翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 surface detention;地面滞留; 地面阻滞;; surface friction;表面摩擦;; surface grinder;平面磨床;; surface impoundment;地面储存;; surface layer;表层; 面层;; surface navigation;水面航行;; surface ozone;地表臭氧;; surface ozone pollution;地表臭氧污染;; Surface Radiation Budget Climatology Project;地面辐射平衡气候学计划;; surface rainguage data;地面雨量资料;; surface route;水陆路线;; surface runoff;地表径流; 地面径流;; surface shipment;海陆载运;; surface soil;表土;; surface spreading;表面扩展; 在液面扩展; 在表面展开;; surface tank;地面贮水池;; surface temperature;表层温度; 表面温度; 地表温度;; surface tension;表面张力;; Surface Transport Unit;水陆运输股;SUTU; surface transportation;水陆运输;; surface water;地表水; 地面水; 表层水;; surface water balance;表层水平衡;; surface water hydrology;地表水水文学;; surface wind;地面风; 海面风;; surface yield;地表水量 总水量地下水量;; surface-based observing station;地面观测站;; surface-based subsystem;地面子系统; 地面分系统;; surface-induced process;表面诱发过程;; surfactant;表面活性剂;; surge;涌浪; 强风潮;; surgeon glove;外科手套;; surgical field unit;活动外科手术股;; SURIE, Nalin;纳林·苏里;; Suriname;苏里南;; Surplus Account;盈余帐户;; surplus available as at;在 年 月 日的盈余;; surplus available for credit;记入盈余额;; surplus balance;尚有盈余;; surplus country;顺差国;; surplus disposal;剩余处置;; surplus energy exporter;顺差能源输出国;; surplus on realization of investments;投资变现盈余;; surplus population;过剩人口;; surplus property;剩余财产;; Surplus Recycling Programme;余资循环方案;; surplus value;剩余价值;; surplus yield;剩余产量;; surrender of existing posts;放弃现有员额; [国际刑事法院]移交;; surrender of balance;交还结余款项;;结余款项 surrender the balance of any appropriations, to;交还任何经费的余额;;任何经费的余额 surrender documents;交单;; surrender of principle;原则之放弃;; surrender requirement;交回规定;; surrogate;代用品;; surrogate motherhood;代孕母亲;; surrogate parent;代亲;; surveillance malarial control;监测;; surveillance instruments;监测仪器;; Surveillance, Forecasting and Impact Assessment;监测、预报和影响评价;SFI; survey and feasibility studies;概况调查及可行性研究;; survey and inventory of resources;调查及登记;; Survey and Special Studies Branch;调查及特别研究处;; Survey Mission;调查特派团;; survey mission handbook;调查团手册;; Survey of Accounting Practices in Larger Swedish Companies;瑞典大公司会计实务调查;; Survey of Accounts and Accountants 1983-84;1983-1984年会计和会计师概况;; Survey of Current Business;当前商业概览;; Survey of Economic and Social Conditions in Africa;非洲经济和社会情况概览;; Survey of Economic and Social Developments;经济和社会发展状况调查;; survey of manpower utilization;人力利用调查;; Survey of State Practice relevant to International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law;关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生的损害性后果的国际责任的国家实践概览;; Survey of the energy situation in its international context;国际能源情况调查;; Survey of the Human Settlements Situation in the ECE Region around 1985;1985年前后欧洲经委会区域人类住区状况调查;; survey procedure;检查程序;; survey questionnaire;调查问题单;; Survey V;勘测者五号;; surveying cost;检验成本;; Surveys of knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning;对计划生育知识、态度和实践的调查;KAP SURVEYS; Survival Fund for the Third World;第三世界生存基金;; Survival International USA;国际生存权利组织美国分部;SIUSA; Survival International, Ltd.;国际生存权利组织;; Survival Service Commission;生存堡委员会;; survival strategy;生存战略;; survival time;生存时间存活期;; surviving dependants;遗属;; surviving producer's goods;续存生产资料;; surviving spouse;未亡配偶;; surviving spouses' benefits;未亡配偶的恤金;; survivor;遗属;; survivor benefit;遗属恤金;; survivor pension;遗属养恤金;; survivors insurance;遗属保险;; SUSAK, Gojko;戈杰科·苏萨克;; susceptibility;易感性感受性;; SUSIKU, A.N.;苏西库;; Susila Dharma International Association;苏西拉·达尔马国际协会;; suspect;涉嫌人; 嫌疑犯;; suspected user;有吸毒嫌疑者;; suspects disease control;与某种疾病有接触史的人;; suspend;暂时停止终止裁决;;裁决 suspended;暂不适用;; suspended load;悬移质;; suspended matter;悬浮物悬浮物质;; suspended particulate matter;悬浮微粒物质;SPM; suspended sediment discharge;输沙量;; suspended sentence;缓刑;; suspended solids;悬浮固体;SS; suspense account;暂记帐户;; Suspense Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon;联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队暂记帐户;; suspension agent;悬浮剂;; suspension of constitution;终止宪法;; suspension of operation of treaties;条约的暂停执行;; suspension of sentence;缓刑;; suspension or abrogation;中止或废除;; suspension pending investigation;停职调查;; suspensive condition;未确定条件; 停效条件;; suspicious substances;可疑物品;; suspicious transactions;可疑交易;; sustainability;1.持久性持续性稳定性可持续能力[UNDP] 2.维持能力[医务支助];; sustainable agricultural and rural development;可持续农业和农村发展;SARD; Sustainable Agriculture Networking and Extension Programme;可持续农业网络和推广方案农网推广方案;SANE;农网推广方案 sustainable and sustained development;可持续和持续发展;; Sustainable Cities Programme;可持续城市方案;SCP; sustainable development;可持续发展;SD; sustainable development and technology support system;可持续发展与技术支助系统发展与技术系统;SDTSS;发展与技术系统 Sustainable Development Department;可持续发展部;; Sustainable Development Division;可持续发展司;; Sustainable Development Group;可持续发展组;; Sustainable Development in the 1990s: UNDP's Role in the Arab Region;1990年代可持续发展:开发计划署在阿拉伯区域的作用;; sustainable development indicators;可持续发展指标;SDI; Sustainable Development Network Programme;可持续发展网络方案发展网方案;SDNP;联网方案 Sustainable Development Officer;可持续发展干事;; Sustainable Development Technology Exhibition;可持续发展技术展览持展;SDTE;持展 Sustainable Development: Changing Production Patterns, Social Equity and the Environment;可持续发展:改变生产模式、社会公平和环境;; sustainable economic growth;可持续经济增长;; sustainable ecosystem;可持续的生态系统;; Sustainable Energy and Environment Division;可持续能源和环境司能源环境司;SEED;能源环境司 sustainable forest management;可持续森林管理;SFM; sustainable human development;可持续人类发展;SHD; sustainable human integration through economic local development;通过当地经济发展实现可持续的人的参与;SHIELD; sustainable income concept;可持续收益概念;; sustainable livelihoods;可持续的生计;; Sustainable Natural Resources Management Unit;可持续自然资源管理股;; sustainable patterns of production and consumption;可持续的生产和消费形态;; Sustainable Project Management;可持续项目管理;SPM; sustainable use of energy;能源的可持续使用;; sustainable use of the environment;环境的可持续利用;; sustainable utilization;可持续利用;; sustained development;持续发展;; sustained economic growth;持续经济增长;; sustained economic growth in the context of sustainable development;可持续发展范围内的持续经济增长;; sustained human development;可持续人类发展;; SUTRESNA, Nana S.;纳纳·萨斯特拉迪贾亚·苏特雷斯纳;; suttee, sati;殉葬妇女;; SUTUGIN, Alexandre Alexeevich;亚历山大·阿列克谢耶维奇·苏图金;; SUU KYI, Aung San;昂山苏姬;; Suva Declaration on Sustainable Human Development in the Pacific;关于太平洋可持续人类发展的萨沃宣言;; SUVARNATEMEE, Montana;蒙达那·素瓦那德梅;; SUWAIDI, Abdelaziz Ahmad AL-;阿卜杜拉齐兹·艾哈迈德·苏瓦伊迪;; Suwasetha Holland;荷兰斯里兰卡援助会;; Suwasethe;斯里兰卡;; SUYOI, Bin Haji Osman;苏约伊·本·哈吉·奥斯曼;; suzerain state;宗主国;; suzerainty;宗主权宗主关系;; SUZIEDELIS, Darius;达里乌斯·苏齐埃德利斯;; Suzuki Motor;铃木汽车公司;; SUZUKI, Satoshi;铃木哲;; Svay Loeu;上斯外县;; Svenska Bladet;瑞典日报;; Svenska Institutet foer Opinionsundersoekningar;瑞典民意调查所民意所;SIFO;民意所 SVENSON, Gote;耶特·斯文森;; Svet hospodarstvi;世界经济;; svoboda;自由;; SVOBODA, Charles;查尔斯·斯沃博达;; Svobodne Slovo;自由言论报;; SWAIN, William J.;威廉·斯温;; Swakara caracul;斯瓦卡拉羔皮;; Swakopmund Industrial Protection Unit;斯瓦科普蒙德工业保安队;; swamp gas;沼气;; swamp reclamation;沼泽地开垦;; swap mutual credit facilities;对开帐户互惠信贷;;互惠信贷 swap credits;互惠换信贷;; SWARTZ, J.K.;斯瓦尔茨;; SWASDIKIAT, Ronachuck;罗那初·斯瓦斯滴加;; swath range;扫描范围;; Swazi;斯威士人语;;语 Swaziland;斯威士兰;; Swaziland Foundry and Pattern Makers Pty. Ltd.;斯威士兰铸造和制模有限公司;; SWCC;第二次世界气候会议;SWCC; SWE, Kyaw Tint;觉丁瑞;; swear undertake, affirm, promise;宣誓保证、声明、承诺;;保证、声明、承诺 Sweden;瑞典;; Sweden Trust Fund for Making the Human Development Report and Human Development Index Gender Sensitive;使人类发展报告和人类发展指数对性别问题 具有敏感性瑞典信托基金;; Swedish Agency for International Technical and Economic Cooperation;瑞典国际技术和经济合作署;BITS; Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries;瑞典促进与发展中国家研究合作局 瑞典研合局;SAREC;瑞典研合局 Swedish Association of Authorized Public Accountants;瑞典特许会计师协会;; Swedish Committee for Afghanistan;瑞典援助阿富汗委员会;; Swedish Committee for Commemoration of the Stockholm Conference;瑞典纪念斯德哥尔摩会议委员会;; Swedish Committee for Stockholm Conference;瑞典斯德哥尔摩会议委员会;; Swedish Defence Research Institute;瑞典国防研究所;; Swedish Federation of Trades, Industries and Family Enterprises;瑞典行业、工业和家庭企业联合会;; Swedish International Development Association;瑞典国际开发署瑞开发署;SIDA;瑞开发署 Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency;瑞典国际开发合作署瑞开发署;SIDA;瑞开发署 Swedish Krona;瑞典克朗;; Swedish National Defence Research Institute;瑞典国防研究所;; Swedish Peace Council;瑞典和平委员会;; Swedish People's Parliament for Disarmament;瑞典人民裁军议会;; Swedish Save the Children Federation;瑞典拯救儿童联合会;; Swedish Seed Association;瑞典种子协会;; Swedish Space Corporation;瑞典航天公司;SSC; Swedish Trust Fund for Lesotho and Swaziland;瑞典援助莱索托和斯威士兰信托基金;; Swedish Union of Technical and Clerical Workers;瑞典技术工人和文书人员联合会;; Swedlog [UNIFIL];瑞典后勤队;Swedlog; SWEDRELIEF;瑞典救济会;SWEDRELIEF; sweep oscillator;扫描发生器;; sweep-out;清除; 清扫;; sweep-over;掠过; 扫过; 猛烈袭击;; sweeper-collector;扫路垃圾车;; sweeper-washer vehicle;扫路冲洗车;; Sweet, Food and Allied Workers' Union;糖果食品及有关工人联合会;; SWEETNAM, Mary T.;玛丽·斯威特南;; swell-shrink soils;胀缩土壤;; SWENGBE, Comfort;康福特·斯温格贝;; SwF;瑞士法郎;SwF; SWIEBEL, Joke;约克·斯维贝尔;; Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication;全球银行金融电信协会;SWIFT; SWIFT, John;约翰·斯维夫特;; swing of climatic regime;气候状况的变化; 起伏;; swing credit;摆动信贷;; SWINNEN, J.;斯万南;; Swiss Aid Abroad;瑞士援外社;; Swiss Bank Corp.;瑞士银行公司;; Swiss Central Office for Aid to Refugees;瑞士援助难民中央办事处;; Swiss Compensatory Financing Programme;瑞士补偿资助方案;; Swiss Confederation;瑞士联邦;; Swiss Cooperation for Development;瑞士合作促进发展署瑞士发展署;COSUDE;瑞士发展署 Swiss Credit Bank;瑞士信贷银行;; Swiss Federal Council;瑞士联邦委员会;; Swiss Federal Government;瑞士联邦政府;; Swiss Federal Political Department;瑞士联邦政府政治部;; Swiss Federal Social Security System;瑞士联邦社会保障制度 瑞社保制度;AVS;瑞社保制度 Swiss Franc;瑞士法郎瑞郎;SFr;瑞郎 Swiss Institute of Accountants;瑞士会计师协会;; Swiss National Bank;瑞士国家银行;; Swiss Office for Liaison with the United Nations;瑞士联合国联络处;; Swiss PTT;瑞士邮电局;; Swiss Technical Cooperation;瑞士技术合作署;; switching devices;开关装置;; switching operations;转接业务;; Switching Unit;转换股;; Switzerland;瑞士;; swordfish;箭鱼;; SY, Ibrahima;易卜拉希马·西;; SY, Mame Balla;马姆·巴拉·西;; SY, Seydou Madani;塞杜·马达尼·西;; SYAHRUDDIN, Saodah Batin Akuan;沙奥达赫·巴廷·阿宽·沙赫鲁丁;; SYCHOU, Alyaksandr;阿利亚克山大·瑟丘;; SYCHOV, Aleksandr N.;亚历山大·瑟乔夫;; Sydney Office;悉尼办事处;; SYED, Jamaluddin;贾迈勒丁·赛义德;; syli;西里;; SYLLA, Ibrahim;易卜拉欣·西拉;; SYLLA, Jacques;雅克·西拉;; SYLLA-LINGAYA, Jocelyne;乔斯林·西拉-林加亚;; Sylva Mediterranean;地中海森林问题会议;; SYLVESTER, Lawrence A.;劳伦斯·西尔威斯特;; sym-dichloroethane;对称二氯乙烷;; sym-tetrachlorodifluoroethane;对称四氯二氟乙烷;; Symbionese Army;共生军;; symbiotic;共生的;; symbolic annexation;象征性的兼并;; Symphony Satellite;“交响乐”卫星;; symposium;专题讨论会; 座谈会;; Symposium for Land-locked and Transit Developing Countries;内陆和过境发展中国家专题讨论会;; Symposium of Artists and Intellectuals for Child Survival and Development;艺术家和知识分子儿童生存与发展专题讨论会;; Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar;非洲和马达加斯加主教会议专题讨论会;SECAM; Symposium of food aid and cooperatives;粮食援助和合作社专题讨论会;; Symposium on a Strategy for Water Resources Capacity Building;建立水资源能力战略专题讨论会;; Symposium on African Refugee and Displacement Issues;非洲难民和流离失所问题专题讨论会;; Symposium on African Women, Food Self-sufficiency and the Economic Recovery of Africa;非洲妇女、粮食自给和非洲经济复苏专题讨论会;; Symposium on Cleaner Technology Applications in Developing Countries;发展中国家应用无污染技术专题讨论会;; Symposium on Coordination between forestry and the wood-using industries;林业与木材使用工业协调专题讨论会;; Symposium on Cultural and Academic Links with South Africa;与南非文化和学术联系问题专题讨论会;; Symposium on Culture against Apartheid;反对种族隔离文化专题讨论会;; Symposium on Current Development and Trends in Underground Storage of Natural Gas and LPG;关于天然气和液化石油气地下储存的当前发展和趋势专题讨论会;; Symposium on Developing Countries and International Environmental Law;发展中国家与国际环境法专题讨论会;; Symposium on Emerging New Technologies;新兴技术专题讨论会;; Symposium on Energy Conservation and Optimization Relating to Power Systems;电力系统节约和优化能源专题讨论会;; Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Asia;亚洲企业家精神和经济发展专题讨论会;; Symposium on ergonomics applied to forestry;对林业应用工作经济学专题讨论会;; Symposium on Fish Behaviour in Relation to Fishing Operations;鱼类行为与捕鱼作业之关系专题讨论会;; Symposium on Food Security and Development in the Islamic World;伊斯兰世界粮食安全和发展专题讨论会;; Symposium on Forecasting and Prevention of Rock Bursts and Sudden Outbursts of Coal, Rock and Gas;关于预测和预防岩爆以及煤炭、岩石和气体突然爆炸专题讨论会;; Symposium on Global Challenges and International Responses in the 1990s;1990年代全球挑战和国际反应专题讨论会;; Symposium on Human Genome Research: Strategies and Priorities;关于人的染色体研究的战略及优先事项的专题讨论会;; Symposium on Integrating Population Variables into Development Planning;将人口变数纳入发展规划的专题讨论会;; Symposium on International Trade Law;国际贸易法专题讨论会;; Symposium on Land-Locked and Transit Developing Countries;内陆和过境发展中国家专题讨论会;; Symposium on Management of Economic and Environmental Aspects of the Coal Mining Industry;采矿工业经济和环境方面的管理专题讨论会;; Symposium on Mega-Cities and the Future;特大城市及其前途问题专题讨论会;; Symposium on Mitigation of the Effects of Seismic Activities on Human Settlements;减轻地震活动对人类住区影响专题讨论会;; Symposium on New Coal Utilization Technologies Third;第三次新的煤炭利用技术专题讨论会;; Symposium on Organizing Space Activities in Developing Countries: Resources and Mechanisms;在发展中国家组织空间活动专题讨论会: 资源和机制;; Symposium on Political Tolerance in South Africa: Role of Opinion-Makers and Media;南非政治容忍专题讨论会:舆论界人士和媒体的作用;; Symposium on Population and Development;人口与发展专题讨论会;; Symposium on Population and Human Rights;人口与人权专题讨论会;; Symposium on Population and the Family;人口与家庭专题讨论会;; Symposium on Population, Resources and Environment;人口、资源与环境专题讨论会;; Symposium on Practical Ways to Support the Palestinian Trade Union Movement;支持巴勒斯坦工会运动的可行办法专题讨论会;; Symposium on Radiation Damage in Reactor Material;关于反应堆材料辐射损害的专题讨论会;; Symposium on Refugees and Forced Population Displacements in Africa;非洲难民和被迫流离失所人口专题讨论会;; Symposium on Regional Security in Latin America;拉丁美洲区域安全专题讨论会;; Symposium on Regionalism and Universalism in the International Protection of Human Rights;关于国际堡人权的区域主义和世界主义专题讨论会;; Symposium on Security, Disarmament and Confidence-Building in the CIS Context;独联体内的安全、裁军和建立信任专题讨论会;; Symposium on Social and Non-Economic Factors in Water Resources Development;开发水力资源的社会和非经济因素专题讨论会;; Symposium on Social Development;社会发展专题讨论会;; Symposium on Social Economic Policies for Children during Economic Transformation in Transition Countries;转型期国家经济改革期间儿童社会经济政策专题讨论会;; Symposium on Space Technology for Development;空间技术促进发展专题讨论会;; Symposium on Space Technology in the Developing Countries--Making it Happen;发展中国家的空间技术专题讨论会:使之发展;; Symposium on Structural Adjustment, External Debt and Growth in Africa;非洲结构调整、外债和增长问题专题讨论会;; Symposium on Sustainable Consumption;可持续消费专题讨论会;; Symposium on Sustainable Development: From Concept to Action;可持续发展专题讨论会: 从概念到行动;; Symposium on the Changing Role of the United Nations in Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping;联合国在解决冲突和维持和平中不断变化的 作用问题专题讨论会;; Symposium on the Cultural Heritage of the CSCE Participating States;欧安会各参与国文化遗产专题讨论会;; Symposium on the Future Role of Coal in the National and World Economies;煤炭未来在国家及世界经济中的作用专题讨 论会;; Symposium on the Gas Industry and the Environment;煤气工业与环境专题讨论会;; Symposium on the independence, position and image of seniors in society;老年人在社会中的独立、地位和形象专题讨论会;; Symposium on the Mega-city and Mankind's Future;特大城市和人类前途专题讨论会;; Symposium on the Mitigation of the aspects of Seismic Activity on Human Settlements;减轻地震活动对人类住区影响专题讨论会;; Symposium on the production and industrial processing of eucalyptus;桉树生产及工业加工专题讨论会;; Symposium on Trade, Technical and Economic Cooperation between the Least Developed Countries and the Countries of Eastern Europe;关于最不发达国家和东欧国家之间贸易、技术和经济合作的专题讨论会;; Symposium on Transparency in Armaments: The Mediterranean Region;关于地中海区域军备透明性的专题讨论会;; Symposium on Treatment of Air-borne Radioactive Wastes;空中放射废料处置专题讨论会;; Symposium on Tropical Cyclone Disasters;热带气旋灾害专题讨论会;; Symposium on Urban Renewal;城市重建专题讨论会;; Symposium on Viral Diseases in Africa;关于非洲病毒性疾病讨论会;; Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East Policy and Institutional Aspects;中东水资源专题讨论会政策和结构问题;;政策和结构问题 Symposium on Water Use and Conservation;水的使用和节约专题讨论会;; synagogue;犹太教会堂;; synchronization;趋一致;; synchronization techniques;同步技术;; synchronous communication satellite;同步通信卫星;; Synchronous Earth-Observing Satellite;同步地球观测卫星;; Synchronous Meteorological Satellite;同步气象卫星;; Syndicalism International Fourth;工团主义国际第四国际;;第四国际 Syndicat du Personnel Indigene de l'Enseignement Public;公立学校土著教职员联合会;; Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Superieur;全国高等教育联合会;; syndicate;辛迪加; 工会; 工团;; syndicated lending;联合贷款;; synectics;协合创作法;; synergistic relationship;互动关系;; synfuels = synthetic fuels;合成燃料;; synopsis;简要说明;; synopsis of a meeting;会议情况提要;; synoptic climatology;天气气候学;; synoptic disturbance;天气扰动; 大气扰动;; Synoptic measurements of water, wind, wave heights and current, unwelling areas;水、风、波高、洋流和上涌区的概要测量;; synoptic meteorology;天气学;; synoptic network;天气观测站网;; synoptic observation;天气观测;; synoptic rocket;天气火箭;; synoptic station;天气观测站;; synoptic table;概括表;; Syntax Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport;用于行政、商业和运输的电子数据交换语法规则;; synthetic drugs;合成毒品;; synthetic fibres;合成纤维;; synthetic medicament;合成药物;; synthetic narcotic drugs;合成麻醉药品;; synthetic narcotics;合成麻醉品;; synthetic natural gas;合成天然气;SNG; synthetic organic molecule;合成有机分子;; synthetic substitutes;合成代用品;; SYQUIA, Enrique P.;恩里克·西奎亚;; Syria-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission;叙利亚 - 以色列混合停战委员会;; Syria-Lebanon Mission;叙利亚 - 黎巴嫩传信会;; Syrian Arab Baath Socialist Party;叙利亚阿拉伯复兴社会党;; Syrian Arab Republic;阿拉伯叙利亚共和国;; Syrian Awassi;叙利亚阿瓦西羊;; Syrian National Planning Institute;叙利亚国家规划研究所;; Syrian People's Council;叙利亚人民议会;; Syrian-held territory;叙利亚控制的领土;; syringe;注射器;; SYROGIANIS-CAMARA, Jean;让·西罗吉亚尼斯-卡马拉;; Sysoda, KHEK;凯西索达;; system agreement;水系协定;; system audit approach;制度审计方法;; System Control Programming;系统控制程序设计;; System for Analysis, Research and Training;分析、研究和训练系统;START; System for Cooperation and Coordination among Planning Bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比规划机构间合作与协调体系;SCOOPALC; System for Inter-linked Global Modelling Analysis;全球互通模拟分析系统;SIGMA; System for Stablizing Export Earning in the Mining Sector;稳定采矿部门出口收益制度;SYSMIN; System for Technology Exchange for Natural Disasters;自然灾害技术交流系统;STEND; System for the Retrieval of Census Data for Small Areas by Microcomputer;用微电脑检索小地区人口普查数据系统 检索普查数据系统;REDATAM;检索普查数据系统 System for the Standardized Reporting of Military Expenditures;军事支出标准化报告制度;; system model;系统模式;; system of adjustment of the pension in payment;给付中养恤金的调整办法;; system of advances for house rentals;预支房租制度;; system of allowances and entitlements;津贴和应享权利制度;; system of assessment;估算制度;; system of assessment of annual medical and scientific requirements for substances listed in Schedule II of the Convention;《公约》表二所列药物每年医疗和科研用途需要量评估制度;; System of Balance of the National Economy;国民经济平衡体系;MPS; system of balloting and polling;选票和投票制度;; system of career development for all categories of staff;所有职类工作人员的职业发展制度;; System of Collective Security in Asia;亚洲集体安全体系;; system of compensation;补偿制度;; system of compensatory financing;提供补偿资金的制度;; System of Computerized Information for the Implementation of the Special Plan;执行特别计划计算机化信息系统;SIPEC; System of Consultation Division;协商制度司;CONSULT; system of country programme management plans;国家方案的管理计划制度;; system of customs security;关税保证制度;; system of decision-making;决策制度;; System of Demographic Statistics;人口统计制度;SSDS; system of desirable ranges;适当幅度办法;; System of Documentation on Population of Latin America;拉丁美洲人口文件系统;DOCPAL; system of generalized, non-reciprocal and non-discriminatory preferences;非互惠非歧视普遍优惠制度;; system of import and export authorizations;进出口审批制度; 进出口许可证制度;; system of indicators of non-material services;非物质性服务指标制度;SINS; System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting;综合环境与经济会计制度环经会计制度;SEEA;环经会计制度 system of land tenure;地权制度;; system of laws, procedures and administrative measures;法律, 司法程序和行政措施制度;; system of mandatory challenge inspection;强制性质疑核查制度;; system of national accounts;国民帐户体系;SNA; system of on-line access and data processing;联机存取和数据处理系统;; system of proportional representation;比例代表制;; system of registration of political parties;政党登记制度;; system of safeguards;保障制度;; system of stabilization of export earnings;稳定出口收入制度;STABEX; System of Statistical Balance of the National Economy;国民经济统计平衡表体系;MPS; system of travel and subsistence allowance to members of organs and subsidiary organs of the United Nations;联合国机构及附属机构成员旅行及生活津贴制度;; system of voter registration;选民登记制度;; system of weights and measures;度量衡制;; system parameters;系统参数;; System probatorre d'observation de la terre;地球观测实验系统;SPOT; system states;水系国;; System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence;药物证据资料检索系统;STRIDE; System Transformation Facility;制度转型专用资金;STF; system-based;以系统为基础的;; system-wide;全系统; 整个系统;; System-Wide Action Plan;全系统行动计划全系统计划;SWAP;全系统计划 System-Wide Action Plan on Drug Abuse Control, United Nations;联合国药物滥用管制全系统行动计划;; System-wide Approach to the Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing;国际老龄问题行动计划全系统执行办法;; System-wide Medium Plan for the Advancement of Women;全系统提供妇女地位中期计划;; system-wide medium-term environmental programme;全系统中期环境方案;SWMTEP; system-wide medium-term plan for women and development;关于妇女与发展的全系统中期计划;; System-wide Plan of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development;促进非洲经济复苏和发展全系统行动计划;; systematic amortization;系统摊销;; Systematic Index of International Water Resources Treaties, Declarations, Acts and Cases by Basin;按流域分类的国际水资源条约、宣言、法令和案件系统索引;; systematic mass action;有计划的大规模行动;; systematic name;系统名;; systematic provisions for mobility and rotation;有系统地进行调职和轮换;; systemic pesticide;内吸性农药;; systemic poison;内吸性毒剂;; Systemic Transformation Facility;体制转轨贷款;STF; systems analysis;系统分析;; systems analysis research unit model;系统分析研究单位模式;SARUM; systems approach;系统处理办法;; systems audit approach;系统审计方法;; systems design;系统设计整体设计;; Systems Development Group;系统发展小组;SDG; Systems Support Unit;系统支助股;; systems-based auditing;系统审计;; SYTCHEV, V.V.;瑟切夫;; SYTENKO, Mikhail D.;米卡尔·西滕科;; sythetic aperture radar;合成孔径雷达;SAR; SYZDYKOV, Murat Kh.;穆拉特·瑟兹德科夫;; SZABO, Istvan;伊什特万·绍博;; SZABO, Mihaly;米哈伊·绍博;; SZAFARZ, Renata;雷纳塔·沙法日;; SZASZ, I.;斯萨兹;; SZEDLACSKO, Zoltan;佐尔坦·塞德拉奇科;; SZEKELY, Alberto;阿尔维托·塞克利;; SZELEI, Gyula K.;久拉·塞莱伊;; SZENASI, Gyorgy;捷尔吉·塞纳希;; SZLEK, Zbigniew;兹比格涅夫·什莱克;; SZYMANSKI, Zbigniew;兹比格涅夫·希曼斯基;; T'bilisi;第比利斯;; T-accounts;T-帐目;; T-Copper 380 A IUD;380 A T型铜宫内避孕器;; T-shirt;短袖圆领汗衫;; T.D.;议员;T.D.; TA'AMA, Nolana;诺拉纳·塔阿马;; TAAL, E.M.;塔尔;; TAAPOPI, Josia Shikongo;佐西亚·西刚哥·塔波皮;; TAAPOPI, Niilo;尼洛·塔波皮;; TAAPOPI, Ezirel;埃兹里·塔波皮;; TABACARU, Nicolae;尼古拉特伯卡鲁;; TABAH,Leon;里昂·塔巴;; TABAKOV, Todor;托多尔·塔巴科夫;; tabanca;村落;; TABATABAI, Kia;基亚·塔巴塔拜;; Tabernacle;会幕;; TABIBI, Abdul Hakim;阿卜杜勒·哈基姆·塔比比;; TABITI, Mohamed;穆罕默德·塔比蒂;; table;表;; table of frequency allocation;频率分配表;; TABONE, Vincent;文森特·塔博尼;; TABONI, Vincent;文森特·塔博尼;; tabula amalfitanna;阿马尔菲表;; tabular;表格式;; tabular presentation;图表;; Tabun agent;塔崩毒剂;;毒剂 TAC;总可捕量;TAC; Tachin;塔钦;; tachypnea;呼吸急促;; tacit agreement;默契默示协定默示同意;; tacit agreement procedure;默示同意的程序;; tacit assent;默示认可;; tacit consent;默示同意;; tackle for tackle principle;吊钩到吊钩原则;; tactical nuclear arms ANT;战术核武器;ANT; tactical nuclear arms TNA;战术核武器;TNA; tactical nuclear weapon;战术核武器;; tactical quick reaction force;快速反应战术部队;; TADESSE, Tesfaye;特斯法耶·塔德斯;; Tadjikistan;塔吉克斯坦;; Tadzhikistan, Republic of;塔吉克斯坦共和国;; TAEB, Mohauddin;穆胡丁·塔埃卜;; TAEE, Moosa bin Hamdan AL-;穆萨·本·哈姆丹·塔伊;; Taegu Normal College;大邱师范学院;; taeniasis;绦虫病;; STOJANOV, Peter;彼得·斯托扬诺夫;; tag;作标记; 标志;; Tagalog language;他加禄语;; tagged;标记的; 示踪的;; tagged molecule;标记分子; 示踪分子;; TAHA, Ali Osman Mohamed;阿里·奥斯曼·穆罕默德·塔哈;; TAHA, Mustafa Hashim Mohamed;穆斯塔法·哈希姆·穆罕默德·塔哈;; TAHIR-KHELI, Shirin;希林·塔赫-赫利;; TAHMASSEB, Chirine;希里尼·塔赫马赛卜;; Tahrike Ittahade Qabail;部落团结组织;; TAHYOR, Dexter;德克斯特·塔约;; TAI'Y, Moosa bin Hamdan bin Moosa AL-;穆萨·本·哈姆丹·本·穆萨·塔伊;; TAIB, Saad-Eddine;萨德-埃丁·塔伊卜;; TAIEB, Saad Dine;萨阿德·迪纳·塔埃布;; TAIEB, Saad Eddine;萨阿德·埃丁·塔埃布;; Taif Agreement;塔伊夫协定;; tail;峰尾; 谱带尾;; tail assay;尾料分析; 尾气分析;; tail recession;尾水消退;; tailings;尾渣; 尾矿;; tailings pond;尾矿池; 尾水池;; tailoring, cleaning and laundry services for contigent personnel;特遣队人员的服装裁制和清洗服务;; TAILOUR, N. H.;泰尔尤尔;; tails collector assembliers;尾料收集器组件;; Taing Kauk;当古县;; TAIROVA, Taira Akperovna;塔伊拉·塔伊罗娃;; TAITT, B. M.;太特;; TAITTINGER, Jean;让·泰坦热;; Taiyo Kobe Bank;太阳神户银行;; Taiz Summit Conference;塔伊兹首脑会议;; TAJGARDOON, Hossein;侯赛因·塔杰加尔敦;; Tajikistan;塔吉克斯坦;; Tajikstan, Republic of;塔吉克斯坦共和国;; TAKADA, Tashihisa;高田稔久;; TAKAGI, Fumihiro;高木文堂;; TAKAGI, Ryo;高木量;; TAKAGI, Tetsuo;高木彻夫;; TAKAHAMA, Kiyoshi;高滨清;; TAKAHAMA, Makito;高滨牧人;; TAKAHASHI, Makito;高桥牧人;; TAKAHASHI, Shuhei;高桥周平;; TAKAHASHI, Takahisa;高桥孝尚;; TAKAHASHI, Toshihiro;高桥利弘;; TAKAKAZU, kuriyama;栗山尚一;; TAKANO, Toshiyuki;高野纪元;; Takas;塔卡;TK; TAKASHI, Osanai;长内敬;; TAKASHIMA, Masayuki;高岛正幸;; TAKASHIMA, Masuo;高岛益郎;; TAKASHISA, Kawakami;川上隆久;; TAKASU,Yukio;高须幸雄;; TAKAWIRA, Leopold;利奥波德·塔卡维拉;; take drugs;吸食;; take corrective actions;采取纠正措施;; take delivery of goods;收货;; take evidence or statements from persons;获取证据或个人证词;; take note with appreciation;赞赏地注意到;; take part in the government;参加政府;; take-home pay;实得工资;; take-over;收购接收;; TAKEIRI, Yoshikatsu;竹入义胜;; TAKEMOTO, Masayuki;竹本正辛;; Takenaka Komuten Co, Ltd, Japan;日本株式会社竹中工务店;; TAKESHI, Kamiyama;神山武;; Takeshima;竹岛;; TAKESHITA, Noboru;竹下登;; TAKEUCHI, Haruhisa;竹内春久;; TAKHT-E-RAVANCHI, Majid;马吉德·塔赫特-拉万希;; TAKIA, Phillippe;菲利普·塔克拉;; TAKIEDDINE, Bahige;巴希吉·塔基丁;; TAKIKAWA, Masahisa;泷川正久;; TAKLAH, Laila;拉依拉·塔克拉;; TAKYI, S.K.;塔基;; Tal al-Zaatar Massacre;特勒扎塔尔大屠杀;; TAL, Hagai;哈盖·塔尔;; TAL-OR, Gil;吉尔·塔尔-奥尔;; TALAAT, Abdel Moneim;阿卜杜勒·穆奈姆·塔拉特;; TALABANI, Jalal;贾拉勒·塔拉巴尼;; TALABHAT;达拉帕德;; TALAL, Hassan Bin;哈桑·本·塔拉勒;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司