Ledger;辅助分类帐簿;; subsidiary liability;附带赔偿责任;; subsidiary organs;附属机关;; subsidiary panel;附属小组;; Subsidiary programme fund;辅助方案基金;; subsidies;津贴;; subsidies and countervailing measures;补贴与反补贴措施;SCM; subsidies granted by governments;政府补助金;; subsidization of sea-bed mining;补贴海底采矿;; subsidization;补贴;; subsidized mining;补贴采矿;; subsidy;补助金津贴;;津贴 subsidy account;补助金帐户;; subsistence agriculture;仅能维持生存的农业; 自然农业; 生计农业;; subsistence allowance;生活补贴; 生活津贴;; subsistence costs;生活费;; subsistence economy;仅能维持生存的经济; 自然经济; 生计经济;; subsistence expenses;生活费;; subsistence farmers;自给农;; subsistence farming;自给农作糊口农作生计农作;; subsistence fisheries;自给性渔业;; subsistence income;仅供糊口的收入;; subsistence living;仅够糊口的生活;; subsistence payments;生活津贴;; subsistence peasant economies;维持生计的小农经济;; subsistence production;自给生产;; subsistence ration;维生配给;; subsoil;底土; 海底土;; substance;物质; 实物; 实质; 实体;; substance abuse;药物滥用;; substance dependence;药物依赖性;; substance liable to cause infection;易于引起传染病的物质;; substance liable to spontaneous combustion;易于自燃的物质;; substance of a treaty;条约之实质;; substance of anthropogenic origin;源于人类活动的物质; 人为的物质;; substance of dispute;争议实质性问题;;性问题 substance over form;实质重于形式;; substance-oriented approach;务实的方法;; substances;物品; 药物;; substances under international control;受国际管制的物质;; Substantive Officer;实务干事;; substantial capacity;实质行为能力;; Substantial Contracts/Procurement Cluster [OLA/General Legal Division];大额合同/采购组;; substantial control;实际控制;; substantial evidence;相当证据;; Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s for the Least Developed Countries;支援最不发达国家的1980年代新的实质性行动纲领;; substantiation;具体化; 实质化;; substantive activities;实务活动;; substantive agreements;实质性协定;; substantive and administrative resources;实务和行政资源;; substantive and administrative support;实务和行政支助;; Substantive and Conference Services;实务及会议事务;; substantive areas;实务领域;; substantive backstopping officer;实务支助人员;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司